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Watershed Management Initiative
To protect water resources through a watershed management approach, a mix of point and nonpoint source discharges, ground and surface water interactions, and water quality/water quantity relationships must be considered. These complex relationships present considerable challenges to water resource protection programs. In order to start addressing these challenges, the State and Regional Boards were asked beginning in 1996 to prepare a Watershed Management Initiative (WMI) Chapter to identify priorities and resource needs across programs and in a watershed context. Each of the nine Regional Boards prepares its individual Chapter of the WMI, which is designed to integrate various surface and ground water regulatory programs while promoting cooperative, collaborative efforts within a watershed. This current document is the most recent version of the San Francisco Bay Region’s WMI Chapter. The WMI Chapter is updated on an as-needed basis and is meant to be flexible and responsive to the adaptive management required to address issues with changing priorities, new information, and changes in funding. The Chapter is organized into three sections: Introduction, Regionwide Activities, and Watershed Area Activities. The Introduction discusses the Region’s watershed management approach; describes the characteristics of the Region and its watersheds; defines our watershed management areas and how we work to implement the WMI; and summarizes our priority setting process and priority actions within the region and in each of our watershed areas. The Regionwide Section includes a description of program areas and activities that encompass multiple watersheds or are regional in nature, and it summarizes the current and future priorities for each of our major program areas. The Watershed Areas section reviews the major characteristics and water quality issues for each of our Watershed Management Areas, as well as our staff activities, priorities, and proposed actions. Title Page and Executive Summary Table of Contents Section 1.0 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 Watershed Management Initiative 1.2 Watershed Definition and Watershed Management Approach 1.3 Watershed Management Areas in the San Francisco Bay Region 1.4 Organizational Structure, Priority Issues and Internal Communication 1.5 Watershed Based Program Management and Chapter Organization Section 2.0 REGIONAL ACTIVITIES 2.1 High Priority Issues and Funding Needs 2.2 Planning and Policy Development 2.3 Monitoring and Assessment 2.4 Nonpoint Source Program 2.5 Wetlands and Stream Protection 2.6 Core Regulatory Programs 2.7 Groundwater Resource Management 2.8 Geographic Information System (GIS) Section 3.0 WATERSHED ACTIVITIES 3.1 County Watershed Activities 3.2 Alameda Watershed Management Area 3.3 Contra Costa Watershed Management Area 3.4 Marin Watershed Management Area 3.5 Napa Watershed Management Area 3.6 San Francisco Watershed Management Area 3.7 San Mateo Watershed Management Area 3.8 Santa Clara Basin Watershed Management Area 3.9 Solano Watershed Management Area 3.10 Sonoma Watershed Management Area 3.11 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDLs) |
For more information contact Dale Hopkins or call (510) 622-2362