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State Water Boards: Water Quality Orders


All orders adopted by the Board are precedential with the exception of those that specifically state the contrary. Orders signed by an individual, for example by the Executive Director, are not precedential and are denoted by an asterisk (*).

Precedential orders provide guidance for later decisions and orders. The Board and the nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards (Regional Boards) ordinarily will follow State Board precedents, or provide a reasoned analysis for not doing so. Administrative precedents do not have the same binding effect as statutes or administrative regulations, however. The Board may refine, reformulate or even reverse its precedents on a case-by-case basis in light of new insights or changed circumstances. A Regional Board cannot reverse a State Board precedent, but a Regional Board may distinguish a State Board precedent. A Regional Board may conclude that based on differences between the facts before the Regional Board and the facts that were the basis for the State Board precedent, a State Board precedent either does not apply or should be modified as applied in the proceeding before the Regional Board.






Petitions by Joel Jaffer, Garrett Connelly, Pacific Gas & Electric Co., Judith Evered, Laurence H. Frommhagen, P.O.I.S.E., Jonathan R. Mchugh, Isla Vista Recreation & Park District, and Mothers for Peace for Review of Orders Nos. 82-24 and 82-54 of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Coast Region. Our Files Nos. A-307, A-307(a)-(h). NPDES Permit No. CA0003751.

In the Matter of the Petitions of Atlantic Richfield Company, Texaco, Inc. and Union Oil Company for Review of Orders Nos. 82-18, 82-40 and 82-41 of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Coast Region. Our Files Nos. A-318, A-318(A).
In the Matter of the Petition of the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, for Review of Order No. 6-82-123 of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region. Our File No. A-325.
In the Matter of the Petition of Nipomo Community Services District for Review of Order No. 82-28, Waste Discharge Requirements by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Coast Region. Our File No. A-324.
In the Matter of the Petition of Aminoil, Inc. for Review of Order No. 82-55 of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Coast Region. Our File No. A-318(B). NPDES Permit No. CA 0048861.
In the Matter of the Petition of Save San Francisco Bay Association for Review of Orders Nos. 82-63 and 82-64 of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region. Our File No. A-327. NPDES Permit No. CA 028711.
In the Matter of the Petitions of Patricia Mcsweeny-Mccauley and City of Hemet for Review of Order No. 82-80 of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region. Our Files Nos. A-316 and A-316(A).
In the Matter of the Petition of Harry Wiersema to Review Inaction of California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region. Our File A-334.
In the Matter of the Petitions of Tahoe City Public Utility District and North Tahoe Public Utility District for Review of Orders Nos. 6-83-50, and 6-83-51 of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region. Our Files Nos. A-332 and A-332(a).
