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The California Water Boards' Annual Performance Report - Fiscal Year 2012-13
Approximately 65% all of the Large Municipal Waste Facilities discharging to land under an individual permit have their reporting requirements now in the Water Boards database (CIWQS). This percentage varies among the regional boards and, as same as reported in FY 11-12, three regions (R2, R7 and R8) are not fully tracking the self-monitoring reports in CIWQS. Of the reports that were documented as required during fiscal year 2012-13, 69% were received of which 43% were recorded as reviewed.
Self Monitoring Reports (SMR) contain the information required by the permits necessary to assess compliance and to measure the quality of the discharge from regulated facilities. Data reported typically include both data required by the permit and any additional data the permittee has collected consistent with permit requirements. The data typically contains an assessment of the conditions of the discharge and includes the values analyzed by a certified laboratory and other field measurements (such PH and flow). During the review of the self monitoring reports regional board staff compares the values reported with the permit requirements and determines if the self monitoring report is complete and all the reported values are within the permitted limits. In 2010 the Water Boards started to use the CIWQS database to track monitoring reports due, received and reviewed both in either electronic or paper form. This card shows the progress towards tracking the required reports using CIWQS. Self Monitoring Reports are the primary tool used to assess compliance with permit requirements. SMR are submitted with different frequencies and with different purposes. Most dischargers submit quarterly and annual reports. In some cases certain dischargers may also be required to submit monthly reports and other technical reports. In general, all regulated facilities must submit, at a minimum, an annual report.
- Data Source: CIWQS. Period July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. Extracted on August 12, 2013.
- Unit of Measure: Number of self-monitoring reports that were due, received or reviewed during FY 12-13.
- Data Definitions: Self-Monitoring Report required in Waste Discharge Requirements. Data includes all Self-Monitoring Report types and frequencies.
- References: Information on the Water Boards’ WDR - NON15 Program
Public Reports and Data
Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Information
- Self Monitoring Report
- The form used to report self-monitoring results by regulated facilities. Self Monitoring: Sampling and analyses performed by a facility to determine compliance with a permit or other regulatory requirements.
- The California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS) is a web-based relational database for core regulatory data. Using this system, both staff and the public can access data related to places of environemental interest, permits and other orders, inspections and violations and enforcement activities.
- Municipal Sources
- Facilities that treat sewage or a mixture of predominantly sewage and other waste from districts, municipalities, communities, hospitals, schools, and publicly or privately owned systems (excluding individual surface leaching systems disposing of less than 1,000 gallons per day.
- Large Municipal Facilities
- Facilities discharging municipal waste serving a population equivalent to 1,000 people and with a design flow of greater than 100,000 gallons a day. This group only includes those facilities regulated with individual Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR).
- Waste Discharge Requirements Program
- Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) Program regulates all point source discharges of waste to land that do not require full containment (which falls under the Land Discharge Program), or are not subject to the NPDES Program.