Draft California 2014 Integrated Report (303(d) List/305(b) Report)

Supporting Information

Regional Board 4 - Los Angeles Region

Water Body Name: Ballona Creek Wetlands
Water Body ID: CAT4051700020000301101951
Water Body Type: Wetland, Tidal
Region 4     
Ballona Creek Wetlands
Pollutant: Exotic Vegetation
Final Listing Decision: List on 303(d) list (being addressed by USEPA approved TMDL)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2012)
Revision Status Revised
Sources: Source Unknown
TMDL Name: Ballona Wetland (65)
TMDL Project Code: 403
Date TMDL Approved by USEPA: 03/26/2012
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollution
Regional Board Staff Conclusion: 303(d) listing decisions made prior to 2006 were not held in an assessment database and are not available in the administrative record.

There is sufficient justification to place this waterbody/pollutant in the Being Addressed portion of the CWA 303(d) List because a TMDL has been completed and approved by USEPA, and is expected to result in attainment of the standard.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The Ballona Creek Wetlands Sediment and Invasive Exotic Vegetation TMDL
TMDL was approved by USEPA on 03/26/2012.
2. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Staff Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the impairment is due to a non-pollutant or pollution. This impairment therefore falls under Integrated Report Category 4c.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 44746, Exotic Vegetation
Region 4     
Ballona Creek Wetlands
LOE ID: 4032
Pollutant: Exotic Vegetation
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Wetland Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Unspecified
Objective/Criterion Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Evaluation Guideline: Unspecified
Guideline Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Spatial Representation: Unspecified
Temporal Representation: Unspecified
Environmental Conditions: Unspecified
QAPP Information: Unspecified
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Region 4     
Ballona Creek Wetlands
Pollutant: Habitat alterations
Final Listing Decision: List on 303(d) list (being addressed by USEPA approved TMDL)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2012)
Revision Status Revised
Sources: Source Unknown
TMDL Name: Ballona Wetland (65)
TMDL Project Code: 403
Date TMDL Approved by USEPA: 03/26/2012
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollution
Regional Board Staff Conclusion: 303(d) listing decisions made prior to 2006 were not held in an assessment database and are not available in the administrative record.

There is sufficient justification to place this waterbody/pollutant in the Being Addressed portion of the CWA 303(d) List because a TMDL has been completed and approved by USEPA, and is expected to result in attainment of the standard.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The Ballona Creek Wetlands Sediment and Invasive Exotic Vegetation TMDL
TMDL was approved by USEPA on 03/26/2012.
2. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Staff Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be removed from the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards for the pollutant are being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 34697, Habitat alterations
Region 4     
Ballona Creek Wetlands
LOE ID: 4033
Pollutant: Habitat alterations
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Unspecified
Objective/Criterion Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Evaluation Guideline: Unspecified
Guideline Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Spatial Representation: Unspecified
Temporal Representation: Unspecified
Environmental Conditions: Unspecified
QAPP Information: Unspecified
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Region 4     
Ballona Creek Wetlands
Pollutant: Hydromodification
Final Listing Decision: List on 303(d) list (being addressed by USEPA approved TMDL)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2012)
Revision Status Revised
Sources: Source Unknown
TMDL Name: Ballona Wetland (65)
TMDL Project Code: 403
Date TMDL Approved by USEPA: 03/26/2012
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollution
Regional Board Staff Conclusion: 303(d) listing decisions made prior to 2006 were not held in an assessment database and are not available in the administrative record.

Hydromodification falls under the definition of pollution this is being moved to Category 4c.

The Ballona Creek Wetlands Sediment and Invasive Exotic Vegetation TMDL was approved by EPA on March 26, 2012. The actions provided in this TMDL will address the impacts related to hydromodification.
Regional Board Staff Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the impairment is due to a non-pollutant or pollution. This impairment therefore falls under Integrated Report Category 4c.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 34699, Hydromodification
Region 4     
Ballona Creek Wetlands
LOE ID: 4034
Pollutant: Hydromodification
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Unspecified
Objective/Criterion Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Evaluation Guideline: Unspecified
Guideline Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Spatial Representation: Unspecified
Temporal Representation: Unspecified
Environmental Conditions: Unspecified
QAPP Information: Unspecified
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Region 4     
Ballona Creek Wetlands
Pollutant: Reduced Tidal Flushing
Final Listing Decision: List on 303(d) list (being addressed by USEPA approved TMDL)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2012)
Revision Status Revised
Sources: Source Unknown
TMDL Name: Ballona Wetland (65)
TMDL Project Code: 403
Date TMDL Approved by USEPA: 03/26/2012
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollution
Regional Board Staff Conclusion: 303(d) listing decisions made prior to 2006 were not held in an assessment database and are not available in the administrative record.

There is sufficient justification to place this waterbody/pollutant in the Being Addressed portion of the CWA 303(d) List because a TMDL has been completed and approved by USEPA, and is expected to result in attainment of the standard.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The Ballona Creek Wetlands Sediment and Invasive Exotic Vegetation TMDL
TMDL was approved by USEPA on 03/26/2012.
2. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Staff Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the impairment is due to a non-pollutant or pollution. This impairment therefore falls under Integrated Report Category 4c.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 44747, Reduced Tidal Flushing
Region 4     
Ballona Creek Wetlands
LOE ID: 4035
Pollutant: Reduced Tidal Flushing
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Wetland Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Unspecified
Objective/Criterion Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Evaluation Guideline: Unspecified
Guideline Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Spatial Representation: Unspecified
Temporal Representation: Unspecified
Environmental Conditions: Unspecified
QAPP Information: Unspecified
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Region 4     
Ballona Creek Wetlands
Pollutant: Trash
Final Listing Decision: List on 303(d) list (being addressed by USEPA approved TMDL)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: List on 303(d) list (being addressed by USEPA approved TMDL)(2012)
Revision Status Original
Sources: Nonpoint Source
TMDL Name: Ballona Creek Trash (51)
TMDL Project Code: 608
Date TMDL Approved by USEPA: 01/01/2019
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Staff Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for listing under section 2.2 of the Listing Policy. Under this section of the Policy, a minimum of one line of evidence is needed to assess listing status.

The Ballona Creek Trash TMDL was approved by the RWQCB in 2001 and subsequently approved by USEPA.

Based on the readily available information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification in favor of placing this water segment-pollutant combination in the Water Quality Limited Segments Being Addressed portion of the section 303(d) list.
Regional Board Staff Decision Recommendation: This is a decision previously approved by the State Water Resources Control Board and the USEPA. No new data were assessed by the Regional Board for the current. The decision has not changed.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 34068, Trash
Region 4     
Ballona Creek Wetlands
LOE ID: 3433
Pollutant: Trash
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Nuisance
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference 2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion:
Objective/Criterion Reference:
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation:
Temporal Representation:
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: QA Info Missing
QAPP Information Reference(s):