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Water Rights Orders 1983

Order Number
Project Identification
In the Matter of Application 26375 ard 26376 to Appropriate Water From The South Fork of the American River and Its Tributaries, Petition for Assignment and Release From Priority of State-Held Applications 5645, et al. of EL DORADO IRRIGATION DISTRICT AND EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY: South Fork American River in El Dorado County.
In the Matter of Decision 1588 Approving in Part Application 26001 of KINGS RIVER CONSERVATION DISTRICT: Deer, Bear, Laurel and Dinkey in Fresno County.
In the Matter of Permits 16597, 16598, 16599, and 16600 (Applications 14858. 14859, 19303, and 19304) of U. S. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION: Stanislaus River in Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties.
In the Matter of Application 27669 for a Temporary Permit by U. S. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION: Stanislaus River in Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties.
In the Matter of Applications 23945 and 23946 of WILLIAM P. AND ROBERT L. WALLACE (dba WALLACE BROTHERS): Reclamation District No. 2047 Main Drain Canal in Colusa County.
In the Matter of Permits 16597, 16598, 16599, and 16600 (Applications 14858. 14859, 19303, and 19304) of U. S. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION: Stanislaus River in Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties.
In the Matter of Temporary Permit 18872 (Application 27727) of WILLIAM P. AND ROBERT L. WALLACE (dba WALLACE BROTHERS): Colusa Basin Drainage Canal in Colusa County.
In the Matter of Temporary Permit 18871 (Application 27726) of JOHN KALFSBEEK: Colusa Basin Drainage Canal in Colusa County.
In Matter of Permit 16641 (Application 24315) of ROBERT E. AND TOSHIKO KLENNER: Oliver Creek in Mariposa County.
In the Matter of Permits 8511, 11356, 11357 and 15000 (Applications 11587, 12178, 12179 and 21471) of UNITED STATES BUREAU OF RECLAMATION: Santa Margarita River in San Diego County.
In the Matter of Temporary Permit 18907 (Application 27786) of U. S. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION: Camp Creek and Sly Park Creek in El Dorado County.
In the Matter of Permit 17679 (Application 25089) HAROLD L. and JEAN E. WALTERS: Cromberg Spring in Plumas County.
Order Adopting Report of Referee: ParkerPollock and.Linda Pollock v. Michael\'B; Frankol; et\'al., Cow Creek in Shasta County.
In the Matter of Applications 27849 and 27850 for Temporary Permits of COCKRELL, INC., ET AL.,: Hornback and Owl Creeks in Modoc County.
In the Matter of Permits 18955 and 18956 (Applications 27020 and 271D1) of MICHAEL And GRACE JACOBS FAMILY TRUST: Chandler Gulch and Shaw Gulch in San Mateo County.
In the Matter of Temporary Urgency Change Order Regarding Permit 12721 (Application 5626) and 12 Other Permits of U. S. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION: Various sources in Alameda, Sacramento, Shasta, Trinity Counties.


