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The following Resolutions have been adopted, at a regular Board Meeting, by the State Water Resources Control Board.
1/9/69 |
Requesting the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration to assume responsibility for conducting further work on the publication titled “Water Quality Criteria” |
1/9/69 |
Authorization of an amendment to provide an additional allocation of funds to the master contract with Kaiser Engineers for professional, technical, and management services under the San Francisco Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Program |
1/9/69 |
Salary adjustment requesting for the Executive Officers of Regional Water Quality Control Boards |
1/9/69 |
Commending the Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, Department of Parks and Recreation, and US National Park Service for constructing trailer and camper waste disposal facilities |
1/23/69 |
Commending the Department of Parks and Recreation for publicity coverage of trailer and camper waste disposal facilities and recommending action by the Department of Public Health |
3/26/69 |
Approving a loan from the SWRCB to the Tahoe City Public Utility District |
3/26/69 |
Delegation of additional authority to the Chief of the Division of Water Rights |
5/9/69 |
Adoption of the final report to this Board of Study Panel established pursuant to resolution No. 68-7 |
5/8/69 |
Approval of a loan from the SWRCB to the Chester Sanitary District |
5/8/69 |
Authorization of additional funds for services of the Board of Consultants San Francisco Bay-Delta Program |
5/23/69 |
Authorization of additional funds for services of the Board of Consultants San Francisco Bay-Delta Program |
8/25/69 |
Authorization of a loan to the California Host Committee, IAWPR-1970 |
9/18/69 |
Consent to modification of San Andreas Sanitary District 1955 Sewer Revenue Bonds and resolution providing for their issuance |
9/18/69 |
Approval of a loan from the SWRCB to the Tahoe City Public Utility District |
9/18/69 |
Authorizes a salary increase to the Executive Officer SWRCB |
10/16/69 |
Authorizes the Executive Officer to execute contracts between the SWRCB and the City of Madera for a loan for planning and development of sewage treatment facilities |
10/16/69 |
Formation of an Interagency Programming Committee to consider the overall state program for the control and management of water quality |
11/6/69 |
Defining the Executive Office of the SWRCB as a public officer for the purposes of Chapter 1512 of the 69 California Statues relating to the disclosure of financial interests |
11/6/69 |
Approval of amendment to lease |
12/22/69 |
Authorizes the Executive Officer to execute an amendment between the SWRCB and Tahoe City Public Utility District |