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State Water Board Office of Enforcement

Violations of Waste Discharge Requirements

NPDES Wastewater Number of Violations of NPDES Wastewater Permits 2000 to 2011

Table 2 lists the total number of violations of NPDES permits by Regional Water Board office for each of the past nine years.  The table shows a generally consistent number of violations statewide although this does not track for all of the Regional Water Board offices.  The increase in the number of violations from the year 2003 is in part explained by increased diligence in recording violations. Data for 2011 is still incomplete since monitoring reports are still being reviewed by the regional boards:

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011*

*Data for 2011 are incomplete.

( Updated 8/9/24 )

