Basin Plan Amendment - Technical Documentation
Trash TMDL for the Los Angeles River Watershed
Trash TMDL for the Los Angeles River Watershed
Trash TMDL for the Los Angeles River Watershed
- Revised Tentative Resolution
- Revised Proposed Basin Plan Amendment
- Revised Staff Report
- Revised Substitute Environmental Document (SED)
- Response
to Comments on the March 20, 2007 Draft
- Notice
of Postponement of the Regional Board Hearing
on the Los Angeles River Watershed Trash
TMDL Scheduled for July 12, 2007. (posted
July 5, 2007)
Trash TMDL for the Los Angeles River Watershed
- Notice of Hearing
- Notice of Filing
- Tentative Resolution
- Proposed Basin Plan Amendment
- Substitute
Environmental Document (SED)
Please be patient when opening the SED file, it is a large file, it may take a moment.)
- Appendix A - Notices of Exemption for Trash BMPs
- Appendix B - Response to Comments on the June 28, 2006 CEQA Scoping Meeting
- Appendix C - Response to Comments on the July 7, 2006 Draft Los Angeles River Watershed Trash TMDL
- Appendix D - Procedures and Requirements for Full Capture Certification
- Appendix E - SCAB Attainment and Non-Attainment Areas
- Appendix F1 - Full Capture Certification of Trash BMPs
- Appendix F2 - Full Capture Certification of Trash BMPs
- Appendix F3 - Full Capture Certification of Trash BMPs
- Appendix G - CEQA Guildelines - Appendix G
- Staff Report
- Removal
item from the October 24, 2006 Board Meeting
Agenda. Click here for the Notice
of Removal for the Los Angeles River Watershed
Trash TMDL from the October 24, 2006 Regional
Board Meeting Agenda
Trash TMDL for the Los Angeles River Watershed
Trash TMDL for the Los Angeles River Watershed
- Change
- Staff
Memorandum - "Trash Colloquium"
- Revised
Tentative Board Resolution
- Revised
Proposed Basin Plan Amendment
- Response
to Comments on CEQA Scoping Meeting
- Response
to Comments on draft TMDL documents
Trash TMDL for the Los Angeles River Watershed
- Notice
of Filing
- Notice
of Hearing
Checklist and Determination
- Tentative
- Proposed
Basin Plan Amendment
- Staff