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The following Resolutions have been adopted, at a regular Board Meeting, by the State Water Resources Control Board.
1/19/78 |
Approving an Amendment to Loan Contract No. WQL6-006-50 between the SWRCB and the Humboldt Bay Wastewater Authority |
1/19/78 |
Water Quality Control Plan for Ocean Waters of California |
1/19/78 |
Supporting Adoption of the Clean Water and Water Conservation Bond Law of 1978 (The 1978 Bond Law) |
1/19/78 |
Board Acceptance of the Report “Evaluation of Point Loma Outfall Monitoring Program” Prepared by Resource Management Associates |
2/14/78 |
Amending Board Order No. WQ 76-23 Relating to Grant Funding of Conveyance Facilities for Solvang Municipal Improvement District SYCSD (Santa Ynez Community Services District) |
2/14/78 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of an Agreement with the University of California, Davis for a Demonstration of Overland Flow Treatment Process for Treatment of Primary Treated Municipal Wastewater |
3/16/78 |
Adoption of Fiscal Year 1978-79 Priority List (Grants) |
3/16/78 |
Negotiation and Execution of an Interagency Agreement between the SWRCB and the Department of Water Resources for Identifying Potential Water Reclamation Projects |
3/16/78 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of a Contract with the University of California, Berkley for Validation of Virus Assay Techniques in San Francisco Bay Shellfish |
3/16/78 |
“Action Plan for Alternative Wastewater Management Systems Investigation and Implementation in California” |
3/16/78 |
Ratification of Intergovernmental Personnel Act Agreement between the USEPA and the SWRCB for Providing Assistance to the Office of Water Recycling |
3/16/78 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of a Contract with the University of California, Davis for Technical and Personnel Services to Direct the Irrigation Wastewater Aquaculture Project at Firebaugh |
3/16/78 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of an Agreement with CalTRANS for a Study of the Impacts of Recreational Vehicle Wastes on Small Treatment Systems and Groundwaters |
4/20/78 |
Review of Action of the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board, Regarding Adoption of Order no. 76-21, Waste Discharge Requirements for Southern California Edison Company and San Diego Gas & Electric Company, San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 & 3 |
4/20/78 |
Approval of Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan, San Diego Basin |
4/20/78 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of a Standard Agreement with Water Resources Engineers, Inc., to Update the Santa Ana River Basin Quantity Quality Groundwater Surface Water Model |
4/20/78 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of a Contract to Study the Dilution and Movement of Point Source Effluent Discharges Affecting San Francisco Bay Shellfish Beds |
4/20/78 |
Amendment of FY 1978-79 Priority List to Include Priority Class G Projects |
4/20/78 |
Approving Resolution No. 78-01 and Resolution No. 78-02 of the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin |
4/20/78 |
Acceptance and Authorization for Printing of the Final Report “Trace Elements in Seafood Organisms Around Southern California Municipal Wastewater Outfalls” Prepared by the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project |
4/20/78 |
Board Acceptance of the First Year Summary Report for “Groundwater Recharge by Direct Injection of Reclaimed Water in Palo Alto” Project Prepared by Stanford University |
4/20/78 |
Authorizing an Amendment to Interagency Agreement No. 58C400 with the Department of Health for the “Design Optimization of the Chlorination Process” Project (Time Extension) |
4/20/78 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of an Interagency Agreement with the Department of Fish and Game for Operation of the Marine Monitoring Program |
4/20/78 |
Remand Waste Discharge Requirements for Antioch and Pittsburg to the Central Valley and San Francisco Bay Regional Boards |
4/20/78 |
Relating to the Request of Louisiana Pacific Corporation (Louisiana Pacific) and Crown Simpson Pulp Company (Crown Simpson) for Delay in Commencement of Time Schedule for Compliance |
5/18/78 |
Commending the Staff of the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board for Their Creative and Expeditious Action in Removing the Danger of Pollution to the Mokelumne River and Lake Camanche from Toxic Mine Waste Discharge |
5/18/78 |
Approval of an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin (Nipomo Area, San Luis Obispo County) |
5/18/78 |
Approval to Amend the Three Agency Cooperative Agreement for the San Joaquin Valley Interagency Drainage Program |
5/18/78 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of an Interagency Agreement with the Department of Fish and Game for Personnel Services |
5/18/78 |
Authorizing Execution of an Interagency Agreement Between the SWRCB and the Department of General Services Data Processing Services Office for Key Entry and Other Data Processing Services in Support of the Statewide Water Quality Information System |
5/18/78 |
Authorizing an Amendment to Standard Agreement No. 59R400 with the Chino Basin Municipal Water District for a “Pilot Program to Treat and Reclaim Animal Wastes” |
5/18/78 |
Certification that Final EIR, Dated April 1978, on Application 19877, 24172, and 24808 of Big Basin Water Company, Et Al. has been Completed in Compliance with CEQA and the State EIR Guidelines |
5/18/78 |
Authorizing Execution of Amendment No. 1 to Standard Agreement No. W6-135-30 between the State Board and Environmental Research Consultants, Inc. for Preparation of an EIR |
6/27/78 |
Providing Direction to the Carmel Sanitary District in the Selection of Alternative Facilities Plans and Establishing Conditions for Compliance with Board Resolution No. 75-61 |
6/27/78 |
Directing the Division of Water Rights to Commence an Investigation into the Degradation of the Oxnard Plain Groundwater Basin in Ventura County Due to Seawater Intrusion |
6/27/78 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of an Agreement with the Santa Clara Valley Water District for a Demonstration Program to Evaluate a System for On-line Monitoring of Reclaimed Water for Trace Organic Priority Pollutants |
6/27/78 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, for the Development of an Inventory of Groundwater Quality Monitoring Networks in California |
6/27/78 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of Interagency Agreement with the Department of Fish and Game to Continue a Program of Biological Monitoring for Toxic Substances |
7/20/78 |
Disapproval of Certification/Adoption of the Lake Tahoe 208 Water Quality Management Plan and Dedesignation of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency as a 208 Planning Agency |
7/20/78 |
Approval of Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Clara River Basin (4A) |
8/16/78 |
Expressing Appreciation to the Members of the State Board’s Delta Unit |
8/16/78 |
Adoption of the Final Environmental Impact Report Dated August 1978 on Water Quality Control Plan and Water Right Decision for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Mars and Authorization for the Executive Officer to Certify Compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and the State Environmental Impact Report Guidelines |
8/16/78 |
Adoption of Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Marsh |
8/16/78 |
Expressing Appreciation to Roderick Walston and Richard Jacobs for Representing the Board before the U.S. Supreme Court in California v. United States (New Melones Case) |
8/16/78 |
Accepting the Staff Report “Review of Policy and Action Plan for Water Reclamation” and Directing Staff to Take the Actions Recommended in the Staff Report |
8/16/78 |
Authorizing Funding of the Local Share of a Step 1 Project for a Pilot Study of Septage Treatment Basins |
8/16/78 |
Authorizing Execution of Contracts between the State Board and Kern County Water Agency for a Study of the Use of Saline Drainage Waters for Irrigation |
8/16/78 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of a Contract with the University of California, Davis for a Study of Aquaculture as Alternative Wastewater Treatment Technique |
8/16/78 |
Authorization Negotiation and Execution of a Contract with the University of California, Institute of Marine Resources, for a Marine Advisory Committee |
8/16/78 |
Extending the Department of Health Services’ Laboratory Services Contract with the RWQCBs through FY 1978-79 |
8/16/78 |
Extending the Study and Activities of the Quality Assurance Program Involving Laboratory Inspection and Certification between the SWRCB, the Department of Health Services, & the Department of Fish & Game |
8/16/78 |
Authorizing Execution of an Interagency Agreement between the State Board and the Stephen P. Teale Consolidated Data Center for Electronic Data Processing Services to Support the Board’s Data Management Systems |
8/16/78 |
Authorizing Execution of Interagency Agreements between the SWRCB & the Department of General Services & the SWRCB &Stephen P. Teale Data Center for Development and Implementation of the California Wastewater Improvements Control System |
9/25/78 |
Authorizing the Chairman to Execute an Agreement in Principle with the Regional Administrator, USEPA, Region IX, Concerning the Delegation of the Construction Grant Program to California |
9/25/78 |
Adopting an Agreement between the State of California and the USEPA, Region IX, Concerning the Delegation of the Construction Grant Program to California |
9/25/78 |
Adoption of the San Francisco Bay Area 208 Plan |
9/25/78 |
Approval of Policy on Discrete Sewerage Facilities Adopted by the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board |
9/25/78 |
Authorizing the Executive Director to Negotiate and Execute a Contract with the Stinson Beach County Water District for a Demonstration On-site Wastewater Management District |
9/25/78 |
Adoption of Regulations to Implement Changes in the California Environmental Quality Act |
9/25/78 |
Authorizing the Executive Director to Negotiate and Execute a Standard Agreement with the Department of Water Resources to Investigate and Report on Four Small Groundwater Subbasins within the Santa Ana Region |
9/25/78 |
Authorization to Accept USEPA Grants and Execute Contracts with Department of Health Services and Office of Appropriate Technology for Phase II of Rural Wastewater Disposal Alternatives Study |
9/25/78 |
Review of Action of the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, Regarding Adoption of Order No. 6-78-27, Waste Discharge Requirements for California Correctional Center, Susanville |
10/19/78 |
Adoption of the Ventura Area 208 Plan |
10/19/78 |
Designation of the 208 Planning Agency for the Ventura Area and Modification of Planning Boundaries |
10/19/78 |
Adoption of the San Diego/Riverside Area 208 Plan |
10/19/78 |
Adoption of the Monterey Bay Area 208 Plan |
10/19/78 |
Directing the Executive Director to Refer to the Attorney General the Matter of Unauthorized Diversion of Water by Storage in a Reservoir of Hamilton and Brody on an Unnamed Stream Tributary to Shingle Creek in El Dorado County |
10/19/78 |
Authorization of Expenditures from the Site Closure and Maintenance Revolving Account |
10/19/78 |
Approval of Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, to Include Board Approved Water Quality Related Actions from ABAG;s 208 Plan |
10/19/78 |
Authorizing the Amendment of Interagency Agreement No. 7 283 41 between the SWRCB and the Department of Fish &Game |
10/19/78 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of an Interagency Agreement between the SWRCB and the Department of Water Resources to Assist in the Operation of a Coordinated Program for Water Quality Surveillance and Monitoring |
11/06/78 |
Reaffirmation of the Dedesignation of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency as a 208 Planning Agency (SWRCB Resolution No. 78-039) |
11/16/78 |
Authorizing Acceptance of the Draft Final Report “Guidance Manual of Rural Wastewater Management” |
12/21/78 |
Expressing Appreciation to Byron F. Clark |
12/21/78 |
Authorizing Funding of the Local Share of Planning Studies for Unsewered Communities in San Joaquin, Tehama, Tulare, Mariposa, Tuolumne, & Madera Counties |
12/21/78 |
Directing the Executive Director to Refer to the Attorney General the Matter of Unauthorized Direct Diversion of Water by David S. Adams and Sons, Inc., from Fish Hatchery Creek and its Tributary in Marin County |
12/21/78 |
SWRCB Acceptance of the “Health Aspects of Groundwater Recharge with Reclaimed Water in Montebello Forebay” Study Phase I – Report by County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County |
12/21/78 |
Board Acceptance of Final Report “Determination of Mutagenicity of Selected California Wastewaters” Prepared by the University of California |
12/21/78 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of a Contract for Identification of Chemical Mutagens in Wastewater |
12/21/78 |
Authorizing an Amendment to Standard Agreement No. 59R400 with the Chino Basin Municipal Water District for a “Pilot Program to Treat and Reclaim Animal Wastes” |
12/21/78 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of a Contract with the United States Salinity Laboratory of the United States Department of Agriculture for a Study into the Water Quality Needs of Subirrigated Organic Soil of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta |