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The following Resolutions have been adopted, at a regular Board Meeting, by the State Water Resources Control Board.
1/25/79 |
In the matter of review of action of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, regarding adoption of Order No.76-21, waste discharge requirements for southern California Edison Company and San Diego Gas & Electric Company, San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 & 3. | |
1/25/79 |
Authorizing revision to standard agreement W6-047-32, and extension of completion date to April 30,1979. | |
1/25/79 |
Longstanding gross pollution of the new river in Imperial County. | |
1/25/79 |
Authorizing execution of amendment No.1 to standard agreement No. W6-117-50 between the state board and resource management associates. | |
1/25/79 |
Amending resolution No.77-087 to extend repayment of a loan from the Water Quality Control Fund to Stinson Beach County Water District from 15 to 20 years. | |
1/25/79 |
Authorizing negotiations and execution of an amendment to interagency agreement No.7 108 41 with the Department of Water Resources for a study of the feasibility of using irrigation return waters for aquaculture | |
1/25/79 |
Authorizing an amendment to the contract with the University of California, Institute of Marine Resources, for a Marine Advisory Committee (Augmentation of F.Y. 1978-79 Funds) | |
1/25/79 |
Ratification of emergency action by the executive director regarding the execution of Amendment No. 4 to Interagency Agreement No. 4070400 between the SWRCB & the Department of Water Resources for the conduct of the SWRCB’s primary network surface water monitoring program. | |
1/25/79 |
Authorizing the execution of an amendment to standard agreement No.7 211 11 with the U.S. Geological Survey for the completion of the Russian River Water Quality Investigation. | |
1/25/79 |
Authorizing extension of an increase in the money amount of an interagency agreement between the SWRCB and the Department of General Services for development and implementation of the Waste Discharge System. | |
1/25/79 |
Authorizing Execution of an interagency agreement between the SWRCB and the Department of General Services for Analyst, programming and key data entry services in support of Water Rights Division. | |
2/15/79 |
Authorizing the Executive Director, Deputy Executive Director, or Chief Division of Audits and Administration, to execute grant contracts with municipalities pursuant to the Clean Water Bond Laws of 1970,1974 and 1978 | |
2/15/79 |
Concurrence with exception to the Thermal Plan for Allied Chemical Corporation, Bay Point Works. | |
2/15/79 |
General Delegation of authority to Executive Director. | |
2/15/79 |
Delegating authority to the Executive Director and Division Chiefs to take certain actions under the California Environmental Quality Act. | |
2/15/79 |
Designating a duly authorized representative of the SWRCB for determination of certain contractual disputes. | |
2/15/79 |
Delegation of authority to the executive director to execute certain agreements and documents for and on behalf of the board. | |
3/15/79 |
Modifying the Division of Water Quality ‘s decision to deny grant funding for step I studies of reclamation uses in Big Bear Basin. | |
3/15/79 |
Denying further funding for the Solano Irrigation District Reclamation Project and removing it from the Clean Water Grant Priority List. | |
3/15/79 |
Determination to review the proposed Wastewater Project of the Humboldt Bay Wastewater Authority (HBWA), the status of compliance with existing state orders regulating those entities currently discharging waste to Humboldt Bay and the application of the Bays and Estuaries Policy to the Bay. | |
3/15/79 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of a contract for improving quality of trace metal analyses of Marine Sediments and Wastewater Sludge. | |
3/15/79 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution contract with Stanford University for a study of the behavior of organic pollutants in groundwater recharge. | |
3/15/79 |
Authorization to negotiate with the U.S. Geological Survey for a Groundwater Investigations in the Santa Ynez Valley and approval to amend the SWRCB’s Master Agreement with the USGS to include the subject study. | |
3/15/79 |
Adoption of the Sacramento Regional Area 208 Plan and Approval of continuing designation of the Sacramento Regional Area Planning commission as the 208 Planning Agency for the Sacramento Regional Area. | |
3/15/79 |
Authorizing amendment to USGS contract for monitoring of new and Alamo Rivers Coachella Valley Groundwater, and Colorado River Salinity. | |
3/15/79 |
Authorizing the executive director to execute a consultant contract for services related to construction contract claims. | |
3/15/79 |
Board acceptance of final report: “ A study to develop standard procedures for life history analyses of benthic invertebrates for biological monitoring in marine and estuarine environments” (standard agreement No. W5-018-40) | |
3/15/79 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of an interagency agreement with the department of fish and game operation of the marine monitoring program. | |
3/15/79 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of an interagency agreement with the Department of Fish & Game for personnel services. | |
3/15/79 |
Authorizing the executive director to negotiate and execute a cooperative agreement between the SWRCB and the US Geological Survey for Water Quality Monitoring & Special Studies. | |
3/15/79 |
Proposed authorization to negotiate and execute an interagency agreement with the Department of Water Resources for an investigation of impacts of mineral discharges in the Paso Robles Area. | |
3/15/79 |
Approval of amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles River Basin | |
4/19/79 |
Granting stay of effect of portion of order No. 79-016, Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, a cease and desist order regarding occidental chemical company. | |
4/19/79 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of a contract for “ Municipal Wastewater Reuse for Cooling Systems- Technology Transfer Report”. | |
4/19/79 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of contract for “Water Recycling in the Food Processing Industry- Technology Transfer Report” | |
4/19/79 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of a contract for “Water Recycling in the Pulp and Paper Industry - Technology Transfer Report” | |
4/19/79 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of an agreement for an “Evaluation of Successful Agricultural Irrigation Projects Using Reclaimed Water” | |
4/19/79 |
Board acceptance of final report “Assessment of Water Quality Impacts: Alternatives for discharge of San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Drainage to the Western Delta-Suisun Bay Region”, prepared by Hydroscience, Inc. | |
4/19/79 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of an interagency agreement between the SWRCB and the Department of Water Resources for Special Water Quality Monitoring Studies. | |
4/19/79 |
Accepting a Coastal Energy Impact Program Grant for the development of an Oil Spill Prevention Policy for the San Francisco Bay. | |
4/19/79 |
Approval of exception to the Ocean Plan for Aquaculture Enterprises, NPDES No. CA0047937, and Granite Canyon Marine Culture and Bioassay Laboratory, NPDES No. CA0047741 | |
5/17/79 |
Policy of the SWRCB to ensure consideration of all relevant evidence. | |
5/17/79 |
Adoption of the staff report “Oxnard Plain Groundwater Study: Water Code Section 2100” | |
5/17/79 |
Amending flow limit for El Toro Water District in Aliso Wastewater Management Agency Clean Water Grant Contract. | |
5/17/79 |
Policy Statement on Wastewater discharge to watercourses in water deficient areas. | |
5/17/79 |
Adoption of proposed changes to the “Guidelines for Sewage Disposal for Land Development” - Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. | |
5/17/79 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of an agreement with the University of California for a study of water and fertilizer management to minimize nonpoint water pollution by nutrients. | |
5/17/79 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of an agreement with the foundation for ocean research for personal purposes. | |
5/17/79 |
Acceptance of final report: “Examination of selected freshwater fish species for use in standardized regulatory acute toxicity bioassays”, prepared by the California State Department of Fish & Game (Interagency Agreement No. 3-2-77) | |
5/17/79 |
Authorizing the executive director to negotiate and execute a contract with the County of San Bernardino Environmental Improvement Agency for a demonstration of a vacuum sewer system. | |
6/21/79 |
State Employee Salaries | |
6/21/79 |
Rejecting protests against applications 24553,24554 of Green Valley Mutual Water Company and determining that the projects developed under the application will not adversely impact the environment. | |
6/21/79 |
Supporting the plan adopted by the Air Resources Board to meet Air Quality Standards at Lake Tahoe. | |
6/21/79 |
Agreement No. 8-151-400-0 with J.B. Gilbert & Associates | |
6/21/79 |
Authorizing final payment to the University of California for completion of ocean outfall dilution studies under standard agreement W6-047-22. | |
6/21/79 |
Approval of exceptions to the ocean plan for Western LNG Terminal Associates, point conception facility, Santa Barbara County NPDES No. CA 0048721 | |
6/21/79 |
Authorizing Execution of an Interagency Agreement between the State Board and the Franchise Tax Board for Key Data Entry Services to Support the Board's Data Management Systems | |
6/21/79 |
Authorizing Execution of an Interagency Agreement between the State Board and the Stephen P. Teale Consolidated Data Center for Electronic Data Processing Services to Support the Board's Data Management Systems | |
6/26/79 |
Certification of the non-designated area 208 plan (in part). | |
6/26/79 |
Submittal of work plans to USEPA for Phase II 208 planning | |
7/19/79 |
Review of San Diego Regional Board Order No.79-35 waste discharge requirements for Leucadia County Water District Water Reclamation Plant. | |
7/19/79 |
Certification/Continued designation of the 208 Plan for the South Coastal 208 Planning Area and the Southern California Association of Governments, respectively. | |
7/19/79 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of a contract with SRI International for Identification of Chemical Mutagens in wastewater. | |
7/19/79 |
Extending the department of Health Services’ Laboratory Services Contract with the Regional Boards through F.Y. 1979-80 | |
7/19/79 |
Extending the study and activities of the quality assurance program involving laboratory inspection and certification between the SWRCB, the Department of Health Services, & the Department of Fish & Game. | |
7/19/79 |
Appeal by Agnes D. Lively from staff determination of ineligibility for grade IV certification and request for hearing. | |
7/19/79 |
Appeal by Paul L. C. Fong from staff determination of ineligibility for grade IV certification and request for hearing | |
7/19/79 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of a contract with the U.S. Geological Survey for a study to determine more accurately Delta overflow at Chipps Island using an acoustic velocity metering system. | |
8/16/79 |
Approval of amendments to Basin Water Quality Control Plans for Regions 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7 and final certification of portions of the State non-designated Area 208 Plan | |
8/16/79 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of contracts for a study of the effects of pollutants on the San Francisco Bay-Delta Striped Bass Fishery | |
8/16/79 |
Authorizing execution of an amendment to standard agreement No. 18 130 400 with the University of California (San Diego), Institute of Marine Resources, for Marine Advisory Committee Consulting Services. | |
9/20/79 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of a contract for a study of “ Ozone Treatment of Wastewater used in Cooling Towers” | |
9/20/79 |
Adopting an agreement between the State of California & USEPA, Region IX, on the development and implementation of an integrated toxics management program for SFY1979-80/FFY 1980 | |
9/20/79 |
Adopting the Section 106 Grant Water Pollution Control Programs SFY 1979-80/FFY 1980 | |
9/20/79 |
Adopting the: Section 205 (g), Construction Management Assistance Grant Application and Agreement in principle regarding delegation of authority SFY1979-80/FFY 1980 | |
9/20/79 |
Adopting an agreement between the State of California and the USEPA, Region IX, on the development and implementation of the California State Water Quality Management Program for SFY 1979-80/FFY 1980 | |
9/20/79 |
Adopting an agreement between the SWRCB and the USEPA. Region IX, on the development and implementation of the California State Quality Management Program for State Fiscal Year 79-80/FF Year 1980. | |
9/20/79 |
Approval of work plan for Phase II 208 planning. | |
9/20/79 |
Request by Contra Costa County Sanitation District No. 7- A for waiver from 30-day time limit for appeal to SWRCB. | |
9/20/79 |
Adoption of 1978 revision to Water Quality Standards for salinity, including numeric criteria and plan of implementation for salinity control, the Colorado River, and functional equivalent document prepared for the revision. | |
9/20/79 |
Proposed authorization to negotiate and execute an agreement with the association of Monterey Bay Area governments for RWQCB staff services in Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties. | |
9/20/79 |
Authorization execution of an amendment extending the term of a contract between Water Resources engineers and the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. | |
9/20/79 |
Authorizing execution of an interagency agreement between the state and the Department of General Services for data processing services and key data entry support for the Board’s Data Management System. | |
9/20/79 |
Appointment of membership to the Advisory Committee for Wastewater treatment plant classification and operator certification. | |
9/20/79 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of an interagency agreement between the SWRCB & the Department of Water Resources to assist in the operation of coordinated program for water quality surveillance and monitoring. | |
9/20/79 |
Authorizing the executive officer to execute contract with the U.S. Geological Survey for accomplishing projection of section lines on base maps. | |
10/4/79 |
Finding and report required in connection with Tahoe-Trucking Sanitation Agency v. SWRCB ET AL. , San Joaquin County Superior Court No. 141 132 | |
10/18/79 |
Authorizing the executive director to negotiate and execute contracts for 208 Water Quality Management Planning. | |
10/18/79 |
Approval of execution of a contract between that SWRCB and the Association of Bay Area Governments for State and RWQCB participation in the 208 Continuing Planning Program | |
10/18/79 |
Amending flow limit for El Toro Water District in Aliso Wastewater Management Agency Clean Water Grant. | |
10/18/79 |
Authorizing Execution of an amendment augmenting standard agreement No. 8-161-120-0 with C.R. Cushing | |
10/18/79 |
Approval of Basin Plan Amendments for the Central Valley Region and Partial Certification of the non-designated Area 208 Plan. | |
10/18/79 |
Approval of the work plan for the Striped Bass Study Program | |
10/18/79 |
Authorizing the executive director to negotiate and execute an amendment to cooperative agreement No. 8-163-400 between the SWRCB and the U.S. Geological Survey for a Lake Tahoe monitoring program. | |
10/18/79 |
Authorizing the executive director to negotiate and execute a contract between SWRCB and the university of California, Davis, on behalf of the Tahoe Research Group, for a Lake Tahoe Monitoring Program. | |
11/15/79 |
Approving an amendment to loan contract No. WQL6-006-50 between the SWRCB and the Humboldt Bay Wastewater Authority. | |
11/15/79 |
Approval of a work plan for the San Francisco Bay Shellfish Program and Authorization to negotiate and execute contracts for the conduct of the program. | |
11/15/79 |
Authorizing the executive director to accept a grant offer from the USEPA to evaluate effects of underground injections on groundwater. | |
11/15/79 |
Waiver of 30-day time limitation for filling an appeal and authorization to schedule a hearing on the question on whether Ron Linden is qualified for certification as a grade IV wastewater plant operator | |
11/15/79 |
Approval of South Lahontan Basin Plan amendment concerning the Community of Boron | |
11/15/79 |
Approving an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan, North Coastal Basin - Jacoby Creek &Old Arcata Road Areas. | |
12/20/79 |
Adoption of regulations for establishment of instream flow requirements. | |
12/20/79 |
Authorizing the chairwoman to sign memorandum of understating for SWRCB representation of the State Geothermal Coordinating Council. | |
12/20/79 |
Authorizing execution of an amendment to standard agreement No.8 081 41 with the Santa Clara Valley Water District for a Demonstration Program for On Line Monitoring of Reclaimed Water for Trace Organic Priority Pollutants. | |
12/20/79 |
Authorizing the executive director to negotiate and execute a contract for demonstration of a small diameter gravity sewer system. | |
12/20/79 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of an amendment to Interagency Agreement No. 8 152 400-0 with the Department of Health Services for a study of the Health Impacts of Dry Toilets and Greywater Systems in rural areas. | |
12/20/79 |
Authorization negotiation and execution on amendments to Interagency Agreement No. 7-108-41 with the Department of Water Resources and standard agreement No. 7-210-41 with the University of California, Davis, for a study of the feasibility of using irrigation return waters for aquaculture. | |
12/20/79 |
Concurrence with the exception to the thermal plan for US Steel Corporation, Pittsburg Works. | |
12/20/79 |
Assignment of SWRCB Engineers to the Corps of Engineers to assist the Corps in monitoring construction activities of Clean Water Grant Projects. | |
12/20/79 |
Resolution in support of policies adopted by CALGOC Members |