Wednesday, May 1, 2002 – see below

Thursday, May 2, 2002 – 9:00 a.m.

Coastal Hearing Room – Second Floor

The Joe Serna Jr./ Cal/EPA Building

1001 I Street, Sacramento


Questions regarding this agenda call Maureen Marché (916) 341-5600 or fax (916) 341-5620.  


Workshop includes informal discussion of items to be presented for action at a future business meeting. People who are interested in items on the agenda are urged to attend workshops as they may miss valuable discussion that will not be repeated at the Board meeting.  NOTE:  there is no voting at workshops. Items requiring Board action must come to a Board meeting.

For a map to our building, please see our website at:


Please note time limitations on presentations may be imposed.

Oral Testimony:  The State Board requests that oral testimony be summarized. (see Presentations to the Board)

  Submittal of written comments is encouraged to ensure

 that all comments will be included in the

record before the Board.*


Wednesday, May 1, 2002 – 11:30 a.m. -- Closed Session Item

Conference Room 2510


(Please note Closed Sessions are not open to the public)


WATER RIGHTS  (This is authorized under Government Code section 11126(c)(3).)

The Board will be meeting in closed session to deliberate on a proposed decision in the matter of Applications

30038, 30083, 30160, 30165, 30175, 30178, 30260, 30355, and 30374 regarding the determination of the legal classification of groundwater in the Pauma and Pala Basins of the San Luis Rey River in San Diego County.





Any member of the public may address and ask questions of the Board relating to any matter within the Board’s jurisdiction, provided the matter is not on the Board’s agenda or pending before the Board or a Regional Board. Note:  Presentations at the Public Forum will be limited to 5 minutes or otherwise at the discretion of the Chairman.



1.  Progress Report by the Monterey County Water Resources Agency on the Status of the Agency’s Efforts to Develop a Solution to the Problem of Seawater Intrusion in the Salinas Valley.  (Information Item)



2.  In the Matter of the Petition of Meridian Beartrack Company, Meridian Gold Company, and Felix Mining Company for Review of Cease And Desist Order No. 5-01-041 for Royal Mountain King Mine Issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region.  SWRCB/OCC FILE A-1369.  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed order vacating the cease and desist order and remanding the matter to the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board for further action.)


3.  In the Matter of the Review on its Own Motion of Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. 6-00-101 for Molycorp, Inc., Issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region.  SWRCB/OCC File A-1347.  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed order remanding Order No. 6-00-101 to the Regional Board.)


4.  In the Matter of the Petitions of Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Western States Petroleum Association, Communities for a Better Environment, and Bay Area Clean Water Agencies for review of Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. 01-067 [NPDES No. CA0005134] for Chevron Richmond Refinery, Richmond Plant, and Richmond Works, issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region.  SWRCB/OCC Files A-1395, A-1395(a), A-1395(b), and A-1395(c).  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed order remanding Order No. 01-067 to the Regional Board.)


5.  In the Matter of the Petitions of East Bay Municipal Utility District (the District) and Bay Area Clean Water Agencies for Review of Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. 01-072 [NPDES No. CA0037702] for the District’s Special District No. 1 Water Pollution Control Plant Issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region.  SWRCB/OCC Files A-1396 and A-1396(a).  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed order remanding Order No. 01-072 to the Regional Board.)



6.  Consideration of a Proposed Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region to Revise Bacteria Objectives for Waters Designated for Water Contact Recreation.  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


**7.  Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director or Designee to Negotiate, Execute, and Amend a Grant Contract with the County of Kern for Developing Its Zoning Ordinance Revisions and a Program Environmental Impact Report for Continued Permitting of Dairies.  (The Board will consider, at a Board Meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


**8.  Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director or Designee to Negotiate, Execute, and Amend a Contract with the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority to Provide Funding for the Jurupa Community Services District Chino I‑Chino II Desalter Intertie Project from the Southern California Integrated Watershed Program Established in the Costa-Machado Water Act of 2000.  (The Board will consider, at a Board Meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


**9.  Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director or Designee to Negotiate, Execute, and Amend a Contract with the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority to Provide Funding for the March Air Reserve Base Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Project from the Southern California Integrated Watershed Program Established in the Costa-Machado Water Act of 2000.  (The Board will consider, at a Board Meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


**10.  Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director or Designee to Negotiate, Execute, and Amend a Contract with the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority to Provide Funding for the March Air Reserve Base Groundwater Recovery Project from the Southern California Integrated Watershed Program Established in the Costa-Machado Water Act of 2000.  (The Board will consider, at a Board Meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


**11.  Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director or Designee to Negotiate, Execute, and Amend a Contract with the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority to Provide Funding for the Yucaipa Valley Water District Non-Potable Water Distribution System Project from the Southern California Integrated Watershed Program Established in the Costa-Machado Water Act of 2000.  (The Board will consider, at a Board Meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)



**12.  Consideration of a Proposed Resolution Approving a Water Recycling Facilities Planning Grant for the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District, Sonoma Valley Recycled Water Recycling Feasibility Study.  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


**13.  Consideration of a Proposed Resolution Approving a Water Recycling Construction Program (WRCP) Grant to the City of Corona; Water Recycled “A”; WRCP Project No. 3803-110.  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


**14.  Consideration of a Proposed Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director to Execute an Interagency Agreement (IA) with the Department of Toxic Substances Control for the State and Regional Water Boards to Provide Regulatory Oversight of Site Remediation at United States Department of Defense Facilities.  (The Board will consider, at a Board Meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


**15.  Consideration of a Proposed Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director to Accept Petroleum Trust Fund Grants From and Execute a Cooperative Agreement With the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9.  (The Board will consider, at a Board Meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


**16.  Consideration of a Proposed Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director to Accept Grants From the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9, Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund.  (The Board will consider, at a Board Meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)



**17.  Consideration of Four Proposed Resolutions Delegating Authorities to the Board Members Individually, the Executive Director, the Chief Deputy Director, and the Divisions of Administrative Service, Clean Water Programs, and Water Rights.  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolutions.)


Closed Session Item

(Please note Closed Sessions are not open to the public)


Personnel  (This is authorized under Government Code Section 11126(a)(1).)

The Board will be meeting in closed session to discuss the appointment, evaluation of performance or dismissal of a public employee or to hear complaints or charges brought against that employee by another person or employee unless the employee requests a public hearing.



*In order to be fully considered at the meeting, written comments must be received by 5:00 p.m., April 29, 2002.  Mailing address:  PO Box 100, Sacramento, CA  95812-0100; FAX 916-341-5620


**These items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial and there will be no discussion unless requested by a Board Member, staff or interested party.  If such a request is made, the item will be considered separately.


Note:  Individuals who require special accommodations are requested to contact Adrian Perez at (916) 341-5880 at least 5 working days prior to the meeting date.  TTY users may contact the California Relay service at 1-800-735-2929 or voice line at 1-800-735-2922.

Please note: Some of our older material may no longer be available in electronic form. If you need assistance obtaining a file, please contact the Clerk to the Board, email