Basin Plan Amendment - Technical Documentation
Machado Lake Nutrients TMDL Lake Water Quality Management Plan (posted July 31, 2013)
Some of the files are large (as indicated
with *), please be patient when opening
the files, it may take a moment.
Machado Lake Nutrients TMDL Final Special Study Plans (posted July 31, 2013)
Some of the files are large (as indicated
with *), please be patient when opening
the files, it may take a moment.
Machado Lake Nutrients TMDL Final Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans (posted July 31, 2013)
Some of the files are large (as indicated
with *), please be patient when opening
the files, it may take a moment.
Caltrans (draft)
City of Carson
City of Lomita (draft)
Cities of Torrance & Redondo Beach (draft)
Cities of Palos Verdes Estates, Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills, and Rolling Hills Estates
County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works
Los Angeles County Flood Control District (draft)
Machado Lake Nutrients TMDL Final Implementation Plans (posted July 31, 2013)
Some of the files are large (as indicated
with *), please be patient when opening
the files, it may take a moment.
Caltrans (draft)
City of Carson
- City of Lomita (n/a)
- Cities of Torrance & Redondo Beach (n/a)
Cities of Palos Verdes Estates, Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills, and Rolling Hills Estates
County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works
- Los Angeles County Flood Control District (n/a)
Total Maximum Daily Load for Eutrophic, Algae, Ammonia, and Odors (Nutrients) in Machado Lake (posted Apr 23, 2008)
Some of the files are large (as indicated
with *), please be patient when opening
the files, it may take a moment.
- Revised Documents
- Revised Documents – showing changes
Developing Nutrient TMDL for Machado Lake (updated February 13, 2008)
Some of the files are large (as indicated
with *), please be patient when opening
the files, it may take a moment.
- Notice
of Hearing
(posted February 7, 2008) - Notice of Filing
(posted February 7, 2008) - Tentative Resolution
(posted February 7, 2008) - Proposed
Basin Plan Amendment
(posted February 7, 2008) - * Draft Staff Report (3
(posted February 7, 2008) - Technical Memo (posted February 7, 2008)
- * Substitute
Environmental Documents (3
(posted February 7, 2008)
- Peer
Review Comment Letters
(posted February 13, 2008)
Developing Nutrient TMDL for Machado Lake (Updated December 28, 2007)
Some of the files are large (as indicated
with *), please be patient when opening
the files, it may take a moment.
- November 26, 2007, Public Meeting - Machado Lake Algae, Ammonia, Eutrophication, and Odors TMDL.
- Click here for the Public Meeting notice. (posted 10/25/2007)
- Click here for the Technical Memo (posted 12/28/2007)
- September 12 , 2007, Machado Lake Nutrient TMDL - CEQA Scoping Meeting in Los Angeles. Click here for the notice.
- Presentation from CEQA Scoping Meeting (posted 09/14/2007)
- Presentation from CEQA Scoping Meeting (posted 09/14/2007)
- Supporting Technical Documents: (posted 07/12/2007)
- July 16 , 2007, Machado Lake Nutrient TMDL - Public Meetingin Los Angeles. Click here for the notice of public meeting. (posted 06/06/2007)
- February 21 , 2007, Machado Lake Nutrient TMDL - Public Meetingin Los Angeles. Click here for the notice of public meeting. (posted 02/07/2007)
- Staff Contact:
- Kangshi Wang, 213 576-6780