Cannabis Cultivation Waste Discharge Regulatory Program
Upcoming Events!
- Indoor Cultivation: 20 February 2025, 12pm
- Prepping Site for Development: 27 March 2025, 12pm
- Cannabis Cutivation Policy Requirements: 24 April 2025, 12pm
- Termination and Changes of Information: 22 May 2025, 12pm
- Road Design: 26 June 2025, 12pm
- Notice: Please note that a new fee schedule was adopted.
View the FY 24-25 fee schedule by risk and designation. - On 7 November 2023, the updated Cannabis General Order was adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board as WQ 2023-0102-DWQ. This revised order replaces the R5-2019-0001 General Order.
- If you require enrollment for cannabis cultivation under the Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements and Waiver Discharge Requirements for discharges of waste associated with Cannabis Cultivation Activities register through the Application Portal.
- If an enrollee needs to update enrollment information please complete the Change of Information Request Form and submit to the Central Valley Water Board.
- If you are terminating your cannabis cultivation opportunities covered under
R5-2019-0001 (Rev. 11/2023 to WQ 2023-0102-DWQ), begin the process by submitting the required Notice of Termination Request Form. Before termination is completed a Site Closure Report and a Final Annual Monitoring Report will need to be submitted. For more information about site Termination see the Cannabis General Order under Attachment C.
- Information on the State Wide General Order and Policy can be found on the State Water Board's Cannabis web page.
Table of Contents
The Cannabis Cultivation Waste Discharge Regulatory Program addresses water quality impacts from cannabis cultivation and associated activities on private property in the Central Valley Region.
The program is designed to meet the requirements of the Central Valley's Basin Plans, the California Water Code, and the Clean Water Act. The Water Boards are the principal state agencies with primary responsibility for the coordination and control of water quality. Nonpoint source (NPS) pollution, also known as polluted runoff, is the leading cause of water quality impairments in the Central Valley Region. Many streams in the Central Valley Region are impacted by excess sediment, nutrients, and elevated temperatures; and illegal surface water diversions intensify these water quality impacts. The Cannabis Cultivation Waste Discharge Regulatory Program has three main components: A General Order for Discharges of Waste Associated with Medicinal Cannabis Cultivation, Enforcement, and Education and Outreach.
- General Waste Discharge Requirements and Waiver Discharge Requirements for discharges of wastes associated with Cannabis Cultivation Activities
- Enforcement
- Education and Outreach