September 7, 1999
n/a |
Government Code section 87306 requires all government agencies to review their Conflict of Interest code every two years and to update the Code if necessary. The State Board’s Conflict of Interest Code, which also covers the nine Regional Boards, was last amended in 1997. The Office of Chief Counsel reviewed the Code and determined that the Appendix to the Code needed to be revised because new positions were created and other positions had been upgraded in rank or renamed. The Appendix contains the designated positions list and the list of the types of economic interests which must be disclosed by each designated position (disclosure categories). A notice of proposed amendments to the Conflict of Interest Code Appendix was published and copies of the draft amendments were sent to affected staff. Copies of the proposed amendments were sent to all State Board Division Chiefs and Regional Board Executive Officers and they were asked to comment on the proposed changes. The sixty-day public comment period ended May 26, 1999. Only four minor comments were received and the draft amendments were changed to respond to the comments. |
Should the Board approve the amendments to the appendix to the Conflict of Interest Code? |
No fiscal impact. |
Yes. All nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards. |
Adopt the proposed resolution approving the amendments and authorizing the Executive Director to transmit them to the Fair Political Practices Commission. |
1. The Political Reform Act, Government Code Sections 81000 and following, requires all state agencies to adopt a Conflict of Interest Code, containing a list of designated positions within the Agency and, for each position, a list of the types of economic interests which must be reported.
2. Government Code Section 87306 requires every state agency to review its Conflict of Interest Code every two years and revise it if necessary.
3. The State Board's Conflict of Interest Code was last revised in 1997. Because new positions were created and some positions were eliminated or renamed, the Appendix to the Code, which contains the State Board’s list of designated positions and corresponding disclosure categories for the State and Regional Boards, must be updated.
4. A revised Appendix was, therefore, prepared and circulated for a 60-day public comment period.
5. The revised Appendix was amended in response to the comments received.
The revised Appendix is adopted, and the Executive Director is authorized to transmit it, with the required declaration, to the Fair Political Practices Commission for approval.
The undersigned, Administrative Assistant to the Board, does hereby
certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of a resolution
duly and regularly adopted at a meeting of the State Water Resources Control
Board held on September 16, 1999.
Maureen Marché
Administrative Assistant
The Conflict of Interest Code of the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board), with proposed amendments, specifically enumerates each of the positions within the State Water Board and the nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards which involve the making or participation in the making of decisions which may foreseeably have a material financial effect on any financial interest. The State Water Board has satisfied all of the requirements of Title 2, Division 6 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 18750(c) preliminary to approval of the proposed Code.
Executive Director
The Political Reform Act (Government Code Section 81000, et seq.) requires state and local government agencies to adopt and promulgate conflict of interest codes. The Fair Political Practices Commission has adopted a regulation (2 Cal. Code of Regs. Sec. 18730) which can be incorporated by reference in an agency's code. After public notice and hearing it may be amended by the Fair Political Practices Commission to conform to amendments in the Political Reform Act. Therefore, the terms of Title 2 California Code of Regulations Section 18730 and any amendments to it duly adopted by the Fair Political Practices Commission are hereby incorporated by reference. This regulation and the attached Appendix designating officials and employees and establishing disclosure categories, shall constitute the conflict of interest code of the State Water Resources Control Board.
Designated employees shall file statements of economic interests with
the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) who will make the statements
available for public inspection and reproduction. (Gov. Code § 81008.)
Upon receipt of the statements of the State Board Executive Director and
the State Board Members, the SWRCB shall make and retain a copy and forward
the original of these statements to the Fair Political Practices Commission.
Statements for all other designated employees shall be retained by the
Designated Positions Categories
A. Executive
1. State Board Members 1
2. Executive Director 1
3. Deputy Director 1
4. Chief, Office of Statewide Consistency 1
5. Chief, Evaluation and Consistency Unit 1
6. Economists, Office of Statewide
Consistency 1
7. Chief, Policy Development 1
8. Chief, Compliance Assurance & Enforcement Unit 1
9. Supervisors (including Chief and Assistant Chief)
Office of Information Technology 8
B. Division of Water Quality
1. Division Chief 1
2. All Branch Chiefs 1
2. Assistant Division Chief 1
3. All Section Supervisors 1
4. Watershed Management Initiative Coordinator 1
C. Division of Administrative Services
1. Division Chief 2,8
2. Assistant Division Chief 2,8
3. Chief, Business Management and Support Branch 2
4. Professional Staff, Contracts, Business
Management and Special Projects Sections 2
5. Supervisors (including Chief) , Information Services Branch 8
6. Professional Staff, Telecommunications Section 2,8
7. Filing Officer (defined in Government Code
Section 82027) 9
D. Division of Water Rights
1. Division Chief 1
2. Chief, Special Programs Applications and Permitting 1
3. Chief, Administration of Water Rights Licensing and Enforcement 1
4. Chief, Application and Petition Section 3,4
5. Chief, Licensing and Hearing Section 3
6. Chief, Environmental Section 3
7. Chief, Bay-Delta Section/Complaint Section Compliance Section 1
E. Division of Clean Water Programs
1. Division Chief 1
2. Principal Engineer Assistant Division Chief, Loans & Grants Branch 5,6,7
3. Supervisor, Facilities Planning and Design
Section 5,6
4. Supervisor, Grants Reimbursement Section Administration and Operator Certification Section 5, 7
5. Supervisor, Office of Water Reclamation
and Operations Section 5,7
6. Principal Engineer Assistant Division Chief , Regulatory Programs Branch 1
7. Supervisor, Underground Storage Tank/Program Support Section 1
8. Supervisor, Land Disposal Section 1
9. Supervisor, Underground Tank Cleanup
Fund Section 1
F. Office of the Chief Counsel
1. Chief Counsel 1
2. All Attorneys 1
G. Office of Legislative and Public Affairs
1. Chief 1
2. Chief, Public Affairs Office 1
A. All Regional Board Members 1
B. Region 1
1. Executive Officer 1
2. Assistant Executive Officer 1
3. Northern District Supervisor 1
4. Southern District Supervisor 1
5. Non-Point Source Section Supervisor 1
6. Surveillance and Monitoring and Planning
Supervisor 1
7. Site Mitigation Supervisor 1
8. Underground Tanks Supervisor 1
9. Supervising Water Resources Control Engineer
9. Associate Governmental Program Analyst 2
C. Region 2
1. Executive Officer 1
2. Assistant Executive Officer 1
3. All Division Chiefs 1
4. All Section Leaders 1
5. Senior Specialist Groundwater Remediation 1
6. Senior Specialist Rural Water Quality 1
7. Senior Specialist Watershed Management Coordinator 1
8. Senior Specialist Monitoring and Assessment 1
59. Regional Administrative Officer 2
D. Region 3
1. Executive Officer 1
2. Assistant Executive Officer 1
3. All Unit Supervisors 1
4. Regional Administrative Officer 2
E. Region 4
1. Executive Officer 1
2. Assistant Executive Officers 1
3. All Section Chiefs 1
4. Chief, Santa Monica Bay Project 1
54. All Unit Chiefs 1
65. Regional Administrative Officer 2
76. Staff Services Analysts (Business Services) 2
F. Region 5
1. Executive Officer 1
2. Assistant Executive Officer 1
3. Principal Engineer, Fresno Office 1
4. Supervisor, Redding Office 1
5. All Section Supervisors 1
6. All Unit Seniors 1
7. All Non-supervising Seniors 1
8. Regional Administrative Officer 2
9. Staff Services Analyst 2
G. Region 6
1. Executive Officer 1
2. Assistant Executive Officer 1
3. Supervisor, Victorville Office 1
4. All Section Chiefs 1
5. All Lead Associate Water Resources Control
Engineers 1
6. Regional Administrative Officer 2
H. Region 7
1. Executive Officer 1
2. Assistant Executive Officer 1
3. All Section Chiefs 1
4. Special Projects Senior 1
5. Sanitary Engineering Associate, SLIC Program Manager 1
65. Associate Governmental Program Analyst 2
I. Region 8
1. Executive Officer 1
2. Assistant Executive Officer 1
3. Environmental Program Manager 1
4. All Section Chiefs 1
5. Regional Administrative Officer 2
J. Region 9
1. Executive Officer 1
2. Assistant Executive Officer 1
3. All Unit Chiefs 1
4. Chief, Special
Assignments and Emergency Response 1
5. Chief, San Diego Bay Cleanup Project Unit 1
6. Senior Engineer and Ombudsman
6. Staff Services Analyst, Administrative Services 2
K. Consultant* 1
Consultants shall be included in the list of designated employees and shall disclose pursuant to the broadest disclosure category in the code subject to the following limitation:
The executive director or executive officer may determine in writing that a particular consultant, although a "designated position," is hired to perform a range of duties that is limited in scope and thus is not required to fully comply with the disclosure requirements described in this section. Such written determination shall include a description of the consultant's duties and, based upon that description, a statement of the extent of disclosure requirements. The executive director's or executive officer's determination is a public record and shall be retained for public inspection in the same manner and location as this conflict of interest code.
Disclosure categories applied to members, officers and employees of Regional Water Quality Control Boards refer to the jurisdiction of the applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board as set forth in Water Code Section 13200 and 13260(a). Disclosure categories applied to members, officers and employees of the State Water Resources Control Board refer to the jurisdiction of the State Water Resources Control Board which is the entire State of California. Notwithstanding this limitation of disclosure categories, disclosure of a financial interest outside the jurisdiction of the applicable State or Regional Water Board (for example, the identity of the donor of certain gifts) may be required by statute or regulation.
Category 1
(c) All interests in real property.
(b) Any interest in real property for which the application for a water right entitlement has been made or for which a water right entitlement has been obtained.
(b) Any interest in real property with respect to which water rights are being adjudicated in a court reference proceeding or in a statutory adjudication proceeding.
(b) Any source of income from any holder of, or applicant for, a wastewater treatment plant operator certificate pursuant to Chapter 14 of the State Board's regulations (Title 23, California Code of Regulations).
Reference: Sections 87300, et seq., Government Code.
* * * * * * *
Given the limited and particular application of these regulations, it has been determined that these regulations shall not be set forth in full in the California Administrative CodeCalifornia Code of Regulations, but that appropriate reference be made therein pursuant to Government Code section 11344.
These regulations are available to the public for review or purchase at cost at the following locations:
State Water Resources Control Board
Personnel Officer
901 P Street
P.O. Box 100
Sacramento, California 95812-0100
Fair Political Practices Commission
428 J Street, Suite 800
P.O. Box 807
Sacramento, California 95804
Secretary of State
1020 O Street
Sacramento, California 95814
rev. 1/30/96 3/05/99