[an error occurred while processing this directive] State Water Boards: Performance Report

The California Water Boards' Annual Performance Report - Fiscal Year 2009-10

California Water

People depend on water for life... to drink, eat, bathe, work, and play, and to support the natural environment in which we live.  We expect that the quality of our water is suitable for the various uses we make of it.  Yet, we impact water quality in many ways as individuals and as a society, primarily by adding pollutants. 

California's Water

To support the State’s population of over 36.7 million people, California’s waters include:

  • 211,000 miles of rivers and streams
  • More than 1.6 million acres of lakes
  • More than 1.3 million acres of bays and estuaries
  • First 3 miles of ocean off our 1,100-mile coastline
  • All groundwater

It is the primary responsibility of the State and Regional Water Boards, as the State’s water pollution control regulatory agencies, to impose requirements and controls on the amount of pollutants that can enter our waters. Protection of our waters and watersheds is essential to ensure public health, recreation, fish and wildlife, and a healthy economy.

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