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Central Coast Agricultural Order
SWRCB/OCC Files A-2209(a)-(e)

Ex Parte Disclosure Requirements

This item is subject to the ex parte communication disclosure requirements of Water Code section 13287, as explained in https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/laws_regulations/docs/exparte.pdf. Any communications between interested persons and board members (other than at a noticed board meeting or submitted as a comment letter in compliance with the public notice) must be disclosed by the interested person within seven days of the communication. Sample disclosure forms are available at: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/laws_regulations/docs/swrcb_godf_fillin.pdf. Ex parte communications between interested persons and board members concerning this item will be prohibited beginning 14 days prior to any meeting scheduled for adoption of an order in this matter.

Beginning Tuesday, September 17, 2013, at 12 noon, ex parte communications between interested persons and board members concerning this item are prohibited.


