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The following Resolutions have been adopted, at a regular Board Meeting, by the State Water Resources Control Board.
1/24/80 |
Expressing Appreciation to Andrew Sawyer |
1/24/80 |
Expressing Appreciation to Clinton L. Whitney |
1/24/80 |
Delegation of authority to the Executive Director to execute no cost extensions of agreement on behalf of the board (Amendment of Resolution No. 79-17) |
1/24/80 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of an interagency agreement with the Department of Fish & Game to continue a program of biological monitoring for toxic substances |
1/24/80 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of interagency agreements with the Departments of Fish & Game & Water Resources to implement the ambient monitoring portion to the EPA basic water monitoring program |
1/24/80 |
Approval of Basin Plan amendment to the Central Coast Region and partial certification of the Non-designated Area 208 Plan. |
1/24/80 |
Authorizing the executive director to negotiate conditions for acceptance of a grant from the USEPA for restoration of Lake Merritt, Alameda County, |
1/24/80 |
Expressing Appreciation to Charles White |
2/21/80 |
Supporting adoption of the parklands and renewable resources bond issue. |
2/21/80 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of an interagency agreement with the Department of Water Resources to assist in the operation of a coordinated program for Water Quality Surveillance and monitoring. |
2/21/80 |
Approving guidelines for new community and individual sewerage facilities, San Diego Region. |
2/21/80 |
Approval of Basin Plan amendment for the Central Valley Region and partial certification of the non-designated Area 208 Plan. |
3/20/80 |
Directing the Division of Water Rights to monitor local actions in correcting the degradation of the Oxnard Plain Groundwater Basin in Ventura County due to seawater intrusion. |
3/20/80 |
Approving a State Water Quality Control Fund Loan to the City of Jackson and authorizing execution of the contract for the loan. |
3/20/80 |
Approval of the SWRCB’s alternative systems policy and action plan review and revision process. |
3/20/80 |
Authorization to negotiate and execute a contract for a study to develop and demonstrate a process for removal of heavy metals from acid mine drainages. |
4/17/80 |
Approving the overview work program, certifying the 208 Phase I Plan, and approving the Phase II Work plan for the Upper Newport Bay Watershed Element. |
4/17/80 |
Adoption of a schedule of hearings and actions to resolve outstanding issues related to the Bay-Delta Watershed. |
4/17/80 |
Authorizing the executive director to negotiate and execute an interagency agreement with the Department of Fish & Game to conduct an investigation to interpret the significance of elevated levels of toxic substances in mussels. |
4/17/80 |
Directing the Executive Director to refer to the Attorney General the matter of unauthorized diversion of water by storage in the reservoir of Cooks Flat Association on an unnamed stream tributary to Ritchie Creek in Napa County. |
4/17/80 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of an interagency agreement with the Department of Fish & Game for personal services. |
4/17/80 |
Adopting California’s National Clean Lakes Program Priority list and authorizing transmittal to EPA. |
4/17/80 |
Acceptance of construction claims guidelines developed under a contract between the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) and the SWRCB. Standard Agreement No. 8-173-500-0 |
4/17/80 |
Authorizing acceptance of the draft final report “Design and Construction Report for the Manila Septic Tank Effluent Pumping Project”. |
4/17/80 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of a contract for consultant services on the striped bass study. |
4/17/80 |
Approval of work plans for Phase II 208 Planning |
4/17/80 |
Authorizing the Executive Director to accept a grant from the USEPA and to negotiate and execute a contract with Fresno County and the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District. |
4/17/80 |
Approval of settlement documents in case of Tahoe- Truckee Sanitation Agency V. SWRCB. San Joaquin County Superior Court No.141132 |
5/15/80. |
Approval of Water Quality Control Plan amendments for the Central Coastal and Lahontan Basins and certification for a portion of the State’s Water Quality Management Plan. |
5/15/80. |
Approval of exception to the Ocean Plan for Monterey Abalone Farms, Monterey Co. NPDES No. CA0048763 |
5/15/80. |
Delegating authority to the Chief of the Division of Water Rights confirming and revising prior delegations and rescinding all previous delegations to the Chief of the Division of Water Rights. |
5/15/80. |
Concurrence with an exception to the Thermal Plan for Bethlehem Steel Corporation, San Francisco Yard. |
5/15/80. |
SWRCB acceptance of final report: “Heavy metal toxicity criteria for crops cultivated on soils amended with sewage sludge”, prepared by the University of California, Riverside (Standard Agreement No.8-116-410-0) |
5/15/80. |
Authorization to negotiate and execute a contract for a study of heavy metal availability and toxicity to crops cultivated on soils amended with sewage sludge. |
5/15/80. |
Authorizing the Executive Director to negotiate and execute a contract for consultant services in preparation of the final Water Quality Plan for the Lake Tahoe Basin |
5/15/80. |
Authorization for a grant from the renewable resources investment fund for the City of Cerritos Water Reclamation Project. |
5/15/80. |
Grant funding of secondary treatment for ocean discharges |
5/15/80. |
Approval of exempting the wet weather discharge of the City and County of San Francisco’s proposed southwest waste water treatment facility from the 75 percent suspended solids removal limitation in Table A of the Ocean Plan. |
6/19/80 |
Approving a work plan and authorizing negotiation and execution of a contract to conduct the San Francisco Bay Aquatic Habitat Program. |
6/19/80 |
Amendment to the grant for the Fallen Leaf Lake Service Area to include U.S. Forest Service Permittee’s Collection Systems. |
6/19/80 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of an amendment to agreement No.8-131-400-1 with the University of California, Davis for a study of aquaculture as an alternative wastewater technique. |
6/19/80 |
Authorizing the Executive Director to enter into separate agreement with the Department of Water Resources, the Department of Conservation, Division of Oil & Gas, & the Department of Health Services consistent with the Underground Injection Control Program Work plan. |
6/19/80 |
Authorizing the Executive Director to inter into an agreement with the State Department of Health Services to perform work consistent with hazardous wastes work plan for Phase II 208 planning. |
6/19/80 |
Authorizing execution of an interagency agreement between the SWRCB and the Franchise Tax Board for key data entry services to support the Board’s Data Management Systems. |
7/3/80 |
Remanding for reconsideration an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basin, revising the effective dates and establishing modified criteria exemptions from the Yucaipa-Calimesa prohibition. |
7/17/80 |
Accepting a grant from the USEPA to collect data on the costs of architectural/engineering services. |
7/17/80 |
Approving a State Water Quality Control Fund loan to Summerland Sanitary District and approval to negotiate and execute a contract to subject to successful election. |
7/17/80 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of a contract for providing operation and maintenance services to agencies requesting assistance thru the O&M needs survey. |
7/17/80 |
Authorizing execution of an interagency agreement between the SWRCB and the Stephen P. Teale consolidated Data Center for electronic data processing services to support the Board’s Data Management Systems. |
7/17/80 |
Authorizing execution of an interagency agreement between the SWRCB and the Department of General Services for the SWRCB’s Date Management System |
7/17/80 |
Board acceptance of final report: “Development and evaluation of methods for the detection of enteric viruses in San Francisco Bay shellfish, water, and sediment, prepared by the University of California (Standard agreement No. 8-094-41) |
7/30/80 |
Directing the Executive Director to refer to the Attorney General the matter of the deficient environmental impact report of Sonoma County Water Agency for petitions to amend permits 12947A, 12949,12950, Russian River & East Fork Russian River, and Permit 16596, Dry Creek & Russian River in Sonoma County. |
8/21/80 |
Supporting adoption of the Lake Tahoe acquisitions bond issue. |
8/21/80 |
Approval of amendments to the Water Quality control Plan for the South Lahontan Basin, certification of a portion of the State’s Water Quality Management Plan, and remanding that portion of Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board Resolution No. 80-4 relating to the County of San Bernardino. |
8/21/80 |
Board acceptance of report: “Cooperative Striped Bass study- first progress report”, prepares by the Foundation for Ocean Research (Standard Agreement 9-030-400-1) |
8/21/80 |
Acceptance and the Board publication of the final report “Evaluation of industrial cooling systems using municipal wastewater” prepared by James. M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc. |
8/21/80 |
Approving the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board’s Resolution No.80-12 adopting the report entitled “Inventory and Evaluation of Dairy Farms in Marin and Sonoma Counties, Phase I-Section I and II” prepared by the Marin and Sonoma County Resource Conservation Districts. |
8/21/80 |
Authorizing the Executive Director to enter into an agreement with the State Department of Health Services to perform work in the preparation and implementation of a program to seek interim authorization under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act |
9/10/80 |
Approval of proposal for Phase IV 208 Planning. |
9/10/80 |
Directing the Executive Director to request the Attorney General to file on behalf of the SWRCB and action requiring the El Dorado Irrigation District to prepare an adequate final environmental impact report for the South Fork American River Development, Upper Mountain Project. |
9/18/80 |
Expressing appreciation to Dr. Alvin Franks |
9/18/80 |
Continuation of the October 11, 1979, hearing concerning correction of the Seawater Intrusion Problem in the Oxnard Plan. |
9/18/80 |
1980-81 Project Priority List |
9/18/80 |
Extending the Department of Health Services’ Laboratory services contract with the RWQCBs through FY 1980-81 |
9/18/80 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of an umbrella cooperative agreement between the SWRCB and the U.S. Geological Survey continue a program of special water quality monitoring studies. |
9/18/80 |
Authorizing negotiation and execution of an interagency agreement between the SWRCB and the Department of Water Resources to continue a program of groundwater monitoring and special water quality studies. |
9/18/80 |
Accepting reassignment of applications 5645-B, and 5647-A from U.S. Water & Power Resources Service. |
9/18/80 |
Expressing appreciation to John. M. Page. |
9/18/80 |
Expressing appreciation to Fran Jones. |
10/16/80 |
Authorizing additional grant eligible capacity for Contra Costa County Sanitation District No.7A |
10/16/80 |
Approval of amendment to the Water Quality control Plan for the North Lahontan Basin |
10/16/80 |
Statement of policy regarding the exercise of rules of pracrice & procedure by the State & Regional Boards |
10/16/80 |
Adopting the Section 106 Water Pollution Control Program grant application and work plan. |
10/16/80 |
Adopting the Section (g), construction management assistance grants application and work plan. SFY 1980-81/FFY Year 1981 |
10/16/80 |
Policy statement regarding participation of small businesses, minority and women-owned firms in state contracting and purchases. |
10/16/80 |
Adoption of proposed changes to the guidelines for sewage disposal from land developments— Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Board. |
10/16/80 |
Establishing Board Policy with respect to the type of filings appropriate for certain hydroelectric power applications. |
10/16/80 |
Approval of amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Valley Region and certification of a portion of the State’s Water Quality Management Plan. |
10/16/80 |
Acceptance of reports from Kern and Kings Counties |
10/29/80 |
Adoption of the Lake Tahoe Basin Water Quality Plan |
10/29/80 |
Conditions for certification of Water Quality Plan submitted by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency |
10/29/80 |
Assignment of SWRCB personnel to the Corps of Engineers to assist in monitoring construction activities of Clean Water Grant Projects. |
10/29/80 |
Interagency agreement to transfer construction management assistance grant funds to the Environmental Protection Agency to fund Homitz, Allen and Associates. |
10/30/80 |
Continued designation of the Ventura County Board of Supervisors as the 208 Area wide Quality Management Planning Agency. |
11/6/80 |
Revision of priorities for Phase IV 208 planning proposals- north coast pesticides, mining, and Elkhorn Slough Basin management. |
11/20/80 |
Adopting regulation for the protection of in stream beneficial uses and rescinding regulations for beneficial in stream flow requirements adopted on December 20, 1979. |
11/20/80 |
Greater Eureka areas EBB tide discharge. |
11/20/80 |
Authorizing the Executive Director, Deputy Executive Directors, or Chief Division of Audits and Administration, to execute state assistance program grant contracts with municipalities pursuant to the Clean Water and Water Conservation Bon Laws of 1978. |
11/20/80 |
Authorizing the Executive Director to accept an amended grant from the Environmental Protection Agency for restoration of Lake Merritt, Alameda County, and to negotiate an amendment to a contract with Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District for performance of the work. |
11/20/80 |
Ratification of the continued designation of the Ventura County board of supervisors as the 208 Area Wide Water Quality Management Planning Agency. |
12/3/80 |
State assistance program grant to the Department of Water Resources for water conservation activities. |
12/3/80 |
Expressing appreciation to Larry C. Spencer |
12/18/80 |
Approving work plan revision and authorizing increased contract expenditures for the San Francisco Bay and Delta Aquatic Habitat Program. |
12/18/80 |
First quarterly update to the 1980-81 Project Priority List. |
12/18/80 |
Approval of completed studies and proposed heat treatment operating criteria at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Units 2 and 3. |
12/18/80 |
Approving a State Water Quality Control Fund loan to the City of Jackson and authorizing execution of the contract for the loan. |
12/18/80 |
Expressing appreciation to Glenn. R Peterson |
12/18/80 |
Expressing appreciation to Ernest M. Miller |