San Francisco Bay/Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta Estuary (Bay-Delta) Program
Draft Report on Development of Flow Criteria for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Ecosystem
Water Code section 85086 requires the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board or Board) to develop, within nine months of enactment of the requirement, new flow criteria to protect public trust resources for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta) ecosystem. The statute further requires the State Water Board to submit its flow criteria determinations to the Delta Stewardship Council within 30 days of their development. In accordance with Water Code section 85086, the State Water Board conducted a public process in the form of an informational proceeding, held on March 22-24, 2010, to develop the flow criteria. The State Water Board has considered the information submitted in connection with that proceeding, and has prepared a draft report determining flow criteria for the Delta ecosystem necessary to protect public trust resources. The notice of availability of the draft report can be viewed using the links below.
A resolution to approve the draft report is scheduled for consideration by the State Water Board at its Board meeting on Tuesday, August 3, 2010. The Board will consider oral comments at the Board meeting. If you want the Board to consider written comments prior to the meeting, they must be received by Noon on Thursday, July 29, 2010. Procedures for submitting comments are described in the Notice of Availability of Draft Report.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please email Phil Crader, Senior Environmental Scientist, or phone (916) 341-5438.