REVISED DECLARATION OF A QUORUM BOARD MEETINGPublic comments on agenda items will be limited to 5 minutes or otherwise at the discretion of the Board Chair SUPERIOR ACCOMPLISHMENT MERIT AWARD PUBLIC FORUM BOARD BUSINESS UNCONTESTED ITEM (Item 3) * * 3. Consideration of a Resolution approving guidelines and an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Region (Basin Plan) concerning the disposal of dredged sediment. (Written comments were due on August 28, 2007 by 12 p.m.)
INFORMATIONAL ITEM 6. State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Program Annual Report for 2006/2007. 7. Report on Delegated Actions. 8. Executive Directory's Report.
Important Information!! Unless otherwise specified, submittal of written comments must be received by 12:00 p.m., October 31, 2007, and will not be accepted after that time. Submittal of electronic Powerpoint presentations must be received by 12:00 p.m., November 2, 2007, and will not be accepted after that time. Submittals are to be sent via e-mail to the Clerk to the Board at Please indicate in the subject line, “11//6/07 BOARD MEETING (fill in bolded subject from appropriate item).” If you have questions about the agenda, contact the Clerk to the Board at (916) 341-5600. Agenda and items are available on the internet at: * Items on the uncontested items calendar may be removed at the request of any Board member or person. If an item is removed from the uncontested items calendar, it will only be voted on at this meeting if the Board accepts the staff recommendation for the agenda item. Otherwise, the item will be continued to a subsequent board meeting to allow input by interested persons. Video broadcast of meetings will be available at: For a map to our building, visit: All visitors are required to sign in and receive a badge prior to attending any meeting. Valid picture identification may be required due to the security level so please allow up to 15 minutes for this process. Individuals who require special accommodations are requested to contact the Clerk of the Board, at (916) 341-5600. |