Regarding Carmel River Water Supply Issues
Tuesday May 30, 2000 -- 1:00 p.m.
Double Tree Hotel/De Anza Ballroom/Two Portola Plaza
Monterey, California
The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) will hold a public workshop to receive information regarding water supply issues affecting the Carmel River.
In 1995, the SWRCB adopted Order
WR 95-10, which finds that the California-American Water Company (Cal-Am) does not have adequate legal rights for the water it diverts from the Carmel River. The order further finds that Cal-Am’s diversions are having an adverse effect on the public trust resources of the river. Order WR 95-10 directs Cal-Am to implement measures to minimize harm to public trust resources while it is developing project(s) to legalize its water use. The order establishes a water conservation goal that limits Cal-Am’s diversions to 11,285 acre-feet per annum from the Carmel River.
The SWRCB also adopted Decision 1632 in 1995, which authorized permit issuance to the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (District) for the 24,000 acre-feet capacity New Los Padres Reservoir (now called the Carmel River Dam and Reservoir Project). However, in 1995 the voters turned down the District’s bond measure to pay for the facility.
Cal-Am is seeking the District’s approval to use the District’s water right permit for the reservoir. Cal-AM has requested authorization from the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to adjust its rates to pay for reservoir construction and operation. The PUC is reviewing the cost of the reservoir project and alternative projects to provide a water supply to the Monterey peninsula. Alternative projects (termed Plan B) are being analyzed under the provisions of AB 1182 (Keeley). Potential alternative projects include storing winter flows from the Carmel River in the Seaside groundwater basin for extraction and use during the summer months, desalination projects, new reservoirs, dredging existing reservoirs, wastewater reclamation, water conservation, rationing, leak detection, purchase of Central Valley Project water, and obtaining additional water rights.
The District is preparing a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to:
(1) analyze the potential impacts of the Carmel River Dam and Reservoir Project, and (2) provide a programmatic review of the alternate water supply projects identified by the PUC.
The workshop will include a presentation by representatives of Cal-Am and the District on compliance with Order WR 95-10 and development of water supply projects to serve the Monterey peninsula.
The purpose of the workshop is to receive comments and suggestions to assist the SWRCB in addressing water supply issues regarding the Carmel River. The issues include (1) progress in ending unauthorized diversions from the Carmel River, (2) progress in producing the fishery studies identified in Order WR 95-10, (3) status of public trust resources in the Carmel River, (4) status of
the EIR, (5) status of the PUC process,
(6) what actions or conditions are necessary to protect the public trust resources if a new dam is not constructed, and (7) information pertaining to the feasibility of all available options for eliminating unauthorized diversions and protecting the public trust resources.
This is an informal workshop. There will be no sworn testimony or cross-examination of participants, but the SWRCB and its staff may ask clarifying questions.
Participants are encouraged to provide written comments by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday,
May 24, 2000. The SWRCB requests that 15 copies of written comments be sent to Katherine Mrowka at the mailing address on the first page of this notice. Additional copies for participants of the workshop should be provided on the day of the workshop.
Participants are encouraged to summarize their written comments in their oral presentations. Cal-Am and the District will be allowed twenty minutes to present status reports. To ensure that all other participants have an opportunity to participate in the workshop, oral presentations may be limited to five minutes or less. Participants with similar comments are requested to make joint presentations.
The enclosed map (not electronically available) shows the location of the Double Tree Hotel in Monterey. Paid parking is available at the hotel. The conference room is accessible to persons with disabilities.
Questions concerning this notice may be directed to Ms. Katherine Mrowka, Division of Water Rights at (916) 657-1951 or (FAX (916) 675-1485), or Barbara Katz, Office of the Chief Counsel, at (916) 657-2097.
Maureen Marché
Administrative Assistant to the Board
Dated: May 4, 2000