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1. The State Water Resources Control Board, on February 16, 1995, adopted the "Policy for Implementing the State Revolving Fund (SRF) for Construction of Wastewater Treatment Facilities", and amended it on January 18, 1996;
2. The State Water Resources Control Board, on September 18, 1997, adopted the FFY 1998 SRF Loan Program Priority List which included the Combined Sewer System Improvement, City of Sacramento in Priority Class B;
3. The Division of Clean Water Programs (Division) has approved the project report, environmental documents, and draft revenue program for the City of Sacramento's project;
4. The water purveyors for the service area are signatories to the "Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Urban Water Conservation in California"; and
5. The City of Sacramento certified an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), State Clearinghouse No. 96082013, which has been reviewed and considered, and it has been determined that:
- As stated in the EIR, (1) the project may result in a significant and unavoidable cumulative impact with respect to water quality by contributing to mercury levels in the Sacramento River which often exceed water quality standards and even with implementation of specific mercury-control measures that could be developed as a result of the proposed project, or implementation of the Sacramento River Toxic Pollutant Control Program, the impact may still be significant; and (2) the project had a potential for a significant and unavoidable impact with respect to historical resources but since project effects will be confined to an alteration of the setting of one historically significant structure (Pump Station #2) and design elements of new construction will complement and enhance the historical integrity of the structure, the proposed project will have no adverse effect upon resources determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.
The SWRCB hereby adopts the following statement of overriding considerations to address the unmitigable significant impacts that may potentially occur from approval of the project:
Implementation of the wastewater treatment facilities improvement project would result in the following benefits: (1) reduction or elimination of outflows that are considered a possible threat to public health; (2) flow reduction and quality improvement for the Combined Sewer System overflows to the Sacramento River where they are considered a potential threat to the beneficial uses of the receiving water and the "fishable/swimming" goals of the Federal Clean Water Act; (3) compliance with the requirements of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's "Combined System Overflow Control Policy" and "Nine Minimum Controls", the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit, and the Clean Water Act; and (4) reduction of neighborhood street flooding problems where it is economically feasible. In balancing the project benefits against the potential significant cumulative impact regarding water quality, the SWRCB finds that the public benefits of the project outweigh the unavoidable cumulative impact and, therefore, determines that the impact is acceptable.
(b) Changes or alterations have been required in or incorporated into the proposed project which avoid or reduce to less than significant levels other potentially significant impacts identified in the EIR with respect to historic resources which (although not expected) will be mitigated by undertaking archaeological monitoring near areas where records indicate sites may exist and in the event that cultural materials are exposed during ground-disturbing activities, notifying the City's Historic Preservation Director as well as the Division of Clean Water Programs\' Cultural Resources Officer, and stopping work in the vicinity of the find until such time as a professional archaeologist evaluates the nature and significance of the material and develops and completes any mitigation measures required for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and applicable state laws.
The State Water Resources Control Board:
1. Approves a SRF loan of $52 million to the City of Sacramento for construction of the Combined Sewer System Improvement project, with a repayment period of twenty (20) years, and the first repayment due one (1) year after completion of construction; and
2. Will withdraw this preliminary SRF loan commitment if final plans and specifications are not submitted to the Division of Clean Water Programs by February 27, 1998. The Division may approve up to a ninety (90) day extension for good cause.
The undersigned, Administrative Assistant to the Board, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of a resolution duly and regularly adopted at a meeting of the State Water Resources Control Board held on November 18, 1997.
Maureen Marché
Administrative Assistant to the Board