Thursday, December 5, 2013, 10:00 a.m.

Friday, December 6, 2013, 8:30 a.m.


Central Coast Water Board

895 Aerovista Place, Suite 101, San Luis Obispo



Thursday, December 5, 2013, 10:00 a.m.


1.   Roll Call [Michael Thomas, Assistant Executive Officer]


2.   Introductions, Staff Recognition, and Awards [Kenneth A. Harris Jr.]


Board Business


3.   Approval of October 9, 2013 Meeting Minutes


4.   Report by Regional Board Members

·         Summary of Water Quality Coordinating Committee Meeting

5.   Report by State Water Resources Control Board Liaison [Steven Moore 916/341-5624]

Uncontested Items


Items on the uncontested items calendar are expected to be routine and noncontroversial.  Recommended action will be taken without discussion.  Items may be removed at the request of any board member or person, and if removed, will be taken up during the meeting at a time specified by the Chair. If an item is removed from the uncontested items calendar, it will only be voted on at this meeting if the board accepts the staff recommendation for the agenda item. Otherwise, the item will be continued to a subsequent board meeting to allow input by interested persons.

6.    Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands

Revise Order No. R3-2012-0011, Condition 65 – Public Disclosure of Well Location

[Angela Schroeter, 805/542-4644,]


7.    Standard Provisions for Waste Discharge Requirements

Resolution No. R3-2013-0052

[Harvey Packard, 805/542-4639,]


8.    John Smith Road Landfill, San Benito County    

Revise Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. R3-2013-0047

[Dan Niles, 805/549-3355,]


9.    Santa Lucia Community Services District, Carmel, Monterey County

Master Recycling Permit Order No. R3-2013-0020

[Tom Kukol, 805/549-3689,] CW- 255653


10.  Freeport-McMoRan (former PXP) Oil and Gas Production Facility, Pismo Beach, San Luis Obispo County

Reissue Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. R3-2013-0029, NPDES Permit No. CA0050628

[Katie Disimone, 805/542-4638,] CW-653246


11.  Summerland Sanitary District, Summerland, Santa Barbara County

Reissue Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. R3-2013-0042, NPDES Permit No. CA0048054

[Peter von Langen, 805/549-3688,] CW-259377


12.  Phillips 66 Company Refinery, Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County

Reissue Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. R3-2013-0028, NPDES Permit No. CA0000051)

[Katie Disimone, 805/542-4638,] CW-255671


13.  San Simeon Community Services District, San Simeon, San Luis Obispo County

Reissue Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. R3-2013-0021, NPDES Permit No. CA0047961

[Katie Disimone, 805/542-4638,] CW-255462


14.  Aquaculture General Permit

Reissue Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. R3-2013-0041, NPDES Permit No. CAG993003

[Anthony Bonilla, 805/542-4787,] CW-204210, CW79426, CW-239526, CW-792425, CW-237344, CW-216328, and CW-21622


15.  Total Maximum Daily Load for Boron in Streams of the Estrella River Basin, San Luis Obispo County
Resolution No. R3-2013-0058
[Pete Osmolovsky, 805/549-3699,]

16.  Total Maximum Daily Load for Nitrate in the Arroyo Paredon Watershed, Santa Barbara County
Resolution No. R3-2013-0050
[Howard Kolb, 805/549-3332,]


Status Reports and Discussion Items


17.  Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program Update

[Angela Schroeter, 805/542-4644,]


18.  Central Coast Groundwater Coalition Update

[Hector Hernandez, 805/542-4641,]


19.  Optimizing Irrigation and Nitrogen Management in Strawberries for Improved Water Quality, Results of PG&E Grants #2010-0084 and #2011-0676

[Monica Barricarte, 805/549-3881,]


20.  Central Coast LID Initiative Update

[Dominic Roques, 805/542-4780,]


Public Forum


Public forum will be heard directly after the lunch break, not before 1:00 p.m. Any person may address the Board regarding a matter within the Board's jurisdiction that is not related to an item on this meeting agenda. Comments will generally be limited to three minutes, unless otherwise directed by the Chair.  Any person wishing to make a longer presentation should contact the Executive Officer at least one week prior to the meeting. Comments regarding matters that are scheduled for a future meeting will be restricted.


Closed Session


21.  Discussion of Cases in Litigation [Staff Counsel Jessica Jahr]

The Board will meet in closed session to discuss pending litigation, as authorized by Government Code (GC) Section 11126[e][2][A], in the cases of:

1.    Monterey Coastkeeper, et al. v. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Coast Region (Monterey County Superior Court Case No. M111983)(Extension of 2004 Ag Order)

2.    Petition of Monterey Coastkeeper, Santa Barbara Channelkeeper and San Luis Obispo Coastkeeper (Resolution No. R3-2011-0208, Executive Officer Extension of the 2004 Agricultural Order No. R3-2004-0117)

3.    Petition of William Elliott (Resolution No. R3-2011-0208, Executive Officer Extension of the 2004 Agricultural Order No. R3-2004-0117

4.    Los Osos CSD v. Central Coast Water Board (San Luis Obispo County Case No. CV 060146 (TSO 00-131)

5.    Maxine Heim v. Central Coast Water Board, San Luis Obispo County Superior Court Case No. CV 989572

6.    Ken Berry, et al. v. Central Coast Water Board, et al. (Sacramento Superior Court; CEQA Challenge to Los Osos CDOs)

7.    Petition of Desal Response Group (Ocean View CSD Desalination Facility, Ocean View Plaza, Monterey CA; Order No. R3-2007-0040 [NPDES Permit No. CA0050016]), SWRCB/OCC File No. A-1873

8.    Petition of City of Lompoc (Santa Barbara County, Resolution No. R3-2008-0071 for City of Lompoc Storm Water Management Program), SWRCB/OCC File No. A-1965.

9.    Casmalia Hazardous Waste Site Litigation:  U.S. v. State of California and Related Matters.

10.  Petition of Levon Investments, LLC; Rose Marie Towle (trustee); John L. DeMourkas (trustee); John Ridell (trustee); Stephanie Marie Redding (trustee); Elisa Anna Redding (trustee); and Wells Fargo Bank (trustee) for Renco Encoders, 26 Coromar Drive, Goleta (Water Code Section 13267 Order dated May 13, 2011, Revising Monitoring and Reporting Program No. R3-2005-0143), SWRCB/OCC File No. A-2168.

11.  Petition of Monterey County Water Resources Agency, Water Code Section 13267 Order dated April 18, 2012, Requiring a Report of Waste Discharge, SWRCB/OCC File A-2212

12.  Petition of South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District, Administrative Civil Liability Order No. R3-2012-0041.

13.  Petition of City of Watsonville (Water Code Section 13267 Order dated December 3, 2012, Requiring Submission of Information concerning the Sewer Collection System along Freedom Boulevard and Broadis Street, Watsonville), SWRCB/OCC File A-2237

The Board may discuss significant exposure to litigation as authorized by GC Section 11126[e][2][B].  The Board may also decide whether to initiate litigation as authorized by GC Section 11126[e][2][C].  The Board is not required to allow public comment on closed session items. (See GC Section 11125.7(d).


Deliberation on Decision after Hearing

The Board may meet in closed session to deliberate on a decision to be reached based upon evidence introduced in a hearing, as authorized by GC Section 11126(c) (3).


Personnel Issues

The Board may meet in closed session to discuss the appointment, evaluation of performance, or dismissal of a public employee or to hear complaints or charges brought against that employee by another employee unless the employee requests a public hearing. (This closed session is authorized under Government Code section 11126, subd. (a)(1).)


Friday, December 6, 2013, 8:30 a.m.


22.  Roll Call [Michael Thomas, Assistant Executive Officer]


23.  Public Forum


Any person may address the Board regarding a matter within the Board's jurisdiction that is not related to an item on this meeting agenda. Comments will generally be limited to three minutes, unless otherwise directed by the Chair.  Any person wishing to make a longer presentation should contact the Executive Officer at least one week prior to the meeting. Comments regarding matters that are scheduled for a future meeting will be restricted.


Status Reports and Discussion Items


24.  Los Osos WWTP Construction Update

[David LaCaro, 805/549-3892,]


25.  Enforcement Report

[Harvey Packard, 805/542-4639,]


26.  Grants Program Update

[Katie McNeill, 805/549-3336,]


27.  Environmental Justice in the Central Coast Region

[Ken Harris, 805/549-3140,]


28.  Underground Tank Program Update, Low Threat Closure Policy

[Chris Adair, 805/549-3761,]


Administrative Items


29.  Executive Officer’s Report                                  

[Kenneth A. Harris Jr. 805/549-3140]


Closed Session


30.  Discussion of Cases in Litigation   [Staff Counsel Jessica Jahr]

The Board will meet in closed session to discuss pending litigation, as authorized by Government Code (GC) Section 11126[e][2][A], in the cases listed under item 21.

The Board may discuss significant exposure to litigation as authorized by GC Section 11126[e][2][B].  The Board may also decide whether to initiate litigation as authorized by GC Section 11126[e][2][C].  The Board is not required to allow public comment on closed session items. (See GC Section 11125.7(d).


Deliberation on Decision after Hearing............................................................... Closed Session

The Board may meet in closed session to deliberate on a decision to be reached based upon evidence introduced in a hearing, as authorized by GC Section 11126(c)(3).


Personnel Issues................................................................................................. Closed Session

The Board may meet in closed session to discuss the appointment, evaluation of performance, or dismissal of a public employee or to hear complaints or charges brought against that employee by another employee unless the employee requests a public hearing. (This closed session is authorized under Government Code section 11126, subd. (a)(1).)





The next scheduled Board meeting is January 30-31, 2014, in Watsonville.





If you have questions about the agenda, contact Cyndee Jones at (805) 549-3372.


Additional information and instructions regarding board meeting procedures can be found on the Central Coast Water Board’s website.