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The California Water Boards' Annual Performance Report - Fiscal Year 2012-13
TMDL Basin Planning Amendments Adopted by Regional Boards in Fiscal Year 2012-2013 | ||||||
Region | Title | Description Implementation Through |
Adoption Date | Objectives (Count) | Implementation (Count) | |
2 |
TMDL addresses impairment of REC-1 due to high indicator bacteria levels. The TMDL includes load allocations for controllable sources like sanitary sewer overflows, municipal stormwater runoff and dry-weather flows, and horse facilities, and the TMDL accounts for uncontrollable, or natural sources (e.g., wildlife) by applying a "reference system and antidegradation approach." |
14-Nov-2012 |
0 | n/a | ||
3 |
Ag Order R3-2012-0011, Phase-2 Stormwater Permits, Existing Prohibition. |
14-Mar-2013 |
0 | 3 | ||
3 |
Ag Order R3-2012-0011, Phase-2 Stormwater Permits, Existing Prohibition. |
30-May-2013 |
0 | 3 | ||
4 |
TMDL for Algae in the Ventura River Watershed to address impairment of recreation (REC-1, REC-2), aquatic life (WARM, COLD, EST, WILD, RARE, MICF, SPWN, and WET), and water supply (MUN) beneficial uses. Waste load allocations and load allocations implemented through General and Individual NPDES permits, MS4 permits, Industrial and Construction Stormwater permits, the Caltrans Stormwater permit, the Conditional Waiver for Irrigated Lands, WDRs, waivers of WDRs, and other appropriate mechanisms. |
6-Dec-2012 |
0 | n/a | ||
4 |
Reconsideration of the TMDL to incorporate site-specific objectives for ammonia. TMDL revision modified (1) numeric targets to reflect site-specific objectives for ammonia for the Los Angeles River Reached 3-5, Rio Hondo Reach 3, and the Burbank Western Channel, and (2) waste load allocations for the four publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) that discharge to these reaches. The TMDL revisions conform the TMDL's numeric targets and waste load allocations to the currently effective water quality objectives for ammonia. |
6-Dec-2012 |
0 | n/a | ||
4 |
Incorporate Implementation Plan and Schedule for the EPA TMDL for the Metals and Selenium in the San Gabriel River. |
6-Jun-2013 |
0 | n/a | ||
4 |
Incorporate Implementation Plan and Schedule for the EPA TMDL for the Metals and Selenium in the Los Cerritos Channel. |
6-Jun-2013 |
0 | n/a |
Other Basin Planning Amendments Adopted by Regional Boards in Fiscal Year 2012/2013 | ||||||
Region | Title | Description | Adoption Date | Objectives (Count) | Implementation (Count) | |
3 |
Amending the Water Quality Control Plan Regarding Onsite Wastewater (Resolution No. R3-2013-0005) |
Incorporate State Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) Policy into Basin Plan. The amendment clarifies regulations for onsite systems and septic tanks and ensures consistency with statewide onsite requirements. |
30-May-2013 |
0 | n/a | |
4 |
Incorporate previously adopted amendments (since 1994) to Water Quality Objectives. |
2-May-2013 |
0 | n/a |
In Fiscal Year 2012-13, the Regional Water Boards adopted amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) though 9 separate resolutions. The tables above provide a summary of the amendments that were adopted by each region with information about what each set of amendments is intended to do. Over two-thirds (7) of the resolutions were to adopt TMDLs. Other amendments included amendments to simply clarify and update the basin plan without making substantive regulatory changes. Each set of amendments may include numerous implementation tools that will be used to implement these regulatory changes; most amendments involve one or more changes to permitting and monitoring programs.
Basin Plans are the Water Boards primary water quality planning documents. Basin Plans designate beneficial uses for waters of the state, water quality objectives designed to protect those uses, and establish implementation plans to achieve the water quality objectives. Basin Plans are living documents that are regularly updated to meet changing needs. They serve as the principal basis for waste discharge requirements (permits) issued and cleanup requirements established by the Water Boards, and also are used by outside agencies in their permitting and resource management activities. The Regional Water Boards review and revise their Basin Plans periodically to address new information and changes in policy.
- Data Source: Basin Plan Amendments tracking database. Period: July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013. Extracted: August 2013.
- Unit of Measure: Number of Regional Water Board and State Water Board adoptions to address amendments to Regional Water Quality Control Plans (Basin Plans).
- Data Definitions: Title: Regional Water Board resolution to make changes (amendments) to their Basin Plan. The title includes a link to the program page for that resolution. Description: A short narrative description of the purpose of the amendments. Adoption Date: The date that the Resolution was adopted by the Regional Water Board. The adoption date is not the effective date of the amendments. For most amendments an effective date has not yet been determined, as additional approvals by state and federal agencies are still pending. Objectives (Count): The number of water quality objectives that were added, removed or changed as a result of the adopted amendments. Implementation (Count): The number of discrete actions required by adopted amendments.
- References: Regional Water Quality Control Plans (Basin Plans)