The California Water Boards' Annual Performance Report - Fiscal Year 2014-15
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Controlling contaminant migration is an expression of several aspects of Water Board staff work.
- Data source: GEOTRACKER. Period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015.
- Unit of Measure: Number of cases where groundwater contaminant migration is controlled.
- Data Definitions: Active Cases: The number of cases overseen by Regional Boards that had an Open status as of June 30, 2013. Inactive Cases: Include cases where there is no funding or resources available to work on the case. Cases Where Groundwater Contamination Is Controlled: groundwater contaminant migration is under control either because the source of the contamination has been identified, the extent and magnitude of soil and groundwater contamination is defined and remedial activities are controlling further migration of the identified pollutant. It also includes those cases for which groundwater contaminant migration is not applicable. Cases Where Groundwater Contamination Is Not Controlled: An unacceptable migration of pollutants to surface water or groundwater or future risk to other sensitive receptors is determined to be present. Cases Pending Determination: Include cases for which there is insufficient data to determine that groundwater contaminant migration is controlled and those cases for which no data has been entered in the databases.
- References:
The Water Boards' Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Program
Public Reports and Data
FY 14/15 Annual Agency Status Report
- Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
- Leaking underground storage tanks are a significant source of petroleum impacts to groundwater and a risk to human health and safety. Contamination may impact drinking water aquifers, public or private drinking water wells, and present a risk of exposure to humans through inhalation of vapors. These threats are minimized when UST owners or operators (responsible parties) report a leak to the environment to the local regulatory agency within 24 hours of detection. If a leak occurs, responsible parties or their representative must notify the appropriate Regional Water Quality Control Board or County Agency and submit an unauthorized release form. Site investigation and cleanup (corrective action) costs can only be reimbursed by the Cleanup Fund after the tank release has been reported to the Regional Board or county regulatory agency. Regional Board and many County Agencies are authorized to oversee the investigation and cleanup of UST system releases.
- UST site qualifies to receive a "No Further Action" (closure) letter once the owner or operator meets all appropriate corrective action requirements. After this occurs, the county agency or regional board will inform the responsible party in writing that no further work is required.
- Number of cleanup cases groundwater contaminant migration under control
- Means a count of all open Water Board-lead cases and Shared-lead cases where groundwater contaminant migration has been evaluated as of the end of the Fiscal Year.
- Low-Threat Underground Storage Tank Case Closure Policy
- This policy is a state policy for water quality control and applies to all petroleum UST sites subject to Chapter 6.7 of Division 20 of the Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16 of Division 3 of Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations.
Case Closure