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1994 Water Quality Orders
orders adopted by the Board are precedential with
the exception of those that specifically state the
contrary. Orders signed by an individual, for example
by the Executive Director, are not precedential and
are denoted by an asterisk (*).
orders provide guidance for later decisions and orders.
The Board and the nine Regional Water Quality Control
Boards (Regional Boards) ordinarily will follow State
Board precedents, or provide a reasoned analysis for
not doing so. Administrative precedents do not have
the same binding effect as statutes or administrative
regulations, however. The Board may refine, reformulate
or even reverse its precedents on a case-by-case basis
in light of new insights or changed circumstances.
A Regional Board cannot reverse a State Board precedent,
but a Regional Board may distinguish a State Board
precedent. A Regional Board may conclude that based
on differences between the facts before the Regional
Board and the facts that were the basis for the State
Board precedent, a State Board precedent either does
not apply or should be modified as applied in the
proceeding before the Regional Board.
Water Quality Order(WQO) | Date of Meeting | Subject |
01-19-94 |
In the Matter of the Petition of Order No. WQ 94-1 HR Textron, Inc. For Review of CAO Granting review Order No. 89-104 of the California on the Board's own motion RWQCB, Los Angeles Region. Our File No. A-824 | |
02-17-94 |
In the Matter of the Petition of HR Textron, Inc. Order No. WQ 94-2 For Review of CAO No. 89-104 of the CRWQCB, Los Angeles Region. Our File No. A-824. | |
04-21-94 |
In the Matter of the Petition of Teymour Parvizi Order No. WQ 94-3 For Review of ACL Order No. 91-248 for Violation of CAO No. 90-720 Issued by the CRWQCB, Central Valley Region. Our File No. A-772. | |
06-16-94 |
In the Matter of the Petition of Susan and David Zedrick For Review of a Decision of the County of Sonoma and the Order No. WQ 94-4-UST CRWQCB, North Coast Region, Regarding Costs Imposed Under the UST Program, Site No. 1569. | |
07-21-94 |
In the Matter of the Petition of Paul Bestwick For Review of WDR No. WQ 94-5 Requirements Order No. 93-13 for the Sunnyslope Farms Egg Ranch Issued by the CRWQCB, Central Coast Region. Our File No. A-841. | |
09/22/94 |
In the Matter of the Petition of Lloyd Carter and Patrick Porgans, Order No. WQ 94-6 Bay Institute of San Francisco, et al., and US Fish and order granting review wildlife service on the Board's own motion For Review of Waste Discharge Requirements Adopted by and Environmental Impact Reports Certified by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, for 14 Tulare Lake Basin Agricultural Drainage Dischargers. Our File Nos. A-858, A-858(a), and ) A-858(b) | |
09/22/94 |
In the Matter of the Petition of (J. G. Boswell Co.) For Review of a Determination of the Division of Clean Water Order No. WQ 94-7-UST Programs, SWRCB, Regarding participation in the UST Cleanup Fund. OCC File No. UST-68 | |
09/22/94 |
In the Matter of the Petition of The Cities of Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, and San Jose, et al. |