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State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) has served as the lead agency
for the preparation of the LTMS PEIR, in cooperation with the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA), which have prepared the LTMS Policy Environmental Impact Statement
SWRCB, USACE and USEPA have circulated the joint draft PEIS/PEIR for public
review and comment.
SWRCB, USACE and USEPA have responded to the comments received and have
prepared a joint Final PEIS/PEIR.
USACE and USEPA have certified the Final PEIS by jointly signing a Record
of Decision on July 16, 1999.
SWRCB has consulted with the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG)
under the California Endangered Species Act, and the DFG has issued a non-jeopardy
biological opinion.
SWRCB certifies that the PEIR has been completed in compliance with the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)(Pub. Res. Code, § 21000
et seq.).
SWRCB has reviewed and considered the information within the PEIR, and
the PEIR reflects the independent judgment of the SWRCB.
a plan-level document, no particular dredging projects are being approved
under this PEIR.All Mitigation Measures
identified in the PEIR will be incorporated into the LTMS agencies' jointly-developed
Management Plan, and further incorporated into a San Francisco Bay Regional
Water Quality Control Board Basin Plan Amendment, a San Francisco Bay Conservation
and Development Commission Bay Plan Amendment, and, as applicable, all
permits issued there under, as appropriate.The
San Francisco Bay and Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Boards
shall be responsible to monitor, in compliance with CEQA, that the Mitigation
Measures described in Chapter 5 of the Final PEIS/PEIR are implemented
in specific dredging, or dredged materials placement, projects in their
SWRCB concludes that it is in the public interest to certify the Final
PEIR, to be used in the preparation of a multi-agency Management Plan and
implementing regulations, and for the preparation of a Basin Plan Amendment
by the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board and a Bay
Plan Amendment by the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission.
10. Subsequent CEQA findings, and possibly further CEQA analysis, will be required at the time the Management Plan and implementing measures are adopted.Such analysis may include, as appropriate, traditional CEQA documents such as supplemental or subsequent EIRs, or the Board's Functional Equivalency process.
SWRCB certifies that the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Report
for the Long Term Management Strategy for the Placement of Dredged Material
in the San Francisco Bay Region complies with the requirements of the California
Environmental Quality Act.
undersigned Administrative Assistant to the SWRCB does hereby certify that
the forgoing is a full, true, and correct copy of a resolution duly and
regularly adopted at a meeting of the State Water Resources Control Board
held on October 21, 1999.
Administrative Assistant to the Board
Note: PEIR available, contact: Jim Sutton (916) 657-2190.