Basin Plan Amendment - Technical Documentation
Reconsideration of the Malibu Creek Watershed Bacteria TMDL (Posted Novemember 21, 2013)
Reconsideration of the Malibu Creek Watershed Bacteria TMDL (Posted January 30, 2013)
Reconsideration of the Malibu Creek Watershed Bacteria TMDL (Posted January 3, 2013)
Resolution R12-009 (Adopted June 7, 2012)
Attachment A to Resolution R12-009 (Regional Board-Approved Basin Plan Amendment)
Final Staff Report
Reconsideration of the Malibu Creek Watershed Bacteria TMDL (Posted May 29, 2012)
- Revised Tentative Resolution
- Revised Draft Staff Report for the Malibu Creek Watershed Bacteria TMDL
- Response to Comments