Wine, Beverage and Food Processor (WBFP) Wastewater Program
There are over 200 known wine, beverage, and food processor (WBFP) facilities located within the North Coast Region that produce process wastewater. Historically, the Regional Water Board issued individual Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) for WBFP wastewater treatment and disposal systems discharging processing wastewater to land. Beginning in 2002, wine processors with similar wastewater treatment and disposal systems were allowed to enroll under a General WDR Order for Discharges of Winery Waste to Land, Regional Water Board Order No. R1-2002-0012 (General Winery Permit).
To address the increasing number of WBFP facilities being proposed and constructed in the North Coast Region, Regional Water Board staff developed General Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) and a Conditional Waiver of WDRs for wine, beverage and food processor (WBFP) wastewater systems discharging to land. The General WBFP WDRs and conditional Waiver of WDRs replace the General Winery Permit for wineries and expands permit coverage to other beverage and food processors including, but not limited to, breweries, distilleries, cheese processors and olive oil manufacturers. The WBFP facilities discharging small volumes of wastewater to land may apply for coverage under the Conditional Waiver of WDRs.
Adoption of Waste Discharge Requirements for Wine, Beverage, and Food Processors
On January 28, 2016, the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board adopted General Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Wine, Beverage and Food Processor Waste to Land, Order No. R1-2016-0002, and Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Wine, Beverage and Food Processor Waste to Land, Order No. R1-2016-0003.
Current Documents
Adopted General Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Wine, Beverage and Food Processor Waste to Land, Order No. R1-2016-0002
- Waste Discharge Requirements
- Appendix A (Form 200)
- Appendix B (Technical Information Form)
- Appendix C (Monitoring and Reporting Program)
- Appendix D (Facility-Specific Nutrient Management Plan)
Adopted Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Wine, Beverage and Food Processor Waste to Land, Order No. R1-2021-0001
- Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements
- Appendix A (Form 200)
- Appendix B (Technical Information Form)
- Appendix C (Monitoring and Reporting Program)
Documents for Regional Water Board Consideration on January 28, 2016:
- Waste Discharge Requirements
- Appendix A (Form 200)
- Appendix B (Technical Information Form)
- Appendix C (Monitoring and Reporting Program)
- Appendix D (Facility-Specific Nutrient Management Plan)
- Notice of Completion and Environmental Document Transmittal
- Initial Study
- Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements
- Appendix A (Form 200)
- Appendix B (Technical Information Form)
- Appendix C (Monitoring and Reporting Program)
- Notice of Completion and Environmental Document Transmittal
- Initial Study
- Comment Letters
- Brelje & Race Consulting
- Wine Institute
- Response to Comments
- Attachment 1 (Waiver Eligibility Flow Chart)
- Attachment 2 (WDR Requirements Guide)
Past Activities
Draft WBFP Orders and associated Mitigated Negative Declarations released for public comment on October 23, 2015.
- General Waste Discharge Requirements Draft Order No. R1-2016-0002
- Appendix A - Form 200
- Appendix B - Technical Information Form
- Appendix C - Monitoring and Reporting Program
- Appendix D - Facility Nutrient Management Plan
- Initial Study/Checklist and Mitigated Negative Declaration for adoption of General Waste Discharge Requirements
- Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements Draft Order No. R1-2016-0003
- Appendix A - Form 200
- Appendix B - Technical Information Form
- Appendix C - Monitoring and Reporting Program
- Initial Study/Checklist and Mitigated Negative Declaration for adoption of Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements
Draft WBFP Orders released for public comment on July 7, 2014.
- Attachment A - Notice of Intent
- Attachment B - Monitoring and Reporting Program
- Attachment C - Facility Specific Salt and Nutrient Management Plan
- Attachment D - Fact Sheet
- Attachment A - Notice of Intent
- Attachment B - Monitoring and Reporting Program
- Public Comments Received on Draft Orders R1-2014-0041 and R1-2014-0046
(Comment period ended August 22, 2014.)
July 15, 2014 Public Workshop and Notice of Public Comment Period
- Notice of Public Workshop and Opportunity to Review and Comment on Draft Orders
- Power Point Presentation
Public Comment Period Extended to August 22, 2014
August 14, 2014 Update to the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
Contact Information
For information and any questions regarding the WBFP Orders, please contact:
- Rhonda Raymond at (576-2708) or
- Charles Reed at (707) 576-2752 or
Email Subscription List
If you would like to receive email notifications concerning the WBFP WDRs Order and WBFP Conditional Waiver Order please subscribe to the North Coast Region "Wine, Beverage & Food Processors" email List Subscription at the following link:
Ex parte communications
Ex parte communications are allowed in this matter subject to the disclosure requirements of Water Code section 13287. A form to assist in this process can be found on the Regional Water Board's website at:
The Regional Water Board is required to post the disclosure on its website and to distribute it via any electronic distribution list for the proposed order. Ex parte disclosures shall not constitute written comments or evidence on a proposed general order. You must provide the comments or evidence by following the procedure and timelines provided above. Ex parte communications are prohibited for a period beginning 14 days before the board meeting at which the proposed order is scheduled for board action.