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The California Water Boards' Annual Performance Report - Fiscal Year 2012-13


MESSAGE:  The Regional Boards documented one or more violations for 28% of facilities in calendar year 2012.


MEASUREMENTS  - Data last updated on: 

Region Regulated
No. of Facs. With Compliance Assessed Facs. with No Violations No. of Facilities with 1-10 Violations No. of Facilities with 11-25 Violations No. of Facilities with > 25 Violations No. of Facilities with Violations Number of Violations Percentage of Facilities in Violation Average No. of Violations per Facility in Violation


Region No. of Facs. With Compliance Assessed Facs. with Priority I Violations Priority I Violations Facs. with Priority II Violations Priority II Violations Facs. with Priority III Violations Priority III Violations Facs. with Priority Violations Un-determined Priority Violations Un-determined Percentage of Facilities with Priority Violations


Compliance rates vary significantly among regions. This variation may be in response to several factors including compliance actions and compliance assurance activities conducted in each year. It is significant to point out that only no facilities documented violations classified as Class I for enforcement priority. None of the less, the variation in data suggest inconsistencies in data entry and violation documentation across the Regional Boards. Approximately 50% of facilities in this group were assessed for compliance. Four regional boards documented no violations for every facility with compliance assessed.


The mission of compliance and enforcement programs is to ensure that compliance with the laws and regulations is achieved and maintained over time. Compliance rates inform the public about efforts of the regulated community and the work of government agencies. Compliance rates assist managers to describe and identify noncompliance problems in magnitude, frequency and duration and also help the evaluation of the enforcement program effectiveness.

Compliance rates provide valuable insight into programs, but it is important to understand variables influencing the rate. Rates can vary depending on inspection protocols and methodology (whether inspections are announced or unannounced, targeted on problem facilities, etc.). How rates are calculated and what data are included (or excluded) are equally important. For example, including all violations in the calculation gives a very different rate than just including significant violations. These variables need to be understood when the rate is used and included with any presentation. While not a perfect measure, compliance rates are considered an outcome measure for the enforcement program and are more constructive than relying on activity and output counts alone. Reporting compliance rates is required in section 13225 (e) of the California Water Code and is identified in the 2010 water quality enforcement policy as one of the 9 key recommended performance measure for Water Boards’ enforcement programs.




Compliance Rate
The number of facilities with one or more documented violation during the reporting period divided by the total number of facilities for which compliance has been assessed.

Compliance Assessment
Compliance assessment is any activity conducted by Water Board staff, USEPA, or contractors working for the Water Boards that evaluates the compliance with requirements established by Water Boards actions. Compliance activities mainly include reviewing self-monitoring reports submitted by dischargers and inspections of the facilities and/or operations of the regulated community.

Class I Priority Violations
Class I priority violations are those violations that pose an immediate and substantial threat to water quality and that have the potential to cause significant detrimental impacts to human health or the environment. Violations involving recalcitrant parties who deliberately avoid compliance with water quality regulations and orders are also considered class I priority violations because they pose a serious threat to the integrity of the Water Boards’ regulatory programs.

Class II Priority Violations
Class II priority violations are those violations that pose a moderate, indirect, or cumulative threat to water quality and, therefore, have the potential to cause detrimental impacts on human health and the environment. Negligent or inadvertent noncompliance with water quality regulations that has the potential for causing or allowing the continuation of an unauthorized discharge or obscuring past violations is also a class II priority violation.

Class III Priority Violations
Class III priority violations are those violations that pose only a minor threat to water quality and have little or no known potential for causing a detrimental impact on human health and the environment. Class III priority violations include statutorily required liability for late reporting when such late filings do not result in causing an unauthorized discharge or allowing one to continue. Class III priority violations should only include violations by dischargers who are first time or infrequent violators and are not part of a pattern of chronic violations. Class III priority violations are all violations that are not class I priority or class II priority violations.

Industrial Sources
Facilities that treat and/or dispose of liquid or semisolid wastes from any servicing, producing, manufacturing or processing operations of whatever nature including mining, gravel washing, geothermal operations, air conditioning, ship building and repairing, oil production, storage and disposal operations, and water well pumping.

Waste Discharge Requirements Program
The Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) Program regulates all point source discharges of waste to land that do not require full containment (which falls under the Land Discharge Program), or are not subject to the NPDES Program.

( Page last updated:  10/3/13 )

