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2006 Resolutions
Resolution No. | Date of Meeting | Subject |
Amending the Clean Beaches Initiatives (CBI) Grant Program Competitive Location List |
Authorizing Execution of Contracts and Amendments to continue to Implement the Groundwater Ambient Monitoring Assessment (GAMA) Program |
Approving a Modification to an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins Establishing Site-Specific Temperature Objectives for Deer Creek in El Dorado and Sacramento Counties |
Adoption of the 2005-06 Consolidated Grants Program Guidelines (Guidelines) |
Authorizing Issuance of Proposition Grants to implement the Dairy Water Quality Grant Program (DWQGP) |
also see res68-16 |
Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region Incorporating a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Toxic Pollutants in Marina Del Rey Harbor |
Approving the Final Report of the Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Forum titled "2006 Review - Water Quality Standards for Salinity - Colorado River System" (2005 Triennial Review), dated October 2005 |
Revision to Sources of Drinking Water Policy to Establish a Site-Specific Exception for Old Alamo Creek |
Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Valley Region to Remove Four Beneficial Uses From Surface Waters of Old Alamo Creek |
Consideration of Authorization to Allocate $950,000 from the Cleanup and Abatement Account for the Investigation and Cleanup at Former Sunrise Handy Market / Mr. C's Project |
2006-0011 | 2/1/06 |
Adoption of the Waiver of Litigation Rights Language for the 2005-06 Consolidated Grants Program Guidelines |
2006-0012 | 2/15/06 | Adoption of Language to Clarify the Term "Coastal" for the Coastal Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program in the 2005-06 Consolidated Grants Program Guidelines |
2006-0013 | 2/15/06 | Approving an Exception to the California Ocean Plan for the University of Southern California Wrigley Marine Science Center Discharge into the Northwest Santa Catalina Island Area of Special Biological Significance, including Special Protections to Protect Beneficial Uses |
2006-0014 | 3/8/06 | Authorizing the Executive Director or Designee to Negotiate, Execute, and Renew, as Necessary, the California State University Sacramento Foundation Student Assistant Contract |
2006-0015 | 3/8/06 |
Consideration of a Resolution of intent to Expend the Remaining Proposition 50 Funds identified for Implementation of Statewide Comprehensive Groundwater Quality Monitoring in the Groundwater Ambient Monitoring Assessment (GAMA) Program |
2006-0016 | 3/8/06 | Authorizing Funding from the State Water Pollution Cleanup and Abatement Account (CAA) for Assessment of Blue-Green Algae (CYANOBACTERIA) |
2006-0017 | 3/8/06 | Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing Funding from the State Water Pollution Cleanup and Abatement Account (CAA) for Investigation and Cleanup at Lindsay Foods Inc./Console Foods Inc., Tulare County |
2006-0018 | 3/8/06 | Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) State Fiscal Year (SRY) 2005/2006 Intended Use Plan (IUP) and Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2006 Capitalization Grant Acceptance |
2006-0019 | 4/5/06 | Consideration Of A Resolution Adopting The Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Orphan Site Cleanup Priority List And Authorizing The Chief Of The Division Of Financial Assistance To Enter Into Grant Agreements |
2006-0020 | 4/5/06 |
Consideration Of Authorization To Allocate $400,000 From The Cleanup And Abatement Account (CAA) To The Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (Lahontan Water Board) For The Emergency Pond Water Treatment Project At Leviathan Mine (Mine) |
2006-0021 |
4/5/06 |
Consideration Of A Resolution Authorizing The Executive Director Or Designee To Accept A $1.378 Federal Grant To Support The Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Development And Implementation Plan |
Delegation To The Chief Of The Division Of Water Rights, The Authority To Designate Local Agencies To Administer The Groundwater Extraction Recordation Program |
2006-0023 | 4/18/06 |
Authorizing the Executive Director or Designee to Increase, Negotiate, Execute, and Renew, as Necessary, the California State University Sacramento Foundation Student Assistant Contract |
2006-0024 | 4/18/06 | Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Region (Basin Plan) Incorporating Non-Regulatory Revisions |
2006-0025 | 5/2/06 | Approval of an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins incorporating a program for control of Diazinon and Chlorpyrifos runoff into the Lower San Joaquin River |
2006-0026 | 5/2/06 | Remanding an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Region to incorporate a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for dissolved copper, lead and zinc in Chollas Creek |
2006-0027 | 5/2/06 | Authorizing issuance of a $4 million Installment Sales Agreement contract and amendments thereto from the Agricultural Drainage Management Loan Program to the Panoche Irrigation District for an irrigation system improvement project. |
2006-0028 | 5/15/06 | Authorization To Accept Grant Funds From The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency To Continue The Cooperative Agreement For The San Francisco Estuary Project |
2006-0029 | 5/15/06 | Approving An Amendment To The Water Quality Control Plan For The Central Coast Region (Basin Plan) Incorporating Non-Regulatory Revisions |
2006-0030 | 5/15/06 | Approving An Amendment To The Water Quality Control Plan For The Santa Ana Region (Basin Plan) To Incorporate A Total Maximum Daily Load For Bacterial Indicators For Middle Santa Ana River Watershed Water Bodies |
2006-0031 | 5/15/06 | Approving An Amendment To The Water Quality Control Plan For San Francisco Bay Region (Basin Plan) Incorporating a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Pathogens in Tomales Bay Watershed |
2006-0032 | 6/7/06 | Resolution Committing Clean Beaches Initiative Grant Funds to the Montara Water and Sanitary District (District) for the Renovation of the Kanoff Street and Niagara Pump Stations (Project) at the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Beach; Clean Beaches Initiative (CBI) Grant Program; CBI Project No. 313 |
2006-0033 | 6/7/06 | Resolution Approving the Preliminary Funding Commitment for the City of San Buenaventura (City); Feasibility Study on Reuse of Ojai Valley Sanitary District’s Effluent (Study); Water Recycling Funding Program (WRFP); Project No. WRFP-3418-010) |
2006-0034 | 6/7/06 | Resolution Adopting Permanent Regulations Implementing the Orphan Site Cleanup Account Established by Assembly Bill (AB) 1906 (Lowenthal) |
2006-0035 | 6/7/06 | Operator Certification and Training Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) Appointments |
2006-0036 | 6/7/06 | Authorizing Issuance of a $3,000,000 Installment Sales Agreement (ISA) and Amendments thereto from the Agricultural Drainage Management Loan Program (ADMLP) to the San Benito County Water District (District) for an Irrigation System Improvement Project (Project) |
2006-0037 | 6/7/06 | Adoption of the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2006/07 State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Program Priority List |
2006-0038 | 6/7/06 | Authorizing Execution of an Interagency Agreement (IA) with the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) for the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) and California Regional Water Quality Control Boards (Regional Water Boards) to Provide Regulatory Oversight of Cleanup at United States Department of Defense (DoD) Facilities |
2006-0039 | 6/7/06 | Adoption of Modifications to State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) Water Quality Order No. 2004-0009-DWQ, Statewide General National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit for the Discharge of Aquatic Pesticides for Aquatic Weed Control in Waters of the United States, General Permit No. CAG 990005 (Permit) |
2006-0040 | 6/21/06 | Operator Certification and Training Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) Appointment |
2006-0041 | 6/21/06 | Committing Clean Beaches Initiative Grant Funds to the County of Orange (County) for the Poche Beach Ultraviolet Light Bacteria Disinfection System (Project) at Poche Beach; Clean Beaches Initiative (CBI) Grant Program; CBI Project No. 304 |
2006-0042 | 6/21/06 | Committing Clean Beaches Initiative (CBI) Grant Funds to the City of Redondo Beach (City) for the Alta Vista Park Diversion and Re-Use Project (Project); CBI Grant Program Project No. 308 |
2006-0043 | 6/21/06 | Approving Projects, and Authorizing Issuance of Grants to Implement the Ocean Protection Projects (OPPs) Portion of the 2005-06 Consolidated Grants Program |
2006-0044 | 6/21/06 | Authorizing the Executive Director, or Designee, to Apply for, Accept, and/or Amend a Federal Clean Water Act Section 319(H) Grant and Authorizing Execution and Amendment of Contracts for Support of the Nonpoint Source Program |
2006-0045 | 6/21/06 |
Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coast Region (Basin Plan) to Establish a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Nitrate-Nitrogen (NO3-N) in San Luis Obispo Creek |
2006-0046 | 6/21/06 |
Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region to Incorporate a Total Maximum Daily Load for Sediment and Temperature in the Scott River Watershed |
2006-0047 | 7/19/06 | Adoption of Revised Appendix to Conflict of Interest Code |
7/19/06 | Authorization of a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan to the Conservation Fund (CF) for the Big River/Salmon Creek Conservation Forestry Acquisition (Project), SRF Loan No.: C-06-6090-110 | |
2006-0049 | 7/19/06 | Approval of the Preliminary Funding Commitment for the City of Shasta Lake (City); Shasta Lake Reclaimed Water Utilization Feasibility Study (Study); Water Recycling Funding Program (WRFP); Project No. WRFP-3518-010 |
2006-0050 | 7/19/06 | Adopting The Petroleum Underground Storage Tank (UST) Emergency, Abandoned, Recalcitrant (EAR) Account Fiscal Year (FY) 2006-2007 Annual Site List; and, Authorizing the Executive Director, or Designee, to Issue Letters of Award or Execute Contracts and Amendments for the Expenditure of EAR Account Funds |
2006-0051 | 7/19/06 | Resolution Setting Aside the Adoption of an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board Incorporating a Total Maximum Daily Load for Trash for the Los Angeles River |
2006-0052 | 7/19/06 | Authorizing the Executive Director, or Designee to Apply for, Accept, and/or Amend a Federal Clean Water Act Section 205(J) Grant |
2006-0053 | 7/19/06 |
Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region to Revise The Early Life Stage Implementation Provision of The Inland Surface Water Ammonia Objectives for Freshwaters |
2006-0054 | 7/19/06 | Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Valley Region Incorporating a Plan for Control of Mercury in Cache Creek, Bear Creek, Sulphur Creek, and Harley Gulch |
2006-0055 | 9/6/06 | Committing Clean Beaches Initiative (CBI) Grant Funds to the County of Orange (County) for Dana Point Harbor Baby Beach Circulation Project (Project); CBI Grant Program; CBI Project No. 303 |
2006-0056 | 9/6/06 | Committing Clean Beaches Initiative Grant Funds to the Port of Los Angeles (Port) for the Inner Cabrillo Beach Water Quality Improvement Project (Project); Clean Beaches Initiative (CBI) Grant Program; CBI Project No. 309 |
2006-0057 | 9/6/06 | Committing Clean Beaches Initiative Grant Funds to the City of Long Beach (City) for Colorado Lagoon Beaches (Project); Clean Beaches Initiative (CBI) Grant Program; CBI Project No. 310 |
2006-0058 | 9/6/06 | Committing Clean Beaches Initiative Grant Funds to the City of Malibu (City) for the Paradise Cove Stormwater Treatment System (Project); Clean Beaches Initiative (CBI) Grant Program; CBI Project No. 315 |
2006-0059 | 9/6/06 | Approving a Preliminary State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Commitment to County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (Districts) Nitrification/De-Nitrification (NDN) Facilities Projects (Projects); SRF Loan Project Nos. C-06-4701-110, -210, -310, -410, and -510 |
2006-0060 | 9/6/06 | Approving of Projects, and Authorizing Issuance of Grants for the Integrated Watershed Management Program (IWMP) and the Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program (NPSPCP) Administered Through the 2005-06 Consolidated Grants Program |
2006-0061 | 9/6/06 | Approving a Preliminary State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Commitment to Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District (District) for Construction of the Tertiary Treatment Plant Upgrade (Project); SRF Loan Project No. C-06-4823-110 |
2006-0062 | 9/6/06 | Approving a Preliminary SRF Loan Commitment for the Santa Margarita Water District (District) Recycled Water Program Expansion Group 3 Facilities (Project); SRF Loan Project No. C-06-4845-210 |
2006-0063 | 9/21/06 | Approving projects, and authorizing issuance of grants for the Urban Storm Water Program (USWP) and the Nonpoint Source (NPS) Implementation (319[H]) Program administered through the 2005-06 Consolidated Grants Program |
2006-0064 | 9/21/06 | Adopting emergency regulations revising the fee schedules contained in Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 9, Article 1, Sections 2200, 2200.1, 2200.2, 2200.3, 2200.6 and 2201 of the California Code of Regulations |
2006-0065 | 9/21/06 | Adopting emergency regulations amending Water Right and Water Quality certification fee schedules in Title 23, Division 3, of the California Code of Regulations |
2006-0066 | 9/21/06 | Authorizing execution of contracts and amendments to implement statewide comprehensive groundwater quality monitoring in the Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) program |
2006-0067 | 9/21/06 | Approving an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coast Region (Basin Plan) to establish a Watsonville Slough Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for pathogens, establish a Watsonville Slough watershed livestock waste discharge prohibition, and remove the shellfish harvesting beneficial use from Watsonville Slough and tributaries |
2006-0068 | 9/21/06 | Approving an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coast region (Basin Plan) to establish Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) and a land disturbance prohibition for sediment in Pajaro River (including Llagas Creek, Rider Creek, and San Benito River) |
2006-0069 | 9/21/06 | Approving an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Region (Basin Plan) to add unnamed or unidentified water bodies to the Beneficial Use Tables and make water quality objective table corrections |
2006-0070 | 10/11/06 | Approving a preliminary State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan commitment for the City of Redding, Clear Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Expansion Phase I; SRF Loan Project No. C-06-4971-110 |
2006-0071 | 10/11/06 | Approving projects and authorizing issuance of grants for the Agricultural Water Quality Grant Program administered through the 2005-06 Consolidated Grants Program |
2006-0072 | 10/25/06 | Appointment of Clean Beaches Initiative Task Force members |
2006-0073 | 10/25/06 | Approval of a resolution committing Clean Beaches Initiative grant funds to the County of Sonoma Regional Parks for the Westside Park Septic to Sewer project at Bodega Bay at Campbell Cove Beach; Clean Beaches Initiative grant program; CBI Project No. 301 |
2006-0074 | 10/25/06 | Adoption of the Proposition 50 Clean Beaches Initiative grant program guidelines |
2006-0075 | 10/25/06 | Authorizing to allocate $500,000 from the Cleanup and Abatement Account to the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board for the Spring Pond water treatment project at Leviathan Mine |
2006-0076 | 10/25/06 | Authorizing the Executive Director to accept a grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency to continue contaminant source investigation activities in the San Gabriel Valley |
2006-0077 | 10/25/06 | Approving an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego region addressing Basin Plan Issue No. 6, authorization of compliance time schedules in National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System requirements |
2006-0078 | 10/25/06 | Approving an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles region establishing Total Maximum Daily Loads for metals and selenium in Calleguas Creek, its tributaries, and Mugu Lagoon |
2006-0079 | 10/25/06 | Approving the proposed 2006 Federal Clean Water Act Section 303(d) list of water quality limited segments for California [proposed 2006 Section 303(d) list] |
2006-0080 | 11/15/06 | Approval of a Resolution Committing Clean Beaches Initiative (CBI) Grant Funds to Santa Cruz County Sanitation District (District) for the Aptos Esplanade Sewer Replacement Project (Project) Rio Del Mar/Seacliff Beaches; CBI Grant Program; CBI Project No. 316 |
2006-0081 | 11/15/06 | Approval of a Resolution Committing Clean Beaches Initiative (CBI) Grant Funds to Santa Cruz County Sanitation District (District) for the Capitola Esplanade Sewer Replacement Project (Project) Capitola Beach; CBI Grant Program; CBI Project No. 317 |
2006-0082 | 11/15/06 | Approval of a Resolution Committing Clean Beaches Initiative (CBI) Grant Funds to the Port of San Francisco (Port) for the Fisherman’s Wharf Pier 45 Process Water/Storm Water Collection System 10086 at Aquatic Park Peach; CBI Grant Program; CBI Project No. 318 |
2006-0083 | 11/15/06 | Approval of a Resolution Committing Clean Beaches Initiative (CBI) Grant Funds to the County of Los Angeles Beaches and Harbors (County) for the Septic System Improvements (Project) at Surfrider Beach; CBI Grant Program; CBI Project No. 319 |
2006-0084 | 11/15/06 | Approval of a Resolution Committing Clean Beaches Initiative (CBI) Grant Funds to the County of Los Angeles Beaches and Harbors (County) for the Septic System Improvements (Project) at Topanga County Beach; CBI Grant Program; CBI Project No. 320 |
2006-0085 | 11/15/06 | Approval of a Preliminary State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Commitment to Rosamond Community Services District (District) for Construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project (Project); SRF Loan Project No. C-06-4148-110 |
2006-0086 | 11/15/06 | Approval of a Preliminary State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Recommitment to City of Lompoc (City) for Construction of the Lompoc Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant Upgrade and Expansion (Project); SRF Loan Project No. C-06-4829-110 |
2006-0087 | 11/15/06 | Resolution Approving Projects and Authorizing Issuance of Grants for the Coastal Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program (CNPSPCP) Administered Through the 2005-06 Consolidated Grants Program |
2006-0088 | 11/15/06 | Authorizing the Executive Director to Receive a Grant from the Department of Energy to Continue Oversight Activities at the Laboratory for Energy-Related Health Research/UCD Facility |
2006-0089 | 11/15/06 | Authorizing the Executive Director to Receive a Grant From the Department of Energy to Continue Oversight Activities at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Site 300 Facility |
2006-0090 | 11/15/06 | Approving an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Region (Basin Plan) to Edit and Reformat Text, and Update Graphics; and to Reinstate Text on “Controllable Water Quality Factors” |
2006-0091 | 11/15/06 | Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Region (Basin Plan) to Establish a Water Quality Attainment Strategy and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Diazinon and Pesticide-Related Toxicity in Bay Area Urban Creeks |
2006-0092 | 11/15/06 |
Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region Incorporating a Total Maximum Daily Load for Bacteria in Ballona Creek, Ballona Estuary, and Sepulveda Channel |
2006-0093 | 11/15/06 |
Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan |
2006-0094 | 11/30/06 | Revising and Re-Adopting Emergency Regulations Amending Water Right and Water Quality Certification Fee Schedules in Title 23, Division 3, of the California Code of Regulations |
2006-0095 | 12/13/06 | Approval of a Resolution Committing Clean Beaches Initiative (CBI) Grant Funds to the City of Oceanside (City) for the Loma Alta Creek Ultraviolet Light Treatment Facility (Project); CBI Grant Program; CBI Project No. 312 |
2006-0096 | 12/13/06 | Approval of a Resolution Committing Clean Beaches Initiative (CBI) Grant Funds to Santa Cruz County Sanitation District (District) for the New Brighton/Seacliff Beaches Sewer Line Replacement Project (Project); CBI Grant Program; CBI Project No. 321 |
2006-0097 | 12/13/06 | Authorizing Issuance of a $1,462,400 Installment Sales Agreement (ISA) Contract and Amendments Thereto From the Agricultural Drainage Management Loan Program (ADMLP) to the Pacheco Water District (District) for an Irrigation System Improvement Project (Project) |
2006-0098 | 12/13/06 | Adoption of the Amended Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary |