Thursday, June 20, 2002 – 10:00 a.m.


Coastal Hearing Room – Second Floor

Joe Serna Jr./Cal/EPA Building

1001 I Street, Sacramento


Questions regarding this agenda - call Maureen Marché (916) 341-5600 or fax 341-5620.


Please note time limitations on presentations may be imposed.

Oral Testimony:  The State Board requests that oral testimony be summarized.

Submittal of written comments is encouraged to ensure that all comments will be included in the record before the Board.*


For a map to our building, please see our website at:

Audio broadcast of this meeting is available at:


Declaration of Quorum



Public Forum.  (Any member of the public may address and ask questions of the Board relating to any matter within the Board's jurisdiction, provided the matter is not on the Board's agenda, or pending before the Board or a Regional Board.) Note: Presentations at the Public Forum will be limited to 5 minutes or otherwise at the discretion of the Chairman.



The Board will consider the minutes of the May 16 and 28, 2002 Board Meetings.



1-21.  The Board will be asked to approve items 1-21 at one time.



22.  Consideration of a Resolution Denying the Request From the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) For $300,000 from the State Water Pollution Cleanup and Abatement Account for Water Connections In the West College Avenue/Clover Drive Area of Santa Rosa.  (The Board will consider whether to deny the request.)





Uncontested items are expected to be routine and non-controversial.  They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion.  If any Board Member, staff, or interested person requests that an item be removed from the Uncontested Items Calendar, it will be taken up in the regular agenda order.



1.  Consideration of a Resolution Approving a Clean Beaches Initiative Grant for the County of Orange for Funding the Aliso Creek Treatment System From the Coastal Nonpoint Source Control Subaccount Established in the Costa-Machado Water Act Of 2000.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


2.  Consideration of a Resolution Approving a Clean Beaches Initiative Grant for the City of Long Beach for Funding of the Colorado Lagoon Project From the Coastal Nonpoint Source Control Subaccount Established in the Costa-Machado Water Act of 2000.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


3.  Consideration of a Resolution Approving a Clean Beaches Initiative Grant for the City of Imperial Beach for Funding of the Date Avenue Storm Drain Diversion Project From the Coastal Nonpoint Source Control Subaccount Established in The Costa-Machado Water Act Of 2000.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


4.  Consideration of a Resolution Approving a Water Recycling Facilities Planning Grant Program; Approval of a Grant to the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District; Facilities Planning Study for the Freeport Regional Recycled Water Pipeline Project; Water Recycling Project No. 3504-010.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


5.  Consideration of a Resolution Approving a Water Recycling Facilities Planning Grant Program; Approval of a Grant to the City of Redwood City; Facilities Planning Study for the Redwood City Recycled Water Project; Water Recycling Project No. 3209-010.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


6.  Consideration of Adoption of the State Fiscal Year 2002/03 State Revolving Fund Loan Program Priority List.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


7.  Consideration of Approval of a State Revolving Fund Loan for the East Bay Municipal Utilities District’s East Bayshore Recycled Water Project – Phase 1A, SRF Project No. C-06-4303-110.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


8.  Consideration of Approval of a State Revolving Fund Loan for the Garberville Sanitary District Sewer System Relocation Project, SRF Project No. C-06-4700-110.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


9.  Consideration of Approval of a Loan Commitment from the State Revolving Fund for the Orange County Water District’s Groundwater Replenishment System: Project No. C-06-4462-110.  (The Board will whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


10.  Consideration of Approval of a State Revolving Fund Loan to the City of Redlands; Water Reclamation and Treatment Plant Upgrade Project; SRF Project No. C-06-4800-110.  (The Board will whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


11.  Consideration of Approval of a State Revolving Fund Local Match Loan Commitment for the City of San Diego Metropolitan Wastewater Department; Point Loma Fourth Sludge Pump Modifications; SRF Local Match Loan No. C-06-4786-110.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


12.  Consideration of Approval of a State Revolving Fund Loan to the City of San Luis Obispo; Water Reuse Project; SRF Project No. C-06-4307-110.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


13.  Consideration of Approval of a State Revolving Fund Loan for the Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control District, Sanitary Sewer Overflow Elimination Program Phase 1, SRF Loan Project No. C-06-4790-110.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


14.  Consideration of Approval of a State Revolving Fund Loan for Ventura County; Camarillo Airport Wastewater Collection System; SRF Loan No. C-06-4684-110.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


15.  Consideration of Approval of a Request to Increase the Spills, Leaks, Investigations, and Cleanup Program Budget Authority for Oversight of Groundwater Cleanups in the Amount of $998,000 From the State Water Pollution Cleanup and Abatement Account.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


16.  Consideration of a Resolution Approving the Request From the City of Turlock to Implement a Pilot Study to Monitor Groundwater Contamination From PCE and TCE in the Amount of $136,253 From the State Water Pollution Cleanup and Abatement Account.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


17.  Consideration of a Proposed Resolution Appointing Members to the Advisory Committee for Training and Certification of Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators and Supervisors.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


18.  Consideration of Approval of a Water Recycling Construction Program Grant to the City of Chino Hills; Soquel Canyon Pump Station #1 and R-20 Reservoir; WRCP Grant Project No. 3805-110  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)



19.  Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director or Designee to Extend the Duration of Contract Number 9-042-250-0 With the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) for Grasslands Bypass Biological Monitoring Program.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


20. Consideration of a Resolution to Adopt Emergency Regulations for a Pesticide Research, Identification of Source and Mitigation Grant Program.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


21.  Consideration of a Resolution to Authorize Acceptance of Grant Funds From the U.S. EPA to Continue the Cooperative Agreement for the San Francisco Estuary Project.  (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


Closed Session Items

(Please note Closed Sessions are not open to the public)


LITIGATION  (This is authorized under Government Code section 11126(e)(1).)

The Board will be meeting in closed session to discuss ongoing litigation in the case of Building Industry Association of San Diego County et al. v. State Water Resources Control Board (San Diego County Superior Court, No. GIC 780263).


WATER RIGHTS (This is authorized under Government Code Section 11126(c)(3).)

The Board will be meeting in closed session to deliberate on testimony and evidence presented during the hearing on the joint petition of Imperial Irrigation District and San Diego County Water Authority for approval of a long-term transfer of conserved water (Application 7482).


The Board will be meeting in closed session to deliberate on a decision to be reached following a formal hearing it conducted in the Matter of  Permit 14853 (Application 21883) of North Gualala Water Company  regarding the legal classification of groundwater appropriated under this water right permit.


Personnel  (This is authorized under Government Code Section 11126(a)(1).)

The Board will be meeting in closed session to discuss the appointment, evaluation of performance or dismissal of a public employee or to hear complaints or charges brought against that employee by another person or employee unless the employee requests a public hearing.



*In order to be fully considered at the meeting, written comments must be received by 5:00 p.m., June 17, 2002.  Mailing address:  PO Box 100, Sacramento, CA  95812-0100; FAX 916-341-5620.


Note:  Individuals who require special accommodations are requested to contact Adrian Perez at (916) 341-5880 at least 5 working days prior to the meeting date.  TTY users may contact the California Relay service at 1-800-735-2929 or voice line at 1-800-735-2922.

Please note: Some of our older material may no longer be available in electronic form. If you need assistance obtaining a file, please contact the Clerk to the Board, email