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August 17, 2000
Note: Copies of the orders, decisions, and resolutions mentioned in these minutes can be obtained from Maureen Marché, State Water Resources Control Board, Post Office Box 100, Sacramento, California, 95812-0100; or call (916) 657-0990.
The meeting was called to order by Arthur G. Baggett, Jr., Acting Chairman, Thursday, August 17, 2000, at 9:00 a.m., in the First-Floor Hearing Room, 901 "P" Street, Sacramento, California.
Arthur G. Baggett, Jr., Mary Jane Forster, John W. Brown and Peter S. Silva..
Ed Anton, Tom Howard, Craig M. Wilson, Maureen Marché, Todd Thompson and Eric Torguson.
Logan Olds, Susanville Consolidated Sanitary District; Brice Buel, Los Osos Community Services District; Ceil W. Howe, Jr., Westlake Farms Inc; Dante Nomellini, Jr., Central District Water Agency; Ron Liebert, California Farm Bureau Federation; Ed Heuer, Oro Loma Sanitary District; Robert G. O’Dette, Water Environment Federation; James Good, Synagro of California, Inc.; Steve Maquin, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County; Nolan Negaard, Palmdale Water District; David E. Broadwater, Center for Sludge Information; Lyle Talbot, Desert Citizen Against Pollution; Bret Banks, Antelope Valley APCD; Ray Kearney, Bureau of Sanitation City of Los Angeles; Steve Stockton, Responsible Biosolids Management; Dennis La Moreaux, Palmdale Water District; Brent McManigal, Synagro; Mike Moore, Tri-TAC and Ed Heuer, Oro Loma Sanitary District.
Awards were presented to Dave Carlson, Office of Statewide Consistency, and Kathleen Keber, Office of Chief Counsel.
No one addressed the Board.
The Board unanimously adopted the minutes of the July 20, 2000 Board Meeting.
Items 1 and 3-5 were unanimously approved by the Board as recommended by staff. Item 2 was removed from the Uncontested Items Calendar.
1. Consideration of Proposed Resolution Amending the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Cleanup Fund Priority List Amendment No. 77.
Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the resolution approving the proposed resolution approving the amendment. Resolution 2000 - 063
2. Consideration of Adoption of the Small Communities Grant (SCG) Program Project Priority List.
Eric Torguson, Division of Clean Water Programs, submitted a revised priority list dated August 16, 2000. Mr. Torguson also stated that there are four additional communities (Willits, Malaga, Latanville and Byron) in the process of submitting documentation to be on the priority list. The Board agreed to consider amending the SCG list in September or October 2000.
3. Consideration of a Resolution Adopting the Proposed Amendments to the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund Regulations.
Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the proposed resolution approving the amendments. Resolution 2000 - 064
4. Consideration of Approval of the Extension of the Expiration Date for the $47 Million State Revolving Fund Commitment for the Los Osos Community Services District, Los Osos/Baywood Park Wastewater Project C-06-4014-110.
Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the proposed resolution approving the time extension. Resolution 2000 - 065
5. Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution Approving a State Revolving Fund Loan of $2 Million to the Sierra Foothills Conservancy for the Sonny Meadows Mitigation Bank Project and to Update the Current Statewide Project Priority List to Include the Project (Loan No. C-06-6076-110).
Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the proposed resolution approving the loan. Resolution 2000 - 066
6. Consideration of Approval of a Resolution for Certification Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) of the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (Final PEIR) Covering General Waste Discharge Requirements for Biosolids Land Application.
Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the proposed resolution certifying the Final PEIR. Resolution No. 2000 - 068
7. Consideration of Adoption of General Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharge of Biosolids to Land for Use as a Soil Amendment in Agriculture, Silviculture, Horticulture, and Land Reclamation Activities.
Items 6 and 7 were considered together.
Cecil Howe, Jr., Dante Nomellini, Jr., Ron Liebert, Ed Hever, Robert O’Dette, James Good (submitted revisions to the discharge requirements), Steve Maguin, Nolan Negaard, David Broadwater, Dennis La Moreaux, Lyle Talbot, Bret Banks, Ray Kearney, and Steve Stockton addressed the Board.
Todd Thompson, Division of Water Quality, noted an August 17 errata sheet showing staff’s suggested revisions to the proposed discharge requirements. In addition, staff further recommended the following revisions:
- Prohibition No. 12 (Errata Sheet Item No. 8): change 4,300 mg/Kg and 840 mg/Kg to 840 mg/Kg and 4,300 mg/Kg, respectively;
- Errata Sheet Item No. 9: Change to read “Biosolids less than 75 percent moisture shall not be applied during periods when the surface wind speed exceeds 25 miles per hour as determined by the nearest calibrated regional weather stations (e.g., airport, CIMIS).”
- add a definition for fallow lands: “Fallow lands are areas that have not been cultivated during the growing season, but do not include areas that have been tilled, disked or otherwise disturbed to control weeds or conserve soil moisture during such season.
- add language regarding abandoned wells: “Regional Board staff will examine available records to determine if there are recorded wells at the proposed application site. No application will be permitted at the site unless the well has been properly abandoned or the set back requirements are observed.”
Motion: The Board unanimously adopted the general waste discharge requirements as revised by the errata sheet and the revisions recommended by staff
- Resolution 2000-069 (adopting the general waste discharge requirements)
- Water Quality Order 2000-10-DWQ (adopting the general waste discharge requirements)
No reports were made.
The Executive Director submitted a written report summarizing current significant issues.
The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:30 a.m.