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The California Water Boards' Annual Performance Report - Fiscal Year 2014-15
Basin Planning Amendments Adopted by Regional Boards in Fiscal Year 2014-2015 | ||||||
Region | Title | Description Implementation Through |
Adoption Date | |||
1 | Adopting Basin Plan Amendment for the Policy in Support of Restoration in the North Coast Region (Resolution R1-2015-0004) |
This amendment to Chapter 4 (Implementation Plans) of the North Coast Basin Plan to include a policy in support of restoration as a tool for water quality protection. Most substantively, the policy makes clear that no other provision of the Basin Plan prevents the Regional Water Board from permitting restoration projects where necessary. | 1/29/2015 | |||
1 | Adoption of the 2014 Triennial Review of the Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region, Proposed Basin Planning Project Priorities (Resolution No. R1-2015-0012) |
This is the 2014-2017 Triennial Review of the North Coast Basin Plan, adopted by resolution to identify the projects of highest priority for Regional Water Board staff effort over the next three year period. | 3/12/2015 | |||
1 | Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region to Make Nonsubstantive Revisions to Sections 1 (Introduction) and 5 (Plans and Policies) (Resolution R1-2015-0013) |
This amendment to Chapters 1 (Introduction), 3 (Water Quality Objectives) and 5 (State Board Plans and Policies) of the North Coast Basin Plan makes nonsubstantive, editorial revisions. | 6/18/2015 | |||
1 | Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region to Update Section 3 Water Quality Objectives (Resolution R1-2015-0018) |
This is an amendment to Chapter 3 (Water Quality Objectives) of the North Coast Basin Plan to: update chemical constituent objectives in surface waters and groundwaters; revise the dissolved oxygen objective in surface waters; include a groundwater toxicity objective; and clarify how numeric criteria can be derived to implement narrative water quality objectives. | 6/18/2015 | |||
4 | Non-Regulatory Amendment to the Basin Plan to Administratively Update Chapter 1: "Introduction", Chapter 5: "Plans and Policies", and Chapter 6: "Monitoring and Assessment" of the Basin Plan (Resolution R4-2014-009) |
This amendment to the Los Angeles Region Basin Plan updates include: updates to background information on the LA Region in Chapter 1; updates to the summaries of Regional and State Water Board plans and policies in Chapter 5; updates to descriptions of monitoring and assessment programs and the addition of water quality database descriptions in Chapter 6; updates to tables in Chapters 1, 5, and 6 containing background information, information on planning and implementation programs, pertinent plans and policies, and monitoring and assessment programs; updates to maps and figures in Chapters 1 and 5 to reflect current information. | 9/11/2014 | |||
4 | Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region to Incorporate an Averaging Period for Chloride Water Quality Objectives in Reaches 4B, 5 and 6; Incorporate New Site Specific Objectives for Chloride in Reaches 5 and 6 in the Upper Santa Clara River (Resolution R4-2014-010) |
This amendment to the Los Angeles Region Basin Plan revises the water quality objectives and the TMDL for chloride in the Upper Santa Clara River. In 2003, the Regional Water Board adopted a TMDL to address the chloride impairments of the Upper Santa Clara River, which was subsequently amended in 2004 and 2006. In 2008, following special studies, the Regional Water Board adopted conditional site-specific objectives (SSOs), and a revised implementation plan for the chloride TMDL. However, the program was not implemented, and the conditional SSOs never applied. More recently, Board staff oversaw the development of new SSOs which, along with an alternative implementation plan, will be at least as protective of beneficial uses in the Santa Clara River Watershed as the previous approach. | 10/9/2014 | |||
4 | Resolution Retaining the Current Recreational Beneficial Use Designations of the Engineered Channels of the Los Angeles River Watershed (Resolution R4-2014-011) |
This amendment to the Los Angeles Region Basin Plan is the result of a 3.5-year Use Attainability Analysis to assess recreational uses in and around the engineered channels of the Los Angeles River and its tributaries. This re-evaluation consisted of field reconnaissance, coordinated field monitoring events, web-based and in-person surveys, review of relevant studies, reports and watershed and sub-watershed management plans, compilation and analysis of water depth data, collaboration with interested persons and agencies, and consideration of on-going revitalization efforts to improve or provide recreational opportunities. | 12/4/2014 | |||
4 | Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region to Incorporate Groundwater Quality Management Measures for Salts and Nutrients in the Central Basin and West Coast Basin (Resolution R4-2015-001) |
This amendment to the Los Angeles Region Basin Plan incorporates groundwater quality control measures for salts and nutrients in the Central and West Coast Groundwater Basins of Los Angeles County. This action is in response to the State Water Board's Recycled Water Policy, which promotes the expanded use of recycled water, and requires that Salt and Nutrient Management Plans be developed for every basin/sub-basin in California. | 2/12/2015 | |||
4 | Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region to Adopt Site Specific Objectives for Lead and Copper in the Los Angeles River Watershed (Resolution R4-2015-004) |
This amendment to the Los Angeles Region Basin Plan establishes water quality objectives for lead and copper in the LA River Watershed. The amendment is the culmination of special studies, following the adoption of the LA River and Tributaries TMDL for Metals in 2005. Updated lead site specific objectives were calculated using the USEPA Recalculation Procedure and toxicity data from all available national studies. Copper SSOs were developed using the Water-Effect Ratio Procedure, and by comparing the bioavailability and toxicity of copper in receiving waters versus laboratory waters. | 4/9/2015 | |||
5 | Amendment to Remove the Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Beneficial Use in Twelve Constructed and/or Modified Water Bodies in the Sacramento River Basin that receive Treated Municipal Wastewater from the Cities of Biggs, Colusa, Live Oak or Willows (Resolution R5-2015-0022) |
The amendment to the Sacramento River Basin and San Joaquin River Basin Work Plan removes the Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) beneficial use in twelve constructed and/or modified waterbodies in the Sacramento River Basin that receive treated municipal wastewater from the cities of Biggs, Colusa, Live Oak, and Willows. | 4/16/2015 | |||
5 | Adopting the 2014 Triennial Review and Work Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins (Resolution R5-2015-0020) |
This is the adoption of the triennial review work plan for the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins. | 4/16/2015 | |||
5 | Adopting the 2014 Triennial Review and Work Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin (Resolution R5-2015-0021) |
This is the adoption of the triennial review work plan for the Water Quality Control Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin. | 4/16/2015 | |||
6 | Basin Plan Amendment to Remove the Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Beneficial Use Designation from Certain Ground Waters Beneath Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, Kern, Inyo, and San Bernardino Counties (Resolution R6-2015-0005) |
This amendment to the Lahontan Region Basin Plan removes the municipal and domestic supply (MUN) beneficial use designation from certain groundwaters beneath Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake (NAWS China Lake), located in Kern, Inyo, and San Bernardino Counties. Certain groundwaters beneath NAWS China Lake are not suitable for MUN use, including drinking, because they contain naturally high concentrations of total dissolved solids, arsenic and other inorganic compounds. | 2/11/2015 | |||
9 | A Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (9) to Change the Nitrate Water Quality Objective for Groundwaters, Incorporate the Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Policy and to Incorporate Miscellaneous Updates (Resolution R9-2015-0008) |
This amendment to the San Diego Basin Plan changes the water quality objectives for nitrate in groundwater basins that currently have numeric objectives to 45 mg/L as NO3, incorporates the State Water Board's Policy for Siting, Designing, Operation, and Maintenance of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems, and incorporates miscellaneous updates to the Basin Plan, adds implementation measures for areas where surface and groundwater are interconnected, and makes some other non-substantive changes to the Basin Plan. | 4/15/2015 | |||
9 | Adoption of the 2014 Triennial Review of the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Region (Resolution R9-2015-0043) | This is the adoption of the triennial review and priority list of suggested revisions to the Basin Plan. The suggested revisions represent the San Diego Water Board’s highest priority basin planning items and implement the goals of the Practical Vision to achieve healthy waters through collaboration, reliance on the latest science, and prioritization of issues and actions. | 5/13/2015 |
- Data Source: Basin Plan Amendments tracking database. Period: July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015. Extracted: September 2015.
- Unit of Measure: Number of Regional Water Board adoptions to address amendments to Regional Water Quality Control Plans (Basin Plans).
- Data Definitions: Title: Regional Water Board resolution to make changes (amendments) to their Basin Plan. The title includes a link to the program page for that resolution. Description: A short narrative description of the purpose of the amendments. Adoption Date: The date that the Resolution was adopted by the Regional Water Board. The adoption date is not the effective date of the amendments. For most amendments an effective date has not yet been determined, as additional approvals by state and federal agencies are still pending.
- References: Regional Water Quality Control Plans (Basin Plans)