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The following Resolutions have been adopted, at a regular Board Meeting, by the State Water Resources Control Board.
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1/6/1981 |
Ventura Area 208 areawide water quality monitoring quality management plan: 1979-1980 |
1/19/1981 |
Approval of revisions to FY 1980-81 208 Planning Project proposals |
1/22/1981 |
Approval of Workplans for Phase IV 208 Planning & authorization to negotiate & execute Phase III & IV 208 Planning contracts |
1/22/1981 |
Contract to transfer clean water grant funds to the EPA to fund Homitz, Allen, & Associates |
1/22/1981 |
Application for & acceptance of a grant from the USEPA to provide services for technical assistance to minority & women owned businesses |
1/22/1981 |
Approval of the final report on design optimization of the chlorination process and dechlorination practices in fufillment of Interagency Agreement No. 580400 |
1/22/1981 |
Approval of an amendment to the water quality control plan for the Santa Ana River Basin RWQCB revising the effective date of the Yucaipa-Calimesa prohibition |
2/19/1981 |
Expressing appreciation to William J. Miller, Ph.D. |
2/19/1981 |
Expressing appreciation to William J. Miller, Ph.D. |
2/19/1981 |
Expressing appreciation to William J. Miller, Ph.D. |
2/19/1981 |
Directs the Executive Director to refer to the Attorney General the matter of unauthorized diversion of water by storage in a reservoir (aka Pine Lake) of Coretse, Henry, Saum, Tucker, & Does 1-3 on an unnamed stream tributary to Rattlesnake Creek in El Dorado County |
2/19/1981 |
Directs the Executive Director to refer to the Attorney General the matter of unauthorized diversion of water by storage in a reservoir of John Ehlman on an unnamed stream tributary to Rattlesnake Creek in El Dorado County |
2/19/1981 |
Authorizes execution of a management agency agreement with the US Forest Service |
2/19/1981 |
Approval of basin plan amendments for the Central Valley RWQCB & partial certification of the nondesignated Area 208 Plan |
2/19/1981 |
Delegation of authority to the Chief of the Division of Water Rights confirming & revising prior delegations & rescinding all previous delegations to the Chief of the Division of Water Rights |
2/19/1981 |
State assistance program grant to the Department of Water Resources for water conservation activities |
2/19/1981 |
Adoption of proposed grant terms for the Vern Freeman Diversion/Pumping Trough Pipeline |
2/19/1981 |
Approval of an amendment to the water quality control plan for the Klamath River Basin & the North Coast Basin to incorporate water conservation into the policy on the control of water quality with respect to individual waste treatment & disposal practices |
2/19/1981 |
Approval of a policy for the regulation of dredged sediment disposal in the San Francisco Bay Region |
2/19/1981 |
Adopting a list of streams for investigation by the Instream Beneficial Use Protection Project |
3/4/1981 |
Approval of revisions to the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments Workplan for Phase IV 208 Planning |
3/4/1981 |
Approval of Central Valley RWQCB’s abandoned mines workplan as an alternate funding alternative for Phase IV 208 Planning |
3/19/1981 |
Approval of an amendment to the water quality control plan for the Klamath River Basin to prohibit the discharge of waste from individual disposal systems in the Campbell Tract Area in Yreka, Siskiyou County |
3/19/1981 |
Authorizes negotiation & execution of an Interagency Agreement with the Department of Fish & Game for continued operation of the Marine Monitoring Program |
3/19/1981 |
Authorizes negotiation & execution of an Interagency Agreement with the Department of Fish & Game to continue the SWRCB’s Toxic Substances Monitoring Program |
3/19/1981 |
Authorizes negotiation & execution of an Interagency Agreement with the Department of Fish & Game for personal services |
3/19/1981 |
Authorizes negotiation & execution of an Interagency Agreement with the Department of Water Resources to operate the SWRCB’s primary water quality monitoring network |
3/19/1981 |
Remanding to the North Coast RWQCB an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plans for the Kalmath River Basin & the North Coast Basin prohibitions for waste discharges from by-product, & waste storage & handling areas at Forest Products Manufacturing Facilities |
3/19/1981 |
Final State assistance program (Proposition 2) project priority list |
3/19/1981 |
Consultant contract to provide minority & women business enterprise assistance on Clean Water Grant Projects |
3/19/1981 |
Second quarterly update to the 1980-81 project priority list |
4/16/1981 |
Expressing appreciation to John C. Johnson |
4/16/1981 |
Authorizes Interagency Agreement No. 0-083-180-0 between the SWRCB & the Department of Water Resources for a study of mineral increments in waste discharge requirements |
4/16/1981 |
Approval of Guidelines regarding grouped or community sewerage systems |
4/16/1981 |
Acceptance of San Bernardino County report “Individual Sewage Disposal Systems & Alternatives” & certification of completion of their Phase I 208 Contract |
4/16/1981 |
Transferring 208 areawide waste treatment management agency designation from Sacramento Regional Area Planning Commission to Sacramento Area Council of governments & expanding the area boundaries to include the Cities of Rocklin & Lincoln |
4/16/1981 |
Ratifying the Executive Director’s acceptance of a clean lakes grant from EPA for Lake Tahoe & authorizing the Executive Director to negotiate & execute agreements with local & State agencies to perform necessary remedial erosion control projects |
4/16/1981 |
Authorizes negotiation & execution of a contract to determine the effects of toxic pollutants & parasites on striped bass (Morone Saxatilis) health |
4/16/1981 |
Aquatic toxicological consultant services for the cooperative striped bass study & the toxic substances control program |
4/16/1981 |
Authorizes negotiation & execution of an amendment to existing contract No. 9-069-400 with Stanford Research Institute for a trace of organic content & mutagenic activity if selected groundwaters |
4/16/1981 |
State Assistance Program grant to the Department of Water Resources for water conservation activities |
4/16/1981 |
Authorizes the Executive Director to negotiate & execute a contract for the preparation of guidance manuals on the use of reclaimed municipal wastewater in irrigated agriculture |
4/16/1981 |
Approval of a memorandum of understanding to coordinate investigations of groundwater for toxic substances |
5/21/1981 |
Authorizes funding for an Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) agreement between the SWRCB & the EPA to assist the Lahontan RWQCB in the implementation of the Lake Tahoe Basin water quality plan, & authorizing the Executive Director to negotiate & execute such as IPA |
5/21/1981 |
Authorizes acceptance of a $120,000 EPA grant to be used for support & development of SWRCB wastewater treatment Operation & Maintenance Surveillance Programs |
5/21/1981 |
Authorizes negotiation & execution of a contract Change Order for providing Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Services to agencies requesting assistance through the O&M Needs Survey |
5/21/1981 |
Authorizes execution of an amendment to the Interagency Agreement between the SWRCB and Stephen P. Teale Consolidated Data Center for electronic data processing services to support the SWRCB’s data management systems |
5/21/1981 |
Proposed authorization to negotiate & execute an amendment to an existing contract between the SWRCB (North Coast RQWQCB) &Anatec Laboratories for monitoring the discharge of herbicide wastes from the Spring 1981 Aierial Application of 2, 4-D to forest lands |
5/21/1981 |
Ratifying the Executive Director’s submittal of a grant application to the USEPA , acceptance of a grant, and execution of a contract to conduct engineering design work for containment of hazardous wastes at the Stingfellow site in Riverside County |
5/21/1981 |
Approving transfer of 208 Planning Agency Designation from the Comprehensive Planning Organization to the San Diego Association of Governments |
5/21/1981 |
Authorizes the Executive Director to negotiate & execute contracts with the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency & the California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency for implementation of water quality control measures |
5/21/1981 |
Authorizes the Executive Director to negotiate & execute contracts with the Public Utility District in the Lake Tahoe Basin & the University of California for the study of possible sewerline exfiltration |
5/21/1981 |
Location & alignment of the LNG terminal intake structure & offshore conduits as requested by Western LNG Terminal Associates approval |
5/21/1981 |
Approval of an amendment to the water quality control plan for the North Coast Basin to revise an action plan for point source discharges to Humboldt Bay & Mad River |
5/21/1981 |
Authorizes negotiation & execution of a standard agreement for well drilling & geological investigation in the vicinity of the Aerojet Site, Rancho Cordova, California |
5/21/1981 |
Authorizes the Executive Director to transmit to the US Bureau of Reclamation documents concerning the proposed San Luis drain discharge to the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary |
5/21/1981 |
Authorizes negotiation & execution of a contract with the University of California, Institute of Marine Resources, for a Marine Advisory Committee & a Bays & Estuaries Advisory Committee |
6/18/1981 |
Expressing appreciation to Jay Smoot |
6/18/1981 |
Delegation of authority to the Executive Director to execute certain agreements & documents for & on behalf of the SWRCB |
6/18/1981 |
Authorizes negotiation & execution of an Interagency Agreement with the Department of Health Service for laboratory analytical services for the RWQCBs in FY 1981-82 |
6/18/1981 |
Approval of amendments to the Central Valley RWQCB’s Phase II 208 Tulare Lake groundwater management program |
6/18/1981 |
Authorizes the Executive Director to extend a contract with the University of California, Davis, for a study of aquaculture as an alternative wastewater treatment technique |
6/18/1981 |
Designating the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency as the areawide planning agency for the Lake Tahoe Basin under Section 208 of the Clean Water Act |
6/18/1981 |
Certifying in part the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency 208 Plan, & Setting conditions of certification |
7/16/1982 |
Authorizes negotiation & execution of agreements with the University of California, Davis, for water & air quality monitoring in water year 1981-82 in the Lake Tahoe Basin |
7/16/1982 |
Directing the Executive Director to refer to the Attorney General the matter of unauthorized diversion & storage of water by Lloyd Turner and/or Benton Turner, Inc. from Crystal Creek in San Bernardino County |
7/16/1982 |
Authorizes the Executive Director to negotiate & execute Interagency Agreement with the Department of Fish & Game to interpret the significance of elevated levels of toxic substances in Mussels |
7/16/1982 |
Appointment of membership to the Advisory Committee for wastewater treatment plant classification & operator certification |
7/16/1982 |
Amendment to the 1981-82 Project Priority List |
7/16/1982 |
Consideration of priority system criteria to be sued to develop the 1982 Clean Water Grant Priority List |
7/16/1982 |
Amendments to the Lake Tahoe Phase IV 208 Workplan |
7/16/1982 |
Concurrence with the policy of the Division of Water Rights for processing applications for hydroelectric power projects |
7/16/1982 |
Review by the SWRCB of amendments to the water quality control plans for the North Coast & Klamath River Basins adopted by the North Coast RWQCB relating to the control of discharges to 2, 4, 5-T; 2, 4, 5-TP; & 21, 4-D |
8/20/1981 |
Expressing appreciation to Leonard Burtman |
8/20/1981 |
Expressing appreciation to Charles M. Harris |
8/20/1981 |
Directing the Executive Director to refer to the Attorney General the matter of unauthorized diversion of water from Brush Creek by William Hay, Jr. |
8/20/1981 |
Ventura 208 areawide water quality management plan, 1979-80 |
8/20/1981 |
Delegation of authority to the Chief of the Division of Water Rights confirming & revising prior delegations & rescinding all previous delegations to the Chief of the Division of Water Rights |
8/20/1981 |
Amended final State assistance program (Proposition 2) project priority list |
8/20/1981 |
Approval of revisions to the Central Valley RWQCB’s Phase II 208 Workplan for county studies, mining, & water quality problem assessment projects |
8/20/1981 |
Amendment to the 1980-81 project priority list |
8/20/1981 |
Approval of a State Water Quality Control Fund Loan to San Jacinto Mountain Area Water study & approval to negotiate & execute a contract subject to successful election |
8/20/1981 |
Directing the Executive Director to refer to the Attorney General the matter of unauthorized diversion of water from Brush Creek by William Hay, Jr. |
8/20/1981 |
Approval of exception to the Water Quality Control Plan for ocean waters, General Electric Co. Re-entry systems Division & University of Southern California (Catalina Test Facility) NPDES No. CA0059170 |
8/20/1981 |
Approval of an amendment to the water quality control plan for the Klamath River Basin & the North Coast Basin incorporating new policy on the utilization of mounds for individual wastewater disposal |
9/17/1981 |
Authorizes execution of an amendment to the Interagency Agreement between the SWRCB and Stephen P. Teale Consolidated Data Center for electronic data processing services to support the SWRCB’s data management systems |
9/17/1981 |
Amendment to the 1980-81 project priority list |
9/17/1981 |
Amendment to the 1980-81 project priority list |
9/17/1981 |
Approval of an amendment to the water quality control plan for the South Lahontan Basin incorporating additions & revisions of water quality objectives for the Mojave River Hydrologic unit |
9/17/1981 |
Adopting the Section 106 Grant Water Pollution Control Programs State FY 1981-82, Federal FY 1982 |
9/17/1981 |
Adopting the Section 205(g), Construction Management Assistance Grant Applications, State FY 1981-82, Federal FY 1982 |
9/17/1981 |
Review of an amendment to the water quality control plan for the San Diego Basin modifying beneficial use designations & groundwater quality objectives in the Upper Aliso Basinm the Carlsbad Subarea, the Hedionda Subarea, the Batiquitos Subarea, the Encina Subunit, & the Telegraph Canyon Subarea |
9/17/1981 |
Extension of Federal FY 1980-81 project priority list |
9/17/1981 |
Review by the SWRCB of revised amendments to the water quality control plans for the Klamath River Basin & the North Coast Basin adopted by the North Coast RWQCB, relating to the control of discharges of 2, 4, 5-T; 2, 4, 5-TP; & 2, 4-D |
9/17/1981 |
Approval of exception to the Water Quality Control Plan for ocean waters for the University of California, Santa Cruz NPDES No. CA0048496 |
9/17/1981 |
Approval of an amendment to Loan Contract No. WQL6-006-50 between the SWRCB & the Humboldt Bay Wastewater Authority |
9/17/1981 |
Expressing appreciation to Paul R. Bonderson |
10/15/1981 |
Approval of an amendment to the water quality control plans for the North Coast Basin to prohibit the discharge of waste from individual disposal systems in the Curtis Heights Area of Arcata & the Community of Bayside in Humboldt County |
11/19/1981 |
Expressing appreciation to Mildred Williamsen |
11/5/1981 |
Authorizes the Executive Director, Deputy Executive Director, Chief Counsel, or the Chief of the Division of Administrative Services, to execute Federal Clean Lakes Program & energy & resources fund grant contracts |
11/19/1981 |
Upper aquifer system, Oxnard Plain – need for adjudication |
11/19/1981 |
Certification of the 1980 amendments to the Association of Bay Area Governments water Quality Management Plan |
12/17/1981 |
Approval of an amendment to the water quality control plan for the Santa Ana River Basin revising the effective date & exemption criteria of the Yucaipa-Calimesa prohibition on leaching or percolating waste disposal systems |
12/17/1981 |
Authorizes negotiation & execution of agreements with the University of California & the US Salinity Laboratory of the US Department of Agriculture to continue, for 15 months, a study of the water quality needs of subirrigated organic soils of the Sacrament-San Joaquin Delta |
12/17/1981 |
Approval of an amendment to Loan Contract No. WQL6-006-50 between the SWRCB & the Humboldt Bay Wastewater Authority |
12/17/1981 |
Authorizes memorandum of understanding on pesticides between the SWRCB & the Department of Food & Agriculture |