REGION WDID STATUS SPILL_ID SPILL_LOC_NAME SPILL_VOL REACH_SURFACE REACH_STORM_DRAINPIPE RETURN_TO_SSS SPILL_VOL_RECOVER SPILL_VOL_REACH_SURF LATTITUDE_DECIMAL_DEGREES LONGITUDE_DECIMAL_DEGREES ADDRESS CITY ZIP SPILL_LOC_DESC APPEAR_PT APPEAR_PT_EXPLAIN FINAL_SPILL_DEST FINAL_SPILL_DEST_EXPL START_DT AGENCY_NOTIFY_DT OPRTOR_ARRVL_DT EST_END_DT SPILL_CAUSE SPILL_CAUSE_EXPLAIN SSO_PLSD_SOURCE_PLSD SSO_PLSD_SOURCE_EXPLAIN WHERE_FAILURE_OCCUR WHERE_FAIL_OCCUR_EXP DIAMETER_OF_SEWER MATERIAL_SEWER_PIPE AGE_SEWER_PIPE RESPONSE_ACTIVITIES RESPONSE_ACTIVITIES_EXPL 1 1SSO10001 Active 658190 1061 hallen drive 90 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 90 0 40.901154 -124.079044 1061 hallen arcata 95521 private lateral blockage from river community homes property Manhole 150' up driveway on private property Street/curb and gutter 15-SEP-07 PM 09/15/2007 18:00 09/15/2007 17:20 15-SEP-07 PM Debris Upper Lateral (Private) 6 pvc 25 Contained all or portion of spill;Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) used hydro and vactor truck to clear blockage and street sweeper/vaccuum truck to cleanup site and curbline 1 1SSO10001 Active 710555 McMillan Ct 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 29 0 40.888992 -124.074404 2030 mcMillan arcata 95521 Clean-out on property spill confined to landscaped area. Other sewer system structure SSCO at property Unpaved surface 18-DEC-07 PM 12/18/2007 22:00 12/18/2007 22:30 18-DEC-07 PM Debris Lower Lateral (Private) 6 pvc 15 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 1 1SSO10001 Active 724019 wagner house at humboldt state university (HSU) 10 Yes Yes No 0 10 40.875806 -124.0815 73 lk wood arcata ssco at wagner house overflowed due to blockage Gravity sewer Storm drain 17-JUL-08 AM 07/17/2008 09:00 07/17/2008 09:30 17-JUL-08 AM Debris Lower Lateral 4 PVC 30 Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 1 1SSO10001 Active 749048 kramer apts 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 0 40.87694 -124.0831 1945 g arcata 95521 sump pump on property Building or structure;Force main or pressure sewer Street/curb and gutter 22-JAN-10 PM 01/22/2010 15:30 01/22/2010 15:35 22-JAN-10 PM Pump station failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Pump fixed 1 1SSO10001 Active 759085 mad river parkway mexican restaurant 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 15 40.90313 -124.07787 1264 giuntoli arcata 95521 lateral cleanout in driveway Other (specify) clean-out Unpaved surface 08-NOV-10 PM 11/08/2010 15:20 11/08/2010 15:20 08-NOV-10 PM Debri-General Lower Lateral 6 sdr 1 Restored flow 1 1SSO10001 Active 765917 NW corne of 11th & F Streets 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 40.87017 -124.08412 Other sewer system structure Cleanout Other paved surface 13-APR-11 PM 04/13/2011 14:10 04/13/2011 14:15 13-APR-11 PM Other (specify below) Unknown plug in city lateral Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause 1 1SSO10001 Active 776213 2979 Janes Creek Drive 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 40.88802 -124.08334 2979 Janes Creek Arcata 95521 Other (specify) Plug in private lateral Unpaved surface 20-JAN-12 PM 01/20/2012 22:30 01/21/2012 00:30 20-JAN-12 PM Other (specify below) Plug in private lateral Lower Lateral Other (specify below) Could not locate source of backup; requested customer not to use facilities until 01/21/2012 1 1SSO10001 Active 776890 1069 Q Street 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 40.87219 -124.09586 1069 Q Arcata 95521 Dirt driveway of residence at 1069 Q Street Gravity sewer Dirt driveway of residence Unpaved surface 06-FEB-12 PM 02/06/2012 15:11 02/06/2012 15:21 06-FEB-12 PM Debri-Rags Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 1 1SSO10001 Active 777570 1056 11th Street 1987 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1700 0 40.87143 -124.08884 1056 11th Arcata 95521 Flat lot below street level Below house in the crawl space Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 14-FEB-12 PM 02/14/2012 17:10 02/14/2012 17:45 14-FEB-12 PM Debri-Rags Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 1 1SSO10001 Active 778690 3000 St. Louis Rd 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 40.88867 -124.081 3000 St. Louis Arcata 95521 around cleanout in Dirt driveway Gravity sewer around cleanout Unpaved surface 14-MAR-12 PM 03/14/2012 19:30 03/14/2012 19:00 14-MAR-12 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 6 PVC 15 Other (specify below) Digging and replacing broken section of pipe where root bal was located to fix the problem. 1 1SSO10001 Active 781399 786 9th Street 500 Yes Yes No 80 420 40.8692 -124.08671 786 9th Arcata 95521 Sewer DI near Arcata Liquors on H Street. Upon further investigation it was determined that some portion of the building plumbing underneath the building that houses Arcata Liquors had malfunctioned/broken and sewage from the building and possibly the neighboring building had been draining into the crawlspace under 786 9th Street Building or structure Separate storm drain 01-MAY-12 PM 05/10/2012 10:30 05/10/2012 10:43 10-MAY-12 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 1 1SSO10001 Active 806103 781 H Street / 4th Street Mkt 6 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 6 0 0 0 781 H Street Arcata 95521 driveway Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 04-SEP-10 PM 09/04/2010 18:30 09/04/2010 20:00 04-SEP-10 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up 1 1SSO10001 Active 807057 Safeway Produce Department 3200 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 1600 40.866 -124.084 600 F Street Arcata 95521 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 1) SW outside corner of building 2) SE corner outside buidling at foundation. Paved Surface 1) Into storm drain 2) Soaked into ground near creek 20-MAY-14 PM 05/22/2014 10:15 05/22/2014 10:20 22-MAY-14 AM Other (specify below) Unknown; possibly grease or debris in line? Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Other (specify below) Lateral @ private business; no cleanouts 4 clay 50 Other (specify below) Required store to discontinue use. Store is working with contractors for restoration & cleanup. 1 1SSO10001 Active 808881 1055 Samoa Blvd 1200 Yes Yes No 800 200 40.865 -124.09076 1055 Samoa Arcata 95521 Parking lot and inside commercial building Inside Building or Structure Building or Structure;Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Surface Water 30-AUG-14 PM 08/30/2014 14:50 08/30/2014 15:15 30-AUG-14 PM Other (specify below) unknown problem went away on its own Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill 1 1SSO10001 Active 809022 1055 Samoa Bv. 600 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 200 400 40.865 -124.091 1055 Samoa Bv. Arcata 95521 Inside Building or Structure;Lateral Clean Out (Private) Surface Water 31-AUG-14 PM 08/31/2014 14:50 08/31/2014 15:15 31-AUG-14 PM Other (specify below) Unknown - plugged line Other (specify below) Private Lateral clay 25 Cleaned-Up;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 1 1SSO10001 Active 811316 River Community Homes 1061 Hallen Drive Arcata 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 40.900833 -124.079167 Upper Lateral (Private) 09-DEC-14 AM 12/09/2014 08:00 Other (specify below) unknown Other (specify below) unknown 1 1SSO10001 Active 819283 Szechuan Garden 637 Yes Yes No 0 637 40.876403 -124.083693 752 18th Street Arcata 95521 Decrepit building sewer is allowing some sewage to reach stormwater conveyance Other sewer system structure Underneath building/ stormdrain DI Surface Water Jolly Giant Creek 28-OCT-15 AM 10/29/2015 14:22 10/30/2015 17:00 30-OCT-15 PM Other (specify below) Decrepit Building Plumbing Food Service Establishment (FSE) Other (specify below) Underneath Restaurant Property Owner Notified 1 1SSO10001 Active 825570 1945 G Street 250 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 250 40.877397 -124.083396 1945 G Arcata 95521 Private Sewer Pump Box Pump station Unpaved surface 01-FEB-16 PM 02/01/2016 14:15 02/01/2016 14:15 01-FEB-16 PM Other (specify below) Private Sewer Pump Box Failed High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Other (specify below) Private Sewer Pump Box Property Owner Notified 1 1SSO10001 Active 828995 1945 G Street 110 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 110 0 40.877457 -124.08359 1945 G Arcata 95521 Pump station Paved Surface 09-OCT-16 AM 10/09/2016 10:11 10/09/2016 10:36 09-OCT-16 AM Pump Station Failure-Controls Pump Station-Controls Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified 1 1SSO10003 Active 808882 Bay Flat Rd. at East Shore Rd. 94923 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.335667 -123.04975 Private Lateral Cleanout located in parking area at Compass Rose Gardens in Bodega Bay, CA. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 01-SEP-14 AM 09/01/2014 08:20 09/01/2014 08:30 01-SEP-14 AM Root Intrusion Mixed Use Property Property includes commercial & residential structures. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 paper / roots Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 1 1SSO10014 Active 719745 2nd. & Yst. Tarrget Store 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 40.806318 124.146031 2nd.St &Yst. 2nd. & Y st. Gravity sewer Other paved surface 16-JUN-08 PM 06/16/2008 20:00 06/16/2008 20:00 16-JUN-08 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Contained all or portion of spill 1 1SSO10014 Active 731453 1625 G Street 60 Yes Yes No 0 0 40.7925 124.1625 1625 G Street Eureka 95501 Broken lateral under Apt. Buliding Building or structure Comeing from foundation Storm drain 05-JAN-09 PM 01/05/2009 14:30 01/05/2009 14:30 05-JAN-09 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Other (specify below) Contacted property Owner to control and clean up 1 1SSO10014 Active 740672 Eureka lodge 200 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 200 0 40.804722 -124.1525 1805 4th. St. aka Why 101 Eureka 95501 Building or structure Street/curb and gutter 05-JUL-09 AM 07/05/2009 10:05 07/05/2009 10:15 05-JUL-09 AM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Pluged Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 1 1SSO10014 Active 742241 Gonsea Restaurant 10 Yes Yes No 200 10 40.804722 -124.146111 2335 4th. St 4th. aka Hwy. 101 Eureka 95501 Other sewer system structure Clean Out in Parking lot @ 2335 4th. St. Storm drain Spill enterd Storm Drain on Cal Trans right of way, than ran north on 4th. St. to Drop Inlet that drains to Eureka Slough. 02-AUG-09 PM 08/02/2009 13:25 08/02/2009 13:30 02-AUG-09 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Lateral pluged with Grease Upper Lateral 4 SDR Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City of Eureka Work forces Vactored up and recoverd apx. 190 gals. and returned ot sewer sys. and washed down street. 1 1SSO10014 Active 743002 Opera Alley 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 10 0 40.803056 -124.169167 421 2nd. St. 2nd. St. Eureka 95501 In alley behind 421 2nd. St. Other sewer system structure Clean out Other paved surface 13-AUG-09 AM 08/13/2009 08:00 08/13/2009 08:10 13-AUG-09 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 1 1SSO10014 Active 750443 Harper Motors 40 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 40 40.79282 -124.15119 4800 Highway 101 Eureka 95501 Force main or pressure sewer Surface water 09-MAR-10 PM 03/09/2010 14:10 03/09/2010 14:10 09-MAR-10 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Other (specify below) Harper Motors has a pressure sewer pump station, and their pressure line had a coupling fail. Harper Motors turned off power to pump as soon as we contacted them, and had a plumber on site within an hour and made the repair by 1600 hrs. 1 1SSO10014 Active 797901 1911 Hilfiker Lane 200 Yes Yes No 200 1 40.771944 -124.192778 1911 Hilfiker Lane Eureka 95501 spill from on site pump station Force main or pressure sewer Other (specify below) holding pond for Ocean View Cemertry 14-AUG-13 AM 08/14/2013 11:20 08/14/2013 11:20 14-AUG-13 AM Pump station failure Other (specify below) on site pump station @ 1911 Hilfiker Lane, Eureka Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) City of Eureka dispatched Vacon truck to vac up spill from Gutter, and washed down street, we recoverd 200 gals with wash down water. put 6 rivers Property Management on notices that they need to make repairs , and make there alarm system tamper prof 1 1SSO10014 Active 802741 2926 California St. 5 Yes Yes No 0 5 40.78125 -124.17323 2926 California St. Eureka 95501 From open clean out in the Alley behind 2926 California St. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 10-JAN-14 PM 01/10/2014 14:40 01/10/2014 14:45 10-JAN-14 PM Debris-General High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill City of Eureka staff responed to the site after being notified by our Buliding Dept. of a discharge from a clean out on the back side of 2926 Calif. we washed down the alley and vactored up the spill and wash down water, 1 1SSO10014 Active 802781 2926 California St 150 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 150 0 40.78125 -124.17323 2926 California St. Eureka 95501 spill is from a clean out in the alley behind 2926 Calif. St. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 15-JAN-14 AM 01/15/2014 09:35 01/15/2014 09:45 15-JAN-14 AM Debris-General High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System city of Eureka responded with our Vacon truck and plased it up stream from the spill on Harris st. to recover the spill and wash down water, and then desposed at our WW treament plant. 1 1SSO10014 Active 802782 2926 California St 150 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 150 0 40.78125 -124.17323 2926 California St. Eureka 95501 spill is from a clean out in the alley behind 2926 Calif. St. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 15-JAN-14 AM 01/15/2014 09:35 01/15/2014 09:45 15-JAN-14 AM Debris-General High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System city of Eureka responded with our Vacon truck and plased it up stream from the spill on Harris st. to recover the spill and wash down water, and then desposed at our WW treament plant. 1 1SSO10016 Active 821710 333 Enterprise/Copeland Creek 600 Yes Yes No 0 600 0 0 333 Enterprise Drive Rohnert Park 94928 Clean out overflowed at south end of apartment complex near Apt #39 adjacent to a pathway within apartment complex Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel 26-JAN-15 AM 01/26/2015 08:53 01/26/2015 09:10 26-JAN-15 AM Debris-General High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 1 1SSO10017 Active 772825 7755 & 7759 Bodega Ave 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 38.397858 -122.832525 7755 & 7759 Bodega Sebastopol 95472 SSCO in landscape area Other (specify) SSCO in landscape area Unpaved surface 12-OCT-11 AM 10/13/2011 09:20 10/13/2011 09:25 13-OCT-11 AM Root intrusion Upper Lateral 4 Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 1 1SSO10017 Active 784231 259 Murphy Avenue 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 38.400967 -122.831892 259 Murphy Sebastopol 95472 Sanitary Sewer Lateral Clean Out Other (specify) Sanitary Sewer Lateral Clean Out Other paved surface;Unpaved surface 23-JUL-12 PM 07/25/2012 15:00 07/25/2012 15:10 25-JUL-12 PM Root intrusion Main 6 Clay Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 1 1SSO10017 Active 785379 250 South Main Street 150 Yes Yes No 30 120 38.400833 -122.823056 250 South Main Sebastopol 95472 Private lateral SSO to SD/Surface water Gravity sewer Private lateral Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter;Surface water SD/creek to surface water 21-AUG-12 PM 08/21/2012 12:00 08/21/2012 12:05 21-AUG-12 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Grease Upper Lateral Lateral in parking lot to restaurant 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 1 1SSO10018 Active 745923 Little Lake Health Center 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 20 0 39.400556 -123.352222 71 Madrone Willits 95490 The spill appeared in an alley at 71 Madrone, but the origin of the blockage occurred at 45 Hazel. Other (specify) Lateral Clean out Street/curb and gutter 21-OCT-09 PM 10/21/2009 15:05 10/21/2009 15:15 21-OCT-09 PM Other (specify below) Paper Towels Lower Lateral 4 pvc 5 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) We vacuumed the spill, jetted the line and street sweeped the spill site 1 1SSO10019 Active 752614 138 Brookside drive 300 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 38.79253 -123.01274 Other (specify) Under house-foundation Other (specify below) under house- then drained back into sewer line via lateral. Cap on cleanout was off and when clog cleared, sewer under house drained into pipe. 22-MAY-10 AM 05/22/2010 00:00 05/22/2010 05:00 22-MAY-10 PM Debri-Rags Main Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Company called to clean-up under house, sanitize etc. 1 1SSO10022 Active 729257 250 9th Street 200 No Yes No 0 200 41.753785 124.206918 250 9th Crescent City 95531 The spill occured in front of the Masonic Lodge at their clean out, behind the sidewalk, on 9th Street. Other (specify) Cleanout Other (specify below) Crescent City Harbor 29-OCT-08 PM 10/29/2008 15:30 10/29/2008 15:32 29-OCT-08 PM Other (specify below) Rag in lateral Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 1 1SSO10022 Active 885356 Safeway Parking Lot Lift Station Manhole 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 41.75577 -124.194509 389 M Crescent City 95531 Safeway Parking Lot Lift Station manhole Lower Lateral (Private) Paved Surface 26-OCT-22 PM 10/26/2022 16:59 10/26/2022 17:10 26-OCT-22 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Mixed Use Property Mall property with restaurants and grocery store. Lower Lateral (Private) 6 Clay 30 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 1 1SSO10022 Active 885357 Safeway Parking Lot Lift Station Manhole 836 No Yes Yes 836 0 41.757111 -124.194509 389 M Crescent City 95531 Private lateral manhole next to private lift station in mall parking lot. Lower Lateral (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 29-NOV-22 PM 11/29/2022 12:58 11/29/2022 13:08 29-NOV-22 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) During private lift station pump cycle wastewater discharge appeared from the manhole next to the lift station associated with a private lateral. Private lift station found to contain FOG and downstream private lateral was found to contain FOG. Mixed Use Property Mall with restaurants and grocery store. Lower Lateral (Private) 6 Clay 30 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 1 1SSO10027 Active 721414 Abraxas Apartment 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 40.5774 -124.2631 Main Street Ferndale 95536 Actual spill was inside an apartment from a back-up caused by a blocked sewer lateral Building or structure Building or structure 30-APR-08 AM 05/01/2008 09:00 05/01/2008 09:15 30-APR-08 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral 4 VCP 60 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 1 1SSO10030 Active 780418 Dana Meyers 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 41.61857 -122.83513 12813 Marbleveiw Fort Jones 96032 Private lift pump failure Pump station Unpaved surface 02-APR-12 AM 04/17/2012 00:00 04/17/2012 00:00 21-APR-12 AM Pump station failure Lower Lateral Contained all or portion of spill 1 1SSO10033 Active 784651 Residance & Church of Christ on Donald Street and Brush Street No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 38.43419 -122.86697 Edison Graton 95444 Building or structure Building or structure 03-AUG-12 PM April 00:30 April 00:15 Pipe structural problem/failure Lack of a back flow prevention device which is recomemened in GCSD Ordinance 100. Lower Lateral 6 AC 1975 Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 1 1SSO10037 Active 734145 317 Healdsburg Avenue - Dry Creek Kitchen 200 No Yes Yes 300 0 38.610556 122.870556 317 Healdsburg Avenue Healdsburg 95448 Manhole Storm drain 13-JAN-09 AM 01/13/2009 00:31 01/13/2009 00:34 13-JAN-09 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral 4 PVC Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 1 1SSO10037 Active 735870 608 University Avenue 2000 Yes Yes No 1200 800 38.328247 -122.706711 608 University Healdsburg 95448 Mainline root blockage at 608 University Avenue Gravity sewer Storm drain 16-FEB-09 PM 02/16/2009 18:45 02/16/2009 16:15 16-FEB-09 PM Root intrusion Main Root blockage in main causes private lateral overflow 4 PVC 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system containment, mitigation, return to service 1 1SSO10037 Active 742248 819 Center Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 2 0 38.620556 -122.870556 819 Center Healdsburg 95448 Private cleanout cap removed and 2 gallons overflowed before public works crew responded and cleared private lateral blockage Gravity sewer Other (specify below) Front lawn 03-JUN-09 PM 06/03/2009 13:46 06/03/2009 12:20 03-JUN-09 PM Root intrusion Upper Lateral 4 Clay Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 1 1SSO10037 Active 751141 308 Burgundy Road 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 50 0 38.63962 -122.87875 308 Burgundy Healdsburg 95448 Private property landslide breaks property side cleanout at wye connection. Local ground/grass saturated with sewage - 25 square feet. Gravity sewer saturated ground near private-side sewer cleanout on private property Unpaved surface 23-MAR-10 AM 03/23/2010 08:35 03/23/2010 08:45 23-MAR-10 AM Other (specify below) landslide, then consequent pipe failure Other (specify below) upper and lower lateral on private property 4 Plastic 15 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) All saturated soil in 25 square foot area was excavated and removed to the City Corporation Yard and tarped for runoff protection. 1 1SSO10037 Active 757453 Poppy Hill Drive /Clear Ridge Drive 20 No Yes Yes 20 0 38.63415 -122.8682 None Poppy Hill Drive Healdsburg 95448 Porta Potty tipped over. on Private property, tank contents spilled into gutter,traveled down the storm drain inlet.All sewage was c ontained to the storm drain inlet box. The area was dry as it happened days earlier. you could see the blue colored stain on the curb and gutter Other (specify) Potra potty tipped over. There was just a blue dry stain on the sidewalk, curb and gutter travling down to the storm drain box. The storm drain box was also dry . Clearly a spill of the contents of the porta potty Storm drain The curb and gutter was washed down with water while the truck mounted vacuum recovered all of the liquid and contaminants at the storm drain inlet 09-SEP-10 AM 09/13/2010 00:00 09/13/2010 10:00 13-SEP-10 AM Vandalism Other (specify below) Property owner placed the porta potty to close to the curb and gutter. when it tipped over, the liquid spilled into the gutter Contained all or portion of spill Notified the property owner to move the porta potty away fro the property line, to prevent this from happening again. 1 1SSO10037 Active 757473 Big John's Market 1345 Healdburg Ave 500 Yes Yes Yes 500 400 38.62651 -122.87397 1345 Healdsburg Healdsburg 95448 Building cleanout spilled into storm drain. Storm drain discharged into Foss Creek. Contained to slow moving creek Building or structure Big Johns Market building cleanout Combined storm drain (combined CS only) Grease blockage was cleared. vacuum truck was used to recover water and contaminants from Foss Creek. storm draines were flushed with fresh water. All wash water was also recovered. Most of the recovered water was directed into the sanitary sewer. Remainder of the wastewater was transported to the wastewater treatment plant 24-SEP-10 PM 09/25/2010 13:36 09/25/2010 13:59 25-SEP-10 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Other (specify below) Private Cleanout at the building Other (specify below) ,cleared blockage, collected spill samples from creek cleaned storm drain vacuumed creekbed of all contaminants 1 1SSO10037 Active 757863 1345 Healdsburg Ave Healdsburg , CA 500 Yes Yes Yes 24000 500 38.62655 -122.87399 1345 Healdsburg Healdsburg 95448 building cleanout spillled sewage into parking lot. fluid flowed to nearby storm drain inlet. then travled to nerby Foss Creek. Sewage was contained and recovered sewage from Big John's market cleanout spilled into parking lot travled to storm drain box then flowed to nearby Foss Creek. All contaminants were contained and recovered with the assistance of a vacuum truck Recovered all sewage from creek with a vacuum truck. Samples were collect at source, upstream, and down stream to quantify the effects of the spill 24-SEP-10 AM 09/25/2010 13:36 09/25/2010 14:00 25-SEP-10 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Other (specify below) The blockage was cleared. the parking lot was cleaned. the storm drain was flushed. all cleaning water was vacuumed up. all contaminated water in the creek was recovered. 1 1SSO10037 Active 757988 1345 Healdsburg 500 Yes Yes Yes 24000 500 38.62659 -122.87393 1345 Healdsburg Healdsburg 95448 Building sewer cleanout Gravity sewer Building cleanout spilled into parking area, travled to storm drain the flowed to Foss Creek. Sewage was contained to area down stream Surface water Water was contained to creek bed down stream of Big John's Market 24-SEP-10 PM 09/25/2010 13:36 09/25/2010 14:00 25-SEP-10 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Excessive greae caused blockage. sewage spilled out of buiding cleanout Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Cleared blockage, flushed storm drian with fresh water. used a vacuum truck to recover all the contaminated water in creek and washdown water. All recoverd water was either discharged into to sanitary sewer system and also to the Wastewater Treatment plant for final disposal 1 1SSO10037 Active 757998 1345 Healdsburg Ave 500 Yes Yes Yes 500 500 38.62659 -122.87393 1345 Healdsburg Healdsburg 95448 Building cleanout of Big John's Market overflowed. The business owner states that they thought they had somekind of sewer problem on Friday night as they could smell sewage. I wasnt until Saturday when the sewage was seen overflowing. Fire Department, Public Works, Fish and Game and Police Department worked together to resolve the problem. Private sewer contractor was called to clear blockage, public works flushed storm drain and vacuumed Foss Creek Building or structure;Gravity sewer Building cleanout spilled into parking area, traveled to a nearby storm drain then flowed into Foss Creek. Sewage was contained the creek downstream of the overflow Surface water Water was contained to a Foss Creek down stream of big John's market 24-SEP-10 PM 09/25/2010 13:36 09/25/2010 14:00 25-SEP-10 PM Grease deposition (FOG) If your office get three copies of this document, it because this system kept shutting down and I could not recover the information I did not save the document , so I would try again. That's why three attempts were made. BD Upper Lateral Upper lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow Private contractor cleared blockage, flushed storm drain with fresh water Used vacuum truck to recover all the contaminated water from the creek and drain. All water was pumped into the sanitary sewer or hauled to the wastewater treamtent plant for disposal. Fire marshall Linda Collister of the Healdsburg Fire Department was the incident commander on this call. She made the notification to OES to distribute the information about the spill to the required agencies 1 1SSO10037 Active 761181 761 Rose Lane 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 38.61804 -122.86041 761 Rose Healdsburg 95448 Sewage spill from propertyline cleanout ,due to blockage in city maintained sewer main Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 30-DEC-10 PM 12/30/2010 16:04 12/30/2010 16:25 30-DEC-10 PM Root intrusion Main Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) All sewage was contained. sewermain was cleared of blockage. All contaninated soil recovered and transported to the wastewater treatment plant 1 1SSO10037 Active 763253 524 Healdsburg Ave 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 30 0 38.61515 -122.87139 524 Healdsburg Healdsburg 95448 City staff responded and contained a sewer backup caused by Regina Plumbing Co. Regina Plumbing was cleaning a lateral that caused the overflow on the public works side of the lateral. Gravity sewer Sewage came out of the property line cleanout Street/curb and gutter All sewage and cleanup water was transported to the wastewater treatment plant 10-JAN-11 AM 01/10/2011 09:08 01/10/2011 09:25 10-JAN-11 AM Other (specify below) Private contractor cleaning a private lateral caused this blockage. Lower Lateral No Failure. The sewage spilled from cleanout due to private contractor. He was trying to clean the lateral 4 Contained all or portion of spill City staff cleaned up affected area. 1 1SSO10037 Active 765327 250 Healdsburg Ave 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 38.61016 -122.87024 250 Healdsburg Healdsburg 95448 less than 5 gallons had discharged from the property line cleanout Gravity sewer less than 5 gallons had discharged from the property line cleanout Street/curb and gutter When City staff arrived on scene. Our crew contained the water to prevent further runoff. Our crew used sewer cleaning equipment to clear the blockage. The water on the ground was recovered and transported to the wastewater plant for disposal 28-MAR-11 PM 03/28/2011 16:30 03/28/2011 16:35 28-MAR-11 PM Debri-General Unknown quantity of debris Lower Lateral 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) City crew responded to stoppage call. Once on scene they contained the wastewater. Used sewer cleaning equipment to clear the blockage. Our crew recovered the wastewater with our Vacuum truck and cleaned up site. Transported the 5 gallons of wastewater to the wastewater treatment plant for disposal 1 1SSO10037 Active 765356 608 University Ave 8 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 8 0 38.61622 -122.86296 608 University Healdsburg 95448 Sewer overflow from the propertyline cleanout. Sewage was contained to the curb and gutter Gravity sewer 5-8 gallons of sewage had discharged from the propertyline cleanout. City staff contained the sewage.City staff used a sewer auger to clear the blockage of roots. The wastewater was recovered and transported to the wastewater treatment plant for disposal Street/curb and gutter 22-MAR-11 PM 03/22/2011 14:08 03/22/2011 14:15 22-MAR-11 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) Root blockage was cleared. A video inspection of the lateral identified roots in the lateral. This sewer lateral has been added to our 180 day sewer aguer list for preventative action. 1 1SSO10037 Active 766229 233 Lincoln Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 38.61782 -122.86782 233 Lincoln Healdbsurg 95448 Sewage was observered flowing from propertyline cleanout Gravity sewer Sewage was observered flowing from propertyline cleanout. total of five gallons spilled. Lateral was augured, line was televised to confirm line was clear. affected area was cleaned up. Water was transported to the wastewater treatment plant for final disposal Unpaved surface City is responsible from the propertyline cleanout to the mainline. This was on private property but our responsibility 30-APR-11 PM 04/30/2011 12:35 04/30/2011 12:44 30-APR-11 PM Debri-General Lower Lateral Blockage in lower lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded to above location. Used auger to clear blockage. Staff videotaped the sewer lateral to confirm no debris in line. Staff cleaned up the spilled sewage and transported to the wastewater treatment plant. Made notifications to O E S and RWQCB 1 1SSO10037 Active 767172 111 Healdsburg Ave Healdsburg 30 Yes Yes No 15 15 38.6039 -122.86791 111 Healdsburg Healdsburg 95448 Sewer lateral blockage caused wastewater to seep from a private grease interceptor lid. Water traveled to a storm drain box, then drained aprox 15 gallons of sewage into Foss Creek. This amount was unrecoverable due to the high flow of the creek Manhole Wastewater had seeped from a private grease interceptor lid. Water traveled to a storm drain box, then traveled to Foss Creek Surface water Sewer lateral blockage caused wastewater to seep from a private grease interceptor lid. Water traveled to a storm drain box, then traveled to Foss Creek 02-JUN-11 AM 06/02/2011 11:30 06/02/2011 11:45 02-JUN-11 PM Debri-Rags Two diffrent type of blue rags were identifiied as the source of the stoppage. a blue windshield paper towel and the other was a reinforced fiber blue rag that would not break apart, caused a blockage that backed up sewage that finally discharged out of the interceptor lid. Lower Lateral 4 plastic Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Used high pressure jetter to clear the blockage in the lower lateral at the manhole in the street. Then used the vacuum portion of the jetter truck to clean the storm drain and vacuum up all effected storm drain. The creek flow was too fast and it washed the estimated 15 gallons of sewage down stream, unable to recover the 15 gallons 1 1SSO10037 Active 772226 754 Rose Lane 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.61787 -122.860391 754 Rose Healdsburg 95448 Private sewer lateral Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter 22-SEP-11 PM 09/22/2011 12:40 09/22/2011 13:00 22-SEP-11 PM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 1 1SSO10037 Active 774093 447 Piper St. Healdsburg CA 95448 17 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 17 0 38.61415 -122.86908 447 Piper Healdsburg 95448 Private driveway and municipal gutter Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter 02-NOV-11 AM 11/02/2011 09:00 11/02/2011 09:05 02-NOV-11 AM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 1 1SSO10037 Active 777420 152 Piper St. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 38.6141879 -122.8692055 152 Piper Healdsburg 95448 Spillage from private lateral clean-out. Gravity sewer Other paved surface 06-JAN-12 PM 01/06/2012 16:54 01/06/2012 17:00 06-JAN-12 PM Root intrusion Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 1 1SSO10037 Active 777424 706 Brown St 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 38.6178429 -122.8645706 706 Brown Healdsburg 95448 Spillage from private clean-out Gravity sewer Unpaved surface Soil near clean-out 18-JAN-12 AM 01/18/2012 11:45 01/18/2012 12:05 18-JAN-12 PM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 1 1SSO10037 Active 777427 312 Piper St 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 38.61418791 -122.86650181 312 Piper Healdsburg 95448 Gravity sewer Other paved surface;Unpaved surface 19-JAN-12 PM 01/19/2012 20:00 01/19/2012 20:20 19-JAN-12 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Spillage from private lateral due to main blockage Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 1 1SSO10037 Active 791862 401 Grove Street Healdsburg 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 38.61201 -122.87365 401 Grove Healdsburg 95448 5 gallons of sewage leaked from property line cleanout at City Hall Gravity sewer Sewage was released from the proertyline cleanout Street/curb and gutter sewage blockage was cleared in the lateral. The sewage was vacuumed up. Affected area was pressure washed and recovered by using the city vacuum/ jetter truck. sewage was transported to the Water Reclamation Facility for final disposal. 03-JAN-13 AM 01/03/2013 07:45 01/03/2013 08:00 03-JAN-13 AM Debri-General Paper blockage Lower Lateral 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 1 1SSO10037 Active 797159 218 Center St. Healdsburg, CA 95448 28 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 28 0 38.60933 -122.86867 218 Center Healdsburg 95448 Spill from propety line cleanout at private residence onto sidewalk and into gutterpan. Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter 14-JUN-13 PM 06/14/2013 13:53 06/14/2013 14:00 14-JUN-13 PM Debri-General Flow was stoppped upon arrival of staff Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Staff used auger and vacuum truck for mitigation and clean-up efforts, all waste was removed and recieved at the POTW. 1 1SSO10037 Active 801435 433 Healdsburg Avenue 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 38.603611 -122.866667 433 Healdsburg Avenue Healdsburg 95448 Lateral Clean Out (Public) Street/Curb and Gutter 04-DEC-13 PM 12/04/2013 16:23 12/04/2013 17:25 04-DEC-13 PM Debris-General Other (specify below) Lower lateral, publicly maintained, clogged with debris Cleaned-Up 1 1SSO10037 Active 841088 640 Coghlan Dr. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 38.61757 -122.85162 640 Coghlan Dr. Healdsburg Private lawn around private lateral cleanout Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 24-AUG-17 PM 08/24/2017 21:00 08/24/2017 21:27 24-AUG-17 PM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Gravity Mainline Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 1 1SSO10042 Active 757552 Moody lateral 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 1 0 40.643889 -124.221944 720 Pershing Loleta 95551 Main Line back-up resulting in overflow at residence clean-out. Building or structure Other paved surface 11-OCT-10 AM 10/11/2010 07:30 10/11/2010 07:45 11-OCT-10 AM Debri-General Main 6 VCP 50 Restored flow called out contractor to jet wash main and lateral 1 1SSO10043 Active 793445 Sierra Pacific Industries 3000 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1000 2000 40.86376 -124.15465 2593 New Navy Base Arcata 95521 West Side of New Navy Base Road in Sierra Pacific parking lot. Southern truck entrance Force main or pressure sewer Unpaved surface 17-APR-13 AM 04/17/2013 11:54 04/17/2013 12:01 17-APR-13 AM Other (specify below) excavation of private site without USA or agency notification Main 3 PVC 30 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 1 1SSO10043 Active 843074 Darin Dr overflow 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 75 0 40.856944 -124.159658 Force Main Unpaved surface 17-DEC-17 AM 12/17/2017 01:40 Other (specify below) Back flow valve failure Force Main 2 Contained all or portion of spill 1 1SSO10044 Active 724533 1698, 1711 and 1714 Bella Vista 210 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 210 0 40.926667 124.097778 1698 Bella Vista McKinleyville 95519 Main Blockage backed up into three houses. All sewerage contained and cleaned up by homeowners. Building or structure Building or structure 14-JUN-08 AM 06/14/2008 10:10 06/14/2008 10:20 14-JUN-08 AM Debris Blockage cleared itself, minor bits of debris were found on the floor of the downstream manhole. Main not applicable 6 25 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) Spill overflowed toilet fixtures with three residences. Houses cleaned up by residents. 1 1SSO10045 Active 747926 44780 Main Street, Mendocino, CA 95460 210 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 39.3058 -123.79548 44780 Main Mendocino 95460 From lateral at 44780 Main Street Other (specify) From old clay lateral to residence Unpaved surface lawn at 44780 Main Street 28-DEC-09 PM 12/28/2009 14:30 12/28/2009 15:00 28-DEC-09 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Other (specify below) Blockage was in 6-inch transite main line. wastewater backed up into clay lateral and discharged from clay lateral. 6 vitrious clay 75 Restored flow 1 1SSO10048 Historical 820828 460 North st 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 460 North St Montague 96064 At the clean out at property line in the alley Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 07-JAN-16 PM 01/08/2016 08:15 01/08/2016 08:45 08-JAN-16 AM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 pvc 20 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 1 1SSO10053 Active 708827 Blockage @ 30 Riverside Drive-Point Arena , Ca. 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 38.913211 123.824722 30 Riverside Drive Point Arena 95468 One half block past Main Street [Hwy#1]. It is located approximately 20' up a hillside in a pop up vent , filled with water and toilet paper, connected to a lateral. Other sewer system structure Pop up vent filled with toilet paper. Other (specify below) Grass covered hillside. 01-OCT-07 AM 10/01/2007 09:00 10/01/2007 09:30 01-OCT-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 1 1SSO10055 Active 866464 Shop Smart 49 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 49 0 40.11997 -123.82394 3430 Redwood Dr Redway 95560 3000 gal Grease Trap Tank, AT rear of Building, on Empire. Gravity Mainline overflowed from cut vent pipe, that was cut below manway lid. Street/Curb and Gutter 03-APR-20 AM 04/03/2020 07:35 04/03/2020 07:45 03-APR-20 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Food Service Establishment (FSE) Grocery Store with Deli. Upper Lateral (Private) Grease Trap vent had been cut Lower than top of manway, tank was plugged, backed up into vent and leaked out a small amount. Vent Line has been repaired, Grease Trap has been pumped. Repair to Grease Trap Discharge will have to be addressed, Monitoring Daily by District Staff. 3 Plastic 20 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 1 1SSO10069 Active 812157 Salazar Hall 500 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 500 0 38.33936 -122.67335 1801 East Cotati Avenue Rohnert Park 94928 4 inch building sewer lateral under 1 st floor South end of bldg. become plugged with feminine products Inside Building or Structure puddling at floor cleanout covers Other (specify below) Vacuumed and discharge to sanitary sewer inlet outside the affected building. 04-DEC-14 AM 12/04/2014 01:00 12/04/2014 01:00 04-DEC-14 AM Debris-General 4 inch building sewer lateral under 1 st floor South end of bldg. become plugged with feminine products Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 inch building sewer lateral under 1 st floor South end of bldg. become plugged with feminine products 4 steel Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System Belfor Property Restoration brought out to disinfect, dry, and restore 1 1SSO10078 Active 787555 70 carson 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 50 40.72954 -122.94184 70 Carson Weaverville 96093 Plug at lateral connection to main Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 24-OCT-12 PM 10/24/2012 13:30 10/24/2012 13:30 24-OCT-12 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 transite 50 Other (specify below) jetted, camera pipe, replace damaged section with new plastic pipe. 1 1SSO10079 Active 769073 Catalano 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 30 0 41.41156 -122.38264 805 South Weed Blvd Weed 96094 Private property lateral overflow all raw sewage returned to line Gravity sewer Other (specify below) returned to main line 06-DEC-10 PM 12/06/2010 12:30 12/06/2010 12:45 06-DEC-10 AM Root intrusion Upper Lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 1 1SSO10079 Active 769074 Rizzo 40 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 41.42338 -122.38551 85 Grove Weed 96094 40 gallons in shed Building or structure;Gravity sewer came out clean out Unpaved surface 20-JUL-11 PM 07/20/2011 13:19 07/20/2011 13:30 20-JUL-11 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 1 1SSO10079 Active 780484 607 Liberty Avenue 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 41.4334 -122.37715 607 Liberty Weed Gravity sewer;Other sewer system structure Private property lateral Unpaved surface 20-APR-12 AM 04/20/2012 03:00 04/20/2012 04:00 20-APR-12 AM Debri-General Lower Lateral 4 Contained all or portion of spill 1 1SSO10079 Active 840823 859 Sout Weed Blvd 97 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 41.40199 -122.38393 859 South Weed Blvd Weed 96094 Manhole# 237 Manhole N/A Paved Surface N/A 15-OCT-17 PM 10/15/2017 13:55 10/15/2017 14:15 15-OCT-17 PM Root Intrusion N/A N/A Gravity Mainline N/A 6 6 Cleaned-Up N/A 1 1SSO10079 Active 857798 175 Vista Dr 900 Yes Yes Yes 20 0 0 0 175 Vista Dr Weed 96094 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 22-APR-19 AM 04/22/2019 09:03 04/22/2019 09:13 22-APR-19 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral (Private) 1 1SSO10079 Active 865016 283 Walnut 53 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 283 Walnut Weed 96094 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 23-FEB-20 AM 02/23/2020 10:15 02/23/2020 10:32 23-FEB-20 AM Root Intrusion Gravity Mainline 37 feet in the sewer main Cleaned-Up;Restored flow 1 1SSO10079 Active 871484 191 Grove 21 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 191 Grove Weed 96094 Inside Building or Structure Building or Structure 07-JAN-21 AM 01/07/2021 17:03 Other (specify below) Surge Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up 1 1SSO10079 Active 880810 Subway 37 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 12 0 41.42261 -122.38731 Subway private clean out Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) Lawn 22-APR-22 AM 04/22/2022 10:46 04/22/2022 11:02 22-APR-22 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up 1 1SSO10079 Active 882229 Dollar General 52 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 185 Boles St Weed 96094 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 07-JUL-22 PM 07/07/2022 14:10 07/07/2022 14:30 07-JUL-22 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Upper Lateral (Private) 1 1SSO10079 Active 889421 244 N. Weed Blvd 7 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 244 N. Weed Blvd Weed 96094 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) Concrete Driveway 08-JUL-23 PM 07/08/2023 20:38 07/08/2023 21:00 08-JUL-23 PM Debris-Rags Gravity Mainline Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 1 1SSO10079 Active 889575 550 Shastina Dr 1000 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 0 0 550 Shastina Dr Weed 96094 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 20-JUL-23 AM 07/20/2023 08:00 07/20/2023 08:07 20-JUL-23 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral (Private) 1 1SSO10086 Active 722366 818 North Street 250 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 250 250 42 122.645833 818 North Yreka 96097 Spill occured from a private lateral adjacent to an easement for a sewer that runs from Discovery to Fairchild Streets, between North and Yama Streets. Other (specify) An existing break in a private sewer lateral in back yard of 818 North St. Other (specify below) Wastewater came out of the private lateral of 818 North St., which is in the back yard. The wastewater flowed over the ground and into a dry drainage ditch. The wastewater soaked into the ground in the drainage ditch before reaching an inlet into the City's storm drain system. Therefore, the wastewater did not reach any surface waters. 10-JUL-08 PM 07/10/2008 19:39 07/10/2008 20:00 10-JUL-08 PM Root intrusion Roots in main sewer caused blockage. Wastewater backed up in main and came out of a broken private lateral. Other (specify below) Roots blocked the main. The wastewater backed up in the main and in a lateral and came out of a displaced joint in the lateral. 6 concrete 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Other (specify below) Affected soil and solids were removed and diposed of. Regulatory agencies notified. Neghbors asked to not enter drainage channel for one week. Caution tape put on both sides of drainage channel and at easement entry point. CIWQS report was not finalized with in 24 hours because the cause of spill was uncertain. ie private lateral or sewer main 1 1SSO11173 Active 793807 Mill Street 100 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 95 5 40.87729 -124.08073 Manhole Street/curb and gutter 01-MAY-13 PM 05/01/2013 14:05 05/01/2013 14:20 01-MAY-13 PM Debri-General Main 6 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 1 1SSO11441 Active 748081 1620 Lilac Lane 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 39.684167 -123.462778 1620 Lilac Willits 95490 manhole and shower and toilet in private residence Building or structure;Manhole Building or structure;Unpaved surface backed up in toilet and shower but contained from further intrusion into bathroom 03-JAN-10 PM 01/03/2010 16:50 01/03/2010 17:00 03-JAN-10 PM Root intrusion 6 clay 35 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 1 1SSO11467 Active 654006 161 S Sanderson and Eddy 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 1 39.550833 123.9125 161 Sanderson Fort Bragg 95437 CAST IRON CLEANOUT IN FRONT YARD OF RESIDENCE Gravity sewer Other paved surface 21-JUN-07 PM 06/21/2007 14:20 06/21/2007 14:10 21-JUN-07 PM Pipe structural problem/failure 4 CAST IRON 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 1 1SSO11467 Active 711312 Boat Yard Shopping Center 90 No Yes No 82 8 39.42076 123.80718 141 Boat Yard Drive Fort Bragg 95437 IN FRONT OF 141 BOAT YARD DRIVE IN PARKING LOT SOUTHERN MOST CURB AREA S.E. CORNER OF LOT Other sewer system structure CLEAN OUT IN SIDEWALK Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter ESTIMATE 8 GALLONS WENT INTO DRAIN SYSTEM AND COULD NOT BE RECOVERED. DOWN STREAM DRAIN SYSTEM HAD NO SIGNS OF SEWAGE 1.5 GPM OF FLOW 15-JAN-08 PM 01/15/2008 17:00 01/15/2008 17:05 15-JAN-08 PM Grease deposition (FOG) 8 ASBESTOS CEMENT 30 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 1 1SSO11467 Active 725986 606 N. Main Street 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 1 0 39.44817 123.80565 606 Main Fort Bragg 95437 South Side of building in landscape area and old cast iron trap backed up in planted area very little toilet paper and less than 3 gal. liquid. no standing liquids just wet ground. Other (specify) Iron sewer trap with vented cap. Other (specify below) landscaped area of plants / shrubs. 09-SEP-08 AM 09/09/2008 10:06 09/09/2008 10:10 09-SEP-08 AM Root intrusion Note: no flow was seen at any time system was NOT flowing on to the ground Upper Lateral 4 Clay 60 Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause 1 1SSO11467 Active 774559 400 S. Main 60 No Yes Yes 5 0 39.43776 -123.80559 400 Main Fort Bragg 95437 CLEAN OUT IN PARKING LOT OF PRIVATE PROPERTY Other sewer system structure Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 21-DEC-11 AM 12/21/2011 09:31 12/21/2011 09:35 21-DEC-11 AM Other (specify below) PRIVATE PARTY BLOCKAGE Upper Lateral 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 1 1SSO11467 Active 781298 762 N. Main 4 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 39.45046 -123.80654 762 Main Fort Bragg 95437 CLEAN OUT NORTHWEST CORNER OF BUILDING Other sewer system structure SOMEONE REMOVED SEWER SLEANOUT CAP AND BLOCKED FLOW FROM BUILDING AREA WAS WET AROUND IT NO SOLIDS Other (specify below) GRASS AREA NEXT TO BUILDING IN ALLEY 13-MAY-12 PM 05/13/2012 14:10 05/13/2012 14:20 13-MAY-12 PM Vandalism Upper Lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) UNKNOWN HARD OBJECT WAS LODGED IN THE CLEANOUT. HELPED PLUMBER RESTOR FLOW. SPILL WAS CAUSED BY UNKNOWN PERSON LEAVING THE CAP OFF AFTER PUTTING OBJECT DOWN THE CLEANOUT. NOTICED BY OCCUPANT OF MOTEL ROOM. SAID NEIGHBORING ROOM WAS UP ALL NIGHT MAKING NOISE AND FOOT TRAFFIC IN THE AREA. 1 1SSO11491 Active 708744 Walnut Creek Apartments 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 100 38.4496 122.753856 2120 Jennings Santa Rosa 95401 To the rear of the apartment complex ( southside ) private manhole Manhole Storm drain;Other (specify below) All sewage was contained in storm drain and captured 03-DEC-07 AM 12/03/2007 10:09 12/03/2007 10:20 03-DEC-07 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Maintenance crews from apartment complex pumped down private manhole into City storm drain Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) Broke private lateral to restore flow. Cleaned up area and flushed and vacumed storm drain. Also flushed affected sewer mains 1 1SSO11491 Active 729038 Unical Place 2550 Yes Yes No 1550 1000 38.480057 -122.723134 3576 Unical Santa Rosa 95403 The spill did not accrue from a private lateral but from a private sewer main that is maintained by the business owner Medtronic Vascular (small business Park). Other (specify) Wastewate was coming out of the seam between the asphalt and the guttet. Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter;Surface water 06-NOV-08 AM 11/06/2008 11:13 11/06/2008 11:25 06-NOV-08 PM Root intrusion Root intrusion on private main. Other (specify below) Blockage accrued on a private section of sewer main that is maintained by the business park. 6 Other (specify below) When crews arrive at site one crew worked at breaking blockage while the other crew members worked at containing spill with the use of a vacuum truck. 1 1SSO11491 Active 732138 2101 West Collgeg Ave. 30 Yes Yes No 23 7 38.445371 122.752083 2101 West College Santa Rosa 95401 Gravity sewer Overflowing from private clean out in parking lot. Entered private storm drain system. Other paved surface;Storm drain;Surface water Approximately 7 gal entered College Creek. 19-JAN-09 PM 01/19/2009 19:05 01/19/2009 19:35 19-JAN-09 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Grease blockage in private lateral, cleared by plumber Upper Lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Santa Rosa Environmntl Compliance televised the lateral and will be investigating the restaurant's grease trap cleaning schedules. 1 1SSO11491 Active 745651 607 Boyd Street 750 No Yes No 740 10 38.429847 -122.719314 607 Boyd Santa Rosa Spill occurred out of cleanout from a private property sewer lateral at 607 Boyd Street. The majority of the spill (750gal) was contained in a low depression at the cleanout and overflowed into the parking area of the apartment complex. Spill occurred during heavy rains. Other (specify) Private sewer lateral clean out Separate storm drain Total amount that entered the storm drain system is questionable. Spill had stopped running when crews arrived at site, could not confirm that any portions of the spill had or had not entered the storm drain system, Due to the grade only an assumption was made that possibly as little as 10 gallons may have made the storm drain. No sewage was detected in the storm drain system; storm drain was cleaned as a precaution. 13-OCT-09 PM 10/14/2009 13:00 10/14/2009 13:29 14-OCT-09 PM Root intrusion Plumber broke blockage at 12:00 pm., plumber then notified agency of problem. Heavy roots, grease and pipe offset were found on Property side cleanout. Upper Lateral 6 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) City crew was called by Economy Plumbing to assist with a lateral blockage and clean up. The plumber broke the blockage and drained the spill back into the lateral, approximately 500 gallons. City crews cleaned the remainder of the spill (240 gallons) from the surface areas. 1 1SSO11491 Active 746850 College Plaza 600 Yes Yes No 25 575 38.445584 -122.752263 2101 West College Santa Rosa 95401 College Plaza parking lot Other (specify) Private sewer lateral clean out. Other paved surface;Separate storm drain;Surface water Spill entered a private storm drain that discharges to College Creek. 15-NOV-09 PM 11/16/2009 11:00 11/16/2009 11:15 16-NOV-09 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow Roto Rooter was called at 0930 and arrived at 1000. Roto Rooter broke the blockage and provided cleanup. One business owner reported that the spill started at 1700 hrs on Sunday 11/15. 1 1SSO11555 Active 729096 Anchor Bay 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 100 0 38.80413 -123.57698 35520 Ocean View Way Gualala 95445 Yard around lateral clean-out at above address Building or structure Unpaved surface 11-OCT-08 PM 10/11/2008 16:00 10/11/2008 17:00 12-OCT-08 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 30 Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause 2 2SSO10087 Active 724822 2540 Santa Clara Ave 600 Yes Yes Yes 300 300 37.76 122.24 2540 Santa Clara Alameda 94501 Spill originated from clean out on private property Other (specify) Clean out Other (specify below) Estuary 17-AUG-08 PM 08/18/2008 09:18 08/18/2008 09:40 18-AUG-08 AM Debris Upper Lateral 4 CI 65 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow Directed property owner to divert flow of sump pump from area drain to sanitary sewer system. Performed clean up and returned captured sewage from street and storm drainage system to sanitary swer system. 2 2SSO10087 Active 735309 1275 Harbor Bay Parkway 75 No Yes Yes 75 0 37.7259756 -122.233606 1275 Harbor Bay Alameda 94501 Spill originated from manhole in private property parking lot. Manhole Other (specify below) Approximately 1 gallon of the spill accumulated in the bottom of the catch basin box but did not reach the invert level of the down stream pipe. 19-MAR-09 AM 03/19/2009 12:12 03/19/2009 12:35 19-MAR-09 PM Other (specify below) Grease and Roots Reported to FOG Upper Lateral 6 vc 10 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10087 Active 736039 2201 Shoreline Drive 25 No Yes Yes 25 0 37.756241 -122.253875 2201 Shoreline Alameda 94501 Spill originated from sanitary sewer manhole in parking lot of Southshore Shopping Center and adjacent to United States Post Office located on Southshore Shopping Center property. Manhole Storm drain 06-APR-09 AM 04/06/2009 11:45 04/06/2009 12:05 06-APR-09 PM Debri-General Main 8 VCP 30 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10087 Active 763454 2117 Buena Vista ave 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 37.77132 -122.24607 2117 Buena Vista ave alameda 94501 Clean out in front of 2117 Buena Vista over flowing Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter 22-FEB-11 AM 02/22/2011 11:30 02/22/2011 10:40 22-FEB-11 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10087 Active 765565 1208 rosewood way 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 37.76304 -122.26498 1208 rosewood alameda 94501 residents laundry room Building or structure Building or structure 19-MAR-11 PM 03/19/2011 12:04 03/19/2011 13:00 19-MAR-11 PM Other (specify below) Spill was caused by EBMUD Emergancy water repair done on 03/18/2011.The lower lateral was damaged durring construction and sewer main was filled with sand and base rock than water main repair site was back filled with out repairing damaged lateral pipe causing resident to have no sewer service EBMUD mitigated spill contact Arron Shear 510- 287-0855 Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Other (specify below) City of alameda restore flow to main 03/19/11and made repair to lower lateral on 03/24/11. City Of Alameda was not involved in spill mitigation just reporting spill our crew was first responder 2 2SSO10087 Active 775058 2149 Otis Dr Alameda ca 75 Yes Yes No 50 25 37.76042 -122.25195 2149 Otis 94501 Rear of apartment building, spill reached Drain inlets to South Shore Lagoon #3 Gravity sewer Other paved surface;Separate storm drain;Surface water 30-DEC-11 AM 12/30/2011 11:05 12/30/2011 11:15 30-DEC-11 AM Debri-General Lateral has off set and appears to have sag in line. CCTV lateral with lateral camera and marked out start of sag and end point that camera came out, from being submerged. Lower Lateral 4 C.I 20 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Contained spill and returned 50 gallons to sanitary system. Mitigated spill and cleaned pipe and area around D.I. Also pluged of outfall piping to prevent spill from reaching body of water, while repair's and cause are being determined. To prevent any further category 1 spills from occurring. Marked out for USA ticket to excavate as needed. 2 2SSO10087 Active 883185 2341 Shoreline Dr. 7500 Yes Yes No 0 7500 37.75469 -122.25074 2341 Shoreline Dr. Alameda 94501 access Rd. to shopping center, M/H in N/B lane. Gravity Mainline;Manhole Beach;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 09-SEP-22 PM 09/09/2022 20:15 09/09/2022 21:00 09-SEP-22 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Gravity Mainline 8 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 2 2SSO10088 Active 723684 919 Carmel Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 15 0 37.5322 122.172 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 21-AUG-07 AM 08/21/2007 11:59 08/21/2007 12:30 21-AUG-07 PM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10088 Active 724341 829 San Carlos Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 15 0 37.8923 122.2892 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 07-JAN-07 AM 01/07/2007 08:30 01/07/2007 09:15 07-JAN-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10088 Active 724343 1364 Marin Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 15 0 37.8884 122.289 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 09-JAN-07 AM 01/09/2007 10:00 01/09/2007 10:30 09-JAN-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10088 Active 724344 514 Cornell Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8969 122.2984 Other sewer system structure Street/curb and gutter 20-JAN-07 AM 01/20/2007 08:30 01/20/2007 09:15 20-JAN-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10088 Active 724345 933 Ramona Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8899 122.2905 Building or structure Building or structure 23-JAN-07 PM 01/23/2007 13:45 01/23/2007 14:15 23-JAN-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10088 Active 724347 909 Ramona Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8905 122.2907 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 24-JAN-07 AM 01/24/2007 08:17 01/24/2007 09:00 24-JAN-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10088 Active 724386 1652 Marin Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 15 0 37.8891 122.2852 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 02-FEB-07 PM 02/02/2007 13:43 02/02/2007 14:15 02-FEB-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10088 Active 724387 1197 Curtis St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 15 0 37.8831 122.2893 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 05-FEB-07 AM 02/05/2007 09:00 02/05/2007 09:30 05-FEB-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10088 Active 724388 1231 Marin Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 15 0 37.8875 122.2939 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 20-FEB-07 PM 02/20/2007 13:57 02/20/2007 14:30 20-FEB-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10088 Active 724389 1022 Cornell Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8832 122.295 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 21-FEB-07 PM 02/21/2007 16:15 02/21/2007 16:30 21-FEB-07 PM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724390 700 Hillside Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8921 122.3048 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 21-FEB-07 PM 02/21/2007 12:30 02/21/2007 13:00 21-FEB-07 PM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724391 1010 Masonic Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8873 122.2925 Building or structure Building or structure 28-FEB-07 AM 02/28/2007 11:25 02/28/2007 12:00 28-FEB-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10088 Active 724392 1197 Curtis St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 15 0 37.8831 122.2893 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 02-MAR-07 AM 03/02/2007 09:35 03/02/2007 10:00 02-MAR-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10088 Active 724394 909 Ramona Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8905 122.2907 Building or structure Building or structure 02-MAR-07 AM 03/02/2007 07:39 03/02/2007 08:30 02-MAR-07 AM Debris Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724395 1652 Marin Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 15 0 37.8891 122.2824 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 12-MAR-07 PM 03/12/2007 17:01 03/12/2007 17:45 12-MAR-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10088 Active 724396 522 Adams St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 15 0 37.8967 122.302 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 22-MAR-07 PM 03/22/2007 18:25 03/22/2007 19:15 22-MAR-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10088 Active 724397 524 Adams St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 15 0 37.8967 122.302 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 22-MAR-07 PM 03/22/2007 18:25 03/22/2007 19:15 22-MAR-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10088 Active 724399 958 Nielson St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8888 122.286 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Unpaved surface 23-MAR-07 PM 03/23/2007 16:35 03/23/2007 17:00 23-MAR-07 PM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724407 917 Carmel Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8902 122.2888 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 29-MAR-07 PM 03/29/2007 18:30 03/29/2007 19:15 29-MAR-07 PM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724408 1120 Masonic Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8844 122.2916 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 07-APR-07 PM 04/07/2007 15:00 04/07/2007 15:45 07-APR-07 PM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724410 926 Curtis St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.89 122.2874 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 09-APR-07 PM 04/09/2007 20:20 04/09/2007 21:15 09-APR-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10088 Active 724411 1035 Ventura Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8858 122.2839 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 14-APR-07 PM 04/14/2007 18:00 04/14/2007 18:45 14-APR-07 PM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724412 925 Talbot Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8897 122.2951 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 17-APR-07 AM 04/17/2007 08:22 04/17/2007 09:00 17-APR-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724413 918 Ordway St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8902 122.2842 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 30-APR-07 AM 04/30/2007 00:00 04/30/2007 00:00 30-APR-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724414 712 Madison St. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8935 122.3019 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 01-MAY-07 AM 05/01/2007 09:13 05/01/2007 09:45 01-MAY-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724415 527 Cornell Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8968 122.2983 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 24-MAY-07 PM 05/24/2007 12:11 05/24/2007 12:45 24-MAY-07 PM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724499 1063 Peralta Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8844 122.2864 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 04-JUN-07 AM 06/04/2007 07:52 06/04/2007 08:30 04-JUN-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724500 1033 Curtis St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8868 122.2879 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 07-JUN-07 AM 06/07/2007 08:08 06/07/2007 08:45 07-JUN-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724501 527 Garfield Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8968 122.2983 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 08-JUN-07 AM 06/08/2007 08:15 06/08/2007 09:00 08-JUN-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724503 527 Evelyn Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8971 122.2966 Pump station Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 10-JUN-07 AM 06/10/2007 00:00 06/10/2007 00:00 11-JUN-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724504 830 Hillside Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8911 122.3041 Other sewer system structure Unpaved surface 13-JUN-07 PM 06/13/2007 16:30 06/13/2007 17:00 13-JUN-07 PM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724524 1461 Marin Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8892 122.2868 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 18-JUN-07 AM 06/18/2007 08:35 06/18/2007 09:15 18-JUN-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724525 645 San Gabriel Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8963 122.2946 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 02-JUL-07 PM 07/02/2007 14:40 07/02/2007 15:15 02-JUL-07 PM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724526 1652 Marin Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8863 122.2861 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 09-JUL-07 AM 07/09/2007 00:00 07/09/2007 00:00 09-JUL-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724527 1033 Curtis St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8868 122.2879 Other sewer system structure Building or structure 10-JUL-07 AM 07/10/2007 00:00 07/10/2007 00:00 10-JUL-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724528 514 Cornell Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8969 122.2984 Other sewer system structure Building or structure 12-JUL-07 PM 07/12/2007 19:00 07/12/2007 19:45 12-JUL-07 PM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724530 1121 Curtis St. 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8843 122.2888 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 19-JUL-07 AM 07/19/2007 10:23 07/19/2007 11:00 19-JUL-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724531 1499 Posen Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8836 122.2856 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 27-JUL-07 AM 07/27/2007 00:00 07/27/2007 00:00 27-JUL-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724634 828 Talbot Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8919 122.2958 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 05-AUG-07 PM 08/05/2007 16:06 08/05/2007 16:45 05-AUG-07 PM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724635 1122 Masonic Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8844 122.2916 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 29-AUG-07 AM 08/29/2007 00:00 08/29/2007 00:00 29-AUG-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724636 644 Spokane Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8963 122.2937 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 01-SEP-07 AM 09/01/2007 11:00 09/01/2007 12:15 01-SEP-07 PM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724637 1330 Washington Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8929 122.2915 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 03-SEP-07 AM 09/03/2007 10:00 09/03/2007 10:30 03-SEP-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724638 525 Evelyn Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8971 122.2966 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 06-SEP-07 AM 09/06/2007 00:00 09/06/2007 00:00 06-SEP-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724639 1017 Ramona Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8879 122.2898 Other sewer system structure Street/curb and gutter 07-SEP-07 AM 09/07/2007 00:00 09/07/2007 00:00 07-SEP-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724641 634 Evelyn Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8953 122.296 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 08-SEP-07 AM 09/08/2007 09:00 09/08/2007 09:45 08-SEP-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724642 934 Talbot Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8894 122.295 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 08-SEP-07 AM 09/08/2007 09:00 09/08/2007 10:15 08-SEP-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724643 1118 Curtis St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8842 122.2889 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 18-SEP-07 AM 09/18/2007 06:30 09/18/2007 07:15 18-SEP-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724644 1038 Ventura Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8855 122.284 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 20-SEP-07 AM 09/20/2007 00:00 09/20/2007 00:00 20-SEP-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724693 1285 Brighton Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8977 122.2934 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 24-SEP-07 PM 09/24/2007 12:17 09/24/2007 13:00 24-SEP-07 PM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724694 1259 Brighton Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8978 122.2953 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 01-OCT-07 PM 10/01/2007 13:25 10/01/2007 14:00 01-OCT-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724695 912 Santa Fe Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8905 122.2887 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 10-OCT-07 AM 10/10/2007 09:30 10/10/2007 10:00 10-OCT-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724696 1026 Talbot Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8865 122.2941 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 23-OCT-07 AM 10/23/2007 03:59 10/23/2007 08:30 23-OCT-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724697 1024 Talbot Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8866 122.2941 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 24-OCT-07 PM 10/24/2007 16:30 10/24/2007 17:00 24-OCT-07 PM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724698 1492 Marin Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.889 122.2869 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 26-OCT-07 PM 10/26/2007 14:30 10/26/2007 15:00 26-OCT-07 PM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724699 923 Ventura Ave, 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8899 122.283 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 06-DEC-07 AM 12/06/2007 00:00 12/06/2007 00:00 06-DEC-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724701 1127 Curtis St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8843 122.2889 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 08-DEC-07 AM 12/08/2007 09:30 12/08/2007 10:15 08-DEC-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724702 1504 Beverly Pl. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8862 122.2835 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 09-DEC-07 PM 12/09/2007 15:30 12/09/2007 16:15 09-DEC-07 PM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724703 828 Talbot Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8919 122.2958 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 15-DEC-07 PM 12/15/2007 12:30 12/15/2007 13:15 15-DEC-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724704 524 Adams St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8967 122.302 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 20-DEC-07 AM 12/20/2007 09:17 12/20/2007 10:00 20-DEC-07 AM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724705 951 Stannage Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8887 122.2965 Pump station Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 21-DEC-07 PM 12/21/2007 13:43 12/21/2007 14:30 21-DEC-07 PM Debris Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724707 1360 Marin Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8883 122.2891 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 01-MAR-07 AM 03/01/2007 00:00 03/02/2007 00:00 02-MAR-07 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Other (specify below) Cleared City portion of line. Advised homewoner to call plumber. 2 2SSO10088 Active 724708 1652 Marin Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8891 122.2861 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 10-MAY-07 AM 05/10/2007 10:30 05/10/2007 11:15 10-MAY-07 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724942 1006 Santa Fe Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.888 122.2885 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 15-MAR-07 AM 03/15/2007 08:43 03/15/2007 09:30 15-MAR-07 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724943 1197 Curtis St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8831 122.2893 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 11-JUN-07 AM 06/11/2007 09:08 06/11/2007 09:45 11-JUN-07 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724945 527 Cornell Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8968 122.2983 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 27-JUL-07 AM 07/27/2007 08:18 07/27/2007 09:00 27-JUL-07 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724946 645 San Gabriel Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8963 122.2946 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 25-AUG-07 AM 08/25/2007 07:30 08/25/2007 08:15 25-AUG-07 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724947 953 San Pablo Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8883 122.2983 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 27-AUG-07 AM 08/27/2007 00:00 08/27/2007 00:00 27-AUG-07 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 724952 1016 Masonic Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8872 122.2973 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 04-JAN-07 AM 01/04/2007 08:30 01/04/2007 09:00 04-JAN-07 AM Root intrusion Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 725026 645 San Gabriel Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.5345 122.1739 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 08-JAN-07 PM 01/08/2007 13:12 01/08/2007 14:00 08-JAN-07 PM Root intrusion Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause 2 2SSO10088 Active 725027 918 Santa Fe Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8904 122.2887 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 19-JAN-07 PM 01/19/2007 12:02 01/19/2007 12:30 19-JAN-07 PM Root intrusion Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 725028 1120 Curtis St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8842 122.2889 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 21-JAN-07 AM 01/21/2007 00:00 01/21/2007 00:00 21-JAN-07 AM Root intrusion Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 725029 644 Spokane Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8963 122.2937 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 21-JAN-07 AM 01/21/2007 00:00 01/21/2007 00:00 21-JAN-07 AM Root intrusion Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 725030 1435 Marin Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8886 122.2883 Other sewer system structure Street/curb and gutter 24-JAN-07 AM 01/24/2007 09:02 01/24/2007 09:30 24-JAN-07 AM Root intrusion Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 725031 619 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8943 122.3002 Building or structure Building or structure 09-MAY-07 AM 05/09/2007 00:00 05/09/2007 00:00 09-MAY-07 AM Root intrusion Other (specify below) Inspected private lateral. 2 2SSO10088 Active 725032 600 Spokane Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.5351 122.1737 Building or structure Building or structure 18-MAY-07 AM 05/18/2007 00:00 05/18/2007 00:00 18-MAY-07 AM Root intrusion Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause 2 2SSO10088 Active 725033 1304 Marin Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8878 122.2918 Building or structure Building or structure 29-MAY-07 AM 05/29/2007 00:00 05/29/2007 00:00 29-MAY-07 AM Root intrusion Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause 2 2SSO10088 Active 725034 1076 Peralta Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8836 122.2867 Other (specify) Lower Lateral Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 21-JUN-07 AM 06/21/2007 10:19 06/21/2007 11:00 21-JUN-07 AM Root intrusion Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 2 2SSO10088 Active 726211 1021 Solano Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.89 122.3 Building or structure Building or structure 09-MAR-07 PM 03/09/2007 13:52 03/09/2007 14:30 09-MAR-07 PM Debris Other (specify below) Referred homeowner to plumber because probelem in upper lateral. 2 2SSO10088 Active 726212 1007 Key Route Blvd. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8876 122.2919 Building or structure Building or structure 16-MAR-07 AM 03/16/2007 11:31 03/16/2007 12:00 16-MAR-07 PM Debris Other (specify below) Told homowner to call plumber- problem in upper lateral. 2 2SSO10088 Active 726268 1134 Santa Fe Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8839 122.29 Building or structure Building or structure 25-APR-07 AM 04/25/2007 09:35 04/25/2007 10:15 25-APR-07 AM Debris Other (specify below) Referred home owner to plumber because problem in upper lateral. 2 2SSO10088 Active 726271 1000 Washington Ave. 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8919 122.3013 Building or structure Building or structure 31-MAY-07 AM 05/31/2007 08:40 05/31/2007 09:30 31-MAY-07 AM Debris Other (specify below) Referred property owner to call plumber because issue was in upper lateral. 2 2SSO10088 Active 726273 668 Spokane Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8956 122.2938 Building or structure Building or structure 13-JUN-07 AM 06/13/2007 00:00 06/13/2007 00:00 13-JUN-07 AM Debris Other (specify below) Referred property owner to call plumber because issue is in upper lateral. 2 2SSO10088 Active 726276 1031 Key Route Blvd. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8869 122.2917 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 18-JUN-07 AM 06/18/2007 00:00 06/18/2007 00:00 18-JUN-07 AM Debris Other (specify below) Told property owner to call plumber because issue was in upper lateral. 2 2SSO10088 Active 726279 1335 Solano Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8882 122.2903 Building or structure Building or structure 26-OCT-07 AM 10/26/2007 00:00 10/26/2007 00:00 26-OCT-07 AM Debris Other (specify below) Told business owner to call plumber because problem in upper lateral. 2 2SSO10088 Active 726281 807 Carmel Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8928 122.2901 Building or structure Building or structure 07-NOV-07 AM 11/07/2007 00:00 11/07/2007 00:00 07-NOV-07 AM Debris Other (specify below) Told property owner to call plumber because problem in upper lateral. 2 2SSO10088 Active 726286 1335 Solano Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8907 122.2914 Building or structure Building or structure 12-NOV-07 AM 11/12/2007 00:00 11/12/2007 00:00 12-NOV-07 AM Debris Other (specify below) Flushed city portion of lateral- no problem. Issue on business owner portion- told them to call plumber. 2 2SSO10088 Active 726287 728 Talbot Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8936 122.2964 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 11-DEC-07 AM 12/11/2007 00:00 12/11/2007 00:00 11-DEC-07 AM Debris Other (specify below) Told home owner to call plumber because issue in upper lateral. 2 2SSO10088 Active 726291 1001 San Pablo Ave. 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8866 122.2976 Building or structure Building or structure 20-NOV-07 AM 11/20/2007 00:00 11/20/2007 00:00 20-NOV-07 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Other (specify below) Issue was grease in upper lateral. Told business owner to call plumber to flush. 2 2SSO10088 Active 735113 520 evelyn 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.89677 -122.296357 Other (specify) upper lateral sewer clean out Other (specify below) private property-surface unknown 16-MAY-08 PM 05/16/2008 14:47 05/16/2008 15:00 16-MAY-08 PM Debri-General Other (specify below) visual inspection 2 2SSO10088 Active 735166 1009 solano 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.89023 -122.300391 Other (specify) upper lateral clean out Street/curb and gutter 02-JUL-08 AM 07/02/2008 08:28 07/02/2008 08:45 02-JUL-08 AM Other (specify below) private lateral sewer problem Other (specify below) visual inspection 2 2SSO10088 Active 735169 511 stannage 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.896652 -122.298888 Other (specify) driveway drain Street/curb and gutter 25-SEP-08 AM 09/25/2008 11:13 09/25/2008 11:30 25-SEP-08 AM Debri-General Other (specify below) visual inspection 2 2SSO10088 Active 735170 759 pierce 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.890046 -122.305805 Building or structure Building or structure 16-DEC-08 PM 12/17/2008 09:00 12/22/2008 09:00 16-DEC-08 AM Root intrusion Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause 2 2SSO10088 Active 735173 1365 solano 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.890738 -122.29088 Other (specify) corridor outside and alongside of building Street/curb and gutter 12-NOV-08 PM 11/12/2008 13:33 11/12/2008 13:50 12-NOV-08 PM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Other (specify below) trimmed roots 2 2SSO10088 Active 735177 914 carmel 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.889654 -122.28981 Other (specify) back yard Unpaved surface 23-JAN-08 PM 01/23/2008 20:06 01/23/2008 20:20 23-JAN-08 PM Other (specify below) upper lateral problem Other (specify below) inspected main-no lower lateral clean out 2 2SSO10090 Active 729005 2 Meadow Drive 200 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 200 0 37.905833 122.532778 2 Meadow Drive Mill Valley 94941 Unoccupied house and unpaved yard area Other (specify) Stoppage caused backup of sewage into private lateral and into unoccupied house and unpaved yard area. Unpaved surface Overflow within house and in unpaved yard area was cleaned up and returned to sewage system. 20-OCT-08 PM 10/20/2008 12:15 10/20/2008 12:30 20-OCT-08 AM Root intrusion Main 6 Clay 50 Other (specify below) Replaced 35 feet of district main sewer in vicinity of tree roots. Cleaned up sewage overflow. Reimbursed property owner for cleanup costs within house. 2 2SSO10091 Active 775152 730 Deerfield 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.15997 -122.24312 Other (specify) Clean out at house back yard Unpaved surface 01-JAN-12 PM 01/01/2012 12:34 01/01/2012 12:52 01-JAN-12 PM Debri-General Upper Lateral Restored flow 2 2SSO10091 Active 776910 Rio Del MAr Channel 50 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 50 38.17298 -122.26461 300 Benton Way American Canyon 94503 Gravity sewer Surface water 07-FEB-12 AM 02/07/2012 09:55 02/07/2012 08:35 07-FEB-12 AM Vandalism Upper Lateral 6 PVC Restored flow 2 2SSO10091 Active 780525 300 Hess Road (American Canyon Little League Complex) 300 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 300 0 38.18715 -122.25883 300 Hess Road American Canyon 94503 Over flow at clean out, due to no power for pump, PGE shut power off to complex due to non payment Other (specify) Over flow at clean out. Power being turned off for pump resulted in manhole backing up into lateral Other paved surface 19-APR-12 AM 04/19/2012 06:01 04/19/2012 06:20 19-APR-12 AM Other (specify below) Pump in manhole lost power due to PGE shutting off the power. Resulting in backup in lateral. This also caused paper to block lateral approx 60 feet from the manhole Upper Lateral 3 AC 25 Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10091 Active 793203 Alta Loma 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 38.17602 -122.25818 3 Alta Loma American Canyon 94503 Clean out by house Other sewer system structure Other (specify below) planter area near house, weeping out of cleanout 30-MAR-13 PM 03/30/2013 01:00 03/30/2013 01:45 30-MAR-13 AM Debri-General Upper Lateral 4 clay 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system N/A 2 2SSO10091 Active 805589 American Canyon, California 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 0 0 6 Joan Drive Americcan Canyon 94503 See Attached Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) Grass and concrete walk way 18-APR-14 PM 04/18/2014 14:15 04/18/2014 14:25 18-APR-14 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) 4 clay Restored flow 2 2SSO10091 Active 876944 504 Donaldson Way 12 No Yes Yes 12 0 38.17281 -122.26339 504 Donaldson Way American Canyon 94503 Location in front of 504 Donaldson Way, at the property line cleanout near the sidewalk. Lateral Clean Out (Public) Street/Curb and Gutter 14-OCT-21 AM 10/14/2021 08:43 10/14/2021 09:14 14-OCT-21 AM Debris-Rags Wipes were found coming out of cleanout. Single Family Home Small single family home, about 1,000sqft. Two toilets. Found wipes coming out of the cleanout. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Clay 60 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 2 2SSO10093 Active 654446 186 Rio Verde Street, Daly City, CA 94014 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.70558 -122.41675 186 Rio Verde Street Daly City 94014 Seepage out of cleanout cover Other sewer system structure seepage out of cleanout cover Other paved surface 17-JUL-07 PM 07/17/2007 20:28 07/17/2007 20:45 17-JUL-07 PM Debri-General Lower Lateral 6 VCP Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10094 Active 782022 2675 Ralston Ave 960 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.51241 -122.31225 2675 Ralston Belmont 94002 Rear of school Other (specify) Private lateral sewer line clean out. Unpaved surface 11-MAY-12 PM 05/11/2012 15:30 05/11/2012 15:45 11-MAY-12 PM Vandalism Combination locks, sports jersey and roots Lower Lateral 4 Clay pipe 60 Restored flow Unable to provide specific details as the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District handled the clean up activities. 2 2SSO10094 Active 806498 Pilgrim Kitchen 311 El Camino Real 18081 Yes Yes No 0 18081 37.52823 -122.28572 311 El Camino Real Belmont 94002 Private sewer lateral was installed on top of storm drain culvert grate at rear of property next to railroad tracks (Caltrain owned property). This pipe was left open and was not connected to the sewer main which resulted in sewage discharging directly into the storm drain culvert. Upper Lateral (Private) Drainage Channel 30-MAR-14 PM 05/21/2014 14:45 05/21/2014 15:00 21-MAY-14 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure - Installation Private lateral line was left open and was not connected to sewer main. Food Service Establishment (FSE) Pilgrim Kitchen is a bakery. Upper Lateral (Private) 4 ABS Cleaned-Up;Other (specify below);Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified We first discovered open lateral on May 21st. At this time we inspected, jetting, vacuumed and videoed storm lines downstream from spill location to City limit. Contacted San Mateo County Environmental Health and notify them of spill. Requested business to close and had the Belmont Building Official come out on May 22nd and red tag the building. Notified the City of San Mateo of spill since the storm system flows into their City. San Mateo Environmental Health and SVCW (treatment plant) took samples from the storm system. Waiting for those results. 2 2SSO10095 Active 656552 129 Dartmouth 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 38.067139 -122.16 129 Dartmouth Benicia 94510 Building or structure Building or structure 18-JUL-07 PM 07/18/2007 16:30 07/18/2007 16:35 18-JUL-07 PM Root intrusion 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 2 2SSO10095 Active 705021 West 2nd and H Street 3300 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 3300 0 38.05684 122.171368 735 H Benicia 94510 Private residences Building or structure Building or structure 10-OCT-07 AM 10/10/2007 09:50 10/10/2007 10:00 10-OCT-07 AM Other (specify below) Contractor damage during excavation, broken water main flooded residences through lateral Other (specify below) Spill confined to residences, residents evacuated and commercial restoration company (Service Master) performing mitigation 2 2SSO10095 Active 710397 600 block West I 300 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 38.056879 -122.169453 686 West I Benicia 94510 Private driveway between two homes 686 & 676. Other sewer system structure Private rodding inlet. Other (specify below) Backyard property. 26-DEC-07 AM 12/26/2007 11:30 12/26/2007 11:35 26-DEC-07 AM Pump station failure 6 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 2 2SSO10095 Active 718190 849 West I 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 10 0 38.05873 -122.172859 849 West I Benicia 94510 Other (specify) It appears that a private lateral has been damaged causing a sink hole to develope in the owners front lawn area. Street/curb and gutter;Other (specify below) City crew collected 10 gallions that spilled into curb & gutter. 28-MAY-08 AM 05/28/2008 08:15 05/28/2008 08:15 28-MAY-08 AM Pipe structural problem/failure 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Other (specify below) City crews collected 10 gallons and washed down affected area. 2 2SSO10095 Active 738697 760 West I Street, Benicia CA 6 Yes Yes No 3 3 38.057453 -122.171308 760 West I Benicia 94510 Curb and Gutter along street. Estimated 3 gallons entered stormdrain system. (see map attached) Other (specify) Spill was caused by a blocked sewer laterial. Sewage was discharged from sewer lateral. Blockage was cleared at 5-7 ft. and the flow was restored. All but an estimated 3 gallons of the overflow were cpatured and returned to the collection system. Two-Three gallons entered the stormdrain system. Samples taken upstream and downstream. Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter;Surface water The discharge entered the curb and gutter and approximately 2-3-gallons entered the storm drain system. 08-JUN-09 PM 06/08/2009 14:30 06/08/2009 14:45 08-JUN-09 PM Other (specify below) Paper and solids 4 Contained all or portion of spill 3 gallons contained and returned to the sewer. Approximately 2 to 3 gallons entered storm drain system and not recovered. 2 2SSO10095 Active 749416 131 West N Street 20 No Yes Yes 20 0 38.055765 -122.155045 131 West N Benicia 94510 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface;Storm drain 17-FEB-10 AM 02/17/2010 10:45 02/17/2010 10:45 17-FEB-10 AM Debri-General Lower Lateral 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system A 4 lower lateral became blocked by heavy paper. A nearby storm drain accepted approximatly 5 gallons of the estimated total 20 gallon spill. All liquids were captured at a downstream catch basin and returned to the sewer system. Ownership of the lower lateral is still being researched. 2 2SSO10095 Active 769301 365 Military East 2147 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2147 0 38.0523499 -122.149407 365 Military East Benicia 94510 Back-up in the basement Building or structure Back-up in basement Building or structure Spill in the basement 30-JUL-11 AM 07/30/2011 09:45 07/30/2011 10:15 30-JUL-11 AM Root intrusion When standby worker recieved call he noticed debris; however on the first business day the crew TV'd the line and found roots to be the cause. Lower Lateral Roots in lateral. 6 Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) Sewer backup in basement 2 2SSO10095 Active 775060 205 West Hst 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 38.049365 -122.158577 205 West Benicia 94510 Building or structure Building or structure 30-DEC-11 PM 12/30/2011 13:15 12/30/2011 13:20 30-DEC-11 PM Root intrusion Roots in main line Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) After a failed camera inspection, the sewer crew was forced to isolate the main in an effort to determine condition of main line. Inspection revealed a deteriated sewer main that needed immediate repair. The method selected was pipebursting through the efforts of a contractor scheduled for weekend work. On 1/6/2012 a contractor was hired to replace 188 ft. of 8 pipe by pipebursting. The activities also required two private laterals to be connected. Sucessful completion was on 1/9/2012. 2 2SSO10095 Active 780098 West Americia Bank 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.054689 -122.156698 20 Solano Square Benicia 94510 In Basement of bank. Building or structure Building or structure Bank property hand a pump system in the basement and our understanding is that their BPD failed. 14-APR-12 AM 04/14/2012 02:00 04/14/2012 02:30 14-APR-12 AM Other (specify below) We believe a result of the property owner's system. Upper Lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow 2 2SSO10095 Active 790128 1 Oak Road 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 38.04853 -122.131158 1 Oak Benicia 94510 Raw sewage out of MH. Manhole Unpaved surface 11-JAN-13 AM 01/11/2013 08:54 01/11/2013 09:10 11-JAN-13 AM Other (specify below) The first report we believe the system was tied into a private pump station, however after examination it was city owned. Lower Lateral Contained all or portion of spill Restored flow. We we be conducting a TV inspection of system. 2 2SSO10095 Active 790458 West Nst 4 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 4 0 38.0531218 -122.1540812 131 N Benicia 94510 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 17-JAN-13 AM 01/17/2013 11:30 01/17/2013 11:40 17-JAN-13 AM Other (specify below) Unknown at this time Main Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 2 2SSO10095 Active 805469 1709 Lindo Street 10 No Yes Yes 0 0 38.051915 -122.142742 1709 Lindo Benicia Force Main Separate Storm Drain 13-APR-14 PM 04/13/2014 20:45 04/13/2014 21:15 13-APR-14 PM Pump Station Failure-Mechanical The private lift station was discharging effluent to the ground. Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Force Main Property Owner Notified Solano County Health Department has been the lead on this private citizen issue and has gone as far as issuing a Notice of Violation to the HOA. We as the city is reporting it for BMP. The OES # is 14-2176 2 2SSO10095 Active 812393 171 Carlisle Way 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 38.073839 -122.154527 171 Carlisle Way Benicia 94510 Residential home with laminate and linoleum flooring. Other sewer system structure Toilet (2) Other (specify below) Interior floor of the residence 16-JAN-15 PM 01/20/2015 12:30 Pipe Structural Problem/Failure While repairing a water service line on 1/14 Maintenance personnel unknowingly damaged the private sewer lateral. Approximately 2 days later homeowner realized his lateral was backed up and called the city. Maintenance personnel cleared line for homeowner. During a routine follow up cctv inspection on 1/20 Maintenance personnel were advised of back up inside of residence on 1/16 and also discovered the damaged pipe. The pipe was repaired and the homeowner was advised to call restoration services for mediation. Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 AC Cleaned-Up;Restored flow Property owner cleaned up spill. Advised to call restoration services. 2 2SSO10095 Active 817081 1190 Church Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.06419 -122.17775 1190 Church Benicia 94510 Spill was out of private sewer cleanout Lateral Clean Out (Private) Into gutter pan. Paved Surface 31-JUL-15 AM 07/31/2015 09:11 07/31/2015 09:30 31-JUL-15 AM Other (specify below) Unknown cause. Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up City crews washed down affected area. 2 2SSO10095 Active 818614 681 Military East 140 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 90 0 38.0493748 -122.1431814 681 Military East Benicia 94510 Private property consists of mixed slope, draining to flat public right of way. Multi unit residential. Upper Lateral (Private) Private building clean out Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 05-OCT-15 PM 10/07/2015 09:10 10/07/2015 09:49 07-OCT-15 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Upper Lateral (Private) 6 cast iron Cleaned-Up;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City crew contained and returned entire portion of overflow that reached public right of way 2 2SSO10095 Active 820309 20 Solano Square 21 No Yes No 0 21 38.0547232 -122.1566954 20 Solano square Benicia Commercial area flat sloped parking lot Lateral Clean Out (Private) Spill released from private manhole structure within the parking lot of business Separate Storm Drain 21-DEC-15 PM 12/21/2015 12:05 12/21/2015 12:18 21-DEC-15 PM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) West America Bank Lower Lateral (Private) 6 clay Restored flow Restored flow. Contacted property owner about having private inspection of lateral performed to identify reduced capacity. 2 2SSO10095 Active 834303 265 Hillcrest Avenue 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 38.0584909 -122.141710999999 265 Hillcrest Avenue Benicia 94510 Flat residential utility box Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) Spill was contained isnside a front yard utility box 16-MAR-17 PM 03/16/2017 14:05 03/16/2017 14:10 16-MAR-17 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) 4 clay Other (specify below) Cleaned up effected area and notified property an immediate need to contact a plumber before depositing water in the system 2 2SSO10095 Active 834310 675 East H Street 42 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 42 0 38.054434 -122.1460309 675 East H Street Benicia 94510 slight slope commercial concrete curb and gutter with paved streets Upper Lateral (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 05-APR-17 PM 04/05/2017 13:42 04/05/2017 14:05 05-APR-17 PM Debris-Rags Debris and heavy paper filled trap assembly Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CI Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Cleaned the complete spill using combination truck. Recommended contractor plumber use balloon to clear trap assembly (successful clearing). 2 2SSO10095 Active 840857 1285 Grove Circle 68 No Yes Yes 68 0 38.068261 -122.175591 1285 Grove Circle Benicia 94510 Flat Residential with paved streets and concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 15-OCT-17 PM 10/16/2017 09:37 10/16/2017 09:43 16-OCT-17 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) Partial grease blockage in private lateral caused discharge when flow exceeded capacity. Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 37 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Cleared blockage, cleaned sidewalk and gutter, flushed storm drain and vacuumed release and flushing water, cleaned upstream and downstream storm drain catch basins. 2 2SSO10095 Active 851005 440 1st Street 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 38.047953 -122.1596258 440 1st Street Benicia 94510 Flat commercial, paved streets with concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 16-SEP-18 PM 09/16/2018 13:48 09/16/2018 02:10 16-SEP-18 AM Debris-Rags Food Service Establishment (FSE) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 ABS Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Assisted private plumbing contractor with clean-up, returned entire spill to sanitary sewer system. 2 2SSO10095 Active 852334 31 Hillcrest Avenue 26 No Yes Yes 26 0 38.0600139 -122.1467294 31 Hillcrest Avenue Benicia 94510 Sloped residential with paved street, curb and gutter. Upper Lateral (Private) Release occurred from a cleanout in the private driveway of listed residence. Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 02-NOV-18 AM 11/02/2018 10:09 11/02/2018 10:15 02-NOV-18 AM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Clay Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10095 Active 857393 Lateral cleanout 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 38.0609 -122.17357 956 West K St Benicia 94510 Cleanout in alley behind property Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 02-APR-19 AM 04/02/2019 08:24 04/02/2019 08:38 02-APR-19 AM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10096 Active 708386 1251 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 37.883986 -122.274356 1251 Mlk Berkeley 94709 Homeowners clean out / property Other (specify) Homeowners clean out Other paved surface Sidewalk 11-OCT-07 AM 10/11/2007 08:00 10/11/2007 08:30 11-OCT-07 AM Other (specify below) Unknown Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10096 Active 708492 # 19 Hillside ct. 10 No Yes No 9 1 37.867589 122.249469 # 19 Hillside Berkeley 94704 Other sewer system structure private property clean out Other (specify below) Into City section clean out 14-OCT-07 AM 10/14/2007 11:19 10/14/2007 12:05 14-OCT-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10096 Active 713738 North Valley Street at northerly terminus 1500 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 1500 37.884167 -122.284892 1320 Addison Berkeley 94710 Sewer lateral that crosses over creek collapsed. Gravity Mainline Beach Spill drained into creek and creek drains to bay. 21-FEB-08 AM 02/21/2008 09:15 02/21/2008 10:00 21-FEB-08 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Private sewer lateral collapse. Gravity Mainline Private VCP sewer lateral from 1320 Addison flows southbound, crosses above Strawberry Creek and connects to sewer main on North Valley Street. Lateral collapsed. 6 VCP 25 Mitigated Effects of Spill City of Berkeley hired sewer contractor to repair sewer lateral. 2 2SSO10096 Active 714819 le conte 15 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 15 0 37.874794 -122.263778 2311 le conte berkeley 94709 private cleanout Other sewer system structure Street/curb and gutter 09-MAR-08 PM 03/09/2008 21:30 03/09/2008 21:50 10-MAR-08 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Other (specify below) requested for a repair crew ASAP 2 2SSO10096 Active 717346 Berkeley 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.882567 122.254197 27 Parnassus Other sewer system structure CLEAN OUT Street/curb and gutter 09-MAY-08 AM 05/09/2008 01:30 05/09/2008 01:30 09-MAY-08 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10096 Active 727471 1624 Woolsey st 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 37.850708 -122.275097 1624 Woolsey berkeley 94703 city clean out Other (specify) Homeowner clean out Street/curb and gutter 06-OCT-08 AM 10/06/2008 10:00 10/06/2008 10:05 06-OCT-08 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10096 Active 728736 1326 addison st 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 10 10 37.848694 122.274503 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 10-OCT-08 AM 10/10/2008 00:00 10/10/2008 00:00 10-OCT-08 AM Root intrusion Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause 2 2SSO10096 Active 729106 1743 San Pablo ave 6 No Yes No 0 6 37.872047 -122.292814 1743 San Pablo Berkeley 94702 private clean out Other (specify) private clean out Separate storm drain 10-NOV-08 AM 11/10/2008 08:15 11/10/2008 08:30 10-NOV-08 AM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10096 Active 741913 1953 Ashby ave 20 No Yes Yes 20 0 37.854433 -122.270214 1953 Ashby Berkeley 94704 Other sewer system structure Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter;Other (specify below) The spill went into the catchbasin, but was recovered by the combination truck. 27-JUL-09 PM 07/27/2009 13:21 07/27/2009 13:30 27-JUL-09 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10096 Active 742172 1953 Ashby ave 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 37.854433 -122.27021 1953 Ashby 94704 Other (specify) Private Lateral Other (specify below) The spill went into the catchbasin, but was recovered by the combination truck. 27-JUL-09 PM 07/27/2009 13:21 07/27/2009 13:30 27-JUL-09 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10096 Active 764800 1808 Addison 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 60 0 37.87009 -122.27464 Berkeley Building or structure;Other sewer system structure Building or structure;Unpaved surface 24-MAR-11 PM 03/24/2011 12:20 03/24/2011 12:30 24-MAR-11 PM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10096 Active 792761 1 Bolivar Street 200 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 200 37.86636 -122.30262 1 Bolivar Street Berkeley Force main or pressure sewer Building or structure 19-MAR-13 PM 03/19/2013 14:25 03/19/2013 14:45 19-MAR-13 PM Other (specify below) Pump station failure. Pumps seized from feces, dog hair and thread. Other (specify below) Pumps Station in Animal Shelter parking lot. 2 Other (specify below) Spill had already occurred before crew arrived sewer drained into parking and landscaped areas next to walking path. Crew vaccumed sewage from pump station. 2 2SSO10096 Active 801939 panoramic 200 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 200 0 37.86873 -122.24711 157 panoramic berkeley 94706 Gravity Mainline;Manhole Unpaved surface 19-DEC-13 AM 12/19/2013 08:35 12/19/2013 08:50 19-DEC-13 AM Root Intrusion Gravity Mainline handrodded and jet rodder 2 2SSO10096 Active 809409 2368 Le Conte ave 5 Yes Yes Yes 5 0 37.87543 -122.26284 2368 Le Conte Berkeley C/O overflowed Lateral Clean Out (Public) Drainage Channel;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 24-SEP-14 PM 09/24/2014 13:45 09/24/2014 13:50 24-SEP-14 PM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Lower lateral (city) Cleaned-Up 2 2SSO10097 Active 650384 640 Humboldt Road 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 50 0 640 Humboldt Brisbane 94005 Gravity sewer Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 11-MAY-07 AM 05/11/2007 10:00 05/11/2007 10:15 11-MAY-07 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Private lateral connection recently upgraded by private plumbing contractor. Likely the lateral connection to the main line failed during backfill/compaction. Overflow coming up through pavement at pavement backfill patch. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Private plumbing company called to site to video lateral and correct connection. 2 2SSO10098 Active 859066 325 Irving Ave 21 No Yes No 21 0 37.32289 -121.92781 Upper Lateral (Private) Home at 219 Irving Ave had a sewer backup and private plumber cleared backup but caused a spill onto the driveway of 325 Irving Ave. Spill was not cleaned up. Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter Spilled onto driveway, curb, gutter, and ultimately into storm drain. 25-MAY-19 PM 05/28/2019 12:45 05/28/2019 13:20 25-MAY-19 PM CS Mainentance Caused Spill/Damage Backup (reason not determined) in neighbors lateral resulted in spill caused by plumber clearing their line. Single Family Home lateral spill from neighbors house after clearing a backup Upper Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10099 Active 650162 270 Lorton Avenue 100 Yes Yes No 100 5 37.578889 -122.345 270 Lorton Burlingame Spill occurred from a private lateral into a storm box culvert that is located under the building. Building or structure Separate storm drain 02-MAY-07 PM 05/02/2007 14:00 05/02/2007 15:00 02-MAY-07 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Our crew found sewage in the storm culvert through the storm drain inspection manhole on Hatch Lane and they started tracking the spill after they diked the area to contain the spill. Our crews checked the sanitary sewer mains in the area and found that they were working properly. They checked the upstream storm drain inlet and found that it was clear. They proceed by doing a confine space entry and one of the employees walked up the box culvert and at approximately 100 feet found a cast iron private lateral that was abandoned and the end of it had fallen into the box culvert while the other end was still connected to a live private lateral. The employee proceeded by disconnecting the portion of the pipe that was abandoned and plug the end that was connected to the live private lateral to prevent further overflows from the connection. Upper Lateral 4 cast iron Contained all or portion of spill Our crews contained the spill in the box culvert upon arrival at Hatch lane and Burlingame Avenue and California. They set up one Vac-con at the catch basin on Hatch lane and the other Vac-Con at California Drive and Burlingame Avenue. Then one of the employees washed down the box culvert vacuuming all the water at both locations. We estimated using 2,000 gallons of water to wash down the spill which they were able to vacuum the water and the spill from the two locations with the aid of the Vac-Cons. They also disinfected the area as a precaution. 2 2SSO10099 Active 708363 2109 Summit Drive 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 1 37.577778 122.381111 2109 Summit Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to customers. Other (specify) 4 clean out in planter area between curb and sidewalk. Unpaved surface 04-OCT-07 AM 10/04/2007 10:42 10/04/2007 10:55 04-OCT-07 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 708364 865 Hinckley 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 2 37.596944 122.369444 865 Hinckley Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to customers. Other sewer system structure 4 clean out in sidewalk area. Other paved surface 04-OCT-07 AM 10/04/2007 09:12 10/04/2007 09:20 04-OCT-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 708365 1722 Sequoia 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 37.589444 122.385278 1722 Sequoia Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 cleanout in sidewalk area. Other paved surface 06-OCT-07 AM 10/06/2007 10:35 10/06/2007 10:50 06-OCT-07 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 708367 819 Acacia Dr. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 37.581944 122.356944 819 Acacia Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 cleanout in planter area ne tween street and curb. Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface 07-OCT-07 PM 10/07/2007 17:19 10/07/2007 17:50 07-OCT-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 708368 Mangini Way 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 50 37.582222 122.349444 Mangini Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 clean out Other paved surface spill contained by curb in parking lot. 07-OCT-07 AM 10/07/2007 08:13 10/07/2007 08:19 07-OCT-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 708369 1344 Sanchez Ave. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 37.583056 122.361389 1344 Sanchez Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other (specify) 4 clean out in planter area between sidewalk and curb. Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface 13-OCT-07 PM 10/13/2007 13:15 10/13/2007 13:20 13-OCT-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 708370 1011 Morrell Ave. 7 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 7 37.585 122.354167 1011 Morrell Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other (specify) 4 planter area between street and sidewalk. Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface 14-OCT-07 PM 10/14/2007 12:15 10/14/2007 12:20 14-OCT-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 708371 1335 Rollins Road 7 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 7 37.590556 122.365556 1335 Rollins Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other (specify) 4 clean out in sidewalk area. Street/curb and gutter 16-OCT-07 AM 10/16/2007 10:39 10/16/2007 10:45 16-OCT-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 2 2SSO10099 Active 708372 31 Highland Ave. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 9 37.576667 122.341667 31 Highland Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other (specify) 4 cleanout at sidewalk. Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 17-OCT-07 AM 10/17/2007 09:36 10/17/2007 09:40 17-OCT-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 708373 300 Penninsula Ave. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 37.581389 122.332778 300 Penninsula Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other (specify) 4 clean out planter area between sidewalk and curb. Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 21-OCT-07 AM 10/21/2007 09:34 10/21/2007 09:45 21-OCT-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 708374 705 Acacia Ave. 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 1 37.579722 122.355 705 Acacia Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other (specify) 4 cleanout in front yard. Unpaved surface 21-OCT-07 PM 10/21/2007 15:26 10/21/2007 15:35 21-OCT-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 708375 1048 Balboa Ave. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 10 37.581944 122.364167 1048 Balboa Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its service. Other (specify) 4 cleanout in planter strip area. Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface 21-OCT-07 AM 10/21/2007 10:28 10/21/2007 10:34 21-OCT-07 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709514 1221 Donnelly 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 10 37.579167 122.334722 1221 Donnelly Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to customers. Other sewer system structure 4 Unpaved surface 02-NOV-07 PM 11/02/2007 12:10 11/02/2007 12:45 02-NOV-07 PM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709518 1473 Cabrillo Ave. 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 1 37.626389 122.376111 1472 Cabrillo Burlingame 94010 Private lateral- City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer clean out in yard. Unpaved surface 06-NOV-07 AM 11/06/2007 09:11 11/06/2007 09:20 06-NOV-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709519 455 Chatham Rd. 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 37.583889 122.345556 455 Chatham Burlingame 94010 Private lateral, City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer clean out. Unpaved surface 06-NOV-07 AM 11/06/2007 07:40 11/06/2007 08:00 06-NOV-07 AM Vandalism plastic bottle in clean out. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10099 Active 709522 505 Burlingame Ave. 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 37.583889 122.339167 505 Burlingame Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other (specify) 4 sewer clean out Unpaved surface 06-NOV-07 AM 11/06/2007 10:36 11/06/2007 10:54 06-NOV-07 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709523 2721 Summit Dr. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 2 37.574167 122.385556 2721 Summit Burlingame 94010 Other (specify) 4 sewer clean out Unpaved surface 07-NOV-07 AM 11/07/2007 09:47 11/07/2007 10:11 07-NOV-07 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709525 3000 Arguello Dr. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 4 37.578333 122.394722 3000 Arguello Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer clean out Street/curb and gutter 08-NOV-07 PM 11/08/2007 15:08 11/08/2007 15:11 08-NOV-07 PM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709528 1408 Chapin Rd. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 37.578333 122.349444 1408 Chapin Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer clean out Street/curb and gutter 09-NOV-07 PM 11/09/2007 14:57 11/09/2007 15:05 09-NOV-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709529 1305 Bernal Ave. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 4 37.582222 122.371944 1305 Bernal Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer cleanout Street/curb and gutter 09-NOV-07 AM 11/09/2007 10:59 11/09/2007 11:15 09-NOV-07 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709543 602 Burlingame Ave. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 2 37.583333 122.339167 602 Burlingame Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer clean out. Unpaved surface 10-NOV-07 AM 11/10/2007 10:04 11/10/2007 11:01 10-NOV-07 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709544 1612 Marco Polo Way 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 1 37.588333 122.380556 1612 Marco Polo Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer clean out. Unpaved surface 10-NOV-07 PM 11/10/2007 12:30 11/10/2007 13:03 10-NOV-07 PM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709545 209 Arundel Road 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 1 37.581389 122.339444 209 Arundel Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer cleanout. Unpaved surface 14-NOV-07 AM 11/14/2007 08:55 11/14/2007 09:00 14-NOV-07 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709546 1208 Edgehill Drive 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 37.583333 122.357222 1208 Edgehill Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy serevice to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer cleanout. Unpaved surface 16-NOV-07 PM 11/16/2007 16:25 11/16/2007 16:35 16-NOV-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709547 209 Arundel Rd. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 10 37.581111 122.340278 209 Arundel Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer clean out. Unpaved surface 17-NOV-07 PM 11/17/2007 13:20 11/17/2007 13:30 17-NOV-07 PM Root intrusion water soaked into the planter area. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709548 1144 Palm Ave. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 37.582778 122.354444 1144 Palm Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer cleanout. Street/curb and gutter 18-NOV-07 AM 11/18/2007 10:05 11/18/2007 10:15 18-NOV-07 AM Debris Water got soaked into the dirt area of the planter Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709549 2820 Hillside Drive 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 37.578611 122.381944 2820 Hillside Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer cleanout. Street/curb and gutter 21-NOV-07 AM 11/21/2007 08:56 11/21/2007 09:13 21-NOV-07 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709550 744 Plymouth Way 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 37.583611 122.345 744 Plymouth Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer cleanout. Unpaved surface 23-NOV-07 AM 11/23/2007 10:50 11/23/2007 11:00 23-NOV-07 AM Root intrusion Wet spot in the planter area. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709551 1412 Sanchez Ave. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 37.5825 122.361389 1412 Sanchez Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer claenout. Unpaved surface 23-NOV-07 PM 11/23/2007 12:09 11/23/2007 12:20 23-NOV-07 PM Root intrusion Wet area in planter, water soaked into the dirt Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709552 1305 Bernal Ave. 8 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 8 0 37.582222 -122.371667 1305 Bernal Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer cleanout. Street/curb and gutter 26-NOV-07 AM 11/26/2007 08:36 11/26/2007 08:45 26-NOV-07 AM Root intrusion Washed down and picked up all water from wash down and spill. Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709553 34 Bancroft Road 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 37.582778 122.333333 34 Bancroft Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer cleanout. Street/curb and gutter 27-NOV-07 PM 11/27/2007 12:31 11/27/2007 12:43 27-NOV-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709554 408 Burlingame Ave. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 37.584444 122.346667 408 Burlingame Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer clean out Unpaved surface 27-NOV-07 PM 11/27/2007 15:05 11/27/2007 15:15 27-NOV-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 709555 1008 Drake Ave. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 37.579722 122.365556 1008 Drake Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer cleanout. Unpaved surface 28-NOV-07 PM 11/28/2007 16:30 11/28/2007 16:55 28-NOV-07 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 710514 25 Humboldt Road 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 3 37.583611 122.331667 25 Humboldt Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer cleanout Unpaved surface 01-DEC-07 AM 12/01/2007 11:20 12/01/2007 11:30 01-DEC-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 710515 1112 Oxford Road 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 2 37.590833 122.373333 1112 Oxford Burlingame 94010 Private lateral- City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer clean out Unpaved surface 02-DEC-07 AM 12/02/2007 09:34 12/02/2007 09:41 02-DEC-07 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 710518 805 Park Ave. 4 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 4 0 37.585 -122.35 805 Park Burlingame 94010 Private lateral- City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer clean out. Street/curb and gutter washed down street and gutter area and recovered all water from cleanup (10 gallons). 03-DEC-07 AM 12/03/2007 08:11 12/03/2007 08:24 03-DEC-07 AM Debri-General Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 710520 803 Park Ave 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 9 37.585556 122.35 803 Park Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer clean out. Street/curb and gutter 05-DEC-07 AM 12/05/2007 07:49 12/05/2007 08:05 05-DEC-07 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 710521 1600 Carmelita Ave. 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 37.581944 122.364722 1600 Carmelita Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer clean out Unpaved surface 2 gallons absorbed into ground (dirt area) picked up solids and disinfected area. 10-DEC-07 AM 12/10/2007 09:09 12/10/2007 09:18 10-DEC-07 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 710525 1129 Cambridge Road 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 14 37.59 122.373056 1129 Cambdidge Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer clean out Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface 1 gallon absorbed into ground 11-DEC-07 PM 12/11/2007 15:30 12/11/2007 17:00 11-DEC-07 PM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 710527 1524 Arc Way 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 37.574444 122.394167 1524 Arc Burlingame 94010 Other sewer system structure 4 sewer clean out Unpaved surface 1 gallon absorbed into dirt area 11-DEC-07 PM 12/11/2007 15:25 12/11/2007 15:30 11-DEC-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 710528 3112 Cananea Ave. 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 37.574722 122.394167 3112 Cananea Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer clean out Street/curb and gutter 17-DEC-07 AM 12/17/2007 10:28 12/17/2007 10:50 17-DEC-07 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 712049 1910 Ray Drive 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 3 37.658611 122.4425 1910 Ray Burlingame 94010 Private Lateral Spill. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure Private 4 sewer clean out Unpaved surface 27-DEC-07 AM 12/27/2007 09:25 12/27/2007 09:35 27-DEC-07 AM Pipe structural problem/failure 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 712722 1319 Edgehill Drive 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 2 37.5825 122.358611 1319 Edgehill Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer cleanout Street/curb and gutter 08-JUL-07 AM 07/08/2007 10:04 07/08/2007 10:19 08-JUL-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 712723 900 El Camino Real 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 37.581111 122.361111 900 El Camino Real Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer cleanout Street/curb and gutter 11-SEP-07 AM 09/11/2007 08:00 09/11/2007 08:10 11-SEP-07 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 712724 1506 La Mesa Drive 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 1 37.581111 122.393056 1506 La Mesa Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer cleanout Unpaved surface 12-SEP-07 AM 09/12/2007 11:20 09/12/2007 11:25 12-SEP-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 712727 1035 El Camino Real 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 37.582222 122.363611 1035 El Camino Real Burlingame 94010 Private lateral. City provides courtesy service to its customers. Other sewer system structure 4 sewer cleanout Unpaved surface 21-SEP-07 PM 09/21/2007 12:30 09/21/2007 12:40 21-SEP-07 PM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 798138 1327 N. Carolan Ave. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 37.58998 -122.36489 Burlingame 94010 The City provides courtesy service to the lower portion of the sewer lateral of our residents/customers pursuant to a court ordered Consent Decree dated October 6, 2008. Lateral Clean Out (Public) 4 sewer cleanout Street/curb and gutter Low spot in gutter area. 14-JAN-13 PM 01/14/2013 17:19 01/14/2013 17:35 14-JAN-13 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10099 Active 829247 1250 Old Bayshore Highway 50 Yes Yes No 10 40 37.59253 -122.36242 1250 Old Bayshore Highway Burlingame 94010 Parking lot of hotel. Spill made it to curb and gutter and into storm catch basin. Lateral Clean Out (Private);Lower Lateral (Private);Pump station Drainage Channel;Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 10-OCT-16 AM 10/10/2016 08:45 10/10/2016 09:00 10-OCT-16 AM Root Intrusion Mixed Use Property Holiday Inn Hotel and Max's Restaurant. Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System Used water truck and 3 pump to assist with washdown. All washdown was returned to sanitary sewer. 2 2SSO10100 Active 657676 Fassler Ave Townhomes 200 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 37.600833 122.486389 919 Fassler Pacifica Located behind townhomes at 919 Fassler Manhole Unpaved surface Spilled onto hillside behind Townhomes. 24-SEP-07 AM 09/24/2007 11:30 09/24/2007 11:45 24-SEP-07 PM Grease deposition (FOG) 6 PVC Restored flow 2 2SSO10100 Active 716226 663 Beaumont Blvd 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.651389 122.483611 663 Beaumont Pacifica 94044 Other sewer system structure Building cleanout Street/curb and gutter 10-APR-08 PM 04/10/2008 14:30 04/10/2008 14:45 10-APR-08 PM Other (specify below) A plumbing contractor was hired by the homeowner to remove the blockage but the city was not notified as to the nature of the blockage. 4 Other (specify below) This was a private sewer lateral spill and the sewage had evaporated by the time city crews responded. No response other than notifying the homeowner was required. 2 2SSO10100 Active 724769 Lands End Apartments 300 Yes Yes No 150 150 37.655278 -122.4925 100 Esplanade Pacifica 94044 A blockage in a private sewer main at the Lands End Apartments spilled into a storm drain. Manhole Beach;Storm drain;Surface water 17-AUG-08 PM 08/17/2008 14:00 08/17/2008 14:30 17-AUG-08 PM Root intrusion Other (specify below) Failure occurred in a private sewer main coming from an apartment building. 6 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill A private plumbing contractor hired by the apartment managers removed the stoppage. 2 2SSO10100 Active 778124 79 Gateway Drive 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 37.66498 -122.48325 79 Gateway Pacifica 94044 As of Jan. 1, 2012 a new City of Pacifica ordinance removed any and all responsible for any part of a building sewer lateral Building or structure;Other (specify) Overflow out of a property line cleanout. Building or structure;Street/curb and gutter 25-JAN-12 PM 01/25/2012 13:00 01/25/2012 13:00 25-JAN-12 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Blockage determined to be caused by grease buildup and debris. Lower Lateral 4 VCP Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10100 Active 779216 83 Gateway Drive 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 37.66492 -122.48314 83 Gateway Pacifica 94044 Other sewer system structure Property line cleanout - As of Jan. 1, 2012 a new City of Pacifica ordinance removed any and all responsible for any part of a building sewer lateral Unpaved surface 21-FEB-12 PM 02/21/2012 15:15 02/21/2012 15:20 21-FEB-12 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Grease buildup in sewer lateral was the cause. Lower Lateral 4 VCP Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10100 Active 780725 137 Santa Maria Ave 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 37.63538 -122.49134 137 Santa Maria Pacifica 94044 As of Jan. 1, 2012 a new City of Pacifica ordinance removed any and all responsible for any part of a building sewer lateral Other sewer system structure Overflow from a property line cleanout Unpaved surface 02-MAR-12 AM 03/02/2012 10:17 03/02/2012 10:23 02-MAR-12 AM Pipe structural problem/failure A wye under the street offset and was undermined causing a constriction in the pipe. Lower Lateral 4 VCP Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) Replaced entire sewer lateral by pipebursting 3/21/2012. 2 2SSO10100 Active 780727 1830 Palmetto Ave 4 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 4 0 37.63475 -122.49218 1830 Palmetto Pacifica 94044 As of Jan. 1, 2012 a new City of Pacifica ordinance removed any and all responsible for any part of a building sewer lateral Other sewer system structure Overflow from a property line cleanout Street/curb and gutter 11-MAR-12 PM 03/11/2012 13:58 03/11/2012 14:30 11-MAR-12 PM Debri-Rags Lower Lateral 4 VCP Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) Replaced entire sewer lateral 3/23/2012. 2 2SSO10100 Active 781733 137 Santa Rosa 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 37.63357 -122.4912 137 Santa Rosa Pacifica 94044 As of Jan. 1, 2012 a new City of Pacifica ordinance removed any and all responsible for any part of a building sewer lateral Gravity sewer Property line cleanout Unpaved surface 18-APR-12 AM 04/18/2012 09:56 04/18/2012 10:10 18-APR-12 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 VCP Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10100 Active 782690 101 Manor Drive 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 37.64937 -122.49046 101 Manor Pacifica 94044 As of Jan. 1, 2012 a new City of Pacifica ordinance removed any and all responsible for any part of a building sewer lateral Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter 09-MAY-12 PM 05/09/2012 19:27 05/09/2012 20:00 09-MAY-12 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Grease buildup in lateral sewer serving 101 Manor only Lower Lateral 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10100 Active 782695 847 Reina Del Mar 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 37.61265 -122.47621 847 Reina Del Mar Pacifica 94044 As of Jan. 1, 2012 a new City of Pacifica ordinance removed any and all responsible for any part of a building sewer lateral Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 18-MAY-12 AM 05/18/2012 08:58 05/18/2012 09:01 18-MAY-12 AM Debri-General Lower Lateral 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Sewer lateral was replaced from the property line cleanout to the main sewer 6/14/2012. 2 2SSO10100 Active 787617 118 Paloma Ave 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 37.63716 -122.49189 118 Paloma Pacifica 94044 As of Jan. 1, 2012 a new City of Pacifica ordinance removed any and all responsible for any part of a building sewer lateral Other sewer system structure Property line cleanout Street/curb and gutter 29-SEP-12 AM 09/29/2012 11:23 09/29/2012 12:05 29-SEP-12 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 VCP Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) The sewer lateral is scheduled to be replaced in October of 2012. 2 2SSO10101 Active 856510 Robinson Hall Clean Out 225 Yes Yes No 222 3 37.65957 -122.05826 clean out in the back of Robinson Hall, landscaped area Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel;Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Unpaved surface 22-FEB-19 PM 02/22/2019 16:14 02/22/2019 16:32 22-FEB-19 PM Root Intrusion Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) Upper Lateral (Private) 4 teracotta Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 2 2SSO10102 Active 824094 Mt. View Hotel - 1457 Lincoln Avenue 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 38.57966 -122.57881 1457 Lincoln Avenue Calistoga 94515 Clean out on private property Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 22-APR-16 AM 04/22/2016 03:20 04/22/2016 03:30 22-APR-16 AM Root Intrusion Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Hotel / Restaurant Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10102 Active 836473 1706 Michael Way 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 38.58745 -122.58359 1706 Michael Way Calistoga 94515 1706 Michael Way - spill coming from the clean-out in yard Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 03-JUL-17 AM 07/05/2017 11:10 07/05/2017 11:15 05-JUL-17 AM Other (specify below) Unknown until Plumber clears the private line. Single Family Home Single family home - private lateral cleanout Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Property Owner Notified City water was turned off until property owner can have the private lateral fixed. 2 2SSO10102 Active 839787 Rancho de Calistoga MHP 180 No Yes No 180 0 38 -122 183 Rio Calistoga 94515 Sewer overflow from a cleanout on the private sewer main in a mobile home park. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 08-SEP-17 AM 09/08/2017 08:40 09/08/2017 08:40 08-SEP-17 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Mobile home park Other (specify below) Private Main 6 AC 40 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10102 Active 851506 1457 Lincoln Ave-Mt. View Hotel 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.57966 -122.5788 1457 Lincoln Avenue Calistoga 94515 Gutter in front of Mt. View Hotel Other sewer system structure Grease Trap Street/Curb and Gutter 04-OCT-18 PM 10/05/2018 10:03 10/05/2018 10:03 04-OCT-18 PM Other (specify below) Grease trap overflowed Food Service Establishment (FSE) Mt. View Hotel Restaurant Other (specify below) Grease trap was clogged with grease and overflowed in the private lateral onto the street curb & gutter Property Owner Notified Property Owner notified as well as City of Calistoga Code Enforcement Officer 2 2SSO10103 Active 776795 21480 Orange Ave 1250 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.6882 -122.0795 Building or structure Unpaved surface 02-JAN-12 PM 01/02/2012 15:10 01/02/2012 15:40 02-JAN-12 PM Debri-Rags Main Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 2 2SSO10103 Active 788855 Emily Court 465 No Yes No 0 461 37.71238 -122.07319 4628 Emily Building or structure Separate storm drain;Unpaved surface 02-DEC-12 AM 12/02/2012 09:57 12/02/2012 10:55 02-DEC-12 AM Root intrusion Main Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow 2 2SSO10103 Active 818294 AUDREY DR 25 No Yes No 0 25 37.71336 -122.07092 4822 AUDREY DR CASTRO VALLEY 94546 Residential Service Lateral Cleanout Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 28-AUG-15 PM 09/12/2015 12:32 09/12/2015 01:00 12-SEP-15 AM Debris-Rags Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10103 Active 823531 A Street 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.67967 -122.0763 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 28-MAR-16 PM 03/28/2016 17:15 03/28/2016 18:05 28-MAR-16 PM Debris-Rags Gravity Mainline Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10103 Active 832152 Vannoy Elementary 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.70716 -122.05882 Spill originated from a private lateral clean-out near the sidewalk down the gutter approximately 200 feet. It migrated across the sidewalk to the adjacent curb/gutter and down the gutter. The downstream storm grate was blocked to prevent spill from reaching the catch basin. Lateral Clean Out (Private) 26-JAN-17 PM 01/26/2017 14:12 01/26/2017 14:30 26-JAN-17 PM Root Intrusion Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) Public Elementary School Lower Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified The downstream storm grate was blocked to prevent spill from reaching the catch basin. Area was disinfected with a 10-1 Bleach/Water solution and rinsed with fresh water. 2 2SSO10103 Active 866713 Private Lateral 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 3015 Massachusetts Castro Valley 94546 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below);Paved Surface Dirt area of backyard 02-MAY-20 PM 05/02/2020 12:00 05/02/2020 01:00 02-MAY-20 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) Single Family Home Gravity Mainline 6 VCP Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Property Owner Notified Removed contaminated soil from property; replaced with fresh topsoil 2 2SSO10103 Active 881845 Backyard Cleanout 384 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 3538 Arcadian Dr Castro Valley 94546 Backyard of property Lateral Clean Out (Private);Lower Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 15-JUN-22 AM 06/15/2022 06:28 06/15/2022 07:23 15-JUN-22 AM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10105 Active 790847 28 Vallecito Lane 225 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.88673 -122.20157 28 Vallecito Orinda 94563 Other (specify) Crack in Street next to newly installed manhole. Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface 20-DEC-12 AM 01/04/2013 08:30 01/04/2013 09:00 04-JAN-13 AM Other (specify below) District Contractor failed to reconnect one of the laterals for the home at 110 El Toyonal Dr. after installing new 8 pvc main. Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Other (specify below) District Contractor failed to reconnect one of the laterals for the home at 110 El Toyonal dr. after installing new 8 pvc main. H/O at # 28 Vallecito Lane notice a wet spot in the street on 12/20/2012.He did not inform the District untill 1/4/2013 at 8:30am. During the time between the h/o noticing the street and the time that we were informed the o/f had run down the street and onto the dirt area next to the street.We arrived on site with the District inpector at 9:00 am who called the contractor who then arrived and reconnected the lateral and restored flow at 11:30am. We estimated the amount of o/f to be 15 gals per day times 15 days or 225 gals. We washed down and vac'd street, curb and gutter,and cleaned up the dirt area on the side of the street. 2 2SSO10105 Active 795554 275 Shady Glen Rd. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.893964 -122.043795 275 Shady Glen Walnut Creek 94597 Other sewer system structure Cleanout of 275 Shady Glen Rd. Unpaved surface 18-MAY-13 PM 05/18/2013 13:35 05/18/2013 13:58 18-MAY-13 PM Other (specify below) Side sewer not reconnected after replacement of the main. Contractor is at fault. Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Other (specify below) PVC main was replaced by District contractor and lateral for 275 Shady Glen was not properly reconnected. District construction crew reconnected lateral on 05-19-13. 2 2SSO10109 Active 859683 1700 Willow Pass Rd 950 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 940 0 1700 Willow Pass Rd Concord 94520 Clean out behind building Gravity Mainline Paved Surface 05-JUL-19 PM 07/05/2019 14:38 07/05/2019 14:38 05-JUL-19 PM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Gravity Mainline vcp Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 2 2SSO10111 Active 777079 1825 California St. 900 No Yes Yes 900 0 37.39568 -122.09295 1825 California . Mountain View 94039 Private property line c/o overflowed into City curb/gutter and drain inlet. Other (specify) Spill appeared at private property line clean out. Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter Spill was captured in City storm system 09-FEB-12 AM 02/09/2012 10:27 02/09/2012 10:32 09-FEB-12 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 6 VCP 55 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Responded imediatly and broke plug. A Vac Con responded to clean storm systen and curb and gutter. City storm main tested positive for ammonia. Permenente creek was tested for ammonia upstream and down stream of storm outfall. Results were negative. 2 2SSO10111 Active 797613 1941 California St. 3000 Yes Yes No 2500 500 37.3923 -122.09598 1941 California Mountain View 94039 Sewage overflowed from a private property line 6 clean out at an apartment complex Other (specify) Property line clean out Surface water Spill entered Permanente Creek 04-AUG-13 PM 08/05/2013 12:30 08/05/2013 12:50 05-AUG-13 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 6 VCP 50 Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Cleared lateral blockage immediately, tested City storm manhole 50' upstream of Permanente creek and got positive test for ammonia. We set up 2 Vac- Cons approximately 1 mile downstream at San Luis Ave. We set up a sandbag dam and ran de-chlorinated water at spill point. Using ammonia test strips we tested creek. Test at setup site was negative. As the water reached our dam we got a positive test. The water partially overwhelmed our dam. We removed approximately 8,000 gallons of water from the San Luis site and then moved downstream to Old Middlefield Road and Permanente Creek. We removed another 6,000 gallons from that site. Follow up testing with ammonia test strips was negative at the San Luis site. Had one minor positive test further downstream followed by a negative test. Additional fecal coliform tests will be taken today 8/7/13 at 10:00am. 2 2SSO10112 Active 732890 City Of Pinole 100 Yes Yes No 0 100 38.002628 122.308725 1002 Meadow Pinole 94564 Cleanout at address Other (specify) Sewer overflow came from sewer lateral Storm drain 31-JAN-09 AM 01/31/2009 11:30 01/31/2009 13:00 31-JAN-09 PM Debri-General Main Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10113 Active 727497 102 A Madoline St. 40 No Yes No 30 10 38.005278 121.894444 102 Madoline Pittsburg 94565 Gravity sewer Clean out by the house Storm drain 06-OCT-08 PM 10/06/2008 16:19 10/06/2008 16:45 06-OCT-08 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Grease and root intrusion Upper Lateral Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10113 Active 794800 470 feet east of Central Ave and Columbia St 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 38.020833 -121.871389 Central Ave Pittsburg 94565 Spillage came out of an electrical box located approximately 100 feet east of central park pump station. Pump station Unpaved surface 20-MAY-13 PM 05/20/2013 13:55 05/20/2013 14:00 20-MAY-13 PM Pump station failure Pump electrical circuit breaker was tripped for unknown reason. Other (specify below) Failure occurred at the Central Park bathrooms pump station. 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Upon arrival no active overflow was noticed. We found a wet spot in the parking lot median. Water was flowing into an electrical conduit and exiting out of an electrical box located 100 ft north of the small pump station wet well. 2 2SSO10114 Active 710973 Sausalito California 2002 Yes Yes No 0 2002 37.85523 -122.47938 4 Princess San Anselmo 94965 Behind units of building # 4 Princess Street in triangular shaped access area to commercial/residential building 11 total units Other sewer system structure from illegal exterior catch drain basin Separate storm drain This is a pre WWII configuation of 4 terra cotta that has ground drains, roof leaders and wastewater conveyance. Not able to locate final destination yet 04-JAN-08 AM 01/05/2008 17:45 01/05/2008 22:00 06-JAN-08 PM Pipe structural problem/failure This line has multiple tie-ins legal and illegal. This line is in a state of pending failure. The Storm that occured during this period was immense and added copious amounts of inflow by way of an exterior drainage basin Lower Lateral 4 Terra Cotta 85 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 713202 Sausalito California 1206 No Yes No 0 0 37.858417 122.489372 515 Litho Street stairway Sausalito 94965 Common Lateral shared by 6 residences on the Litho Street Common Stairway. Private problem the City of Sausalito mitigated. LRO still investigating and making contact with property owners Gravity sewer Overflowing from the ground, plenty of grey matted material on 34 Filbert Street property. LRO met with Mr. Don NG owner of # 34 Filbert which is at the top of this common lateral on the North side of Litho stairway Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface 08-FEB-08 PM 02/11/2008 15:15 02/11/2008 15:30 11-FEB-08 PM Root intrusion 6 VCP 70 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 2 2SSO10114 Active 714339 Sausalito California 18180 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 18180 37.85823 -122.48238 895 Bridgeway Sausalito 94965 Failed 6 private common side sewer lateral. Serving 895 and 885 Bridgeway, 196 and 188 Bulkley. Line is broken and an sinkhole is evident over the pipe Gravity sewer Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 01-FEB-08 PM 02/29/2008 11:30 02/29/2008 11:45 29-FEB-08 PM Pipe structural problem/failure This line is still failed WR Forde Associates in route as of 14:00 hours to owner and jobsite to repair failed line. Pat Guasco recommended to property owner to have a contractor clean the gutter and sidewalk area and storm drain system with a Vactor immediately after repair tonight or 1st thing in the morning. More info to come as Pat Guasco investigates and follows up Lower Lateral 6 VCP 60 Other (specify below) Still a problem until WR Forde Associates repairs the break more info to come as Pat Guasco contiues this investigation. Repair Completed 2/31/10 2 2SSO10114 Active 715415 Sausalito 2000 No Yes No 0 2000 37.86931 -122.50652 852 Olima Sausalito 94965 Overflowing Private Manhole in driveway of the Terraces Development next to Olima Street and next to a private storm drain system on the same property Manhole Blockage downstream from the overflowing private sewer manhole Separate storm drain 24-MAR-08 AM 03/26/2008 10:30 03/26/2008 11:00 26-MAR-08 AM Root intrusion Other (specify below) Blockage downstream from the overflowing private sewer manhole 6 Plastic 25 Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 715511 Sausalito California 4136 No Yes No 0 0 37.85744 -122.49041 46 Currey Sausalito 94965 Private failed sewer lateral diverting into 4 corrugated plastic sub surface drain line to #50 Currey avenue back yard Other (specify) Private failed sewer lateral diverting into 4 corrugated plastic sub surface drain line to #50 Currey avenue back yard Unpaved surface 27-FEB-08 PM 03/27/2008 13:30 03/27/2008 14:00 27-MAR-08 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral 4 CIP 20 Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 716258 Sausalito 4150 No Yes No 100 4050 37.85554 -122.4888 71 Cazneau Sausalito 94965 This spill occured at the address of 71 Cazneau Street from the cleaout access to a common lateral that serves the properties 244, 254, 258 and 262 Glen Drive. The offending properties are above 71 Cazneau Street on a hill, and their cleanout is on Cazneau Street and that is the point of Private SSO Gravity sewer Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface Catch Basin, gutter and gutter pan, storm drain, and unpaved surface 02-APR-08 PM 04/16/2008 13:30 04/16/2008 13:45 16-APR-08 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 4 terra cotta 60 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 716468 Sausalito California 64 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.853953 122.485789 130 Spencer Sausalito 94965 Private Common Side Sewer Lateral overflow on the property #132 Spencer Avenue. The overflowing line belongs to #130 Spencer Avenue and overflowed on #130 Spencer property Other sewer system structure Private Common Side Sewer Lateral Clean Out Unpaved surface 22-APR-08 AM 04/23/2008 10:30 04/23/2008 10:00 23-APR-08 AM Root intrusion 4 terra cotta 60 Other (specify below) Sewer Contractor Rescue Rooter Field Tech Devon cleaned up and replaced cleanout cap after rodding the blockage. Coming back next weed to televise the lateral 2 2SSO10114 Active 716709 Sausalito California 2345 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.849422 122.484786 134 Crescent Sausalito 94965 Private SSO caused by # 134 Crescent Ave in private easement on # 21 Lower Crescent Ave property Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 11-APR-08 AM 04/25/2008 14:15 04/25/2008 14:30 28-APR-08 AM Pipe structural problem/failure 4 terra cotta 60 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 718393 Sausalito California 952 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.856978 122.494656 234 and 220 Currey Sausalito 94965 At South outside south east side of fenceline. Heavy brush and trees Gravity sewer Sewage overflowing on and off from Private Common SIde sewer Lateral Rod Hole Unpaved surface 28-APR-08 PM 05/05/2008 14:30 05/06/2008 08:00 06-MAY-08 AM Root intrusion 10' upstream in private common side sewer lateral serving # 220 and 234 Currey Lane. This line ties into the publicly owned sanitary sewer manhole 310196 Map No. S4 Lower Lateral Root blockage occured 10' upstream from publicly owned termination point of this private side sewer lateral 4 vcp 40 Restored flow N/A 2 2SSO10114 Active 718400 Sausalito California 204 No Yes No 0 0 37.854586 122.485406 112 Spencer Sausalito 94965 Private sewer lateral failure leaking into 6 drain line below the lateral, ending up in blocked storm drain catch basin Other (specify) At street below No. 137 Santa Rosa Avenue in storm drain blocked catch basin Street/curb and gutter 12-MAY-08 AM 05/15/2008 01:30 05/16/2008 10:00 15-MAY-08 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 4 terra cotta 80 Other (specify below) Had Marin County Environmental Health Department field inspector Pricilla VanLiew assist with dye test then notify by posting cease and desist water usage until problem is remediated 2 2SSO10114 Active 718577 Sausalito California 102 No Yes No 0 0 37.856647 122.484081 210 San Carlos Sausalito Overflow coming out of cracks in street and from the paver system in the subject property driveway. This diverted into the stormdrain only when fresh water was introduced with dye upon contractor request to the City of Sausalito Sewer System Coordinator while trying to determine the condition of a PRIVATE SIDE SEWER LATERAL for No. 210 San Carlos Avenue Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter 15-MAY-08 AM 05/15/2008 00:00 05/15/2008 15:00 15-MAY-08 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 4 vcp 80 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) This spill occured while evaluating the state of the private sewer line. The water that breached the lateral was added (fresh water) with dye, minimal sewer involved 2 2SSO10114 Active 727913 Sausalito 840 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 840 37.853553 122.478811 558 Bridgeway Sausalito 94965 Gravity sewer Surface water 13-OCT-08 PM 10/13/2008 16:45 10/14/2008 10:00 14-OCT-08 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral 6 SDR 20 Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 733196 Sausalito 316 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.850692 122.479903 209 North Sausalito 94965 Coming out to clean-out and break in line then percolating to grade Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 14-JAN-09 AM 01/16/2009 13:00 01/15/2009 08:30 15-JAN-09 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral 4 CIP 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 747929 Sausalito 367 Yes Yes No 20 347 37.859419 -122.489894 501 Bonita Sausalito 94965 From 501 Bonita Street cleanout at west sidewalk on Bonita Street Building or structure Storm drain;Other (specify below) Sewer left private cleanout to storm drain and co-mingled with storm drain and to SF Bay 27-DEC-09 PM 12/28/2009 16:00 12/28/2009 15:45 28-DEC-09 PM Debri-Rags Lower Lateral 6 VCP 60 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow;Other (specify below) Returned approximately 20 gallons of sewage back to the sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10114 Active 748074 Sausalito 8 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.857219 -122.492736 6 Vista Clara Sausalito 94965 Minor overflow from branch line cut-off during recent lateral replacement. City Public Works Crews while doing brush cleaning notified City ASAP Other (specify) From the ground branch line of lateral Unpaved surface 10-DEC-09 AM 12/10/2009 11:00 12/10/2009 11:15 10-DEC-09 PM Other (specify below) Sewer Connections inadvertantly cut off a branch line to the main sewer lateral they were replacing. The branch line serves the pool cabana and was not regularly used Upper Lateral 4 HDPE Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10114 Active 748088 Sausalito 2400 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 200 0 37.861553 -122.490733 1731 Bridgeway Sausalito 94965 oveflowing from buttress wall below parking deck of 1725, 1727, 1729, 1731 A&B Bridgeway. Migrating through several feet of soils, then over the buttress wall into partially wooded and brush covered area Other (specify) Coming from the private common lateral serving the addresses 130, 132, 134 Filbert Avenue, 1725, 1727, 1729, 1731 A&B Bridgeway. Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface The private sso entered the public right of way and went over the retaiing wall below the buttress for the parking deck at Bridgeway properties. The City took the lead daily to contain and Vactor all sewage before it entered the Storm Drainage System. The City took the lead on notifying all responsible parties on what needed to be done to create temporary repairs. There will be more work needed for permanent repairs 02-DEC-09 PM 12/02/2009 13:15 12/02/2009 13:33 08-DEC-09 AM Other (specify below) The lateral serving the above cited properties is constructed of 4 Orangeburg pipe, 4 VCP and other materials, and must be replaced. The failure is due to missing inverts of the 4 Orangeburg Other (specify below) Upper and lower lateral 4 Orangeburg 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) This line is temporarily repaired and the City is working with all property owners for comprehensive replacement. Currently the property owners have been notified by the City to consult a structural engineer regarding what can and cant be done beneath the stuctural concrette and steel parking deck. 2 2SSO10114 Active 748103 Sausalito 134 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 100 0 37.854594 -122.489539 253 Glen Sausalito 94965 From high up on the driveway to the roadway below Gravity sewer Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 02-DEC-09 AM 12/02/2009 10:00 12/02/2009 12:00 04-DEC-09 AM Root intrusion Upper Lateral 4 CIP 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system The City took the lead on cleaning up and notifyign the property owner to not send water down her drains until the plumber fixes the problem. 2 2SSO10114 Active 748195 Sausalito 100 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 100 37.846375 -122.477525 8 Alexander Sausalito 94965 Private sewer ejection system at 3rd stage intertidal zone failure, creating overflow of SF Bay Other (specify) Private sewer ejection system failure Beach 09-OCT-09 PM 10/14/2009 15:00 10/14/2009 15:00 14-OCT-09 PM Other (specify below) Private sewer ejection system serving 8 Alexander Avenue owned by Dr. David Waters pumps had failed and needed replacement Other (specify below) At pumps and discharge line. Property owner Dr. David Waters and Ms. Bonnie Buelle notified to quit using water until appropriate repairs are made 2 pvc 15 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow;Other (specify below) Forrester Pump and Engineering replaced the pumps and cleaned out the holding tank and removed debris. SSC did on-site inspection of work and did load test of system. System working as designed as of 10/14/09 2 2SSO10114 Active 748196 Sausalito 100 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 100 37.846375 -122.477525 8 Alexander Sausalito 94965 Private sewer ejection system at 3rd stage intertidal zone failure, creating overflow of SF Bay Other (specify) Private sewer ejection system failure Beach 09-OCT-09 PM 10/14/2009 15:00 10/14/2009 15:00 14-OCT-09 PM Other (specify below) Private sewer ejection system serving 8 Alexander Avenue owned by Dr. David Waters pumps had failed and needed replacement Other (specify below) At pumps and discharge line. Property owner Dr. David Waters and Ms. Bonnie Buelle notified to quit using water until appropriate repairs are made 2 pvc 15 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow;Other (specify below) Forrester Pump and Engineering replaced the pumps and cleaned out the holding tank and removed debris. SSC did on-site inspection of work and did load test of system. System working as designed as of 10/14/09 2 2SSO10114 Active 753500 Sausalito 765 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 100 0 37.857392 -122.483278 180 Harrison Sausalito 94965 Spill occured from 180 Harrison St lower lateral. Lower lateral tie's into Bulkley Avenue. The overflow overflowed to Bulkey Avenue Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter 13-JUN-10 AM 06/16/2010 08:45 06/16/2010 10:00 16-JUN-10 AM Debri-Rags Lower Lateral 6 pvc 10 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10114 Active 754003 Sausalito 500 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.849067 -122.481719 201 Third Sausalito 94965 Overflow occuring from a break in a common private shared sewer lateral. Exfiltrating from the lower lateral at the sidewalk/ public right of way Gravity sewer Building or structure 03-MAY-10 AM 05/03/2010 12:00 05/17/2010 08:00 18-MAY-10 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 4 CIP/TC 80 Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Other (specify below) This is a private common sewer lateral shared among 201 and 203 3rd Street. Sewer lateral overflow was a partial overflow; in that the line would partially allow waste water to leave the pipe. No sewage entered the storm drainage system. Repairs are completed at the break that allowed sewer to leak intermittently over the course of 15 days. 2 2SSO10114 Active 759083 Sausalito 500 No Yes No 0 0 37.85571 -122.48878 73 Cazneau Sausalito 94965 Gravity sewer The spill cause is probably the same issue as what had occured 4/18/10. 254 and 258 Cazneau Avenue (owners Thomas Hodapp 415-289-0932 and Victoria Bour respectively) have a shared private common sewer latearl that is constructer with 4 terra cotta ipe. The time it overflowed it was from the same location. The overflow is going into the adjacent storm drainage system. I will take water samples later on today. The overflow location is on the south side of 73 Cazneau Avenue. Mr. Irwin Gubman is the owner of 73 Cazneau Avenue (415-332-3329) and the person who contacted the City of Sausalito regarding this overflow and the 4/18/08 overflow event. Other (specify below) Storm Drainage catchbasin. To gutter pan 27-JUL-10 PM 07/27/2010 12:30 07/27/2010 20:43 27-JUL-10 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Other (specify below) Common Private Lateral Failure in upper and lower lateral 4 Terra Cotta 60 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Other (specify below) Recently replacing 90 % complete as of 12/2/10. VERY DIFFICULT TO GET ALL PARTIES SHARING LINE ON BOARD TO NOT ONLY UNDERSTAND THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES BUT SHARE WITH COST. CITY SERVED NUISANCE ABATEMENT, ETC 2 2SSO10114 Active 761616 645/655 Sausalito Blvd 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 37.85227 -122.48373 645 Sausalito Sausalito Building or structure Unpaved surface 03-DEC-10 AM 12/03/2010 09:15 12/03/2010 09:30 03-DEC-10 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 Terra Cotta 60 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10114 Active 763786 Sausalito 8640 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 8640 37.85926 -122.47873 100 Spinnaker Sausalito 94965 Spill resulted from 4 suspended sewer lateral under the Spinnaker Resaurant. Sewer was flowing directly into the Bay Building or structure;Gravity sewer Surface water 12-FEB-11 PM 02/23/2011 15:59 02/23/2011 16:15 23-FEB-11 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral 4 ABS 10 Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 763991 Sausalito 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.85528 -122.4844 177 San Carlos Sausalito 94965 From private cleanout Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 01-OCT-10 PM 10/01/2010 14:00 10/01/2010 14:15 01-OCT-10 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 CIP 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 765736 Sausalito 2520 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 300 0 37.84593 -122.47821 9 Edwards Sausalito 94965 City crews PG, JS, JS jr, RZ, CE from 11:18- 14:45 trying to relieve the private blockage that was entering the public right of way on Alexander Avenue and on 7 Alexander Avenue Marie McDemotts stairway . City crews did a series of Dye tests on properties located on Edwards Avenue. SSC has made contact with Mr. Philip Woodrow owner of 9 Alexander Avenue of 9 Edwards. Mr. Woodrow telephone is 415-317-0263 email 9 Edwards Ave is one of the properties that is sharing this line. SSC had to contact Roto Rooter Plumbing to see if they could clear the blockage. SSC made the decision to call out a private contractor because this needed to be mitigated right away. Roto Rooter could not get the blockage cleared. They ended up digging and bi-passing 39 Edwards lat to #11 Edwards lat. Area is secure and safe for now. More rigor needs to be done to replace 9 Edwards PVTCOMMLAT. SSC took pictures of the lat repairs completed by Roto Rooter on 4/23/11. Roto Rooter offsite 4/22/11 8:00pm temporary repairs in place for now. Roto Rooter Vactored all dye and wastewater above ground that was visable Other sewer system structure Leaking from dixie cap on private common sewer lateral Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface 14-APR-11 AM 04/22/2011 10:38 04/22/2011 11:18 22-APR-11 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 4 CIP 25 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Other (specify below) Roto Rooter Plumbing of Marin put temporary repairs ordered to be put in place by the SSC. Used the parallel private line serving 11 Edwards Ave to tie-into for now. More follow up by City of Sausalito Staff to follow. SSC did not know the SSO quantity until follow-up investagation with Ms. Marie McDermott owner of 7 Alexander Ave until 4/23/11 2 2SSO10114 Active 767992 Sausalito 50 No Yes Yes 50 0 37.8569 -122.48045 777 Bridgeway Sausalito 94965 Poggio Trattoria PRIVATE PROBLEM AND SSO FROM FSE Exterior Gravity Grease Interceptor Other (specify) PRIVATE OVERFLOW FROM FSE GRAVITY GREASE INTERCEPTOR Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 29-JUN-11 AM 06/29/2011 09:31 06/29/2011 09:45 29-JUN-11 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral 4 pvc 20 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10114 Active 773222 Sausalito 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.85059 -122.48513 157 Crescent Sausalito 94965 From cleanout next to NE corner of house into the ivy next to the stairs Other (specify) Private sewer cleanout overflow Unpaved surface 14-NOV-11 AM 11/14/2011 07:20 11/14/2011 07:30 14-NOV-11 AM Other (specify below) Unknown right now Lower Lateral 4 CIP 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 773404 Sausalito 200 No Yes No 0 0 37.85548 -122.48038 112 Bulkley Sausalito 94965 Private overflow from the unit 108 on 112 Bulkley Avenue property. Bill McKown is the go to person on this for the Church Bill contact info: 415-927-7731 Gravity sewer Other paved surface;Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 21-NOV-11 PM 11/21/2011 16:30 11/22/2011 07:00 22-NOV-11 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 Terra Cotta 60 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 776759 Sausalito 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 37.86041 -122.4863 225 Locust Sausalito 94965 Overflowing private rodding inlet Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 30-JAN-12 PM 01/30/2012 14:00 01/30/2012 14:03 30-JAN-12 PM Debri-Rags There was a dismantled screw down 6 end plug found in the line after the CIty took the lead to clear this blockage for the property Owner. Lower Lateral 6 DIP 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 780997 Sausalito 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.855344 -122.489403 241/253 Glen Sausalito 94965 Private Lateral spill onto driveway. Very little water made it to the gutter. We recovered at most 1 gallon of waste water with our Vactor 2100 which we then returned into the sewer system. Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter 03-NOV-11 AM 11/03/2011 10:50 11/03/2011 10:55 03-NOV-11 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral 4 CIP 80 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Other (specify below) Private lateral backed up and overflowed down the owners driveway. Minimal waste water ran into gutter pan. We set up our Vactor 2100 to prevent any waste water from entering the storm drain system. The property owner has been advised to complete a comprehensive televised inspection of the sewer lateral and submit the inspection to the City 2 2SSO10114 Active 781005 Sausalito 162 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.852139 -122.479036 58, 64/66 Atwood PVTCOMMLAT Shared with several properties owner of 58 Atwood Ave units 1-5, 64/66 Atwood BR LAT failed and disconnected from the COMMPVTLAT shared with 60 Atwood Ave and 475 Bridgeway. Overflow occurred in dense overgrown area Gravity sewer;Other sewer system structure Common Private Sewer Lateral. PVTCOMMLAT Shared with several properties owner of 58 Atwood Ave units 1-5, 64/66 Atwood BR LAT failed and disconnected from the COMMPVTLAT shared with 60 Atwood Ave and 475 Bridgeway. Overflow occurred in dense overgrown area Unpaved surface 23-APR-12 AM 04/23/2012 08:15 04/23/2012 08:30 23-MAY-12 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 4 CIP 30 Other (specify below) Required property owners to discontinue flushing, draining to the subject branch sewer lateral / private common sewer lateral until emergency repairs are mobilized, facilitated, inspected and mitigated 2 2SSO10114 Active 781007 Sausalito 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.864867 -122.499703 517 Nevada Sausalito 94965 PVT SO from C/o of 517 Nevada Street. This is a rental owned by James S. Noland. 1321 Third St, S.R 94901. Property is managed by Prandi Property Management by Nikki Maida 415-482-9977ex 202. Nikki Manages Mr. Noland's property. Niki is with Prandi Property Management Co. of Marin Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter 24-APR-12 AM 04/24/2012 11:40 04/24/2012 11:40 24-APR-12 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 T/C 40 Other (specify below) Steve Waters Plumbing cleared the blockage 4/24/12 this line is on a 6mm cleaning frequency. 517 Nevada Street Private Sewer Overflow 4/27/12 Follow up Email to Prandi Property Management. Additionally there is a long outstanding requirement to replace the sewer lateral serving 517 Nevada St 2 2SSO10114 Active 781011 Sausalito 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.857442 -122.484911 421 Johnson Sausalito PVTCOMMLAT SO Dirt side yard/ planter area along side retaining wall. House and spill location is separated by congrete retaining wall as well as concrete path. Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter PVTCOMMLAT SO caused by pipeline failure. Immediate repairs affected same day. CCTV performed too. 229 San Carlos Ave and 415 Johnson St COMMPVT LAT 05-APR-12 PM 04/05/2012 09:46 04/05/2012 10:00 05-APR-12 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 4 terra cotta 80 Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 781386 Sausalito 400 No Yes No 100 0 37.862133 -122.503131 120 / 122 Lincoln Sausalito 94965 Infront of property on left side corner of driveway private common sewer lateral PVTCOMLAT serving both properties Gravity sewer Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 13-MAY-12 PM 05/14/2012 08:36 05/14/2012 08:40 14-MAY-12 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 VCP 30 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10114 Active 783017 Sausalito 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.857458 -122.485117 421 Johnson Sausalito Sewer water draining at the base of the 421 Johnson Street retaining wall. SS Map S5 Nearest SS system item 210800A - 210800B. 229 San Carlos owner told to discontinue using her sewer lateral. Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 28-JUN-12 AM 06/28/2012 06:45 06/28/2012 07:30 28-JUN-12 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 4 terra cotta 80 Other (specify below) Ordered immediate replacement of the entire private common sewer lower lateral. Work commenced 6/28/12. Entire lower sewer lateral replaced and hydraulic head test with no deviation on 6/29/12 2 2SSO10114 Active 786870 Sausalito 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.84833 -122.48191 107 Third Sausalito 94965 front yard between stairs and garage Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 27-SEP-12 PM 09/27/2012 19:34 09/27/2012 20:15 27-SEP-12 PM Root intrusion Upper Lateral 4 CIP 60 Other (specify below) Roto Rooter called out to clear the blockage 2 2SSO10114 Active 788993 Sausalito 500 Yes Yes No 100 37 37.86414 -122.50051 601-609 Nevada Sausalito 94965 Overflowing cleanouts serving 601, 603 Nevada Street. Sewer going into the storm drainage system Gravity sewer;Other sewer system structure;Other (specify) Private Common Sewer Lateral Serving 610, 603, 607, 609 Nevada Street Other (specify below) The City used containment proceedures to remove as much of the sewage from the storm drainage system as possible. The City contacted Roto Rooter of Marin to clear the blockage. The property owners would not take responsibility for their sewer issue. The City had to contact Roto Rooter for them 06-NOV-12 AM 11/06/2012 10:00 11/06/2012 10:05 06-NOV-12 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 4 CIP 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10114 Active 788995 Sausalito 500 No Yes No 100 0 37.86414 -122.50051 601-609 Nevada Sausalito, 94965 overflowing cleanouts serving 601, 603, 607, 609 Nevada Street. Sewer goin ito the storm drainage system Gravity sewer Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 19-NOV-12 AM 11/19/2012 14:00 11/19/2012 16:00 19-NOV-12 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 4 VCP 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Other (specify below) The property owners will not take responsibility for the clearing of the blockage, the maintenance of this PVTCOMLAT or the required repairs. 2 2SSO10114 Active 793173 City of Sausalito 10 No Yes Yes 10 0 37.950556 -122.499167 200 San Carlos Sausalito 94965 From private lower sewer lateral cleanout located in 200 San Carlos Avenue Driveway Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter 05-FEB-13 AM 02/05/2013 11:25 02/05/2013 11:40 05-FEB-13 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 CI 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) The homeowner called private contractor to have line cleared. The liine was cleared. City Sewer Crews mobilized SSO BMP's for cleanup to gutter pan, driveway and DS DI. 10 gallons esitmate PVTSSO 2 2SSO10114 Active 793195 City of Sausalito 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.857506 -122.489483 22 Cazneau Sausalito 94965 Private sewer overflow infront ot 22 Cazneau Avenue, Sausalito in common driveway Gravity sewer Other paved surface 22-MAR-13 AM 03/22/2013 08:45 03/22/2013 09:00 22-MAR-13 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 40 Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 794633 Sausalito 993 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 993 37.860753 -122.485833 225 Locust Sausalito 94965 Overflow from lower north east toilet / shower / sink bathroom down plumbing failure. Discharge Directly to Richardson Bay Building or structure Surface water 28-MAY-13 PM 05/28/2013 15:45 05/28/2013 15:50 29-MAY-13 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral 4 PVC 2 Other (specify below) City placed unsafe to use signs on common bathroom door after visually observing the wastewater leaving the bathroom plumbing and discharging to the Richarson Bay. Tennants continued to use the toilet until the next morning. City reposted OUT OF ORDER SIGNS at this point. Property owner was notifed immedately on 5/28/13 to cease use at 16:00 5/28/13. 2 2SSO10114 Active 799522 Sausalito 500 No Yes No 25 475 37.863547 -122.499558 29/31 Marin Sausalito 94965 Lateral Clean Out (Private) CLEANOUT IN DRIVEWAY OVERFLOWING WITH PAPER ON DRIVEWAY AND CURB AND GUTTER FOR APPROX 24HRS according to the reporting party Separate Storm Drain 27-AUG-13 AM 08/28/2013 09:10 08/28/2013 09:13 28-AUG-13 AM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CAS 30 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 799525 Sausalito 21 No Yes Yes 21 0 37.848372 -122.484894 33/35 Crescent Avenue Sausalito 94965 PRIVATE SSO FROM CLEANOUT ON RIGHT SIDE OF BUILDING NEXT TO GARAGE POPPED CONTRA COSTA VALVE OFF OF RISER AND ALLOWED SEWAGE TO LEAVE PIPE AND RUN DOWN CURB AND GUTTER TO CB FRONTING 17 CRESCENT AVE. UNKNOWN PLUMBING CONTRACTOR UNKNOWN TIME AND HOMEOWNER NOT ANWSERING PHONE CALL OR RETURNING MESSAGE I LEFT HER. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 26-AUG-13 AM 08/26/2013 10:37 08/26/2013 10:45 26-AUG-13 PM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Private sewer lateral Upper Lateral (Private) 4 HDPE 5 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 802406 City of Sausalito 20 No Yes Yes 20 0 37.858453 -122.485003 40 Caledonia Sausalito Private sewer overflow cleanout showed signs of an overflow, water standing in lateral riser, wastewater had gone to gutter pan then to SD Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 23-NOV-13 PM 11/23/2013 15:30 11/23/2013 16:30 23-NOV-13 PM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) 4 CAS 60 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 802407 City of Sausalito 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 5 37.852597 -122.484253 33 Propect Avenue Sausalito From sewer lateral cleanout near house. This is not the first time the City has had to respond to this problem. Owner lives in France. Has tennants. Tenants have not returned the City telephone calls to date. Lateral Clean Out (Private);Upper Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 23-DEC-13 PM 12/23/2013 13:18 12/23/2013 13:26 23-DEC-13 PM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) 4 CAS 80 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 804196 Sausalito 8 No Yes Yes 8 8 37.856172 -122.485328 166 Santa Rosa Avenue Sausalito 94965 During a dye test at 166 Santa Rosa Avenue, dye was seen coming out a a private drainage pipe below at 33 Glen Drive in addition to the City main. Containment was set up with our Vactor and the City main was televised and re-dye tested from the top of our line. City main is down and flowing with no sign of waste water leaving the system.On 2/20/2014 a dye test was conducted at 166 Santa Rosa. The dye was confirmed at MH 211002 at the base of Glen Ct. Shortly after dye came out of a private drain Lower Lateral (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 20-FEB-14 PM 02/21/2014 12:01 02/21/2014 12:01 21-FEB-14 PM Other (specify below) During a dye test at 166 Santa Rosa Avenue, dye was seen coming out a a private drainage pipe below at 33 Glen Drive in addition to the City main. Containment was set up with our Vactor and the City main was televised and re-dye tested from the top of our line. City main is down and flowing with no sign of waste water leaving the system.On 2/20/2014 a dye test was conducted at 166 Santa Rosa. The dye was confirmed at MH 211002 at the base of Glen Ct. Shortly after dye came out of a private drain Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) unknown exact location. City of Sausalito has required of Mr. Hildebrand to have the branch sewer lateral and the private common sewer lateral televised to help determine exactly where wastewater is leaving the private system. Once televised, marked and located the City of Sausalito will provide repair or replacement of the defective system. 4 unknown Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified So far the owner Mr. Hildebrand is cooperating with the investigation. County of Marin Health Department David Smail has been officially notified. 2 2SSO10114 Active 807163 Sausalito 55 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.851372 -122.488825 119 Cloudview Sausalito 94965 Private sewer overflow reported to local PD on a weekend. County of Marin Sheriffs Dept Dispatch receives calls from Sausalito Citizens during weekends, off hours, etc. Guest of the owner of 119 Cloudview Road, had sewer service contractor out at this PLSD location on 06/13/2014. Guest would not make available the sewer service contractor company name or copy of invoice for SSC review. When City Sewer Crews Pat Trevor Eric arrived on-site 06/21/2014 3.5 hr PLSD from EXT BWPD Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 21-JUN-14 PM 06/21/2014 15:00 06/21/2014 15:39 21-JUN-14 AM Debris-General Single Family Home 06/21/2014 3.5 hr PLSD from EXT BWPD serving 119 Cloudview Rd. Obvious from onsite and supporting photos taken onsite that PLSD period of overflow occurred for a longer period of time than 3.5 hours due to the inordinate amount of grey matted material, ground saturation and other solid waste indicative of sewer wastewater. Upper Lateral (Private) 4 CAS 45 Mitigated Effects of Spill 2 2SSO10114 Active 807997 Sausalito 2145 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.859094 -122.485251 313 315 Bridgeway Sausalito 94965 Lower private sewer lateral discharge Lower Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 30-JUN-14 PM 07/21/2014 10:16 10/21/2014 10:27 22-OCT-14 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CAS 90 Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified City of Sausalito Correction notice 1704 served by the City Sewer Systems Coordinator 07/21/2014. Emergency Repair Status granted by City to mitigate PLSD expediently. PLSD remediated 1/22/2014. Repairs and partial replacement completed 7/25/2014 2 2SSO10114 Active 811226 City of Sausalito 500 No Yes No 500 0 227 Currey Lane Sausalito 94965 Private Common Sewer Lateral located under private common driveway serving 227, 223 Currey Lane Lateral Clean Out (Private) This is a private common sewer lateral serving 223 227 Currey Lane. The PLSD was overflowing from the rodding inlet in the private common driveway, to the public right of way / gutter pan then to the City maintained SD CB 207 SD Map G. The owner of 227 Currey Lane was contacted by the City of Sausalito SSC and notified that the City would clear the private common sewer lateral blockage and clean up the entire PLSD. The SSC notified the property owner of 227 Currey Avenue Mr. Tracy Clifford the private common sewer lateral must be cleaned by private sewer service provider, CCTV inspection and the CCTV inspection submitted to the SSC for review and response by the City 23-NOV-14 AM 11/25/2014 11:15 11/25/2014 11:30 25-NOV-14 PM Root Intrusion Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) This is a private common sewer lateral serving 223 and 227 Currey Avenue. Other (specify below) PRIVATE COMMON (Shared) SEWER LATERAL 4 CAS 40 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 811539 City of Sausalito 1050 Yes Yes No 200 750 37.86925 -122.501767 2658 Bridgeway Sausalito On December 08, 2014 the City of Sausalito Department of Public Works Engineering Division contacted the SSC regarding a private lateral discharge (PLSD) from the 6-inch private ACO in the driveway between Building 2656-2658 Bridgeway and 413-475 Coloma Street to the private storm drainage system located near the PLSD. Lateral Clean Out (Private);Lower Lateral (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Surface Water 05-DEC-14 PM 12/08/2014 10:00 12/08/2014 13:00 08-DEC-14 PM Debris-Rags Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Two restaurants included on the private common sewer lateral serving 2660, 2656-2658 Bridgeway and 441-475 Coloma Street. Plus this is a subsidence area due to fill on top of Bay Mud. All public and private pipelines and foundation are challenged in this locality. 6 CAS 40 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 812015 Sausalito 500 No Yes No 0 500 709 Olima Street Sausalito 94965 709 Olima St 304 Sacramento Street overflowing PVTCOMLAT serving both residences 6 persons daily usage. PLSD entering west side of Olima Street SD Map K IL under drain between 709 707 Olima St west side of street to east side of Olima St drainage swale between MLK tennis courts and Olima Street. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel;Separate Storm Drain;Unpaved surface 29-DEC-14 PM 12/29/2014 16:00 01/30/2015 07:45 30-DEC-14 PM Root Intrusion Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) 709 Olima St 304 Sacramento Street overflowing PVTCOMLAT serving both residences 6 persons daily usage. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 70 Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 814011 Sausalito 75 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 37.858597 -122.48985 44 Filbert Avenue Sausalito 94965 PLSD at lower lat clean out next to Girard Avenue from 44 Filbert Avenue. Lateral Clean Out (Private);Lower Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface Ivy covered area on private property 23-JAN-15 AM 01/23/2015 09:00 01/23/2015 14:00 23-JAN-15 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Single Family Home Single family Home with one resident Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CT 60 Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified Roto Rooter Plumbers relieved the blockage at 17:00 on 01/23/2015. City demanded the 80-foot 4 terra cotta clay tile (CT) Sewer lateral be replaced. Roto Rooter Plumbers replaced the PVTLAT serving 44 Filbert in its entirety 02/27/2015 including the connection to the SS main. PASSED inspection. 2 2SSO10114 Active 814012 Sausalito 50 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 50 37.857114 -122.479553 517 Humboldt Avenue Sausalito 94965 City received a call from SMFD dispatch at my work desk this morning at 09:49 regarding a sewer overflow at the subject line address. SMFD was contacted at 09:40 by the owner of 517 Humboldt Avenue owner. Owner cleaning personnel had contacted him during cleaning efforts at some point to notify him of the sewage overflow. City was onsite with by 09:55. SMFD and City Sewer Crew Staff discussed the incident briefly. City Sewer Crew Staff opened SS MH 210305 and there was no evidence of a surcharged or overflowed SS MH. When Sewer Crew Staff showed up the owner of 517 Humboldt Avenue was below his home in the tidal zone. The property owner had detached one (1) flexible coupling from his 3-inch ABS branch sewer lateral . The City Sewer Crew Staff observed approximately 30 ¿ to 50 gallons of sewage flow to the Bay during that moment. Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SF Bay 24-JAN-15 AM 01/24/2015 09:40 01/24/2015 09:55 24-JAN-15 AM Debris-Rags Single Family Home Rental Lower Lateral (Private) 4 DIP 50 Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 815179 Sausalito 35 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.86352 -122.49488 2100 Bridgeway Sausalito Small PLSD near Bay at Pump out for Army Corps Vessels from PVT MH owned by Army Corps. Other sewer system structure PVT Army Corp Sewer Manhole Paved Surface 19-MAR-15 PM 03/19/2015 13:57 03/20/2015 06:00 20-MAR-15 AM Debris-General Industrial Property Army Corps of Engineers multi-building Industrial Complex Gravity Mainline 6 VCP 50 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 815209 Sausalito 1250 No Yes No 100 1150 37.85455 -122.48864 141 Glen Drive Sausalito 94965 PLSD from a private common sewer lateral serving 81, 79, 75, 71 George Lane rodding inlet located at the next to the driveway serving 141 Glen Drive Lower Lateral (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 09-MAY-15 AM 05/10/2015 17:15 05/10/2015 19:20 10-MAY-15 PM Debris-General Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) PLSD from a private common sewer lateral serving 81, 79, 75, 71 George Lane rodding inlet located at the next to the driveway serving 141 Glen Drive. Lower Lateral (Private) 6 CAS/VCP 50 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 815225 Sausalito 5616 Yes Yes No 2808 2808 37.84867 -122.48031 215 Main Street Sausalito 94965 PLSD from a private sewer lateral serving 39 Units at the Portofino Apartments 215 Main Street in Sausalito. There is an illegal garage drain tied into the sewer lateral and when the sewer backs up, the building manager and the maintenance staff send the sewage to the storm drainage system located at a higher elevation in the same garage. The outlet for the drain is directly at the SF Bay. Inside Building or Structure;Lateral Clean Out (Private);Upper Lateral (Private) Beach;Building or Structure 10-MAY-15 PM 05/10/2015 20:30 05/10/2015 21:30 10-MAY-15 PM Debris-General Soft blockage in the 4-inch CAS sewer lateral. Minimal grade with surface corrosion and an illegal garage grated drainage inlet tied into the sewer lateral. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Portofino Apartments 39 Units Upper Lateral (Private) 4 CAS 50 Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 815367 Sausalito 4779 Yes Yes No 0 4779 37.863653 -122.501553 630 Nevada Street Sausalito 94965 PLSD at the PVT MH next to the preschool on the 630 Nevada Street, Sausalito SMCSD campus. PLSD entered Willow Creek via gutter pan then (SD Map K) CB 328 to MH 95 to MH 96 to CB 340 to MH 98 to CB 99c to D 282 to to IL 27 to CB 345 to V 43 to MH 101 (SD Map L) to MH 102 to , (SD Map J) to MH 109 to MH 110 to BD 255 then to SF Bay. Lower Lateral (Private);Manhole Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Surface Water 12-MAY-15 AM 05/19/2015 15:00 05/19/2015 15:08 19-MAY-15 PM Debris-General Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) PLSD at the PVT MH next to the preschool on the 630 Nevada Street, Sausalito SMCSD campus. PLSD entered Willow Creek via gutter pan then (SD Map K) CB 328 to MH 95 to MH 96 to CB 340 to MH 98 to CB 99c to D 282 to to IL 27 to CB 345 to V 43 to MH 101 (SD Map L) to MH 102 to , (SD Map J) to MH 109 to MH 110 to BD 255 then to SF Bay. Lower Lateral (Private) 6 VCP 50 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 818102 Sausalito 100 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 100 37.859403 -122.494133 515 Humboldt Avenue Sausalito 94965 Failed sewer lateral serving SF Bayside home on pilings in on Humboldt Avenue. The lateral is suspended by plumbers tape below the catwalk/plank. Constructed of 4-inch ABS. Lower Lateral (Private) Surface Water 30-AUG-15 AM 08/30/2015 10:30 08/30/2015 11:45 30-AUG-15 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Property owner was told to stop using water until a plumber repairs the sewer lateral Single Family Home Small one (1) person home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 ABS 25 Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 818117 Sausalito 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.891667 -122.339042 1 Stanford Way Sausalito Point Sausalito private sewer lateral blockage in 6-inch SCH 35/ABS sewer lateral. Long history of sewer system non-compliance. PLSD entered sidewalk, PROW, gutter, grey matted paper, and other debris indicative of sewage. Lateral Clean Out (Private);Lower Lateral (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 10-SEP-15 PM 09/10/2015 16:04 09/10/2015 16:15 10-SEP-15 AM Root Intrusion High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Point Sausalito Complex, multi unit, residential. PLSD from B-09 Cleanout near Stanford Way PROW. One (1) Gravity flow PVC & ABS 6-inch PCL. Including several Sewer Ejection Systems that eject to the gravity flow PCL Lower Lateral (Private) 6 SDR 35 40 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 818152 Sausalito 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.851217 -122.483369 55 Central Avenue Sausalito 09/18/2015 SSC called 55 Central Ave Gary Wilkinson regarding PLSD being a PCL . Intermittent PLSD. PCL PLSD C/O was from Sunshine Ave between 61 and 65 Sunshine down utility easement . Not overflowing when SSC showed up onsite, but evidence showed it had overflowed prior to arrival. PCL serves 65, 67-69, 71 Sunshine, 55, 63 Central before terminating in SS MH 120801 between 55&63 on Central Ave. RR called SSC back at 20:30 on 08/18/15 to let SSC know he would not be able to show up until 09/19/2015 09:00. Line was rodded 09/19/2015 by RR. Line had roots. Roots were 50- downstream of the PLSD C/O. Gravity Mainline;Lateral Clean Out (Private);Lower Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 18-SEP-15 PM 09/18/2015 18:06 09/18/2015 18:45 18-SEP-15 PM Root Intrusion Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Private common sewer lateral (PCL) originates at Sunshine Ave between 61 and 65 Sunshine travels South down utility easement. PCL serves 65, 67-69, 71 Sunshine, 55, 63 Central before terminating in SS MH 120801 between 55&63 on Central Ave. Lower Lateral (Private) Lower PCL serving 65, 67/69, 71 Sunshine Ave 55, 63 Central Ave 4 Terra Cotta 80 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 820001 City of Sausalito 1939 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.851356 -122.484075 630 626 622 Sausalito Blvd Sausalito Ms. Debra May the owner of 630 Sausalito Blvd called in a sewer overflow located on the South West corner of her property. The overflow was noticed by Ms. May¿s son approximately at 11:45 on 11/29/2015. Ms. May contacted MC Sherriff dispatch at 13:45, in turn MC Sherriff dispatch called Sausalito PD at 14:00. Corporal McConnehey called me at on my work phone, while I was at home at 14:06 I onsite by 14:45. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 29-NOV-15 PM 11/29/2015 14:06 11/29/2015 14:45 30-NOV-15 AM Root Intrusion Mixed Use Property 630 single family dwelling with 3 rental units, 626 Sausalito Blvd single family dwelling and 622 Sausalito Blvd single family dwelling Other (specify below) Lower portion of the private common sewer lateral serving 630, 626 and 622 Sausalito Blvd 4 Terra Cotta 80 Restored flow Requiring Property owner to clear the blockage in the presence of the City. 2 2SSO10114 Active 820002 City of Sausalito 1693 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.851356 -122.484075 630 626 622 Sausalito Blvd Sausalito Mr. Caesar Belli called the City and sent an email to SSC. Regarding the same PLSD is occuring as on 11/29/2015. City Sewer Crew checked the SS that 630 626 622 PCL connects to. The public 120630-120620 is running fine. City Sewer Crew instructed owner to have sewer lateral cleared ASAP. Cannot get someone out until 12/05/2015. City Sewer Crew Staff authorized by SSC to protect the SS when RR comes out to clear the blockage on 12/05/2015 09:00 Lower Lateral (Private) Lower Private Common Sewer Lateral Serving 630, 626 and 622 Sausalito Blvd Unpaved surface 04-DEC-15 PM 12/04/2015 14:07 12/04/2015 14:30 05-DEC-15 AM Root Intrusion Mixed Use Property 630 Sausalito Blvd single family dwelling with 3 rental units, 626 Sausalito Blvd single family dwelling, 622 Sausalito Blvd single family dwelling Lower Lateral (Private) Lower private common sewer lateral serving 630, 626 and 622 Sausalito Blvd 4 Terra Cotta 80 Restored flow Requiring Property Owner to CCTV the sewer lateral ASAP! 2 2SSO10114 Active 820420 Sausalito 850 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 37.852283 -122.483244 655 Sausalito Blvd Sausalito City responded within minutes or being notified and sent out responses and telephone calls to the owner of 655 Sausalito Blvd. Location is within close proximity of the public right of way and continues to be an issue as; the property owner as been notified on three (3) separate occasions to replace the sewer lateral serving 655 Sausalito Blvd in the past. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 17-DEC-15 AM 12/17/2015 11:32 12/18/2015 11:50 18-DEC-15 PM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Repetitive PLSD from 655 Sausalito Blvd. Outstanding requirement to replace the sewer lateral serving 655 Sausalito Blvd. Private sewer lateral discharge (PLSD) from a cleanout on the South West side of 655 Sausalito Boulevard property, down the rock wall to the roadway / gutter pan. Solid debris clinging to the vertical and horizontal portion of the wall Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Terra Cotta 80 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 820441 Sausalito 30 No Yes No 29 0 37.864614 -122.500011 519 / 521 Nevada Street Sausalito PCL serving 519 & 521 Nevada Street. from C/O located halfway up 519 Nevada Street driveway on left Northeast side fronting Nevada Street. None of the two cleanouts serving 521 Nevada St overflowed as they are not fitted with the appropriate BWPD Lower Lateral (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 15-DEC-15 AM 12/15/2015 09:00 12/15/2015 09:00 15-DEC-15 AM Root Intrusion Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Wastewater with minimal paper debris overflowed intermittantly from the cleanout located near the side walk and in 519 Nevada Street driveway to roadway and followed curb and gutter to SD Inlet at Nevada and Tomales. City Crews were able to remove water from SD CB. City sewer Crews cleared this blockage with the permission of the property owner in order to protect the storm drainage system and due to the fact that the sewer service company would not be there for hours. Sewer Service company c 4 50 20 Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 820761 City of Sausalito 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 37.864622 -122.499733 517 / 517A Nevada Street Sausalito City Staff found overflow next to Nevada Street when driving by. Property access cleanout (ACOP) near sidewalk overflowing to gutter pan. Lateral Clean Out (Private);Lower Lateral (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 17-NOV-15 AM 11/17/2015 09:00 01/17/2016 09:00 17-NOV-15 AM Root Intrusion Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Two units its a duplex Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CT / CAS 60 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 11/17/2015 517 / 517A Nevada St PLSD Cat III Prandi Management Property Manager notifed City Staff found overflow next to Nevada Street when driving by. Property access cleanout (ACOP) near sidewalk overflowing to gutter pan Long outstanding requirement to replace sewer lateral from 2010 still in force with some movement forward. Property management group Prandi Property Management met with SSC on 11/17/2015 to go over the replacement requirement. Prandi Property Management will get the replacement going ASAP. S. Waters Plumbing onsite 11/17/2015 to clear blockage.. 2 2SSO10114 Active 820763 Sausalito 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 10 37.865342 -122.498392 2340 Marinship Way Sausalito Private sewer lateral serving 2340 Marinship Way illegal sewer connection to a storm drainage system. Sewage positively confirmed that the sewage leaving 2340 Marinship Way is creating an illicit discharge to a storm drainage system on Marinship Way.The SD K CB with the positive dye test results appears to be a storm drainage line that may have been plumbed directly to MH 101 at one time. City Crews have scoured the area trying to figure out where the CB flows to. Lower Lateral (Private);Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) Private sewer lateral serving 2340 Marinship Way illegal sewer connection to a storm drainage system. Sewage positively confirmed that the sewage leaving 2340 Marinship Way is creating an illicit discharge to a storm drainage system on Marinship Way.The SD K CB with the positive dye test results appears to be a storm drainage line that may have been plumbed directly to MH 101 at one time. City Crews have scoured the area trying to figure out where the CB flows to. No positive dye tests to any storm drain leading to the final outfall at Richardson Bay. Further the private sewer lateral serving 2340 Marinship Way illegal sewer connection to a storm drainage system. Property owner has discontinued the use of the sewer lateral. Portable toilets are onsite as of 11/19/2015. A new sewer lateral is required to be installed and tied into the publicly maintained Sausalito Marin City Sanitary District interceptor located on Marinship Way. 17-NOV-15 AM 11/17/2015 09:09 01/17/2016 09:00 17-NOV-15 PM Other (specify below) Plumbed illegally to an abandoned private storm drainage system Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) 18 CMP 70 Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 820767 Sausalito 476 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.864092 -122.50495 69 / 70 Lincoln Drive Sausalito Located on South exterior side of structure. Partially wooded area with a publicly maintained sanitary sewer system near. City Staff found overflow while performing marking and locating work in the publicly maintained sanitary sewer system. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 10-NOV-15 AM 11/10/2015 09:00 11/10/2015 09:00 11-NOV-15 AM Root Intrusion Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Private sewer lateral discharge (PLSD) Cat 3 due to roots. Overflowed from one (1) CCV BWPD to steep unpaved surface. Private matter between D. Ford and R. Miles. Private Common sewer lateral needs to be rodded yearly until further notice Lower Lateral (Private) 4 VCP 40 Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 821739 Sausalito 1122 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.857089 -122.494506 234 & 220 Currey Lane Sausalito The PLSD estimate is predicated on the actual time the City knew about the overflow as 6 days or 8640 minutes. Steep terrain, wooded, between 234/220 Currey Lane and 15 Toyon Lane. The PLSD was overflowing from a Private Common 4-inch / Rodding Inlet located outside of the SE fenceline of 234 Woodward on 15 Toyon Lane property Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 27-JAN-16 PM 01/27/2016 13:30 02/02/2016 10:00 02-FEB-16 PM Root Intrusion Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) The private common sewer lateral serving 220 and 234 Currey Lane had a severe root blockage. The PCL pipeline material is 6-inch and 4-inch terra cotta clay tile (CT)and there are roots at all joints. The line obviously had been overflowing for several weeks. The PLSD was found overflowing from the PCL 4-inch cleanout located outside the SE corner of 234 Currey Avenue, on 19 Toyon Lane property. Heavy grey matted material, paper products and heavy odors prevalent in the area. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CT 80 Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 821816 Sausalito 6000 Yes Yes No 0 6000 37.8546 -122.48934 222/224 Glen Drive Sausalito 94965 PLSD from 216A/216B, 218/220/20A, 222/224, 226/228 Glen Drive PCL 02/05/2016 The sewage was noticed by a tenant on the other side of the Glen Creek on 2/01/2016 at around 12:00 noon. They started thinking that maybe someone should look at it on 02/05/2016. The tenant called SSC directly at 2:30pm on 2/05/2016. SSC called the City Sewer Crew Supervisor immediately. City Sewer Crew Staff investigated the PLSD within 5 minutes of receiving the call from SSC. The SSC was onsite by 2:50. The PCL serving 216 A/ 216B, 218/220, 222/224 and possibly 226/228 Glen Drive had become detached and raw sewage had been flowing uncontrolled into the adjacent Glen Creek. The overflow was quantified at 6,000 gallons released from 6 single units, and reported as such to the California Office of Emergency Services (OES) OES control number 16-0792 yesterday at 5:02pm, with the classification designation of a Category I PLSD due to the sewage overflow making contact with the adjacent Glen Creek. The Glen Creek flows under the Girard Avenue Bridge, then down the Turney Street 30-inch storm drainage pipe, to final out fall at the Turney Street Boat ramp. I ordered the immediate repair to the disconnected PCL last night at 3:00 pm and was able to have a temporary repair in place by 5:15 pm. The City will be billing back the property owners that share this portion of the PCL for the temporary repairs performed last night. The City will be have other requirements of all of the property owners being served by this portion of the PCL in the very near future. Lower Lateral (Private) Broken Private Common Sewer Lateral (PCL) serving 216A/216B, 218/220/20A, 222/224, 226/228 Glen Drive Separate Storm Drain;Surface Water 01-FEB-16 PM 02/05/2016 02:30 02/05/2016 14:35 05-FEB-16 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) 216A/216B, 218/220/20A, 222/224, 226/228 Glen Drive, Sausalito Private Common Sewer Lateral (PCL) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CAS 60 Other (specify below);Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified The City ordered the immediate repair to the disconnected PCL last night at 3:00 pm and was able to have a temporary repair in place by 5:15 pm. The City will be billing back the property owners that share this portion of the PCL for the temporary repairs performed last night. The City will be have other requirements of all of the property owners being served by this portion of the PCL in the very near future. 2 2SSO10114 Active 821875 Sausalito 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 50 37.854 -122.47866 588 Bridgeway Sausalito 94965 PLSD from 588 Bridgeway Cleanout in the east sidewalk Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 15-JAN-16 PM 01/15/2016 14:40 01/15/2016 14:45 15-JAN-16 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Food Service Establishment (FSE) Scomas Restaurant at 588 Bridgeway. Grease and possibly a hole in the pipe Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CAS 45 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 823585 Sausalito 1400 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.853694 -122.485853 130 Spencer Avenue Sausalito 94965 The sewage from 130 Spencer Avenue PVTBR was overflowing just below a massive Norfolk Pine tree to above ground in the yard of 132 Spencer Avenue Lower Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 130 Spencer Avenue private branch sewer lateral PVTBR broken and flowing up from the ground. Grey matted material, sewage, etc., coming to above ground. Property owner of 130 Spencer Avenue told fo limit usage and get it fixed ASAP. Repairs were completed on 2/05/2016 at 3:00 pm. There were two (2) blockage locations within 10-feet of each other. The sewage from 130 Spencer Avenue PVTBR was overflowing just below a massive Norfolk Pine tree to above ground in the yard of 132 Spencer Avenue 28-JAN-16 PM 01/28/2016 13:28 02/03/2016 12:00 03-FEB-16 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CT 80 Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 825750 517 Humboldt Ave 50 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.8594 -122.48441 515 Humboldt Avenue Sausalito 94965 leaking 4-inch sewer lateral directly into Richardson Bay Lower Lateral (Private);Upper Lateral (Private) Surface Water 18-APR-16 AM 04/18/2016 10:35 04/18/2016 10:45 18-APR-16 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Single Family Home 515 Humboldt Avenue leaking 4-inch sewer lateral directly into Richardson Bay Upper Lateral (Private) Leaks in the toilet flange of the upper lateral under the home on piers in the tidal zone and from a failed connection in the lower lateral of the same home 4 ABS 20 Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 825780 Sausalito 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.851078 -122.485536 174 Crescent Avenue Sausalito 94965 Percolating water with suspended particles indicative of sewage waste above ground. Lower Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 08-JUN-16 PM 06/08/2016 15:45 06/08/2016 16:00 09-JUN-16 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Private sewer lateral Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CAS/CT Restored flow;Property Owner Notified Spill was near a public right of way (PROW) / stairway known as Cable Roadway. This portion of Cable Roadway is a stairway with soil treads and a combination of concrete and wooden kickers. The sewer lateral serving 174 Crescent Avenue is directly under the stairs. Property owner of 174 Crescent Avenue has been officially notified by the City of Sausalito, after reviewing to the required CCTV inspection to replace the private sewer lateral serving 174 Crescent Avenue. As of 06/29/2016 The property owner has notified the City that she is securing 3 quotes for the full replacement. 2 2SSO10114 Active 828793 Sausalito 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 10 37.853703 -122.484486 95 Spencer Avenue Sausalito 94965 Private sewer lateral discharge in a grassy area on private property Lateral Clean Out (Private);Upper Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 21-JUL-16 AM 07/21/2016 09:45 07/21/2016 09:45 21-JUL-16 PM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Private Lateral backed up. Sewer crew investigate to see if it was private or public. Sewer crew arrived on site and met with the home owner. Sewer crew quick investigation shows this was a private lateral sewer discharge. Sewer Crew recommended the property owner call a contractor of his choice to clear line and the City Sewer Coordinator required the line to be televised after cleared. Contractor cleared line with 2 blades. Line is 4 cast iron. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CAS 80 Cleaned-Up;Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 830339 Sausalito 8970 Yes Yes No 100 8870 37.860792 -122.490122 404 Napa Street Sausalito 94965 4 unit building PLSD from buried cleanout that had no cleanout cap, so class II aggregate going down the buried cleanout caused a blockage. The sewage was backing up and entering a behind face of curb under drain under and discharging to the Napa Street storm drainage system then to the Richardson Bay Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 02-DEC-16 AM 12/05/2016 09:00 12/05/2016 11:00 05-DEC-16 AM Other (specify below) buried private cleanout without a fitted cap Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) 404 A, B, C, D Napa Street 4 unit private apartment building. Kevin B. Clahan Irrevocable IV Trust ETAL owner, Brian Clahan property manager contacted by COS staff. 415-889-5085 business phone, 415-889-5085 cell phone. A buried cleanout on Northeast side of building near the gas meters in the PROW was un-capped and buried. Class II aggregate worked its way in over time and blocked the line. Sewage overflowed to the storm drainage gutter to a City maintained grated catch basin to Richardson Upper Lateral (Private) 4 CAS 50 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10114 Active 830383 Sausalito 3375 Yes Yes No 100 3275 37.860906 -122.490025 402 Napa Street Sausalito 94965 Private common sewer lateral serving 402 A&B Napa St and 1707 Bridgeway 1, 2, 3 broken/root infiltrated 4-inch CAS sewer lateral creating a back up and percolating to the gutter pan from at the seam where the roadway asphalt meets the gutter concrete apron. Lower Lateral (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Surface Water 05-DEC-16 AM 12/05/2016 08:15 12/06/2016 08:45 06-DEC-16 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Private common sewer lateral serving 402 A&B Napa St and 1707 Bridgeway 1, 2, 3 Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CAS 60 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 831221 Sausalito 66 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 66 515 Humboldt Avenue Sausalito 94965 515 Humboldt Avenue and 517 Humboldt Avenue are homes built on piles in the Richardson Bay at the Richardson Bay interface with Humboldt Avenue near Pine Street. 515 Humboldt Avenue sewer lateral becomes a private common sewer lateral with 517 Humboldt Avenue before entering the publicly maintained sanitary sewer system [located approximately 120-feet (+-)] North on the West side of both 515 and 517 Humboldt Avenue. Both 515 and 517 Humboldt Avenue have suspended sewer laterals and the 4-inch PCL serving both properties is heavily foliated and exposed above ground. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Surface Water Private Lateral Sewer Discharge due to a soft blockage where the 4-inch ABS branch sewer lateral solely serving 515 Humboldt Avenue wye connects to the existing 4-inch Ductile Iron portion of what solely serves 515 Humboldt Avenue branch sewer lateral. The spill went directly into the Richardson Bay. Both 515 and 517 Humboldt Avenue share a 4-inch diameter DIP 4-inch PCL suspended above the ground at the Richardson Bay Humboldt Avenue interface. 28-DEC-16 AM 12/28/2016 08:00 12/28/2016 08:15 28-DEC-16 AM Debris-General Single Family Home Private Lateral Sewer Discharge due to a soft blockage where the 4-inch ABS branch sewer lateral solely serving 515 Humboldt Avenue wye connects to the existing 4-inch Ductile Iron portion of what solely serves 515 Humboldt Avenue branch sewer lateral. Upper Lateral (Private) 4 ABS&DIP 60 Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 831573 Sausalito 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.847539 -122.481028 11 2nd Sausalito 11 2nd St sewage percolating upward under the sidewalk. Not entering gutter pan or storm drain Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) percolating into a void created by the removal of a sidewalk panel 03-JAN-17 AM 01/03/2017 08:05 01/03/2017 08:45 03-JAN-17 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Single Family Home Very old sewer lateral broken, cracked, root infilttrated Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CT, ABS 114 Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 840497 Sausalito 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 37.870047 -122.502956 3000 Bridgeway Sausalito Small amount of liquid left Contra Costa valve next to building. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 18-AUG-17 PM 08/18/2017 14:40 08/18/2017 14:53 18-OCT-17 PM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Private Common Sewer Lateral (PCL) serving 3000, 3020 and 3030 Bridgeway. Lower Lateral (Private) Lower PCL 6 liner 40 Cleaned-Up;Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 840641 Sausalito 578 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.846197 -122.466667 55, 50-52 Edwards Avenue Sausalito 94965 54, 50-52 Edwards Avenue Private Common Sewer Lateral (PCL) PLSD from a break on a wooded hill Lower Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 12-AUG-17 PM 08/15/2017 14:05 08/15/2017 14:20 15-AUG-17 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) PCL serving 54 Edwards Avenue and 50-52 Edwards Avenue Sausalito Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Terra Cotta 80 Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 840645 Sausalito 25 No Yes Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 37.860872 -122.489869 402 & 1707 Napa Street & Bridgeway Sausalito Overflow from a lower Private Common Sewer Lateral cleanout serving 402 (2 units) Napa Street and 1707 Bridgeway (3) Units Lateral Clean Out (Private);Lower Lateral (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 19-SEP-17 AM 09/19/2017 06:45 09/19/2017 07:02 19-SEP-17 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) 5 units flow through the 4-inch PLC Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CAS 80 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 840800 Sausalito 7300 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.855486 -122.487644 94-100 Glen Drive Sausalito 94965 Private Common Sewer Lateral (PCL) serving 94-96 & 98-100 Glen Drive 4-units overflowing to unpaved area Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 29-SEP-17 PM 10/11/2017 18:28 10/11/2017 19:35 12-OCT-17 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CAS 45 Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified PCL serving 94-96 & 98-100 Glen Dr. PLSD went on for 13 days before clearing. Line was cleared and there is a pre-existing broken off flexible snake in the line City informed of need to replace due to property sale CCTV inspection on 9/29/2017 IMMEDIATE REPLACEMENT REQUIRED. The line is flowing as required now. Repair meet and confer for project pre-meeting to occur on 10/17/17 at 09:00 before lower lateral replacement occurs. 2 2SSO10114 Active 847176 Sausalito 28800 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.863617 -122.500567 34-56 Marin Avenue Sausalito 46 48 54 56 Marin Avenue 40 day PLSD Large spill to vegetative cover area landscaped area and 617 Nevada Street South Side of Foundation Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 28-MAR-18 PM 05/07/2018 13:46 05/07/2018 13:50 07-MAY-18 PM Root Intrusion roots and wipes and a substandard infiltrated PCSL recessed cleanout inappropriately controlled and poorly maintained High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Private Common Sewer Lateral Serves 34 36 42 44 46 48 54 56 Marin Avenue. the upper portion serves 46, 48, 54, 56 Marin Avenue 6 VCP 50 Restored flow City of Sausalito is working proactively with the property owners who are responsible for the spill and the property owner at 517 Nevada Street who was affected by the PLSD 2 2SSO10114 Active 851452 Sausalito 102 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.871167 -122.501842 55 Gate 5 Road Sausalito 94965 From 55 Gate 5 Roadway ACOP Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Unpaved surface 28-SEP-18 AM 09/28/2018 10:08 09/28/2018 10:30 29-SEP-18 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure 55 65 75 Gate 5 Road Sewer Lateral that solely serves Unit 55 appears to have a break in the 10 o'clock position and may be the result of work performed by Michael Paul Company during the MMWD Water Main replacement of recent years perhaps in 2016 Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) 55 65 75 Gate 5 Road Sewer Lateral that solely serves Unit 55 appears to have a break in the 10 o'clock position and may be the result of work performed by Michael Paul Company during the MMWD Water Main replacement of recent years perhaps in 2016 Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CAS 80 Other (specify below) 2 2SSO10114 Active 851457 Sausalito 1035 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.852439 -122.483386 655 Sausalito Blvd Sausalito 94965 655 Sausalito Boulevard PLSD overflowed intermittently for approximately 5 days from a property access cleanout (ACOP) Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 19-SEP-18 PM 09/19/2018 12:06 09/19/2018 13:30 24-SEP-18 PM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Single family home used as an Air B&B not always occupied Lower Lateral (Private) 655 Sausalito Boulevard PLSD overflowed intermittently for approximately 5 days from a property access cleanout (ACOP) due to root intrusion 6 CT 100 Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Owner Ms. Fotsch contacted by City of Sausailto (COS) Ms. Fotsch had the lateral snaked and blockage cleared as in the past several years. Ms. Fotsch is planning to replace the sewer lateral as historically required by COS as it relates to this property due to a history of repetitive overflows. Property owner Ms. Fotsch has met with COS SSC and DPW Director / City Engineer to plan a sewer lateral replacement. 2 2SSO10114 Active 863920 Sausalito 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.87001 -122.50275 3000 Bridgeway Sausalito Blockage overflowing from a private cleanout to the paved driveway serving 3000, 3020, 3030 Bridgeway Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 07-NOV-19 PM 11/07/2019 13:35 11/07/2019 14:25 07-NOV-19 PM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 poly liner 47 Cleaned-Up;Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 863921 Sausalito 50 No Yes Yes 50 0 37.87001 -122.50275 3000 Bridgeway Sausalito Blockage overflowing from two (2) private cleanouts to the paved driveway serving 3000, 3020, 3030 Bridgeway Lateral Clean Out (Private) overflowed from two (2) cleanouts Separate Storm Drain 19-NOV-19 PM 11/19/2019 14:43 11/19/2019 14:00 19-NOV-19 PM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Poor grade of private common sewer lateral serving 3000, 3020 and 3030 Bridgeway. This line was installed in the early 1970's and was constructed with a polyethylene liner as a direct burial installation. The wall diameter of the liner is .125 inches and is not appropriate for multiple commercial properties. Additionally it was installed in a subsidence zone. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 poly liner 47 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 11/19/2019 PLSD Cat ?. On November 19, 2019 at 13:43 hrs the City responded to a private sewer lateral discharge (PLSD) due to a blockage in the PLSD serving 3000, 3020 and 3030 Bridgeway. The City de-mobilized a sewer service contractor who is working under a sewer cleaning contract with the City of Sausalito and directed the sewer service contractor to clear the blockage which was 110-feet downstream of the private cleanout located in the common driveway of 3000, 3020, 3030 Bridgeway. The discharge from the PLSD flowed toward a private storm drain system. City of Sausalito Sewer Crew Staff responded with City equipment and removed the sewage from the private common storm drainage system serving 3000, 3020 and 3000 Bridgeway. Poor grade of private common sewer lateral serving 3000, 3020 and 3030 Bridgeway. This line was installed in the early 1970's and was constructed with a polyethylene liner as a direct burial installation. The wall diameter of the liner is .125 inches and is not appropriate for multiple commercial properties. Additionally it was installed in a subsidence zone. 2 2SSO10114 Active 864187 Sausalito 12688 No Yes No 0 12688 37.87136 -122.50522 6 Ross Road Sausalito PLSD below Building E of the Eden Roc Complex to soil, then roadway on Ebbtide Road Lateral Clean Out (Private);Lower Lateral (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 30-SEP-19 AM 10/14/2019 10:12 10/14/2019 10:15 14-OCT-19 AM Root Intrusion Root intrusion also caused a pipeline structural failure on at the 4x4 wye High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CAS 50 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 864188 Sausalito 12668 No Yes No 0 0 0 0 2-10 Ross Road Sausalito 94965 Lower sewer lateral below Units 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Ross Road Building E of the Eden Roc Complex Lateral Clean Out (Private);Lower Lateral (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 30-SEP-19 AM 10/14/2019 10:12 10/14/2019 10:15 14-OCT-19 AM Root Intrusion Root intrusion and pipeline structural failure High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) 5 unit Building E of the Eden Rock Complex lower sewer lateral root infiltration at a wye connection. Roots grew to thick diameter and not only blocked the line but damaged the pipe. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CA 50 Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 866061 Sausalito 8242 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.84939 -122.48677 The dye had exfiltrated the PCSL and appeared from a from the retaining wall perimeter drain weep hole, may have been entering a perennial stream located in the Hurricane Gulch region of Southern Sausalito. The City performed a dye test to a private lateral of 504-506 Sausalito Blvd in order to help the CCTV company figure out if 504-506 Sausalito Blvd shares a private common lateral. Dye came into the public main on Crescent Avenue and some exfiltrated into the perimeter drain weep hole of the 93 Crescent Avenue. Lower Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 03-JAN-20 AM 01/03/2020 10:00 02/11/2020 01:30 11-FEB-20 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) 1/03/2020 Cat 3 PLSD Sewer Map S9. At 10:21 am the City observed during routine private sewer lateral dye testing of the property 504-506 Sausalito Boulevard which was thought to be sharing a private common sewer lateral (PCSL) Blvd. The dye test confirmed it was sharing a PCLS and revealed a probable sewer lateral defect from a PCSL that serves 494 and 508-510 Sausalito Boulevard, in addition to 504-506 Sausalito Boulevard. The dye had exfiltrated the PCSL and appeared from a retaining wall perimeter drain weep hole, may have been entering a perennial stream located in the Hurricane Gulch region of Southern Sausalito. The City performed biological sample testing of the local Sausalito Hurricane Gulch creek which outfalls to the Richardson Bay / Bridgeway storm drainage outlet on February 11, 2020. The resulting data and found elevated levels above the most probable number (MPN) threshold for total fecal coliform, E-Coli and marginally above the enterococcus threshold MPN. As a measure of prudence he City posted signage where applicable along the bay and at the at the bay drain outfall point and 100-feet North and South along the shoreline. In order to protect the waters of the State and the public health the City affected temporary repairs were affected immediately to return any sewage back to the sewer system that is entering the retaining wall weep holes. The work was completed by the evening of February 11, 2013. After the work to temporarily divert the water coming out of the 93 Crescent Avenue retaining wall back to the sewer PCSL water samples were taken were below the MPN threshold for total fecal coliform, E-Coli and Enterococcus. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 ABS Cleaned-Up;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 866064 Sausalito 154 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.85237 -122.48363 private upper sewer lateral cleanout landscape area Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 25-FEB-20 PM 02/26/2020 09:11 02/26/2020 09:21 26-FEB-20 AM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) 4 Terra Cotta 90 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow 2 2SSO10114 Active 866083 Sausalito 864 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 864 37.84648 -122.47756 This PLSD overflowed from a 6-inch private common sewer lateral (PCSL) located approximately 3-feet above the 3rd Stage intertidal zone of the Alexander Avenue Block 303 region of Sausalito Lower Lateral (Private) Surface Water 20-MAR-20 PM 03/20/2020 13:06 03/20/2020 13:20 20-MAR-20 PM Debris-Rags High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) March 20, 2020 12:30 pm Cat 1 PLSD Sewer map S1 Property owner of 20 Alexander Avenue called in to the City DPW general voicemail line that he observed a sewer overflow from a portion of a private common sewer lateral (PCSL) that serves 18 Alexander Avenue, Sausalito single family residential properties. Once the City stepped in using handrods to clear the blockage it appeared that general debris, paper products, fiber wipes and FOG had created a blockage. Lower Lateral (Private) 6 CAS, PVC, DIP 40 Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 866089 Sausalito 10 No Yes Yes 9 1 37.87001 -122.50275 Lower Lateral (Private) A four (4) commercial building private common sewer lateral (PCSL) overflowed onto a paved surface and private storm drainage catch basin. 10-FEB-20 PM 02/10/2020 13:46 02/10/2020 14:04 10-FEB-20 PM Debris-Rags Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) The private common sewer lateral (PCSL) serving #3000, #3020 and #3030 Bridgeway is very long and has minimal grade drop. This line was installed in the early 1970's and was constructed with a polyethylene liner as a direct burial installation. The City officially notified the property owners that the PCSL must be cleaned every 3 months or more and to plan on a full PCSL replacement . Lower Lateral (Private) 5 poly liner 50 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill 2 2SSO10114 Active 870550 Sausalito 120 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 120 120 37.865114 -122.496369 2200 Marinship Way Sausalito City of Sausalito owned Public restrooms Inside Building or Structure;Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 17-NOV-20 AM 11/17/2020 10:00 11/17/2020 10:30 17-NOV-20 AM Debris-Rags Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) City of Sausalito owned Public restrooms sewer lateral Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CAS 60 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10114 Active 871303 655 Sausalito Blvd 37 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 35 37.852222 -122.483333 655 Sausalito Blvd Sausalito 94965 South Side of property. Lower left hand side of property when facing. Clean out is located between upper and lower retaining wall Lateral Clean Out (Private) Spill came out of clean out and ran down landscaped area on property then flowed over the lower retaining wall and entered the public right of way street curb / gutter and then traveled approximately 100' down the curb / gutter. 21-DEC-20 AM 12/21/2020 09:32 12/21/2020 09:43 21-DEC-20 AM Root Intrusion Single Family Home this property has a history of overflows from the same location over many years and many suggestions have been made to property owner as well as strongly recommended replacing old problematic line Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill property owner had the property maintenance worker snake the line and used a shop vac to remove the sewage from the curb / gutter 2 2SSO10114 Active 872880 655 Sausalito Blvd 209 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.852222 -122.483333 655 Sausalito Blvd Sausalito 94965 Spill occurred form a clean out located in a dirt landscaped area on the south side of property at the bottom of the small retaining wall close to the edge of property Lateral Clean Out (Private) Spill occurred at private clean out located on the south side of property right bellow small retaining wall. Spill came out of clean out and ran down landscaped dirt area over larger lower retaining wall at the street, then into the street curb / gutter area 10-MAR-21 AM 03/10/2021 08:06 03/10/2021 08:44 11-MAR-21 AM Root Intrusion Spill is caused by a very old line with many defects and root intrusion Single Family Home Property has a historic number of PLSD's and property owner is aware of the numerous amounts of defects as well as the root intrusion. Lower Lateral (Private) 6 CT 100 Property Owner Notified Tried to contact property owner Linda Fotsch 415-215-7052 many times. knocked on door, emailed, called and left numerous messages, and left hang tags. Property owner is aware of current condition of lateral and had been told many times she needs to replace her lateral. This property had a historic amount of overflows over the years. 2 2SSO10114 Active 873013 108 Marion Ave 28402 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.846944 -122.482222 108 Marion Ave Sausalito 94965 Spill was in a mixed combination of dirt, fallen tree debris and old construction debris bellow the property. Lower Lateral (Private) Spill observed coming out of Private Clean out located on the lower east side of property bellow the house. Got a hold of property owner immediately and instructed him to get his line cleaned ASAP. Unpaved surface Spill reached a non-landscaped mixed dirt area and debris located o the lower east side of property. Sewage had been soaking in and was slightly puddled. 19-JAN-21 PM 01/19/2021 13:15 01/19/2021 13:29 05-FEB-21 AM Debris-General possibly a defect in lateral. line gets plugged with roots and paper. need line CCTV and make necessary repairs. Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Failure occurred very close to city main. roughly 1' shy of main 4 plastic Property Owner Notified told property owner to get line cleaned and clean up the mess. property owner declined contractor's offer to clean up the mess. 2 2SSO10114 Active 873033 310 South Street 32 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 37.845833 -122.481389 310 South Street Sausalito 94965 Spill was on private property in a dirt landscaped area to the left of the front door Lower Lateral (Private) spill was not active when we were onsite. could see evidence of an overflow on property. pieces of paper and what not. street curb and gutter was all dry except the bottom off the road where it intersects with Main st. a small puddle had formed in the intersection in the curb and gutter Street/Curb and Gutter spill went into the street curb and gutter and traveled approximately 250' down the street stopping at the intersection of South and Main st. 02-MAR-21 AM 03/02/2021 08:05 03/02/2021 08:10 03-MAR-21 PM Debris-General found a rag soft stoppage in lateral Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 plastic Property Owner Notified cleaned up what we could using a combo truck flushing the curb and gutter down the street and vacuuming where it all collected. overflow was not active upon arrival and property owner told tenets to stop using water till line was cleaned. 2 2SSO10115 Active 746605 528 Eccles Ave. South San Francisco CA. 500 Yes Yes No 300 200 37.66002 -122.391 528 Eccles South San Francisco 94080 Entire property Aprox 6 buildings Gravity sewer Other paved surface 05-NOV-09 AM 11/05/2009 01:07 11/05/2009 01:15 05-NOV-09 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Heavy grease With in property sewer lines 6 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10115 Active 747467 10 Verano Dr. South San Francisco CA, 94080 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.649484 -122.44343604183 Verano South San Francisco 94080 Building or structure Building or structure Spill contained in coustmers Crawl Space 12-DEC-09 PM 12/12/2009 14:10 12/12/2009 12:20 12-DEC-09 PM Debri-Rags Restored flow 2 2SSO10115 Active 763334 a street 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 37.65163 -122.43061 214 A Ssf 94080 Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter 20-FEB-11 AM 02/20/2011 12:45 02/20/2011 01:00 20-FEB-11 AM Debri-Rags Lower Lateral 4 vcp Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10115 Active 834552 216 Shaw Rd 69 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 69 0 37.64126 -122.40999 216 Shaw Rd South San Francisco 94080 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 12-APR-17 PM 04/12/2017 14:47 04/12/2017 14:52 12-APR-17 PM Debris-Rags Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 VCP 12 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 2 2SSO10115 Active 834612 399 El Camino Real 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 37.64524 -122.42782 399 El Camino Real South San Francisco 94080 Private clean-out in front of Walgreen. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface Recovered back into city sewer system. 13-APR-17 PM 04/13/2017 12:45 04/13/2017 01:00 13-APR-17 AM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Clean-out outside of Walgreens. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System Cleaned area. Notified Environmental Compliance. Notified business manager. 2 2SSO10115 Active 835301 200 Shaw Road 43 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 43 0 37.64096 -122.41136 200 Shaw Road South San Francisco 94080 Private sewer lateral clean out located on the sidewalk Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 02-MAR-17 AM 03/02/2017 06:55 03/02/2017 07:00 02-MAR-17 AM Debris-Rags Mixed Use Property Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10115 Active 835307 212 Shaw Road 34 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 34 0 37.64071 -122.41043 212 Shaw Road South San Francisco Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 20-MAR-17 AM 03/20/2017 09:45 03/20/2017 10:00 20-MAR-17 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10115 Active 835313 710 Olive Ave 60 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 60 0 37.65965 -122.40965 710 Olive Ave South San Francisco 94080 Private lateral located at rear of house in alley way (Hickory Place) Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 03-APR-17 AM 04/03/2017 08:03 04/03/2017 08:10 03-APR-17 AM Root Intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10121 Historical 657815 Pugh residence 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 38.045522 122.183981 101 Erskine Port Costa 94569 Spill emanated from the backflow preventer in the front yard of 101 Erskine. Building or structure Unpaved surface 04-AUG-07 AM 08/06/2007 00:00 08/06/2007 10:00 04-AUG-07 AM Root intrusion Restored flow Homowner took measures to free the blockage. 2 2SSO10123 Active 724650 15740 East Alta Vista Way 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.388 -121.81 15740 Alta Vista San Jose 95127 Building Cleanout Other sewer system structure Building Cleanout Unpaved surface 09-AUG-08 AM 08/09/2008 12:50 08/09/2008 14:45 09-AUG-08 PM Root intrusion Upper Lateral 6 vcp Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10123 Active 834763 386 Gloria Avenue 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 37.36438 -121.81797 386 Gloria Avenue San Jose Lateral Clean Out (Public) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 28-MAR-17 PM 03/28/2017 23:00 03/29/2017 00:45 28-MAR-17 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) There is a sag in the upper lateral. Property Line cleanout not up to standards since it is a 3 cleanout instead of 4 and is not in correct location. Cleanout has a bend downstream of it and must be in line with lower lateral. Homeowner has been notified several times about issue. District continues to service because of proximity to creek. 4 Cleaned-Up;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10125 Active 744631 22461 Mt. Eden Road 300 No Yes No 150 150 37.27096 -122.06068 22461 Mt. Eden Saratoga 95070 Sewage spilled out of a non-standard cleanout constructed on the side of a landscape hill. Gravity sewer Sewage was seeping out of the non-standard cleanout. Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface Spill reached a dry ditch. 15-SEP-09 AM 09/15/2009 08:45 09/15/2009 09:05 15-SEP-09 AM Other (specify below) On-site plumbing debris (test plug) was lodged in the property line cleanout. Upper Lateral Failure occured on the private lateral blocking the property line cleanout. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10125 Active 759413 19500 Pruneridge Avenue 1000 No Yes Yes 1000 0 37.33343 -122.01223 19500 Pruneridge Cupertino 95014 Manhole Separate storm drain 13-DEC-10 AM 12/13/2010 10:45 12/13/2010 11:05 13-DEC-10 AM Root intrusion Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10125 Active 764331 19500 Pruneridge Avenue 1000 No Yes Yes 1000 0 37.33343 -122.01223 19500 Pruneridge Cupertino 95014 Manhole structure servinge as a cleanout within private property located 10' inside the private property. Other sewer system structure Manhole structure servinge as a cleanout within private property located 10' inside the private property. Other paved surface;Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 11-MAR-11 AM 03/11/2011 08:08 03/11/2011 08:20 11-MAR-11 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10125 Active 771868 10627 Bandley Drive, Cupertino CA 95014 200 No Yes Yes 200 0 37.33165 -122.03487 Other sewer system structure Property line cleanout Other paved surface;Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface 07-OCT-11 AM 10/07/2011 07:30 10/07/2011 07:40 07-OCT-11 AM Root intrusion There is a separation at the bottom of the property line cleanout that had severe root intrusion. Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10125 Active 794446 13935 Damon Lane, Saratoga, CA 557 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.26629 -122.05878 13935 Damon Saratoga SSO from a property line cleanout at 13935 Damon Ln. Resident did not know or observe SSO coming from their CO. The report was made by a Landscaper noticed of saturated soil after he's cutting down the weed at the back of property. Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface SSO was contained on-site, dammed spill water with dry surrounding soil to prevent it from enter into the catch basin 16-MAY-13 PM 05/19/2013 11:41 05/19/2013 13:35 19-MAY-13 PM Debri-General Large amount of rocks and debris in the lower lateral entering through the broken ABS riser at the property line cleanout. Upper Lateral the lower lateral full with rocks and debris enter through the pipe from a broken riser Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause Flushed lower lateral and main pipeline with hydro, removing all debris within pipeline, followed up with CCTV to confirm, also installed 4 plug into ABS riser to prevent debris enter sewer system. 2 2SSO10125 Active 844780 Benihana Grease Interceptor 7 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 7 0 37.32749 -122.01389 Other sewer system structure Grease Interceptor Separate Storm Drain 07-JAN-18 AM 01/07/2018 10:58 01/07/2018 11:20 07-JAN-18 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Food Service Establishment (FSE) Benihana Restaurant Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10125 Active 853507 20370 Town Center Lane 215 Yes Yes Yes 215 215 37.31893 -122.03024 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel Entered catch basin and flowed through storm drain into drainage channel/creek 27-NOV-18 PM 11/27/2018 13:23 11/27/2018 13:40 27-NOV-18 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure offset where private lateral connects to private cleanout. Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Various offices Upper Lateral (Private) defect where upper private lateral connects to private cleanout. 4 VCP Cleaned-Up;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 2 2SSO10125 Active 874745 13970 Albar Court , Saratoga, CA 32 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 32 0 37.26532 -122.06053 13970 Albar Court Saratoga 95070 The spill came from the private lateral and ran down the curb and gutter. Upper Lateral (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 24-MAY-21 AM 05/24/2021 04:48 05/25/2021 08:00 25-MAY-21 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 PVC 35 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10125 Active 884968 21396 Maria Ln Saratoga 21 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 21 0 37.2931 -122.04792 Paved Surface, Drainage Channel, Curb/Gutter Lateral Clean Out (Private);Upper Lateral (Private) Drainage Channel;Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 16-DEC-22 AM 12/16/2022 09:38 12/16/2022 10:12 16-DEC-22 PM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Building Cleanout Other (specify below) Building Cleanout Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Letter will be sent to home owner to request them to install a standard cleanout within 5ft from the property line in order for the District to carry out maintenance works, and to expose the slurry sealed second cleanout located at the driveway and to cap it property to avoid future spill. 2 2SSO10127 Active 870768 37 Canal Drive Bay Point Ca 720 No Yes Yes 720 0 37 Canal Drive Bay Point 94565 Sewer clean out in front yard Lateral Clean Out (Private) Sewage discharge out of clean out cap removed. Other (specify below) Basin holding area 03-NOV-20 AM 11/04/2020 09:17 11/04/2020 09:30 04-NOV-20 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) Main line excessive grease. Single Family Home Front yard Gravity Mainline Between manholes CW05B42 and CW05B33 6 vcp 20 Cleaned-Up Unplugged mainline wash down and vac all sewer discharged to the street and stormdrain lines. final clean up out of small basin near railroad tracks that contained the spill. 2 2SSO10127 Active 883228 505 Bustos Place Bay point ca 94520 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 38.03078 -121.97479 505 Bustos Place Bay point Backyard Lateral Clean out Lower Lateral (Private) Clean out in rear of house Unpaved surface Dirt area behind house. 14-SEP-22 PM 09/14/2022 12:34 09/14/2022 12:50 14-SEP-22 AM Debris-Rags Rags and Toilet paper stacked. Single Family Home Main line plug. Gravity Mainline Down stream Gravity mainline. Crew is CCTV line today to further investigate 8 PVC 10 Cleaned-Up Operator arrived on scene to secure area at 12:50am once the collections crew arrived at 1:46am blockage was cleared within minutes with a jetter line from down stream manhole. collections crew will verify today with CCTV to confirm we have no further issues with mainline. 2 2SSO10127 Active 887984 44 North Broadway Baypoint Ca 35 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 35 0 38.02797 -121.94058 44 North Broadway Baypoint 133' Upstream from Manhole DC59T07 Lower Lateral (Private) Manhole and clean out Paved Surface Dirt area cleaned up with Vac truck and disposed at Waste water treatment plant 04-MAR-23 AM 03/04/2023 06:00 03/04/2023 06:28 04-MAR-23 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Offsets in pipe Single Family Home Residents home lateral Lower Lateral (Private) 6 clay Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10128 Active 818823 7448 Amador Valley Blvd 100 No Yes Yes 100 0 37.709006 -121.929088 7448 Amador Valley Blvd Dublin Private manhole behind 7448 Amador Valley Blvd Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 15-OCT-15 PM 10/15/2015 13:45 10/15/2015 14:15 15-OCT-15 PM Debris-General Food Service Establishment (FSE) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 2 2SSO10128 Active 823235 Building 170 100 No Yes Yes 100 0 37.71055 -121.90565 Davis Ave DublinM 94568 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 23-MAR-16 AM 03/23/2016 13:30 03/23/2016 13:50 23-MAR-16 PM Debris-General Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Clay 75 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10128 Active 824928 7305 Village Pkwy 50 No Yes No 40 10 37.711581013996 -121.92668608033 7305 Village Pkwy Dublin 94568 Private Clean out located in parking lot of strip mall. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 21-MAY-16 PM 05/21/2016 15:40 05/21/2016 15:50 21-MAY-16 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Mixed Use Property Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Clay Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 2 2SSO10128 Active 826572 Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen 50 No Yes No 0 45 37.70342 -121.93425 7122 Regional St. Dublin 94568 Customers test manhole in driveway. Lateral Clean Out (Public) Separate Storm Drain 21-JUL-16 PM 07/21/2016 16:14 07/21/2016 16:40 21-JUL-16 PM Debris-General Food Service Establishment (FSE) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 2 2SSO10128 Active 870537 5721 Apex Drive 50 No Yes Yes 50 0 37.70631 -121.89947 5721 Apex Drive Dublin 94568 Manhole Manhole Separate Storm Drain 24-OCT-20 PM 10/26/2020 09:54 10/26/2020 10:29 26-OCT-20 AM Debris from Construction Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Manhole 6 PVC 1 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Spill occurred in development under construction. After initial response by DSRSD to relieve plug and clean surrounding area, Developer hired third party company to clean and TV all sewer and storm drain pipes affected by the lateral spill. DSRSD reviewed and approved results of the Developer cleanup actions. 2 2SSO10128 Active 888761 7373 Village Parkway, Dublin 94568 3 No Yes Yes 2 0 37.711642 -121.926756 7373 Village Parkway Dublin 94568 The spill location was the cleanout that is located closest to the building face. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain 03-JUN-23 PM 06/03/2023 15:29 06/03/2023 16:30 03-JUN-23 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) A large offset was found approx. 5' downstream of the cleanout where the discharge occurred. 4 clay 40 Cleaned-Up The water was turned off to the building before crews arrived. The crews cleaned up the affected storm inlet and asphalt. The only sewage not recovered is what soaked into the cracked asphalt surface. 2 2SSO10133 Active 710467 65th Street - in front of Emery Tech 75 Yes Yes No 0 75 37.846634 -122.292714 1480 65th Emeryville 94608 Backup from clog in ss line into private lateral causing spill Gravity sewer Backed up out of cleanout. Surface water Assumed that spill eventually made it to the San Francisco Bay. 16-NOV-07 AM 11/16/2007 11:30 11/16/2007 11:45 16-NOV-07 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10133 Active 876286 Powell Street Plaza, Shellmound St 250 No Yes No 0 250 37.83555 -122.29313 Behind BevMo, within the Powell Street Plaza property, near Shellmound Street. Manhole;Upper Lateral (Private) Private maintenance hole (MH) Separate Storm Drain 07-SEP-21 PM 09/07/2021 14:30 07-SEP-21 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) According to the property manager, the private sewer lateral has a shallow slope and requires jetting every 6 months or so, otherwise it backs up. Mixed Use Property Powell Street Plaza has retail, grocery, and restaurants. Upper Lateral (Private) Private MH surcharged on private property Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 2 2SSO10135 Active 781301 Isle Cove 2600 No Yes Yes 2600 0 37.549631 -122.273703 807 Juno Foster City 94404 Other sewer system structure Sewer clean out on the roadway. Separate storm drain 13-MAY-12 PM 05/14/2012 09:00 05/14/2012 09:30 14-MAY-12 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Other (specify below) Failure occurred in an manhole after the private sewer system was cleared of grease. 6 VCP 25 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10135 Active 801037 Pitcairn HOA 700 Yes Yes No 0 700 543 Trinidad Lane Foster City 94404 On the sidewalk in front of the address Gravity Mainline Separate Storm Drain 20-NOV-13 PM 11/21/2013 14:30 11/21/2013 14:45 21-NOV-13 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Gravity Mainline 6 VCP 37 Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10138 Active 732710 315 columbus st 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 25 0 37.50624 -122.47596 315 columbus el granada 94018 over flow from clean out went onto driveway ground Other (specify) clean out Other paved surface onto ground in driveway 22-JAN-09 PM 01/22/2009 16:19 01/22/2009 16:35 22-JAN-09 PM Debri-General Restored flow 2 2SSO10138 Active 732936 600portola ave 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 0 37.50903 122.46645 600 portola el granada 94018 clean out overflow Other (specify) clean out overflow Other paved surface 02-FEB-09 AM 02/02/2009 08:43 02/02/2009 09:00 02-FEB-09 AM Debri-General Lower Lateral Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10138 Active 736596 130 Granada blvd 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 37.50556 -122.46502 130 Granada El Ganada 94018 Other sewer system structure Unpaved surface grass,dirt 06-APR-09 AM 04/06/2009 09:10 04/06/2009 09:20 06-APR-09 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause 2 2SSO10138 Active 746094 portola ave 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 10 0 37.30583 -122.2801 607 portola ave el granada 94018 Other sewer system structure Unpaved surface 12-OCT-09 AM 10/12/2009 11:10 10/12/2009 11:40 12-OCT-09 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10138 Active 747488 901 the alameda 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 37.50102 -122.46548 901 the alameda el granada 94018 Building or structure Unpaved surface 14-DEC-09 PM 12/14/2009 12:20 12/14/2009 12:30 14-DEC-09 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10138 Active 758974 430 The Alameda 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 37.50437 -122.47144 430 The Alameda El Granada 94018 Other sewer system structure Property Clean out Other paved surface 29-NOV-10 PM 11/29/2010 14:16 11/29/2010 14:20 29-NOV-10 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow 2 2SSO10139 Active 732944 611 grove st 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 1 0 37.45559 122.43192 611 grove half moon bay 94019 Other (specify) clean out overflow Other paved surface 02-FEB-09 AM 02/02/2009 11:50 02/02/2009 12:00 02-FEB-09 PM Debri-General Lower Lateral Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10139 Active 747394 190 creekside 1000 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 900 100 37.4288 -122.43278 190 creekside half moon bay 94019 Manhole Surface water;Unpaved surface 08-DEC-09 AM 12/08/2009 08:08 12/08/2009 08:22 08-DEC-09 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Main Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10139 Active 751068 New Leaf Shopping Center 450 Yes Yes No 200 250 37.46874 -122.43195 150 San Mateo Half Moon Bay 94019 Manhole Other paved surface;Storm drain 28-MAR-10 AM 03/28/2010 11:50 03/28/2010 12:10 28-MAR-10 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Main Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10139 Active 761710 Baskin Robbins 44 N Cabrillo hwy 325 No Yes Yes 325 0 37.46856 -122.43448 44 Cabrillo hwy Half Moon Bay 94019 About 75 gallons of sewer went into the storm drain which has a catch basin, we vaccumed everything in the basin we believe nothing reached a surface water although it is possible. Other sewer system structure Building lateral clean out Other paved surface;Separate storm drain 23-JAN-11 PM 01/23/2011 16:20 01/23/2011 16:45 24-JAN-11 PM Other (specify below) lateral had plug somewhere in pipe (private area). It has been cleared by plumber. Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10141 Active 763881 214 Appolo Dr Hercules 50 No Yes Yes 0 0 38.0131 -122.28732 214 Appolo Hercules 94547 Combined sewer D.I. manhole Separate storm drain 22-MAR-08 AM 03/22/2008 10:30 03/22/2008 10:45 22-MAR-08 PM Root intrusion Main Restored flow 2 2SSO10142 Active 652355 Hillsborough 45 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 37 122 170 Woodridge Hillsborough 94010 Other (specify) From seperated sewer lateral. (private) Unpaved surface 18-JUN-07 AM 06/18/2007 09:30 06/18/2007 10:00 18-JUN-07 AM Pipe structural problem/failure 4 SDR17 1 Restored flow Private- just helped out homeowner till she gets her plumber at there. 2 2SSO10142 Active 720909 Darrell Rd. 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.5477 122.3402 388 Darrell Hillsborough 94010 Other (specify) clean out Other paved surface 30-JUN-08 AM 06/30/2008 07:45 06/30/2008 07:55 30-JUN-08 AM Other (specify below) private blockage Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 2 2SSO10142 Active 720927 Black Mountain rd 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.5462 122.3669 1880 Black Mountain rd Hillsborough 94010 cleanout Other (specify) cleanout Other paved surface 27-JUN-08 AM 06/27/2008 12:00 06/27/2008 11:00 27-JUN-08 PM Other (specify below) blockage Lower Lateral Other (specify below) plumber cleaned up private mess 2 2SSO10142 Active 722799 Chateau 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.5566 122.3748 723 Chateau Hillsborough 94010 c/o Other (specify) clean out - private Street/curb and gutter 15-JUL-08 PM 07/15/2008 14:00 07/15/2008 14:15 15-JUL-08 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 2 2SSO10142 Active 727392 Black Mtn. Road 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 2 0 37.5449 122.3619 1540 Black Mountain Hillsborough 94010 Other (specify) private clean out Other paved surface 03-OCT-08 AM 10/03/2008 00:00 10/03/2008 00:00 03-OCT-08 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 2 2SSO10142 Active 727634 Knight Wood Lane 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 15 0 37.5735 122.3736 10 Knight Wood Hillsborough 94010 Other (specify) private lateral Other paved surface 07-OCT-08 AM 10/07/2008 00:00 10/07/2008 13:30 07-OCT-08 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10142 Active 727766 Parrot Dr. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.542 122.3441 1030 Parrot Hillsborough 94010 Other (specify) private cleanout Unpaved surface front yard 10-OCT-08 AM 10/10/2008 00:00 10/10/2008 00:00 10-OCT-08 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) private spill we just deoderized his front yard area for him. 2 2SSO10142 Active 754553 Hillsborough 20 Yes Yes No 0 20 37.57964 -122.36475 1728 Crockett Hillsborough 94010 Cleanout in back of property that ties out on the Sanchez sewer easement line in Burlingame. Other sewer system structure House cleanout Storm drain 07-JUL-10 PM 07/07/2010 15:16 07/07/2010 15:30 07-JUL-10 PM Other (specify below) Private Lower Lateral Other (specify below) Disinfected the area for the home owner. 2 2SSO10143 Active 730068 514 Pixie Trail 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.899722 122.540278 514 Pixie Trail Mill Valley 94941 Overflow from cleanout Other sewer system structure Overflow from cleanout in private sewer lateral Unpaved surface 08-NOV-08 PM 11/08/2008 12:30 11/08/2008 12:30 08-NOV-08 AM Root intrusion Restored flow 2 2SSO10145 Active 747891 311 West / 757 Loring Ave 2000 Yes Yes No 0 2000 38.055722 -122.218047 311 West Crockett 94525 Private building lateral overflow from clean out at side of building. Blockage in lateral, not main. Other (specify) Buildings backflow prevention device located in Christy box Storm drain;Surface water 23-DEC-09 AM 12/27/2009 18:32 12/27/2009 18:37 28-DEC-09 PM Debri-General Restored flow 2 2SSO10145 Active 749024 1235 Wanda 600 Yes Yes No 0 600 38.053744 -122.223497 1235 Wanda Crockett 94525 Private lateral spill flowing from under garage door. Building or structure Storm drain;Surface water 30-JAN-10 PM 01/30/2010 18:20 01/30/2010 18:20 31-JAN-10 PM Other (specify below) Unknown blockage on private lateral. Other (specify below) Contacted owner and tenants. Flow restored by someone. 2 2SSO10145 Active 749309 1237 Wanda Street 300 Yes Yes No 0 300 38.053744 -122.223497 Private lateral spill from clean-out in garage. Building or structure Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter;Surface water 09-FEB-10 AM 02/09/2010 11:12 02/09/2010 11:15 09-FEB-10 PM Vandalism Restored flow 2 2SSO10145 Active 754722 1135 5th Ave 365 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 38.04975 -122.22518 Other (specify) Private lateral clean out. Street/curb and gutter 06-JUL-10 AM 07/08/2010 15:05 07/08/2010 15:15 08-JUL-10 PM Debri-General Other (specify below) Property owner cleared lateral blockage. 2 2SSO10145 Active 754723 1520 Flora 35 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 38.0519 -122.2259 Other (specify) Private lateral clean out. Street/curb and gutter 07-JUL-10 PM 07/07/2010 05:00 07/07/2010 05:12 07-JUL-10 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral blockage. Other (specify below) Tenant called property management who called plumber to unblock lateral. 2 2SSO10145 Active 756268 1135 Fifth and Rose 70 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 38.04975 -122.22518 1135 Fifth Crockett lateral clean out Other (specify) lateral clean out on side yard near driveway. Street/curb and gutter 25-JUL-10 AM 07/25/2010 02:56 07/25/2010 16:15 26-JUL-10 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lateral pipe damaged, dirt clogged lateral. Restored flow 2 2SSO10145 Active 757266 27 Rolph Park Drive - cleanout 40 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 38.04872 -122.21847 27 Rolph Park Drive Crockett 94525 Private lateral clean out in dirt area near exterior garage wall. Other (specify) Lateral clean-out Unpaved surface 15-SEP-10 AM 09/17/2010 07:41 09/17/2010 09:00 15-SEP-10 AM Debri-General Other (specify below) Private lateral Other (specify below) Owner unblocked lateral same day but did not cleanup sewage near lateral clean-out. Was told to cleanup effects of spill. 2 2SSO10145 Active 758398 Lateral sewer in rear yard of 236 Edwards St 150 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 38.05391 -122.20974 236 Edwards Crockett 94525 Rear yard of 236 Edwards St Other (specify) Intermittent seepage from lateral under backyard concrete steps. Lateral not blocked. Unpaved surface 02-OCT-10 AM 10/4/2010 10:22 10/4/2010 10:37 02-NOV-10 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Other (specify below) Private lateral joint failure Other (specify below) Third party contractor replaced lateral 2 2SSO10145 Active 765392 329 Alexander Ave 420 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.05426 -122.21031 329 Alexander Crockett 94525 Clean-out and lateral of 329 Alexander Ave, along retaining wall between 329 and 343 Alexander, and onto sidewalk in front of property. Other (specify) Lateral clean-out and along retaining wall. Building or structure;Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface 11-APR-11 AM 04/12/2011 10:14 04/12/2011 10:24 12-APR-11 AM Other (specify below) Lateral blockage, possible seeping from damaged private lateral. Upper Lateral Other (specify below) Private lateral seepage. Alerted property owner by Notice of Violation to immediately abate cause of spill by unblocking sewer lateral and or repair the sewer lateral. Owner unblocked lateral and will repair. 2 2SSO10145 Active 765560 618 Winslow 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.05564 -122.21564 618 Winslow Crockett 94525 lower lot of 618 Winslow at Loring Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 01-APR-11 PM 04/01/2011 12:21 04/01/2011 13:21 01-APR-11 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral Other (specify below) After inspection of site, evidence was found of recant overflow into earthen ditch. SSO was not active at time of inspection. Staff notified owner of situation and told him to respond immediately. Staff also contacted local contractor to mitigate potential overflow at once. At 14:15 hours spill was contained 2 2SSO10145 Active 769243 515 Winslow driveway 186 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.05532 -122.21407 533 Winslow Crockett 94525 Driveway between 515 and 525 Winslow. Intermittent seepage reported from crack in driveway, estimated to be approximately 6.9 gallons per day. Other (specify) Cracks in garage driveway between 515 and 525 Winslow Unpaved surface 06-JUN-11 AM 06/06/2011 10:08 06/06/2011 10:15 02-JUL-11 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral Other (specify below) Once main sewer was cleared of being the problem, worked with nearby property owners to identify source of intermittent leak. Continued to monitor and once problem was identified on 6/30, the owner of 533 Winslow was notified and repair was made on private lateral on 7/2 under permit. 2 2SSO10145 Active 773753 914 6th 420 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.05139 -122.22655 Surfacing near sidewalk at property line between 914 and 904 6th. Other (specify) Bubbling up from dirt hole Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface 05-NOV-11 PM 11/07/2011 15:15 11/07/2011 16:00 08-NOV-11 PM Debri-Rags Rags and wipes in 4 lateral side sewer Upper Lateral Other (specify below) Once sewage identified on 11/8, notified owner and they contacted contractor who unblocked lateral by 4:45 on 11/8. 2 2SSO10145 Active 778547 1124 3rd Ave 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.04974 -122.22295 Other sewer system structure Building cleanout Unpaved surface 24-JAN-12 PM 01/24/2012 15:54 01/24/2012 16:50 25-JAN-12 AM Debri-General Other (specify below) Private lateral Other (specify below) Owner contacted plumber to clear lateral 2 2SSO10145 Active 778553 1535 Francis cleanout 125 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.05003 -122.22613 Other (specify) Private building lateral cleanout Unpaved surface 29-DEC-11 AM 12/29/2011 12:40 12/29/2011 12:55 30-DEC-11 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral blockage - unknown Other (specify below) Private lateral Other (specify below) Advised owner to get lateral unblocked. 2 2SSO10145 Active 778554 914 6th private latereal cleanout 130 No Yes No 0 0 38.05139 -122.22655 Other (specify) Common private lateral cleanout between 904 and 914 6th, between the sidewalk and street in green strip. Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface 16-FEB-12 AM 02/17/2012 16:40 02/17/2012 16:48 17-FEB-12 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral sewer with offset and debris, backed up to cleanout. Other (specify below) Private building lateral sewer Other (specify below) Advised owners to unblock line and perform video inspection 2 2SSO10145 Active 800654 513 2nd Avenue 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.054224 -122.223608 513 2nd Avenue Crockett 94525 Cleanout on building stack on outside of wall Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Unpaved surface 02-OCT-13 PM 10/08/2013 15:28 10/08/2013 15:35 Debris-Rags Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Property Owner Notified Owner advised to contact plumber 2 2SSO10145 Active 800657 67 Bishop 75 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.052062 -122.211459 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 10-OCT-13 AM 10/10/2013 16:16 10/10/2013 16:28 11-OCT-13 AM Other (specify below) Contractor reported blockge in the lateral Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Restored flow 2 2SSO10145 Active 802898 751 Loring ave. Crockett 720 No Yes No 5 0 38.0559 -122.21813 751 Loring Crockett 94525 corner of Loring and West on Sidewalk and street Lateral Clean Out (Private);Upper Lateral (Private) Upper lateral cleanout Christy box Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter Drainage channels and storm drains were protected and diverted flow dried up by the time owners contractor was onsite. 31-DEC-13 PM 12/31/2013 13:03 12/31/2013 13:10 01-JAN-14 AM Root Intrusion Mixed Use Property Lower Lateral (Private) Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Phoned owner and setup barricades including sand bags and warning signs. Owner called out Mr. Rooter to clear blockage. 2 2SSO10145 Active 807149 1962 Vista Del Rio 65 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.053195 -122.232515 Upper Lateral (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 15-MAY-14 AM 05/28/2014 14:53 05/28/2014 15:02 10-JUN-14 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Offset in lateral causing wastewater to escape pipe and run along outside of pipe, surfacing past retaining wall in front of 503 Kendall. 4 Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10145 Active 809110 10 Emerson 195 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.051368 -122.21091 Lower Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 20-JUL-14 AM 07/24/2014 13:03 07/24/2014 13:31 28-AUG-14 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Blockage and offset caused wastewater to run on outside of underground pipe and surface on easement at bottom of hill Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Backup in lower lateral would rise to upper lateral offset and wastewater would escape and run underground along outside of pipe, wastewater would surface on easement where lateral pipe was shallow. Other (specify below);Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Placed A frame warning of raw sewage, notified owner/property management company, and later Contra Costa County Environmental Health 2 2SSO10145 Active 809340 1218 Starr St. Crockett 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 38.054639 -122.223389 1218 Starr Crockett 94525 West side of house Lateral Clean Out (Private) From backflow device Unpaved surface dirt yard 21-SEP-14 AM 09/21/2014 11:45 09/21/2014 12:01 21-SEP-14 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) 4 ci 50 Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10145 Active 810669 879 Redwood Ct 50 No Yes No 0 45 38.051538 -122.218827 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain 22-OCT-14 AM 10/22/2014 12:40 10/22/2014 12:54 22-OCT-14 PM Root Intrusion Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10145 Active 812495 754 Alhambra 285 No Yes No 0 285 38.054899 -122.218103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 28-DEC-14 AM 12/29/2014 07:30 12/29/2014 07:47 29-DEC-14 PM Root Intrusion Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10147 Active 815398 186 Northgate One 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 38.00761 -122.54664 186 Northgate One San Rafael Spill occurred inside commercial business, overflowed from a toilet and small 2 floor drain Inside Building or Structure overflowed from toilet and 2 floor drain. Other (specify below) Tile bathroom floor located in restroom and wiped up with towels. 21-MAY-15 PM 05/22/2015 10:51 05/22/2015 11:05 21-MAY-15 PM Other (specify below) Lateral was not properly relocated from a newly abandoned line to replacement line in ally. Food Service Establishment (FSE) Round Table Pizza Lower Lateral (Private) 4 HDPE 0 Contained all or portion of spill Overflow of toilet occurred at the end of business on 5/21/15. The overflow was wiped up and a plumber responded to a call for service the morning of 5/22/15. Business has not opened for business and no water has been used since the overflow occurred. 2 2SSO10149 Active 746228 27630 Via Cerro Gordo 200 No Yes No 100 100 37.36868 -122.16421 27630 Via Cerro Gordo Los Altos Hills Force main or pressure sewer Coming out of the ground apx. 75 feet from street Separate storm drain 05-OCT-09 PM 10/05/2009 13:45 10/05/2009 12:30 05-OCT-09 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Other (specify below) A private pressure line on private property Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 2 2SSO10151 Active 791635 25 Main Street 720 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 720 37.873246 -122.456242 25 Main Tiburon 94920 sewer lateral system had a back up in system and began backing up and slowly spilling thhrough faulty fittings on latteral system- Bloackage was cleared by private contractor and discharge to bay ceased- private contractor to return tomorrow to repair fittings- can only acces during low tide- lateral is flowing properly at this time. Building or structure Other (specify below) bay 11-FEB-13 PM 02/13/2013 07:30 02/13/2013 07:00 13-FEB-13 AM Other (specify below) contractor cleared- tough spot from clean out to main- will televise to find casue of tough spot Lower Lateral Restored flow 2 2SSO10152 Active 865537 3499 Paradise Drive 5000 Yes Yes No 500 4000 37.89319 -122.45877 3499 Paradise Drive Tiburon 94920 3499 Paradise Drive Valve Box Lower Lateral (Private) Valve Box Drainage Channel;Other (specify below);Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface Other is natural spring water creek that feeds into sf bay adjacent to Paradise Beach Park 10-MAR-20 PM 03/11/2020 10:00 03/11/2020 10:10 11-MAR-20 AM Other (specify below) Check Valve Failure Single Family Home 3499 Paradise Drive - Private Sewer Ejector System Lower Lateral (Private) 2 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified CAL OES Notified about Private SSO due to location of spill and where it spilled into- adjacent creek next to Paradise Beach Park which discharges into SF Bay OES Control Number 20-1414 2 2SSO10155 Active 707888 1430 Hillcrest 20 Yes Yes No 5 15 37.590278 122.409722 1430 Hillcrest Millbrae 94030 Gravity sewer Storm drain 03-NOV-07 PM 11/03/2007 16:00 11/03/2007 16:15 03-NOV-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10155 Active 707894 10 Robert Place. 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.604444 122.399167 10 Robert Pl. Millbrae. 94030 Gravity sewer Other paved surface Driveway. 12-NOV-07 PM 11/12/2007 13:49 11/12/2007 14:10 12-NOV-07 PM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Advised homeowner to make corrective action to prevent future occurence. 2 2SSO10155 Active 708255 1162 Hillcrest. 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.594167 122.404167 1162 Hillcrest Millbrae 94030 Cleanout in lawn. Gravity sewer Unpaved surface Lawn. 27-NOV-07 AM 11/27/2007 08:30 11/27/2007 08:50 27-NOV-07 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Homeowner has been advised to call a plumber to fix the problem. 2 2SSO10155 Active 713099 351 Laurel 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 2 0 37.597222 122.398056 351 Laurel Millbrae 94030 C.O in Lawn Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 12-FEB-08 PM 02/12/2008 19:20 02/12/2008 19:42 12-FEB-08 PM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10155 Active 714604 19 El Camino Real 5 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 0 37.598889 122.388056 19 El Camino Real Millbrae 94030 Gravity sewer Private Clean out Storm drain 07-MAR-08 AM 03/07/2008 07:00 03/07/2008 07:00 07-MAR-08 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system While travelling to work Collection Supervisor spotted private cleanout overflow. No business was open. 2 2SSO10155 Active 719876 979 Broadway 500 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 500 0 37.604444 122.398889 979 Broadway Millbrae 94030 Alley behind the Building Gravity sewer Spill occurred through a cleanout on private property. Other (specify below) Spill flowed across the parking lot and drained into a storm drain which somehow connects back to our sanitary sewer system. This was determined by city crews completing dye tests. 07-JUN-08 PM 06/07/2008 19:00 06/07/2008 19:29 08-JUN-08 PM Other (specify below) Not sure. Property owner has not cameraed the line yet. Other (specify below) Private. Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10155 Active 719903 979 Broadway 500 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 500 0 37.604444 122.398889 979 Broadway Millbrae 94030 Private c/o behind building. Gravity sewer C/o behind building Other (specify below) Overflow drained across the parking lot to a stormdrain that ties back into the sanitary sewer. 10-JUN-08 PM 06/10/2008 15:00 06/10/2008 15:15 10-JUN-08 PM Other (specify below) Property owner needs to camera line. Other (specify below) private lateral Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10155 Active 868417 1238 Millbrae Ave 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.589611 -122.40575 1238 Millbrae Ave Millbrae 94030 Backyard Manhole Unpaved surface 11-AUG-20 PM 08/11/2020 22:29 08/11/2020 23:00 11-AUG-20 PM Debris-General Single Family Home Manhole The manhole was not overflowing when I arrived. In fact the water level was 4 below the grade ring. Very shallow manhole. We got the blockage relieved right away. The blockage was in the manhole and it was caused by roots that had been cut from a private residents lateral up stream of this manhole. The roots had flowed down our main line and settled out in the trough of the manhole. 6 HDPE 10 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow Cleaned up and removed soil and contaminated ground cover(bark) 2 2SSO10156 Active 657226 1119 Horcajo Circle 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 37.450318 -121.893125 1119 Horcajo Milpitas 95035 Other sewer system structure Other (specify below) Landscape 11-JUN-07 AM 06/11/2007 09:20 06/11/2007 09:50 11-JUN-07 AM Root intrusion 4 Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10157 Active 732183 Pillar Ridge Mobile Home Park 1500 Yes Yes No 0 1500 37.50656 122.49922 151 Barranca Moss Beach 94038 Manhole Other (specify below) wetland 20-JAN-09 PM 01/20/2009 19:30 01/20/2009 19:40 20-JAN-09 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Other (specify below) Private main line Restored flow 2 2SSO10157 Active 734300 el gran amigo 2448 n. cabrillo hwy 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 37.52662 -122.51307 2448 cabrillo highway moss beach 94038 Building or structure Unpaved surface 17-FEB-09 AM 02/17/2009 02:02 02/17/2009 02:20 17-FEB-09 AM Debri-General Other (specify below) This spill was a private lateral issue that we were called out on. MWSD is not responsible for lateral sewers. We are reporting for State database. Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10157 Active 750041 Pillar Ridge Mobile Home Park 150 Yes Yes No 0 150 37.30401 -122.29941 151 Barranca Moss Beach 94038 Manhole Other paved surface;Separate storm drain 02-MAR-10 PM 03/02/2010 17:26 03/02/2010 17:45 02-MAR-10 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Main Other (specify below) Stoppage broke itself free. Monitored lift station for surge. 2 2SSO10158 Active 716008 456 Rodrigues Avenue 20 Yes Yes No 0 10 38.0157 -122.092 456 Rodrigues Martinez 94553 cleanout with backwater overflow device on the side of the house and entered into stormdrain in backyard Other (specify) cleanout with backwater overflow device on the side of the house Storm drain 07-APR-08 AM 04/07/2008 10:40 04/07/2008 10:49 07-APR-08 AM Other (specify below) private sewage sump pump failure Other (specify below) mainline cleaned to ensure District functionality and that it was the homeowner's pump system that failed. 2 2SSO10158 Active 726151 456 Rodriguez Ave 5 No Yes No 0 5 38.0158 -122.0922 456 Rodriguez Martinez 94553 located in back yard, spilled from a private pump system located next to home Other (specify) private pump system for home Separate storm drain;Unpaved surface total volume is unknown, 5 gallons is estimated in order to complete report 11-SEP-08 AM 09/11/2008 10:10 09/11/2008 10:20 11-SEP-08 AM Other (specify below) private pump system failure -total volume is unknown, 5 gallons is estimated in order to complete report Other (specify below) private system Other (specify below) attempts to contact owner, also resident notified to not use system until repaired. total volume is unknown, 5 gallons is estimated in order to complete report 2 2SSO10159 Active 812872 Walnut Woods Apartments 1900 Yes Yes No 0 1900 38.30032 -122.29991 1223 Walnut Napa 94559 Gravity Mainline;Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Surface Water 02-FEB-15 PM 02/03/2015 09:45 02/03/2015 10:06 03-FEB-15 AM Other (specify below) Unknown High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) 6 ACP 45 Restored flow 2 2SSO10160 Historical 887530 Great Meadow Fort Mason 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.80458 -122.42976 San Francisco 94123 Outside corner of restroom building - SW corner Manhole Unpaved surface 01-APR-23 AM 04/01/2023 07:00 04/01/2023 08:00 01-APR-23 AM Debris-Rags Handiwipes built up in the system Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) Fort Mason - National Park Gravity Mainline 8 Vitrified clay 62 Mitigated Effects of Spill 2 2SSO10161 Active 855314 25 Ward Ct 843 No Yes No 0 0 37.67002 -122.47605 25 Ward Ct. Daly City 94015 Inside Building or Structure;Lateral Clean Out (Private) 02-JAN-19 PM 01/02/2019 20:06 01/02/2019 20:51 02-JAN-19 PM Root Intrusion High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) 15 unit condo building Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10162 Active 762965 Center Road 8836 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.109083 -122.598767 2081 Center Road Novato 94947 Front yard of private residence Building or structure Unpaved surface Open ground in front yard of property. 28-DEC-10 AM 02/14/2011 08:30 02/14/2011 10:00 04-FEB-11 AM Other (specify below) Lateral plugged with grout as part of a District Capital Improvement Project when the old sewer system was abandoned. Lower Lateral 4 Unknown 36 Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow 2 2SSO10164 Active 654009 397 College 40 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 37.4275 122.146389 397 College Other (specify) Private Clean Out Street/curb and gutter;Other (specify below) Planter Strip Private Property 09-JUL-07 AM 07/09/2007 09:22 07/09/2007 09:30 09-JUL-07 AM Other (specify below) Unknown- City Side was clear Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10164 Active 709900 1087 Fife Av 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 19 0 37.451594 -122.149153 1087 Fife Other (specify) Clean Out Unpaved surface 13-DEC-07 PM 12/13/2007 16:24 12/13/2007 17:22 13-DEC-07 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow Rodded 2 2SSO10164 Active 710999 Ramona st 535 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 37.444936 122.161519 535 Ramona Palo Alto Gravity sewer Clean Out Street/curb and gutter 06-JAN-08 PM 01/06/2008 17:59 01/06/2008 19:06 06-JAN-08 PM Other (specify below) Unknown Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Hydroflushed 2 2SSO10164 Active 712404 3897 El Camino Real 80 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 80 37.417225 122.129914 3897 El Camino Real Palo Alto Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter 12-JAN-08 PM 01/12/2008 12:35 01/12/2008 12:49 12-JAN-08 PM Other (specify below) Unknown Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 2 2SSO10164 Active 716515 2455 El Camino Real 60 No Yes No 55 5 37.424928 122.145269 2455 El Camino Real Palo Alto Gravity sewer Private Clean Out Building or structure;Other paved surface;Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 23-APR-08 PM 04/23/2008 19:40 04/23/2008 20:10 23-APR-08 PM Other (specify below) Unknown Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10164 Active 718308 3902 MIddlefield 50 No Yes Yes 50 0 37.419411 122.110944 3902 Middlefield Palo Alto Gravity sewer Storm drain 12-MAY-08 AM 05/12/2008 08:00 05/12/2008 08:20 12-MAY-08 AM Other (specify below) Paper Restored flow 2 2SSO10164 Active 718580 3922 MIddlefield Rd 150 No Yes No 100 45 37.419383 122.110936 3922 MIddlefield Palo Alto Gravity sewer Private Clean Out Other paved surface;Storm drain 18-MAY-08 AM 05/18/2008 10:35 05/18/2008 11:17 18-MAY-08 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Debris Rocks Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow 2 2SSO10164 Active 728130 896 Marshall Dr 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 0 37.439461 122.126783 896 Marshall Palo Alto Gravity sewer Private Clean out Street/curb and gutter 09-OCT-08 AM 10/09/2008 07:34 10/09/2008 08:04 09-OCT-08 AM Other (specify below) Unknown, contractor responded Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 2 2SSO10164 Active 732719 957 Matadero 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 10 0 37.410892 122.141553 Palo Alto 94303 Manhole This is a private manhole. City crew responded due to SSO Street/curb and gutter 24-JAN-09 PM 01/24/2009 13:30 01/24/2009 14:45 24-JAN-09 PM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow;Other (specify below) Hauled away 2 2SSO10164 Active 750970 4180 Old Adobe 200 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 196 4 37.39424 -122.13836 Palo Alto SSO came from both private cleanout and city cleanout Gravity sewer SSO from city cleanout and private cleanout Other (specify below) Customers property and dry creek bed 22-MAR-10 PM 03/22/2010 19:28 03/22/2010 19:47 22-MAR-10 PM Other (specify below) Unknown Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) Hauled away 2 2SSO10164 Active 800047 850 Webster 105 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 71 0 37.446572 -122.153856 34 gallons not collected due to saturation into the ground. Other sewer system structure Manhole (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 23-SEP-13 AM 09/23/2013 08:12 09/23/2013 08:34 23-SEP-13 AM Other (specify below) Unknown - private line Upper Lateral (Private) 2 2SSO10165 Active 864846 1371 & 1367 N. McDowell Blvd 56 No Yes Yes 56 0 38.27382 -122.66651 1371 &1367 N.Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma 94954 in private driveway Manhole sewage spilled from Manhole located directly after the grease traps Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter City storm inlet #B06014IN 13-FEB-20 AM 02/13/2020 11:55 02/13/2020 12:00 13-FEB-20 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) appeared to be a combination of grease or rags on the discharge end of the grease traps Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) grease and rags also I advised to have lateral video inspected from grease traps to city mainline for possible pipe failures/obstructions ect... Gravity Mainline approximately 40' downstream from private sewer Manhole 6 PVC 20 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified hydro flushed sewer main released blockage, vacuum sewage from catch basin and washed down street. 2 2SSO10167 Active 717613 Sweet Tomatoes Restaurant 550 No Yes Yes 550 0 37.683333 -121.9 4501 Hopyard Pleasanton 94588 Private lateral plugged as result of FOG. Lateral overflowed at private manhole and ran into City of Pleasanton storm drain piping system. Manhole Other (specify below) Entire spill was captured in storm drain system piping. Spill and rinse water were VacCon'd and returned to sanitary sewer system. 16-MAY-08 PM 05/16/2008 18:59 05/16/2008 19:09 16-MAY-08 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Other (specify below) Failure occured in private lateral, but was mitigated and corrected by the City of Pleasanton in order to prevent additional sewer spillage. 4 unk Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Private lateral overerflowed in private parking lot. Overflow ran into City of Pleasanton storm drain piping system. City dispatched 2 VacCon trucks. Entire spill was contained and VacCon'd from storm drain piping. and returned to sanitary system. All rinse water was also captured and VacCon'd from storm drain piping and returned to sanitary system. 2 2SSO10167 Active 741809 1350 Stoneridge Mall Road 555 No Yes Yes 555 0 37.694144 -121.929303 1350 Stoneridge Mall Pleasanton 94588 Manhole;Other sewer system structure Spill also surfaced at The Cheesecake Factory grease interceptor. Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 23-JUL-09 PM 07/23/2009 14:40 07/23/2009 14:50 23-JUL-09 PM Grease deposition (FOG) 8 VCP 31 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10167 Active 773504 5575 W. Las Positas Blvd. 40 No Yes Yes 40 0 37.6936 -121.87975 5575 Las Positas Pleasanton 94588 Sewer cleanout in lawn area in front of 5575 W. Las Positas Blvd. Other (specify) Sewer Clean Out Separate storm drain 23-NOV-11 AM 11/23/2011 11:50 11/23/2011 12:00 23-NOV-11 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral 6 PVC 20 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10167 Active 773509 627 Rose Ave. 20 No Yes Yes 20 0 37.66283 -121.88089 627 Rose Pleasanton 94566 From private lateral clean out Other sewer system structure Clean Out Separate storm drain 17-NOV-11 AM 11/17/2011 09:50 11/17/2011 10:00 17-NOV-11 AM Other (specify below) Cause of spill is unknown Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10167 Active 778361 Vineyard Estates Mobile Home Park at Space 144 3 No Yes Yes 3 0 37.66707 -121.85314 3263 Vineyard Pleasanton 94566 Other (specify) at 2-way lateral clean out Separate storm drain 04-MAR-12 PM 03/04/2012 17:24 03/04/2012 17:35 04-MAR-12 PM Other (specify below) unknown Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10167 Active 778815 Vineyard Estates Mobile Home Park at Space 144 3 No Yes Yes 3 0 37.66707 -121.85314 3263 Vineyard Pleasanton 94566 Other sewer system structure at 2-way lateral clean out Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 16-MAR-12 PM 03/16/2012 14:48 03/16/2012 15:20 16-MAR-12 PM Other (specify below) unknown Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10167 Active 778816 Vineyard Estates Mobile Home Park at Space 144 15 No Yes Yes 15 0 37.66707 -121.85314 3263 Vineyard Pleasanton 94566 Other sewer system structure at 2-way lateral clean out Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 17-MAR-12 AM 03/17/2012 09:50 03/17/2012 10:00 17-MAR-12 AM Other (specify below) unknown Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10167 Active 779406 McDonalds Restaurant 225 Yes Yes No 50 175 37.70065 -121.87128 6800 Santa Rita Pleasanton 94588 Other sewer system structure Restaurant Grease Interceptor Surface water 01-APR-12 PM 04/01/2012 12:45 04/01/2012 12:55 01-APR-12 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Lower Lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10167 Active 780731 6700 Santa Rita Road 10 No Yes Yes 10 0 37.69922 -121.87198 6700 Santa Rita Pleasanton 94588 Manhole Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 18-APR-12 PM 04/18/2012 13:50 04/18/2012 14:02 18-APR-12 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Main 8 ACP 15 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10167 Active 787196 Mama Rosa's Restaurant - 6770 Santa Rita Rd. 15 No Yes Yes 15 0 37.69982 -121.87145 6770 Santa Rita Pleasanton 94588 Other sewer system structure Spill surfaced at sewer clean out Other paved surface;Separate storm drain 13-SEP-12 PM 09/13/2012 13:42 09/13/2012 13:42 13-SEP-12 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Other (specify below) Sewer clean out structure Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10167 Active 791115 1065 Serpentine Ln 25 No Yes Yes 25 0 37.66949 -121.8673 1065 Serpentine Pleasanton 94566 Manhole Other paved surface;Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 03-JAN-13 PM 01/03/2013 12:41 01/03/2013 12:45 03-JAN-13 PM Root intrusion Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10170 Active 718835 3110 Barrett Avenue 500 No Yes No 500 5 37.94 -122.34 3110 Barrett Richmond 94804 Other sewer system structure CURB FACE DRAIN Street/curb and gutter THE SEWAGE WAS DISPERSED OVER A 1000 FOOT RUN OF A CURB GUTTER. SOME DID ENTER THE STORM DRAIN BUT BECAUSE OF A SAG IN THE RUN IT DID NOT FLOW AND WAS STAGNATE. 28-MAY-08 AM 05/28/2008 11:05 06/28/2008 12:30 28-JUN-08 PM Other (specify below) PAPER Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow THE PROPERTY OWER HIRED PRIVATE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR WHO CLEARED THE OBSTRUCTION IN THE LATERAL AND CLEANED UP LOCALIZED SEWAGE. THE CITY CLEANED UP THE REMAINING SEWAGE ON 34TH STREET. 2 2SSO10170 Active 760533 2508 Cutting Blvd 100 Yes Yes No 0 100 37.92491 -122.3453 2508 Cutting Richmond 94804 Clean out at location was removed and feces, paper and sewage is discharging into street and flowing into nearest drop inlet Other sewer system structure clean-out Street/curb and gutter 10-JAN-11 AM 01/10/2011 09:20 01/10/2011 09:35 10-JAN-11 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral Other (specify below) Notifiied Management Contact, Nick Vhachu, problem needs to be fixed immediately. Cleaned up area and washed down as much as possible. 2 2SSO10170 Active 768507 716 11th Street 75 Yes Yes No 50 25 37.94272 -122.35875 716 16th Richmond 94801 Other (specify) Private lateral cleanout Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 08-JUL-11 PM 07/08/2011 16:00 07/14/2011 11:00 20-JUL-11 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 2 2SSO10170 Active 770221 509 Golden Gate Avenue 100 No Yes No 0 0 37.92818 -122.39105 509 Golden Gate Richmond 94801 Other (specify) Ground Unpaved surface Perculated into unpaved drainage ditch 20-JUL-11 PM 07/20/2011 15:00 07/21/2011 08:30 22-AUG-11 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Other (specify below) Sewage perculated into unpaved ground of drainage ditch. 2 2SSO10170 Active 770307 AC Transit lateral line 150 Yes Yes No 50 100 37.93495 -122.35039 2016 Macdonald Richmond 94804 Clean-out near lateral line Other sewer system structure clean-out Street/curb and gutter 23-AUG-11 AM 08/23/2011 11:30 08/23/2011 11:30 23-AUG-11 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Bad lateral line needs to be repaired. Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) Notified property owner of spill and instructed them they are responsible for cleanup and mitigating activities. 2 2SSO10170 Active 771594 Intersection of Marine Street and Morgan Avenue 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.92926 -122.39226 625 Morgan Richmond 94801 The lateral is privately owned and there are approximately 8 users sharing this line. The name stated as the responsible party is the only upstream user from the point of discharge. Other sewer system structure Sewage discharged upwelled through the street. Unpaved surface Sewage was cleaned from the street and some perculated into the ground. 28-SEP-11 PM 09/28/2011 17:00 09/28/2011 17:05 28-SEP-11 PM Root intrusion Other (specify below) The jointly owned lateral is approximately 180 feet long, and the discharge occured approximately 30 feet downstream from the first upstream user. Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10170 Active 771943 901 West Cutting Boulevard 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 37.92529 -122.36085 901 Cutting Richmond 94804 Private lift station from a Chevron Gas Statation is out of order. Pump station Other paved surface 11-OCT-11 PM 10/11/2011 12:10 10/11/2011 12:35 11-OCT-11 PM Pump station failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10170 Active 772117 30 Railroad Ave 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 37.92718 -122.38412 30 Railroad Richmond 94801 Gutter in front of home from private lateral Building or structure Private lateral Street/curb and gutter 17-OCT-11 AM 10/17/2011 09:47 10/17/2011 10:30 17-OCT-11 AM Other (specify below) Unknown cause. Private contractor cleared blockage inprivate lateral. Other (specify below) Private lateral. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) Cleaned up spilled sewage in gutter and flushed area with water. All wash water and sewage was contained and returned to sanitary sewer system. 2 2SSO10170 Active 778483 639 26th Street - PRIVATE LATERAL SPILL 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 37.94081 -122.34273 639 26th Richmond 94804 Other (specify) Private lateral Other (specify below) lawn & sidewalk 04-MAR-12 PM 03/04/2012 13:05 03/04/2012 13:55 04-MAR-12 PM Other (specify below) unknown Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10170 Active 787833 3601 Roosevelt Avenue 45 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 37.93821 -122.33423 3601 Roosevelt Richmond 94804 Other (specify) From lateral on private property as a result of a root problem in the City's sanitary sewer main. Street/curb and gutter Sewage entered a storm water sidewalk corner cut but did not exit from the other side. Sewage evaporated over a two day period starting 11/3/12. The City was notified 11/5/12. 03-NOV-12 PM 11/05/2012 11:00 11/05/2012 11:15 05-NOV-12 AM Root intrusion Other (specify below) Private Lateral caused Sewer Spill Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10170 Active 794340 689 5th Street 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 37.94213 -122.36459 689 5th Richmond 94801 Other sewer system structure Clean-out from Resident's lateral line Street/curb and gutter 13-MAY-13 AM 05/15/2013 18:45 05/15/2013 19:40 15-MAY-13 PM Other (specify below) Failed lateral Lower Lateral Lateral. Unknown if lower or upper portion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) Informed resident of the requirement to repair lateral. 2 2SSO10171 Active 789526 541 Suisun Ave (#2) 805 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 805 38.03057 -122.26284 541 Suisun Rodeo 94572 Bck yard patio area Other (specify) Resident's Lateral cleanout Unpaved surface 25-DEC-12 PM 12/25/2012 21:30 12/25/2012 22:55 25-DEC-12 PM Other (specify below) Some fine roots were recovered, but due to repeated nature of this location, we are contracting our CCTV operator to further evaluate this line Main 6 VCP Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow;Other (specify below) District has CCTV'd the line and determined there are several major defects allowing roots to impact line. The line is scheduled to be replaced by Summer 2013. 2 2SSO10171 Active 884021 848 Hawthorne Dr. Rodeo Ca. 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 848 Hawthorne Dr Rodeo 94572 Inside Building or Structure From toilet inside bathroom Building or Structure 11-OCT-22 PM 10/11/2022 23:27 10/12/2022 00:07 11-OCT-22 PM Root Intrusion Gravity Mainline 6 VCP Cleaned-Up The resident cleaned up the spill in their home before we arrived. we shot the mainline and removed the root blockage. 2 2SSO10172 Active 765166 375 Vista Grande 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.95584 -122.52879 375 Vista Grande Greenbrae 94904 4 inch cleanout in the backyard of 375 Vista Granda Greenbrae overflowed. Other sewer system structure 4 inch cleanout in the backyard of 375 Vista Grande Greenbrae overflowed. Unpaved surface 03-APR-11 PM 04/03/2011 17:11 04/03/2011 18:15 04-APR-11 AM Root intrusion Upper Lateral 4 VCP 45 Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10172 Active 765325 339 Bolinas Road 13500 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 13500 37.98151 -122.59264 339 Bolinas Fairfax 94930 Private illegal sewer lateral connection flowing into the creek. Other sewer system structure Private illegal sewer lateral connection flowing into the creek. Surface water Final spill destination was into the Fairfax Creek. This resident made an illegal connection to their lateral at some point beyond the final inspection of the lateral connection to the main. Fairfax building official is incorrect in his statement about the required overflow protection. This arrangement does not meet any RVSD requirements, this is was illegal and not to code. 14-FEB-11 AM 03/31/2011 08:00 03/31/2011 08:30 31-MAR-11 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral The property owner put a 4 inch wye on the lateral and plumbed the sewer into the creek. This was done after inspection of the conection to main. This was plumbed illegally, and no permit requested. 4 VCP 45 Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause 2 2SSO10172 Active 765948 40 Westwood Drive 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.94634 -122.56543 40 Westwood Drive Kentfield 94904 4 inch cleanout had overflowed at one time. When Manny arrived there was no sewage in the cleanout. Other sewer system structure The 4 inch lateral for 40 Westwood Drive overflowed at one time. Unpaved surface The overflow came onto the hillside and went into the dirt. 28-APR-11 AM 04/28/2011 15:40 04/28/2011 16:10 28-APR-11 AM Other (specify below) Spill start time, end time and spill cause is unknown. Lower Lateral The failure occurred in the 4 inch lateral. 4 Cast iron 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) The 4 inch lateral had overflowed at one time. There was toilet paper on the side of the hill. The lateral was not backed up at this time point. Dye tested and it came back positive. Homeowner is calling a plumber. 2 2SSO10172 Active 767107 1373 San Anselmo Ave 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.98081 -122.5759 1373 San Anselmo San Anselmo 94960 Chirsty Box on the sidewalk Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter Just outside of the Christy Box 31-MAY-11 PM 05/31/2011 16:45 05/31/2011 17:55 31-MAY-11 PM Root intrusion Possible root intrusion. Mainline was flowing normally. Private Lateral that had standing liquid in it 2 inches from the top of the cleanout inside the Christy Box Lower Lateral 4 vcp 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) Rodder drove up to a very minor overflow that came out of a Christy Box. Flow had already receded 2 inches from the top of the cleanout and our oncall personnel explained to the homeowner that it was his issue 2 2SSO10172 Active 767296 145 Tamalpias Rd 300 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 300 0 37.98886 -122.59636 145 Tamalpias Fairfax 94930 Overflowed cleanout on hillside Gravity sewer Other (specify below) Grass and some on the pavement 04-JUN-11 AM 06/06/2011 13:25 06/06/2011 13:45 06-JUN-11 PM Root intrusion Most likely roots. Upper Lateral 4 vcp 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) A private contractor showed up on site and they were to open the blockage and to clean up the mess due to being private. We went and check the next day and nothing was done so a vacuum unit was sent to the site immediately to clean the area and the contractor was called for an explanation on why there was no cleanup. Area was cleaned and homeowners were happy that we checked. 2 2SSO10172 Active 767549 Backyard Cleanout 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.97759 -122.59035 172 Meernaa Fairfax 94930 Backyard Cleanout Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 14-JUN-11 AM 06/14/2011 09:35 06/14/2011 10:37 14-JUN-11 AM Other (specify below) Private matter. Plumbing contractor called us out after he stopped the blockage. Wanted to make sure the lateral tye in was okay. The District CCTV'd to the lateral and watch his cable machine come through the line. We advised the contractor to TV the line and figure out what is going on. Upper Lateral Unknown. Private matter. 4 PVC 30 Other (specify below) Contractor took care of this 2 2SSO10172 Active 767594 52 Austin Ave 50 No Yes Yes 50 0 37.96909 -122.56934 52 Austin San Anselmo 94960 A private cleanout overflowed onto the street and into the storm drain. Gravity sewer Separate storm drain Minimal sewage entered the stormdrain. 16-JUN-11 PM 06/16/2011 17:55 06/16/2011 19:20 16-JUN-11 PM Other (specify below) Unknown reason. Private contractor was called out. Upper Lateral 4 VCP 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Used the Vac Con to clean the storm drain.and clean all sewer. Private contractor was called to come out and clear line. Homeowner was told not to flush. Area was cleaned thoroughly 2 2SSO10172 Active 767792 136 Almenar Dr 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 37.95028 -122.52872 136 Almenar Green Brae 94904 Minor spill around cleanout top Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 14-JUN-11 PM 06/14/2011 16:30 06/14/2011 16:50 14-JUN-11 PM Other (specify below) Partial Blockage in Line Main 6 vcp 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) Going to check permits for the area. A very small amount was around the cleanout. Due to a partial blockage, it was not nearly as severe. I will have this line CCTV'd and investigated. 2 2SSO10172 Active 767920 Backyard of 211 Ridge Way 150 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.98837 -122.58584 211 Ridgeway Fairfax 94930 Material was coming out from the ground around a footing and running down the street. The Water District was also out there see if it was a water line break. The oncall dye tested the private line and dye was seen coming out of the footing to a watermain. Other (specify) Sewer was coming out from the ground on a steep grade. Street/curb and gutter Material came down the hill about 100 feet and then was absorbed by the ashpalt and sun 25-JUN-11 PM 06/25/2011 14:33 06/25/2011 16:00 25-JUN-11 PM Pipe structural problem/failure The spill was due to liquid running out of the pipe on a steep hill and coming out of the ground. Lower Lateral The 4 inch line has multiple issue such as offsets and broken pipe joints. Using our CCTV camera, we saw 3 joints where the bottom of the pipe is missing and there where voids. Liquid exfiltrated out of the pipe and into the ground which is why we saw dye coming out of the ground. 4 VCP 60 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause Marin County Environmental Health was notified of the Private issue and Robert Turner was going to call her and update the homeowner about repairing that section of pipe. 2 2SSO10172 Active 768116 Cleanout at 40 Stevens Ct 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.00417 -122.59377 40 Steven Fairfax 94930 Cleanout in front of the house overflowed Gravity sewer Minor private spill at the cleanout in front of the house Unpaved surface Dirt around cleanout 01-JUL-11 AM 07/01/2011 10:25 07/01/2011 10:35 01-JUL-11 AM Other (specify below) Roto Rooter came out and cleared the private lateral. Roots would be suspect in this area Upper Lateral Roto Rooter took care of it due to being a private lateral. Contractor will take care of the locating. Lateral Grant Program was mentioned to the homeowner. 4 VCP 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) RVSD employees helped the homeowner cleanup. Mainline was check and was flowing normally. Roto Rooter was called by the homeowner and we left it in their hands. 2 2SSO10172 Active 768581 901 -951 South Eliseo Dr. 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.9432 -122.53265 901 South Eliseo Larkspur 94939 Sewer coming out from cleanout in the back of the condo building. Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 15-JUL-11 PM 07/15/2011 14:55 07/15/2011 14:55 15-JUL-11 PM Root intrusion Contractor was called out to assist in clearing out a private lateral. Roots were brought back on the cable machine. Lower Lateral About 195 feet from the cleanout. 4 cas 40 Other (specify below) Contractor Roys Sewer Service Cleared the line with 1 blade. 2 2SSO10172 Active 768585 88 Rocca Cleanout 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.98886 -122.58726 88 Rocca Fairfax 94930 Cleanout Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 15-JUL-11 PM 07/15/2011 14:55 07/15/2011 15:35 15-JUL-11 PM Root intrusion Upper Lateral 4 Vcp 50 Restored flow Contractor was called out to clear the private lateral line. We checked to confirm that it was not our mainline. 2 2SSO10172 Active 768587 95 West Hillside 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.97563 -122.55847 95 West Hillside San Anselmo 94960 Cleanout was overflowing. Gravity sewer Unpaved surface Ground around cleanout 15-JUL-11 AM 07/15/2011 10:15 07/15/2011 10:25 15-JUL-11 AM Root intrusion Possible root intrusion in the line. Lower Lateral 4 VCP 40 Other (specify below) Contractor was called out to clear the line. Blockage was cleared and flow was restored. 2 2SSO10172 Active 769652 200 Woodland Cleanout 200 No Yes No 0 0 37.95055 -122.55438 200 Woodland Kentfield 94904 Sewage was coming from a cleanout at a house and was entering the storm drain. Gravity sewer Separate storm drain 02-AUG-11 AM 08/02/2011 10:45 08/02/2011 10:55 02-AUG-11 AM Root intrusion We suspect that roots were in the line. Plumber was called out to clear the line. Lower Lateral 4 vcp 50 Other (specify below) RVSD made sure that our mainline was clear and that the homeowner did not use any more water. A plumber was then called to come clear the line and the street 2 2SSO10172 Active 769654 176 Corte Anita common lateral 4000 No Yes No 0 0 37.95257 -122.52952 176 Corte Anita Greenbrae 94904 Sewage was coming out of the hillside from a common lateral. The homeowner said that it was dry 2 weekago before they went on vacation and reported it when they got back. I went high with the estimate. Could be 2 weeks or 1 day that the leak was occuring. Material was greyish and was just trickling. Gravity sewer Other (specify below) The sewage entered an DI and came accross the street to a outfall down the steep embankment into the ground. 26-JUL-11 AM 08/09/2011 11:30 08/09/2011 11:45 09-AUG-11 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 4 vcp 50 Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Other (specify below) Upon getting to the site, we contacted the neighbor and found the spill location far down the hill about 25 feet upstream from our manhole. After speaking with the other neighbor, we think it was a common lateral but the line has to be cleared to confirm by a private contractor. The residents were told not to use any more water. Marin county Environmental Health was notified immediately. We brought in some hand rods to help out the resident and used our push camera but major root intrusion and dirt was in the line. 2 2SSO10172 Active 769758 315 Vista Grande Private Cleanout 999 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.95446 -122.52914 315 Vista Grande Greenbrae 94904 Cleanout on the backside of the house had a contra costa stem that had standing water in it. There was material around the cleanout stem. Most of the grass was dead in the surrounding area except near the cleanout which had lush vegetation. Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 08-AUG-11 PM 08/12/2011 14:28 08/12/2011 14:28 12-AUG-11 PM Other (specify below) Unknown, Homeowner is not home and a notice was left on the front door with my contact information. Lower Lateral 4 cast vcp 50 Other (specify below) Left a door hanger and notified Marin County Environmental Health 2 2SSO10172 Active 770289 Cleanout at 139 Senic 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.98961 -122.59798 139 Scenic Fairfax 95436 Private overflow at cleanout when contractor opened cleanout at residence Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 22-AUG-11 AM 08/22/2011 10:50 08/22/2011 11:10 22-AUG-11 AM Root intrusion Cleanout overflowed when private plumber opened cleanout. He called the District to confirm that there was no issues with the main. Lower Lateral 4 vcp 50 Restored flow Contractor opened the lateral with a cable machine. 2 2SSO10172 Active 770998 43 Allyn Ave San Anselmo 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.97475 -122.57726 43 Allyn San Anselmo 95460 Coupling had deteriorated away and was leaking at the joint. Gravity sewer Unpaved surface Liquid was absorbed into the dirt. 13-SEP-11 AM 09/13/2011 08:15 09/13/2011 09:10 13-SEP-11 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Bad coupling Lower Lateral 4 VCP 50 Other (specify below) Made sure the home owner had a plumber repair the joint by installing a new fernco 2 2SSO10172 Active 771879 923 San Anselmo Private SSO 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.97748 -122.5689 923 San Anselmo San Anselmo 94960 Cleanout had overflowed Gravity sewer Other paved surface 09-OCT-11 AM 10/09/2011 10:20 10/09/2011 11:20 09-OCT-11 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 VCP 50 Other (specify below) A contractor was called out to clear the blockage. There was no liquid flowing out of the cleanout when operator arrived. 2 2SSO10172 Active 772366 75 via navarro 500 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.9511 -122.51797 75 Via Navarro Greenbrae 94904 Private lateral overflowed down the hill side. Gravity sewer Other paved surface 18-OCT-11 PM 10/25/2011 13:00 10/25/2011 13:25 25-OCT-11 PM Other (specify below) Unknown. Home owner was not home and lateral was not leaking out Upper Lateral 4 VCP 60 Other (specify below) Left door hanger on the knob and will confirm that action has been taken with the resident along with the health department 2 2SSO10172 Active 772459 500 South Eliseo 500 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.9453 -122.52804 500 South Eliseo Greenbrae 94904 Bathroom toilet Other (specify) toilet and bathtub Other paved surface;Other (specify below) all throughout bathroom and hallway 26-OCT-11 PM 10/27/2011 07:35 10/27/2011 07:50 27-OCT-11 PM Other (specify below) unknown. Access to the mainline was behind a locked door in the apartment complex. this was a private matter Upper Lateral not known 4 CI 40 Other (specify below) Forced apartment manager to call a plumber. Then called Marin County Environmental Health and gave them the information 2 2SSO10172 Active 773214 375 Vista Grande 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.95584 -122.52879 375 Vista Grande Greenbrae 94904 Sewage was coming out of a private lateral. The public main was tested for a possible blockage and was flowing good. Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 16-NOV-11 PM 11/16/2011 14:22 11/16/2011 14:38 16-NOV-11 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Other (specify below) Rescue Rooter was called in to clear the blockage. 2 2SSO10172 Active 773246 21 Niven Way 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.93472 -122.53331 21 Niven Larkspur 94939 Combined sewer D.I.;Force main or pressure sewer;Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 17-NOV-11 AM 11/17/2011 10:50 11/17/2011 11:00 17-NOV-11 AM Root intrusion Contrator was working on the house and noticed sewage around the cleanout. He called RVSD to make sure it was not public. Our main line was flowing. Lower Lateral 4 Other (specify below) Contractor had a plumber come out and clear the blockage. 2 2SSO10172 Active 774073 419 Woodland Road 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 100 0 37.94908 -122.56451 419 Woodland San Anselmo 94960 Sewer came out the hillside and drained 15 feet down from a private lateral. Gravity sewer Came out the side of the hill past our mainline. Unpaved surface 13-DEC-11 AM 12/13/2011 06:50 12/13/2011 08:00 13-DEC-11 AM Pipe structural problem/failure The mainline is in good condition and the crawler looked up the lateral and saw that there was a collapse 2 -3 feet up from the main in the private lateral. Liquid was coming down the private lateral and could not enter the mainline and from what we can tell, found another path around and blew out the side of the hill 6 ft away. Lower Lateral 4 Cast 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Notified Homeowner at 406 Gerlock and he knew about the problem. A Plumber used a blowbag to open every year to open up which made it worse from what I can tell. Total seperation in private lateral. Homeowner is in contact with Marin County Environmental Health. 2 2SSO10172 Active 774284 95 West Hillside 50 No Yes No 0 0 37.97579 -122.55744 95 West Hillside San Anselmo 94960 Sewer coming out of a cleanout. Gravity sewer Separate storm drain 17-DEC-11 PM 12/17/2011 19:20 12/17/2011 20:30 17-DEC-11 PM Other (specify below) Private contractor was called to clear the line. Lower Lateral 4 vcp Other (specify below) Told homeowner not to flush and to get a plumber immediately 2 2SSO10172 Active 774781 39 Creekview Circle 975 Yes Yes No 0 975 37.94185 -122.53613 39 Creek View Circle Larkspur 94939 2 manhole overflowing in the street that went into the storm drain and then into the creek. Gravity sewer Separate storm drain;Surface water The final spill destination was the Corte Madera Creek. 26-DEC-11 PM 12/26/2011 13:23 12/26/2011 13:53 26-DEC-11 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Blockage due too large amounts of grease and rags. Main 8 SDR 35 20 Restored flow 2 2SSO10172 Active 774912 183 Tunstead Avenue 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.97357 -122.56453 183 Tunstead San Anselmo 94960 The spill came out of the 4 inch cleanout in the front yard. Other sewer system structure The spill came out of the 4 inch cleanout. Other paved surface The overflow came out onto the driveway. 28-DEC-11 AM 12/28/2011 09:30 12/28/2011 10:06 28-DEC-11 AM Debri-General Lower Lateral 4 Cast Iron 50 Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10172 Active 775969 428 Cascade Dr 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.97575 -122.60472 428 Cascade Fairfax 95930 Residents at 147 Pine St. lateral down using an easement on 228 Cascade Dr. Found 2 CO's. The upper one seams to have a blockage and a break. When Pine St. residents flush, the sewage appears out of a 6 french drain line next to the upper CO. There is a heavy trail of TP sewage for about 20' then residue for another 20' approximate. Hang tag left at Pine and notified MCEH via email. Gravity sewer Unpaved surface Further investigation must be completed by the homeowner. 17-JAN-12 AM 01/17/2012 16:30 01/17/2012 16:40 17-JAN-12 PM Other (specify below) Broken pipe and or roots should be the cause. Contractor will figure this out. Lower Lateral 4 VCP 50 Other (specify below) A private contractor has to investigate 2 2SSO10172 Active 776378 9 Humbolt Ave 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.98179 -122.57695 9 Humbolt San Anselmo 94960 Cleanout in front of the complex Other sewer system structure Sewer Cleanout Other paved surface 24-JAN-12 AM 01/24/2012 08:40 01/24/2012 09:10 24-JAN-12 AM Other (specify below) Unknown what was the blockage. Contractor was called out to clear the line. Upper Lateral 4 Other (specify below) Crews cleaned up material on the ground and the plumber will take care of the rest. 2 2SSO10172 Active 776566 20 Blue Ridge, Kentfield 280 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.94012 -122.55593 20 Blue Ridge Kentfield 94904 Other sewer system structure Sewer was draining out of a private pump station valve pit. The structure was still full so we could not see what was going on. The homeowner is taking care of the issue. Other paved surface The ground below the vault was saturated and wet for about 10 feet. 25-JAN-12 AM 01/27/2012 10:50 01/27/2012 11:15 27-JAN-12 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Other (specify below) There must be a loose fitting in the vault. Other (specify below) Homeowner was notified and he will take the responsibility. The District will investigate our forcemain which is our responsibility. 2 2SSO10172 Active 776736 20 Timothy Dr 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.99825 -122.58205 20 Timothy San Anselmo 94960 Other (specify) House Cleanout Unpaved surface 31-JAN-12 PM 01/31/2012 14:20 01/31/2012 14:30 31-JAN-12 PM Other (specify below) Plumber will find out what is occuring. We cleaned our Distrcit Main and found minor roots. Lower Lateral 50 Other (specify below) The cleanout burped and let some liquid out. 2 2SSO10172 Active 776884 274 Oak Ave Private Lateral 300 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.97089 -122.57128 274 Oak San Anselmo 94960 An exposed 4 inch cast iron line on a hillside had slipped out of the bell and was leaking from under the pipe. Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter 02-FEB-12 AM 02/02/2012 10:00 02/02/2012 10:30 02-FEB-12 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 4 CI 50 Other (specify below) This was a hard private system to locate and figure out who was on the actual lateral. The line is over a 1000 feet long and took crews awhile to dye test and figure out whose lateral it was. Homeowner was contacted and cleanout was repaired. 2 2SSO10172 Active 776885 300 Fawn Dr 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.00537 -122.57194 300 Fawn San Anselmo 94960 Other sewer system structure Cleanout Unpaved surface Soil around cleanout was moist 05-FEB-12 PM 02/05/2012 14:26 02/05/2012 15:30 05-FEB-12 PM Other (specify below) Plumber will figure it out. Homeowner was told not to use water till blockage was cleared. Lower Lateral 4 Other (specify below) Contractor was called by homeowner. 2 2SSO10172 Active 777592 219 Murray Ave 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.94123 -122.54732 219 Murray Kentfield 94904 Driveway cleanout up from the District main Other sewer system structure Cleanout Combined storm drain (combined CS only) 14-FEB-12 PM 02/14/2012 19:40 02/14/2012 21:05 14-FEB-12 PM Debri-General Lower Lateral 4 50 Other (specify below) Told the homeowner that he had to clear the blockage after District made sure that it was not part of our system. 2 2SSO10172 Active 777595 251 Fawn Drive 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.00363 -122.57269 251 Fawn San Anselmo 94960 Other sewer system structure Cleanout Unpaved surface 14-FEB-12 AM 02/14/2012 09:40 02/14/2012 09:50 14-FEB-12 AM Other (specify below) Plumber will have to clear the blockage. Lower Lateral 4 VCP Other (specify below) Made sure that the line was not the Districts 2 2SSO10172 Active 777783 46 Sandy Creek Ave, larkspur 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.9405 -122.53683 46 Sandy Creek Larkspur 94939 Spill came out of cleanout Other sewer system structure Cleanout Unpaved surface 17-FEB-12 AM 02/17/2012 12:00 02/17/2012 12:17 17-FEB-12 PM Other (specify below) Home owner was told to call a plumber to clear the blockage. Lower Lateral 4 30 Other (specify below) Told homeowner to please call a plumber. He went on about how he would not pay for this and it should be the homeowners association or HOA. District staff called the Health department to take care of this private matter. 2 2SSO10172 Active 779317 183 Madrone Ave 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.93133 -122.54247 183 Madrone Larkspur 94939 Cleanout Other sewer system structure Cleanout Other paved surface 29-MAR-12 PM 03/29/2012 18:58 03/29/2012 20:10 29-MAR-12 PM Other (specify below) Private matter so the contractor or plumber would know. The homeowner was told not to use the facilities till the blockage was cleared. Lower Lateral 4 VCP 50 Other (specify below) Told the homeowner to contact a plumber. 2 2SSO10172 Active 779561 4 Island Drive 400 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.97825 -122.55122 4 Island San Anselmo 94960 Sewage came out of a private cleanout for several days down a hillside. Other sewer system structure Cleanout Unpaved surface 31-MAR-12 AM 04/04/2012 09:25 04/04/2012 09:40 04-APR-12 AM Other (specify below) Told the homeowner to call a rooter service to clear the blockage and to not use water till the line was cleared Lower Lateral 4 VCP Other (specify below) Made sure that a rooter company was on the way. 2 2SSO10172 Active 779748 17 Upper Ardmore 300 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.92621 -122.53663 17 Ardmore Larkspur 94939 Sewer came out of a private cleanout on a hillside. Other sewer system structure Cleanout Unpaved surface 05-APR-12 AM 04/06/2012 11:24 04/06/2012 11:40 06-APR-12 PM Other (specify below) Unknown due to being a private matter. Lower Lateral The blockage was below the cleanout and the homeowner said that he would have it fixed or cleared right away. 4 vcp 60 Other (specify below) Told homeowner not to use water till the line was cleared by a rooter company. 2 2SSO10172 Active 780491 155 Pine St 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.97295 -122.5641 155 Pine 94960 Cleanout Gravity sewer Other paved surface 20-APR-12 PM 04/20/2012 16:30 04/20/2012 17:00 20-APR-12 PM Other (specify below) Private line. Homeowner called a plumber. Lower Lateral 4 VCP 60 Other (specify below) On Call rodded the mainline to be sure that it was not blocked in any way. 2 2SSO10172 Active 780492 27 Heather Way, Larkspur 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.9348 -122.52869 27 Heather Larkspur 94939 Cleanout Gravity sewer Other paved surface 20-APR-12 PM 04/20/2012 19:45 04/20/2012 19:58 20-APR-12 PM Other (specify below) Private Line. Homeowner was told to call a plumber and not to use water. Lower Lateral 4 VCP 60 Other (specify below) Told Homeowner to call a plumber 2 2SSO10172 Active 780494 25 Blacklog Road, Kentfield 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.94432 -122.55021 25 Blacklog Kentfield 94904 Other sewer system structure Cleanout Other paved surface Drit area around cleanout 10-APR-12 AM 04/10/2012 12:30 04/10/2012 13:00 10-APR-12 PM Other (specify below) Homeowner was told to call a plumber Lower Lateral 4 VCP 60 Other (specify below) Rodded our mainline to confirm that there was no blockage in the sewer main. Told homeowner to call a plumber. 2 2SSO10172 Active 780793 210 Hawthorne Ave 150 No Yes No 10 0 37.937 -122.53699 210 Hawthrone Larkspur 94939 Sewage came out of a cleanout due to pipe failure. Other (specify) Cleanout Separate storm drain Most of the sewage dissapated along the curb and gutter and dried up. A small portion got into the storm drain and was jetted and vacuumed up but there is no way to say all was gotten. 28-APR-12 PM 04/28/2012 17:10 04/28/2012 17:20 28-APR-12 PM Pipe structural problem/failure A sink hole developed due to a hole in the private lateral and the material caused a partial blockage in the main from the debris that came from a void. The District line was partially blocked and the private main was fully blocked. Lower Lateral 4 VCP 50 Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10172 Active 785386 81 Spring Lane, Fairfax 150 No Yes No 0 5 37.97672 -122.58794 81 Spring Fairfax 94930 Sewer was coming out of a newer patch of asphalt. Other (specify) Out of the asphalt. The sewer was minimally percholating out of the asphalt patch. Most of the sewer dried up and we figure that only a couple gallons went into the stormdrain over time and that most spread down the road. Separate storm drain Dirt in the DI that was barely saturated 13-AUG-12 PM 08/14/2012 13:00 08/14/2012 13:20 14-AUG-12 PM Pipe structural problem/failure The homeowner has been trying to repair the pipe failure from I see Lower Lateral 4 ABS 5 Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Other (specify below) The Health Department has been working with the homeowner as this has been an on going issue with getting repaired. The lower Homeowner has called the District a couple times 2 2SSO10172 Active 785651 240 Scenic Road 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.98863 -122.59864 240 Scenic Fairfax 94930 Next to a cleanout that was not properly attached. Other sewer system structure Fitting around an exposed 4 cleanout Other paved surface 27-AUG-12 AM 08/27/2012 10:30 08/27/2012 10:30 27-AUG-12 AM Other (specify below) Resident was told to get a plumber to clear the line and use a proper shear band. Other (specify below) Cleanout fitting was leaking 4 CI 40 Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) Let the resident know not to use water till the fitting was correctly installed. A Line Mainteance Crew was in the area and saw the cleanout had some debris 2 2SSO10172 Active 785652 500 Oak Crest Sleepy Hollow 300 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.99815 -122.56603 500 Oak Crest Sleepy Hollow 94960 Private lateral was leaking from the cleanout. Other sewer system structure 4 Cleanout Other paved surface 25-AUG-12 AM 08/27/2012 09:42 08/27/2012 10:25 27-AUG-12 AM Other (specify below) Homeowner was told to get a contractor or plumber out to clear the blockage. Lower Lateral 4 CI 50 Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) Let homeowner know to not use water and to clear the blockage. 2 2SSO10172 Active 785938 165 Crecent Rd 500 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.97345 -122.57025 165 Crecent San Anselmo 94960 Cleanout on the hillside Other sewer system structure Cleanout Unpaved surface 01-SEP-12 AM 09/04/2012 13:00 09/04/2012 13:35 04-SEP-12 PM Other (specify below) Unknown due to being a private lateral. Plumber must clear the blockage and investigate Lower Lateral 4 VCP 50 Other (specify below) Contractor must conduct work. Tenant was told to not use water. 2 2SSO10172 Active 786366 90 Red Hill, San Anselmo 200 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.97684 -122.5528 90 Red Hill San Anselmo 94960 Sewer came out of a 4 inch cast iron cleanout that was not capped. Other sewer system structure 4 in cleanout Other paved surface 15-SEP-12 PM 09/18/2012 16:00 09/18/2012 17:00 19-SEP-12 PM Other (specify below) Unknown as it was a private matter Lower Lateral 4 CI 50 Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) Locating the house that had the blockage took longer than usual as the lateral was over 500 feet long and there was several houses. We located a cleanout to dye test from by a large retaining wall to isolate it to 4 houses but some residents were not home. We used a shovel to put a fair dirt dam below the cleanout that was surcharged to contain it till the next morning. Crews located the house by dye testing the toilet and the homeowner was notified to call a plumber. 2 2SSO10172 Active 788145 300 Sequoia Drive, San Anselmo 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 37.98205 -122.5566 300 Sequoia San Anselmo 94960 Sewage came out of a 3 flex hose tied to the drain line at the homeowners house Other (specify) 3 Flex house for area drain and basement drain Other paved surface 08-NOV-12 AM 11/08/2012 08:58 11/08/2012 08:58 08-NOV-12 AM Other (specify below) Roy's Sewer service was called to break the blockage. Our Crew's were dealing with a public SSO that was occuring at the adjacent parcel at 506 Sequoia Drive Upper Lateral Sewage backed up into the homeowners basement and drained into an area drain in the basement and came out a 3 black flex hose and down the street. We took video with a Contour head camera. 4 50 Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Other (specify below) Our Crew cleaned and CCTV'd the mainline to make sure that it wasnt a failure on our part while dealing with the other spill next door. 2 2SSO10172 Active 788211 yard of home 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.930975 -122.531153 30 Loma Larkspur Yard Other (specify) cleanout Unpaved surface 16-NOV-12 AM 11/16/2012 00:00 11/16/2012 00:00 16-NOV-12 AM Root intrusion Upper Lateral Restored flow 2 2SSO10172 Active 788574 30 Cedar Avenue 150 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.9376 -122.53747 30 Cedar Larkspur The overflow came out of the 4 inch cleanout and ran down the hill. Other (specify) The spill appearance point was the 4 inch cleanout. Street/curb and gutter 26-NOV-12 PM 11/26/2012 13:40 11/26/2012 14:00 26-NOV-12 PM Other (specify below) The blockage is in the 4 inch lateral and the District didn't break the blockage. Upper Lateral 4 cast iron 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 2 2SSO10172 Active 792336 574 Doherty Dr., Larkspur, Ca 46002 Yes Yes No 0 46002 37.93788 -122.53397 574 Doherty Larkspur Clean out behind Avitar Burreto. Other (specify) Cleanout behind the store Separate storm drain;Surface water 01-FEB-13 AM 03/02/2013 12:30 03/02/2013 12:30 02-MAR-13 AM Other (specify below) Not know to Sanitary District 1 Upper Lateral Other (specify below) Sanitary District 1 was not responsible for the cleanup. This was a private spill. 2 2SSO10176 Active 650453 251 Georgia Ave. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.62044 -122.40759 251 Georgia San Bruno 94080 Grass area, front of residence Other sewer system structure Sewer lateral cleanout. Other paved surface Grass area. 12-MAY-07 PM 05/12/2007 12:32 05/12/2007 12:40 12-MAY-07 PM Debris 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) N/A 2 2SSO10176 Active 651285 216 Santa Maria Ave. 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 1 0 37.61286 -122.40112 216 Santa Maria San Bruno 94066 Grass area around cleanout. Other sewer system structure Lateral line cleanout. Other (specify below) Grass area around cleanout. 03-JUN-07 AM 06/03/2007 09:20 06/03/2007 09:35 03-JUN-07 AM Debris 6 Clay 60 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 2 2SSO10176 Active 705753 578 Cedar Ave. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 3 0 37.62112 -122.42303 578 Cedar San Bruno 94066 Private lateral. Other sewer system structure Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 18-OCT-07 PM 10/18/2007 22:10 10/18/2007 22:40 18-OCT-07 PM Grease deposition (FOG) 4 Clay 60 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10176 Active 707854 2010 Rollingwood Drive 40 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 40 0 37.63074 -122.43692 2010 Rollingwood San Bruno 94066 Spill from a private lateral on private property. Other sewer system structure Spill exited a cleanout and made it to a storm drain. Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 17-NOV-07 AM 11/17/2007 11:39 11/17/2007 12:00 17-NOV-07 PM Grease deposition (FOG) 4 Clay 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Spill was cleaned up by Vactor truck. 2 2SSO10176 Active 715583 240 San Benito 400 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 400 0 37.61565 -122.40281 240 San Benito San Bruno 94066 Gravity sewer Storm drain The entire discharge was vacuumed out of the storm drain. 29-MAR-08 AM 03/29/2008 08:10 03/29/2008 08:30 29-MAR-08 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10176 Active 720298 1241 Peachwood Circle 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.6271 -122.4202 1241 Peachwood San Bruno 94066 Spill exited private cleanout. Other sewer system structure Cleanout in driveway near house. Other (specify below) Spill dried on concrete driveway. 23-JUN-08 PM 06/23/2008 14:00 06/23/2008 14:00 23-JUN-08 PM Root intrusion Roots in private lateral blocked flow. Upper Lateral 4 Unk Other (specify below) Called homeowner and advised them to clear lateral line of roots. 2 2SSO10176 Active 729333 912 San Mateo Ave. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.6332 -122.41094 912 San Mateo Ave. San Bruno 94066 Private lateral located at side of house. Other sewer system structure Private cleanout. Other (specify below) Concrete next to house. 18-NOV-08 AM 11/18/2008 08:20 11/18/2008 08:30 18-NOV-08 AM Other (specify below) Unknown, City has no access to lateral. Upper Lateral Other (specify below) Contacted agant of owner and advised to repair problem. 2 2SSO10176 Active 730463 41 Atlantic Ave. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 20 0 37.63839 -122.41455 41 Atlantic Ave. San Bruno 94066 Private cleanout Other sewer system structure Private cleanout to residence. Other paved surface 11-DEC-08 PM 12/11/2008 14:13 12/11/2008 14:20 11-DEC-08 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Plumber opened lateral pipe and sewage exited the lateral line. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill City Vactor used to clean sidewalk and gutter. 2 2SSO10176 Active 733050 2300 Fleetwood Drive, San Bruno, CA 60 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 60 0 37.63103 122.44101 2300 Fleetwood Drive San Bruno 94066 Lateral at 2300 Fleetwood Drive Other (specify) Lateral at 2300 Fleetwood Drive Street/curb and gutter Vactor removed all sewage from curb and gutter 04-FEB-09 AM 02/04/2009 07:45 02/04/2009 08:00 04-FEB-09 AM Grease deposition (FOG) blockage in main line caused an overflow at a lateral. Blockage was caused by grease. Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 2 2SSO10176 Active 733899 41 Atlantic Ave. 100 No Yes Yes 100 0 37.63839 122.41455 41 Atlantic San Bruno 94066 private cleanout on lawn of property. Other sewer system structure Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 19-FEB-09 AM 02/19/2009 09:30 02/19/2009 09:45 19-FEB-09 AM Other (specify below) Unknown. Property owner must install proper cleanout for city to make repair or take jurisdictional responsibility. Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Used Vactor to clean area and storm drain system. Dirt around cleanout removed. Owner Contacted and advised to install new cleanout. Code Enforcement contacted. 2 2SSO10176 Active 737316 908 2nd Avenue, San Bruno, CA 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 15 0 37.63307 -122.41017 908 2nd San Bruno 94066 Cleanout from lateral at resident's property line Other sewer system structure Street/curb and gutter 09-MAY-09 PM 05/09/2009 17:20 05/09/2009 17:40 09-MAY-09 PM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) Vactor cleaned curb and gutter. Disinfected. 2 2SSO10176 Active 737318 796 San Bruno Avenue 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 20 0 37.62871 -122.41701 796 San Bruno San Bruno 94066 Other sewer system structure Street/curb and gutter 11-MAY-09 PM 05/11/2009 16:45 05/11/2009 16:45 11-MAY-09 PM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) Vactor was used to clean spill. 2 2SSO10176 Active 739658 462 Milton Avenue San Bruno CA 94066 35 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 35 0 37.62391 -122.40898 462 Milton San Bruno 94066 Cleanout from lateral Other sewer system structure Cleanout Street/curb and gutter 19-JUN-09 AM 06/19/2009 09:52 06/19/2009 09:59 19-JUN-09 AM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) Vactor used to clean area 2 2SSO10176 Active 740510 336 Elm Avenue San Bruno CA 94066 20 No Yes Yes 20 0 37.61953 -122.41296 336 Elm San Bruno 94066 Other sewer system structure Lateral cleanout Street/curb and gutter 01-JUL-09 AM 07/01/2009 09:00 07/01/2009 09:05 01-JUL-09 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) Vactored and washed area 2 2SSO10176 Active 740523 961 Huntington Avenue San Bruno CA 94066 55 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 55 0 37.63342 -122.41398 961 Huntington San Bruno 94066 Other sewer system structure Lateral cleanout Street/curb and gutter Vactored and washed area 01-JUL-09 AM 07/01/2009 09:54 07/01/2009 10:00 05-JUL-09 AM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) Vactored and washed area 2 2SSO10176 Active 740974 1125 Cherry Ave. 850 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.63071 -122.42731 1125 Cherry San Bruno 94066 manhole located in private apartment complex. Manhole Unpaved surface Spill flooded 8 units of apartment complex. 12-JUL-09 AM 07/12/2009 10:26 07/12/2009 10:56 12-JUL-09 AM Root intrusion Upper Lateral Within main/lateral pipe of complex. Other (specify below) Private owner contacted a restoration company. 2 2SSO10176 Active 741404 620 El Camino Real, San Bruno, CA 94066 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 50 0 37.61723 -122.41612 620 El Camino Real San Bruno Other sewer system structure Lateral cleanout Street/curb and gutter 16-JUL-09 PM 07/16/2009 20:30 07/16/2009 20:50 16-JUL-09 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) Vactored and washed down 2 2SSO10176 Active 741414 1020 Rollingwood Drive, San Bruno, CA 94066 45 No Yes No 25 20 37.6299 -122.44296 1020 Rollingwood San Bruno 94066 Other sewer system structure Lateral cleanout Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 18-JUL-09 AM 07/18/2009 10:15 07/18/2009 10:35 18-JUL-09 AM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10176 Active 741916 563 Acacia Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066 26 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 26 0 37.62362 -122.41758 563 Acacia San Bruno 94066 Other sewer system structure Backyard lateral cleanout Unpaved surface backyard grass 27-JUL-09 AM 07/27/2009 09:17 07/27/2009 09:25 27-JUL-09 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Sewage was washed back into lateral opening. 2 2SSO10176 Active 744343 1013 Herman Ave. 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.63481 -122.41349 1013 Herman San Bruno 94066 Residential private cleanout outside of required setback. Other sewer system structure Cleanout. Other (specify below) Concrete patio. 08-SEP-09 AM 09/08/2009 07:30 09/08/2009 07:42 08-SEP-09 AM Debri-General Backup caused by unknown problem in private upper lateral. Upper Lateral Other (specify below) Division will contact Code Dept. for repair advisement. 2 2SSO10176 Active 744550 1013 Herman Ave. 180 No Yes Yes 180 0 37.63481 -122.41349 1013 Herman Ave. San Bruno 94066 Private property cleanout/exit pipe to residence. Other sewer system structure Sewer pipe out of wall. Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 10-SEP-09 PM 09/10/2009 12:30 09/10/2009 12:30 10-SEP-09 PM Other (specify below) Sewage from residence was exiting a pipe and flowing onto a patio area. Other (specify below) No sewage connection to an underground pipe. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Used Vactor to capture and clean all spilled sewage. Contacted County Health Dept. to shut off water to stop the SSO. Residence deemed as a health hazard. 2 2SSO10176 Active 745711 1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066 43 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 33 10 37.61648 -122.41565 1380 Crystal Springs San Bruno 94066 Other sewer system structure Lateral cleanout Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter;Surface water;Unpaved surface Sewage emitted from a cleanout, flowed across an unpaved surface, curb and gutter and hard surface to Crystal Springs Channel. The Channel then discharges to an open field where the water percolates and evaporates 17-OCT-09 PM 10/17/2009 13:52 10/17/2009 14:30 17-OCT-09 PM Debri-General Note: system did not allow me to log on, on 10/17/2009. Tried many times. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Vactored up impacted areas around spill and disinfected. 2 2SSO10176 Active 746367 1230 El Camino Real 20 No Yes Yes 20 0 37.63882 -122.42178 Parking lot grease trap. Other sewer system structure Other paved surface;Storm drain 28-OCT-09 PM 10/28/2009 16:40 10/28/2009 16:50 28-OCT-09 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Grease trap overflowed. Upper Lateral Parking lot. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Private contractor responded, cleaned grease trap and storm drain basin. 2 2SSO10176 Active 746450 1001 West San Bruno Ave. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 10 0 37.62735 -122.41993 1001 West San Bruno Ave. San Bruno 94066 Cleanout next to building. Other sewer system structure Private cleanout. Other paved surface Driveway. 02-NOV-09 PM 11/02/2009 14:30 11/02/2009 14:40 02-NOV-09 PM Debri-Rags Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Cleaned area with Vactor. Advised renters to call a plumber and to not use water until cleared. 2 2SSO10176 Active 746579 1088 Montgomery Ave. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.63683 -122.41213 1088 Montgomery San Bruno 94066 Exterior sewage pipe of building to open backyard area. Building or structure Unpaved surface 05-NOV-09 AM 11/05/2009 08:15 11/05/2009 08:25 05-NOV-09 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Building sewer pipe is not connected to underground pipe. Upper Lateral Other (specify below) Water service meter was removed to stop any further discharge. 2 2SSO10176 Active 746994 Lucky's Supermarket, Towne Center, 1322 El Camino Real, San Bruno, CA. 5 No Yes Yes 5 0 37.639966 -122.422 1322 El Camino Real San Bruno 94066 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface;Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 23-NOV-09 AM 11/23/2009 11:15 11/23/2009 11:30 23-NOV-09 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10176 Active 747279 1290 Montgomery Ave. San Bruno 83000 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 83000 0 37.64073 -122.41243 1290 Montgomery SanBruno 94066 Disconnected sewer lateral in front of 1255 Montgomery was leaking sewage into a underground AT&T vault conduit system. Other sewer system structure Underground private lateral. Other (specify below) Sewage leaked into AT&T pipe conduit through openings in the failed conduit joints. 30-SEP-09 PM 09/30/2009 12:00 09/30/2009 12:00 11-NOV-09 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Failure to sewer lateral caused sewage to travel to a failed AT&T conduit. Sewage along with ground water entered vault system. Lower Lateral 4 Clay 50 Other (specify below) City completed an emergency repair of the entire sewer main, manholes, and laterals in an effort to locate and stop the spill. A direct/indirect connection was found and repaired. 2 2SSO10176 Active 747322 890 El Camino Real 125 No Yes Yes 125 0 37.63051 -122.41714 890 El Camino Real San Bruno 94066 Other sewer system structure Lateral cleanout Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 05-DEC-09 AM 12/05/2009 07:40 12/05/2009 08:00 05-DEC-09 AM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10176 Active 747774 529 Chestnut Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066 6 No Yes Yes 0 0 37.62082 -122.42038 Other (specify) Private lateral Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 22-DEC-09 AM 12/22/2009 10:15 12/22/2009 10:25 22-DEC-09 AM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10176 Active 749090 196 Linden Ave. 100 No Yes Yes 100 0 37.61735 -122.40911 196 Linden Ave. San Bruno 94066 Private cleanout under building. Other sewer system structure Cleanout under building. Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 02-FEB-10 PM 02/02/2010 17:10 02/02/2010 17:30 02-FEB-10 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Used Vactor to recover sewage for property owner. 2 2SSO10176 Active 750829 851 Cherry Ave. 64 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 64 0 37.62576 -122.42604 851 Cherry SanBruno 94066 Manhole in private property shopping center. Manhole Other paved surface 21-MAR-10 AM 03/21/2010 09:26 03/21/2010 10:00 21-MAR-10 AM Other (specify below) Unknown. Other (specify below) Private lateral or main. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill City Crews entered private property to recover sewage before it could reach a storm drain. 2 2SSO10176 Active 758109 2395 Trenton Drive 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.62181 -122.43085 Trento Drive San Bruno 94066 private cleanout at rear of residence in easement area. Other (specify) Cleanout at rear of residence. Unpaved surface 22-OCT-10 PM 10/22/2010 14:00 10/22/2010 14:00 22-OCT-10 PM Root intrusion City crew was working in area and and the cleanout overflowed. Crew then stopped the residents from using more water. Lower Lateral lateral line at main. 4 Restored flow 2 2SSO10176 Active 762902 2010 Rollingwood Drive (Shari's restaurant) 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 37.63072 -122.4368 Rollingwood San Bruno 94066 Private cleanout. Other sewer system structure Private cleanout. Street/curb and gutter 13-FEB-11 AM 02/13/2011 10:00 02/13/2011 10:25 13-FEB-11 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Used Vactor to capture all spilled sewage. 2 2SSO10176 Active 765973 325 Hazel Ave. 20 No Yes Yes 20 0 37.61759 -122.4151 325 Hazel San Bruno 94066 Broken private lateral spilled sewage to sidewalk. Gravity sewer Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 28-APR-11 AM 04/28/2011 10:00 04/28/2011 10:00 28-APR-11 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Public Works completed a dye test and found that the private lateral of the residence was leaking. Owners were issued a notice to stop using water and repair immediatly. Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10176 Active 768226 196 Linden Ave. 35 No Yes Yes 35 0 37.61734 -122.4091 Linden San Bruno 94066 Garage of apartment building. Other sewer system structure Cleanout under building. Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 07-JUL-11 AM 07/07/2011 10:40 07/07/2011 10:45 07-JUL-11 AM Debri-Rags Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Used Vactor to clean sidewalk, gutter , and storm drain for public safety. 2 2SSO10176 Active 774033 200 Cypress Avenue 14 No Yes Yes 14 0 37.61593 -122.41219 200 Cypress San Bruno 94066 Other sewer system structure Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 09-DEC-11 AM 12/09/2011 07:56 12/09/2011 08:04 09-DEC-11 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Main Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Used Vactor to contain and capture all spilled sewage. 2 2SSO10176 Active 781952 823 Hensley Ave. 102 No Yes Yes 102 0 37.62965 -122.41626 San Bruno 94066 Cleanout to apartment building. Other (specify) Cleanout. Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 04-JUN-12 PM 06/04/2012 16:51 06/04/2012 17:21 04-JUN-12 PM Debri-Rags Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Used vactor to recover all sewage from private lateral spill. 2 2SSO10176 Active 785394 823 Hensley Ave. 31 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 31 0 37.62965 -122.41626 San Bruno 94066 Private cleanout to apartment building. Other (specify) Private cleanout. Street/curb and gutter 20-AUG-12 PM 08/20/2012 19:09 08/20/2012 19:39 20-AUG-12 PM Debri-General Upper Lateral Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system The City has no jurisdictional responsibility of the upper lateral at this location. However, City crews removed the blockage in an effort to stop the SSO. The City will be moving to enforcement actions against the property owner due to this being the second incident. 2 2SSO10176 Active 787111 58 Linden Ave. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.61413 -122.40617 San Bruno 94066 2 cleanout on side of apartment building. Other sewer system structure Cleanout to building. Unpaved surface Dirt in planting strip. 10-OCT-12 PM 10/10/2012 13:44 10/10/2012 13:50 10-OCT-12 PM Other (specify below) Unknown. Problem is inside house. Upper Lateral Other (specify below) City has left a message with the property owner to immediatly respond and clear the blockage. If no response, the City will shut off water use to the building to stop the Private Property SSO and health hazard. 2 2SSO10176 Active 787113 3280 Crestmoor Drive. 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 37.61116 -122.43375 San Bruno 94066 Manhole Plumbers who were working on a upper sewer lateral, pushed a root ball from that same lateral into the sewer main which caused a blockage in the main. Street/curb and gutter 05-OCT-12 AM 10/05/2012 10:30 10/05/2012 10:35 05-OCT-12 AM Other (specify below) Contractor caused root mass to become blocked in City main. Main Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill The City deems this incident the cause of a contractor, which originated in he upper lateral of the residence. Therefore it has classified this event as a private lateral SSO. The blockage did happen in the main, but was due to the contractors actions. The contractors admitted to pushing the root mass towards the City main. 2 2SSO10176 Active 788566 130 Cambridge Lane, John Muir School 5 No Yes Yes 5 0 37.61317 -122.4352 Crestmoor Drive 94066 Other (specify) Cleanout to school. Other paved surface;Separate storm drain 21-NOV-12 PM 11/21/2012 13:40 11/21/2012 13:45 21-NOV-12 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Private lateral spill. City used its own resources to capture all spilled sewage. 2 2SSO10176 Active 789019 149 Santa Helena Ave. 10 No Yes Yes 10 0 37.61216 -122.40167 San Bruno 94066 Private cleanout to apartment building. Other sewer system structure Cleanout. Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 11-DEC-12 PM 12/11/2012 19:04 12/11/2012 19:15 11-DEC-12 PM Root intrusion Upper Lateral Crew could not get cleanout cap off to assess if City had jurisdictional responsibility. Plumber was called by property. Cap was removed and blockage was the property owners responsibility. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Used Vactor to capture all spilled sewage. Area cleaned. 2 2SSO10176 Active 789642 287 El Camino Real 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 37.61971 -122.41052 San Bruno Cleanout to buisness. Other (specify) Cleanout to resturant. Street/curb and gutter 26-DEC-12 PM 12/26/2012 16:29 12/26/2012 16:35 26-DEC-12 PM Other (specify below) The the buisness staff cleaned their grease trap, and flushed all grease and cleaning supplies down the toilet. This act caused a blockage in the City's lower lateral. The City considers this act an error, and is therefore recording this event as a private lateral spill. Other (specify below) Lower lateral, caused by an act that the lower lateral was not designed for. 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Used Vactor to clean and capture all spilled sewage. Also advised ownersof F.O.G rules. 2 2SSO10176 Active 789643 409 Linden Ave. 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 37.62121 -122.41248 San Bruno 94066 Other (specify) Cleanout to residence. Street/curb and gutter 27-DEC-12 PM 12/27/2012 12:26 12/27/2012 12:35 27-DEC-12 PM Debri-Rags Upper Lateral 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10176 Active 790982 501 El Camino Real 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 37.62307 -122.41309 Cleanout to buisness. Other sewer system structure Non- specified City Cleanout. Street/curb and gutter 30-JAN-13 AM 01/30/2013 10:45 01/30/2013 10:55 30-JAN-13 AM Debri-General Operators were attempting to assess the jurisdictional responsibility of the lower lateral when 5 gallons escaped the blocked private lateral. Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Vactor was used to capture and clean all spilled sewage. 2 2SSO10176 Active 792264 400 East San Bruno Ave. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 37.6308 -122.40935 Gravity sewer Private cleanout outside of City setback responsibility. Street/curb and gutter 21-FEB-13 PM 02/21/2013 12:30 02/21/2013 12:35 21-FEB-13 PM Debri-Rags Upper Lateral 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill City used vactor to capture all spilled sewage. 2 2SSO10176 Active 794507 253 Santa Lucia Ave. 7 No Yes Yes 7 0 37.61662 -122.40339 San Bruno 94066 Cleanout. Other (specify) Cleanout not within City setback. Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 23-MAY-13 AM 05/23/2013 08:37 05/23/2013 08:41 23-MAY-13 AM Vandalism Cleanout has no top. Broom stick and broken concrete was found in the lateral. Upper Lateral 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill Vactor used to clean and capture all spilled sewage. 2 2SSO10176 Active 795516 1099 Sneath Lane 750 No Yes Yes 0 0 37.63484 -122.42549 Sneath Lane San Bruno 94066 Manhole on private sewer system. Manhole Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 12-JUN-13 AM 06/12/2013 09:30 06/12/2013 09:30 12-JUN-13 PM Root intrusion Crew members noticed the overflow while driving. Then advised property owner to take action to clear blockage. Other (specify below) Private sewer system to business facility. Other (specify below) City used vactor to capture all spilled sewage for the private property. Property owner called a contractor to repair the blockage in their main system. 2 2SSO10176 Active 795824 1086 Montgomery Ave. 900 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 900 0 37.63678 -122.41236 San Bruno 94080 Unknown. A blockage in a City main is believed to have exited a possible broken private lateral. No sewage exited a City utility. Sewage then traveled underground to an AT&T utility conduit vault. Other (specify) A possible broken private lateral. Other (specify below) sewage traveled underground to an AT&T utility conduit vault. 19-JUN-13 PM 06/19/2013 13:00 06/19/2013 13:10 19-JUN-13 PM Vandalism Unknown persons introduced large shop towels to the sewer main system for which the collection system was not designed to deliver. Other (specify below) The City main was blocked by vandalism. However, it is believed that the sewage then exited broken private laterals, and entered nearby AT&T utility vaults. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill The City assisted AT&T in pumping out there affected vaults to the City sewer system. Any sewage that reached the AT&T vault /conduit system was returned to the sewer collection system. 2 2SSO10176 Active 797134 171 Darby Place 5 Yes Yes No 0 1 37.60579 -122.42929 San Bruno 94066 Cleanout to a 2 unit apartment building. Other (specify) Cleanout in driveway. Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 15-JUL-13 PM 07/15/2013 18:05 07/15/2013 18:25 16-JUL-13 PM Other (specify below) Unknown. Crew could not gain access to private lateral. Upper Lateral Other (specify below) City advised manager to call a plumber. A plumber was called on 7-15-13 and said that cleanout was to another building. Plumber did not clear blockage. City checked next day and found lateral still discharging. City removed water meter to stop flow. Property owner was then contacted and called a plumber for the correct cleanout on 7-16-13. 2 2SSO10176 Active 799117 2001 Whitman Way 100 No Yes Yes 100 0 2001 Whitman Way San Bruno 94066 Private cleanout. Lower Lateral (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 21-SEP-13 PM 09/21/2013 15:30 09/21/2013 15:40 21-SEP-13 PM Other (specify below) Unknown. Blockage in private lateral. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill City used Vactor to recover all spilled sewage and cleaned storm drain system. 2 2SSO10176 Active 799119 409 Poplar Ave. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 409 Poplar Ave. San Bruno 94066 Lower Lateral (Private) Cleanout opening. Street/Curb and Gutter 24-SEP-13 PM 09/24/2013 12:21 09/24/2013 12:30 24-SEP-13 PM Root Intrusion Used Vactor to recover all spilled sewage and cleaning of area. Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System Used Vactor to recover all spilled sewage and in cleaning of area. 2 2SSO10176 Active 799123 755 5th ave. 50 No Yes No 20 30 755 5th ave. San Bruno 94066 Cleanout. Lower Lateral (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter First report was created as a Cat. 1 in the CIWQS system. Manager then realized new PLSD reporting system. Tech advice was to create new PLSD. Tech erased original report # 798877 in the system. 18-SEP-13 AM 09/18/2013 08:30 09/18/2013 08:35 18-SEP-13 AM Debris-General High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill Used vactor to recover all accessible spilled sewage. 30 gallons of sewage made it's way to a inaccessible storm drain system. 2 2SSO10176 Active 801821 1018 South San Anselmo Ave. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 37.61249 -122.40152 Cleanout. Lower Lateral (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 16-DEC-13 AM 12/16/2013 11:50 12/16/2013 11:50 16-DEC-13 PM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill Used Vactor to capture and clean all spilled sewage. 2 2SSO10176 Active 802945 840 4th Ave. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 840 4th Ave San Bruno 94066 Cleanout to house. Lateral Clean Out (Private) 16-JAN-14 AM 01/16/2014 08:48 01/16/2014 08:55 16-JAN-14 AM Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill Used Vactor to clean and capture all spilled sewage. 2 2SSO10176 Active 803076 851 Cherry Ave. 200 No Yes No 100 100 851 Cherry Ave. San Bruno 94066 Private sewer main in shopping center parking lot became blocked by debris. Manhole Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 21-JAN-14 PM 01/21/2014 13:00 01/21/2014 13:00 21-JAN-14 PM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Other (specify below) Private sub main system. Contained all or portion of spill City entered private property in an effort to help stop and minimize the spill. Property owners called a plumber to remove the blockage. 2 2SSO10176 Active 805902 2850 Sneath Lane 30 No Yes Yes 30 0 37.62516 -122.44678 San Bruno 94066 Cleanout to apartment building. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 30-APR-14 AM 04/30/2014 09:10 04/30/2014 09:15 30-APR-14 AM Debris-General High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill Used vactor to capture all spilled sewage and cleaned storm drains. 2 2SSO10176 Active 806201 2001 Whitman Ave. 50 No Yes Yes 50 0 37.61701 -122.42577 San Bruno 94066 Cleanout to apartment complex. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Crew noticed spill while driving on the street. Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 16-MAY-14 AM 05/16/2014 08:10 05/16/2014 08:10 16-MAY-14 AM Root Intrusion High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill Used Vactor truck to clean and capture all spilled sewage. Storm drain lines were also cleaned. 2 2SSO10176 Active 807890 18 Linden ave. 5 No Yes Yes 5 0 37.61303 -122.40629 San Bruno 94066 Cleanout on side of apartment building. Other sewer system structure Cleanout on side of apartment building. Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 21-JUL-14 AM 07/21/2014 10:00 07/21/2014 10:05 21-JUL-14 AM Debris-Rags Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Other (specify below) Cleanout pipe on side of building. Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill Vactor used to clean up spill from private system. 2 2SSO10176 Active 809968 755 7th Ave 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 37.63043 -122.40574 San Bruno 94066 Drain grate in center of property. Inside Building or Structure Street/Curb and Gutter 14-OCT-14 AM 10/14/2014 10:45 10/14/2014 10:45 14-OCT-14 AM Other (specify below) Unknown. Inside property. Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill City used Vactor truck to capture and clean all spilled sewage. 2 2SSO10176 Active 814507 483 East San Bruno Ave. 5 No Yes Yes 5 0 37.631 -122.40877 San Bruno 94066 Upper Lateral (Private) 25-MAR-15 AM 03/25/2015 08:30 03/25/2015 08:35 25-MAR-15 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill 2 2SSO10177 Active 754001 308 Torino Dr 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 37.4936 -122.2755 308 Torino San Carlos 94070 Private upper lateral cleanout Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 17-JUN-10 PM 06/17/2010 14:40 06/17/2010 14:50 17-JUN-10 PM Debri-General Other (specify below) Property owners upper lateral. Changed 12-6-10 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system After clearing private lateral of paper obstruction, used Hydro-vac vehicle to recover total sso of 10 gallons located on unpaved surface on private property and returned to SSMN. 2 2SSO10177 Active 758503 626 Walnut Street, San Carlos, Ca. 94070 240 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 240 0 37.5054 -122.2616 626 Walnut San Carlos 94070 Private lateral cleanout on sidewalk at 626 Walnut and contained onto curb gutter. Gravity sewer Private property lateral cleanout on sidewalk at 626 Walnut Street, San Carlos Street/curb and gutter 10-NOV-10 AM 11/10/2010 11:35 11/10/2010 11:40 10-NOV-10 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Grease/paper debris blockage in private lateral Other (specify below) Changed 12-6-10 Property Owners upper lateral. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system DPW on site with Hydro-vac truck to contain spill until private property owner cleared blockage. Recovered all total sso of 240 gallons and returned to SSMN. 2 2SSO10177 Active 770887 161 Elm St 40 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 40 0 37.5106 -122.2671 Elm San Carlos 94070 Private upper cleanout on driveway Gravity sewer Upper lateral cleanout Street/curb and gutter Total 40 gallons sso contained and recovered in gutter before reaching storm drain and returned to SSMN. 08-SEP-11 AM 09/08/2011 10:00 09/08/2011 10:10 08-SEP-11 AM Other (specify below) Unknown cause of backup to private upper lateral. Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10177 Active 785295 Piacere Restaurant 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 37.5045 -122.2587 727 Laurel San Carlos 94070 In Street of Cowgill Alley to rear of building Building or structure Street/curb and gutter 13-AUG-12 AM 08/13/2012 09:00 08/13/2012 09:05 13-AUG-12 AM Other (specify below) Owner's private plumber ordered to STOP pumping waste from grease interceptor into Alley. Upper Lateral Grease interceptor Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system On 8/13/12; Use Hydro-vac to recover 2 gallons sso from 727 laurel (Cowgill Alley) in gutter prior to entering storm drain on ECR. Spill originated from Owner's plumber cleaning grease interceptor. 2 2SSO10179 Active 778429 7094 Almaden Road 50 No Yes Yes 50 0 37.205736 -121.842475 7094 Almaden San Jose 95120 Manhole Separate storm drain 04-FEB-12 PM 02/04/2012 18:06 02/04/2012 18:50 04-FEB-12 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Main 6 VCP Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10179 Active 803988 3228 Kimber Ct 2345 No Yes No 2295 0 37.265053 -121.921453 Per Dispatch RP called the City, thta the sewer lateral in condo was plugged, When arrived city main was clear, located condo main backing up. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain MH overflowing directly into storm drain from private pipe 14-FEB-14 AM 02/14/2014 12:35 02/14/2014 13:12 14-FEB-14 PM Other (specify below) could not determined because cc tv is not done on private mains. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Gravity Mainline Private main Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Called CAL OES at 15:26PM and control no is 14-0919 2 2SSO10179 Active 804348 Silver Creek Valley Rd and Country club Pkwy 2210 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 100 650 37.278908 -121.775642 A lot of sewage was contained in the private landscape. Manhole Manhole overflowing down landscape, down curb and guter in to catch basin Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 02-MAR-14 AM 03/02/2014 09:54 03/02/2014 10:22 02-MAR-14 AM Debris-Rags High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Gravity Mainline Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Cal OES notified at 11:46 am control no# 14-1282 2 2SSO10179 Active 849861 189 S 11th St San Jose CA 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 37.33802 -121.87794 Inside Building or Structure Building or Structure 20-JUL-18 AM 07/20/2018 09:45 07/20/2018 10:07 20-JUL-18 AM Operator Error Lower Lateral (Private) 2 2SSO10181 Active 815229 1200 Business Center Drive 450 No Yes Yes 0 0 37.714778 -122.191556 1200 Business Center Drive San Leandro 80537 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 06-APR-15 PM 04/06/2015 14:00 04/06/2015 14:30 06-APR-15 PM Debris-General Industrial Property Lower Lateral (Private) Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10183 Active 752487 2078 Shoreview Ave 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.56866 -122.327281 2078 Shoreview San Mateo 94401 Building or structure Building or structure 17-MAY-10 AM 05/17/2010 10:44 05/17/2010 10:45 17-MAY-10 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Main Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 2 2SSO10183 Active 755376 1810 Helene Ct 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 20 0 37.572086 -122.302586 1810 Helene San Mateo 94401 spill came up from back yard clean out, did not reach state waters Other sewer system structure Backyard cleanout Unpaved surface 21-JUL-10 PM 07/21/2010 20:58 07/21/2010 21:10 21-JUL-10 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Main 6 clay 60 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10184 Active 876620 990 Andersen Dr. 27 Yes Yes No 0 27 37.9558399804 -122.505359365 990 Andersen Dr San Rafael 94901 The spill came out of the private clean out in the driveway of the above address. Lateral Clean Out (Private) It came out of the private cleanout and spilled down the driveway and into the gutter pan where it continued down the gutter for 181 feet where it entered a catch basin and then into a storm drain pipe. Drainage Channel The final destination was the storm drain pipe. Not sure how far it went down the pipe. 20-SEP-21 AM 09/20/2021 10:55 09/20/2021 11:09 20-SEP-21 PM Root Intrusion Roots in the lateral line Industrial Property This in a self storage unit facility. Lower Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified We notified the property manager who was going to get a plumber out to take care of the problem. We also notified Dept. of Public Works. We used the estimation worksheet Area/Volume ponded sewage to get our spill volume and talked to the manager who gave us the timeline of when the spill started and when the spill ended. 2 2SSO10184 Active 876634 647 Irwin St 280 Yes Yes No 0 280 37.9678554036 -122.521777165 647 Irwin St San Rafael 94901 The spill came out of a private clean out in the sidewalk by Starbucks Coffee shop Lateral Clean Out (Private) The spill overflowed out of the cleanout on the sidewalk and then into the gutter pan and then flowed into a catch basin. Other (specify below) The final destination would be the storm drain system which goes to a storm drain pump station which pump out to the San Rafael canal. 14-SEP-21 AM 09/14/2021 16:37 09/14/2021 17:02 16-SEP-21 AM Other (specify below) Its unknow what the cause was but with the amount of paper that was on the sidewalk we are assuming rags. Food Service Establishment (FSE) The lateral coming from from Starbucks Coffee shop Lower Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Roto Rooter responded to the call for San Rafael Sanitation on 9-14-21 that sewage was coming out of a cleanout at 647 Irwin St and determined that it was private lateral problem coming from Starbucks. Roto Rooter informed Starbucks that they had a problem and that it needed to be fixed right away. On 9-15-21 the problem was not fixed and SRSD went to Starbucks and other business in the building complex to try to get a contact name and phone number to notify the maintenance crew or property manger of the building complex of the problem. None of the employees had any information on how to get in contact with anyone who could help us get the problem fixed. We notified Dept. of Public Works they called County Health Dept. to notify them as well of the problem. On 9-16-21 SRSD went to Starbucks and the the cleanout was not overflowing and the area was cleaned. Also noticed the Starbucks was not open and there was a sign saying there were closed to due to plumbing problems. 2 2SSO10184 Active 876884 111 Reservoir Rd 523 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.969477584 -122.538735436 111 Reservoir Rd San Rafael 94901 The spill is up the driveway and in the front yard of the house in a dirt area. Upper Lateral (Private) The spill is in a dirt area where there is a hole where they started the repair and haven't done anything else. Unpaved surface 27-SEP-21 PM 09/27/2021 15:30 09/27/2021 16:00 Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Single Family Home We think its a single family home but not sure if another home is connected to the lateral line. Upper Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified We have left 3 notices to repair the pipe and no response. We have contacted Marin County Environmental Health Services and the Marin County Storm pollution Prevention Program to help with getting the lateral pipe repaired but they haven't had any cooperation from the residents. 2 2SSO10184 Active 877365 105 Bay Way 4 No Yes No 0 4 37.97247217 -122.492625802 105 Bay Way San Rafael 94901 Spill came out of a private cleanout in the driveway of 105 Bay Way Lateral Clean Out (Private) The spill came out of the cleanout and flowed down the driveway where it entered a catch basin and storm drainpipe. Separate Storm Drain The final spill destination was the storm drainpipe where it stopped flowing due to no more water was coming out of the cleanout (homeowner stopped using water ) 29-OCT-21 AM 10/29/2021 10:49 10/29/2021 10:57 29-OCT-21 PM Other (specify below) wipes and rags Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified We ran our sewer line to insure the problem was not in our system and our line was clear The homeowner had a plumber come out and cleared his lateral line. Homeowner call us to notify us of the the time the line was cleared. 2 2SSO10184 Active 878144 410 Mission Ave 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.9730821726 -122.517489209 410 Mission Ave San Rafael 94901 The spill came out of the cleanout which is inside of a Christy box on the sidewalk. Lower Lateral (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter It spilled onto the sidewalk and drained into the curb and gutter where it settled and stopped. 09-DEC-21 PM 12/09/2021 18:20 12/09/2021 18:51 10-DEC-21 AM Other (specify below) Unknown Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Roto Rooter and Kris Ozaki responded to the call and dye tested the and determined in to be a private lateral issue. We checked and cleaned our sewer pipe and found no problems with them. We couldn't get a more accurate time from the residents. So where are using the start time as when it was called in and the end time when we arrived on 12-10-21 to check if the lateral line was still leaking and it was not. Property Owner Notified We used the estimation worksheet Area and Volume :ponded sewage to get our volume of the spill. 2 2SSO10184 Active 878254 914 Mission Ave 80 Yes Yes No 2 0 37.9747477606 -122.525628037 914 Mission Ave San Rafael 94901 The spill came out of a private cleanout which was in a Christy box on the sidewalk in-between 914 /900 Mission Ave. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter The finale destination would be the storm drain pipe. There was rainwater runoff coming from upstream where the spill and going into the same catch basin where the spill entered the storm drain system. 20-DEC-21 AM 12/20/2021 11:44 12/20/2021 12:01 20-DEC-21 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Spill cause by was determined by talking with the property owner. He stated that they had some work done on the lateral line but there still might be more to fix. Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) This lateral line come from 211 Laurel Place which is the street above the spill location. We dye tested from a cleanout at 211 Laurel Pl to determine who lateral line it was. We notified the property owner and he was going to get a plumber out to take care of the problem. Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified We washed down and disinfected the sidewalk and gutter pan and the catch basin where the spill went into. We recovered all all cleanup water and 2 gallons of the spill that was in the gutter and sidewalk area. 2 2SSO10184 Active 878716 19 Sonoma 2240 Yes Yes No 0 2240 37.9657227951 -122.50143276 19 Sonoma San Rafael 94901 This property has 4 apartments with 4 different owners but is maintained by Grapevine Property Management. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Surface Water After water left private cleanout it crossed the sidewalk and entered the gutter. Rain had been falling off and on throughout the week. Runoff from the rain washed the sewage in the gutter to the Kerner Storm Water Pump Station. It is then pumped to San Rafael Canal near Pickleweed Park 03-JAN-22 AM 01/03/2022 09:17 01/03/2022 09:32 07-JAN-22 PM Other (specify below) Unknown. This is a private lateral and is continuing to overflow. The property management company has been working with a plumber to get it cleared. A permit has been issued for an emergency excavation to see what is going on with their lateral. Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below);Property Owner Notified Notified City of San Rafael Department of Public Works and Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program 2 2SSO10184 Active 879017 6 Lindenwood Dr. 3080 Yes Yes No 0 3080 37.9885684097 -122.488849923 6 Lindenwood San Rafael 94901 The clean out is below 6 Lindenwood Dr. on on Rollingwood Dr. in the sidewalk. Lateral Clean Out (Private) The spill flowed out of the clean out onto the sidewalk and then continued into the gutter pan and then into a catch basin. Drainage Channel The final destination would be the a drainage ditch that runs along Knight Dr. which goes into the Bay. 20-JAN-22 PM 01/21/2022 11:44 01/21/2022 11:55 24-JAN-22 AM Debris-Rags Rags and grease Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill We washed down the spill material and notified the renter who notified the homeowner to take care of the stoppage. We also notified San Rafael Public Works and they placed sandbags around the catch basin. 2 2SSO10184 Active 879131 36 Main Dr. 140 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.979483723 -122.476845026 36 Main Dr. San Rafael 94903 spill debris was seen around the private cleanout in front of the residence Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 27-JAN-22 AM 01/28/2022 09:00 01/28/2022 09:00 28-JAN-22 AM Other (specify below) This is a private SSO. We do not know the cause of the blockage. Our crews were working in the area and stopped by a neighbor who reported this SSO. They said it had been going for approximately 24 hours Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified This is a rental and we notified the tenant. That person notified Prandi Property Management. I spoke with them this afternoon and they are sending a technician out to address the issue. 2 2SSO10184 Active 881252 199 Southern Heights 1960 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.9637915052 -122.530063405 45 Oak Ave. San Rafael 94901 The lateral for 199 Southern Heights travels down a private easement to the District main on Oak Ave. between addresses 45 and 61 Lower Lateral (Private) The lower lateral had break in the pipe and blockage downstream. Sewage was seen exiting the break Unpaved surface The water flowed from the broken pipe across the street and into landscaping 29-APR-22 AM 05/13/2022 06:30 05/13/2022 07:21 13-MAY-22 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure The reporting party (neighbor) left us a voice mail and said the spill has been going for a couple weeks. We contacted the property owner and notified them of their broken lateral. They are an elderly couple and we don't believe they use a lot of water but estimated the volume based on the average house in San Rafael uses 140 gallons of water per day and it the spill has been going for 2 weeks then the overflow is roughly 1,960 gallons. Single Family Home Private lateral for 199 Southern Heights Lower Lateral (Private) 4 CIP Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill We instructed the homeowner not to use any water until they can get their lateral repaired. They were hesitant to call a plumber right away until we showed them pictures of the sewage crossing the neighbors driveway and flowing into landscaping across the street. At the time we cleaned up all solids in the street and driveway. Their contractor made the repair Friday afternoon and sent me pictures. 2 2SSO10184 Active 882114 239 D St. 24 Yes Yes No 0 24 37.9651660166 -122.533426225 239 D St. San Rafael 94901 spill exited cleanout in sidewalk Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain After leaving cleanout, the spill traveled across the sidewalk and down the gutter approximately 233' to the storm drain catch basin. 28-JUN-22 PM 06/28/2022 18:18 06/28/2022 18:52 28-JUN-22 PM Debris-General Actual cause of SSO is unknown and same with end time. The property management company for this apartment complex said they will have a plumber respond later that evening. It was not overflowing in the morning when we checked it. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Property Management company did not want to clean up fecal matter and solids left on sidewalk, street, curb and gutter. We had to call MCSTPPP to issue warning and if not cleaned up properly they would have been fined. Lower Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified We notified Marin County Environment Health Services and Marin County Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program. 2 2SSO10185 Active 732757 Park Madera 150 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 150 0 37.925989 -122.522361 520 Tamalpias Corte Madera 94925 Other (specify) Seaping out of ground behind building Other (specify below) Spill ran into Drainage canal which is contained with gate valves. we also placed a sandbag dam 1000 down stream. we then pumped the drainage canal in the sanitarty sewer 28-JAN-09 AM 01/28/2009 10:05 01/28/2009 10:05 28-JAN-09 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10187 Active 705366 Pomeroy spill 75 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 10 37.339722 121.9875 850 Pomeroy Santa Clara 95051 Building or structure Building or structure 14-OCT-07 PM 10/14/2007 17:25 10/14/2007 17:32 14-OCT-07 PM Grease deposition (FOG) 8 VCP 44 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10187 Active 715908 277 rodonovan 40 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 40 0 37.329308 121.989003 277 rodonovan santa clara from private man hole into gutter. Manhole Street/curb and gutter 05-APR-08 AM 04/05/2008 11:26 04/05/2008 12:10 05-APR-08 PM Grease deposition (FOG) 10 vcp 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10189 Active 870419 280 Donahue St 7500 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 280 Donahue Sausalito 94965 Cleanout of Condominium Building serving several units located in the back of the building. Near the 280 Donahue address. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) Ground and nearby land around the cleanout pipe. 02-NOV-20 AM 11/02/2020 08:00 Other (specify below) Not certain but a blockage of the pipe is likely. Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Other (specify below) Failure is likely in the pipe serving the building which is forcing the material to exit through the cleanout pipe. 3 pvc Property Owner Notified Notified property owner on 11/2 and again on 11/6. Owner initially acknowledged receipt of notification and stated that they would take action. Due to the ongoing spill, we asked for an update on their actions. District filed a PLSD on 11/16. Property owner information: 415-382-1514 2 2SSO10190 Active 854558 Front of Plant construction site at SVCW 152 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.54325 -122.23149 Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below);Unpaved surface This is a private lateral for a treatment plant construction site. A contractor ran over the top of the clean out. The immediate spill location is fill dirt over the top of young bay mud. The water then flowed to a low spot at the edge of the road way inside the Plant property. 18-DEC-18 AM 12/18/2018 08:30 12/18/2018 08:40 18-DEC-18 AM CS Mainentance Caused Spill/Damage Contractor for the Front of Plant construction site ran over the top of a 2 inch clean out connected to the temporary construction site bathrooms. Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) Temporary bathroom discharge for a Construction project at a wastewater treatment plant. Upper Lateral (Private) A 2 inch clean out y. A contractor ran over the top of the y. 2 ABS Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 2 2SSO10195 Active 711917 11830 main st penn 1-08 55 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 55 38.29681 -122.66721 11830 main penngrove 94951 Building or structure Building or structure;Other (specify below) Due to sever weather and flooding. Sewer system became charged. Sewer was backed up at this address. Causing sink and toilet to overflow 25-JAN-08 AM 01/26/2008 10:00 01/26/2008 12:00 25-JAN-08 PM Rainfall exceeded design Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10196 Active 711318 Wst Napa St- 5th St Wst/ 1-15-08 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 10 38.29428 -122.46825 525 West Napa Sonoma 95476 Other (specify) Private lateral Clean up Street/curb and gutter 15-JAN-08 AM 01/15/2008 11:15 01/15/2008 11:30 15-JAN-08 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10196 Active 752127 Meadowbrook Trailer Park-4-30-2010 500 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 500 38.30419 -122.47727 18880 Sonoma Highway Sonoma PRIVATE SIPHON that crosses Agua Caliente Creek Manhole Street/curb and gutter;Surface water 30-APR-10 PM 04/30/2010 19:58 04/30/2010 21:10 30-APR-10 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Other (specify below) Made repair on Private 6 main (Siphon) 2 2SSO10197 Active 883176 1705 Oak Ave 60 Yes Yes Yes 60 0 38.50659 -122.47506 1705 Oak Ave St. Helena 94574 Spill occurred at a clean out that is located approximately 50ft from the edge of the curb into the property. The clean out is located in between the detached garage and the house. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 08-SEP-22 PM 09/08/2022 18:48 09/08/2022 19:25 08-SEP-22 PM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff deployed sandbags, spill kit waddles, and absorbent pads around the storm drain inlet to prevent sewage from making its way into the storm drain system. A combination truck was used to assist with clearing debris that caused the blockage. Once the line was clear and the sewage receded back into the clean out and out to the City sewer main, City staff used the combination trucks vacuum attachment to vacuum all sewage off the street and gutter as well as the 5 gallons that made it into the storm drain catch basin. 2 2SSO10197 Active 884789 1705 Oak St PLSD 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 0 0 1705 Oak St St Helena 94574 Spill was in residence back yard. Made it under the fence and down a concrete drive way to the paved street. Upper Lateral (Private) Spill was in residence back yard. Street/Curb and Gutter The spill made it to the curb and gutter and into a DI but none made it into the storm drain piping. Staff deployed spill kit and clear blockage was able to recover all spill with Vac Truck. 08-SEP-22 PM 09/08/2022 18:48 09/08/2022 19:25 08-SEP-22 PM Inappropriate Discharge to CS Lots of birth control products (condoms). Single Family Home Single family home at 1705 Oak St. Gravity Mainline In a 4 inch gravity main that serves 10 homes 4 AC 40 Contained all or portion of spill Responded to PLSD, deployed spill kit to keep out of storm system, cleared blockage, cleaned and disinfected the area. Did not encounter any significant blockage in main. 2 2SSO10197 Active 884790 1138 Main Via Corona 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 0 0 1138 Main St Helena 94574 Frontage of business Lower Lateral (Private) Clean out in the s walk Street/Curb and Gutter Made it to the curb and gutter. Staff was able to recover all of spill with street sweeper. Area was disinfected. 16-NOV-22 PM 11/16/2022 14:10 11/16/2022 14:19 16-NOV-22 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) excessive grease and paper towels in the lateral Food Service Establishment (FSE) Mexican food restaurant Lower Lateral (Private) Occurred in the lower lateral, staff and Roto Rooter reported excessive grease along with excessive paper towels. 4 SDR 35 15 Contained all or portion of spill Roto Rooter cleared the line and City Staff sanitized the area and recovered all sewage that was spilled. 2 2SSO10197 Active 884795 1746 Vineyard Ave PLSD 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 0 0 1746 Vineyard Ave St Helena 94574 PLSD clean out in customer front yard contained to the customers front yard Gravity Mainline 6 gravity line Other (specify below) contained to the customers front yard 04-DEC-22 PM 12/04/2022 12:45 12/04/2022 13:42 04-DEC-22 PM Debris-Rags Single Family Home Debris and rags backed up the sewer main Gravity Mainline 6 DI 40 Restored flow Staff responded to a PLSD and found that the main had a blockage. Staff cleared the blockage and restored flow with Vac Truck. 2 2SSO10197 Active 885921 1080 Fulton Ave 75 Yes Yes No 50 50 38.50816 -122.47247 front of business and inside business Gravity Mainline failed check valve on building_ collection surcharged overflowed into building Street/Curb and Gutter curb gutter DI 09-JAN-23 AM 01/09/2023 09:40 01/09/2023 09:47 09-JAN-23 AM Natural Disaster System surcharged due to heavy rain and high I and I Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) private lateral failed check valve Upper Lateral (Private) frontage of building at 1080 Fulton Ave 4 SDR 35 15 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Restored flow;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Staff notified of spill. Began mitigating subsequent SSO in Collections System. Evac'd SS from clean out vault, pigged the lateral to contain to Collections system. Contracted 3rd party for clean up in building. Installed new back water valve on customer lateral. 2 2SSO10199 Active 657430 Line Street 0 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38 -122 301 Line Suisun City 94585 This was not actually a spill but instead was a plug at the homeowner's cleanout. Other (specify) The plug occurred at homeowner's lateral. This issue was the responsibility of the homowner who has rectified the situation. Other (specify below) No spill at all so no final destination. 08-AUG-07 AM 08/08/2007 00:00 08/08/2007 00:00 08-AUG-07 AM Debris Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) Homeowner resolved issue. 2 2SSO10199 Active 718287 205 Sacramento Street 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 0 0 205 Sacramento Suisun City 94585 spill at single story apartment Other (specify) private lateral Building or structure 30-JAN-07 AM 01/30/2007 11:00 01/30/2007 11:20 30-JAN-07 AM Debris Other (specify below) This was a privately owned spill. We proactively flushed our side of the line. We also informed the owner that it was his issue and needed to handled ASAP. 2 2SSO10199 Active 736903 Marina Blvd. 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 38.241197 -122.031292 401 401 Marina Suisun City 94585 On private property between 401 Marina and house next door. Other sewer system structure Unpaved surface 27-APR-09 AM 04/27/2009 09:13 04/27/2009 09:40 27-APR-09 AM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Snaked line and pushed visible debris back into City side clean-out 2 2SSO10199 Active 744795 1100 Block of School Street 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 38.24898 -122.07431 at Continental Apartments Building or structure Other paved surface 17-JUL-09 AM 07/17/2009 00:00 07/17/2009 00:00 17-JUL-09 AM Debri-General Other (specify below) Not our spill. Cleaned up by apartment building off of small area in parking lot. 2 2SSO10199 Active 752859 611 Suisun Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 38.238105 -122.040247 611 Suisun Suisun City 94585 Spill at resident's clean-out. Building or structure Unpaved surface 28-MAY-10 AM 05/28/2010 07:00 05/28/2010 07:15 28-MAY-10 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) Arrived on scene and no flow was found. Had rained the day before. Bits of paper were found and picked up and remvoed. 2 2SSO10199 Active 766765 401 Marina Blvd. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.241258 -122.031211 Building or structure Other (specify below) Sidewalk 02-MAY-11 AM 05/02/2011 09:40 05/02/2011 10:00 02-MAY-11 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10199 Active 767689 200 Solano Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.23848 -122.04333 200 Solano Suisun City 94585 Other (specify) Private clean-out. Other (specify below) Lawn. 07-JUN-11 PM 06/07/2011 15:35 06/07/2011 16:35 07-JUN-11 PM Other (specify below) Paper towels. Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10199 Active 769205 305 Line street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.23636 -122.04185 305 Line street Suisun City 94585 In lawn area Other (specify) At the cleen out in the lawn. Unpaved surface In the lawn area. 10-JUN-11 AM 06/10/2011 02:20 06/10/2011 02:35 10-JUN-11 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Roots from private tree inthe lateral 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 2 2SSO10199 Active 783566 519 Marina blvd 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 38.2369 -122.03143 519 Marina Blvd, Suisun City 94585 In lawn area at the clean out Other (specify) at the cleanout Other (specify below) in the lawn area 25-AUG-11 AM 08/25/2011 08:30 08/25/2011 09:00 25-AUG-11 AM Debri-General Lower Lateral 4 Contained all or portion of spill 2 2SSO10199 Active 835494 639 Klamath Drive, Suisun City, CA 17136 Yes Yes No 4000 13136 .43 -.26 639 Klamath Drive Suisun City 94585 French drain at sidewalk in front yard. Inside Building or Structure The spill point was a French drain. There are visible broken pipe(s) under the house. The plumber called out by the property manager estimated 6 of raw sewage under house. The volume of sewage under the house used the French drain as a volume release. Other (specify below);Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Surface Water The overflow from the private French drain went across the sidewalk and into the curb and gutter area where is flowed 617 feet down to the closest storm drain. All storm drains in Suisun drain into the Suisun Marsh. 01-OCT-16 AM 05/26/2017 12:26 05/26/2017 12:40 26-MAY-17 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Spill was due to broken sewer pipe(s) under the private residence that were not repaired. Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Unsure but likely somewhere under the house. ABS Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified City staff arrived on scene and immediately put out wattles at the mouth of the storm drain to keep further discharge from entering the system. Staff contacted RotoRooter for vac truck service. Staff opened storm drain lid closest to spill to inspect. Staff used storm drain map book to determine direction of flow and followed the flow till the last storm drain with water/discharge was identified. Staff contacted OES to report - Control#17-3716. RotoRooter vac'd out all obtainable water and cleaned and sanitized the area. 2 2SSO10199 Active 855444 4535 Olive Avenue 60 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 4535 Olive Avenue Suisun City 94585 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface Flow went into large grass and dirt area on their private property. 15-JAN-19 PM 01/15/2019 12:30 Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) Restored flow Notified property owner, California State Housing and Community Development. 2 2SSO10200 Active 746974 1020 Edmonds Ct. 50 No Yes Yes 50 0 37.34283 -122.05566 Other (specify) Clean out in front of residence Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 22-NOV-09 AM 11/22/2009 07:48 11/22/2009 08:35 22-NOV-09 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10202 Active 762710 514 Browing st 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 37.880833 -122.538611 514 Browing St Mill Valley 94941 N/A Gravity sewer Front yard of condo Unpaved surface N/A 04-FEB-11 AM 02/04/2011 02:45 02/04/2011 02:30 04-FEB-11 AM Root intrusion N/A Main N/A 6 AC 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system N/A 2 2SSO10207 Active 771925 Treasure Island 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.821446448926 -122.372288703918 366 Avenue C San Francisco 94130 Spill location is a clean-out in a lateral at Bldg 366 on Dept. of Labor Property on Treasure Island. Other sewer system structure Spill appearance point is a clean-out at Bldg 366 on Dept. of Labor property. Unpaved surface Spill destination was unpaved ground at clean-out which was treated with bleach. 16-SEP-11 PM 09/16/2011 15:00 09/16/2011 15:15 16-SEP-11 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Spill caused by grease and debris with possible roots. Lower Lateral Lateral from Bldg 366. 55 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 2 2SSO10207 Active 772589 Treasure Island 450 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 400 0 37.821370174053 -122.372299432755 365 Avenue C San Francisco 94130 Manhole between cleanouts across from Bldg 365 and across from Bldg 453. This line is a lateral on Dept. of Labor property. Manhole Other paved surface 17-OCT-11 AM 10/17/2011 10:45 10/17/2011 11:00 17-OCT-11 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Spill caused by grease and rags Lower Lateral 8 clay 54 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10210 Active 830358 Bowles Hall Housing (private) 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 37.8727 -122.25339 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 22-NOV-16 AM 11/22/2016 08:15 11/22/2016 08:45 22-NOV-16 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10212 Active 757252 1308 sutter st 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 38.10642 -122.25297 Other (specify) PRIVATE CLEAN OUT ON THE UPPER LATERAL. WAS ORIGINALLY REPORTED AS A DISTRICT SPILL Street/curb and gutter 10-AUG-10 AM 08/10/2010 12:28 08/10/2010 12:45 10-AUG-10 PM Other (specify below) SPILL OCCURRED FROM A PRIVATE CLEAN OUT ON THE UPPER LATERAL NOT THE DISTRICTS RESPONSIBILITY Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system PRIVATE SPILL FROM THE UPPER LATERAL CAUSED 20 GALLON SPILL. TOTAL SPILL VOLUME WAS CONTAINED AND RECOVERED. 2 2SSO10216 Active 742181 5611 Circle Dr. 75 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.980278 -122.286111 5611 Circle El Sobrante 94803 Other (specify) House Lateral Unpaved surface 29-JUL-09 AM 07/29/2009 08:04 07/29/2009 08:15 29-JUL-09 AM Root intrusion The roots were from a private lateral Main Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 2 2SSO10216 Active 771734 2425 Church Ln. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 37.9600550325 -122.338889 2425 Church San Pablo 94806 The resident had a hole in a pipe in there basement. If the hole had not been there we would not of had a backup. Building or structure Building or structure The water was all recovered and returned to system. The basement floor was disinfected 02-OCT-11 PM 10/02/2011 21:30 10/02/2011 22:10 02-OCT-11 PM Debri-Rags Upper Lateral 6 VCP Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10217 Active 729742 120 College Terrace Court #K 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 1 0 37.219389 121.983722 120 College Terrace Los Gatos 95032 Backup into residence/shower Building or structure Building or structure 24-OCT-08 AM 10/24/2008 10:33 10/24/2008 11:00 24-OCT-08 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Other (specify below) No response made as blockage in main cleared on 10/21 and lateral is private. Owner instructed to contact private plumber. 2 2SSO10217 Active 729746 20399 Park Place 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.258972 122.030056 20399 Park Saratoga 95070 Rear yard of property owner Force main or pressure sewer Unpaved surface 24-OCT-08 AM 10/24/2008 10:58 10/24/2008 11:20 24-OCT-08 AM Other (specify below) Property owner's sewer lines backed up into basement. Sump pump in basement discharged out onto rear yard of residence. Other (specify below) Property owner's own sewer piping failed. Other (specify below) No direct response activities reagrding spill. Advised owner to call private plumber. 2 2SSO10217 Active 733884 20905 Canyon View Drive 10 No Yes Yes 10 0 37.26025 122.039389 20905 Canyon View Saratoga 95070 Spill emanated from broken lateral up through to the soil surface. Flow ran down slope and into swale in street reaching storm drain inlet. Sandbags kept majority of flow from entering inlet. Other sewer system structure Other paved surface;Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter;Surface water;Unpaved surface 11-DEC-08 PM 12/11/2008 14:35 12/11/2008 14:50 11-DEC-08 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10217 Active 740172 Private Cleanout @ 1580 W. Hacienda 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.268417 -121.977806 1580 Hacienda Campbell SSO occurred at private cleanout in backyard of property. Other sewer system structure Unpaved surface 19-MAY-09 AM 05/20/2009 08:08 05/20/2009 08:30 20-MAY-09 AM Other (specify below) Unknown cause, resident to call plumber. Upper Lateral Other (specify below) Visual on mainline and property line cleanout to confirm that blockage in private lateral. 2 2SSO10217 Active 740213 Private plumbing @ 506 University 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.230667 -121.978111 506 University Los Gatos 95032 SSO occurred at open pipe under house. Basement and crawl space wet. Building or structure Building or structure;Unpaved surface Spill soaked into ground beneath house and into basement area. 07-JUN-09 PM 06/07/2009 14:30 06/07/2009 15:59 07-JUN-09 PM Other (specify below) Private plumber working on building sewer apparently forgot to connect piping. Other (specify below) Building plumbing system underneath house Other (specify below) No response required 2 2SSO10217 Active 744040 Cleanout in parking lot 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 1 0 37.269778 -121.955333 3000 Winchester Campbell 95008 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 08-JUL-09 PM 07/08/2009 14:01 07/08/2009 14:10 08-JUL-09 PM Other (specify below) Unknown cause Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10217 Active 745249 MH 8-892-03P at 31 Miles Ave 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 100 0 37.226056 -121.977389 31 Miles Los Gatos 95032 SSO occurred at private manhole leading to privately owned pump station. Manhole Other paved surface 06-SEP-09 AM 09/06/2009 09:20 09/06/2009 09:45 06-SEP-09 AM Pump station failure Other (specify below) District crews did not clean up or recover any spill. SSO was assumed to be properly cleaned by the private plumber called by the property manager. 2 2SSO10217 Active 746851 Private Cleanout at 533 E.Campbell Ave 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.287528 -121.940222 533 Campbell Campbell 95008 SSO occurred at private cleanout in asphalt parking lot on commercial property Other sewer system structure Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 05-OCT-09 PM 10/05/2009 14:53 10/05/2009 15:03 05-OCT-09 PM Other (specify below) Unknown cause. Private plumber was on scene working on system Upper Lateral Other (specify below) District crew responded but did not provide assistance as private plumber appeared to be finishing up clearing line. 2 2SSO10217 Active 754225 Cleanout @ Oak Meadow Park Restrooms 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 10 0 37.236306 -121.974306 Blossom Hill Rd Los Gatos 95032 SSO occurred at cleanout located outside of restrooms in paved road within Oak Meadow Park Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 30-MAY-10 PM 05/30/2010 15:55 05/30/2010 16:20 30-MAY-10 PM Debri-Rags Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10217 Active 754230 Force Main @ 500 Railway Ave 250 No Yes Yes 250 0 37.282167 -121.943889 500 Railway Campbell 95008 SSO occurred at private pump station force main located in asphalt parking area of residential complex. Force main or pressure sewer Other paved surface;Storm drain 22-JUN-10 PM 06/22/2010 17:00 06/22/2010 17:20 22-JUN-10 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Other (specify below) Private force main line being constructed or repaired Other (specify below) Private contractor, city police and fire were already on site addressing spill and had called into OES (number not known). District crews checked public mainline and found OK. Also checked storm drain with private representative and determined there was no outfall to creek. Private party to vacuum all sewage and washdown. 2 2SSO10217 Active 756445 Cleanout at 533 E. Campbell Ave. 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.287528 -121.940222 533 Campbell Campbell 95008 SSO occurred at private cleanout located adjacent to building Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 07-JUL-10 PM 07/07/2010 15:06 07/07/2010 15:30 07-JUL-10 PM Other (specify below) Unknown, private plumber arrived at site and ran the lateral prior to crew arriving Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) Private plumber ran line and restored flow. 2 2SSO10217 Active 756451 Private cleanout at 215 Ambassador Ct 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.215778 -121.980083 215 Ambassador Los Gatos 95032 SSO occurred at private foundation cleanout loacated adjacent to building and in landscaped area. Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 27-JUL-10 PM 07/27/2010 15:18 07/27/2010 16:00 27-JUL-10 PM Other (specify below) No cause determined. Upper Lateral Other (specify below) Main line was found to be clear. Since lateral is private, owner advised to call plumber. 2 2SSO10217 Active 758995 1500 Pollard Rd 50 Yes Yes No 15 35 37.264111 -121.984108 1500 Pollard Los Gatos 95030 Overflow from private clean out located in Safeway parking lot. 35 gallons of sewage made its way to a private storm drain located on premises and was lost in storm system. Other sewer system structure Separate storm drain;Unpaved surface 30-NOV-10 PM 11/30/2010 18:20 11/30/2010 18:50 30-NOV-10 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Other (specify below) No problems found in district portion of lateral. Private plumber broke stoppage prior to crews arrival.Safeway is responsible for clean up and mitigation of spill. 2 2SSO10217 Active 759356 Grease Trap Cleanout in Parking Lot behind 14555 Big Basin Way 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.257028 -122.035453 14555 Big Basin Los Gatos 95030 SSO occurred at cleanout for restaurant grease trap located next to parking garage in landscaped strip. Other sewer system structure Private clean out connected to a grease interceptor. Other paved surface;Unpaved surface Spill travelled across landscaped area, over curb and gutter and ran across pavement to a low spot in parking lot. 20-OCT-10 AM 10/20/2010 01:41 10/20/2010 02:05 20-OCT-10 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Other (specify below) Restaurant hired its own private contractor to mitigate spill and clean up affected areas. 2 2SSO10217 Active 762280 Cleanout at 15111 Charmeran Ave, San Jose 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 37.256717 -121.933436 15111 Charmeran San Jose 95124 SSO occurred at property line cleanout in landscaped area of front yard Other sewer system structure Other paved surface;Unpaved surface 20-DEC-10 PM 12/20/2010 14:20 12/20/2010 14:35 20-DEC-10 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Blockage was found in lower lateral, however, the cleanout was installed without permit and not to District Standards (non-conforming) and therefore responsibility for maintenance was placed on the owner. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO10217 Active 764604 Private Cleanout at Plumed Horse Restaurant Complex 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.256667 -122.034972 14555 Big Basin Saratoga 95070 SSO occurred at a private cleanout located in a underground garage beneath the Plumed Horse Restaurant Other sewer system structure Street/curb and gutter;Other (specify below) The SSO from the cleanout ran to an adjacent bubble-up drain inlet and sat at the bottom of the inlet. 15-MAR-11 AM 03/15/2011 11:25 03/15/2011 11:48 15-MAR-11 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Other (specify below) The blockage was eliminated and flow restored in private lateral. The asphalt surrounding the cleanouts were washed down, but the SSO remained in the drain inlet. Due to the height limitation in the underground garage, the District's maintenance vehical could not enter the garage. The West Valley Clean Water Program representative will be contacting owner to clean up drain and also to enforce requirement to correct problem with lateral. 2 2SSO10217 Active 771625 114 Royce dr 100 No Yes Yes 100 0 37.225814 -121.981536 114 Royce Los Gatos 95030 Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 29-SEP-11 AM 09/29/2011 11:00 09/29/2011 11:05 29-SEP-11 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow 2 2SSO10217 Active 773553 Private C/O @ 114 Royce St 75 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 37.225617 -121.981458 114 Royce Los Gatos 95030 spill location was in a parking lot next to a building. Other (specify) Spill appeared at building (private) Clean out. Other paved surface 09-NOV-11 AM 11/09/2011 02:35 11/09/2011 02:35 09-NOV-11 AM Other (specify below) Line is deemed to be flat and located too far from mainline. Owner to relocate lateral. Upper Lateral Restored flow;Other (specify below) Notified property owner to perform clean up. 2 2SSO10217 Active 798135 19381 San Marcos Road 65 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.258679 -122.010978 19381 San Marcos Saratoga 95070 Below house in crawl space area Building or structure Building or structure 16-AUG-13 AM 08/16/2013 09:55 08/16/2013 10:15 16-AUG-13 AM Root intrusion Upper Lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause 2 2SSO10217 Active 801697 16341 La Chiquita Ave. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.231283 -121.958444 16341 La Chiquita Ave. Los Gatos 95032 Lower Bathroom Inside Building or Structure;Upper Lateral (Private) Lower Bathroom Building or Structure 27-NOV-13 AM 12/04/2013 10:39 Root Intrusion Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Restored flow 2 2SSO10217 Active 806034 14550 Big Basin Way 10 No Yes Yes 10 0 37.256389 -122.034583 14550 Big Basin Way Saratoga 95070 Parking lot area Other sewer system structure Grease Trap Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain Parking lot area and contained in storm basin 02-MAY-14 PM 05/02/2014 23:35 05/03/2014 12:17 03-MAY-14 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) Food Service Establishment (FSE) Other (specify below) Grease Trap Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Checked Main and Lateral found problem related to grease trap. notified P/O to call private pumping service and or plumber. Returned the following day to make assure problem was addressed. 2 2SSO10217 Active 807086 14572 Big Basin Way 100 Yes Yes No 0 100 37.256094 -122.035289 14572 Big Basin Way Saratoga 95070 Walk Way or Breeze Way on side of the the Basin restaurant. Lateral Clean Out (Private);Manhole From private M/H / private grease traps and private C/O Surface Water Overflow from private structures to a small storm grate that flowed into parking lot storm M/H's and from there to the Saratoga Creek at 4th street. 18-JUN-14 AM 06/18/2014 10:20 06/18/2014 10:30 18-JUN-14 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) Grease traps full Food Service Establishment (FSE) Resturaurant Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Spill Response....Crews and Supervising Lead worker met with County Fire, City of Saratoga representative's and West Valley Clean Water program Rep. Anthony Ortega. Determined area where Spill occurred. Clean Water made contact with the Restaurant and WVSD crews cleaned and vacuumed storm. City of Saratoga is taking responsibility for clean up of creek. Filed under OES # 14-3441 2 2SSO10217 Active 807199 56 Foote Ave. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 37.287206 -121.940694 56 Foote Ave. Campbell 95008 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Contained in parking lot area Paved Surface 22-JUN-14 AM 06/22/2014 09:25 06/22/2014 09:54 22-JUN-14 AM Other (specify below) Unknown, Private plumber cleared stoppage. Mixed Use Property strip mall, restaurants and retail Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified Spill contained by Fire Dept. WVSD crew was called out by Fire to assist with HVC unit to vacuum water that was contained. 2 2SSO10217 Active 810145 1120 Capri Drive 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.270472 -121.961239 1120 Capri Drive Campbell 95008 Garage level bathroom and carpeted storage area Upper Lateral (Private) 14-OCT-14 PM 10/15/2014 13:05 10/15/2014 13:22 15-OCT-14 PM Root Intrusion High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) 4 ABS Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified Ran Spartan Rodder in lateral followed by CCTV Inspection and Clean up completed by RMC also grade was shot to determine if a backflow device is needed. 2 2SSO10217 Active 814414 165 Happy Acres Road 50 Yes Yes No 0 50 37.6088 -83.543442 15350 Suview Drive Los Gatos 95032 On hillside in easement area Lower Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 04-APR-15 AM 04/04/2015 10:07 04/04/2015 11:01 04-APR-15 PM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 PVC Restored flow;Property Owner Notified Broke stoppage and advised P/O to arrange for site clean up 2 2SSO10217 Active 818081 420 Alberto Way 75 No Yes Yes 75 0 37.227597 -121.972403 420 Alberto Way Los Gatos 95030 Down private driveway into a storm wet well that was contained and recovered Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 22-AUG-15 AM 08/22/2015 09:31 08/22/2015 09:36 22-SEP-15 AM Debris-General Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Broke stoppage Contained and recovered all of the spill 2 2SSO10217 Active 819985 1500 Pollard Road 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.264272 -121.985136 1500 Pollard Rd. Los Gatos 95030 Parking Lot Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 14-NOV-15 PM 11/14/2015 20:15 11/14/2015 21:09 14-NOV-15 PM Debris-Rags Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified Broke stoppage in private lateral and cleaned up the area. Also discussed issue with complex manager to clean parking. 2 2SSO10217 Active 819986 130 Edelen Ave. 815 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.224356 -121.979992 130 Edelen Los Gatos 95030 Private dry well of private pump station Pump station Private pump station failure in the dry well Street/Curb and Gutter 21-NOV-15 PM 12/02/2015 16:00 12/02/2015 16:17 02-DEC-15 PM Pump Station Failure-Mechanical Piping failure in dry well Single Family Home Pump Station-Mechanical Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Property Owner Notified Vacuumed dry well and cleaned and washed down area. Notified P/O to make repairs. 2 2SSO10217 Active 829840 1875 S.Bascom Ave. Pruneyard 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.28808 -121.93332 1875 S.Bascom Private Grease Trap at pruneyard commercial mall overflowed. Contained spill notified on-site maintenance and clean water agency. Other sewer system structure Private Grease trap 07-NOV-16 PM 11/07/2016 13:35 11/07/2016 13:45 07-NOV-16 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Private Grease trap overflow Food Service Establishment (FSE) Other (specify below) private grease trap Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 2 2SSO10217 Active 840394 101 Creffield Heights 3162 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.23433 -121.98124 101 Creffield Heights Los Gatos 95030 Lawn area Upper Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface Seeping on lawn and staying wet in area 10-SEP-17 AM 09/17/2017 09:00 09/17/2017 09:30 27-SEP-17 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) 4 VCP Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10217 Active 841380 525 East Hamilton Ave. 88 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 88 88 37.29655 -121.94049 525 East Hamilton Ave. Campbell Parking lot area of Kohls shopping center Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 28-OCT-17 AM 10/28/2017 09:41 10/28/2017 10:37 28-OCT-17 PM Debris-Rags Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 6 PVC Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10217 Active 847428 640 Blossom Hill Rd 50 Yes Yes No 49 1 37.23563 -121.96349 640 Blossom Hill Dr Los Gatos 95032 The spill came from a grease interceptor. Upper Lateral (Private) The spill came from a grease interceptor on side of the building. Street/Curb and Gutter 13-MAY-18 AM 05/13/2018 01:27 05/13/2018 01:41 13-MAY-18 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) 4 Cast Iron Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10217 Active 872950 110 Oak Rim Ct 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 37.23745 -121.96597 10 Oak Rim Ct 95030 Private plumbers removed cleanout cap to relieve spill into apartment unit. Inside Building or Structure;Upper Lateral (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 16-MAR-21 AM 03/16/2021 17:55 03/16/2021 18:36 Other (specify below) internal problem in apartment unit and private plumber relieved back up into unit by removing clean out cap outside units. Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) 3 Cas Other (specify below) Clean up handled by private plumbing company and management company. 2 2SSO10217 Active 880323 Los Gatos Saratoga Rd. 19 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 19 0 37.22881 -121.98118 201, 211 Los Gatos Saratoga Rd Los Gatos 95030 Patio area, sidewalk, curb and gutter at 201 Los Gatos Saratoga Rd. Inside the Building at 211 Los Gatos Saratoga Rd. Inside Building or Structure;Lateral Clean Out (Private);Upper Lateral (Private) Building or Structure;Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 22-MAR-22 PM 03/22/2022 14:32 03/22/2022 14:39 22-MAR-22 PM Debris-Rags Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) 4 PVC 1 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10219 Active 807874 Yount/Madison Project 60 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 60 0 6680 Yount Street Yountville 94599 Spill reported by 6680 Yount Street. Total volume of spill (60 gallons) includes two other addresses (6638 & 6660 Jefferson Street). Service Masters dispatched to clean up contents of spill. Lateral Clean Out (Private);Upper Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 21-JUN-14 PM 06/21/2014 14:55 06/21/2014 15:23 21-JUN-14 PM Debris from Construction Cement treated soil allowed to enter sewer collection system during Full Depth Reclamation street rehabilitation work. Soil completely blocked a small portion of sewer collection system, a new system loop that was recently constructed kept the volume of spill relatively low. Single Family Home Three homes were affected by sewer blockage. 6680 Yount Street, 6638 & 6660 Jefferson Street. Total volume was estimated at 60 gallons total as spills occurred intermittently. Manhole 8 VCP Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 2 2SSO10665 Active 721565 Gellert Blvd 620 Yes Yes No 0 620 37.647086 122.453419 2210 Gellert South San Francisco 94080 Private development under construction. Came from manhole on development site to stormdrain. Manhole Private development under construction. Came from manhole on development site to stormdrain Other (specify below) Private development under construction. Came from manhole on development site to public stormdrain on Gellert that flows to Colma Creek. 04-JUL-08 AM 07/04/2008 09:38 07/04/2008 09:38 04-JUL-08 AM Other (specify below) construction debris Other (specify below) private lines inside a construction development 6 SDR35 1 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 2 2SSO11198 Active 764024 San Quentin Upper Yard 400 Yes Yes Yes 0 400 37.9415 -122.48356 100 Main San Quentin 94964 San Quentin Upper Yard Gravity Mainline Combined Storm Drain (Combined CS only) Pump truck was brought on site and pumped up portion of overflow still contained in pit. 03-MAR-11 PM 03/04/2011 11:00 03/04/2011 11:00 04-MAR-11 AM Debri-General Main Cleaned-Up 2 2SSO11204 Active 723920 558 Bellevue ave 60 Yes Yes Yes 0 60 37.806111 122.256389 Pump station Surface water 26-JUL-08 AM 07/30/2008 14:00 07/26/2008 10:30 26-JUL-08 PM Pump station failure Other (specify below) reparied lateral + Lift station 2 2SSO11430 Active 656080 Oakland International Airport, Gate 6 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 40 0 37.711291 -122.214983 One Airport Drive Oakland 94621 Gate 6, Oakland International Airport, immediately outside Terminal 1 Force main or pressure sewer Other paved surface;Separate storm drain 19-AUG-07 PM 08/20/2007 08:00 08/20/2007 08:00 20-AUG-07 AM Pump station failure Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 2 2SSO11430 Active 765533 Jack London Square end of Washington Street 900 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 400 0 37.79491 -122.27874 10 Washington Street Oakland 94607 Jack London Square end of Washington Street adjacent to Waterfront Hotel Manhole Unpaved surface;Other (specify below) Lawn 17-MAR-11 PM 03/17/2011 13:00 03/17/2011 13:30 17-MAR-11 PM Debri-General Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Other (specify below) Vacuum 2 2SSO11430 Active 812335 College of Alameda Aviation School/Oakland International Airport 1166 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.741339 -122.225887 970 Harbor Bay Parkway Alameda 94502 on Airport property Force Main Unpaved surface 28-DEC-14 PM 12/29/2014 13:45 08-JAN-15 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) Force Main Force main located on Airport property but connected to sanitary sewer lift station located on College of Alemeda Aviation Maintance Facility 4 Cast Iron Property Owner Notified Pipe break at remote location were not reported immediately. Peralta District's Aviation school was closed during the Holidays. Parties having jurisdiction and repair responsibility had to be determined. Contractor must be mobilized. 2 2SSO11430 Active 847912 US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) 125 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.80986 -122.31255 751 Maritime Street Oakland 94607 US CBP sewer lateral near Navy Rd and 7th St Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 31-MAY-18 PM 05/31/2018 14:15 05/31/2018 14:20 31-MAY-18 PM Root Intrusion Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) Lower Lateral (Private) 6 Cleaned-Up 2 2SSO11507 Active 729386 Hi-Dive Restaurant 200 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.7875 122.387222 Embarcadero San Franicsco 94105 Restaurant on pier and over the water, along the Embarcadero at the foot of Bryant St. Just south of the Bay Bridge. Building or structure Release was from a damaged sewer lateral underneath the structure. Release was directly to the SF Bay. No odor or visible sign of waste. Surface water San Francisco Bay 14-NOV-08 AM 11/14/2008 11:00 11/14/2008 11:30 14-NOV-08 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 4 Other (specify below) Lateral was dedicated to the Hi-Dive. Use of facilities was immediately discontinued which ended discharge. Repairs were made that afternoon. 2 2SSO11507 Active 733255 Sinbad's Restaurant 999 Yes Yes No 0 999 37.794617 -122.391928 Pier 2 Embarcadero San Francisco 94111 Sinbad's Restaurant is located directly south of the Ferry Buidling, and has extensive under deck plumbing. Gravity sewer Surface water 03-FEB-09 PM 02/04/2009 09:00 02/04/2009 09:30 04-FEB-09 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral 4 DIP 10 Other (specify below) Shut down restaurant until repair was completed 2 2SSO11507 Active 752852 Red's Java House Pier 30-32 100 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 100 37.78711 -122.38728 Embarcadero San Francisco 94105 North side of pier under restaurant Gravity sewer Other (specify below) San Francisco Bay 01-JUN-10 PM 06/01/2010 11:00 06/01/2010 00:00 02-JUN-10 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Other (specify below) coupling of 2 inch pipe with 4 inch pipe under pier deck of restaurant. 2 40 Other (specify below) Notified SF DPH to send inspector. Port will shut off water supply to restaurant as soon as DPH inspector orders shut-down. 2 2SSO11507 Active 754073 Red's Java House 100 No Yes Yes 100 0 37.787222 -122.387222 Pier 30 San Francisco 94105 sewer overflow to parking lot. sewage puddled in parking lot Gravity sewer Other paved surface 27-JUN-10 AM 06/27/2010 10:40 06/27/2010 10:40 27-JUN-10 AM Debri-General Lower Lateral 2 iron 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 2 2SSO11507 Active 754961 Pier 50 Shed D 50 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 50 37.77493 -122.41942 Broken sewer line running beneath Pier 50, from Sheds B & D to pump station beneath Shed C Gravity sewer Surface water Broken line is suspended from beneath pier deck, directly over the bay. 14-JUL-10 AM 07/14/2010 13:30 07/14/2010 13:30 14-JUL-10 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Broken sewer line running beneath Pier 50, from Sheds B & D to pump station beneath Shed C resulted in discharge. Cause of line break unknown. Upper Lateral Broken sewer line running beneath Pier 50, from Sheds B & D to pump station beneath Shed C resulted in discharge. 4 Other (specify below) Broken line and all toilets served by that line have been taken out of service. Repair is underway. 2 2SSO11507 Active 755993 Pier 27 50 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 50 37.80463 -122.40143 Embarcadero San Francisco 94111 Broken sanitary sewer line beneath Pier 27 deck discovered; quantity discharged is unknown, estimated < 50 gallons. Other sewer system structure broken sewer lateral Surface water Broken line is suspended from under-side of pier deck, directly over SF Bay water. 12-AUG-10 AM 08/12/2010 11:30 08/12/2010 12:30 12-AUG-10 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Broken lateral sewer line Lower Lateral Broken line is suspended from beneath pier deck Other (specify below) Plumbers are on-site, repairs are underway, anticipate complete repairs by end of day. 2 2SSO11507 Active 783468 Nick's Lighthouse Restaruant on Taylor Street 200 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 200 37.80861 -122.41614 Taylor San Francisco 94133 Discharge from lateral underneath restaurant over water. Gravity sewer Surface water 12-APR-11 AM 04/12/2011 13:00 04/12/2011 13:00 12-APR-11 PM Pipe structural problem/failure From a broken pipe underneath pier. Pipe carried gray water only and leak was intermittent, only when sink was in use. Lower Lateral Other (specify below) Directed tenant to discontinue use of sink facilities and to make repairs 2 2SSO11605 Active 723796 Sandia National Laboratories, California 82800 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.678889 121.713889 7011 East Livermore 94550 POTENTIAL sewer line break. Low sewer flows, but no surface evidence at this time. No major line break found. One trunk line with severe root blockage found. Other (specify) None at this time, Low flow noted at monitoring station in conjunction with high sediment loading Other (specify below) ground/water table 01-MAR-08 AM 07/11/2008 07:55 07/11/2008 16:00 12-SEP-08 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Root blockage on line believed to have caused some leakage. This section of trunk line to be slip lined the week of September 8, 2008 Main Main sewer line between Building 973 and Building 963 6 VC 30 Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow Contractor contacted to provide sewer cleaning and video service. Completed 8/15/2008. Video of building laterals to be performed week of September 8, 2008 3 3SSO10222 Active 708256 3600 of Buena Mesa st. @ The Lakes Development 500 No Yes No 400 100 35.515832 -120.675086 Spill flowed to gutter fot 10' flowed to concrete drainage culvert for apprx.120' where it when in a storm drain for appox.150' where it entered an earthern containment area from the Atascvadetro Mutual Water Company Manhole Unpaved surface 25-NOV-07 AM 11/25/2007 01:28 11/25/2007 01:35 25-NOV-07 AM Pump station failure Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10222 Active 863712 5990 Entrada Avenue 50 No Yes No 5 10 35.493333 -120.671111 Inside Building or Structure;Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 20-DEC-19 AM 12/20/2019 01:00 12/20/2019 01:00 20-DEC-19 AM Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Restored flow;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10222 Active 879363 5816 Traffic Way 65 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 65 0 5816 Traffic Way Atascadero 93422 Private cleanout located next to building. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 04-FEB-22 PM 02/04/2022 14:05 02/04/2022 14:15 04-FEB-22 PM Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up 3 3SSO10222 Active 885617 8790 Azucena 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.46961 -120.66787 Residents shower. Inside Building or Structure Building or Structure 09-JAN-23 PM 01/09/2023 12:46 01/09/2023 13:00 09-JAN-23 PM Natural Disaster City Staff did not witness any overflow from shower, nor any Manhole located in the roadway. Single Family Home Gravity Mainline 8 VCP 50 Other (specify below) 3 3SSO10222 Active 886943 5605 Capistrano 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 35.49231 -120.66364 5605 Capistrano Atascadero 93422 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 15-FEB-23 PM 02/15/2023 14:53 02/15/2023 15:14 15-FEB-23 PM Root Intrusion Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 6 3 3SSO10236 Active 759663 Chorro Creek Pipe Bridge at the Achievement House 50000 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 50000 35.3286 -120.74564 3003 Cuesta College Road San Luis Obispo 93405 Pipe bridge crossing Chorro Creek. Falling tree severed the sewer lateral. Sewage dumped directly into creek. Gravity sewer Surface water 19-DEC-10 AM 12/20/2010 09:00 12/20/2010 09:30 19-DEC-10 PM Other (specify below) Falling tree broke sewer pipe at creek crossing Upper Lateral 10 ductile steel Other (specify below) Plugged sewer line and redirected flow to different lateral. 3 3SSO10236 Active 793419 California Men's Colony East Facility 2000 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 2000 35.29047 -120.66284 Hwy 1 San Luis Obispo 93409 East Facility adjacent to the new 50 bed Mental Health building, west side of the building Gravity sewer Other (specify below) Drainage Ditch 16-APR-13 PM 04/16/2013 16:00 04/16/2013 17:30 16-APR-13 PM Other (specify below) sheets, small batteries, blankets, general debris Lower Lateral 10 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 650284 Carmel Woods 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.565658 -121.916222 3239 Serra Carmel 93921 In drive way Gravity sewer Other paved surface 08-MAY-07 AM 05/08/2007 02:30 05/08/2007 02:35 08-MAY-07 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 VCP 40 Other (specify below) Property Owner cleaned area 3 3SSO10244 Active 651332 Carmel Valley Rd / Carmel Knolls Dr 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 36.544444 121.905 26142 Carmel Knolls Carmel 93922 50' west of Carmel Knolls Dr Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 24-MAY-07 AM 05/25/2007 09:40 05/24/2007 09:45 24-MAY-07 PM Root intrusion 6 VCP 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) private Contractor cleaned area 3 3SSO10244 Active 651337 Dolores 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 36.543611 121.922222 26174 Dolores Carmel 93922 Back Easement Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 29-MAY-07 AM 05/29/2007 10:00 05/29/2007 10:15 29-MAY-07 AM Root intrusion 4 VCP Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 651339 $th Avenue 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 36.563333 121.928333 Lincoln Carmel 93921 Privaet Property Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 04-JUN-07 AM 06/04/2007 11:40 06/04/2007 11:50 04-JUN-07 AM Root intrusion 4 VCP 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 651341 4th Avenue 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 36.563333 121.928333 Lincoln Carmel 93921 Privaet Property Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 04-JUN-07 AM 06/04/2007 11:40 06/04/2007 11:50 04-JUN-07 AM Root intrusion 4 VCP 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 652623 Torres St./5th Ave 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 36.55 121.916667 2 n/e 5th Torres City of Carmel 93922 Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter 21-JUN-07 PM 06/21/2007 12:50 06/21/2007 01:00 21-JUN-07 AM Root intrusion Other (specify below) Resident contacted plumber 3 3SSO10244 Active 656128 Saroyan App. 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 36.558278 -121.921878 Torres Carmel 93921 In Garage area Other sewer system structure Building or structure In Garage area 17-AUG-07 AM 08/17/2007 08:30 08/17/2007 08:40 17-AUG-07 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 VCP 40 Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Owne rcontacted Plumber 3 3SSO10244 Active 708924 Carmell knolls 70 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.543744 -121.905411 Carmel knolls dr Carmel 93922 Building or structure Unpaved surface 30-NOV-07 AM 11/30/2007 12:00 11/30/2007 12:05 30-NOV-07 AM Debri-General Upper Lateral Other (specify below) Advised home owner to call a plumber due to it being a private lateral spill. 3 3SSO10244 Active 714679 25750 Carmel Knolls Dr. 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.549253 -121.904525 Carmel 93922 Building or structure Other paved surface 27-FEB-08 AM 02/27/2008 11:30 02/27/2008 11:35 27-FEB-08 PM Debri-General Other (specify below) Private lateral 3 3SSO10244 Active 716005 24718 Upper Trail 35 No Yes No 0 0 36.563258 121.914133 24718 Upper Trail Carmel 93922 Building or structure Unpaved surface 09-APR-08 AM 04/09/2008 04:15 04/09/2008 04:30 09-APR-08 AM Pipe structural problem/failure 4 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 718666 Carmel Woods 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.565556 -121.918333 24578 Guadalupe Carmel 93921 Overflow occured in driveway Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 01-JUN-08 AM 06/01/2008 10:00 06/01/2008 10:30 01-JUN-08 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 PVC 3 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 719303 Cafe Napoli 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 36.554914 -121.923097 Dolores Carmel 93922 Building or structure Other paved surface 06-JUN-08 AM 06/06/2008 11:45 06/06/2008 12:00 06-JUN-08 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Lower Lateral 4 VCP Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 719304 L'Auberge Rest 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.554067 -121.924297 Monte Verde Carmel 93922 Front of Restaurant at Curb Other sewer system structure Other paved surface 10-JUN-08 AM 06/10/2008 08:00 06/10/2008 08:10 10-JUN-08 AM Debri-General Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 722249 Carmel Woods 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.5675 121.916389 3233 San Lucas Carmel 93921 Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 11-JUL-08 AM 07/11/2008 02:45 07/11/2008 03:00 11-JUL-08 AM Root intrusion 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 723381 26558 Mission Fields Dr. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.538814 -121.913547 26558 Mission Fields Carmel 93922 Building or structure Unpaved surface 21-JUL-08 AM 07/21/2008 15:15 07/21/2008 15:30 21-JUL-08 PM Debri-General Lower Lateral Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10244 Active 723395 3007 Alta Av. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.564483 -121.920267 3007 Alta Carmel 93922 Building or structure Unpaved surface 21-JUL-08 AM 07/21/2008 14:00 07/21/2008 14:10 21-JUL-08 PM Debri-General Lower Lateral Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10244 Active 729129 5 SW of 3rd on guadalupe 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.559906 121.916228 5 sw of 3rd Guadalupe Carmel by the sea 93922 Building or structure Unpaved surface 10-NOV-08 AM 11/10/2008 10:15 11/10/2008 10:25 10-NOV-08 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 739300 5 S/E of 11th on San Antonio Ave. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.548128 -121.927706 5 S/E of 11 San Antonio Carmel by the Sea 93921 contained in front yard of home Other sewer system structure Unpaved surface 15-JUN-09 PM 06/15/2009 17:00 06/15/2009 17:20 15-JUN-09 PM Debri-General Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 742230 27030 Meadow Way 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.532158 -121.923572 2730 Meadow Carmel 93922 Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 21-JUL-09 PM 07/21/2009 03:40 07/21/2009 03:50 21-JUL-09 AM Root intrusion Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10244 Active 742231 2 NW Of 3rd on junipero av 75 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.559647 -121.920969 2NW of 3rd Junipero carmel 93922 Other sewer system structure Unpaved surface 24-JUL-09 AM 07/24/2009 09:30 07/24/2009 09:45 24-JUL-09 PM Debri-General Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 747858 Highlands Inn Carmel, CA 500 No Yes No 0 0 36.50214 -121.9378 Gravity sewer Other paved surface 19-DEC-09 PM 12/19/2009 12:30 12/19/2009 13:00 19-DEC-09 PM Debri-General Restored flow 3 3SSO10244 Active 747859 2 SE of Second on Junipero st. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.559341 -121.91935 2 SE Junipero Carmel 93922 Other sewer system structure Unpaved surface 23-DEC-09 PM 12/23/2009 15:00 12/23/2009 15:25 23-DEC-09 AM Debri-General Lower Lateral Other (specify below) Private lateral spill. Informed homeowner to call a plumber 3 3SSO10244 Active 748247 N/W corner santa fe and 6th 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.55583 -121.91857 Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 04-JAN-10 PM 01/04/2010 16:20 01/04/2010 17:00 04-JAN-10 PM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10244 Active 748849 Handley Hills 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.56465 -121.91292 24670 Handley Carmel 93923 Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 26-JAN-10 AM 01/26/2010 09:30 01/26/2010 09:45 26-JAN-10 PM Other (specify below) unknown Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 751410 2 NE of Second on Lincoln 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.560825 -121.923492 Lincoln Carmel by the sea Building or structure Other paved surface 05-APR-10 AM 04/05/2010 09:00 04/05/2010 09:15 05-APR-10 AM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 752206 2 NE of 5th Av. on Torres St. 35 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.557078 -121.919003 2NE of 5th Torres Carmel by the sea 93923 Building or structure Street/curb and gutter 05-MAY-10 AM 05/05/2010 08:00 05/05/2010 08:30 05-MAY-10 AM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 753391 NE Corner of Lincoln and 3rd 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.559469 -121.923472 NE corner of Lincoln and 3rd Carmel 92922 Other (specify) SRV on private property Unpaved surface 15-JUN-10 AM 06/15/2010 11:02 06/15/2010 11:09 15-JUN-10 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 VCP 60 Other (specify below) iNFORMED HOMEOWNER TO CALL A PLUMBER. CAWD NOT RESPONCIBLE FOR PRIVATE LATERAL 3 3SSO10244 Active 753840 3 NW of Casanova on Palue 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.558342 -121.925682 Palue Carmel 93922 Building or structure Unpaved surface 22-JUN-10 AM 06/22/2010 08:50 06/22/2010 09:00 22-JUN-10 AM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 753843 3 NW of Camino Del Monte on Casanova 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.55963 -121.92568 Carmel 93922 Building or structure Unpaved surface 22-JUN-10 AM 06/22/2010 04:15 06/22/2010 04:30 22-JUN-10 AM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 754082 3380 Taylor Rd 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.543644 -121.913678 3380 Taylor Carmel 93922 Other (specify) SRV Unpaved surface 25-JUN-10 PM 06/25/2010 13:10 06/25/2010 13:10 25-JUN-10 PM Other (specify below) Private Lateral , Informed homeowner to call a plumber Other (specify below) Private Lateral spill 3 3SSO10244 Active 754736 SW Corner of Palue and Jane Powers Walkway 45 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.558247 -121.925669 Palue Carmel Building or structure Unpaved surface 05-JUL-10 AM 07/05/2010 10:15 07/05/2010 10:45 05-JUL-10 AM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 756090 5 SE of 4th on Monte Verde 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.5573 -121.924208 5 SE of 4TH Monte Verde Carmel 93922 Other sewer system structure Private SRV Street/curb and gutter 12-AUG-10 AM 08/12/2010 11:45 08/12/2010 11:50 12-AUG-10 AM Debri-General Other (specify below) Private Lateral spill Informed home owner to call a plumber 3 3SSO10244 Active 756158 nw corner of santa lucia and rio rd 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.539509 -121.909515 NW corner Santa Lucia Carmel 93922 Other (specify) Private Lateral spill out of SRV Street/curb and gutter 18-AUG-10 AM 08/18/2010 07:40 08/18/2010 07:40 18-AUG-10 AM Debri-General Lower Lateral Other (specify below) Private Lateral spill Informed home owner to call a plumber 3 3SSO10244 Active 756281 2 NW of Camino Real on 4th 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.559392 -121.923869 4th Carmel 93922 Building or structure Unpaved surface 23-AUG-10 AM 08/23/2010 02:08 08/23/2010 02:30 23-AUG-10 AM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10244 Active 759139 5 SE of Mountain View on Crespie 40 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.551294 -121.916047 5 Crespie Carmel 93922 Other sewer system structure Unpaved surface 04-DEC-10 AM 12/04/2010 11:00 12/04/2010 11:20 04-DEC-10 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10245 Active 714099 5464 Carp Ave 500 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 500 34.394456 119.511042 5464 Carpinteria Carpinteria 93013 in paved parking lot Manhole PRIVATE MANHOLE FOR A PRIVATE LATERAL Storm drain Spill entered a storm drain and was fully captured by a company hired by the responsible party. 07-FEB-08 AM 02/07/2008 12:20 02/07/2008 12:30 07-FEB-08 PM Debris It was a build-up of solids and sludge in the private lateral. 6 pvc Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system CSD crew unplugged the lateral and recovered all sewage and wash down water in the parking lot gutter. MarBorg recovered all that was in the storm drain. Valley Construction Sewer & Drain cleaned and cctv'd the lateral. 3 3SSO10245 Active 745478 Pueblo Del Estero Apartments 1500 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1350 150 34.40529 -119.53359 4140 Via Real Carpintgeria 93013 out of private manhole, accross sidewalk to street gutter, down gutter aprox. 535ft to stormdrain Manhole Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 06-OCT-09 AM 10/06/2009 19:15 10/06/2009 20:00 06-OCT-09 PM Root intrusion Upper Lateral 6 cip 30 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10245 Active 765133 Camino Real Apartments 800 No Yes No 600 200 34.40194 -119.52665 4530 Carpinteria Carpinteria 93013 In private parking area for the Camino Real Apartments. Other (specify) Private 6 sewer cleanout for the Camino Real Apartments. Separate storm drain 03-APR-11 AM 04/03/2011 11:40 04/03/2011 11:45 03-APR-11 PM Other (specify below) unknown Upper Lateral 6 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10245 Active 800724 Carpinteria_4851 9th St. 14 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 14 0 34.39952 -119.52084 4851 Ninth St Carpinteria 93013 Spill was located approximately 3' from the border of the sidewalk, in the middle of the driveway. Lateral Clean Out (Public) Paved Surface 10-NOV-13 PM 11/10/2013 01:12 11/10/2013 01:30 10-NOV-13 PM Root Intrusion Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Other (specify below) lower lateral (public) 6 vcp 30 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System CSD personnel cleared root blockage with Gorlitz, recovered spill that accumulated in a low spot in driveway with a shop vac. As a follow up, CSD personnel re-inspected line via CCTV push cam, removed more roots, and applied Rootx. Lateral was added to CSD inventory and put on a maintenance schedule. 3 3SSO10245 Active 801812 Albertsons 3060 Yes Yes No 1100 0 34.39455 -119.51196 1018 Carpinteria Avenue Carpinteria 93013 Cleanout in the back of the building, near the loading dock. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) Carpinteria Creek 16-DEC-13 PM 12/16/2013 22:00 12/16/2013 12:45 16-DEC-13 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10245 Active 802724 Concha Loma 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 34.39167 -119.51237 833 Arbol Verde Carpinteria 93013 Lower Lateral (Public) Clean out at the edge of the driveway. Driveway 08-JAN-14 AM 01/08/2014 11:30 01/08/2014 11:38 08-JAN-14 PM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 VCP Cleaned-Up 3 3SSO10245 Active 859669 7-11- Via Real/Santa Monica Rd. 100 Yes Yes No 25 75 34.40518 -119.52955 4410 Via Real Carpinteria 93013 Building Cleanout at southwest corner of 7-11 building. Upper Lateral (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 05-JUL-19 PM 07/06/2019 10:00 07/06/2019 10:30 06-JUL-19 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Food Service Establishment (FSE) 7-11 and Mexican Food Restaurant on property share lateral. Upper Lateral (Private) 6 vcp Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Installed boom material to contain intermittent spill. Installed boom material to prevent wastewater from entering storm drain. Blocked off perimeter of wastewater to prevent public health issues. Notified onsite managers of problem with limited response. Notified Santa Barbara County Environmental Health Department. Health Department closed 7-11 and Rincon Altueno until flow could be restored and the site was cleaned. Sanitary District followed up with inspection of both establishments and issued a notice of violation of FOG management practices. 3 3SSO10249 Active 705370 Mar Brisas HMA - 10.12.07 310 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 35.112778 120.624722 924 Fourth Grover Beach 93433 Mar Brisas HMA located at 924 N. 4th Street, Grover Beach, CA 93433. Spill occurred at manhole located just outside of the lift station. Sewage discharged out of a 1 pickhole and flowed down the curb/gutter approximately 500' where it was stopped by a naturally ocurring earthen dam. The remaining flow showed evidence of evaporation. Manhole 1 pickhole Street/curb and gutter Flow was contained by a naturally ocurring earthen dam. The discharge showed evidence of evaporation. 11-OCT-07 AM 10/12/2007 10:32 10/12/2007 11:24 12-OCT-07 PM Pump station failure Lift Station bubbler control was left in the off position causing the manhole to overflow. When discovered, this switch was returned to the on position and the lift station was pumped down. Flow was returned to normal operations. 12 CMP Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow Crews arrived on-site and spill was already mitigated. No flow was visibly observed. Crews noted that a naturally occuring earthen dam had prevented the discharge from entering any surface water. Evidence showed the SSO to be minimal with a total loss of gallons to be 310 and a flow of less than 1 gpm. The discharge was contained by the naturally ocuring dam and appeared to have evaporated. 3 3SSO10250 Active 779202 885 Obispo Street 500 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 300 0 34.96886 -120.57069 Other (specify) Lid of private residence cleanout was left off. Separate storm drain 25-FEB-09 PM 02/25/2009 13:20 02/25/2009 13:20 25-FEB-09 PM Other (specify below) Resident error Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10250 Active 830091 885 obisbo 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 34.96886 -120.57069 885 obisbo guadalupe 93434 coming out a lateral clean out Lateral Clean Out (Private) water was coming out clean out Paved Surface onto curb where it was contained 17-NOV-16 PM 11/17/2016 13:15 11/17/2016 13:30 17-NOV-16 PM Other (specify below) lateral plugged Single Family Home the lateral that was clogged back water into house and out of clean out located on side of house. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 abs 15 Cleaned-Up called vac truck to suck up water. home owner took care of lateral 3 3SSO10252 Active 650171 Chevron Soquel at Ocean Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.974433 122.018367 400 Ocean Street Santa Cruz Other (specify) Cleanout in Sidewalk Other (specify below) spill contained and returned to collection system via vactor 04-MAY-07 AM 05/04/2007 08:20 05/04/2007 08:30 04-MAY-07 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral spill caused by excessive amount of hand towels in line. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10252 Active 651458 910 Soquel Ave 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.977967 122.01395 910 Soquel A Santa Cruz 95123 Other (specify) Cleanout in sidewalk Street/curb and gutter 05-JUN-07 AM 06/05/2007 09:10 06/05/2007 08:20 05-JUN-07 AM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 653391 1220 Soquel Ave 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 25 0 36.980133 122.00975 1220 Soquel Santa Cruz 95062 Sidewalk Area Building or structure Street/curb and gutter 27-JUN-07 AM 06/27/2007 07:00 06/27/2007 07:10 27-JUN-07 AM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 653438 404 Soquel Ave 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 0 36.974433 122.000583 404 Soquel Santa Cruz 95060 Sidewalk cleanout Building or structure Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 02-JUL-07 AM 07/02/2007 09:05 07/02/2007 09:15 02-JUL-07 AM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 654437 435 Market Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.98579 -122.01527 435 Market Santa Cruz 95060 Building or structure Street/curb and gutter 11-JUL-07 AM 07/11/2007 08:00 07/11/2007 08:20 11-JUL-07 AM Debri-General Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 657585 111 Ocean Street 100 Yes Yes No 25 75 36.968967 122.017267 111 Ocean Santa Cruz Sidewalk Cleanout Other (specify) Sidewalk Cleanout Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter;Other (specify below) Storm Pump Station 16-SEP-07 AM 09/16/2007 11:30 09/16/2007 12:00 16-SEP-07 PM Debri-General Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 713190 268 Calvin Place 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 100 0 36.970167 122.0554 268 Calvin Santa Cruz 95060 Plugged main caused overflow of downstairs toilet at 268 calvin place Building or structure Building or structure 20-FEB-08 AM 02/20/2008 08:45 02/20/2008 08:50 20-FEB-08 AM Root intrusion 6 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 713948 708 Laurent Street 100 No Yes No 0 100 36.971017 122.043817 708 Laurent Santa Cruz 95060 Plugged main caused overflow in downstairs of Home at 708 Laurent Street Building or structure Building or structure;Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 24-FEB-08 AM 02/24/2008 12:00 02/24/2008 12:30 24-FEB-08 PM Root intrusion 12 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Heavy Rains during cleanup of spill. Crews vaccummed up all water that appeared contaminated in the gutter area that surronded the spill. 3 3SSO10252 Active 715879 129 Felker Street 75 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 75 0 36.984944 122.025217 129 Felker Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Cleanout overflow in the sidewalk area Other sewer system structure Cleanout in sidewalk Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 05-APR-08 AM 04/05/2008 11:45 04/05/2008 12:30 05-APR-08 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system private lateral spill caused by grease in lateral line. Advised homeowner to contact plumber for cleaning and to set up a maintenance program for line 3 3SSO10252 Active 715987 125 Pearl Street 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 20 0 36.969583 122.015783 125 Pearl Street Santa Cruz Other (specify) Cleanout in sidewalk area Street/curb and gutter 08-APR-08 AM 04/08/2008 10:10 04/08/2008 10:00 08-APR-08 AM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 715991 133 Peyton Street 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 36.97354 -122.03634 133 Peyton Santa Cruz Cleanout located in the driveway Manhole Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 07-APR-08 AM 04/07/2008 09:45 04/07/2008 10:00 07-APR-08 AM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 716167 1717 Soquel Ave 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 50 0 36.981633 122.003 1717 Soquel Santa Cruz 95062 Clean out in Sidewalk Other (specify) Cleanout located in the si dewalk area Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 13-APR-08 AM 04/13/2008 10:30 04/13/2008 10:45 13-APR-08 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 717409 405 Ocean Street 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 30 0 36.972944 122.0173 405 Ocean Santa Cruz 95060 Clean out in Sidewalk area Building or structure Street/curb and gutter 13-MAY-08 AM 05/13/2008 08:30 05/13/2008 09:00 13-MAY-08 AM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Plunged open line cleaned area of spill and notified owner to contact plumber for professional cleaning of line. 3 3SSO10252 Active 728686 344 Ocean Street 200 No Yes Yes 200 0 36.972233 122.01765 344 Ocean Santa Cruz 95060 Clean out at front of building in sidewalk facing Ocean Street Building or structure Cleanout Other paved surface;Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter City Crews Plugged Storm Drain and returned all of spill to Sanitary Sewer 29-OCT-08 AM 10/29/2008 14:10 10/29/2008 14:15 29-OCT-08 PM Debri-General Lower Lateral 4 vcp Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 736605 802 Pacific Avenue (Taco Bell) 150 No Yes Yes 150 0 36.9692 -122.024467 802 Pacific Santa Cruz 95060 Cleanout in driveway approch (Laurel Street side) Other (specify) Cleanout in driveway approch Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 18-APR-09 AM 04/20/2009 10:00 04/20/2009 10:30 20-APR-09 PM Debri-General Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 745227 363 Western Drive 850 No Yes Yes 850 0 36.96275 -122.057317 363 Western Santa Cruz 95060 Private manhole in apartment complex Manhole Private Manhole Other paved surface;Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 30-SEP-09 AM 09/30/2009 09:00 09/30/2009 09:10 30-SEP-09 AM Root intrusion Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Private Line opened by plumber. Found to be obstructed with roots. City compliance to send letter to repair pipe. 3 3SSO10252 Active 746815 603 Woodrow Ave 20 No Yes Yes 20 0 36.95713 -122.03815 603 Woodrow Santa Cruz Sewer cleanout in sidewalk Building or structure Street/curb and gutter 06-NOV-09 AM 11/06/2009 10:31 11/06/2009 10:35 06-NOV-09 AM Debri-General Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 747237 Cypress Point Apartmrnts 125 No Yes Yes 100 0 36.96598 -122.03243 101 Felix Santa Cruz Private lateral cleanout in apartment complex Building or structure;Gravity sewer Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 01-DEC-09 AM 12/01/2009 10:15 12/01/2009 11:00 01-DEC-09 PM Other (specify below) unknown due to private spill. opening of line and cleanup were handled by private company Upper Lateral 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Private lateral line opened and cleaned up by private plumber. City supervised work and cleanup.Letter will also be sent by city compliance to property owner for followup maintenance and cleaning schedule. 3 3SSO10252 Active 749044 304 Cliff Street 60 No Yes Yes 60 0 36.96561 -122.02113 304 Cliff Santa Cruz 95060 Private Lateral spill on private property that flowed onto city street Building or structure Private cleanout Other paved surface;Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter Spilled onto street. City vactor vacummed spill and cleaned storm drain. 30-JAN-10 AM 01/30/2010 13:20 01/30/2010 13:30 30-JAN-10 PM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 751500 841 Almar Street 25 No Yes Yes 25 0 36.96121 -122.04431 841 Almar Santa Cruz Cleanout in Parking lot Building or structure Storm drain Spill contained to street and Storm Drain. Crew Vacummed spill and returned spill to sanitary sewer 09-APR-10 AM 04/09/2010 11:35 04/09/2010 11:45 09-APR-10 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 751504 841 Almar Street 20 No Yes Yes 20 0 36.96121 -122.04431 841 Almar Santa Cruz Cleanout in driveway area Building or structure Other paved surface;Storm drain 08-APR-10 AM 04/08/2010 09:45 04/08/2010 10:00 08-APR-10 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 757427 353 Soquel Ave 50 No Yes Yes 50 0 36.97442 -122.01941 353 Soquel Santa Cruz 95060 Building or structure Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 27-SEP-10 PM 09/27/2010 15:26 09/27/2010 15:40 27-SEP-10 PM Debri-Rags Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 758604 100 Pioneer Street 75 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 75 0 36.98819 -122.03369 100 Pioneer Santa Cruz Cleanout in sidewalk area Other (specify) Cleanout Street/curb and gutter 10-NOV-10 PM 11/10/2010 17:00 11/10/2010 17:30 10-NOV-10 PM Debri-Rags Main Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 766762 104 Kaye Street 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 36.96585 -122.017 104 Kaye Santa Cruz Lateral overflow from sidewalk cleanout Building or structure Private lateral spill from sidewalk cleanout Street/curb and gutter Spill contained and vacummed with city staff 19-MAY-11 PM 05/19/2011 22:25 05/19/2011 22:50 19-MAY-11 PM Debri-Rags Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 773015 216 Leibrant Street 150 No Yes Yes 150 0 36.96601 -122.01752 216 Leibrant Santa Cruz Private lateral spill from cleanout Building or structure Combined storm drain (combined CS only) The affected drains and catch basins were washed out and vacuumed, the sanitary sewer main was cleaned as a precaution and follow up testing of Storm station 1-B was preformed. 05-JUL-11 AM 07/05/2011 09:20 07/05/2011 09:29 05-JUL-11 AM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 773020 415 Ocean Street 60 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 60 0 36.97382 -122.01868 415 Ocean Santa Cruz Cleanout in sidewalk Building or structure Street/curb and gutter 06-AUG-11 AM 08/06/2011 10:49 08/06/2011 11:10 06-AUG-11 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 775938 1401 Pacific ave 50 No Yes Yes 50 0 36.97479 -122.02691 1401 Pacific Santa Cruz 95060 Cleanout in the sidewalk area Building or structure Street/curb and gutter 14-JAN-12 PM 01/14/2012 19:30 01/14/2012 19:45 14-JAN-12 PM Other (specify below) Check valve failed on private lateral Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 775940 1401 Pacific ave 25 No Yes Yes 25 0 36.97479 -122.02691 1401 Pacific Santa Cruz 95060 Building or structure Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 16-JAN-12 PM 01/16/2012 19:00 01/16/2012 19:15 16-JAN-12 PM Other (specify below) Defective Private Check Valve Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 779158 190 Isbel Drive 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 36.9917 -122.01253 190 Isbel Santa Cruz 95060 Force Main Cleanout Box overflowed due to Contractor s poor repair of force main pipe. Force main or pressure sewer Cleanout Box Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface Spill occured and was contained to private property. City initiated emergency repair of private lateral sewer line. 26-MAR-12 AM 03/26/2012 09:00 03/26/2012 11:00 26-MAR-12 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 3 3SSO10252 Active 780747 616 Atlantic Ave 30 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 30 36.9632 -122.00316 616 Atlantic Santa Cruz 95060 Private pump station force main plugged. Force main or pressure sewer Surface water Spill reached Yacht Harbor 26-APR-12 AM 04/26/2012 02:15 04/26/2012 02:00 26-APR-12 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Grease in pipe caused blockage. Enviormental compliance to issue warnings and ssk for immediaction to correct. Upper Lateral Restored flow 3 3SSO10252 Active 781401 503 Walnut Ave 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 30 0 36.97215 -122.03438 503 Walnut Santa Cruz Cleanout in sidewalk Building or structure Street/curb and gutter 16-MAY-12 AM 05/16/2012 09:00 05/16/2012 09:15 16-MAY-12 AM Debri-General Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 781402 Taco Bell 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 36.96928 -122.02474 802 Pacific Santa Cruz Cleanout in driveway approch Building or structure Street/curb and gutter 16-MAY-12 AM 05/16/2012 06:30 05/16/2012 07:30 16-MAY-12 AM Debri-Rags Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 783114 1200 Laurent Street 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97616 -122.04254 1200 Laurent Santa Cruz 95060 The spill surfaced in the back yard of 654 Escalona Drive, the sewer lateral from 1200 Laurent crosses this property and is contained on that site. Building or structure In the backyard of 654 Escalona Drive. Unpaved surface Spill is contained in the backyard of 654 Escalona Drive. 03-JUL-12 AM 07/05/2012 13:20 07/05/2012 13:30 06-JUL-12 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral In the backyard of 654 Escalona Drive, were the line crosses the property. 4 Orangeburg 80 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow Spill is contained in yard @ 654 Escalona/ plumber is on site trying to clear stoppage/repair pipe/ and cleanup spill. City Enviormental Compliance is also involved to get this resolved. 3 3SSO10252 Active 783581 415 Ocean Street 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 36.97375 -122.01891 415 Ocean Santa Cruz 95060 Private lateral cleanout in sidewalk Other (specify) Cleanout in sidewalk Street/curb and gutter 16-JUL-12 AM 07/16/2012 12:15 07/16/2012 12:30 16-JUL-12 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral overflow. Plunged and opened line. Washed and vacuumed up all contents of spill. City main clear and flowing normally. Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 784104 317 Ocean Street 30 No Yes Yes 0 0 36.9714 -122.01779 Building or structure Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 25-JUL-12 AM 07/25/2012 10:00 07/25/2012 10:15 25-JUL-12 AM Debri-Rags Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Private lateral spill. Industrial waste will follow up with building owner to insure line is maintained. 3 3SSO10252 Active 789577 1712 Ocean Street 50 Yes Yes No 10 40 36.9876 -122.02608 1712 Ocean Santa Cruz 95060 Clean out on private property Building or structure;Gravity sewer Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter;Surface water 28-DEC-12 AM 12/28/2012 08:00 12/28/2012 08:15 28-DEC-12 AM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 789579 745 Escolona Drive 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 36.97308 -122.04254 745 Escolona Santa Cruz Other (specify) Cleanout in sidewalk Street/curb and gutter 28-DEC-12 PM 12/28/2012 12:15 12/28/2012 12:30 28-DEC-12 PM Debri-General Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 792384 Walnut AVE 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 36.97298 -122.02934 224 Walnut Santa Cruz 95060 The spill sufaced fron the sidewalk sewer cleanout that services the building located at 224 Walnut ave. Building or structure Street/curb and gutter 05-MAR-13 PM 03/05/2013 14:35 03/05/2013 14:50 05-MAR-13 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Main 6 VCP Other (specify below) Washed down entire affected sidwalk and street area, flushed City main and private lateral to ensure proper flow, vacuumed up all spilled and added liquids. 3 3SSO10252 Active 792385 415 Ocean Street 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 36.97375 -122.01891 415 Ocean Santa Cruz 95060 The sidewalk and street area infront of 415 Ocean Street Building or structure From the sidewalk C/O in front of the resturant located at 415 Ocean Street Street/curb and gutter 05-MAR-13 PM 03/05/2013 16:15 03/05/2013 16:45 05-MAR-13 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Other (specify below) The grease interceptor and the lateral that services the building located at 415 Ocean Street 4 VCP Other (specify below) Washed down entire affected area and recapured all spilled and added liquid, spoke to the owner/manager and avised same to call a plumber ASAP 3 3SSO10252 Active 794278 Grant Street Park 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 36.98543 -122.02183 Grant Santa Cruz 96060 Cleanout in sidewalk Other sewer system structure Street/curb and gutter 18-MAY-13 PM 05/18/2013 17:00 05/18/2013 17:20 18-MAY-13 PM Debri-Rags Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 795952 124 Hiawatha Ave 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 36.96683 -122.01131 124 Hiawatha Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral cleanout in yard Building or structure Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface 19-JUN-13 PM 06/19/2013 14:21 06/19/2013 14:50 19-JUN-13 PM Debri-Rags Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10252 Active 798605 621 Walnut Ave 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.96923 -122.03658 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 05-SEP-13 AM 09/05/2013 08:30 Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 798606 241 Ocean Street 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.9707 -122.01712 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 30-AUG-13 PM 08/30/2013 14:25 Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 798911 116 Magnolia Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.98197 -122.01008 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 15-SEP-13 AM 09/16/2013 08:00 09/16/2013 08:15 16-SEP-13 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 798912 328 Parkway 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 38.65803 -121.08392 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 19-SEP-13 AM 09/19/2013 09:30 09/19/2013 09:45 19-SEP-13 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 798984 112 Coloma Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.98029 -122.02223 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 21-SEP-13 PM 09/21/2013 18:00 Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 798985 416 liberty street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.95843 -122.03008 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 22-SEP-13 AM 09/22/2013 08:48 09/22/2013 09:00 22-SEP-13 AM Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 799120 530 Lincoln street 10 No Yes Yes 0 0 36.97175 -122.03189 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 15-SEP-13 PM 09/15/2013 15:00 09/15/2013 15:10 15-SEP-13 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 799719 828 Branciforte Ave 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.98032 -122.01384 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 11-OCT-13 AM 10/11/2013 11:15 10/11/2013 11:30 11-OCT-13 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 799720 138 Coulson Ave 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.98406 -122.02136 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 11-OCT-13 AM 10/11/2013 11:45 10/11/2013 12:00 11-OCT-13 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 800137 152 Leibrandt Ave 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 36.9661 -122.01727 Other (specify) private lateral clean out in sidewalk 19-OCT-13 AM 10/19/2013 04:32 10/19/2013 05:00 19-OCT-13 AM Other (specify below) Paper 3 3SSO10252 Active 800505 317 Portrero St 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 317 Portrero Street Santa Cruz 95060 Lower Lateral (Private) 01-NOV-13 PM 11/01/2013 14:30 11/01/2013 14:45 01-NOV-13 PM Other (specify below) Unknown Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 800506 152 Leibrandt Street 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 152 Leibrandt Street Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 19-OCT-13 PM 10/19/2013 16:30 10/19/2013 17:00 19-OCT-13 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 800701 154 Bixby Street 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 154 Bixby Street Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 11-NOV-13 PM 11/11/2013 15:25 11/11/2013 15:45 11-NOV-13 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 801062 1012 Bay Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 1012 Bay Street Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 20-NOV-13 AM 11/20/2013 07:00 11/20/2013 07:30 20-NOV-13 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 801063 205 Seaview Ave 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 205 Seaview Ave Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 21-NOV-13 AM 11/21/2013 11:30 11/21/2013 11:45 21-NOV-13 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 801064 207 Hubbard Street 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 207 Hubbard Street Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 21-NOV-13 PM 11/21/2013 16:39 11/21/2013 16:49 21-NOV-13 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 801065 220 King Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 220 King Street Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 17-NOV-13 PM 11/17/2013 14:40 11/17/2013 15:00 17-NOV-13 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 801769 209 Maple Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 209 Maple Street Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 13-DEC-13 AM 12/13/2013 12:00 12/13/2013 12:15 13-DEC-13 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 801770 828 Branciforte Ave 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 828 Branciforte Ave Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 13-DEC-13 PM 12/13/2013 13:00 12/13/2013 13:30 13-DEC-13 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 802415 300 Harbor Drive 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 300 Harbor Drive Santa Cruz 95060 Lower Lateral (Private) 01-JAN-14 PM 01/01/2014 18:00 01/01/2014 18:30 01-JAN-14 PM Other (specify below) Unknown Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 802417 520 Chestnut Street 99 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 99 0 520 Chestnut Street Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 13-DEC-13 AM 12/13/2013 09:30 12/13/2013 10:00 13-DEC-13 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 802418 740 Pine Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 740 Pine Street Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 19-DEC-13 PM 12/19/2013 17:30 12/19/2013 17:40 19-DEC-13 PM Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 802419 740 Pine Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 740 Pine Street Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 19-DEC-13 PM 12/19/2013 17:30 12/19/2013 17:40 19-DEC-13 PM Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 802421 520 Chestnut St 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 520 Chestnut Street Santa Cruz 95123 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 02-JAN-14 PM 01/02/2014 17:20 01/02/2014 17:40 02-JAN-14 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 802425 207 Wavecrest Ave 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.963 -122.05654 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 26-DEC-13 AM 12/26/2013 14:00 12/26/2013 14:15 26-DEC-13 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure - Installation Lower Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 803068 130 Campbell Street 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 130 Campbell Street Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 20-JAN-14 PM 01/20/2014 16:00 01/20/2014 16:15 20-JAN-14 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 803069 118 Sherman Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 118 Sherman Street Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 18-JAN-14 AM 01/18/2014 08:30 01/18/2014 08:45 18-JAN-14 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 803521 417 second street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 417 second Street Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 31-JAN-14 PM 01/31/2014 15:30 01/31/2014 15:40 31-JAN-14 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 803522 343 High Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 343 High Street Santa Cruz 95060 Other sewer system structure Weaping throught the street. Suspect broken lateral line Paved Surface 05-FEB-14 AM 02/05/2014 10:30 02/05/2014 11:00 05-FEB-14 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 803686 314 Center Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 314 Center Street Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 07-FEB-14 AM 02/07/2014 10:10 02/07/2014 10:00 07-FEB-14 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 803687 314 Center Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 314 Center Street Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 09-FEB-14 AM 02/09/2014 09:50 02/09/2014 10:15 09-FEB-14 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 803968 1820 Ocean Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 1820 Ocean Street Extension Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 19-FEB-14 PM 02/19/2014 18:00 02/19/2014 18:15 19-FEB-14 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 804931 136 Market Street 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 36.9816 -122.01871 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 21-MAR-14 PM 03/21/2014 13:35 03/21/2014 13:45 21-MAR-14 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 804932 207 Hubbard Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.9825 -122.02042 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 24-MAR-14 PM 03/24/2014 14:00 03/24/2014 14:15 24-MAR-14 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 805703 317 Ocean Street 5 No Yes Yes 5 0 36.9714 -122.01779 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 23-APR-14 AM 04/23/2014 10:11 04/23/2014 10:20 23-APR-14 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 806248 134 Bixby Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 0 0 134 Bixby Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 19-MAY-14 AM 05/19/2014 09:35 05/19/2014 10:00 19-MAY-14 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 806863 154 Bixby 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 36.97044 -122.01784 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 06-JUN-14 AM 06/06/2014 08:14 06/06/2014 08:25 06-JUN-14 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 806925 167 Archer Drive 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 36.97259 -122.04746 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 09-JUN-14 AM 06/09/2014 08:42 06/09/2014 08:52 09-JUN-14 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 806926 716 Walnut Ave 12 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 12 0 36.97317 -122.03745 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 10-JUN-14 AM 06/10/2014 10:30 06/10/2014 10:45 10-JUN-14 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 806927 154 Bixby Street 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 36.97044 -122.01784 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 06-JUN-14 AM 06/06/2014 08:14 06/06/2014 08:25 06-JUN-14 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 807072 224 Pearl Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.9707 -122.01607 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 17-JUN-14 PM 06/17/2014 16:20 06/17/2014 16:40 17-JUN-14 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 807547 550 Second Street 500 No Yes Yes 500 0 36.96458 -122.02468 Lanai Lodge Hotel cleanout Lateral Clean Out (Private) 05-JUL-14 AM 07/05/2014 00:00 07/05/2014 00:00 05-JUL-14 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 809297 125 Beach Street 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 36.96421 -122.02336 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 18-SEP-14 PM 09/18/2014 12:50 09/18/2014 13:00 18-SEP-14 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 809298 303 Keystone Ave 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.98528 -122.00987 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 19-SEP-14 AM 09/19/2014 09:55 09/19/2014 10:10 19-SEP-14 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 809723 130 Cambell 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 36.9716 -122.02008 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 02-OCT-14 PM 10/02/2014 18:00 10/02/2014 18:30 02-OCT-14 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 810516 516 Chestnut Street 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 36.97323 -122.03048 1115 Mission Street Lateral Clean Out (Private) 04-NOV-14 AM 11/04/2014 08:00 11/04/2014 08:15 04-NOV-14 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 810517 438 Pennsylvania Ave 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.97804 -122.01243 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 11-OCT-14 PM 10/11/2014 13:06 10/11/2014 13:16 11-OCT-14 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 810626 716 High Street 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.977844 -122.043049 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 10-NOV-14 AM 11/10/2014 11:20 11/10/2014 11:30 10-NOV-14 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 810735 55 River Street 25 No Yes Yes 25 0 36.97644 -122.02545 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 17-NOV-14 AM 11/17/2014 13:10 11/17/2014 13:20 17-NOV-14 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 811561 530 Ocean Street 4 No Yes Yes 4 0 36.975695 -122.09118 530 Ocean Street Lateral Clean Out (Private) 15-DEC-14 AM 12/15/2014 11:15 12/15/2014 11:25 15-DEC-14 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 811562 530 Ocean Street 4 No Yes Yes 4 0 36.975695 -122.09118 530 Ocean Street Lateral Clean Out (Private) 15-DEC-14 AM 12/15/2014 11:15 12/15/2014 11:25 15-DEC-14 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 811563 304 Mott Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.96635 -122.00893 304 Mott Street Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 16-DEC-14 AM 12/16/2014 09:38 12/16/2014 09:45 16-DEC-14 AM Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 811564 208 First Street 25 No Yes Yes 25 0 36.964529 -122.021807 208 First Street Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 17-DEC-14 AM 12/17/2014 11:13 12/17/2014 11:22 17-DEC-14 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 811565 417 pennsylvania Ave 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.97737 -122.01301 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 21-NOV-14 AM 11/21/2014 09:20 11/21/2014 09:30 21-NOV-14 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 812024 363 Western Drive 150 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 150 0 36.9674 -122.05789 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 28-DEC-14 AM 12/28/2014 10:50 12/28/2014 11:30 28-DEC-14 AM Root Intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 812025 1514 King Street 0 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.96584 -122.04558 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 03-JAN-15 AM 01/03/2015 12:00 01/03/2015 12:20 03-JAN-15 PM Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Restored flow Paper on sidewalk. No visible water. Plungged open 3 3SSO10252 Active 812026 214 Plateau Ave 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 36.95634 -122.03831 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 02-JAN-15 AM 01/02/2015 11:15 01/02/2015 11:25 02-JAN-15 AM Debris-Rags Upper Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 812028 516 Chestnut Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.97323 -122.03048 Lower Lateral (Private) 21-DEC-14 PM 12/21/2014 16:00 12/21/2014 16:15 21-DEC-14 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 812349 1512 Bay Street 10 No Yes Yes 10 0 36.96815 -122.04245 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 16-JAN-15 AM 01/16/2015 09:15 01/16/2015 09:20 16-JAN-15 AM Debris-Rags Crews noticed while driving by. Contained all of spill and cleaned up. Re-established flow in lateral Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 813281 514 Frederick Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.97775 -122.00356 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 18-FEB-15 AM 02/18/2015 07:10 02/18/2015 07:20 18-FEB-15 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 813282 136 Market Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.9816 -122.01871 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 24-FEB-15 AM 02/24/2015 07:10 02/24/2015 07:30 24-FEB-15 AM Root Intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 813570 129 Coloma Street 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 36.97985 -122.02273 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 11-FEB-15 AM 02/11/2015 13:15 02/11/2015 13:40 11-FEB-15 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 813571 136 Market Street 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 36.9816 -122.01871 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 27-FEB-15 AM 02/27/2015 09:40 02/27/2015 09:55 27-FEB-15 AM Root Intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 813572 534 Buena Vista Ave 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 36.97075 -122.01033 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 25-FEB-15 PM 02/25/2015 20:10 02/25/2015 20:30 25-FEB-15 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 814779 154-C Bixby Street 75 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 75 0 36.97044 -122.01784 154 Bixby Street Santa Cruz Cleanout in sidewalk Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 26-APR-15 AM 04/26/2015 18:30 04/26/2015 19:30 26-APR-15 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 815761 245 Walnut Ave 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.97247 -122.03016 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 29-MAY-15 PM 05/29/2015 18:30 05/29/2015 18:40 29-MAY-15 PM Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 815762 542 Ocean Street 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 36.97586 -122.01909 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 07-JUN-15 AM 06/07/2015 11:00 06/07/2015 11:15 07-JUN-15 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 817231 1120 Laurel Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 36.96938 -122.03562 Lower Lateral (Private) 27-JUL-15 AM 07/27/2015 10:20 07/27/2015 10:30 27-JUL-15 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 817232 130 campbell street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.9716 -122.02008 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 28-JUL-15 PM 07/28/2015 19:40 07/28/2015 20:06 28-JUL-15 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 817233 125 Rigg Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.96956 -122.03428 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 29-JUL-15 PM 07/29/2015 14:30 07/29/2015 14:45 29-JUL-15 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 817234 314 cayuga street 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 36.97018 -122.01007 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 05-AUG-15 PM 08/06/2015 08:55 08/06/2015 09:15 06-AUG-15 AM Root Intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 817625 225 Isbel Drive 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 36.99241 -122.01298 Pump station Private small pump station Unpaved surface Spill contained to owners yard. He was going to have private contractor initiate cleanup 25-AUG-15 PM 08/26/2015 08:11 08/26/2015 08:25 26-AUG-15 AM Pump Station Failure-Mechanical Pump Station-Mechanical Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 817771 524 Windham Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.97291 -122.00918 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 21-AUG-15 AM 08/21/2015 13:15 08/21/2015 13:30 21-AUG-15 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 817772 128 Sycamore Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.96752 -122.02556 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 31-AUG-15 AM 08/31/2015 11:00 08/31/2015 11:10 31-AUG-15 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 817773 915 Bay Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 36.96365 -122.03629 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 31-AUG-15 AM 08/31/2015 13:00 08/31/2015 13:10 31-AUG-15 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 817774 518 Cayuga Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 36.9729 -122.00994 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 12-AUG-15 PM 08/12/2015 19:07 08/12/2015 19:35 12-AUG-15 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 818153 616 Parkway Ave 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 1 36.9877 -121.99725 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 12-SEP-15 PM 09/12/2015 17:15 09/12/2015 17:40 12-SEP-15 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 818154 616 park way ave 5 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 5 36.9877 -121.99725 Lower Lateral (Public) Paved Surface;Surface Water 17-SEP-15 AM 09/17/2015 08:10 09/17/2015 08:30 17-SEP-15 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Plungged open lateral. spill directly to storm drain. Compliance notified for enforcement. 3 3SSO10252 Active 818155 505 Walnut Ave 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 20 36.972 -122.03476 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 18-SEP-15 AM 09/18/2015 10:10 09/18/2015 10:45 18-SEP-15 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 818156 216 Suburbia 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.98586 -121.99818 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 18-SEP-15 AM 09/18/2015 09:20 09/18/2015 09:30 18-SEP-15 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) line has a plug in it. responsibility form left with homeowner. 3 3SSO10252 Active 818157 370 Fairmount Ave 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 36.98708 -122.0044 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 18-SEP-15 AM 09/18/2015 09:15 09/18/2015 09:45 18-SEP-15 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 818745 407 Isbel Drive 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 7 0 36.99581 -122.01402 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 03-SEP-15 AM 09/03/2015 09:00 09/03/2015 09:15 03-SEP-15 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Upper Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 818746 325 Berkley way 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 36.98303 -122.01525 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 25-SEP-15 AM 09/25/2015 16:00 09/25/2015 16:20 25-SEP-15 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 818747 515 California Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.9687 -122.03523 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 05-OCT-15 PM 10/05/2015 16:46 10/05/2015 17:20 05-OCT-15 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 818748 304 Cliff Street 7 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 7 7 36.96585 -122.02057 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 09-OCT-15 AM 10/09/2015 11:00 10/09/2015 11:10 09-OCT-15 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 818749 125 Bixby street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 36.96938 -122.0177 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 10-OCT-15 PM 10/10/2015 14:15 10/10/2015 14:30 10-OCT-15 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 3 3SSO10252 Active 819685 125 bixby Street 20 No Yes Yes 20 0 36.96938 -122.0177 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 17-NOV-15 AM 11/17/2015 13:00 11/17/2015 13:05 17-NOV-15 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 819686 809 River Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.98566 -122.03038 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 23-NOV-15 AM 11/23/2015 08:00 11/23/2015 08:15 23-NOV-15 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 819687 518 Laurent street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.97013 -122.04208 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 23-NOV-15 PM 11/23/2015 15:15 11/23/2015 15:30 23-NOV-15 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 819688 521 lincoln street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.97142 -122.03141 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 22-NOV-15 PM 11/22/2015 12:33 11/22/2015 13:10 22-NOV-15 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 820040 344 Washington Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 1 36.96834 -122.02787 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 01-DEC-15 AM 12/01/2015 12:30 12/01/2015 12:40 01-DEC-15 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 820041 322 Woodrow Ave 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.95528 -122.03714 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 01-DEC-15 PM 12/01/2015 15:41 12/01/2015 15:45 01-DEC-15 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 820042 532 King Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.9733 -122.03833 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 02-DEC-15 PM 12/02/2015 17:35 12/02/2015 17:45 02-DEC-15 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 820916 119 Highland Ave 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.97671 -122.03317 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 08-JAN-16 PM 01/08/2016 15:20 01/08/2016 15:35 08-JAN-16 PM Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 820918 307 Western Drive 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.9621 -122.0578 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 08-JAN-16 PM 01/08/2016 14:06 01/08/2016 14:26 08-JAN-16 PM Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 820919 1710 Ocean Street 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 36.98684 -122.02517 Manhole Private manhole in private development Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 08-JAN-16 AM 01/08/2016 07:39 01/08/2016 08:10 08-JAN-16 AM Root Intrusion Manhole Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 820920 510 Barson Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.97088 -122.01666 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 08-JAN-16 AM 01/08/2016 11:12 01/08/2016 11:20 08-JAN-16 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 820921 520 Dufour Ave 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.96334 -122.04106 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 09-JAN-16 AM 01/09/2016 11:00 01/09/2016 11:15 09-JAN-16 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 821112 911 soquel ave 100 Yes Yes No 25 75 36.97882 -122.01459 Pump station 15-JAN-16 AM 01/15/2016 08:45 01/15/2016 09:00 15-JAN-16 AM Pump Station Failure-Mechanical Pump Station-Mechanical Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 821113 819 riverside ave 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 36.97372 -122.02146 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 17-JAN-16 AM 01/17/2016 19:30 01/17/2016 19:45 17-JAN-16 PM Root Intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 821628 1119 Mission Street 1 Yes Yes No 0 1 36.96993 -122.03675 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 25-JAN-16 PM 01/25/2016 18:45 01/25/2016 19:00 25-JAN-16 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 821629 211 Market Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 36.98276 -122.01937 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 25-JAN-16 AM 01/25/2016 08:05 01/25/2016 08:15 25-JAN-16 AM Root Intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 821630 216 Dakota Ave 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 36.97667 -122.01897 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 28-JAN-16 AM 01/28/2016 10:15 01/28/2016 10:25 28-JAN-16 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 821631 152 leibrant street 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 36.9661 -122.01727 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 28-JAN-16 AM 01/28/2016 08:50 01/28/2016 09:00 28-JAN-16 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 822672 703 3rd street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.96724 -122.02034 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 25-FEB-16 AM 02/25/2016 10:30 02/25/2016 10:45 25-FEB-16 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 822673 100 Alamo Ave 10 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.96289 -122.05373 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 16-FEB-16 AM 02/16/2016 11:45 02/16/2016 11:55 16-FEB-16 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 823733 1415 Bay Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 36.96725 -122.04205 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 17-MAR-16 AM 03/17/2016 18:35 03/17/2016 18:35 17-MAR-16 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 823734 350 Ocean Street 50 No Yes Yes 50 0 36.97267 -122.01731 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 05-APR-16 AM 04/05/2016 14:00 04/05/2016 14:00 07-APR-16 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Other (specify below) Private lateral spill. Pipe failure on property. Cleanout ran over until fixed on 4-7-16. All sewage entered storm pump station II. Bypass was installed to pump all standing water in the pumpstation to the sanitary sewer. .25 inches of rain runoff was also diverted to the sewer after line was repaired. Enviormental Compliance to monitor samples taken at pump station. 3 3SSO10252 Active 823736 122 Ocean Street 25 No Yes Yes 25 0 36.9695 -122.0163 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 06-APR-16 AM 04/06/2016 08:00 04/06/2016 08:15 07-APR-16 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Owner notified to call plumber. Line opened on 4-7-16. Spill was contained to low spot in the curb and gutter. Spill was vacummed up and turned over to Compliance for enforcement. 3 3SSO10252 Active 823737 129 Coloma Street 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 36.97985 -122.02273 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 07-MAR-16 AM 03/08/2016 07:00 03/08/2016 07:10 08-MAR-16 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 826447 112 Coloma Street 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 36.98029 -122.02223 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 02-JUL-16 PM 07/02/2016 16:00 07/02/2016 16:30 02-JUL-16 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 826448 222 Olive Street 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 36.96637 -122.04305 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 13-JUL-16 AM 07/13/2016 10:00 07/13/2016 10:10 13-JUL-16 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 826449 312 Ocean Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 36.9714 -122.01706 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 18-JUL-16 PM 07/18/2016 18:15 07/18/2016 18:45 18-JUL-16 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 827171 167 Archer Drive 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.97259 -122.04746 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 04-AUG-16 PM 08/04/2016 15:10 08/04/2016 15:35 04-AUG-16 PM Debris-General Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 828137 204 Laurent Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.96777 -122.03728 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 18-AUG-16 AM 08/18/2016 08:30 08/18/2016 08:45 18-AUG-16 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 828138 522 Emeline 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.99311 -122.01758 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 30-AUG-16 PM 08/30/2016 15:10 08/30/2016 15:25 30-AUG-16 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 828139 307 western drive 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 36.9621 -122.0578 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 31-AUG-16 AM 08/31/2016 11:40 08/31/2016 11:50 31-AUG-16 AM Root Intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 828140 908 Cayuga Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 2 36.97645 -122.01055 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 31-AUG-16 AM 08/31/2016 10:30 08/31/2016 10:40 31-AUG-16 PM Root Intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 828141 522 Emeline 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.99311 -122.01758 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 02-SEP-16 AM 09/02/2016 14:00 09/02/2016 14:15 02-SEP-16 PM Root Intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 828602 313 Beach Street 5 No Yes Yes 5 0 36.96402 -122.02068 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 17-SEP-16 PM 09/17/2016 18:50 09/17/2016 19:08 17-SEP-16 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 828603 153 Franklin Street 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 36.98297 -122.02507 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 26-SEP-16 AM 09/26/2016 11:30 09/26/2016 11:40 26-SEP-16 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 830063 1504 King Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.966048 -122.045142 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) City of Santa Cruz WWTF 17-NOV-16 AM 11/17/2016 11:15 11/17/2016 11:30 17-NOV-16 PM Other (specify below) Paper/Solids Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 830064 617 Walnut Ave 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 36.972412 -122.0363665 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) City of Santa Cruz WWTF 27-NOV-16 AM 11/27/2016 10:00 11/27/2016 10:25 27-NOV-16 AM Other (specify below) leaves and paper products Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Owner Theresa Coraggio (831) 426-5852 was notified of the spill. 3 3SSO10252 Active 830729 122 Laurent Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.967724 -122 122 Laurent Santa Cruz 95060 The curbside cleanout at 122 Laurent Street. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) City of Santa Cruz WWTF 29-NOV-16 PM 11/29/2016 12:20 11/29/2016 12:30 29-NOV-16 PM Other (specify below) Paper Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 830733 101 Main Street 1 Yes Yes Yes 1 0 36.964 -122.02255 Inside Building or Structure Private drain Drainage Channel 14-DEC-16 AM 12/14/2016 13:10 12/14/2016 13:11 14-DEC-16 PM Inappropriate Discharge to CS Other (specify below) Soapy water discharge, possibly due to floor mat cleaning. Entered city catch basin from private property. Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Spill contained in catch basin. Contents of spill washed and vacuumed up. Storm line hydro jetted clean. 3 3SSO10252 Active 830920 304 Cliff Street 10 Yes Yes Yes 10 0 36.96585 -122.02057 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter Contents of spill washed and vacuumed up. Storm line hydro jetted and vacuumed. 19-DEC-16 AM 12/19/2016 09:15 12/19/2016 09:25 19-DEC-16 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 832014 125 James 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97258 -122.00915 125 James Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral overflow on the property Lateral Clean Out (Private) City of Santa Cruz WWTF 22-JAN-17 PM 01/22/2017 13:13 01/22/2017 13:30 22-JAN-17 PM Other (specify below) Unknown Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Entire spill was contained, affected area washed, spill and wash water collected and returned to the WWTF 3 3SSO10252 Active 832107 119 Laurent Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.96693 -122.03595 119 Laurent Santa Cruz Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) City of Santa Cruz WWTF 25-JAN-17 PM 01/25/2017 15:41 01/25/2017 16:00 25-JAN-17 PM Other (specify below) Paper Products Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Spill contained and affected area cleaned spill and wash water returned to the City of Santa Cruz WWTF 3 3SSO10252 Active 832626 137 Felix Street 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 36.96644 -122.03243 Gravity Mainline Paved Surface Contents of spill contained on street and gutter area. Contents washed and vacuumed up. 08-FEB-17 PM 02/08/2017 19:36 02/08/2017 19:55 08-FEB-17 PM Debris-Rags Gravity Mainline Cleaned-Up;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 3 3SSO10252 Active 832627 715 Third Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.96717 -122.0209 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 08-FEB-17 AM 02/08/2017 11:10 02/08/2017 11:15 08-FEB-17 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up Contents of overflow washed and vacuumed up 3 3SSO10252 Active 833041 204 Trescony 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.96615 -122.03777 204 Trescony Clean out on property Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) City of Santa Cruz WWTF 17-FEB-17 PM 02/17/2017 13:00 02/17/2017 13:30 17-FEB-17 PM Other (specify below) Human waste Upper Lateral (Private) 4 Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 3 3SSO10252 Active 833042 120 Hall Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.96864 -122.00709 120 Hall Santa Cruz Clean out on the property Lateral Clean Out (Private) 19-FEB-17 PM 02/19/2017 15:00 02/19/2017 15:30 19-FEB-17 PM Other (specify below) Human waste and paper Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up Unable to clear advise owner to call a plumber ASAP 3 3SSO10252 Active 833687 1820 Mission street Jamba Juice 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 36.96393 -122.04293 1820 Mission Street Santa Cruz Private sewer lateral clean out located on the property. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) City of Santa Cruz, WWTF 14-MAR-17 PM 03/14/2017 14:45 03/14/2017 15:10 14-MAR-17 PM Other (specify below) Paper products Food Service Establishment (FSE) Upper Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City crews were able to clear the lateral stoppage to restore proper flow, clean up and capture effects from spill, follow up with City Environmental Compliance section. 3 3SSO10252 Active 833761 611 Soquel Ave 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.97705 -122.01724 611 Soquel Ave Santa Cruz Curbside sewer lateral clean out in front of 611 Soquel Ave Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) City of Santa Cruz WWTF 17-MAR-17 AM 03/17/2017 11:05 03/17/2017 11:15 17-MAR-17 AM Other (specify below) Unable to determine cause of spill Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Entire spill was contained and deposed of at the City of Santa Cruz WWTF affected area cleaned. 3 3SSO10252 Active 834021 1512 Bay Street 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 36.96822 -122.04239 1512 Bay Street Santa Cruz Lateral cleanout at the sidewalk. Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) Entire spill and wash water collected and returned to the City of Santa Cruz WWTF 29-MAR-17 AM 03/29/2017 08:31 03/29/2017 08:40 29-MAR-17 AM Other (specify below) Paper products Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified City crew able to clear lateral stoppage to restore flow, washed down affected area, recovered wash water and spill completely, notified City Environmental Compliance and provided homeowner information. 3 3SSO10252 Active 834208 1512 Bay Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.96822 -122.04239 1512 Bay Street Santa Cruz 1512 Bat street, private lateral located in the sidewalk. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) City of Santa Cruz WWTF 03-APR-17 AM 04/03/2017 08:46 04/03/2017 09:20 03-APR-17 AM Other (specify below) Paper and human waste Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Spill was discovered by City staff and reported to Public Works and Wastewater Collection Manager. City crew washed affected area and recovered same returned to the WWTF for disposal, tenant notified owner to be contacted by city Environmental Compliance section. 3 3SSO10252 Active 834212 1148 E. Cliff Dr 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.96455 -122.01179 1148 E. Cliff Dr Santa Cruz Lateral clean out in the sidewalk Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) Entire spill and wash water recovered and returned to the City of Santa Cruz WWTF 03-APR-17 AM 04/03/2017 09:11 04/03/2017 10:10 03-APR-17 AM Other (specify below) A stick in the clean out causing the paper to clog the lateral Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Affected area washed, spill and wash water recovered and returned to the WWTF 3 3SSO10252 Active 834344 1820 Mission street Jamba Juice 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.96393 -122.04293 Cleanout on the property Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) Spill and wash down water recovered and returned to the City of Santa Cruz WWTF 06-APR-17 PM 04/06/2017 14:01 04/06/2017 14:10 06-APR-17 PM Other (specify below) Paper products Food Service Establishment (FSE) Upper Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified City crew was able to clear stoppage and restore flow, City main hydro flush all clear and flowing, property management advised to secure services of a plumber, City Environmental Compliance section notified. 3 3SSO10252 Active 834373 125 Pearl Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 36.96952 -122.01592 125 Pearl Santa Cruz Private sewer lateral clean out on the property. Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) Entire spill and wash down water was recovered and returned to the City of Santa Cruz WWTF 09-APR-17 PM 04/09/2017 17:25 04/09/2017 17:55 09-APR-17 PM Other (specify below) Paper and human waste Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 834496 1820 Mission street Jamba Juice 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.96393 -122.04293 Lower Lateral (Public) Other (specify below) Wash water and spill completely recovered and returned to the City of Santa Cruz WWTF 13-APR-17 PM 04/13/2017 14:20 04/13/2017 14:30 13-APR-17 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Food Service Establishment (FSE) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 835769 136 Younger Way 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 36.9664 -122.02227 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) The City of Santa Cruz WWTF 09-JUN-17 AM 06/09/2017 09:00 06/09/2017 09:20 09-JUN-17 AM Other (specify below) Human waste and paper Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 835828 270 Soquel Ave 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 36.9737 -122.02165 Other sewer system structure Grease interceptor Other (specify below) City of Santa Cruz WWTF 07-JUN-17 AM 06/07/2017 09:30 06/07/2017 09:45 07-JUN-17 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) lack of service to restaurant grease interceptor Food Service Establishment (FSE) Other (specify below) Restaurant grease interceptor Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 835829 136 Younger Way 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.9664 -122.02227 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) City of Santa Cruz WWTF 12-JUN-17 AM 06/12/2017 08:45 06/12/2017 09:00 12-JUN-17 AM Other (specify below) Human waste Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 835830 511 Caledonia street 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97668 -122.01476 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) City of Santa Cruz WWTF 12-JUN-17 AM 06/12/2017 11:00 06/12/2017 11:15 12-JUN-17 AM Other (specify below) Excessive paper Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 836294 113 Watson Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.96809 -122.00723 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) City of Santa Cruz WWTF 29-JUN-17 PM 06/29/2017 12:08 06/29/2017 12:45 29-JUN-17 PM Other (specify below) Paper and human waste Upper Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified City crew washed down and vacuumed the affected area and a Plumber arrived to relieve the lateral stoppage. 3 3SSO10252 Active 836295 113 Watson Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.96809 -122.00723 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) City of Santa Cruz WWTF 29-JUN-17 PM 06/29/2017 12:08 06/29/2017 12:45 29-JUN-17 PM Other (specify below) Paper and human waste Upper Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified City crew washed down and vacuumed the affected area and a Plumber arrived to relieve the lateral stoppage. 3 3SSO10252 Active 836508 130 Baldwin 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.96513 -122.04319 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) The City of Santa Cruz WWTF for disposal. 03-JUL-17 AM 07/03/2017 07:15 07/03/2017 07:45 03-JUL-17 AM Other (specify below) Excessive paper Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 836537 1013 Broadway 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.97533 -122.01253 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) City of Santa Cruz WWTF 07-JUL-17 AM 07/07/2017 08:01 07/07/2017 08:15 07-JUL-17 AM Other (specify below) Human waste and paper Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 836538 1013 Broadway 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.97533 -122.01253 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) City of Santa Cruz WWTF 07-JUL-17 AM 07/07/2017 08:01 07/07/2017 08:15 07-JUL-17 AM Other (specify below) Human waste and paper Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 836590 130 Anthony Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 36.96945 -122.04364 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) The City of Santa Cruz WWTF 08-JUL-17 AM 07/08/2017 11:45 07/08/2017 12:30 08-JUL-17 PM Other (specify below) Human waste and paper Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 837408 809 River Street 25 No Yes Yes 0 0 36.98568 -122.03035 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) Entire spill and wash water was recovered, contained and returned to the City of Santa Cruz WWTF 24-JUL-17 AM 07/24/2017 13:00 07/24/2017 13:15 24-JUL-17 PM Other (specify below) Excessive paper and human waste. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified City response crew was able to open lateral stoppage to restore flow, contained and captured spill and wash water. 3 3SSO10252 Active 839198 207 May Ave 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97719 -122.01933 Lateral Clean Out (Public) 16-AUG-17 AM 08/16/2017 11:45 08/16/2017 12:00 16-AUG-17 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 839492 207 Leonard Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97849 -122.01937 Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) Spill returned to City of Santa Cruz WWTF 26-AUG-17 PM 08/26/2017 12:15 08/26/2017 12:30 26-AUG-17 PM Other (specify below) Cause of spill unknown Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 839493 415 River Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.98173 -122.02981 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) Spill was returned to the City of Santa Cruz WWTF 29-AUG-17 AM 08/29/2017 11:35 08/29/2017 11:45 29-AUG-17 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 839559 1001 Ocean Street 4 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.98144 -122.02248 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) Entire spill and wash water disposed of at the City of Santa Cruz WWTF 29-AUG-17 AM 08/29/2017 10:50 08/29/2017 11:00 29-AUG-17 AM Other (specify below) Excessive paper Upper Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 840393 608 Soquel Ave 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97642 -122.01638 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) Entire spill contained and returned to the City of Santa Cruz WWTF 28-SEP-17 AM 09/28/2017 08:46 09/28/2017 08:50 28-SEP-17 AM Other (specify below) Paper Towels Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 840820 1551 Pacific Ave 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97664 -122.02723 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Spill and wash water recovered by city staff and returned to the City of Santa Cruz WWTF 12-OCT-17 AM 10/12/2017 11:16 10/12/2017 11:26 12-OCT-17 AM Other (specify below) Paper Upper Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 840825 629 Walnut Ave 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97254 -122.03692 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) Spill and wash water recovered by city staff and returned to the City of Santa Cruz WWTF 14-OCT-17 PM 10/14/2017 13:37 10/14/2017 13:55 14-OCT-17 PM Other (specify below) Paper and human waste Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 841148 231 Evergreen Street 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.98035 -122.03348 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 27-OCT-17 AM 10/27/2017 10:30 10/27/2017 10:40 27-OCT-17 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 841398 117 Colorado Street 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.96773 -122.04454 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 06-NOV-17 PM 11/06/2017 14:15 11/06/2017 14:20 06-NOV-17 PM Other (specify below) Unkown Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 841578 217 Laguna Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.95635 -122.02971 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 15-NOV-17 AM 11/15/2017 10:50 11/15/2017 11:00 15-NOV-17 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 841737 312 National Street 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.95747 -122.03264 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 21-NOV-17 PM 11/21/2017 14:30 11/21/2017 14:40 21-NOV-17 PM Other (specify below) Excessive paper human waste Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 841761 412 Front Street 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97091 -122.0239 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 24-NOV-17 AM 11/24/2017 07:35 11/24/2017 07:45 24-NOV-17 AM Other (specify below) Paper products/human waste Lower Lateral (Private) Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 3 3SSO10252 Active 843150 130 Anthony St Santa Cruz, CA 95060 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.969401 -122.043507 130 Anthony St. Santa Cruz 95060 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) Spill contained, captured, and returned to City of Santa Cruz Wastewater Treatment Facility. 22-DEC-17 PM 12/22/2017 16:11 12/22/2017 16:30 22-DEC-17 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up 3 3SSO10252 Active 844056 149 Baldwin Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.96528 -122.04413 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 16-JAN-18 AM 01/16/2018 10:45 01/16/2018 11:00 16-JAN-18 AM Other (specify below) Human waste Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 844311 208 Hubbard Street 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.98205 -122.02018 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 24-JAN-18 PM 01/24/2018 15:30 Other (specify below) Private pump failed, clogged due to flushable wipes Other (specify below) Private Pump at 208 Hubbard Street clogged due to wipes daylighting in C/O in driveway at property. 3 3SSO10252 Active 844339 1119 Mission Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.96993 -122.03675 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 28-JAN-18 PM 01/28/2018 16:30 01/28/2018 17:00 28-JAN-18 PM Other (specify below) Private sewer lateral plugged with large amount of tampons and paper. Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 844758 543 Center Street 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97215 -122.02744 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 12-FEB-18 AM 02/12/2018 11:00 02/12/2018 11:10 12-FEB-18 AM Other (specify below) Excessive paper/human waste Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 844859 1315 Pacific Ave 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97374 -122.02629 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 14-FEB-18 AM 02/14/2018 09:00 02/14/2018 09:10 14-FEB-18 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 844908 543 Center Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97186 -122.02847 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 16-FEB-18 PM 02/16/2018 17:00 02/16/2018 17:30 16-FEB-18 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 845529 325 Barson Street 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.9709 -122.01868 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 04-MAR-18 PM 03/04/2018 13:30 03/04/2018 14:00 04-MAR-18 PM Other (specify below) Excessive paper and human waste. Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 845774 511 Cedar Street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97113 -122.02707 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 16-MAR-18 PM 03/16/2018 13:15 03/16/2018 13:30 16-MAR-18 PM Other (specify below) Excessive paper/human waste Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 846325 319 Walnut Ave 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.9722 -122.03155 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 08-APR-18 AM 04/08/2018 12:00 04/08/2018 12:30 08-APR-18 PM Other (specify below) Excessive paper and human waste Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10252 Active 846501 100 Brookwood Dr 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.99121 -121.98812 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 15-APR-18 PM 04/15/2018 15:00 04/15/2018 15:40 15-APR-18 PM Other (specify below) Paper and human waste Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 846920 303 Walnut Ave 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97235 -122.03078 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 02-MAY-18 PM 05/02/2018 15:25 05/02/2018 15:35 02-MAY-18 PM Other (specify below) Paper and human waste Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 846994 818 Cayuga Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 36.97582 -122.01047 818 Cayuga Street Santa Cruz 95062 Spill contained on sidewalk area. Lateral Clean Out (Private) 05-MAY-18 AM 05/05/2018 10:10 05/05/2018 10:20 05-MAY-18 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) Lower Lateral (Private) Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System Lateral plunged open, entire contents of spill washed and vacuumed up. 3 3SSO10252 Active 847177 147 Fairmount Ave 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.98788 -122.00913 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 11-MAY-18 PM 05/11/2018 13:00 05/11/2018 13:15 11-MAY-18 PM Other (specify below) Excessive paper human waste Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 847212 150 Clay Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97242 -122.0189 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 14-MAY-18 AM 05/14/2018 10:30 05/14/2018 10:40 14-MAY-18 AM Other (specify below) Paper and human waste Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 847341 119 Highland Ave 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97672 -122.03329 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 18-MAY-18 AM 05/18/2018 11:00 05/18/2018 11:15 18-MAY-18 AM Other (specify below) Human waste and paper Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 847384 126 Seaview Ave 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.96787 -122.01139 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 21-MAY-18 PM 05/21/2018 16:42 05/21/2018 17:00 21-MAY-18 PM Root Intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 847569 327 Church Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97356 -122.02992 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 29-MAY-18 AM 05/29/2018 07:25 05/29/2018 07:40 29-MAY-18 AM Other (specify below) Human waste and paper Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 848087 212 Fern St. Santa Cruz, CA 4 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 4 0 36.98586 -122.03247 212 Fern St Santa Cruz Spill occurred on private property, overflowing to sidewalk and curb/gutter sidewalk in front of residence. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Spill collected in City of Santa Cruz Vac Con combo truck and returned to City of Santa Cruz Wastewater Treatment Facility. 12-JUN-18 AM 06/12/2018 09:31 06/12/2018 09:45 12-JUN-18 AM Other (specify below) Paper products Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 3 3SSO10252 Active 848277 712 Laurent St 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97432 -122.01529 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 16-JUN-18 PM 06/16/2018 17:54 06/16/2018 18:15 16-JUN-18 PM Other (specify below) Human waste and paper Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 848809 1028 Broadway 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97482 -122.0118 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 06-JUL-18 AM 07/06/2018 10:30 07/06/2018 10:45 06-JUL-18 AM Other (specify below) Excessive paper and human waste Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 848898 121 Baldwin 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.96468 -122.04315 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 09-JUL-18 PM 07/09/2018 13:30 07/09/2018 13:40 09-JUL-18 PM Other (specify below) Excessive paper and human waste Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 849331 235 Cathcart Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97127 -122.02643 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 20-JUL-18 AM 07/20/2018 10:45 07/20/2018 11:00 20-JUL-18 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 849523 140 Jenne Street 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.96636 -122.03036 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 29-JUL-18 PM 07/29/2018 14:50 07/29/2018 15:20 29-JUL-18 PM Other (specify below) Flushable handwipes Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 849869 107 Redwood Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.96267 -122.03719 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 06-AUG-18 AM 08/06/2018 10:00 08/06/2018 10:10 06-AUG-18 AM Other (specify below) Paper and human waste Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 849908 524 Windham Street 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97289 -122.00918 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 07-AUG-18 AM 08/07/2018 09:40 08/07/2018 09:50 07-AUG-18 AM Other (specify below) Human waste and paper Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 850157 Roosevelt Terrace HOA # 206 15 No Yes Yes 15 0 36.972862 -122.017221 Manhole Spill contained and returned to City of Santa Cruz Wastewater Treatment Facility via Combination Vac Con truck. 15-AUG-18 AM 08/15/2018 09:30 08/15/2018 09:45 15-AUG-18 AM Root Intrusion Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Manhole Stoppage in sewer line had relieved itself prior to crew arrival. Washed down and vacuumed spill area. Contained spill and returned to City of Santa Cruz wastewater Treatment Facility. 6 SDR 26 plastic Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City of Santa Cruz crew arrived to find spi 3 3SSO10252 Active 850874 130 Park Place 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.96596 -122.01566 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 10-SEP-18 AM 09/10/2018 08:00 09/10/2018 08:30 10-SEP-18 AM Other (specify below) Excessive paper and human waste Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 851639 222 Felix St 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.96724 -122.032 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 10-OCT-18 AM 10/10/2018 08:45 10/10/2018 09:00 10-OCT-18 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 852120 1411 Seabright Ave 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97692 -122.00944 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 29-OCT-18 AM 10/29/2018 07:45 10/29/2018 08:00 29-OCT-18 AM Other (specify below) Excessive paper and human waste Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10252 Active 852727 108 Kaye St 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.96605 -122.01673 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 12-NOV-18 PM 11/14/2018 07:30 11/14/2018 08:16 14-NOV-18 AM Other (specify below) paper and human waste Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10254 Active 710142 State Parks Oceano Dunes - Pier Avenue/Strand Way 12-01-07 400 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 400 35.105278 120.630556 Pier Oceano 93445 Spill emerged from a clean-out located at the State Parks Oceano Dunes. Clean-out if located in the parking lot, west of the guard koisk. Other (specify) Clean-out Other paved surface Paved Surface. Fully recaptured and returned to sewer system. 01-DEC-07 AM 12/01/2007 10:30 12/01/2007 10:45 01-DEC-07 AM Debris Private Lateral has the tendancy to fill with sand, causing overflows. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10254 Active 727585 1490 16th Street 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 3 0 35.103394 120.613314 1490 16th Oceano 93445 Customer's paved driveway Manhole Other paved surface 28-SEP-08 AM 09/28/2008 07:40 09/28/2008 07:50 29-SEP-08 PM Root intrusion Main 6 clay 40 Restored flow 3 3SSO10254 Active 740487 2260 ocean 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 35.100163 -120.606191 2260 ocean oceano 93445 Cleanout in front of property(on property owners side). Direction of spill was on the northside of the property and along the southwest side of the paved road. Other (specify) Cleanout in front of property(on property owners side). Unpaved surface 16-JUN-09 AM 06/16/2009 12:05 06/16/2009 12:10 16-JUN-09 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Main 6 clay 25 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow 3 3SSO10254 Active 747368 2215 ocean 8 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 35.100164 -120.607029 2215 ocean Oceano 93445 Cleanout in front of property. Direction of spill was South on 22nd, 20 feet down street. Other (specify) Cleanout in front of property. Unpaved surface 15-NOV-09 AM 11/15/2009 10:00 11/15/2009 10:10 15-NOV-09 PM Root intrusion Main 6 clay 25 Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10254 Active 793404 2260 The Pike, Oceano, CA 93445 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.10657 -120.60727 The Pike Oceano 93445 At sewer clean out Other (specify) At sewer clean out Unpaved surface 15-APR-13 PM 04/15/2013 13:35 04/15/2013 13:40 15-APR-13 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 3 3SSO10255 Active 709466 270 Larchmont Drive 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 20 35.122222 120.583611 270 Larchmont Arroyo Grande 93420 In the bathroom of 270 Larchmont Drive Building or structure Building or structure 13-DEC-07 AM 12/13/2007 09:15 12/13/2007 09:30 13-DEC-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10255 Active 714331 815 Via Las Aguilas 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 35.125 120.575 815 Via Las Aguilas Arroyo Grande 93420 In backyard sewer easement Other sewer system structure Private lateral clean out Unpaved surface Spill exited the private lateral clean out and seeped into the landscaped bank 28-FEB-08 AM 02/28/2008 09:20 02/28/2008 10:00 28-FEB-08 AM Debris 4 10 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10263 Active 766260 Davenport Ca 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.01163 -122.19175 195 Marine View Davenport 95060 Other (specify) Service Lateral Unpaved surface 06-MAY-11 AM 05/06/2011 09:00 05/06/2011 09:30 06-MAY-11 AM Other (specify below) Unknown Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10265 Active 651610 Mulligan's Restaurant 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 25 34.43 119.73 3333 McCaw SSO from private cleanout Gravity sewer Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 30-MAY-07 AM 05/30/2007 06:45 05/30/2007 07:00 30-MAY-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 651613 La Tolteca Restaurant 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 10 34.42 119.68 600 Milpas SSO from private cleanout Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter 29-MAY-07 AM 05/29/2007 11:05 05/29/2007 11:05 29-MAY-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 653167 2251 Las Positas Road 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42 -119.73 Building or structure Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 13-JUN-07 PM 06/13/2007 13:15 06/13/2007 13:15 13-JUN-07 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 653174 2300 De La Vina Street 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43 -119.72 Building or structure Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface 18-JUN-07 PM 06/18/2007 14:40 06/18/2007 14:45 18-JUN-07 PM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 653178 417 Santa Barbara St. 75 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.41 -119.69 Building or structure Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface 21-JUN-07 AM 06/21/2007 10:05 06/21/2007 10:10 21-JUN-07 AM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 655694 210 W Constance 200 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43 -119.72 Building or structure Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 07-AUG-07 AM 08/07/2007 11:21 08/07/2007 11:31 07-AUG-07 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 655705 1231 Garden St 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42 -119.7 Building or structure Street/curb and gutter 07-AUG-07 AM 08/07/2007 11:10 08/07/2007 11:15 07-AUG-07 AM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 657513 101 E. Cabrillo Blvd. 75 Yes Yes No 50 25 34.41374 -119.68798 Building or structure Other paved surface;Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 13-SEP-07 AM 09/13/2007 07:30 09/13/2007 07:40 13-SEP-07 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 706218 1721 Bath St. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 34.42 119.71 Building or structure Other paved surface 07-OCT-07 AM 10/07/2007 17:30 10/07/2007 17:45 07-OCT-07 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10265 Active 711122 1220 Olive St. 100 Yes Yes No 0 100 34.42 -119.69 Discharge from private sewer lateral cleanout Building or structure Storm drain 08-JAN-08 AM 01/08/2008 10:20 01/08/2008 10:30 08-JAN-08 AM Debris Other (specify below) City staff terminated water service until private lateral cleared by plumber. 3 3SSO10265 Active 711467 1964 Las Canoas Rd. St. Mary's Seminary 250 Yes Yes No 0 25 34.45 -119.69 Manhole Private manhole Surface water;Unpaved surface Majority of overflow saturated within unimproved natural area. Approximately 25 gallons contact to Mission Creek over estimated period of 5 days. 16-JAN-08 AM 01/20/2008 00:00 01/20/2008 17:30 20-JAN-08 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Restored flow;Other (specify below) Private system, Fire Dept. staff intial responders, constructed temporary containment berm. City staff responded per FD request to assist plumber. 3 3SSO10265 Active 714030 Stearns Wharf 80 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 80 34.24 119.41 220 Stearns Wharf Pump station Beach 25-FEB-08 AM 02/24/2008 14:00 02/24/2008 14:00 24-FEB-08 PM Pump station failure Damage to lift station under wharf caused by high ocean swell. Restored flow 3 3SSO10265 Active 714562 1100 Tunnel Road 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 34.45 119.71 Building or structure Private residential sewer lateral cleanout Unpaved surface 05-MAR-08 AM 03/05/2008 10:15 03/05/2008 10:25 05-MAR-08 AM Debris Other (specify below) City staff shut off water and issued Correction Notice. 3 3SSO10265 Active 715096 27 East Carrillo Street 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 25 0 34.42 119.7 Building or structure Private sewer lateral cleanout Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 11-MAR-08 AM 03/11/2008 14:33 03/11/2008 14:40 11-MAR-08 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 723207 905 State St. 60 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 60 0 34.42 119.7 Building or structure Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 15-JUL-08 AM 07/15/2008 20:45 07/15/2008 20:50 15-JUL-08 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral stoppage Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Enforcement action against restaurant. Cost recovery for staff time. 3 3SSO10265 Active 724384 1027 State St. 60 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 34.421 119.703 Discharge from private cleanout in rear alleyway through City parking lot. Building or structure Other paved surface 31-JUL-08 AM 07/31/2008 21:30 07/31/2008 21:45 31-JUL-08 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) Enforcement action against restaurant owner 3 3SSO10265 Active 724838 1906 Cliff Drive Mc Donald's Restaurant 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 15 0 34.4 119.72 Building or structure Other paved surface 08-AUG-08 AM 08/08/2008 11:40 08/08/2008 11:45 08-AUG-08 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Private lateral overflow into parking lot. Plumber on site, released blockage. Other (specify below) City staff verified plumber cleaned and recovered sewage overflow from parking lot. 3 3SSO10265 Active 727484 Von's Grocery Company 1040 Coast Village Road 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 20 0 34.422 119.651 Discharge from Grease Interceptor into parking lot area Manhole Discharge from Grease Interceptor Other paved surface 22-SEP-08 AM 09/22/2008 23:00 09/22/2008 23:15 22-SEP-08 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Discharge from Grease Interceptor into parking lot area Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10265 Active 727903 601 W. Sola St. 100 No Yes No 30 70 34.418 -119.714 Building or structure Street/curb and gutter 13-OCT-08 AM 10/13/2008 16:30 10/13/2008 16:30 13-OCT-08 PM Debri-General Drain cleaner stated cause was accumulation of toilet paper Upper Lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff intiated containment control measures 3 3SSO10265 Active 729139 1201 Rebecca Lane 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 34.414 119.74 Building or structure Unpaved surface Contact to unimproved dirt area in rear of complex. 07-NOV-08 AM 11/07/2008 08:33 11/07/2008 08:45 07-NOV-08 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Other (specify below) Directed plumber to control spill site and conduct cleanup activities. 3 3SSO10265 Active 729973 3525 State St. Sandpiper Lodge 250 No Yes No 150 100 34.439 -119.739 Private cleanout overflowing on side of hotel building Building or structure Other paved surface;Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter Overflow along curb face to storm drainage inlet located approx. 2,000lf downstream in front of 3648 Santa Maria Ln. 30-NOV-08 AM 11/30/2008 10:45 11/30/2008 11:30 30-NOV-08 AM Other (specify below) Private sewer lateral blockage Upper Lateral 12-9-10, updated to comply with SSO-WDR email compliance directive dated 12-2-10. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded, shutoff water, intiated containment and recovery procedures. Enforcement action against property owner. 3 3SSO10265 Active 730566 1808 Loma St. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 10 0 34.437 119.705 Other (specify) private building cleanout located in public right of way Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 09-DEC-08 AM 12/09/2008 15:20 12/09/2008 15:25 09-DEC-08 PM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 730995 604 & 610 E. Sola St. & 1325 Panchita Place 60 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 60 0 34.43 119.699 Overflow from private communal cleanout, which serves all addresses listed above. Other (specify) private cleanout Other paved surface;Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 21-DEC-08 AM 12/21/2008 12:30 12/21/2008 12:30 21-DEC-08 PM Debris Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and shutoff water service. Intiated containment and recovery procedures. Enforcement action against property owners. 3 3SSO10265 Active 731238 705 Laguna St. 350 Yes Yes No 200 150 34.422 -119.69 Other (specify) private building cleanout located at property line next to sidewalk Other paved surface;Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 30-DEC-08 AM 12/30/2008 10:20 12/30/2008 10:30 30-DEC-08 AM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded to assist plumber on site, initiated containment and recovery measures 3 3SSO10265 Active 731810 2026 Emerson Avenue 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 100 0 34.436 119.7 Building or structure Private residential cleanout Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 08-JAN-09 AM 01/08/2009 14:30 01/08/2009 14:45 08-JAN-09 PM Other (specify below) Private residential cleanout Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff intiated containment,control and recovery procedures. Enforcement action against property owner. 3 3SSO10265 Active 731813 Orizaba Lane at Stanwood Drive 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 34.444 119.68 Other sewer system structure Unpaved surface 13-JAN-09 AM 01/13/2009 10:00 01/13/2009 10:10 13-JAN-09 AM Pump station failure Private pump station failure Other (specify below) City staff responded, contained minor overflow to unimproved dirt area. 3 3SSO10265 Active 733270 140 Conejo Rd. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 15 0 34.445 119.679 Building or structure Private lateral cleanout Other paved surface 03-FEB-09 AM 02/03/2009 09:30 02/03/2009 09:40 03-FEB-09 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10265 Active 734807 1106 N. Milpas St. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 10 0 34.432 -119.69 Building or structure Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 07-MAR-09 AM 03/07/2009 09:35 03/07/2009 09:35 07-MAR-09 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and intitated control, containment and recovery efforts. Enforcement action against property owner pending. 3 3SSO10265 Active 735528 417 Santa Barbara St. 50 No Yes Yes 20 0 34.41 -119.69 Building or structure Storm drain 24-MAR-09 AM 03/24/2009 13:30 03/24/2009 13:35 24-MAR-09 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral overflow Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and intiated; control, containment and recovery measures. Enforcement action against property management co. 3 3SSO10265 Active 737256 401 E. Victoria St. 35 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 35 0 34.428 -119.7 Building or structure Private cleanout overflow Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 04-MAY-09 AM 05/04/2009 00:09 05/04/2009 10:20 04-MAY-09 AM Other (specify below) private lateral overflow Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff intiated; containment and recovery procedures. Will enforce correction requirements to property owner 3 3SSO10265 Active 737272 226 E. Canon Perdido St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 15 0 34.423 -119.69 Building or structure Private cleanout overflow Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 04-MAY-09 AM 05/04/2009 14:15 05/04/2009 14:20 04-MAY-09 PM Other (specify below) Private sewer lateral failure Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff initiated; containment and recovery procedures. Will enforce correction requirements. 3 3SSO10265 Active 737984 501 N. Milpas St. (Jack in The Box) 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 50 0 34.42 -119.68 Building or structure Private building cleanout Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 21-MAY-09 AM 05/21/2009 19:30 05/21/2009 19:45 21-MAY-09 PM Other (specify below) Private building cleanout Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff intiated containment, control and recovery procedures. Enforcement action against restaurant pending. 3 3SSO10265 Active 738838 1522 San Pascual St. 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 30 0 34.42 -119.71 Building or structure Private residential cleanout Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 02-JUN-09 AM 06/02/2009 15:00 06/02/2009 15:10 02-JUN-09 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral blockage Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff intiated containment, control and recovery procedures. Enforcement action against property owner. 3 3SSO10265 Active 739294 3333 Mccaw Ave 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 50 0 34.43 -119.73 Building or structure Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 10-JUN-09 AM 06/10/2009 07:50 06/10/2009 08:10 10-JUN-09 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral overflow Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated; control, containment and recovery procedures. Enforcement action against restaurant owner pending. 3 3SSO10265 Active 740128 3500 Mccaw Ave. 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 34.43 -119.73 Manhole Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 26-JUN-09 AM 06/26/2009 08:50 06/26/2009 09:00 26-JUN-09 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Grease accumulation caused by discharge of private upstream restaurant sewer lateral. Note; only lateral tied in upstream of manhole. Upper Lateral Restaurant had private sewer lateral overflow identified on June 10, 2009. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Will continue enforcement/ compliance response from restaurant. 3 3SSO10265 Active 743524 3333 Mccaw Ave. 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43619 -119.73883 Other (specify) Private cleanout Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 04-AUG-09 AM 08/04/2009 00:15 08/04/2009 09:30 04-AUG-09 AM Debri-General Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and conducted spill response recovery efforts. 3 3SSO10265 Active 743634 917 Carrillo Rd. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 10 0 34.43159 -119.69122 Other (specify) Private sewer lateral cleanout Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 18-AUG-09 AM 08/18/2009 14:00 08/18/2009 14:00 18-AUG-09 PM Other (specify below) Private sewer lateral cleanout Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and conducted; containment, control and recovery measures. Will intiate enforcement compliance with property owner. 3 3SSO10265 Active 743646 501 E. Gutierrez St. 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 30 0 34.42141 -119.68838 Other (specify) Private sewer lateral cleanout Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter Private sewer lateral cleanout 24-AUG-09 AM 08/24/2009 10:55 08/24/2009 11:00 24-AUG-09 AM Other (specify below) Private sewer lateral cleanout Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and conducted; containment, control and recovery measures. Will initiate enforcement compliance with property owner. 3 3SSO10265 Active 745308 1227 San Andres St. 40 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 40 0 34.4165 -119.71325 Building or structure Private cleanout located in the public parkway. Other paved surface;Storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 26-SEP-09 PM 09/26/2009 15:30 09/26/2009 15:45 26-SEP-09 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral overflow Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) City staff intiated, containment, control and recovery procedures. Will enforce corrective action against property owner. 3 3SSO10265 Active 746193 25 W. Mission St. 10 No Yes No 0 10 34.43011 -119.71531 Building or structure 12-6-10, updated to comply with SSO-WDR email compliance directive dated 12-2-10. Separate storm drain 22-OCT-09 AM 10/22/2009 09:05 10/22/2009 09:10 22-OCT-09 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Other (specify below) Private lateral overflow, no containment or recovery 3 3SSO10265 Active 746748 27 E. Arrellaga St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42795 -119.708807 Building or structure Private sewer lateral cleanout. Street/curb and gutter Approximately 15 gallon total discharge from private cleanout onto public right of way. Dried on contact, City staff cleaned and disinfected contact area. 12-NOV-09 AM 11/12/2009 07:45 11/12/2009 08:00 12-NOV-09 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral overflow Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10265 Active 751611 3880 Via Lucero - La Cumbre Group - Senior Living Center 500 Yes Yes No 50 450 34.4426 -119.7505 Discharge from private cleanout located at 3840 Via Lucero, surface discharge onto adjoining property located at 220 N. La Cumbre Rd. Subsequent discharge into private parking lot surface drain inlet, which discharges into public storm drainage system. Other (specify) Private sewer cleanout Separate storm drain 12-6-10, updated to comply with SSO-WDR email directive dated 12-2-10 13-APR-10 AM 04/13/2010 10:25 04/13/2010 10:40 13-APR-10 AM Other (specify below) Blockage in private sewer lateral Upper Lateral Contained all or portion of spill City staff responded and intiated containment measures; approximately 50 gallons recovered. Approximately 450 gallons non recovered, discharged to storm drain. 3 3SSO10265 Active 753075 903 State St. 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 30 0 34.4205 -119.701095 Private lateral discharge from building cleanout located in rear. Building or structure Building cleanout Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 30-MAY-10 PM 05/30/2010 16:00 05/30/2010 16:30 30-MAY-10 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill City staff responded and initiated containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 755289 123 E. Carrillo St. 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 25 0 34.42334 -119.700237 Discharge from private cleanout located at building foundation Building or structure Other paved surface 07-JUL-10 AM 07/07/2010 08:15 07/07/2010 08:25 07-JUL-10 AM Other (specify below) Blockage of private lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 757282 2109 Mount Calvary Rd. 8 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 8 0 34.45255 -119.692044 Building or structure Discharge from private lateral cleanout Other paved surface 21-SEP-10 PM 09/21/2010 17:00 09/21/2010 17:15 21-SEP-10 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10265 Active 757445 705 Laguna St. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 0 34.42 -119.703 Other sewer system structure Private building cleanout Other paved surface 04-OCT-10 AM 10/04/2010 10:02 10/04/2010 10:15 04-OCT-10 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill City staff responded and initiated spill containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 757447 705 Laguna St. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 20 0 34.42 -119.703 Other sewer system structure Private building cleanout Other paved surface City staff responded and initiated spill containment, control and recovery procedures. 05-OCT-10 PM 10/05/2010 13:00 10/05/2010 13:05 05-OCT-10 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill City staff responded and initiated spill containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 758867 2336 Cliff Dr. 4 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 4 0 34.4037 -119.72956 Building or structure Private building cleanout Other paved surface Along street curb and gutter 05-NOV-10 PM 11/05/2010 13:30 11/05/2010 13:35 05-NOV-10 PM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated, containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 759066 1701 State St. 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 34.42806 -119.71144 Building or structure Private building cleanout Street/curb and gutter 24-NOV-10 AM 11/24/2010 10:00 11/24/2010 10:05 24-NOV-10 AM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 759500 204 N. Milpas St. 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 34.42393 -119.6815 Building or structure Discharge from private building cleanout Other paved surface 15-DEC-10 PM 12/15/2010 14:51 12/15/2010 14:56 15-DEC-10 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 759504 1001 Cliff Dr. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 34.40436 -119.70491 Building or structure Discharge from private building cleanout Other paved surface 16-DEC-10 PM 12/16/2010 13:58 12/16/2010 14:10 16-DEC-10 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 759552 821 N. Milpas St. 200 Yes Yes No 0 200 34.42942 -119.69013 Building or structure Private building cleanout. Plumber opened outside cleanout to release surcharge within private sewer lateral. Separate storm drain 19-DEC-10 PM 12/19/2010 12:30 12/19/2010 13:30 19-DEC-10 AM Operator error Private building cleanout. Plumber opened outside cleanout to release surcharge within private sewer lateral during rain event, human error identified. Upper Lateral Other (specify below) Notified County Health Dept. that restaurant was closed due to sewage overflow. 3 3SSO10265 Active 761709 1001 Cliff Dr. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 34.40436 -119.70491 Building or structure Discharge from private building cleanout. Street/curb and gutter 19-JAN-11 AM 01/19/2011 07:00 01/19/2011 07:05 19-JAN-11 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 762792 174 Coronada Circle 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43412 -119.66523 Other sewer system structure Discharge from private sewer lateral Other (specify below) saturated into soil 25-JAN-11 AM 01/25/2011 09:15 01/25/2011 09:15 25-JAN-11 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral Other (specify below) Notified resident to contact plumber. 3 3SSO10265 Active 762793 1230 State St. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 34.42429 -119.70524 Other sewer system structure Discharge from private sewer lateral Street/curb and gutter 04-FEB-11 PM 02/04/2011 13:25 02/04/2011 13:30 04-FEB-11 PM Debri-General Lower Lateral Contained all or portion of spill City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 762796 3825 State St. 25 No Yes No 20 5 34.44037 -119.74801 Other sewer system structure Discharge from private grease interceptor Other paved surface;Separate storm drain 05-FEB-11 PM 02/05/2011 17:17 02/05/2011 17:30 05-FEB-11 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Discharge from private grease interceptor Other (specify below) Discharge from private grease interceptor Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 763982 1165 Coast Village Rd. 85 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 85 0 34.4207 -119.64566 Other (specify) Discharge from private building sewer cleanout. Other paved surface 28-FEB-11 PM 02/28/2011 12:48 02/28/2011 13:10 28-FEB-11 PM Debri-General Other (specify below) Discharge from private building sewer cleanout. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated, containment, control and recovery methods. 3 3SSO10265 Active 764299 3333 McCaw Ave. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.43 -119.73 Manhole Other paved surface Washed down and recovered all spill. 08-MAR-11 AM 03/08/2011 11:50 03/08/2011 12:05 08-MAR-11 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Private lateral overflow Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff respondeda nd initiated; control, containment and recovery proceudres. Enforcement action against restaurant owner pending. 3 3SSO10265 Active 765971 705 Laguna St. 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 34.42285 -119.69471 Private building cleanout Other (specify) Private building cleanout Other paved surface City staff responded and initiated recovery procedures of all overflow. 28-APR-11 AM 04/28/2011 08:19 04/28/2011 08:25 28-APR-11 AM Debri-General Other (specify below) Private building cleanout Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated recovery procedures of all overflow. 3 3SSO10265 Active 768009 1472 Lou Dillon Ln 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42586 -119.66736 Building or structure Street/curb and gutter City staff responded and initiated containment,control and recovery procedures. 06-JUN-11 AM 06/06/2011 10:15 06/06/2011 10:31 06-JUN-11 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 768020 1359 Santa Teresita Dr 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.46023 -119.73278 Building or structure City staff initiated containment,and recovery. Street/curb and gutter 27-JUN-11 AM 06/27/2011 07:50 06/27/2011 08:00 27-JUN-11 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 768094 220 W. Carrillo St. 200 Yes Yes No 100 100 34.41899 -119.70471 Other (specify) Private sewer lateral discharge Surface water 01-JUL-11 AM 07/01/2011 11:00 07/01/2011 11:05 02-JUL-11 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Private sewer lateral structural failure located above strom drain main within roadway. Sewage discharge into storm drain piping. Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures; temporary coffer sandbag coffer dam installed within SD piping, City staff flushed and vacuumed storm drain. 3 3SSO10265 Active 768251 222 W. Carrillo St. 200 Yes Yes No 100 100 34.41902 -119.70517 Other (specify) Private sewer lateral discharge Surface water 07-JUL-11 AM 07/07/2011 09:15 07/07/2011 09:00 07-JUL-11 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Private sewer lateral structural failure located above storm drain mainline within roadway. Sewage discharging into storm drain piping. Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures; temporary sandbag coffer dam installed within SD piping, City staff flushed and vacuumed 3 3SSO10265 Active 769952 223 West Canon Perdido 35 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 35 0 34.4179 -119.70383 223 canon perdido Santa Barbara 93101 In front of building near sidewalk Other sewer system structure private cleanout Street/curb and gutter 25-JUL-11 PM 07/25/2011 18:30 07/25/2011 19:00 25-JUL-11 PM Other (specify below) unknown private lateral Upper Lateral 4 Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 769953 502 Vera Cruz 4 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 34.41883 -119.69467 Building or structure Building or structure 25-JUL-11 AM 07/25/2011 06:55 07/25/2011 07:10 25-JUL-11 AM Other (specify below) PRIVATE SEWER LATERAL SPILL Upper Lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 770419 3699 Rockcreek Rd. 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.44861 -119.739 Building or structure private building cleanout Unpaved surface 27-JUL-11 PM 07/27/2011 13:00 07/27/2011 13:00 27-JUL-11 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10265 Active 770420 834 State St. 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 34.42056 -119.70041 Building or structure Private building cleanout Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 19-AUG-11 PM 08/19/2011 12:40 08/19/2011 12:45 19-AUG-11 PM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 770508 1972 Cliff Dr. - Mesa Shopping Center 540 No Yes No 533 0 34.40217 -119.72375 Building or structure private commercial complex cleanout Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter Approximately 540 gallon discharge, approximately 533 gallons recovered, approximately 7 gallons non recovered from storm drain piping. 29-AUG-11 AM 08/29/2011 10:47 08/29/2011 11:00 29-AUG-11 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded to assist with containment on private property. Initiated recovery procedures for discharge onto public right of way. 3 3SSO10265 Active 771365 2840 De La Vina St. 30 No Yes Yes 30 0 34.43743 -119.72614 Building or structure Private commercial property cleanout Other paved surface Approx. 30 gallon overflow with 3 gallons contact to storm drain inlet. All overflow recovered. 03-SEP-11 PM 09/03/2011 18:40 09/03/2011 19:00 03-SEP-11 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Private commercial property cleanout Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 774344 136 W. Gutierrez sT. 10 Yes Yes Yes 10 10 34.42083 -119.69819 Building or structure Private building outside cleanout Other (specify below) Final discharge was ponding in dry creek bed. City staff was able to contain and vacuum recover all overflow. 28-NOV-11 AM 11/28/2011 08:15 11/28/2011 08:30 28-NOV-11 AM Other (specify below) Private building outside cleanout discharged sewage due to house blockage. Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 777993 136 E. Haley St. 45 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 45 0 34.41862 -119.69316 Building or structure private building cleanout Street/curb and gutter 09-FEB-12 AM 02/09/2012 11:20 02/09/2012 11:23 09-FEB-12 AM Other (specify below) private sewer lateral blockage Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 777994 53 Vista Del Mar 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.40798 -119.74269 Building or structure private building cleanout Street/curb and gutter 20-FEB-12 AM 02/20/2012 08:30 02/20/2012 09:10 20-FEB-12 AM Other (specify below) private building cleanout Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 779101 601 W. Sola St. 1000 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 800 0 34.41846 -119.71359 Other sewer system structure Private sewer lateral damaged during new sidewalk construction project. Unpaved surface Approximately 200 gallons saturated into dirt area. 22-MAR-12 AM 03/22/2012 08:32 03/22/2012 08:32 22-MAR-12 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 781328 258 Canon Dr. 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.44654 -119.73522 Other sewer system structure private lateral cleanout Other paved surface Dried on contact with hard surface area. 07-MAY-12 PM 05/07/2012 15:50 05/07/2012 16:00 07-MAY-12 PM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10265 Active 781947 1040 Coast Village Rd. Von's Grocery Company 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 34.42267 -119.65105 Grease interceptor overflow Manhole Grease interceptor overflow Other paved surface All overflow contained and recovered on private property 31-MAY-12 PM 05/31/2012 17:45 05/31/2012 17:55 31-MAY-12 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Plumber on site clearing grease blockage Upper Lateral Grease interceptor Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10265 Active 783829 600 N. Milpas St. 50 No Yes No 45 5 34.42754 -119.68658 Private building cleanout Building or structure Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 16-JUL-12 PM 07/16/2012 18:30 07/16/2012 18:30 16-JUL-12 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 785215 945 Arbolado Rd. 15 No Yes No 0 15 34.43762 -119.6882 Other (specify) Lower lateral leak located behind retaining wall Other paved surface;Separate storm drain 13-AUG-12 PM 08/13/2012 14:30 08/13/2012 14:40 13-AUG-12 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10265 Active 785643 314 W. Mission St. 8 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 8 0 34.42742 -119.71866 Other (specify) Private building cleanout Street/curb and gutter 27-AUG-12 AM 08/27/2012 09:01 08/27/2012 09:11 27-AUG-12 AM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 785647 718 State St. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 34.41921 -119.69861 Other (specify) Discharge out of curb face drain outlet. Street/curb and gutter 24-AUG-12 PM 08/24/2012 14:36 08/24/2012 14:45 24-AUG-12 PM Other (specify below) Drain cleaner discharged grease particles to outside patio drain while washing down area which flowed to curb face and gutter areas. Other (specify below) Not caused by failure in private lateral. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and washed down all contaminated contact areas. 3 3SSO10265 Active 786461 410 S. Salinas St. 40 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 15 34.42269 -119.66799 Building or structure outside private building cleanout Other paved surface;Unpaved surface Along side of building on hardscape and landscape area. 17-SEP-12 AM 09/18/2012 08:45 09/18/2012 09:15 18-SEP-12 AM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) Plumber cleaned up overflow. 3 3SSO10265 Active 786980 2409 State St. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43459 -119.72038 Building or structure Private building cleanout Other paved surface Discharge onto private concrete driveway 28-SEP-12 AM 09/28/2012 09:45 09/28/2012 09:50 28-SEP-12 AM Debri-General Upper Lateral Private building cleanout was not discharging upon arrival. Other (specify below) Notified resident to contact plumbing company to clear private lateral line and cleanup discharge on private property. 3 3SSO10265 Active 787211 552 Miramonte Dr. 80 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 80 0 34.40909 -119.70577 Building or structure Private residential building cleanout Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 12-OCT-12 PM 10/12/2012 15:30 10/12/2012 15:40 12-OCT-12 PM Other (specify below) Private residential building lateral blocked Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 787547 1027 State St. 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 30 0 34.4342207 -119.70291 Building or structure Outside private building cleanout Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 17-OCT-12 PM 10/17/2012 13:34 10/17/2012 13:45 17-OCT-12 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 787774 323 E. Sola St. 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42893 -119.70306 Private building cleanout Building or structure Unpaved surface Saturated into grass 31-OCT-12 PM 10/31/2012 19:45 10/31/2012 19:50 31-OCT-12 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral blockage Upper Lateral Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10265 Active 787965 107 Harbor Way 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 34.40381 -119.69436 Other (specify) Private building cleanout Other paved surface 19-OCT-12 AM 10/19/2012 07:42 10/19/2012 08:30 19-OCT-12 AM Debri-General Non disposable wipes Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 788163 1202 Chapala St. 8 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 8 0 34.42262 -119.70562 Other (specify) Private building cleanout Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 12-NOV-12 PM 11/12/2012 12:07 11/12/2012 12:11 12-NOV-12 PM Other (specify below) Possible grease, roots and paper products contributed to blockage of private building lateral Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures; temporary sandbag dam at SD inlet, flushed street and sidewalk and vacuum recovered all overflow and washdown water. Forward to FOG group for follow up inspection including mandatory sewer lateral inspection. 3 3SSO10265 Active 788807 1809 Cliff Dr. 65 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 65 0 34.40104 -119.72097 Other sewer system structure Two seperate private building cleanouts located in parking lot. Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter City will initiate administrative action against property owner for defective lateral. Notification issued through Sewer Lateral Inspection Program document. 03-DEC-12 AM 12/03/2012 11:11 12/03/2012 11:12 03-DEC-12 AM Other (specify below) Private building sewer lateral failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 788817 631 E. Sola St. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 34.43252 -119.69963 Building or structure Private building cleanout Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 19-NOV-12 AM 11/19/2012 11:34 11/19/2012 14:00 19-NOV-12 PM Other (specify below) Private building cleanout Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) Cleaned-up spill in public right of way, property management co. completed cleanup on private property. City will initiate administrative action against property owner for defective lateral. Notification issued through Sewer Lateral Inspection Program document. 3 3SSO10265 Active 788987 2844 State St. 45 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 45 45 34.43971 -119.72585 Private buidling cleanout Other (specify) Private buidling cleanout Unpaved surface Discharge from curb outlet onto dry creekbed below. 10-DEC-12 AM 12/10/2012 10:05 12/10/2012 10:05 10-DEC-12 AM Other (specify below) Unknown, private building lateral Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. Administrative action against property owner; including cost recovery and mandatory sewer lateal inspection. 3 3SSO10265 Active 788988 2844 State St. 25 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 25 34.43971 -119.72585 Private building cleanout Other (specify) Private building cleanout Unpaved surface Discharge from curb outlet onto dry creekbed below. 11-DEC-12 AM 12/11/2012 09:00 12/11/2012 09:00 11-DEC-12 AM Other (specify below) Unknown, private building lateral Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. Administrative action against property owner; including cost recovery and mandatory sewer lateral inspection. Water service turned off, second incident in to days, required mandatory sewer lateral inspection to confirm existing condition, prior to turning water service back on. 3 3SSO10265 Active 789088 508 State St. 5 No Yes Yes 5 0 34.41698 -119.69571 Other (specify) Private building cleanout Other paved surface;Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 13-DEC-12 AM 12/13/2012 11:03 12/13/2012 11:09 13-DEC-12 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures; temporary sandbag dam at SD inlet, flushed street and sidewalk and vacuum recovered all overflow and washdown water. Forward to FOG group for follow up inspection including mandatory sewer lateral inspection. 3 3SSO10265 Active 789531 839 Weldon Rd. 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 34.40609 -119.70382 Building or structure Discharge from outside cleanout and residential bathroom. Building or structure;Unpaved surface Outside cleanout, resident later reported residential bathrom sustained contact of overflowing sewage. Unable to confirm at time of initial response. 23-DEC-12 PM 12/23/2012 23:41 12/24/2012 00:30 24-DEC-12 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause City staff responded, main was clear upon arrival, approximately 5 gallon discharge around outside cleanout, saturated into soil. Resident later reported discharge in bathroom. 3 3SSO10265 Active 790601 1027 E. Ortega St. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 34.43024 -119.68635 Other sewer system structure Outside building cleanout Street/curb and gutter City will initiate administative action against property owner for defective lateral. Notification issued through Sewer Lateral Inspection Program document. 01-JAN-13 PM 01/01/2013 12:50 01/01/2013 13:25 01-JAN-13 PM Other (specify below) Private building sewer lateral failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated, containment, control and recovery procedures. Water was shutoff upon arrival to stop overflow. 3 3SSO10265 Active 790602 1911 De La Vina St. 35 No Yes Yes 35 0 34.42049 -119.70644 Other sewer system structure Outside building cleanout Separate storm drain City will initiate administrative action against proprty owner for defective sewer lateral. Notification issued through Sewer Lateral Inspection Program document. 09-JAN-13 AM 01/09/2013 11:52 01/09/2013 11:59 09-JAN-13 PM Other (specify below) Private building sewer lateral failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated, containment, control and recovery procedures. Water was shutoff upon arrival to stop overflow. 3 3SSO10265 Active 790603 428 Chapala St. 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 34.41569 -119.69601 Other sewer system structure Outside building cleanout Street/curb and gutter City will initiate administrative action against property owner for defective lateral. Notification issued through Sewer Lateral Inspection Program document. 17-JAN-13 PM 01/17/2013 13:28 01/17/2013 13:35 17-JAN-13 PM Other (specify below) Private building sewer lateral failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. Water was shutoff upon arrival to stop overflow. 3 3SSO10265 Active 790604 27 E. Carrillo St. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 34.42234 -119.70115 Other sewer system structure Outside building cleanout Street/curb and gutter City staff will initiate administrative action against property owner for defective lateral. Notification issued through Sewer Lateral Inspection Program document. 18-JAN-13 AM 01/18/2013 10:48 01/18/2013 10:54 18-JAN-13 AM Other (specify below) Private building sewer lateral failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated, containment, control and recovery procedures. Water was shutoff upon arrival to stop overflow. 3 3SSO10265 Active 792160 9 W. Carrillo St. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 34.42112 -119.70225 Other sewer system structure Private building cleanout Street/curb and gutter 06-FEB-13 AM 02/06/2013 09:35 02/06/2013 09:30 06-FEB-13 AM Other (specify below) Private building lateral blockage caused overflow Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 792387 3333 MC Caw Ave. 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 34.43843 -119.73432 Manhole Private building sewer lateral manhole structure Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 28-FEB-13 AM 02/28/2013 11:31 02/28/2013 12:00 28-FEB-13 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 792390 501 N. Milpas St. 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 30 0 34.42627 -119.68582 Other sewer system structure Outside building cleanout Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 04-MAR-13 PM 03/04/2013 20:34 03/04/2013 21:10 04-MAR-13 PM Debri-General paper build up Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 792552 415 E. De La Guerra St. 30 No Yes Yes 30 0 34.4242 -119.69461 Other sewer system structure Outside building cleanout Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 07-MAR-13 PM 03/07/2013 17:13 03/07/2013 17:15 07-MAR-13 PM Debri-General Paper blockage with light grease Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10265 Active 793062 515 E. Anapamu St. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.42933 -119.69931 Spill discharge at outside cleanout down driveway of 1222 Olive St. to public sidewalk and street curb and gutter. Owner of cleanout is 515 E. Anapamu St. Other sewer system structure Outside private building cleanout Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 19-MAR-13 AM 03/19/2013 07:30 03/19/2013 07:30 19-MAR-13 AM Other (specify below) Private building sewer lateral failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. Water was shutoff upon arrival to stop overflow. 3 3SSO10265 Active 793884 1972 Cliff Dr. 40 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 40 0 34.40217 -119.72375 Other sewer system structure Outside building cleanout Street/curb and gutter 27-APR-13 AM 04/27/2013 10:53 04/27/2013 11:00 27-APR-13 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 796177 521 W. Montecito St. 20 No Yes Yes 20 0 34.40893 -119.69937 Other sewer system structure Outside condominium building cleanout located in driveway. Other paved surface;Separate storm drain 25-JUN-13 AM 06/25/2013 11:34 06/25/2013 11:40 25-JUN-13 PM Other (specify below) Unknown, plumber did not recover anything. Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. Water was shutoff until problem resolved. Cost recovery and mandatory private sewer lateral inspection will be required. 3 3SSO10265 Active 796429 615 Freemont Place 10 No Yes Yes 10 0 34.41037 -119.70317 Other sewer system structure Outside building cleanout Separate storm drain Resident discharged 10 gallons along curbface to storm drain inlet. 11-JUN-13 PM 06/11/2013 13:15 06/11/2013 13:25 11-JUN-13 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral blockage, unknown cause Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 796614 31 W. Carrillo St. 5 No Yes Yes 5 0 34.42048 -119.70265 Other sewer system structure Grease interceptor manhole overflowed and allowed grease to discharge to strip drain serving enclosed garbage and interceptor location. Private drain discharged to curb face. Street/curb and gutter Discharge to street curb and gutter area. 05-JUL-13 PM 07/05/2013 13:00 07/05/2013 13:00 05-JUL-13 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Private grease interceptor manhole overflowed while crew was on site investigating report of possible sewage discharge. City staff notified hotel management and advised to contact grease hauler with vacuum unit. Upper Lateral Failure as a result of poor maintenance of grease interceptor. City staff initiated follow up inspection and advised of increased maintenance to grease interceptor. Hotel management staff advised that problem exist with system and plumber was working on repairing. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. City staff on site when manhole discharged, already investigating initial call as possible sewage discharge. 3 3SSO10265 Active 797135 924 Isleta Ave. 5 No Yes Yes 5 0 34.40627 -119.70574 Other sewer system structure Outside residential building cleanout Other paved surface;Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 18-JUL-13 PM 07/18/2013 14:10 07/18/2013 14:20 18-JUL-13 PM Other (specify below) Private residential building lateral-unknown cause Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 797870 508 State St. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.41699 -119.69575 Other sewer system structure Outside building cleanout Street/curb and gutter 10-AUG-13 PM 08/10/2013 00:24 08/10/2013 14:45 10-AUG-13 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Plumber on site upon arrival, confirmed plumber handled cleanup procedures accordingly. 3 3SSO10265 Active 798067 1218 State St. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42401 -119.70481 Other sewer system structure Outside building cleanout Unpaved surface Saturated into soil around cleanout location 18-AUG-13 PM 08/18/2013 13:41 08/18/2013 13:43 18-AUG-13 PM Debri-General Toilet paper, not FOG related. Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10265 Active 798174 1900 Lasuen Rd.- 800 Alvarado Place Hotel address 30 No Yes Yes 30 0 34.4385 -119.70466 Other sewer system structure Outside building cleanout Unpaved surface Discharged onto a natural drainage culvert. 23-AUG-13 AM 08/23/2013 10:13 08/23/2013 10:40 23-AUG-13 AM Other (specify below) Unknown, not FOG related. Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 799294 3614 State St. 40 Yes Yes No 20 20 34.44071 -119.74086 Manhole Grease interceptor manhole Drainage Channel 28-SEP-13 AM 09/28/2013 02:20 09/28/2013 02:30 28-SEP-13 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) Food Service Establishment (FSE) Manhole Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 799297 258 Canon Dr. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.44654 -119.73522 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 17-SEP-13 AM 09/17/2013 08:49 09/17/2013 09:00 17-SEP-13 AM Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 799300 700 E. Anapamu St. 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42947 -119.69755 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 20-SEP-13 PM 09/20/2013 18:30 09/20/2013 18:30 20-SEP-13 PM Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) City staff responded and advised City School District to contact plumber and vacuum pumper company. 3 3SSO10265 Active 799479 200 W. Canon Perdido St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 34.41825 -119.70318 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 01-OCT-13 AM 10/01/2013 11:35 10/01/2013 11:50 01-OCT-13 AM Other (specify below) Unknown, private lateral Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 799483 3333 McCaw Ave. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 35.03061 -120.47935 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 01-OCT-13 AM 10/01/2013 08:20 10/01/2013 08:50 01-OCT-13 AM Other (specify below) Unknown, private lateral Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 800414 1510 Garden St. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 34.42936 -119.7049 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 21-OCT-13 AM 10/21/2013 08:30 10/21/2013 08:40 21-OCT-13 AM Other (specify below) Unknown, private lateral blockage Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10265 Active 800415 210 Barranca Ave. 4 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 4 0 34.40243 -119.70397 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 28-OCT-13 PM 10/28/2013 15:28 10/28/2013 15:36 28-OCT-13 PM Other (specify below) Unknown, private lateral blocakge Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 3 3SSO10265 Active 800416 1209 Ferrelo Rd. 4 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 4 4 34.43406 -119.68876 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 29-OCT-13 PM 10/29/2013 13:40 10/29/2013 13:50 29-OCT-13 PM Other (specify below) Unknown, private lateral blockage Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 3 3SSO10265 Active 800945 314 West Pedregosa 4 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 4 0 34.4265 -119.7175 314 West Pedregosa Street Santa Barbara 93101 Private cleanout near the sidewalk Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 06-NOV-13 AM 11/06/2013 09:45 11/06/2013 10:02 06-NOV-13 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral overflow Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified City crews contained the spill, shut off the water and observed the property owner clean, disinfect and vacuum up the area of the spill. 3 3SSO10265 Active 800951 721 Laguna Street 25 No Yes Yes 25 0 721 Laguna Street Santa Barbara Street 93101 Private cleanout in driveway. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 18-NOV-13 PM 11/18/2013 17:30 11/18/2013 17:35 18-NOV-13 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral overflow High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Retirement housing. Lower Lateral (Private) 6 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified City crews set up a containment burm in the storm drain and drop inlet. City crews washed down, disinfected and vacuumed up the spill. 3 3SSO10265 Active 801347 721 Laguna Street 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 34.423779 -119.694264 721 Laguna Santa Barbara 93101 Private cleanout in driveway Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 02-DEC-13 PM 12/02/2013 14:15 12/02/2013 14:20 02-DEC-13 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral overflow High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Retirement housing. Lower Lateral (Private) 6 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified City crews set up containment burm prior to the storm drain drom inlet. City crews washed down, disinfected and vacuumed up the spill. 3 3SSO10265 Active 801727 1040 Coast Village Rd. 35 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 35 0 34.42278 -119.6511 Grease interceptor overflowed Other sewer system structure Grease interceptor Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 08-DEC-13 PM 12/08/2013 17:20 12/08/2013 17:30 08-DEC-13 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Private grease interceptor overflowed Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Von's Grocery store Other (specify below) Private grease interceptor Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 802109 1911 Bath St. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 34.42697 -119.71714 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 22-DEC-13 PM 12/22/2013 17:15 12/22/2013 17:22 22-DEC-13 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral - unknown cause Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 802409 431 Alameda Padre Serra 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.43121 -119.67965 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 04-JAN-14 AM 01/04/2014 11:17 01/04/2014 11:30 04-JAN-14 AM Other (specify below) Unknown cause, private lateral discharge Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 802929 1520 Eucalyptus Hill Rd. 250 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 250 0 34.42651 -119.66879 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 17-JAN-14 PM 01/17/2014 13:10 01/17/2014 13:25 17-JAN-14 PM Other (specify below) Unknown cause private lateral discharge Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 803517 601 W. Sola St. 40 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.41846 -119.71358 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 04-FEB-14 PM 02/04/2014 19:33 02/04/2014 19:45 04-FEB-14 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral, unknown cause Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff discovered spill, contacted standby staff who repsonded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. Water was shutoff by City staff to stop discharge. 3 3SSO10265 Active 804018 2025 Bath St. 200 No Yes Yes 200 0 34.42812 -119.71928 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Overflow valve outside of building foundation. Intermittent sewage discharge, partial blockage in private lateral. Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface Approximately 5 gallons contacted dry storm drain drop inlet. City staff washed down all contact areas; sidewalk, street curb and gutter and flushed storm drain pipe and recovered all overflow. 20-FEB-14 PM 02/20/2014 19:16 02/20/2014 19:26 20-FEB-14 PM Root Intrusion Plumber recovered heavy root intrusion with paper buildup on sewer lateral cleaning machine. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff, (Fire Dept. and Wastewater Collection Staff) responded, shutoff water service and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 804210 3916 La Colina Rd. 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.44448 -119.75182 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 08-FEB-14 PM 02/08/2014 16:20 02/08/2014 16:20 08-FEB-14 PM Other (specify below) Unknown, private lateral discharge. City staff identified indications that PLSD had previously occurred. Location was clear/dried upon arrival. Spill start/end date and times are estimated only. Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) City staff confirmed that lateral was no longer overflowing. Property owner will be notified for mandatory private sewer lateral inspection. 3 3SSO10265 Active 804610 2219 Chapala St. 15 No Yes Yes 15 0 34.43188 -119.71929 Lower Lateral (Private) Ground water monitoring company bored a monitoring well casing through private lateral. Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain 05-MAR-14 AM 03/05/2014 11:45 03/05/2014 12:05 05-MAR-14 PM Damage by Others Not Related to CS Construction/Maintenance (Specify Below) Contractor caused damage to private lateral Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 804656 1227 San Andres St. 35 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 35 0 34.41633 -119.71351 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 12-MAR-14 PM 03/12/2014 19:05 03/12/2014 19:08 12-MAR-14 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 805442 631 E. Sola St. 25 No Yes Yes 25 0 34.43252 -119.69963 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 08-APR-14 PM 04/08/2014 17:02 04/08/2014 17:45 08-APR-14 PM Other (specify below) Unknown, private lateral discharge Upper Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Cit.y staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures 3 3SSO10265 Active 805444 130 W. Ortega St. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.41688 -119.70026 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 08-APR-14 AM 04/08/2014 10:34 04/08/2014 10:43 08-APR-14 AM Other (specify below) Unknown, private lateral discharge Upper Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 805883 1001 Olive St. 15 No Yes Yes 15 0 34.42678 -119.69621 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 28-APR-14 AM 04/28/2014 08:52 04/28/2014 09:00 28-APR-14 AM Other (specify below) Unknown, private lateral discharge Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 806040 405 Samarkand Dr. 7 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43845 -119.73152 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 04-MAY-14 AM 05/04/2014 11:36 05/04/2014 12:15 04-MAY-14 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral sso event, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified Water was shut off until problem corrected. Follow up mandatory private sewer lateral inspection required. Cost recovery charge initiated against property owner. 3 3SSO10265 Active 806041 1040 Cliff Dr. 100 Yes Yes No 60 40 34.40412 -119.70658 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 11-MAY-14 PM 05/11/2014 20:15 05/11/2014 20:20 11-MAY-14 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral sso event, unknown cause. Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. Water was shut off, City will initiate mandatory private sewer lateral inspection and cost recovery. 3 3SSO10265 Active 807501 1001 State St. 25 No Yes Yes 25 0 34.42143 -119.70231 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 02-JUL-14 PM 07/02/2014 21:20 07/02/2014 21:30 02-JUL-14 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral, unknown cause Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Retail department store closed restrooms and contacted plumber who attempted to clear line. Later that evening, City staff called when it was determined that lateral was discharging again. Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 807891 230 E. Cota St. 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 34.42055 -119.69347 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 24-JUL-14 AM 07/24/2014 10:46 07/24/2014 11:02 24-JUL-14 AM Other (specify below) Private building sewer lateral failure, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 808470 36 S. Calle Cesar Chavez 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 34.4174 -119.68134 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 06-AUG-14 AM 08/06/2014 11:00 08/06/2014 11:05 06-AUG-14 AM Other (specify below) Unknown, private lateral discharge Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 808472 3199 Lucinda Ln. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.45042 -119.72886 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 09-AUG-14 PM 08/09/2014 18:00 08/09/2014 18:15 09-AUG-14 PM Other (specify below) Unknown, private lateral discharge Upper Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified City staff responded, shutoff water and issued correction notice. 3 3SSO10265 Active 808474 128 W. Gutierrez St. 5 No Yes Yes 5 0 34.42914 -119.71678 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain 12-AUG-14 AM 08/12/2014 11:47 08/12/2014 11:57 12-AUG-14 AM Other (specify below) Unknown, private lateral discahrge Upper Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 810046 401 E. Victoria St. 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 34.42887 -119.70112 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 17-OCT-14 AM 10/17/2014 09:25 10/17/2014 09:40 17-OCT-14 AM Other (specify below) Unknown cause-private lateral blockage Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. Property owner will be notified via mail to conduct mandatory private sewer lateral inspection. 3 3SSO10265 Active 810662 102 N. Hope Ave. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.44186 -119.7459 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 08-NOV-14 PM 11/08/2014 13:48 11/08/2014 14:00 08-NOV-14 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. Property owner will be issued a mandatory private lateral inspection requirement letter. 3 3SSO10265 Active 810663 1911 De La Vina St. 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42787 -119.71644 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 08-NOV-14 AM 11/08/2014 10:57 11/08/2014 11:05 08-NOV-14 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. Property owner will be issued a mandatory private lateral inspection requirement letter. 3 3SSO10265 Active 810664 725 Cliff Dr. SB City College 5 No Yes No 2 3 34.4082 -119.69877 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 10-NOV-14 PM 11/10/2014 15:00 11/10/2014 15:15 10-NOV-14 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) City staff responded and met with school maintenance staff and plumber. School will be issued mandatory private lateral inspection requirement letter. 3 3SSO10265 Active 810665 1502 Chapala St. 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42541 -119.70955 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 10-NOV-14 AM 11/10/2014 10:00 11/10/2014 10:12 10-NOV-14 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. Property owner will be issued a mandatory private lateral inspection letter. 3 3SSO10265 Active 810692 105 Harbor Way 100 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 100 34.40335 -119.69359 Waterfront marina 1 restroom, 4 force main discharge piping Force Main Direct discharge to ocean, force main is submerged under floating marina restroom. Beach City Waterfront staff were notified and immediately shut down discharge pump and public access to restrooms. 13-NOV-14 AM 11/13/2014 09:00 11/13/2014 09:00 13-NOV-14 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Force Main Waterfront Harbor Patrol staff contacted CalEMA at 9:32 a.m. filed report;#14-6462. City staff contacted County Health Dept. City lab staff obtained water samples for analysis 3 3SSO10265 Active 810761 1220 San Andres St. 7 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 7 0 34.41678 -119.71256 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 14-NOV-14 AM 11/14/2014 09:47 11/14/2014 10:01 14-NOV-14 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 812367 25 Ocean View Dr. 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 30 0 34.42433 -119.66746 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 18-JAN-15 PM 01/18/2015 17:10 01/18/2015 17:30 18-JAN-15 PM Other (specify below) Unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 812368 11 Canyon Acres 12 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 12 0 34.45082 -119.73711 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 07-JAN-15 PM 01/07/2015 13:45 01/07/2015 13:45 07-JAN-15 PM Operator Error On site plumber removed private lateral cleanout cap which allowed backed up sewage to overflow from cleanout. Upper Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. Plumber onsite was responsible for washing down contact area. 3 3SSO10265 Active 812470 618 Castillo St. 5 No Yes Yes 5 0 34.41414 -119.70163 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 14-JAN-15 PM 01/15/2015 09:15 01/15/2015 09:15 14-JAN-15 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff discovered private lateral discharge during routine cleaning. Appears that discharge happened previous evening. City staff initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 812610 1532 Anacapa St. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.41499 -119.69042 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 22-JAN-15 PM 01/22/2015 17:14 01/22/2015 17:30 22-JAN-15 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 812611 15 E. Sola St. 10 No Yes Yes 10 0 34.42584 -119.70673 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 26-JAN-15 PM 01/26/2015 13:30 01/26/2015 13:35 26-JAN-15 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 812815 501 E. Gutierrez St. 5 No Yes Yes 5 0 34.42156 -119.6887 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 29-JAN-15 AM 01/29/2015 11:35 01/29/2015 11:40 29-JAN-15 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 813573 424 State St. 10 No Yes Yes 10 0 34.41658 -119.69478 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 20-FEB-15 AM 02/20/2015 09:10 02/20/2015 09:18 20-FEB-15 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause. Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 813574 1226 N. Salsipuedes St. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 34.43062 -119.69834 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Unpaved surface 23-FEB-15 AM 02/23/2015 10:20 02/23/2015 10:25 23-FEB-15 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 813575 217 S. Alisos St. 55 No Yes Yes 55 0 34.42044 -119.67451 Lower Lateral (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain 25-FEB-15 AM 02/25/2015 10:30 02/25/2015 10:35 25-FEB-15 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 813842 220 E. Valerio St. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43051 -119.70765 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 26-FEB-15 AM 02/26/2015 09:40 02/26/2015 09:50 26-FEB-15 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified City staff responded and confirmed a private lift station pump failure. Shutoff City water and notified property management company. 3 3SSO10265 Active 813843 1809 Cliff Dr. 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.40092 -119.72061 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 26-FEB-15 PM 02/26/2015 12:19 02/26/2015 12:30 26-FEB-15 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery. Shutoff City water, notified property owner. 3 3SSO10265 Active 813928 1226 N. Salsipuedes St. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43062 -119.69834 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 14-MAR-15 AM 03/14/2015 11:08 03/14/2015 11:50 14-MAR-15 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 814169 710 State St. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 34.4194 -119.69799 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 18-MAR-15 PM 03/18/2015 16:50 03/18/2015 16:50 18-MAR-15 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Private plumbing contractor responded; handled all cleanup. 3 3SSO10265 Active 814309 118 Barranca Ave. 40 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 30 0 34.40183 -119.70306 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 29-MAR-15 PM 03/29/2015 13:00 03/29/2015 15:15 29-MAR-15 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 814594 1515 State St. 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 34.42648 -119.70912 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 13-APR-15 PM 04/13/2015 13:12 04/13/2015 13:15 13-APR-15 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 815160 131 Castillo St. 5 No Yes Yes 5 0 34.40869 -119.69556 Inside Building or Structure Separate Storm Drain 23-APR-15 PM 04/23/2015 19:30 04/23/2015 21:00 23-APR-15 PM Other (specify below) Overflowing toilet, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 815374 3969 Via Lucero Rd. 40 No Yes No 15 30 34.44197 -119.75203 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain Along unimproved dirt area on side of apt. complex. Saturated into ground, partial discharge (approx. 30 gals.) to storm drain inlet. 20-MAY-15 AM 05/20/2015 09:45 05/20/2015 09:52 20-MAY-15 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill City staff responded and initiated control measures. Plumber on site, initiated line clearing to release plug and cleanup measures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 815618 1706 Grand Ave. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 34.43544 -119.70285 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 29-MAY-15 AM 05/29/2015 11:24 05/29/2015 11:35 29-MAY-15 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 815949 219 Rametto Rd. 1500 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42923 -119.65984 Private lateral discharge located within City easement in rear of property approximately 300 feet down remote canyon. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface saturated within unimproved seasonal drainage culvert 18-MAY-15 PM 06/16/2015 12:00 06/16/2015 12:20 19-JUN-15 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure private sewer lateral overflow was discovered as a result of City staff responding to a City related SSO event. City staff determined that the private lateral was defective. Private lateral discharge located within City easement in rear of property approximately 300 feet down remote canyon. Single elderly resident resides on property. Lower Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified Once it was determined that there was a private lateral SSO event, City staff informed resident. Plumber was contacted, contractor performed repairs to private lateral. 3 3SSO10265 Active 815950 803 Moreno Rd. 25 No Yes Yes 25 0 34.43698 -119.70478 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 10-JUN-15 PM 06/10/2015 18:15 06/10/2015 18:26 10-JUN-15 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 815952 814 E. Haley St. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 34.42553 -119.68597 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 10-JUN-15 AM 06/10/2015 12:46 06/10/2015 13:00 10-JUN-15 PM Operator Error Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 816237 14 S. Alisos St. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42208 -119.6775 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 27-JUN-15 PM 06/27/2015 15:50 06/27/2015 15:50 27-JUN-15 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified City staff will follow up with notification to property owner for mandatory private sewer lateral inspection. 3 3SSO10265 Active 817104 808 E. Cota St. 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 34.42627 -119.68728 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Unpaved surface 26-JUN-15 PM 06/26/2015 14:04 06/26/2015 14:26 Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 817105 1506 Shoreline Dr. 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 30 0 34.39698 -119.71439 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 27-JUL-15 AM 07/27/2015 00:00 07/27/2015 08:40 27-JUL-15 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 817578 945 Garcia Rd. 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 34.43289 -119.69136 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 20-AUG-15 AM 08/20/2015 08:00 08/20/2015 08:05 20-AUG-15 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated,control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 817582 3940 State St. McDonald's 6 No Yes Yes 6 0 34.44089 -119.75305 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 24-AUG-15 AM 08/24/2015 09:26 08/24/2015 09:35 24-AUG-15 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) FOG; McDonald's restaurant grease interceptor surcharged Manhole Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10265 Active 817836 130 N. Milpas St. 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 34.42347 -119.68101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 02-SEP-15 AM 09/02/2015 08:37 09/02/2015 08:50 02-SEP-15 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 3 3SSO10265 Active 818034 626 Freemont Pl. 20 No Yes Yes 20 0 34.41032 -119.70385 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain 11-SEP-15 AM 09/11/2015 09:15 09/11/2015 09:45 11-SEP-15 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge - unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 818041 809 Moreno Rd 30 No Yes Yes 30 0 34.43732 -119.70503 809 Moreno Santa Barbara 93103 Lower Lateral (Public) Street/Curb and Gutter 12-SEP-15 PM 09/12/2015 16:02 09/12/2015 16:12 12-SEP-15 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge-unknown cause Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 818077 1630 Anacapa Street 4 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42883 -119.70927 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface Saturated in the dirt around the private cleanout. 15-SEP-15 PM 09/15/2015 16:47 09/15/2015 17:00 15-SEP-15 PM Other (specify below) Private spill Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10265 Active 818702 801 E. Anapamu St. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.43221 -119.6955 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 26-SEP-15 PM 09/26/2015 19:12 Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff intiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 818906 3851 State Street 10 No Yes No 0 10 34.43952 -119.74915 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 21-OCT-15 AM 10/21/2015 09:27 10/21/2015 09:55 21-OCT-15 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) Private Spill Food Service Establishment (FSE) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10265 Active 818958 29 East Victoria Street 200 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 200 0 34.42523 -119.70499 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 23-OCT-15 AM 10/23/2015 07:54 10/23/2015 08:05 23-OCT-15 AM Other (specify below) Private Spill Food Service Establishment (FSE) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10265 Active 819230 2800 Samarkand Drive 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 34.43466 -119.73064 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 30-OCT-15 AM 10/30/2015 10:51 10/30/2015 11:05 30-OCT-15 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 819418 230 E. Cota St. 40 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 40 0 34.42055 -119.69347 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 06-NOV-15 AM 11/06/2015 09:38 11/06/2015 09:46 06-NOV-15 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause. Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 819419 535 East De La Guerra St. 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 34.42595 -119.69283 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 11-NOV-15 AM 11/11/2015 11:25 11/11/2015 11:40 11-NOV-15 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause. Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City Staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 820328 Eureka Burger 10 No Yes Yes 10 0 34.41895 -119.69974 601 Paseo Nuevo Inside Building or Structure Street/Curb and Gutter 21-DEC-15 AM 12/21/2015 09:00 12/21/2015 09:00 21-DEC-15 AM Other (specify below) Onsite contractor was steam cleaning grease vents outside and was allowing grease to discharge to street surface area and storm drain system Other (specify below) Onsite contractor caused discharge Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 820352 Ralph's Grocery Store 700 Yes Yes No 200 500 34.42003 -119.70422 100 W. Carrillo St. Discharge from grease interceptor sample box Other sewer system structure Discharge from grease interceptor sample box Drainage Channel;Separate Storm Drain 21-DEC-15 PM 12/22/2015 15:00 12/22/2015 15:45 22-DEC-15 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. Water service was shutoff until plumber cleared line. FOG specialist notified for follow up. 3 3SSO10265 Active 820387 3307 Madrona Dr. 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 34.44118 -119.73544 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 23-DEC-15 AM 12/23/2015 10:17 12/23/2015 10:30 23-DEC-15 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 820858 1135 Bath St. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 34.41985 -119.70792 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 04-JAN-16 AM 01/04/2016 08:10 01/04/2016 08:45 04-JAN-16 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures 3 3SSO10265 Active 820859 401 E. Figueroa St. 40 No Yes Yes 40 0 34.42688 -119.69876 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain 04-JAN-16 PM 01/04/2016 13:51 01/04/2016 14:10 04-JAN-16 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 820886 631 E. Sola St. 7 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 7 0 34.43252 -119.69963 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 11-JAN-16 PM 01/11/2016 17:15 01/11/2016 17:22 11-JAN-16 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 821382 1209 Punta Gorda St. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 34.4215 -119.6703 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 22-JAN-16 AM 01/22/2016 09:34 01/22/2016 10:01 22-JAN-16 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 821672 816 Cacique St. 30 No Yes Yes 30 0 34.41884 -119.67654 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 30-JAN-16 PM 01/30/2016 17:58 01/30/2016 18:10 30-JAN-16 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 821747 917 E. Carrillo Rd. 36 No Yes Yes 0 0 34.43149 -119.69139 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 03-FEB-16 AM 02/03/2016 11:24 02/03/2016 11:24 03-FEB-16 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 821819 1819 Cliff Dr. 33 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.40111 -119.7215 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 05-FEB-16 AM 02/05/2016 09:28 02/05/2016 09:33 05-FEB-16 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill City staff responded and initiated containment procedures. Discharge was cleaned up by on site plumber. 3 3SSO10265 Active 822133 724 N. Milpas St. 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 34.42892 -119.68854 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) Sidewalk 08-FEB-16 PM 02/08/2016 14:45 02/08/2016 15:14 08-FEB-16 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 823332 1125 Olive St. 300 No Yes No 100 200 34.42813 -119.6986 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 23-MAR-16 PM 03/24/2016 11:38 03/24/2016 11:38 24-MAR-16 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 823591 18 St. Ann Dr. 4 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.40849 -119.72394 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 29-MAR-16 PM 03/29/2016 14:00 03/29/2016 14:00 29-MAR-16 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control and containment. Unable to recover any spill volume. 3 3SSO10265 Active 823674 2840 De La Vina St. 40 Yes Yes No 37 3 34.43753 -119.72622 Upper Lateral (Private) Drainage Channel;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 05-APR-16 PM 04/05/2016 19:55 04/05/2016 20:12 05-APR-16 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 824398 1801 De La Vina St. 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 40 0 34.42685 -119.71475 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 28-APR-16 PM 04/29/2016 08:49 04/29/2016 08:58 29-APR-16 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 824399 515 Flora Vista Dr. 7 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.40505 -119.72943 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 01-MAY-16 PM 05/01/2016 22:06 05/01/2016 22:18 01-MAY-16 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 824623 228 E. Cota St. 200 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 200 0 34.4206 -119.6937 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 16-MAY-16 PM 05/16/2016 13:15 05/16/2016 13:15 16-MAY-16 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 824688 105 Harbor Way Santa Barbara CA, 93109 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.40335 -119.69359 Waterfront marina 1 restroom, 4 force main discharge piping. Force Main Beach 22-MAY-16 AM 05/22/2016 09:30 05/22/2016 09:30 22-MAY-16 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Force Main Waterfron Harbor Patrol staff contacted CalEMA filed report, #16-3037. City staff contacted County Health Dept. 3 3SSO10265 Active 825272 131 Castillo St. 40 No Yes Yes 40 0 34.40869 -119.69556 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 21-MAY-16 PM 05/21/2016 18:05 05/21/2016 18:15 21-MAY-16 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 825485 1103 N. Nopal St. 25 No Yes Yes 0 0 34.43081 -119.69447 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 06-JUN-16 PM 06/06/2016 12:15 06/06/2016 12:28 06-JUN-16 PM Other (specify below) Private sewer lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 825591 2612 Modoc Rd. 80 No Yes Yes 80 0 34.42599 -119.73394 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 19-JUN-16 PM 06/19/2016 14:30 06/19/2016 15:40 19-JUN-16 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 825701 2525 State St. 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43567 -119.72263 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter All overflow was dry upon arrival. City staffed applied disinfectant to contact area. 25-JUN-16 PM 06/25/2016 13:58 06/25/2016 14:15 25-JUN-16 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Lower Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and shutoff water, disinfected contact area. 3 3SSO10265 Active 825765 1818 Prospect Ave. 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 34.43537 -119.70722 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 27-JUN-16 PM 06/27/2016 13:12 06/27/2016 13:12 27-JUN-16 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill City staff discovered spill, which had stopped overflowing upon our arrival. 3 3SSO10265 Active 825935 1911 De La Vina St. 30 No Yes Yes 30 0 34.42787 -119.71648 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 03-JUL-16 PM 07/04/2016 00:27 07/04/2016 01:15 04-JUL-16 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 826952 228 Jesmary Lane 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.42948 -119.71977 228 Jesmary Lane Santa Barbara 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 15-JUL-16 PM 07/15/2016 17:36 07/15/2016 18:00 15-JUL-16 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause. Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill City staff responded and initiated, control, containment and plumber recovered the spill. 3 3SSO10265 Active 826954 27 Calle Alamo 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.44129 -119.73337 27 Calle Alamo Santa Barbara Lateral Clean Out (Private) Private lateral discharge unknown cause. Unpaved surface 21-JUL-16 AM 07/21/2016 09:38 07/21/2016 10:00 21-JUL-16 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Private lateral discharge due to structural problem/falure. Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill City staff responded and shut off the water and disinfected the soil. 3 3SSO10265 Active 826955 228 East Cota 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 34.4206 -119.6937 228 East Cota Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Private lateral discharge unknown cause. Street/Curb and Gutter 19-JUL-16 PM 07/19/2016 13:36 07/19/2016 13:53 19-JUL-16 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge unknown cause. Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated, control, containement and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 827218 3500 McCaw 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 34.43819 -119.73559 3500 McCaw Santa Barbara 93105 Manhole Private sewer manhole. Street/Curb and Gutter 07-AUG-16 AM 08/07/2016 07:55 08/07/2016 08:15 07-AUG-16 AM Other (specify below) Private sewer lateral discharge, unknown cause. Food Service Establishment (FSE) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Private contractor responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 827219 405 Corona del Mar 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 34.41875 -119.67204 405 Corona Del Mar Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 08-AUG-16 AM 08/08/2016 10:50 08/08/2016 11:00 08-AUG-16 AM Other (specify below) Private sewer lateral discharge, unkown cause. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 827351 230 East Cota Street 40 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 40 0 34.42047 -119.69344 230 East Cota Street Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 18-AUG-16 AM 08/18/2016 12:02 08/18/2016 12:20 18-AUG-16 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause. Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 827398 1212 Punta Gorda Street 8 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 8 0 34.42119 -119.66924 1212 Punta Gorda Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 21-AUG-16 PM 08/21/2016 21:20 08/21/2016 21:30 21-AUG-16 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge, unknown cause. Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Mobile home park. Upper Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System City staff responded and contained the spill. Manger of mobile home park disinfected and returned all of the spill to the sanitary sewer system. 3 3SSO10265 Active 827858 1435 Bath 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 34.42273 -119.71169 1435 Bath Street Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 30-AUG-16 PM 08/30/2016 21:23 08/30/2016 21:30 30-AUG-16 PM Other (specify below) Private sewer lateral discharge, unknown cause. Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control, containment and rocovery procedures. 3 3SSO10265 Active 828116 55 Ocean View 150 No Yes Yes 150 0 34.42514 -119.66701 55 Ocean View Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 08-SEP-16 AM 09/08/2016 09:35 09/08/2016 09:50 08-SEP-16 AM Other (specify below) Private sewer lateral discharge, unknown cause. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated control, containment and recovery. 3 3SSO10265 Active 828766 817 N. Milpas 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42933 -119.68987 817 Milpas Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 15-SEP-16 PM 09/15/2016 12:40 09/15/2016 13:00 15-SEP-16 PM Other (specify below) Private sewer lateral discharge, unknown cause. Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated cleanup. 3 3SSO10265 Active 829535 1125 Del Sol Ave 120 No Yes No 100 20 34.40151 -119.70526 1125 Del Sol Ave Santa Barbara 93109 Spill traveled down street gutter to SD pipe and into SD channel (non-lined) where it stopped flowing. Partially infiltrated in non-lined channel. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel;Separate Storm Drain Spill flowed through SD pipe and into pervious SD channel. Channel ended at grassy area. 16-OCT-16 PM 10/18/2016 08:19 10/18/2016 08:36 18-OCT-16 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral discharge - unknown cause Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified City staff responded and initiated containment, control and recovery procedures. Disinfectant used. 3 3SSO10265 Active 829970 519 N. La Cumbre (behind Hope School) 1694 Yes Yes No 965 729 34.44727 -119.75367 Private manhole located behind Hope School Manhole Sewage spilled out of private manhole, infiltrated ground around manhole into storm drain pipe below. Discharge was observed out of storm drain pipe headwall outlet approximately 50 ft from sewer manhole and infiltrated into depressed area around outlet. Other (specify below);Unpaved surface Spill infiltrated into soil in two locations: unpaved surface (undeveloped area) above storm drain pipe and area around outlet. Both were pervious areas. Spill volume in storm drain pipe recovered and flushed. 05-NOV-16 AM 11/19/2016 13:45 11/19/2016 15:13 19-NOV-16 PM Root Intrusion Roots intruding into main from manhole. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Senior Housing Development (Apartments) off-site private sewer main Manhole Blockage occurred due to fine and medium roots intruding into downstream private sewer main 8 PVC 30 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System Flushed storm drain pipe with potable water and disinfected area around manhole and storm drain pipe outlet. 3 3SSO10265 Active 830109 619 E. Gutierrez 168 No Yes No 100 68 34.42293 -119.68693 619 E. Gutierrez Street Santa Barbara Lateral Clean Out (Private) Along sidewalk Separate Storm Drain Spill reached storm drain pipe which was partially filled with storm water, not flowing though. 05-NOV-16 PM 11/07/2016 10:52 11/07/2016 11:01 07-NOV-16 AM Other (specify below) Unsure of cause of spill Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Mutil tenant structure with many of tenants closed on weekend. Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10265 Active 830118 128 W. Canon Perdido 120 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 120 0 34.41873 -119.70283 128 W. Canon Perdido Santa Barbara Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 08-NOV-16 PM 11/08/2016 15:06 11/08/2016 15:16 08-NOV-16 PM Other (specify below) Unsure of cause of spill on private lateral. Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10265 Active 830120 601 W. Sola St 25 No Yes Yes 25 0 34.41846 -119.71358 601 W. Sola Street Santa Barbara Lateral Clean Out (Private) 12-NOV-16 PM 11/12/2016 15:23 11/12/2016 16:08 12-NOV-16 PM Other (specify below) Unsure of cause of spill from private lateral. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10265 Active 830121 2717 De La Vina St 202 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 202 0 34.43557 -119.72612 2717 De La Vina St Santa Barbara Southeastern corner of the mobile home park adjacent to fence. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Spill appeared on a private cleanout for the collector line for the mobile home park. Street/Curb and Gutter Spill ran off parcel and into curb/gutter along Alamar Ave 14-NOV-16 AM 11/14/2016 10:51 11/14/2016 11:04 14-NOV-16 PM Other (specify below) Unsure of cause of spill on private lateral. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Mobile Home Park Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Spray-applied disinfected around the spill area. 3 3SSO10265 Active 831460 528 W. Los Olivos 300 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 300 34.42683 -119.7239 528 W. Los Olivos Street Santa Barbara Multi-unit complex Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below);Surface Water Mission Creek 18-DEC-16 AM 12/18/2016 11:30 12/18/2016 11:45 18-DEC-16 PM Other (specify below) Unknown cause. Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Other (specify below);Property Owner Notified Performed CCTV inspection of sewer main line to locate lateral connection. 3 3SSO10265 Active 831462 7 S. Milpas St 75 No Yes Yes 75 0 34.42166 -119.67844 7 S. Milpas St Santa Barbara Other sewer system structure Grease Interceptor Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 20-DEC-16 PM 12/21/2016 00:15 12/21/2016 10:32 21-DEC-16 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) Private lateral backed up and overflowed, something downstream of Grease Interceptor caused clog, possibly grease. Food Service Establishment (FSE) Carl's Junior Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Cost recovery sent to property owner. 3 3SSO10265 Active 831463 823 E. De La Guerra St 27 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 27 0 34.42889 -119.68987 823 E. De La Guerra Santa Barbara Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 21-DEC-16 PM 12/21/2016 14:30 12/21/2016 14:30 21-DEC-16 PM Other (specify below) Unknown cause. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Cost recovery letter sent to property owner. 3 3SSO10265 Active 832564 1419 Laguna Street 50 No Yes No 45 5 34.42982 -119.70332 1419 Laguna Street Santa Barbara Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 11-JAN-17 AM 01/11/2017 11:21 01/11/2017 11:29 11-JAN-17 AM Other (specify below) Unknown spill - private lateral High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 8 VCP 89 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System Sewer Lateral Inspection Program letter follow up requried 3 3SSO10265 Active 834010 1107 State St 85 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 85 85 34.42234 -119.70381 1107 State Street Santa Barbara Crawl space under 1107 State Street Inside Building or Structure Other (specify below) Crawl space 08-MAR-17 PM 03/08/2017 14:57 03/08/2017 15:07 08-MAR-17 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral spill, unknown cause Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 3 3SSO10265 Active 834670 1525 Santa Barbara St 80 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 80 0 34.42869 -119.70695 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 23-JAN-17 PM 01/25/2017 12:04 01/25/2017 12:30 25-JAN-17 PM Other (specify below) Unknown spill cause; private lateral Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified SLIP and cost recovery letters sent to property owner 3 3SSO10265 Active 834676 334 W. Mason 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.40913 -119.6949 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 29-JAN-17 AM 01/31/2017 00:00 01/31/2017 15:30 31-JAN-17 AM Other (specify below) Spill cause unknown; private lateral Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up 3 3SSO10265 Active 834680 550 Miramonte Dr 180 Yes Yes Yes 180 0 34.40882 -119.70508 550 Miramonte Drive Santa Barbara 93109 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 05-FEB-17 AM 02/05/2017 15:00 02/05/2017 16:30 05-FEB-17 PM Other (specify below) Spill cause unknown; private lateral. Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill SLIP and cost recovery letters sent to property owner. 3 3SSO10265 Active 834978 817 State Street 400 No Yes Yes 400 0 34.41933 -119.70137 817 State Street Santa Barbara 93101 Nordrstrom's loading dock along Chapala Street Inside Building or Structure;Lateral Clean Out (Private) Spill was coming from loading dock Separate Storm Drain Spill entered storm drain inlet at the corner of Chapala and Ortega, made it as far as storm drain manhole at Chapala at Cota where it was recovered 30-APR-17 PM 04/30/2017 14:30 04/30/2017 15:25 30-APR-17 PM Other (specify below) Private service lateral, unknown cause Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Nordstroms Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10265 Active 836672 10 E. Carrillo St. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.4217 -119.70133 South Coast Deli spilled along the pathway. Lateral Clean Out (Private) The spill was coming from a private clean out in the pathway. Paved Surface Five gallons saturated into the paved surface. 06-JUN-17 AM 06/06/2017 09:10 06/06/2017 09:30 06-JUN-17 AM Other (specify below) Unknown cause of the spill. Food Service Establishment (FSE) Small Deli. Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10265 Active 836676 814 E. Haley St. 128 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 128 0 34.42552 -119.68597 Curb drain Lateral Clean Out (Private) Lateral clean out in the back yard. Street/Curb and Gutter The spill was contained at Street/Curb and Gutter 13-JUN-17 AM 06/13/2017 05:57 06/14/2017 08:30 14-JUN-17 AM Other (specify below) Broken lateral Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Broken lateral inside building. Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10265 Active 836677 814 E. Haley St. 128 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 128 0 34.42552 -119.68597 Curb drain Lateral Clean Out (Private) Lateral clean out in the back yard. Street/Curb and Gutter The spill was contained at Street/Curb and Gutter 13-JUN-17 AM 06/13/2017 05:57 06/14/2017 08:30 14-JUN-17 AM Other (specify below) Broken lateral Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Broken lateral inside building. Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10265 Active 838989 1911 De La Vina St 61 No Yes No 59 2 34.42787 -119.71648 1911 De La Vina St. Santa Barbara Clean out located by front door and driveway. Upper Lateral (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 07-AUG-17 AM 08/07/2017 07:37 08/07/2017 07:50 07-AUG-17 AM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Industrial Property Industrial Laundry Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 846327 1315 San Pascual 180 No Yes Yes 180 0 34.41802 -119.71319 1315 San Pascual Santa Barbara Pump station Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 03-MAY-17 PM 05/03/2017 14:20 05/03/2017 14:35 03-MAY-17 PM Other (specify below) Private pump station. Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Other (specify below) Private pump station. Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 3 3SSO10265 Active 846400 817 State St. 275 No Yes Yes 275 0 34.41942 -119.70106 817 State St. Santa Barbara Inside Building or Structure;Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 06-MAY-17 PM 05/06/2017 15:46 05/06/2017 16:25 06-MAY-17 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 3 3SSO10265 Active 846521 227 Sierra Vista Rd. 55 No Yes Yes 55 0 34.44278 -119.67067 227 Sierra Vista Rd. Santa Barbara Lower Lateral (Private) Partial discharge to the public right of way from a broken lateral. The majority of the spill saturated into the ground where the lateral was broken. Other (specify below);Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface Partial discharge to the public right of way from a broken lateral. The majority of the spill saturated into the ground where the lateral was broken. 07-JUN-17 PM 06/07/2017 20:05 06/07/2017 20:20 07-JUN-17 PM Other (specify below) Broken lateral Single Family Home Broken lateral. Partial discharge to the public right of way from a broken lateral. The majority of the spill saturated into the ground where the lateral was broken. Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Lateral was repair by owner. 3 3SSO10265 Active 849338 649 Pilgrim Terrace Dr. 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 100 0 34.42572 -119.72687 649 Pilgrim Terrace Dr Santa Barbara Manhole Private Manhole Street/Curb and Gutter 26-JAN-18 AM 01/26/2018 10:11 01/26/2018 11:00 26-JAN-18 AM Other (specify below) Private sewer system. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Other (specify below) Private sewer system. Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 3 3SSO10265 Active 849341 315 E. Sola St. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.42887 -119.7034 315 E. Sola St. Santa Barbara 93101 Other sewer system structure Wall clean out for kitchen Street/Curb and Gutter 06-FEB-18 PM 02/06/2018 15:15 02/06/2018 15:23 06-FEB-18 PM Other (specify below) Private plumbing Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Other (specify below) Private plumbing Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 3 3SSO10265 Active 849344 2491 Foothill Rd. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.44632 -119.71041 2491 Foothill Rd Santa Brabara 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface Unpaved surface on private property 16-FEB-18 AM 02/16/2018 08:27 02/16/2018 08:40 16-FEB-18 AM Other (specify below) Private spill Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) Fire Station 15 County of Santa Barbara Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) Spill absorbed into the ground. 3 3SSO10265 Active 849371 216 W. Mission St. 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42856 -119.71766 216 W. Mission Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface Spill absorbed into the ground. 22-FEB-18 PM 02/22/2018 13:22 02/22/2018 13:30 22-FEB-18 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral spill. Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10265 Active 849479 109 W. Ortega 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.41711 -119.69934 109 W. Ortega Santa Barbara Private clean out in backyard under a deck. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Private clean out in backyard under a deck. Unpaved surface Unpaved surface in backyard under a deck. 06-MAR-18 AM 03/06/2018 08:35 03/06/2018 08:50 06-MAR-18 AM Other (specify below) Private Spill Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP 3 3SSO10265 Active 849481 701/711 N. Milpas St. 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 34.42805 -119.6884 701/711 N. Milpas St. Santa Barbara Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 12-MAR-18 AM 03/12/2018 11:00 03/12/2018 11:22 12-MAR-18 AM Other (specify below) Private spill Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP 3 3SSO10265 Active 849515 820 De La Guerra Rd. 18 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 18 0 34.43315 -119.68597 820 De La Guerra Rd. Santa Barbara Lower Lateral (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 20-MAR-18 PM 03/20/2018 12:46 03/20/2018 12:55 20-MAR-18 PM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP 3 3SSO10265 Active 849516 902 El Rancho Rd 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43448 -119.65596 902 El Rancho Rd Santa Barbara 93108 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 20-APR-18 AM 04/20/2018 09:20 04/20/2018 09:25 20-APR-18 AM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10265 Active 849517 1920 Mission Ridge 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.44084 -119.70221 1920 Mission Ridge Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Building or Structure;Unpaved surface 03-MAY-18 PM 05/03/2018 15:17 05/03/2018 15:30 03-MAY-18 PM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP 3 3SSO10265 Active 849518 210 W. Victoria St. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 34.42201 -119.70841 210 W. Victoria Santa Barbara 93101 Inside Building or Structure Street/Curb and Gutter 27-JUN-18 AM 06/27/2018 11:50 06/27/2018 12:00 27-JUN-18 PM Other (specify below) Broken Plumbing-Private High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Other (specify below) Broken Plumbing Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP 3 3SSO10265 Active 849519 37 E. Victoria St. 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 34.42536 -119.7048 37 E. Victoria Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 05-JUL-18 AM 07/05/2018 11:29 07/05/2018 11:40 05-JUL-18 PM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP 3 3SSO10265 Active 850055 1125 Del Sol Ave 79 Yes Yes Yes 79 0 34.40162 -119.70543 1125 Del Sol Ave Santa Barbara 93109 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 29-JUL-18 AM 07/29/2018 10:15 07/29/2018 11:10 29-JUL-18 AM Other (specify below) PLSD- Roots Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 850585 2037 Oak Ave 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 34.42457 -119.72232 2037 Oak Ave Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Unpaved surface 23-JUL-18 AM 07/23/2018 09:02 07/23/2018 09:45 23-JUL-18 AM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Spill. Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 850834 320 N. Nopal 795 No Yes No 385 410 34.42427 -119.68426 320 N. Nopal Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 17-JUL-18 PM 07/17/2018 14:28 07/17/2018 14:40 17-JUL-18 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Industrial Property Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 853853 322 E. Arellaga 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43079 -119.70539 322 E. Arellaga Santa Barbara Inside Building or Structure Building or Structure 27-AUG-18 PM 08/27/2018 17:00 08/27/2018 17:47 27-AUG-18 PM Other (specify below) Private Pump Station Single Family Home Other (specify below) Private Pump Station Other (specify below) SLIP 3 3SSO10265 Active 854119 2200 Bath St. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 34.42972 -119.72093 2200 Bath Santa Barbara 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 10-OCT-18 AM 10/10/2018 11:05 10/10/2018 11:18 10-OCT-18 AM Other (specify below) PLSD Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) SLIP program 3 3SSO10265 Active 854121 533 E. Micheltorena 9 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 7 0 34.43257 -119.70185 533 E. Micheltorena Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 18-OCT-18 PM 10/18/2018 13:19 10/18/2018 13:19 18-OCT-18 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) SLIP program 3 3SSO10265 Active 854123 1226 N. Salsipuedes 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 34.43053 -119.69842 1226 N. Salsipuedes Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) Sidewalk and dirt area 20-OCT-18 PM 10/20/2018 12:30 10/20/2018 14:00 20-OCT-18 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) Slip Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 854213 1717 Olive Ave 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43391 -119.70509 1717 Olive Ave Santa Barbara 93101 Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) Retaining wall that separate two properties. 05-NOV-18 PM 11/06/2018 13:00 11/06/2018 13:05 06-NOV-18 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP program 3 3SSO10265 Active 854320 3969 Via Lucero 191 No Yes No 177 14 34.44146 -119.7543 3969 Via Lucero Santa Barbara 93110 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Unpaved surface 06-NOV-18 AM 11/06/2018 11:49 11/07/2018 09:48 07-NOV-18 AM Other (specify below) PLSD High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 854459 1276 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.4019 -119.71078 1276 Cliff Dr Santa Barbara 93109 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below);Unpaved surface The spill was contained on private property. 08-NOV-18 AM 11/08/2018 14:10 11/08/2018 14:10 08-NOV-18 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 854592 1224 State St. 7 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 7 0 34.42408 -119.70515 1224 State St. Santa Barbara 93101 Upper Lateral (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 16-NOV-18 PM 11/16/2018 12:24 11/16/2018 13:00 16-NOV-18 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 854594 202 W.Canon Perdido 1720 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1720 0 34.41836 -119.70309 202 W. Canon Perdido Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 09-DEC-18 PM 12/09/2018 13:35 12/09/2018 14:05 09-DEC-18 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Roots Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 854603 1050 Vista Del Pueblo 4 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.41097 -119.71484 1050 Vista Del Pueblo Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 03-DEC-18 PM 12/03/2018 15:52 12/03/2018 15:54 03-DEC-18 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 856781 114 W. Padre St. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43042 -119.71774 114 W Padre St. Santa Barbara 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below);Unpaved surface Contained on private property. 31-DEC-18 AM 12/31/2018 10:30 12/31/2018 11:00 31-DEC-18 AM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP Program. 3 3SSO10265 Active 858415 115 E. Gutierrez 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 34.41766 -119.69294 115 E. Gutierrez Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 02-JAN-19 PM 01/02/2019 14:59 01/02/2019 15:25 02-JAN-19 PM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 858417 1268 Veronica Springs 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.41855 -119.74172 1268 Veronica Springs Santa Barbara 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface Unpaved Surface on private property 15-JAN-19 AM 01/15/2019 08:26 01/15/2019 08:35 15-JAN-19 AM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 858418 415 E. Carriloo St. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 34.42633 -119.69705 415 E. Carrillo St. Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 19-JAN-19 AM 01/19/2019 11:15 01/19/2019 11:49 19-JAN-19 AM Other (specify below) Private Lateral High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 858420 1628 San Andres St. 115 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 115 0 34.4206 -119.71805 1628 San Andres Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 28-JAN-19 AM 01/28/2019 10:20 01/28/2019 10:23 28-JAN-19 AM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 858423 2007 Red Rose Way 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.40288 -119.72358 2007 Red Rose Way Santa Barbara 93109 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below);Paved Surface Paved Surface on private property 10-FEB-19 PM 02/10/2019 17:28 02/10/2019 18:10 10-FEB-19 PM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 858473 715 Anacapa ST 8 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 8 0 34.41956 -119.69787 715 Anacapa Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below);Paved Surface Parking lot 20-FEB-19 AM 02/20/2019 10:38 02/20/2019 10:48 20-FEB-19 AM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 858489 132 Harbor Way 48 No Yes Yes 48 0 34.40375 -119.69356 132 Harbor Way Santa Barbara 93109 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 28-FEB-19 AM 02/28/2019 07:20 02/28/2019 07:20 28-FEB-19 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) Compliance inspector discovered spill while conducting an inspection. Food Service Establishment (FSE) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System Review BMPs with staff for FOG. 3 3SSO10265 Active 858535 31 W. Carrillo St. 517 No Yes Yes 517 0 34.42036 -119.70248 31 W. Carrillo St. Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 28-FEB-19 PM 02/28/2019 13:40 02/28/2019 13:55 28-FEB-19 PM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Hotel/FSE Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program. Review BMPs with FSE. 3 3SSO10265 Active 858548 2526 Cliff Dr 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.40515 -119.73253 2526 Cliff Dr Santa Barbara 93109 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 31-MAR-19 PM 04/03/2019 14:15 04/03/2019 14:45 31-MAR-19 PM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 858550 342 E Padre 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43601 -119.71115 342 E. Padre Santa Barbara 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 04-APR-19 AM 04/04/2019 10:52 04/04/2019 11:05 04-APR-19 AM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 859174 1628 San Andres 17 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.4206 -119.71805 1628 San Andres Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 15-APR-19 AM 04/15/2019 09:59 04/15/2019 10:07 15-APR-19 AM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 859199 1836 Cliff 21 No Yes Yes 21 0 34.40175 -119.72166 1836 Cliff Dr Santa Barbara 93109 Inside Building or Structure Private lateral point repair inside building. Street/Curb and Gutter 03-MAY-19 AM 05/03/2019 10:15 05/03/2019 10:29 03-MAY-19 AM Other (specify below) Private lateral point repair inside the building. The plumber was discharging wastewater from trench to parking lot. Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Upper Lateral inside building. Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 859204 526 N. Nopal 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 30 0 34.42607 -119.68721 526 N. Nopal Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 08-MAY-19 AM 05/08/2019 12:10 05/08/2019 12:10 08-MAY-19 AM Other (specify below) Roots at private lateral. Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 859205 1 Garden St. 18 No Yes Yes 18 0 34.41547 -119.68676 1 Garden St. Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 22-MAY-19 AM 05/22/2019 07:30 05/22/2019 09:25 22-MAY-19 AM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) Public Restroom. Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 859206 517 E. De La Guerra St. 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42579 -119.69347 517 E. De La Guerra St. Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 24-MAY-19 AM 05/24/2019 11:04 05/24/2019 11:10 24-MAY-19 AM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 859207 508 State 165 No Yes Yes 165 0 34.41721 -119.69565 508 State St. Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 25-MAY-19 PM 05/25/2019 14:25 05/25/2019 15:20 25-MAY-19 PM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 859211 407 W. Pedregosa 34 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 31 3 34.42513 -119.71832 407 W. Pedregosa Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel;Paved Surface;Surface Water;Unpaved surface 31-MAY-19 AM 05/31/2019 11:35 05/31/2019 12:25 31-MAY-19 PM Other (specify below) Private Lateral High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Other (specify below) Private sewer main Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 861664 1628 State 31 No Yes Yes 31 0 34.42794 -119.71027 1628 State Santa Barbara 93101 Other sewer system structure Rain Gutter Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 19-JUL-19 PM 07/19/2019 20:24 07/19/2019 20:45 19-JUL-19 PM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified SLIP Program Jetscan City main Correction Notice 3 3SSO10265 Active 861668 321 Baranca Ave 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.40314 -119.70593 321 Baranca Ave Santa Barbara 93109 Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below);Paved Surface Paved surface on private property 20-AUG-19 AM 08/20/2019 09:30 08/20/2019 09:45 20-AUG-19 AM Other (specify below) Roots from private lateral Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 861749 1911 De La Vina St. 250 No Yes Yes 50 0 34.42775 -119.7166 1911 De La Vina Santa Barbara 93101 Inside Building or Structure A drainpipe broke inside the laundromat. The spill reached the parking lot and a storm drain inlet. The crew recovered all the discharge in the public right of way Building or Structure;Other (specify below);Separate Storm Drain Parking lot 24-AUG-19 PM 08/24/2019 16:00 08/24/2019 17:15 24-AUG-19 PM Other (specify below) Private broken drain pipe inside laundromat. Industrial Property Other (specify below) Private broken drain pipe inside laundromat. Cleaned-Up;Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 861760 3643 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.44005 -119.74195 3643 State St Santa Barbara 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) The crew was at the site to clean the city's sewer main and noticed dry sewer residue around a private lateral clean out. Building or Structure 26-AUG-19 PM 08/28/2019 10:05 08/28/2019 10:05 26-AUG-19 PM Debris-General Debris in private sewer lateral Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP Progaram 3 3SSO10265 Active 861769 1933 Eucalyptus Rd 20 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 1 34.43344 -119.66569 1933 Ecalyptus Rd Santa Barbara 93108 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel;Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 05-SEP-19 AM 09/05/2019 11:38 09/05/2019 11:50 05-SEP-19 PM Other (specify below) Roots in private lateral Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 861925 422 Anacapa 17 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 17 0 34.41774 -119.69374 422 Anacapa St. Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 19-SEP-19 AM 09/19/2019 10:55 09/19/2019 11:25 19-SEP-19 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) Grease and Paper Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 862051 3780 State St. 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.44094 -119.7458 3780 State St. Santa Barbara 93110 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Building or Structure 20-SEP-19 AM 09/20/2019 10:50 09/20/2019 11:00 20-SEP-19 PM Other (specify below) Private Lateral Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 863219 2701 Las Positas Rd 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43229 -119.73425 2701 Las Positas Rd Santa Barbara 93105 Other sewer system structure Grease Trap Unpaved surface 03-OCT-19 AM 10/03/2019 10:46 10/03/2019 13:05 03-OCT-19 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Grease Trap Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) School Other (specify below) Grease Trap Other (specify below) FOG Program SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 863659 1510 Laguna St. 98 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 98 0 34.43081 -119.70395 1510 Laguna St. Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 17-APR-19 AM 04/17/2019 08:35 04/17/2019 08:45 17-APR-19 AM Other (specify below) Paper Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 863661 1222 Olive St. 26 No Yes No 22 4 34.42932 -119.69932 1222 Olive St. Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 20-NOV-19 PM 11/21/2019 12:55 11/21/2019 13:09 21-NOV-19 PM Root Intrusion Private lateral had roots High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 863664 121 S. Hope 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43775 -119.74777 121 South Hope Santa Barbara 93105 Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below);Paved Surface Parking lot 11-DEC-19 PM 12/11/2019 16:58 12/11/2019 17:30 11-DEC-19 PM Other (specify below) Private lateral Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Private sewer system. Lower lateral at private manhole. Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) SLIP Program Vacuumed Private manhole 3 3SSO10265 Active 863732 104 W. Anapamu St. 94 No Yes No 93 1 34.42236 -119.70627 104 W. Anapamu St. Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 17-DEC-19 AM 12/17/2019 09:00 12/17/2019 09:20 17-DEC-19 AM Root Intrusion Roots in private lateral Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Other (specify below) Private lateral Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 866393 903 State St. 6 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 6 0 34.4206 -119.7011 903 State St. Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 03-JAN-20 AM 01/08/2020 13:46 01/09/2020 07:15 06-JAN-20 AM Other (specify below) Private PLSD Food Service Establishment (FSE) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 866574 533 E. Micheltorena 117 No Yes Yes 0 0 34.43257 -119.70185 533 E. Micheltorena Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 06-JAN-20 PM 01/06/2020 15:30 01/06/2020 15:45 06-JAN-20 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 866577 904 N. Milpas 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43034 -119.69049 904 N. Milpas Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 09-JAN-20 AM 01/09/2020 12:20 01/09/2020 12:30 09-JAN-20 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 866580 2029 Oak Av 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42476 -119.7221 2029 Oak Av Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 07-FEB-20 PM 02/07/2020 13:00 02/07/2020 13:20 07-FEB-20 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 866581 1440 Jesusita 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.4597 -119.72598 1440 Jesusita Ln Snata Barbara 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 21-FEB-20 PM 02/21/2020 15:00 02/21/2020 15:30 21-FEB-20 PM Other (specify below) PLSD_Roots Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 866583 850 Highland 150 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.40939 -119.71107 850 Highland Santa Barbara 93109 Pump station Private Pump station Unpaved surface 26-MAR-20 PM 03/26/2020 13:20 03/26/2020 13:45 26-MAR-20 PM Other (specify below) Private Pump Station High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Other (specify below) Pump Station Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 866737 826 Dolores Dr. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 34.40629 -119.71697 826 Dolores Dr Santa Barbara 93109 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 30-MAR-20 AM 03/30/2020 11:05 03/30/2020 11:15 30-MAR-20 AM Other (specify below) Roots in private lateral Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 866770 506 Brinkerhoff Place 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 34.41548 -119.69742 506 Brinkerhoff Ave Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below);Paved Surface Alleyway 13-APR-20 AM 04/14/2020 13:25 04/14/2020 13:48 14-APR-20 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 866771 3618 San Gabriel Ln 35 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 34.43733 -119.74045 3618 San Gabriel Ln Santa Barbara 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below);Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface Portion of the spill saturated into the soil at 3618 San Gabriel. and a portion of the spill reached the neighbor's driveway. The final destination was street/curb and gutter 13-APR-20 AM 04/14/2020 09:20 04/14/2020 09:25 14-APR-20 AM Other (specify below) PLSD Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 866772 12 Camino Verde 12 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.43848 -119.68135 12 Camino Verde Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below);Unpaved surface Neighbor's house. 18-APR-20 PM 04/18/2020 12:15 04/18/2020 12:52 18-APR-20 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 867720 2912 Las Positas Rd. 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43477 -119.73331 2912 Las Positas Rd. Santa Barbara Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below);Unpaved surface Unpaved surface on private property. 23-MAY-20 PM 05/26/2020 09:11 05/26/2020 09:25 23-MAY-20 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 867722 528 Anacapa St. 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.41899 -119.69507 528 Anacapa St Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 12-JUN-20 PM 06/12/2020 18:45 06/12/2020 19:20 12-JUN-20 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 867723 909 State St. 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 28 0 34.42069 -119.70111 909 State St. Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 25-JUN-20 AM 06/25/2020 11:15 06/25/2020 11:25 25-JUN-20 AM Root Intrusion Roots in private lateral. Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 868605 834 State 8 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 8 0 34.42054 -119.70017 834 State St Santa Barbara Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 07-JUL-20 AM 07/07/2020 08:55 07/07/2020 09:05 07-JUL-20 AM Other (specify below) Private PLSD Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 868606 1415 Hillcrest 34 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 4 0 34.4407 -119.691 1415 Hillcrest Santa Barbara 93103 Lower Lateral (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 11-AUG-20 AM 08/11/2020 11:47 08/11/2020 12:20 11-AUG-20 PM Other (specify below) Private PLSD Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 868661 5 Via Alicia 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43528 -119.67067 5 Via Alicia Santa Barbara 93108 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below) Pavers in the back yard 14-AUG-20 AM 08/14/2020 10:30 08/14/2020 11:00 14-AUG-20 AM Other (specify below) Private PLSD Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 868763 1040 Coast Village Rd 58 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 58 0 34.42261 -119.6515 1040 Coast Village Rd Ssanta Barbara 93108 Other sewer system structure Grease interceptor Other (specify below);Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter Parking lot 28-JUN-20 PM 06/28/2020 15:30 06/28/2020 16:40 28-JUN-20 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Grease interceptor Food Service Establishment (FSE) Other (specify below) Grease interceptor Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 868840 508 Grove Ln 22 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 22 0 34.44733 -119.74183 508 Grove Ln Santa Barbara 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 25-AUG-20 PM 08/25/2020 19:15 08/25/2020 20:45 25-AUG-20 PM Other (specify below) Heavy debris in private lateral Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 869371 1301 Cacique St 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.42419 -119.67194 1301 Cacique Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 25-SEP-20 AM 09/25/2020 09:00 09/25/2020 09:15 25-SEP-20 AM Other (specify below) PLSD Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 869430 1412 San Pascual 45 No Yes Yes 45 0 34.41947 -119.71418 1412 San Pascual Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private);Pump station Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 26-SEP-20 AM 09/26/2020 17:50 09/26/2020 18:30 26-SEP-20 PM Pump Station Failure-Mechanical High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Pump Station-Mechanical Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System PLSD Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 870445 16 E. Pueblo St. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 34.434 -119.71782 16. E Pueblo St. Santa Barbara 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 23-OCT-20 PM 10/23/2020 12:05 10/23/2020 12:26 23-OCT-20 PM Other (specify below) Roots from a private lateral. Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 870446 2037 Oak Ave 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.42457 -119.72232 2037 Oak Ave Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Other (specify below);Unpaved surface Neighbor 26-OCT-20 AM 10/26/2020 09:14 10/26/2020 12:27 26-OCT-20 PM Other (specify below) PLSD debris Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 870447 2131 Modoc Rd. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.42469 -119.72506 2131 Modoc Rd. Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 31-OCT-20 PM 10/31/2020 17:30 10/31/2020 19:30 31-OCT-20 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 872573 415 W. Padre St. 80 Yes Yes No 10 70 34.42683 -119.72104 415 W. Padre Santa Barbara Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Surface Water;Unpaved surface 01-FEB-21 PM 02/02/2021 13:44 02/02/2021 17:40 01-FEB-21 PM Other (specify below) PLSD High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 872800 3849 State St. 7 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 7 0 34.43929 -119.74918 3849 State St. Santa Barbara Other sewer system structure Grease interceptor Paved Surface 18-FEB-21 AM 02/18/2021 09:33 02/18/2021 09:50 18-FEB-21 AM Other (specify below) Grease interceptor Food Service Establishment (FSE) Other (specify below) Grease interceptor Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 873707 3024 Hermosa Rd. 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43712 -119.73132 3024 Hermosa Rd. Santa Barbara 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 22-MAR-21 PM 03/23/2021 11:21 03/23/2021 11:42 23-MAR-21 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP Program Cleaned main to confirm city main clear. 3 3SSO10265 Active 875159 415 E. Sola 668 No Yes Yes 372 0 34.43005 -119.70222 415 E. Sola Santa Barbara Manhole Private sewer MH. Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Unpaved surface 13-APR-21 AM 04/14/2021 15:54 04/14/2021 16:05 15-APR-21 PM Root Intrusion Roots in the private sewer system. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 875175 15 E. Junipero 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43508 -119.71955 15 E. Junipero Santa Barbara 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface Gravel 19-APR-21 AM 04/19/2021 10:15 04/19/2021 10:27 19-APR-21 AM Other (specify below) PLSD Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 875176 1817 Mountain Ave 49 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 49 0 34.41817 -119.72475 1817 Mountain Ave Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 21-APR-21 PM 04/21/2021 16:25 04/21/2021 17:15 21-APR-21 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 875610 2130 De La Vina St. 7 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 7 0 34.43055 -119.71905 2130 De La vina St Santa Barbara 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Cleanout from laundry room spilled. Street/Curb and Gutter 20-APR-21 PM 04/20/2021 12:55 04/20/2021 13:09 20-APR-21 PM Other (specify below) Private PLSD Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 875611 757 Calle De Los Amigos 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42862 -119.74989 757 Calle De Los Amigos Santa Barbara 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 25-JUN-21 AM 06/25/2021 11:45 06/25/2021 12:15 25-JUN-21 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 875612 834 State St. 95 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 95 0 34.42054 -119.70017 834 State St. Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 29-JUN-21 PM 06/29/2021 17:00 06/29/2021 17:52 29-JUN-21 PM Other (specify below) Private lift station. Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Other (specify below) Private lift station. Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program County Health Agency notified 3 3SSO10265 Active 875631 2110 Cliff Dr. 8 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.4026 -119.72566 2110 Cliff Dr. Santa Barbara 93109 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Building or Structure;Unpaved surface 07-JUL-21 AM 07/10/2021 09:30 07/10/2021 10:30 10-JUL-21 AM Other (specify below) Roots at private lateral. Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 875703 1573 Franchesci Rd 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.44043 -119.69567 1573 Franchesci Rd Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 30-JUN-21 AM 06/30/2021 11:00 06/30/2021 11:20 30-JUN-21 PM Other (specify below) PLSD. Roots and paper. Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) SLIP Program. 3 3SSO10265 Active 875706 1906 Cliff Dr. 24 No Yes Yes 24 0 34.4019 -119.72236 1906 Cliff Dr. Santa Barbara 93109 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 01-JUN-21 AM 06/01/2021 08:05 06/01/2021 08:10 01-JUN-21 AM Other (specify below) PLSD. Grease interceptor. Food Service Establishment (FSE) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program. 3 3SSO10265 Active 875708 1511 Bath St. 8 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 8 0 34.42314 -119.7122 1511 Bath St. Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 12-JUL-21 PM 07/12/2021 18:45 07/12/2021 19:20 12-JUL-21 PM Other (specify below) PLSD. Roots and wipes Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 879464 470 Mountain Dr. 44 No Yes No 38 3 34.44485 -119.69661 470 Mountain Dr Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Unpaved surface 07-AUG-21 PM 08/07/2021 18:08 08/07/2021 19:05 07-AUG-21 PM Other (specify below) PLSD Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 879465 227 Argonne CIR 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.44382 -119.73032 227 Argonne CIR Santa Barbara 93105 Upper Lateral (Private) Lateral spilling under house. Other (specify below);Unpaved surface Under house. 09-AUG-21 AM 08/16/2021 09:23 08/16/2021 10:00 16-AUG-21 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure - Installation Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 879468 8 W Padre 9 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 9 0 34.43154 -119.71641 8 Padre St Santa Barbara 93105 Upper Lateral (Private) Private lateral had spilled through a concrete slab in the patio area at one point. The spill was dried when the staff arrived at the location. Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 16-AUG-21 PM 08/17/2021 08:45 08/17/2021 09:15 16-AUG-21 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 879469 1221 Punta Gorda 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 34.4218 -119.66995 1221 Punta Gorda Santa Barbara 93103 Upper Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface Discharged from the ground. 17-AUG-21 AM 08/17/2021 10:27 08/17/2021 10:45 17-AUG-21 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 879471 1336 Gillespie St. 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 34.41566 -119.71684 1336 Gillespie St Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 28-AUG-21 AM 08/28/2021 10:17 08/28/2021 11:58 28-AUG-21 PM Root Intrusion PLSD-Roots Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 879472 3400 Calle Real 270 No Yes No 220 50 34.43074 -119.73559 3400 Calle Real Santa Barbara 93105 Manhole Private lateral system with manholes. Separate Storm Drain;Unpaved surface 31-AUG-21 PM 08/31/2021 15:35 08/31/2021 16:00 31-AUG-21 PM Debris from Construction Asphalt debris in private lateral. and manhole. Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Earl Warren Show Grounds Manhole Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 3 3SSO10265 Active 879544 112 S Soledad St. 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42334 -119.67398 112 S Soledad St. Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 14-SEP-21 AM 09/14/2021 15:45 09/14/2021 15:58 14-SEP-21 AM Other (specify below) Grease, Roots and Wipes Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 879548 12 Camino Verde 9 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43848 -119.68135 12 Camino Verde Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 17-SEP-21 PM 09/17/2021 12:00 09/17/2021 12:54 17-SEP-21 PM Other (specify below) Heavy Toilet Paper Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 879549 1915 De La Vina St. 29 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 29 0 34.42818 -119.71652 1915 De La Vina St. Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 20-SEP-21 PM 09/20/2021 13:08 09/20/2021 13:15 20-SEP-21 PM Other (specify below) Heavy Toilet Paper Food Service Establishment (FSE) Upper Lateral (Private) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 879554 521 N La Cumbre Rd 49733 Yes Yes No 0 737 34.44759 -119.75171 521 N La Cumbre Rd. Santa Barbara 93110 Other sewer system structure Private Manhole on private system Unpaved surface Storm Drain and Unpaved surface 24-SEP-21 PM 09/24/2021 15:45 09/24/2021 16:45 24-SEP-21 PM Root Intrusion Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Manhole 3 3SSO10265 Active 879574 1518 Bath St. 5036 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5036 0 34.42355 -119.71208 1518 Bath St Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 25-SEP-21 PM 09/26/2021 09:40 09/26/2021 13:05 26-SEP-21 PM Other (specify below) Toilet Paper Lower Lateral (Private) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 879580 448 Old Coast Hwy 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.42293 -119.66569 448 Old Coast Hwy. Santa Barbara 93103 Lower Lateral (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 27-SEP-21 PM 09/27/2021 17:40 09/28/2021 09:00 27-SEP-21 PM Other (specify below) Broken/collapsed Lateral Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 879585 1865 Stanwood Dr. 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.44458 -119.67523 1865 Stanwood Dr. Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 27-OCT-21 AM 10/28/2021 09:57 10/28/2021 10:05 28-OCT-21 PM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 880644 2115 State St 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 34.43192 -119.7167 2115 State St Santa Barbara 93105 Private sewer pump Pump station Street/Curb and Gutter 31-JAN-22 AM 01/31/2022 16:00 01/31/2022 16:10 31-JAN-22 AM Pump Station Failure-Mechanical Private pump station Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Pump Station-Mechanical Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 3 3SSO10265 Active 881062 1046 Miramonte DR 30 Yes Yes No 29 1 34.40971 -119.71402 1046 Miramonte Dr Santa Barbara 93109 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 14-FEB-22 AM 02/14/2022 09:55 02/14/2022 10:11 14-FEB-22 AM Other (specify below) Plumber couldn't define cuase of blockage Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 881063 916 Garcia RD 161 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43162 -119.69186 916 Garcia Rd Santa Barbara Ca 93103 Upper Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 22-FEB-22 AM 02/22/2022 15:50 02/22/2022 16:05 22-FEB-22 PM Root Intrusion Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 881064 881 Paseo Ferrelo 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43344 -119.68842 881 Paseo Ferrelo Santa Barbara 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private);Lower Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 02-MAR-22 AM 03/02/2022 09:32 03/02/2022 09:55 02-MAR-22 AM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 881067 111 N La Cumbre Rd 28 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 28 0 34.44175 -119.7514 111 N La Cumbre Rd Santa Barbara Ca 93110 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 14-MAR-22 PM 03/14/2022 20:22 03/14/2022 20:35 14-MAR-22 PM Debris-Rags Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 881194 54 Via Alicia 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 2 0 34.43534 -119.67169 54 Via Alicia Santa Barbara 93108 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 02-MAY-22 AM 05/02/2022 12:01 05/02/2022 12:30 02-MAY-22 AM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 881195 3457 State St 4 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 4 0 34.44034 -119.73828 3457 State St Santa Barbara Ca 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Unpaved surface 02-MAY-22 PM 05/02/2022 16:30 05/02/2022 16:45 02-MAY-22 PM Debris-General Tampons Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified PLSD Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 881203 21 E Carrillo St 231 Yes Yes Yes 231 0 34.42219 -119.70163 21 E Carrillo St Santa Barbara Ca 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private);Lower Lateral (Private) Drainage Channel 04-MAY-22 PM 05/04/2022 13:10 05/04/2022 13:25 04-MAY-22 PM Debris-Rags Wipes Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified PLSD Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 881225 916 Garcia RD 81 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43162 -119.69186 916 Garcia Rd Santa Barbara Ca 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private);Upper Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 11-MAR-22 PM 03/11/2022 14:35 03/11/2022 14:45 11-MAR-22 PM Debris-General Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 882215 326 Arden Rd 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.43621 -119.72892 326 Arden Rd Santa Barbara Ca 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 30-MAY-22 PM 05/30/2022 17:45 05/30/2022 19:00 30-MAY-22 PM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 882216 302 W Quinto St 7 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 34.43221 -119.72498 302 W Quinto St Santa Barbara Ca 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 01-JUN-22 AM 06/01/2022 12:25 06/01/2022 12:50 01-JUN-22 PM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 882245 837 Arbolado Rd 7 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43838 -119.68574 837 Arbolado Rd Santa Barbara Ca 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 02-JUN-22 AM 06/02/2022 13:50 06/03/2022 14:15 03-JUN-22 PM Debris-General Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified Slip Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 882261 103 N Ontare Rd # F 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.44151 -119.74024 103 N Ontare Rd. Santa Barbara Ca 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 12-JUN-22 PM 06/13/2022 13:02 06/13/2022 13:20 12-JUN-22 PM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 882265 205 Anacapa St 77 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 77 0 34.41506 -119.69105 205 Anacapa St Santa Barbara Ca 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 08-JUL-22 PM 07/09/2022 08:15 07/09/2022 09:40 08-JUL-22 PM Debris-General Female products Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 882303 3773 Greggory Way 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 34.43685 -119.74418 3773 Greggory Way Santa Barbara Ca 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 12-JUL-22 PM 07/12/2022 19:15 07/12/2022 19:45 12-JUL-22 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 882304 511 E Ortega St 56 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42433 -119.69234 511 E Ortega St Santa Barbara Ca 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 13-JUL-22 PM 07/13/2022 20:15 07/13/2022 20:30 13-JUL-22 PM Debris-Rags Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 882383 219 W Islay St 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 34.42612 -119.71482 219 W Islay St Santa Barbara Ca 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Building or Structure 18-DEC-21 PM 12/18/2021 18:45 12/18/2021 19:35 18-DEC-21 PM Debris-General Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 882733 1370 Kenwood Rd 21 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 21 0 34.41138 -119.72386 1370 Kenwood Rd Santa Barbara Ca 93019 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 25-JUL-22 AM 07/25/2022 16:20 07/25/2022 17:25 25-JUL-22 PM Debris-General Cigarette Buds Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 882736 1316 Kenwood Rd. 6 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 6 0 34.41129 -119.72198 1316 Kenwood Rd Santa Barbara Ca 93109 Lower Lateral (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 04-AUG-22 PM 08/08/2022 08:50 08/08/2022 09:05 08-AUG-22 AM Debris-General Leaking from unglued Fitting. Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 883225 1906 Cliff Dr. 17 No Yes No 12 5 34.4019 -119.72236 1906 Cliff Dr. Santa Barbara Ca Lower Lateral (Private) Drainage Channel 23-AUG-22 AM 08/23/2022 10:00 08/23/2022 10:20 23-AUG-22 AM Other (specify below) Lateral failed Food Service Establishment (FSE) Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10265 Active 883312 1810 Loma St. 6 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 6 0 34.43742 -119.70539 1810 Loma St. Santa Barbara Ca 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 14-SEP-22 PM 09/15/2022 09:00 09/15/2022 10:25 15-SEP-22 AM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 884966 1826 La Coronila Dr 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.40834 -119.71982 1826 La Coronilla Dr Santa Barbara Ca 93109 Upper Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 09-OCT-22 AM 10/09/2022 10:10 10/09/2022 10:20 09-OCT-22 AM Other (specify below) Unknown Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 884967 1030 Bath St. 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.41918 -119.70613 1030 Bath St Santa Barbara Ca 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 19-OCT-22 AM 10/19/2022 08:03 10/19/2022 08:07 19-OCT-22 AM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 884969 2517 Modoc Rd. 22 Yes Yes Yes 22 0 34.4253 -119.73288 2517 Modoc Rd Santa Barbara Ca 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel 21-OCT-22 PM 10/21/2022 21:35 10/21/2022 21:46 21-OCT-22 PM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 884970 226 Calle Granada 4 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 4 0 34.44354 -119.72997 226 Calle Granada Santa Barbara Ca 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 25-OCT-22 AM 10/25/2022 08:00 10/25/2022 09:00 25-OCT-22 AM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 884973 127 Anacapa St 351 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 351 0 34.41464 -119.69024 127 Anacapa St Santa Barbara Ca 93101 Manhole Manhole for grease interceptor. Street/Curb and Gutter 31-OCT-22 PM 11/01/2022 07:30 11/01/2022 07:30 31-OCT-22 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Manhole Manhole for grease interceptor. Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other Enforcement Agency Notified FOG Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 884980 3500 McCaw Ave 45 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 45 0 34.43838 -119.73565 3500 McCaw Ave Santa Barbara Ca 93105 Manhole Private manhole Unpaved surface 13-NOV-22 PM 11/13/2022 12:42 11/13/2022 13:13 13-NOV-22 PM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Manhole SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 885040 651 Circle Dr. 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.44374 -119.66959 651 Circle Dr. Santa Barbara Ca 93108 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 16-NOV-22 PM 11/16/2022 13:00 11/16/2022 13:13 16-NOV-22 PM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified PLSD Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 885047 3500 McCaw Ave 46 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 46 0 34.43602 -119.73855 3500 McCaw Ave Santa Barbara Ca 93105 Manhole Private Manhole Paved Surface 17-NOV-22 AM 11/17/2022 07:45 11/17/2022 08:10 17-NOV-22 AM Debris-General Grease Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Manhole Private Manhole Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 885049 221 E. Haley St. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.41987 -119.693 221 E. Haley St. Santa Barbara Ca 93101 Upper Lateral (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 30-NOV-22 PM 11/30/2022 17:15 11/30/2022 17:39 30-NOV-22 AM Debris-Rags Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Restored flow;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified PLSD Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 885053 211 Rametto Rd. 78 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 34.42877 -119.65927 211 Rametto Rd Santa Barbara Ca 93108 Lower Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 01-DEC-22 AM 12/01/2022 16:08 12/01/2022 16:15 01-DEC-22 PM Natural Disaster Tree fell and broke lateral Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10265 Active 885056 432 Donze Ave 449 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42874 -119.69959 432 Donze Ave Santa Barbara Ca 93101 Inside Building or Structure;Pump station Basement Building or Structure Basement 11-DEC-22 AM 12/11/2022 11:45 12/11/2022 13:10 11-DEC-22 PM Debris-General Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified PLSD Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 885071 2 Oliver St 15 Yes Yes No 5 10 34.39654 -119.7272 2 Oliver Rd Santa Barbara Ca 93109 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Beach;Drainage Channel;Paved Surface;Surface Water;Unpaved surface 15-DEC-22 AM 12/15/2022 09:35 12/15/2022 09:45 15-DEC-22 AM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 885072 333 W Sola St. 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42099 -119.71127 333 W Sola St Santa Barbara Ca 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 16-DEC-22 PM 12/16/2022 20:40 12/16/2022 21:20 16-DEC-22 PM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 885073 627 E Victoria St 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.43154 -119.69838 627 E Victoria St Santa Barbara Ca 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 19-DEC-22 PM 12/19/2022 15:17 12/19/2022 15:51 19-DEC-22 PM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 889324 702 Miramonte Dr. 26 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.40825 -119.70901 702 Miramonte Dr Santa Barbara Ca 93109 Lower Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 20-JAN-23 AM 01/20/2023 07:00 01/20/2023 07:20 20-JAN-23 AM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 889325 623 W. Junipero St. 43 No Yes No 42 1 34.42747 -119.72654 623 W Junipero St Santa Barbara Ca 93105 Upper Lateral (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 24-JAN-23 AM 01/24/2023 16:14 01/24/2023 16:20 24-JAN-23 PM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Slip Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 889326 915 Castillo St 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.4166 -119.70584 915 Castillo St Santa Barbara Ca 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 02-MAR-23 PM 03/02/2023 16:25 03/02/2023 16:30 02-MAR-23 PM Debris-General Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Slip Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 889327 1728 Pampas Ave. 13 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 13 0 34.41864 -119.72208 1728 Pampas Ave Santa Barbara Ca 93101 Lower Lateral (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 13-MAR-23 PM 03/13/2023 13:45 03/13/2023 14:07 13-MAR-23 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 889328 631 E Ortega St 13 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 13 0 34.42596 -119.69068 631 E Ortega St Santa Barbara Ca 93103 Lower Lateral (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 08-MAY-23 PM 05/09/2023 14:45 05/09/2023 14:50 09-MAY-23 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 889329 302 W Carrillo St 45 No Yes No 10 35 34.41826 -119.70568 302 W Carrillo St Santa Barbara Ca 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 23-MAY-23 PM 05/23/2023 16:25 05/23/2023 16:35 23-MAY-23 PM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 889330 1 N Cesar Chavez St 139 No Yes No 131 8 34.41796 -119.68341 1 N Cesar Chavez Santa Barbara Ca 93103 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 02-JUN-23 AM 06/02/2023 11:15 06/02/2023 11:19 02-JUN-23 AM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 889749 7 Morada 39 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 34.45259 -119.74082 7 Morada Ln Santa barbara 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 27-JUL-23 AM 07/27/2023 12:15 07/27/2023 12:20 27-JUL-23 PM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 889997 1412 San Pascual 1400 Yes Yes No 862 485 34.4195 -119.71426 1412 San Pascual Santa Barbara 93101 Private lateral Lower Lateral (Private) Drainage Channel;Separate Storm Drain;Surface Water 18-AUG-23 AM 08/22/2023 17:20 08/22/2023 17:35 22-AUG-23 PM Other (specify below) Broken private lateral High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10265 Active 890096 2251 Las Positas RD 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.42653 -119.73444 2251 Las positas Rd Santa Barbara 93105 Other sewer system structure Grease Interceptor Paved Surface 17-AUG-23 PM 08/18/2023 12:50 08/18/2023 12:58 17-AUG-23 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Food Service Establishment (FSE) Other (specify below) Grease Interceptor Manhole Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified FOG Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 890103 1402 San Pascual St. 55 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 46 0 34.41917 -119.71385 1402 San Pascual St Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 25-AUG-23 AM 08/25/2023 08:12 08/25/2023 08:20 25-AUG-23 AM Pump Station Failure-Power High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Pump Station-Power Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 890198 1615 Lasuen Rd. 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 34.43867 -119.69867 1615 Lasuen Rd. Santa Barbara Ca 93103 Lower Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 29-AUG-23 PM 08/29/2023 14:45 08/29/2023 14:55 29-AUG-23 PM Damage by Others Not Related to CS Construction/Maintenance (Specify Below) Delivery truck crush sidewalk and sewer lateral underneath sidewalk. Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 890316 54 Loma Media Rd 8 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 8 0 34.4357 -119.6838 175 Loma Media Rd Santa Barbara 93103 Lower Lateral (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 06-SEP-23 AM 09/06/2023 09:30 09/06/2023 10:00 06-SEP-23 PM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 890317 1402 San Pascual St. 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.41917 -119.71385 1402 San Pascual St Santa Barbara 93101 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 12-SEP-23 PM 09/12/2023 15:05 09/12/2023 15:15 12-SEP-23 PM Pump Station Failure-Power High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 890473 1402 San Pascual St. 100 Yes Yes No 14 14 34.41917 -119.71385 1402 San Pascual St. Santa Barbara Ca. Pump station Separate Storm Drain 15-SEP-23 PM 09/15/2023 18:05 09/15/2023 18:55 15-SEP-23 PM Pump Station Failure-Power High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Pump Station-Mechanical Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified SLIP Program 3 3SSO10265 Active 890768 3433 State St. 1213 Yes Yes No 1116 97 34.44006 -119.73779 3433 State St. Santa Barbara 93105 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel;Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Surface Water 20-SEP-23 PM 09/21/2023 13:05 09/21/2023 13:30 21-SEP-23 PM Debris-Rags Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) SLIP Program 3 3SSO10270 Active 744951 Santa Barbara City College Wake Center 500 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 34.628056 -119.831944 300 Turnpike Santa Barbara 93110 parking lot at back of facility Manhole Unpaved surface 31-AUG-09 AM 08/31/2009 13:00 08/31/2009 13:20 31-AUG-09 PM Root intrusion Other (specify below) lateral Restored flow 3 3SSO10272 Active 769748 la prinsesa market planter 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 36.3164 -121.23876 239 huerta greenfield 93927 back alley planter area Building or structure grease interceptor spill over with the serwer later plugged Other (specify below) the spill was contained withen the planter area 28-JUL-11 AM 07/28/2011 09:50 07/28/2011 09:50 28-JUL-11 AM Grease deposition (FOG) store lateral plugged and backup to grease interceptor Upper Lateral 4 pvc 3 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10272 Active 776108 La Prensea Market 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 36.3177 -121.23764 239 Huerta Greenfield,Ca 93927 BACK ALLEY PLANTER GREASE LATER PLUGGED Building or structure SPILL ON THE PLANTER AREA OF GREASE INTERCEPTER Other (specify below) STORE PLANTER AREA 28-JUL-11 AM 07/28/2011 09:50 07/28/2011 10:05 28-JUL-11 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral 3 PVC 3 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Other (specify below) PRIVATE PLUMBER SNAKED SEWER LATERAL 3 3SSO10272 Active 794115 Santa Lucio Shopping Center 250 No Yes Yes 200 50 36.32996 -121.24619 540 Walnut Greendiels 93927 MANHOLE ON A PRIVATE SYSTEM TO SHOPPING CENTER Manhole Other (specify below) PRIVATE DRY WELL STORM DRAIN FOR SHOPPING CENTER 06-MAY-13 AM 05/06/2013 03:49 05/06/2013 04:00 06-MAY-13 AM Pump station failure Other (specify below) PUMP FAILURE, PUMPS TRIPPED 6 RCP 35 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10284 Active 731899 Budget Cafe 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 100 0 34.63868 120.44873 800 Ocean Lompoc 93436 Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter 13-JAN-09 AM 01/13/2009 12:00 01/13/2009 12:30 13-JAN-09 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Lower Lateral 4 clay 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10284 Active 755480 Mi Amore Pizza 60 Yes Yes Yes 60 60 34.66036 -120.45974 1321 'H' Lompoc 93436 Spill location was in rear of store from a grease interseptor. Other (specify) Private lateral grease interseptor Storm drain 22-JUL-10 PM 07/22/2010 19:00 07/22/2010 19:10 22-JUL-10 PM Grease deposition (FOG) poor maintenance to grease interseptor Lower Lateral 4 pvc 20 Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10284 Active 758791 La Chiquita Restraunt 300 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 300 0 34.6443 -120.46785 819 Laurel Lompoc 93436 Spill in alley rear of restraunt from grease intercepter Building or structure Street/curb and gutter 17-NOV-10 AM 11/17/2010 12:30 11/17/2010 12:45 17-NOV-10 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Other (specify below) Grease Intercepter 4 Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Other (specify below) Plumber called to restore flow to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10284 Active 767765 Albertson's Inc. 300 No Yes Yes 300 0 34.66235 -120.45623 1500 H Lompoc 93436 In alley to the east of the building. Other sewer system structure Clean-out Other paved surface;Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter Spill traversed alley to curb and separate storm drain. 21-JUN-11 PM 06/22/2011 11:00 06/22/2011 11:00 22-JUN-11 AM Debri-General Upper Lateral At clean-out on private lateral Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system All of the spill was recovered from the pavement and storm drainpipe. None of the spill reached a bermed impoundment located at the storm drainpipe outlet, or contacted surface waters. 3 3SSO10284 Active 770031 818 E Ocean Ave, Lompoc, CA 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 34.63855 -120.44807 818 Ocean Lompoc 93436 SEWER OVERLOW FROM 4-INCH CLEANOUT ONTO PAVED PARKING LOT Other sewer system structure CLEANOUT Other paved surface PAVED PARKING LOT 15-AUG-11 AM 08/16/2011 12:00 08/16/2011 12:00 15-AUG-11 AM Other (specify below) UNKNOWN Other (specify below) PRIVATE CLEANOUT Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) RESPONSIBLE PARTY CALLED PLUMBER TO FIX CLEANOUT. SPILL RECOVERED AND SPILL AREA SANITIZED, DISPOSED OF AT WASTEWATER PLANT 3 3SSO10284 Active 775445 800 Block East Ocean Ave Commercial Property 200 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 200 0 34.63855 -120.44807 818 Ocean Lompoc 93436 COMMERCIAL BUSINESS PARKING LOT Other sewer system structure PRIVATE 4 CLEANOUT Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter SPILLED FROM CLEANOUT TO COMMERCIAL BUSINESS PARKING LOT, THEN TO CITY STREET GUTTER 05-JAN-12 AM 01/05/2012 01:30 01/05/2012 01:35 05-JAN-12 AM Other (specify below) UNKNOWN BLOCKAGE Upper Lateral PRIVATE UPPER LATERAL 4 VCP 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system COLLECTED SPILL BY VACUUM, RETURNED TO SANITARY SEWER 3 3SSO10284 Active 776882 Alley Between J and K 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.64291 -120.46076 315.5 J Lompoc 93436 FROM PRIVATE PROPERTY INTO ALLEY Other (specify) CLEANOUT OUTSIDE HOUSE Other paved surface ALLEY 17-JAN-12 AM 01/17/2012 11:00 01/17/2012 11:00 17-JAN-12 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10284 Active 776916 Alley Between J and K 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.64291 -120.46076 315.5 J Lompoc 93436 Other (specify) CLEANOUT AT HOUSE Other paved surface ALLEY 19-JAN-12 PM 01/19/2012 12:00 01/19/2012 12:00 19-JAN-12 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10284 Active 776918 Apartment Bldg 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.63792 -120.45623 124 G Lompoc 93436 Other (specify) PRIVATE CLEANOUT Unpaved surface ON DIRT NEXT TO BUILDING 17-JAN-12 AM 01/17/2012 07:00 01/17/2012 08:00 17-JAN-12 AM Other (specify below) UNKNOWN - POSSIBLE PROBLEM WITH LATERAL Upper Lateral Other (specify below) WISER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CLEANED UP THE SPILL USING A CONTRACTOR 3 3SSO10284 Active 776923 Shopping Strip Mall 90 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 90 0 34.63856 -120.44864 800 Ocean Lompoc 93436 Other (specify) CLEANOUT IN PRIVATE PARKING LOT Street/curb and gutter A STREET AND GUTTER 17-JAN-12 PM 01/17/2012 13:30 01/17/2012 13:30 17-JAN-12 PM Pipe structural problem/failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10284 Active 778702 Strip Mall On Ocean Ave 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 34.63855 -120.44807 818 Ocean Lompoc 93436 Other sewer system structure PRIVATE CLEAN-OUT Other paved surface CONFINED TO PRIVATE PARKING LOT 13-MAR-12 AM 03/13/2012 03:00 03/13/2012 04:30 13-MAR-12 AM Other (specify below) UNKNOWN BLOCKAGE Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system PLUMBER CONTRACTOR HANDLED CLEAN-UP ACTIVITY 3 3SSO10284 Active 780504 Strip Mall On East Ocean 250 No Yes No 250 0 34.63856 -120.44864 800 Ocean Lompoc 93436 SPILL ORIGINATED ON PRIVATE LATERAL AT CLEANOUT ON PRIVATE PARKING LOT, SPILLED ACROSS PARKING LOT TO SOUTH A STREET GUTTER, AND CONTINUED FOR A BLOCK TO EAST CYPRESS AVE, WHERE IT JUST REACHED THE STORM DRAIN ENTRY. NO LIQUID WAS FOUND ON THE STORM DRAIN FLOOR. Other sewer system structure PRIVATE LATERAL CLEAN-OUT Other paved surface;Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter 23-APR-12 AM 04/23/2012 12:10 04/23/2012 12:15 23-APR-12 PM Other (specify below) GENERAL DEBRIS REMOVED; RECURRING PROBLEMS AT THIS LOCATION INDICATE THERE IS PROBABLY A STRUCTURAL ISSUE Upper Lateral 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system PRIVATE PLUMBER RESTORED FLOW; CITY CONDUCTED ALL OTHER RESPONSE ACTIVITIES 3 3SSO10284 Active 791650 private residence 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 34.64957 -120.45429 725 E Lompoc 93436 ALLEY IN REAR OF ADDRESS Other (specify) SEWER CLEANOUT CAP Other paved surface ALLEY 12-FEB-13 AM 02/12/2013 10:50 02/12/2013 11:15 12-FEB-13 AM Other (specify below) UNKNOWN/BLOCKAGE Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10284 Active 800589 129 W Central Ave, Lompoc, CA 500 No Yes Yes 500 2 34.66122 -120.45878 129 W Central Ave Lompoc 93436 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface PRIMARILY STREET/CURB AND GUTTER 06-NOV-13 AM 11/06/2013 04:00 11/06/2013 04:05 07-NOV-13 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Food Service Establishment (FSE) THREE RESTAURANTS ARE CONNECTED TO THIS PRIVATE LATERAL, TWO MAY PRODUCE SIGNIFICANT GREASE. Lower Lateral (Private) 6 25 Other Enforcement Agency Notified CONTACTED CENTRAL REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD, DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 3 3SSO10284 Active 800717 Valero Car Wash 55000 Yes Yes No 100 54900 34.65306 -120.4573 940 North H Street Lompoc 93436 CAR WASH AT VALERO GAS STATION Other sewer system structure CAR WASH OIL-WATER SEPARATOR Unpaved surface CONTAINED IN CITY'S EAST-WEST EARTHERN CHANNEL; CURRENTLY NO FLOW. 06-NOV-13 PM 11/12/2013 02:00 11/12/2013 02:00 06-NOV-13 PM Other (specify below) OIL-WATER SEPARATOR FROM CAR WASH NOT PROPERLY MAINTAINED BY OWNER, PLUGGED AND OVERFLOWED. NOT INITIALLY RECOGNIZED AS AN SSO. Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) CAR WASH OIL-WATER SEPARATOR Other (specify below) CAR WASH OIL-WATER SEPARATOR Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified WHEN SPILL WAS IDENTIFIED, CLEANED SPILL FROM STREET, INFORMED CAR WASH OPERATOR TO CEASE BUSINESS UNTIL FIXED. 3 3SSO10284 Active 801698 La Chiquita Market 200 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 200 0 0 0 819 West Laurel Ave Lompoc 93436 Spill from overflow of a grease trap in alley behind La Chiquita Market. Alley is located between Laurel and Apple avenues. Spill direction is toward North Q Street, Other sewer system structure Overflowing grease trap located aboveground outdoors. Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 12-DEC-13 PM 12/12/2013 14:00 12/12/2013 14:10 13-DEC-13 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) Grease trap not maintained. Food Service Establishment (FSE) Combined market and deli. Other (specify below) Grease trap located aboveground outdoors. Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified NOTIFIED REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD, SANTA BARBARA COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 3 3SSO10284 Active 811811 337 North M Street, Laurel Townhomes Apartments 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 100 0 34.64354 -120.46441 337 NORTH M STREET LOMPOC 93436 In breezeway between apartment buildings, spilling to North M Street. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Plugged sewer line overflowing at lateral clean out Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 30-DEC-14 AM 12/30/2014 12:00 12/30/2014 12:20 30-DEC-14 PM Debris-General High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow Shut off water to building to stop spilling until a plumber arrived. Water was restored to the building by 3:50 p.m. on 12/30/2014. 3 3SSO10287 Active 718576 Ellen ct 550 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.674025 121.794744 3002 Ellen Marina 93933 manhole and resident clean out at 3002 ellen ct Manhole sewage spilling from manhole and at residence clean out at 3002 ellen ct Unpaved surface 01-JUN-08 AM 06/01/2008 11:00 06/01/2008 11:30 01-JUN-08 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Main Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 3 3SSO10287 Active 725727 322 Buna Rd. 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 3 0 36.657222 121.802222 322 Buna Seaside 93955 Sewer lateral @ residence Other (specify) Access cap. Building or structure Blockage in main created sewer lateral backup, discharging out of access cap. 03-SEP-08 AM 09/03/2008 11:40 09/03/2008 12:00 03-SEP-08 PM Other (specify below) Grease/root blockage. Other (specify below) Sewer main blockage created backup into sewer service lateral. 6 Other (specify below) Cleared grease root obstruction in sewer main using hydro unit. 3 3SSO10287 Active 731805 Fora Meeting Building 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.67 -121.805278 13th Street 13th Street Marina 93933 at parking lot Other (specify) Sewer coming out from clean out Other paved surface 13-JAN-09 AM 01/13/2009 11:15 01/13/2009 11:30 13-JAN-09 PM Debri-General Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10287 Active 790668 3110 Nicklas Ln 180 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.67983 -121.78914 3110 Nicklas Ln. Marina 93933 Other (specify) Customers cleanout Other (specify below) Customers landscape area. 18-JAN-13 AM 01/18/2013 11:30 01/18/2013 12:00 18-JAN-13 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Main Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow When flow from cleanout stopped, all liquids soaked into ground. Top layer of ground was scraped and hauled off. Sprayed affected area with bleach. 3 3SSO10287 Active 791829 1495 Tunisia Rd 900 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.62968 -121.80443 1495 Tunisia Seaside 93955 Inside residence. Building or structure Sewage came out of a drain in hot water heater closet. Building or structure 16-FEB-13 PM 02/16/2013 13:30 02/16/2013 14:00 16-FEB-13 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Main 6 PVC Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 3 3SSO10287 Active 792348 Customers cleanout 180 No Yes No 0 0 36.63468 -121.82904 306 Buna Loop Seaside 93955 Building or structure Customers cleanout Separate storm drain Flushed storm drain with apprx.500 gal of water. All went to percolation area. 03-MAR-13 PM 03/03/2013 18:05 03/03/2013 18:35 03-MAR-13 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Main 6 VCP Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 3 3SSO10287 Active 797536 729 Brown Ct. 500 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.67176 -121.77106 729 Brown Marina 93933 Building or structure Customers bathroom and clean-out Building or structure;Unpaved surface 04-AUG-13 PM 08/04/2013 21:30 08/04/2013 22:00 04-AUG-13 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Main Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow Will inspect line using CCTV. 3 3SSO10287 Active 813137 Building 74 CSUMB Campus 150 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 19.91 -46.35 Intergarrison Rd Marina,Ca 93933 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 13-FEB-15 AM 02/13/2015 10:00 02/13/2015 10:30 13-FEB-15 AM Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) 6 Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10288 Active 808203 105 main st 200 No Yes No 0 0 35.55174 -120.70261 105 main street Templeton 93465 clean out was plugged Lateral Clean Out (Private) lateral on south side of building Unpaved surface 04-AUG-14 AM 08/04/2014 10:02 08/04/2014 10:12 05-AUG-14 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) this buissness is a restraunt so it was cloesd after the plug was discovered and unplugged before opening today Food Service Establishment (FSE) Upper Lateral (Private) 4 pvc Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10289 Active 789649 Rucker Road and Calle Primera 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.68529 -120.43772 Force main or pressure sewer;Manhole Street/curb and gutter 06-DEC-12 AM 12/06/2012 10:00 12/06/2012 10:10 06-DEC-12 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 10 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10291 Active 739576 285 Bonnie Ln 60 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 34.428378 -119.633947 285 Bonnie Ln Santa Barbara 93108 Other (specify) Property line clean out Street/curb and gutter 17-JUN-09 AM 06/17/2009 04:00 06/17/2009 04:10 17-JUN-09 AM Root intrusion Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 3 3SSO10291 Active 748967 516 San Ysidro Rd parking lot 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 75 0 34.437478 -119.631739 516 San Ysidro Rd Santa Barbara 93108 From the manhole in the parking lot the flow went south 30ft where it was contained by the parking lot curbing Manhole Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 29-JAN-10 AM 01/29/2010 20:05 01/29/2010 21:00 29-JAN-10 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Heavy grease build up with light roots Lower Lateral 4 vcp 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10291 Active 749437 1795 San Leandro Ln 700 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 675 0 34.423631 -119.620203 1795 San Leandro Ln Santa Barbara 93108 The spill came from one of the onsite private lateral clean-outs on the South - West corner of the property. Other (specify) The clean-out is located about 200ft North of the South-West corner of the property about 10ft East of the fenced property line traveling South about 75ft. Other (specify below) The spill was contained by the maint. super using a tractor to build a berm to trap the liquid and solids which was cleaned up and removed by contractor. 09-FEB-10 AM 02/09/2010 02:30 02/09/2010 02:45 09-FEB-10 AM Root intrusion Roots and paper products Lower Lateral Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system On 2/9/10 the plumber was only able to punch a hole in the blockage to restore partial flow to the lateral and returned on 2/10/10 with a larger machine to try and complete the cleaning process then on 2/11/10 the plumber came back to cctv the lateral. MSD staff to review the tape for defects and make recomendations on repairs that may be needed. 3 3SSO10291 Active 778011 196 La Vereda Rd 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42483 -119.63191 196 La Vereda Rd Santa Barbara 93108 Building or structure Private property Clean Out spilling Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface 26-FEB-12 AM 02/26/2012 11:20 02/26/2012 11:35 26-FEB-12 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10291 Active 789202 70 Butterfly Lane 40 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.41956 -119.64765 70 Butterfly Lane Santa Barbara 93108 Building or structure Other paved surface 17-DEC-12 AM 12/17/2012 02:15 12/17/2012 02:15 17-DEC-12 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10291 Active 790226 971 Cold Springs Road 72 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 34.45013 -119.64308 Manhole Street/curb and gutter 11-JAN-13 PM 01/14/2013 14:20 01/14/2013 14:27 14-JAN-13 PM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow 3 3SSO10291 Active 790711 671 Cold Springs Road 250 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 225 0 34.44982 -119.6429 Building or structure Street/curb and gutter 23-JAN-13 AM 01/23/2013 04:50 01/23/2013 05:10 23-JAN-13 AM Other (specify below) Plumber cleaning private lateral let water from jetter run down street Lower Lateral Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10291 Active 792741 1795 San Leandro Lane 46 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42406 -119.62002 Other (specify) Private Clean out Other paved surface 18-MAR-13 AM 03/18/2013 01:34 03/18/2013 01:45 18-MAR-13 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause 3 3SSO10291 Active 792929 70 Butterfly Lane 30 No Yes No 10 0 34.41956 -119.64765 Other (specify) Private Cleanout Separate storm drain 25-MAR-13 PM 03/25/2013 03:55 03/25/2013 03:55 25-MAR-13 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10291 Active 811753 588 Freehaven 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43449 -119.58046 588 freehaven dr montecito 93108 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 26-DEC-14 AM 12/26/2014 01:26 12/26/2014 01:33 26-DEC-14 AM Root Intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10291 Active 813169 505 Picacho Lane 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.909167 -119.63705 505 Picacho Lane Montecito 93108 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 10-FEB-15 AM 02/10/2015 10:30 Root Intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10291 Active 829313 940 Channel Dr 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 30 0 34.4198 -119.65262 940 Channel Dr Montecito 93108 Northeast corner of the property, overflowing from property line clean out. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 20-OCT-16 PM 10/20/2016 14:15 10/20/2016 14:20 20-OCT-16 PM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 VCP Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10291 Active 840166 260 Butterfly Lane 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42678 -119.64584 260 Butterfly Lane Santa Barbara 93108 Residential clean out Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 20-SEP-17 AM 09/20/2017 09:51 09/20/2017 10:11 20-SEP-17 AM Other (specify below) Unknown Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10291 Active 841342 195 & 181 Sheffield Drive 3703 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 125 3703 34.42368 -119.61478 195 & 181 Sheffield Drive Santa Barbara 93108 Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below) Romero Creek (dry creek bed) 02-OCT-17 AM 11/02/2017 07:37 11/02/2017 07:37 02-NOV-17 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Private sewer lateral damaged due to hillside movement Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10291 Active 858741 1345 Danielson Rd 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 34.41951 -119.63746 1345 Danielson Rd Santa Barbara 93108 Residential clean out Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 03-JUN-19 AM 06/03/2019 07:00 06/03/2019 07:27 03-JUN-19 AM Root Intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10291 Active 865307 71 Eucalyptus Lane 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.42062 -119.63161 71 Eucalyptus Lane Santa Barbara 93108 property line clean out Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 02-MAR-20 PM 03/02/2020 15:15 03/02/2020 15:20 02-MAR-20 PM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10291 Active 869501 430 Hot Springs Road 22 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 0 0 430 Hot Springs Road Santa Barbara 93108 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 07-OCT-20 AM 10/07/2020 09:00 Root Intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill 3 3SSO10291 Active 874096 202 Olive Mill Rd 8 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.4261 -119.63955 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel 14-MAY-21 AM 05/14/2021 11:40 05/14/2021 11:50 14-MAY-21 PM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10291 Active 875753 815 Hot Springs Rd 48 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 48 0 34.44602 -119.64326 Lower section of private lateral clean out. Lateral Clean Out (Private) 10-AUG-21 AM 08/10/2021 12:02 08/10/2021 12:15 10-AUG-21 PM Root Intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10291 Active 876079 329 san Ysidro Rd 17 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43036 -119.63212 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 28-AUG-21 AM 08/28/2021 09:59 08/28/2021 10:50 28-AUG-21 AM Root Intrusion Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10291 Active 879200 1509 E. Valley Rd 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 34.43633 -119.63174 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 30-JAN-22 AM 01/30/2022 01:56 01/30/2022 02:15 30-JAN-22 AM Debris-Rags Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10305 Active 655023 Spring St 7-25-07 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 10 0 35.618611 -120.684722 1329 Spring Paso Robles 93446 spill came up private lateral and spilled under hardwood floor in crawl space in building. City not responsible for private laterals. Building or structure Building or structure;Unpaved surface 25-JUL-07 AM 07/25/2007 02:30 07/25/2007 02:45 25-JUL-07 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral 6 v.c.p. 84 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10305 Active 734641 1233 Chestnut 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.62677 -120.69681 1233 Chestnut Paso Robles 93446 Spill came from a 6 clay riser that the homowner removed. The water ran down the driveway to Chestnut St Other (specify) Came from a 6 clean out riser on the home owners property. Street/curb and gutter 04-MAR-09 AM 03/04/2009 11:45 03/04/2009 11:55 04-MAR-09 AM Root intrusion root intrution from private lateral into city main Other (specify below) Spill originated from a 6 clean out riser on the home owners property. city is not responsible for homeowners laterals. Spill had stopped upon arrival. 6 vcp 75 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause 3 3SSO10305 Active 766632 541 Ferro Lane 400 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.62814 -120.67668 541 Ferro Ln Ferro Lane Paso Robles 93446 Spill originated out of lateral clean out with a pop off cap. Spill was do to heavy grease accumilation in main Other (specify) Private lateral clean out. Other (specify below) Spill was contained in dirt front yard of this address. 17-MAY-11 AM 05/17/2011 06:20 05/17/2011 06:45 17-MAY-11 AM Grease deposition (FOG) This address has been running a tamale kitchen illegally. There is excessive amount of grease in this line for a residential area. Main 8 vcp Other (specify below) Returned to area to run line again on 5/18/11 to make sure grease was cleaned out of entire line. 3 3SSO10305 Active 788297 2235 Vine St. Paso Robles. ca. 400 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 200 35.63727 -120.69524 2235 Vine Paso Robles 93446 Out of private lateral clean out at above location Other (specify) Private lateral clean out. Street/curb and gutter 20-NOV-12 PM 11/21/2012 07:20 11/21/2012 07:20 21-NOV-12 AM Other (specify below) blockage in private lateral Other (specify below) out of clean out at residence private lateral Other (specify below) Used VacCon in street area, washed down and then bleached area. 3 3SSO10305 Active 793543 Denny's #8068 1310 24th st. Paso Robles 300 Yes Yes No 100 200 35.64237 -120.68555 1324 24th st 24th st. Paso Robles 93446 Spill was out of a private pump station located in front of the Denny's. traveled to a Cal Trans Storm Drain and then to river. Other (specify) Private lateral pump station Other (specify below) Out of concrete wash in parking lot to storm drain to area adjacent to Salinas River but did not make main channel of river. 19-APR-13 AM 04/19/2013 09:30 04/19/2013 09:35 19-APR-13 AM Pump station failure Private lateral pump station Other (specify below) Pump station was not working Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10305 Active 839890 1400 Quail Run Dr. 353 Yes Yes Yes 353 0 35.61612 -120.65335 1400 Quail Run Dr. Paso Robles 93446 As you enter through the gates, directly to your left is a manhole where spill occurred. Manhole Water was coming from the mahole in the private community. Separate Storm Drain 04-SEP-17 PM 09/04/2017 12:53 09/04/2017 01:20 04-SEP-17 AM Root Intrusion Roots growing into private manhole causing backup High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Quail Run is a 55+ mobile home community. They are responsible for operating and maintaining the infastructure throughout the park. Manhole Roots growing into private manhole causing backup 8 VCP 38 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below);Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified City crews assisted with removing the blockage from the manhole and restoring service to the private sewer system. Quail Run hired a professional clean up company to pressure wash and vaccume up the water and disinfect the affected area using a bleach solution. City crews then accessed the storm drain and removed all standing water that was being retained from sedimentation buildup. 3 3SSO10305 Active 846433 Bubbas Big Bad BBQ 30 No Yes Yes 30 0 1135 24th st Paso Robles 93446 From the exterior installed grease interceptor in the rear of the building, the kitchen waste traveled around the south side of the property and onto the street. It then traveled East down 24th street along the curb and went into the storm drain inlet. Upper Lateral (Private) This spill is being reported as a PLSD, but it was not a SSO it was a grease interceptor that was backed up. Separate Storm Drain 09-APR-18 AM 04/09/2018 11:58 04/09/2018 11:58 09-APR-18 PM Other (specify below) Grease interceptor backed up the kitchen lateral, spilling out of the clean out. Once the restaurant noticed the spill they stopped all use of water within the kitchen. Food Service Establishment (FSE) Big Bad Bubbas BBQ is a BBQ restaurant that has records of servicing the in ground 3500 gallon interceptor three times a year. Upper Lateral (Private) The failure originated from the grease interceptor not functioning properly, which backed up the kitchen service lateral and causing the spill form the clean out. 4 sdr35 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified washed down and disinfected the public right of way, used vacuum equipment to remove waste from the storm drain drainage inlets. 3 3SSO10305 Active 849985 1310 24th St 100 No Yes Yes 100 0 0 0 1310 24th Paso Robles 93446 Denny's Restaurant Lateral Clean Out (Private) Spilled out of clean out and down a concrete V-ditch, then into the storm drain inlet. Separate Storm Drain Storm drain inlet located on the North side of the parking lot 09-AUG-18 PM 08/09/2018 12:59 08/09/2018 01:06 09-AUG-18 AM Pump Station Failure-Controls Private pump station failed, causing the water level to rise and back up the sewer lateral. City crew also noticed a large grease build up in the well. Food Service Establishment (FSE) Denny's Restaurant Pump Station-Controls Private pump station failure 4 PVC Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill Juan Rojero (626) 383-8040 regional manager for Denny's contact R.P. Environmental to clean the pump station, and grease interceptor. 3 3SSO10305 Active 863680 1400 Quail Run Senior Estates 855 Yes Yes No 0 0 1400 Quail run Paso Robles 93446 Private manhole located at the entrance to the senior estates. The spill was coming from the pry hole on the manhole, running down the asphalt driveway, to the curb and gutter and into a nearby drainage inlet (approximately 60') away. Lower Lateral (Private);Manhole Separate Storm Drain 21-DEC-19 PM 12/21/2019 16:28 12/21/2019 17:14 21-DEC-19 PM Root Intrusion Private gated senior community that is responsible to operate and maintain the private sewer infrastructure. Gravity Mainline 8 VCP 40 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10305 Active 873605 2198 Riverside Avenue 330 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 330 0 0 0 2198 Riverside Ave Paso Robles 93446 Originated from the concrete curb and gutter, flowed north approximately 337' which is were City crews set up the vacuum truck to remove sewage. Lower Lateral (Private) Other (specify below);Street/Curb and Gutter City crews were able to retrieve the sewage from the curb / gutter using a vacuum truck. 19-APR-21 AM 04/19/2021 09:33 04/19/2021 09:45 19-APR-21 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure It appears the lateral is damaged which caused the sewage to surface on the curb / gutter. I have instructed the Paso Robles Event Center that a CCTV inspection will need to be performed as well as any necessary repairs that are documented from the CCTV inspections. All work and repairs will need to be completed following City Standards and Specifications prior to opening up the (6) recreational vehicle sites again. Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Paso Robles Event Center recreational vehicle parking / overnight area. The area consists of (6) full hook up sites for recreational vehicles, located in the big oak parking lot. Lower Lateral (Private) Failure is under the concrete curb and gutter. A thorough CCTV inspection will need to be performed by the Paso Robles Event center and all necessary repairs will need to be completed prior to re-opening the recreational vehicle sites. 4 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified City crews were dispatched to the area, where I assessed the scene and stationed the vacuum truck in front of the storm drain inlet. The sewage had already traveled 300' down the curb and gutter, and the storm drain inlet was sand bagged to keep any sewage from entering. City crews were able to get the vacuum truck set up and operating prior to the sewage entering the storm drain or touching the sand bags. 3 3SSO10307 Active 858358 Hacienda Del Pismo Mobile Estates 200 Yes Yes No 10 190 35.13469 -120.62735 Backup appeared out of an outlet pipe designed to relieve sewage into gutter line when backed up. Other sewer system structure Backup appeared out of an outlet pipe designed to relieve sewage into gutter line when backed up. Drainage Channel 17-MAY-19 AM 05/17/2019 10:30 05/17/2019 10:40 17-MAY-19 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Gravity Mainline Cleaned-Up;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10307 Active 874514 Hacienda Del Pismo Mobile Estates 180 Yes Yes No 15 165 35.13466 -120.62713 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel 08-JUN-21 AM 06/08/2021 10:40 06/08/2021 11:15 08-JUN-21 AM Debris-General Gravity Mainline Cleaned-Up 3 3SSO10311 Historical 872170 251 Donald Drive 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 0 0 251 Donald Dr HOLLISTER 95023 Manhole directly in front of 251 Donald Dr burped about 25 gallons of sewage. Water remained in area of home and settled in plant island. Manhole Wastewater and sanitary paper. Paved Surface;Unpaved surface Wastewater final destination was on homeowners dirt island. 07-FEB-21 PM 02/07/2021 17:20 02/07/2021 16:30 07-FEB-21 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Grease logs obstructed wastewater flow causing a back up. As head built up it broke grease log allowing flow to continue down stream. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Grease lbuild up breaking off in sewer system. Gravity Mainline Failure is suspected of being down stream about 500 yards and a left hand jog. 6 Clay 1971 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow Spill was contained, debris collected and discharged. Top layer of dirt was picked up and disposed of. Top soli replaced. Disinfected with 12.5% hypochlorite. 3 3SSO10314 Active 730264 1920 Constitution Blvd. 100 Yes Yes Yes 100 100 36.703044 121.603133 1920 Constitution Salinas 93906 SSO originated from the private lateral manhole at the rear entrance gate to 1920 Constitution Blvd. facing Boronda Road Manhole Other (specify below) Natividad Creek. Natividad Creek was a dry creek bed at the time of the spill. No surface waters were impacted. 03-DEC-08 AM 12/03/2008 09:15 12/03/2008 09:25 03-DEC-08 AM Root intrusion Root intrusion in to private lateral sewer. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10314 Active 770036 220 Williams Road, Valley Mobile Park 250 Yes Yes No 100 150 36.67485 -121.61414 220 Williams Salinas 93905 From the private lateral cleanout at the Valley Mobile (Home) Park. 220 Williams Road, Salinas, Ca. 93905 Other (specify) Private Lateral Cleanout. Surface water 04-AUG-11 PM 08/05/2011 08:00 08/05/2011 08:15 05-AUG-11 AM Debri-General Other (specify below) Private Lateral Cleanout Other (specify below) Spill flowed from private lateral cleanout across a City sidewalk to the curb and gutter and to a nearby storm drain. All surfaces were washed down and the wash water recovered for proper disposal. About 2,600 ft. of storm pipe was accessible for flushing and recovery. Staff flushed and removed approximately 2,000 gallons of wash water from the storm system pipe. The remaining distance was flushed by a significant amount of aricultural irrigation water that was running through the storm system and discharged to Reclamation Ditch 1665. Due to the amount of water present and moving in the Reclamation Ditch and the remote location of the discharge, containment and recovery was not possible. The discharge was intermittent for a period of about 11 hours. Staff estimates a recovery of approximately 100 gallons of the effluent discharge. 3 3SSO10314 Active 805575 Creekbridge Rec Trail 150 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 150 0 36.70147 -121.61828 1617 Marshfield Ct Salinas Spill was from a sanitary sewer manhole that parallel's a recreation walking path in the Creekbridge subdivision. Gravity Mainline Unpaved surface 17-APR-14 AM 04/17/2014 08:15 04/17/2014 00:30 17-APR-14 AM Vandalism Manhole cover removed and a tree branch was inserted into the path of the sewer main pipeline. Manhole Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10320 Active 798665 480 Leff 400 Yes Yes No 0 400 480 Leff San Luis Obispo 93401 Spill discharged to San Luis Creek Lateral Clean Out (Public) Surface Water 09-SEP-13 AM 09/09/2013 10:00 09/09/2013 10:00 09-SEP-13 AM Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10320 Active 838678 3033 Augusta 1300 Yes Yes No 900 400 35.26675 -120.6409 3033 Augusta San Luis Obispo 93401 Spill occurred in rear of property and drained into the properties storm drain system which lead to Southwood Street and day lighted following the curb line to Sydney Creek Inside Building or Structure;Lateral Clean Out (Private) Spill happened when property maintenance staff was performing a repair on the plumbing. From there the sewage pooled up under the building and seeped into the elevator shafts drainage which lead to the rear of properties storm drain system. Building or Structure;Drainage Channel;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Surface Water Spills final end point was Sydney creek that runs along Sinsheimer Park 10-AUG-17 AM 08/10/2017 15:04 08/10/2017 15:15 10-AUG-17 PM Other (specify below) Property maintenance made a repair to a sewer line under building causing sewage to discharge to land under house and pool up ultimately causing it to spill out from under building into storm drain. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Source is an apartment complex that has many connections to multiple pipes that run throughout the buildings sub floor. One of these pipes needed repair and when the work was done there was a failure to clean up a large amount of sewage that had pooled underneath the building causing it to flow into the elevator shafts sump pump and drainage system which was connected to the properties storm drain system ultimately leading to the street then the creek. Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) Used all methods described above along with building berms to hold back as much of the flow as possible. From there we used a combination units vacuum to suck up as much debris as possible from the creek and worked our way back up. After completing that we flushed storm system with water and placed vacuum over the lower end to suck up any other debris was in the pipe. 3 3SSO10320 Active 840511 2128 Cypress 141 Yes Yes No 0 141 35.27067 -120.66573 2128 Cypress San Luis Obispo 93401 In front of address spilling from clean out crossing sidewalk and running down curb into storm drain. Home owner had tried to clear blockage with a garden hose the night before at 0030 hr which added flows to the existing problem. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Surface Water 02-OCT-17 AM 10/02/2017 09:00 10/02/2017 09:20 02-OCT-17 AM Debris-General Single Family Home Single dwelling unit with one lateral connection to city main Lower Lateral (Private) failure occurred at the lower portion of the lateral somewhere down stream of the curb line. 4 N/A Cleaned-Up;Other (specify below);Property Owner Notified Property owner was notified of what actions need to take place to restore flow in lateral prior to using any appliances inside of house. Area was cleaned up and disinfected to eliminate health risks. 3 3SSO10320 Active 840739 1631 Monterey Street 398 Yes Yes No 0 398 35.2871 -120.65278 1631 Monterey Street San Luis Obispo 93401 Hotels private sewer system was blocked and caused a wastewater to spill out of a cleanout in parking lot on the north side of the property. From there it ran approx. 15ft into a storm drain that connects to the back of the property where it dumps into the creek. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Cleanout on north side of property Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Surface Water San Luis Creek 08-OCT-17 AM 10/09/2017 12:40 10/09/2017 01:00 09-OCT-17 AM Root Intrusion Large root ball had blocked off a 6 line that captures all the hotels wastewater. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Quality Inn & Suites Hotel had a blockage in their private system for over a day before they contacted the City about the problem. Crews were able to mitigate flows until the property owner was able to get a plumber onsite to correct the problem. Blockage was caused by a large root ball, once removed it flows were restored. Upper Lateral (Private) 6 clay Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified WWC Crews mitigated flows by placing vacuum tube into storm drain until property owners were able to get a plumber onsite to correct the problem. Property owner was notified to report any future spills he comes in contact with immediately to the City. Agencies notified were, RWQCB, SLO County Sheriff Dispatch, County Department of Environmental Health, and Environmental Programs within the City of San Luis Obispo. 3 3SSO10320 Active 841009 1425 Phillips Lane 55 Yes Yes Yes 55 0 35.28766 -120.65732 1425 Phillips San Luis Obispo 93401 in front of address Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel;Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 18-OCT-17 AM 10/18/2017 10:00 10/18/2017 10:00 18-OCT-17 AM Root Intrusion Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Small apartment complex Lower Lateral (Private) 4 N/A Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified WWC crews cleaned and disinfected area that was impacted by spill, all of spill was contained in storm drain catch basin and was fully recovered. Environmental Programs was contacted: 3 3SSO10320 Active 841383 795 Lincoln 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.28489 -120.66752 795 Lincoln Street San Luis Obispo 93401 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Clean out in front of address Paved Surface;Unpaved surface 05-NOV-17 PM 11/05/2017 14:00 11/05/2017 14:30 05-NOV-17 PM Other (specify below) Unknown due to resident not being available and private system. Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 N/A Cleaned-Up;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Operator responded to spill at residence that was already soaked in to the front lawn and toilet paper was dry. Cleaned up area and left note for resident to contact plumber if any more problems persisted. Environmental Programs was notified. 3 3SSO10320 Active 841673 11050 Los Osos Valley Rd. 65 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 65 0 35.26322 -120.69628 11050 Los Osos Valley Rd. San Luis Obispo 93401 Front parking lot located at address Laguna Middle School Manhole;Upper Lateral (Private) Spill exited the Private systems MH located in front parking lot due to some sort of blockage that had occured Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 08-NOV-17 PM 11/08/2017 13:30 11/08/2017 14:00 08-NOV-17 PM Root Intrusion It was determined that there was a large root that had grown inside the pipe and had blocked it off. Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) Laguna Middle School Upper Lateral (Private) 6 clay School staff made a dirt dam to mitigate flows that had spilled, private contractor cleaned up the spill and city crews disinfected area. 3 3SSO10320 Active 843499 2285, 2255, 2267 Santa Ynez 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.29274 -120.64614 Spill appeared in back of property 2299 Santa Ynez. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Sewage spilled out around privately owned clean out and had soaked into the ground. Very minimal debris was collected and was mostly liquid. Unpaved surface 02-JAN-18 AM 01/02/2018 08:27 01/02/2018 09:03 02-JAN-18 AM Other (specify below) Unknown at this time. Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lateral connects 3 properties to the city owned mainline. Residents weren't home when blockage occurred so Environmental Programs was notified and they contacted the home owner and educated them on how to resolve the problem. Lower Lateral (Private) Failure occurred in the lower portion of the lateral by where it was spilling out of. 4 Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10320 Active 844061 2285, 2255, 2267 Santa Ynez 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.29274 -120.64614 Lateral Clean Out (Private);Lower Lateral (Private) 3 properties listed above are connected to the City owned mainline by a common 4 lateral. Failure occurred 3ft below the clean outs location and spilled in and around the clean out then soaked into the dirt. Unpaved surface 06-JAN-18 AM 01/06/2018 12:00 01/06/2018 12:30 06-JAN-18 PM Root Intrusion Root intrusion at was determined to be the cause of the blockage via CCTV report 3' downstream of cleanout Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) common lateral with 3 properties connected to it. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 HDPE 20 Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Informed propertie owners of the problem and had them call a plumber to restore flow. Once that was complete the Cities Environmental Compliance Department was notified and NOV was issued. This was the 2nd time this location had spilled in the past 30 days. 3 3SSO10320 Active 844067 795 Lincoln 13 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 13 0 35.28489 -120.66752 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Clean out in front of address Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter All portions of spill pooled up in front of address due to low spot in the curb line. 13-JAN-18 AM 01/13/2018 09:13 01/13/2018 09:29 13-JAN-18 AM Other (specify below) Unknown at this point in time Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Cleaned up and disinfected spill, returned entire spill to sanitary sewer system. 3 3SSO10320 Active 844069 2880 Broad 35 No Yes Yes 35 0 35.26385 -120.65107 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Clean out in front of property located at 2880 Broad Street Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter Spill ran across sidewalk and into the curb line where it continued until it reached a catch basin where it was dammed up by some debris. Spill was fully captured and returned to the sanitary sewer system. 21-JAN-18 PM 01/21/2018 18:09 01/21/2018 18:40 21-JAN-18 PM Other (specify below) Unknown Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) Grange Hall Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Fire department was on scene and deployed absorbent pads to mitigate the effects of spill until further assistance arrived. This helped dam up the spill and was able to buy enough time for an operator so arrive and keep any of the flows from reaching the storm pipe. manager of building was notified of spill along with the City's Environmental Programs department to issue NOV since this is the second time in 3 months they have spilled. 3 3SSO10320 Active 844739 1215 Buchon 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 35.28008 -120.65435 1215 Buchon San Luis Obispo 93401 lateral blocked off causing a 15 gallon spill in front of address from the clean privately owned clean clean out. All portions of the spill were raked up and put into plastic bag for disposal. Owner mentioned that the lateral is in the process of being replaced. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface In front of address 1215 Buchon around the clean out area. 03-FEB-18 AM 02/03/2018 10:00 02/03/2018 10:30 03-FEB-18 PM Other (specify below) Unknown Single Family Home Single family residence Lower Lateral (Private) 4 N/A Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified cleaned up portion of the spill and notified environmental programs 3 3SSO10320 Active 844943 1121 Orcutt 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.26028 -120.64182 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Oceanaire Mobile home park space 43's clean out Unpaved surface 17-FEB-18 PM 02/20/2018 07:45 02/20/2018 08:00 17-FEB-18 PM Other (specify below) Unknown Single Family Home Mobile home Lower Lateral (Private) Failure occurred inside of the Oceanaire Mobile home parks private collection system causing one unit to surcharge their line and spill. 4 ABS 20 Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Property manager was in the process of having a plumber come out and fix the units plumbing. Notified Environmental Programs within the City to follow up and make sure preparations have been made to correct the problem. 3 3SSO10320 Active 844949 845 venable 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.28771 -120.66823 Lateral Clean Out (Public) Clean out in front of address, location of this clean out is in a flower bed. Unpaved surface Spill was contained within a flower bed 15-FEB-18 AM 02/15/2018 08:20 02/15/2018 08:45 15-FEB-18 AM Other (specify below) Unkown Single Family Home Single family home on in residential area Lower Lateral (Private) 4 clay Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Cleaned up area and disinfected area with bleach solution, notified homeowner to have a plumber clear the blockage and not to use any utilities until the blockage is corrected. Environmental Programs was notified. 3 3SSO10320 Active 845564 1941 Abbott 23 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.29121 -120.65133 Units lateral is on a sump pump and was discharging when pump kicked on. The homeowner wasn't home so the spill was minimal. The spill was seen coming from the units private cleanout. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface Grassy area around the units cleanout 26-FEB-18 PM 02/26/2018 13:00 02/26/2018 13:15 26-FEB-18 PM Other (specify below) Unkown Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) small multi family parcel Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Cleaned up area and notified the homeowner to correct the problem prior to using any fixtures that would add flows to the line. Environmental programs was notified and contacted the homeowner via letter. 3 3SSO10320 Active 845764 2220 Loomis 380 Yes Yes No 0 0 35.2922 -120.64702 residential street that serves as a frontage road to HWY 101. Spill was in front of address 2220 Loomis and ran down Loomis where it dumped into a drain inlet that runs under the HWY and into the San Luis Creek. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Surface Water 14-MAR-18 PM 03/15/2018 08:20 03/15/2018 08:35 15-MAR-18 AM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Single family residence, tenants are college students and owner of property lives elsewhere. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Clay 1955 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill First responders built dirt dams in the curb area to slow flows down from entering the storm system. From there the blockage was dislodged by means of fishing small nozzle down the properties clean out after a failed attempt to shoot under the HWY 101. The mainline has a 30 degree bend that measures 500ft making it impossible for the hydro cleaner truck to make the distance to break blockage. 3 3SSO10320 Active 846390 166 Chorro 40 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.28951 -120.66931 Lateral Clean Out (Private) in front yard, grass covered area Unpaved surface 02-APR-18 PM 04/02/2018 19:00 04/02/2018 19:40 02-APR-18 PM Other (specify below) debris or deficiency in lower lateral Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 clay Cleaned-Up;Other (specify below) cleaned up spill and disinfected area, notified homeowner to call a plumber to correct the problem and restore flow. 3 3SSO10320 Active 851431 San Luis Obispo 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 35.29234 -120.64873 Lateral Clean Out (Private) In front of address at the clean out location. Unpaved surface In the front yard at the address's clean out. The cap was off and there was waste water + debris surrounding it. 24-SEP-18 AM 09/24/2018 11:30 09/24/2018 11:45 24-SEP-18 AM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 VCP Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10320 Active 852682 1312 Broad Street 100 Yes Yes Yes 100 0 35.27734 -120.66264 The spill was seen by a passing Police Officer, it had began discharging from the properties (1312 Broad Street) clean out where it pooled in an adjacent parking lot. All areas of the spill were either paved, or concreted. A portion of the spill reached a drain in the parking lot that leads to the public storm system but was contained in the DI. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Property 1312 Broad Street's lower lateral blocked off causing the flow to back up until it relieved itself at the clean out. Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter Spill appeared from the clean out where it ran down the curb line into an adjacent parking lot. Once here the flow began to pool, a portion of the flow did make its way to a parking lot drain but was contained in the entrance point. 08-NOV-18 AM 11/08/2018 10:50 11/08/2018 11:00 08-NOV-18 AM Other (specify below) Unknown at this time Mixed Use Property Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Cleaned and disinfected all areas where the spill had come in contact with the property. Tenants were notified of the lateral ownership and responsibility to keep in good working order. The owner had called a plumber and was going to have the line snaked and inspected. The City has recorded the properties PSLD and will enforce if these events keep happening. 3 3SSO10320 Active 855660 1642 Morro 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 35.26323 -120.65362 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Private clean out in front of address Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 28-JAN-19 AM 01/28/2019 00:00 01/28/2019 10:15 28-JAN-19 AM Other (specify below) Unknown Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Cleaned up spill area, notified homeowner, notified Environmental Programs to follow up with homeowner about having the lateral inspected & repaired 3 3SSO10320 Active 857533 3977 S Higuera 3000 Yes Yes No 0 3000 35.24511 -120.67324 Strip mall parking lot that has multiple commercial buildings connected to the lateral. Area was paved with drainage system nearby that connected to a large storm drain pipe which was actively flowing. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Spill was seen exiting a clean-out in the Taco Rico parking where it entered a separate storm drain system approximately 20 ft. away. Drainage Channel;Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Surface Water 03-APR-19 AM 04/03/2019 08:55 04/05/2019 08:55 05-APR-19 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) Food Service Establishment (FSE) Many buildings are connected to the lateral that include restaurants, a bank, and shopping establishments. By the laterals condition and pipe type it was determined that the blockage was caused by grease accumulation inside the pipe. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 PVC 30 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Crews set up vac truck over clean-out to bypass flows until private plumber was contacted to take over. County Health official was on site to assist with property management company to restore flow. 3 3SSO10320 Active 857551 1906 Henry 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 35.27576 -120.65354 Single family residential, spill was coming from the units water meter box. Lower Lateral (Private) Water meter box near the (Private) lower lateral Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 04-APR-19 PM 04/05/2019 08:42 04/04/2019 08:55 Other (specify below) Unkonwn at this time, city owned mainline was inspected and found to be clear in good working condition. Laterals are privately owned / maintained. Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 VCP Cleaned-Up;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Homeowner was notified to contact a plumber to CCTV the lateral and make sure everything will be operating properly in the future. Homeowner has contacted the city about how to go about replacement of the lateral. 3 3SSO10320 Active 857929 1542 Mill Street 300 Yes Yes No 30 270 35.28832 -120.65533 Lower Lateral (Private) Lower lateral's clean out was discharging due to blockage between this point and the city owned mainline. Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 25-APR-19 PM 04/26/2019 16:00 04/26/2019 17:00 26-APR-19 PM Debris-General Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) on this property there are two units that share a common lateral. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Once crews arrived they placed vacuum truck over discharging clean out to prevent anymore sewage to enter nearby storm drains. After plumber broke the blockage all affected areas were cleaned along with the storm drain catch basin which the spill had flowed into. 3 3SSO10320 Active 860182 158 Chorro St. 120 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 120 0 35.28966 -120.66931 Residential SFR located on East side of Chorro St. Spill site was located in the front yard of address and flowed over driveway and down curb line where it was pooled up. Lower Lateral (Private) Appearance point was the private lateral's clean out in front yard. Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 24-JUL-19 PM 07/24/2019 18:30 07/24/2019 18:50 24-JUL-19 PM Debris-Rags Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 VCP 70 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10320 Active 862943 275 Madonna 525 Yes Yes No 10 515 35.26291 -120.67746 McDonalds building parking lot area Lateral Clean Out (Private) McDonalds private clean out near southern portion of building Drainage Channel;Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter Spill entered large drainage culvert by flowing into parking lot drains that were nearby. box culvert access prevented further clean up. At lower end of drainage channel it appeared dry. 18-NOV-19 AM 11/18/2019 08:45 11/18/2019 09:00 18-NOV-19 PM Debris-General toilet paper and rags appeared to have caused the blockage Food Service Establishment (FSE) McDonalds food chain restaurant Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Operators onsite cleaned and disenfected parking lot area where spill was observed. Manager was notified to have plumber respond to break blockage. All activities were completed by 1330. 3 3SSO10320 Active 863972 860 Pacific 6 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 6 0 35.27906 -120.661 Inside of public parking building near the entrance / exit Lateral Clean Out (Private) clean out located on the bottom floor of the parking garage Paved Surface 25-NOV-19 PM 11/25/2019 16:20 11/25/2019 16:50 25-NOV-19 PM Debris-Rags Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Public parking garage serves (2) bathrooms Upper Lateral (Private) 4 Cast Iron Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System Parking garage manager is planning to replace all of the lower cast iron lateral to prevent any future spills. 3 3SSO10320 Active 864800 1241, 1243 Foothill 23 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.29531 -120.6627 Lateral Clean Out (Private) spill was noticed by CCTV operators that were working in the area. The properties private cleanout was had spilled sewage out of it at an earlier time which had dried by the time operators observed it. Street/Curb and Gutter 11-FEB-20 AM 02/11/2020 10:05 02/11/2020 10:05 11-FEB-20 AM Debris-General Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Multiple units near Cal Poly University. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 VCP Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified The property owner will be receiving an NOV and shall video inspect the sewer lateral to see if it was a pipe defect that caused the spill. 3 3SSO10320 Active 865419 1415 Morro 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.27791 -120.65994 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Clean out was pulled by resident to prevent any water damage to their bedroom. Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 03-MAR-20 AM 03/03/2020 14:45 03/03/2020 15:00 03-MAR-20 AM Other (specify below) Unknown private system Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 VCP Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified Property owner was notified to call a plumber to snake the lateral. NOV process has been started, CCTV will be required, tenant is looking into replacing sewer lateral to prevent any further disruptions. 3 3SSO10320 Active 865643 1290 Foothill 16702 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.29619 -120.66245 Inside Building or Structure Under house in crawl space between sub floor and ground level. Building or Structure;Other (specify below);Unpaved surface spill seen under house in crawl space 07-FEB-20 AM 02/13/2020 00:00 03/13/2020 13:05 13-MAR-20 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Faulty pipe under house High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Sorority house 26 women live in the dwelling Upper Lateral (Private) Failure occurred under the house, the building has 4 full bathrooms. The pipe failed between the rear bathrooms and the front bathrooms. 4 Other (specify below);Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified County Public Health was notified and responded onsite to assist in the incident. A private contractor was called in to clean up spill site and disinfect the area. 3 3SSO10320 Active 865880 1011 Islay 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.2773 -120.65691 Lateral Clean Out (Public) Private clean out in front yard area. Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 30-MAR-20 PM 03/30/2020 15:00 03/30/2020 15:20 30-MAR-20 PM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 VCP Cleaned-Up Notified homeowner to call a plumber and not use any appliances until the plumber arrived to clear blockage. Cleaned up area in front yard. 3 3SSO10320 Active 865951 900 Southwood 675 Yes Yes No 0 675 35.26655 -120.64465 Building is owned by the City of San Luis Obispo, it serves as a community pool and has been out of service due to the COVID-19 outbreak. There was a malfunction with the buildings pool filter backwash pump causing it to run continuously. The sewer lateral may be partially blocked off which made all of the excess water spill from their private clean outs. All of the spill exited the clean outs crossed a parking lot and entered into a storm drain that directly connects to a nearby creek. (Sydney Creek) Inside Building or Structure;Lateral Clean Out (Public) Buildings private clean - outs Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Surface Water 03-APR-20 PM 04/03/2020 14:00 04/03/2020 14:40 03-APR-20 PM Other (specify below) Lateral condition is unknown at this time. The City's Building Maintenance Department will be contacting a contractor to investigate and make corrections to the lateral in the near future. Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) Community pool center, (Sinsheimer Pool) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Cleaned area where spill was observed and notified the City's Building Maintenance section of the accident. 3 3SSO10320 Active 866200 1585 Calle Joaquin 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.24367 -120.68359 Manhole Spill location is a hotel that didn't have any residence occupying rooms due to the COVID 19 outbreak. 3 rooms were occupied that are live onsite staff. Unpaved surface Hotel has a private system that conveys all wastewater to the City's collection system. The spill had come from a (private manhole) onsite. Spill amount was determined to be from the tenants doing a load of laundry. 16-APR-20 PM 04/17/2020 15:00 04/17/2020 15:30 16-APR-20 PM Root Intrusion When opening the manhole that spill had come from it was noted that roots had severely impacted the barrel and had grown into the private gravity system. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Hotel with 3 tenants living onsite, no public was staying onsite due to the COVID 19 outbreak. Manhole 4 Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified Operator disinfected area that spill may had come in contact with, spoke with onsite manager about proactive maintenance plan for the private system. 3 3SSO10320 Active 868706 1262 Buchon 2 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.2808 -120.65399 single family residence, spill was observed to have exited the sewer clean out and gathered in the curb line. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 20-AUG-20 AM 08/20/2020 10:00 08/20/2020 10:20 20-AUG-20 AM Other (specify below) unknown at this time Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 VCP 100 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill Wastewater Crews responded and met with tenant to instruct them to call a plumber since this was a privately maintained asset. Tenant was able to get a plumber onsite to snake the line and restore flow. 3 3SSO10320 Active 868708 2675 Johnson 4 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 4 0 35.27026 -120.64316 Spill was observed from private cleanout in front of address 2675 Johnson Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface In front of address 2675 Johnson 20-AUG-20 AM 08/20/2020 09:00 08/20/2020 09:00 20-AUG-20 AM Other (specify below) Unknown at this time (lower lateral failure private) Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 PVC 20 Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified Cleaned and disinfected site, notified homeowner to contact a plumber to snake the lateral. 3 3SSO10320 Active 868744 445 Buchon 59 Yes Yes No 0 0 35.27361 -120.66518 Spill was located at the front of property 445 Buchon's private clean-out Lateral Clean Out (Private) Front of 445 Buchon, private clean- out Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Surface Water San Luis Creek 30-AUG-20 PM 08/30/2020 20:30 08/30/2020 21:00 30-AUG-20 PM Other (specify below) Unknown Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 VCP 90 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Cleaned and disinfected spill site, notified homeowner of how and who can maintain their lateral. Property owner information has been sent to Environmental Programs for NOV issuance. 3 3SSO10320 Active 868893 2230 Exposition #27 48 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.26845 -120.66455 Lateral Clean Out (Public) Private manhole in access street Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 08-SEP-20 AM 09/08/2020 10:30 09/08/2020 11:30 08-SEP-20 PM Root Intrusion Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Private multi family housing complex Lower Lateral (Private) 6 Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Restored flow by hydro flushing impacted private main cleaned up all affected area and notified property management agency of the need for future preventive maintenance. 3 3SSO10320 Active 869302 750 Chorro 1162 No Yes No 62 1100 35.28289 -120.66517 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 16 Unit apartment complex's clean out near the intersection of Chorro / Peach Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 27-SEP-20 PM 09/28/2020 09:55 09/28/2020 10:15 28-SEP-20 AM Other (specify below) Unknown at this time, CCTV inspection will be required in near future as part of the NOV process. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) 16 unit apartment complex Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Wastewater crews arrived and began to mitigate the effects of the spill by vacuuming up all seepage until a plumber could be reached to clear the blockage. After plumber arrived crews began to disinfect the area affected and notified the property owner that additional city personnel would be contacting them to CCTV the lateral and make appropriate repairs. 3 3SSO10320 Active 869312 750 Chorro 1162 Yes Yes No 62 1100 35.28289 -120.66517 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 27-SEP-20 PM 09/28/2020 09:55 09/28/2020 10:10 28-SEP-20 AM Root Intrusion Private contractor plumber snaked line once onsite and found evidence of root intrusion to have caused the blockage. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) 16 unit apartment complex managed by JDR Realty Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Wastewater crews mitigated some of the spill by vacuuming up seepage that was exiting the pipe until a plumber could snake the line which cleared the blockage. 3 3SSO10320 Active 869762 1833 Loomis 13 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 13 0 35.29218 -120.65237 Private clean out located at 1833 Loomis, lateral is shared by two single family residences. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 08-OCT-20 PM 10/08/2020 16:34 10/08/2020 17:15 08-OCT-20 PM Root Intrusion Spill was caused by a faulty private lateral connection to the city mainline which allowed roots to grow into and around the connection ultimately blocking the lateral. The lateral is the highest connection on the mainline segment. Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 ABS 25 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Flow was restored by hydro cleaning the mainline, CCTV confirmed the root intrusion that caused the blockage had grown in around a break in lateral connection that was not constructed up to city standards. 3 3SSO10320 Active 870525 1288 Morro 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 25 0 35.27942 -120.6602 Spill was a commercial property in downtown area. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Spill appeared from lateral on south side of building in a plater alongside sidewalk. Street/Curb and Gutter Spill discharged from lateral and flowed over sidewalk to curb line flowed down curb line to low spot in the asphalt at the street corner 19-NOV-20 PM 11/19/2020 12:57 11/19/2020 13:20 19-NOV-20 PM Other (specify below) Spill cause is unknow Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) large commercial building with multiple business in it. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10320 Active 871436 65 Stenner 360 Yes Yes No 0 360 35.29271 -120.66347 65 Stenner San Luis Obispo 93401 Apartment complex. Spilling out of private manhole in front court yard. Manhole Separate Storm Drain 02-JAN-21 PM 01/02/2021 15:45 01/02/2021 16:30 02-JAN-21 PM Root Intrusion High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Manhole 8 pvc 40 Mitigated Effects of Spill;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10320 Active 872180 877 Palm 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.28146 -120.66315 Lower Lateral (Private) Properties private clean out cap located on the Morro Street side of the property. Clean out is located behind sidewalk. Paved Surface;Unpaved surface 06-FEB-21 AM 02/06/2021 11:00 02/06/2021 11:45 06-FEB-21 PM Debris-General Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 6 PVC 4 Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10320 Active 872741 3335 Broad 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.25964 -120.64941 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 01-FEB-21 PM 02/01/2021 15:45 02/01/2021 16:15 01-FEB-21 PM Debris-General Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 VCP Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10320 Active 873255 2102 Loomis 25 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.29234 -120.64873 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 28-MAR-21 AM 03/28/2021 12:35 03/28/2021 13:00 28-MAR-21 PM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 VCP Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10320 Active 873668 964 Higuera 1872 Yes Yes No 0 1872 35.28085 -120.66155 Inside Building or Structure;Upper Lateral (Private) Grease Trap Building or Structure;Surface Water Restaurant is located over a large tunnel that San Luis Obispo Creek flows through. Grease trap began to spill over which seeped through the buildings floor drains and into the walls of the tunnel. All of this led to the wastewater entering the flowing creek 19-APR-21 AM 04/21/2021 10:50 04/21/2021 10:50 Grease Deposition (FOG) Grease trap appeared to be failing to allow flows pass through due to buildup of grease inside the trap. Food Service Establishment (FSE) Small Breakfast Restaurant Upper Lateral (Private) 4 ABS Other (specify below);Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified City staff was performing a quarterly creek inspection to visually inspect all business's sewer laterals that are near the san luis obispo creek tunnel and found an active spill occurring. Once found staff reported the incident to the Environmental Programs Department and called the local Water Board Office to visit the site. The restaurant was required to shut down temporarily until the problem was corrected. Operator arrival time is the same as the time the city was notified of the spill since city staff was the one who found the spill. 3 3SSO10320 Active 873706 102/104 Santa Rosa 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.29081 -120.66661 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 20-APR-21 AM 04/20/2021 14:50 04/20/2021 14:50 20-APR-21 AM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Spill location is a bail bonds business with minimal occupancy. Lower Lateral (Private) Spill was noticed during a predictive maintenance bi-annual creek inspection by wastewater staff. 4 Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified The City's Environmental Programs Department was contacted to perform follow up and issue the spills NOV. 3 3SSO10320 Active 874005 2880 Broad 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 35.26384 -120.65105 Spill location is a meeting hall for a local Grange Hall. Location has a large meeting room with a commercial kitchen. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Spill was observed in the locations parking lot area. Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 30-APR-21 PM 04/30/2021 16:30 04/30/2021 17:20 30-APR-21 PM Debris-General Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10320 Active 874551 204 Daly 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 35.30019 -120.68323 204 Daly San Luis Obispo 93401 upper lateral in driveway Lateral Clean Out (Private) spill occurred at the top of driveway Paved Surface spill contained to owners driveway. 04-JUN-21 PM 06/04/2021 16:00 06/04/2021 16:50 04-JUN-21 PM Other (specify below) Spill cause to be determined by homeowners plumber. Single Family Home Residents cleanout located at the top of driveway. Lower Lateral (Private) To be determined by homeowners plumber. 4 clay 40 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified City staff responded to spill, educated homeowner of responsibility and washed down and vacuumed affected area .Bleached over flow area. 3 3SSO10320 Active 875078 690 Toro 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 35.28631 -120.66086 690 toro San Luis Obispo 93401 cleanout in private driveway. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface paved driveway, owner used dirt to contain spill. 28-JUN-21 AM 06/28/2021 12:00 06/28/2021 12:30 28-JUN-21 PM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill Washed down and Vacuumed spill area, sprayed and disinfected 3 3SSO10320 Active 875079 500 mountain view 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 35.28468 -120.67155 500 Mountain view San Luis Obispo private lateral in dirt Lower Lateral (Private) unpaved surface around cleanout 29-JUN-21 AM 06/29/2021 09:00 06/29/2021 09:30 29-JUN-21 AM Other (specify below) unknown, cause to be determined by homeowner Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 pvc Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10320 Active 875216 2880 Broad 33 No Yes Yes 33 0 35.26384 -120.65105 2880 Broad San Luis Obispo private cleanout behind city's sidewalk. Lateral Clean Out (Private) 08-JUL-21 PM 07/08/2021 12:35 07/08/2021 12:50 08-JUL-21 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 cast Iron Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Notified the city's environmental compliance team. 3 3SSO10320 Active 876071 1901 Sant Barbara 3 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 3 0 35.27419 -120.65637 1901 Sant Barbara San Luis Obispo Lateral Clean Out (Private) 26-AUG-21 PM 08/26/2021 13:45 Grease Deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10320 Active 876263 505 Cuesta 150 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 150 35.29845 -120.67737 Spill occurred from private cleanout behind sidewallk. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel;Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter 06-SEP-21 AM 09/07/2021 09:30 09/07/2021 09:45 07-SEP-21 AM Debris-General Single Family Home Spill occurred from single family residence Lower Lateral (Private) 4 VCP 1965 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10320 Active 876652 2191 Johnson ave 2400 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.2745 -120.64682 2191 Johnson Ave San Luis Obispo private manhole in vacant field adjacent to building Lower Lateral (Private);Manhole private system manhole Unpaved surface In vacant field adjacent to building 23-SEP-21 PM 09/23/2021 14:05 09/23/2021 14:25 23-SEP-21 PM Root Intrusion Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) County Hospital and county offices Lower Lateral (Private) 6 clay Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill private contractor Vacuumed solids and paper around manhole. barricaded wetted area with caution tape and disinfected with bleach solution. 3 3SSO10320 Active 877250 1034 Peach 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 35.28483 -120.66299 1034 Peach San Luis Obsipo 93401 Spill location was a single family home cleanout in paved driveway area. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel 26-OCT-21 AM 10/26/2021 10:25 10/26/2021 10:45 26-OCT-21 AM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10320 Active 877530 254 Branch St 89 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 89 0 35.27041 -120.66684 254 Branch San Luis Obispo cleanout cap in driveway Lateral Clean Out (Private);Lower Lateral (Private) private lateral overflowed down driveway and into curb line. Paved Surface;Street/Curb and Gutter spill was completely recovered from curb line in front of address. 08-NOV-21 PM 11/08/2021 12:00 11/08/2021 12:30 08-NOV-21 PM Other (specify below) spill cause is unknown at this time. the homeowner is going to have it CCTV inspected. Single Family Home properties cleanout Lower Lateral (Private) private lower lateral 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified vacuumed curb line and washed down area. disaffected area with bleach solution. 3 3SSO10320 Active 879714 1424 Toro 20 No Yes Yes 20 0 35.28041 -120.65497 1424 Toro San Luis Obispo 93401 private clean-out in sidewalk. Lateral Clean Out (Private) private clean-out in sidewalk. Street/Curb and Gutter spill settled in low spot in the curb and gutter. 20-FEB-22 PM 02/20/2022 20:50 02/20/2022 21:30 20-FEB-22 PM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified vacuumed and disinfected spill area. 3 3SSO10320 Active 880011 845 Vennable 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.28771 -120.66823 845 Vennable San Luis Obispo 93401 Upper Lateral (Private) 15-MAR-22 PM 03/15/2022 15:05 03/15/2022 15:15 15-MAR-22 PM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10320 Active 881267 856 Higuera 37 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 37 35.28025 -120.66269 856 Higuera San Luis Obispo 93401 The broken lateral was located under the bridge deck that is above San Luis Creek. Lower Lateral (Private) The spill was coming from a broken section of the Private lateral. Surface Water The spill entered directly into San Luis Creek. 17-MAY-22 PM 05/17/2022 12:45 05/17/2022 01:20 17-MAY-22 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) The spill was coming from a single bathroom located at 856 Higuera. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 PVC Other (specify below) City staff dye tested the business to determine the spill location. We met with County Environmental Heath, and determined that we would shut off the water until the repairs were made. 3 3SSO10320 Active 881318 464 Marsh st 14 No Yes No 3 11 35.27632 -120.66724 464 Marsh San Luis Obispo 93401 Spill occurred out of clean out in side walk in front of 464 Marsh st the building is a multiuse building with residential tenants up top and business down stairs. Lower Lateral (Private) Spill occurred at a clean out in lateral in side walk in front of building. Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter Spill ran down curb and gutter approximately 400 feet and ran into a catch basin leading to a storm drain pipe with a discharge point of San Luis creek 20-MAY-22 PM 05/20/2022 14:00 05/20/2022 14:11 20-MAY-22 PM Debris-Rags Mixed Use Property Mixed use property with four tenants two being business and two being residents. Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10320 Active 881827 1121 Orcutt 1380 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.26126 -120.64209 1211 Orcutt San Luis Obispo 93401 Upper Lateral (Private) 16-JUN-22 AM 06/16/2022 11:30 06/16/2022 11:40 16-JUN-22 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up 3 3SSO10320 Active 882872 1634 Osos st 85 Yes Yes No 70 15 35.27688 -120.65656 1634 Osos St San Luis Obispo 93401 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Spilled from cleanout in sidewalk in front of 1634 Osos St. Street/Curb and Gutter;Surface Water Spill landed in a dry Creek. 21-AUG-22 AM 08/22/2022 08:40 08/22/2022 00:40 22-AUG-22 AM Root Intrusion Food Service Establishment (FSE) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System Vacuumed wastewater out of sump style catch basin. Then washed down the curb and gutter and sprayed with bleach solution. 3 3SSO10320 Active 883341 954 Leff St. 42 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 40 0 35.27617 -120.65751 954 Leff San Luis Obispo 93401 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 21-SEP-22 AM 09/21/2022 08:54 09/21/2022 09:05 21-SEP-22 AM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10320 Active 883342 239 Ramona 7 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 35.29274 -120.68233 239 Ramona San Luis Obispo 93401 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 07-SEP-22 PM 09/07/2022 17:48 09/07/2022 18:30 07-SEP-22 PM Debris-General Lower Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill 3 3SSO10320 Active 883552 3860 S Higuera 11400 Yes Yes No 0 11400 35.2412 -120.67719 3860 South Higuera San Luis Obispo 93401 The spill occurred at silver city mobile home park. Gravity Mainline The private gravity main was blocked and spilled into the private storm system. Surface Water The spill entered San Luis Creek. 22-AUG-21 PM 08/23/2021 12:12 08/23/2021 12:45 23-AUG-21 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure The private sewer main was partly blocked at a manhole. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) The PSLD source came from a mobile home park located at 3860 S Higuera. Lower Lateral (Private) 6 VCP Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified The spill response activities will be listed in the spill report. 3 3SSO10320 Active 886393 1239 Foothill 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 5 0 35.29521 -120.66263 1239 Foothill San Luis Obispo 93401 The occurred near the front of 1239 Foothill. Lateral Clean Out (Private) The sewer discharge appeared out of the private clean-out for 1239 Foothill. Street/Curb and Gutter The spill was contained around the clean-out. 23-FEB-23 AM 02/23/2023 07:45 02/23/2023 08:00 23-FEB-23 AM Debris-Rags The spill appears to be caused by rags and other debris. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) The PLSD came from an apartment complex that has 5 or more units. Upper Lateral (Private) The failure occurred in the sewer lateral. The lateral was only partially blocked due to the small spill volume. Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified City staff responded to the PLSD and notified the property management company and their plumber. Environmental Programs staff performed the spill reporting and will follow up with an NOV. 3 3SSO10320 Active 888074 1035 Madonna 588 Yes Yes Yes 588 0 35.25942 -120.68356 1035 Madonna San Luis Obispo 93401 The spill was located at 1035 Madonna Rd. in a new private housing complex. Manhole The spill appeared at two maintenance hole locations within the private complex. Separate Storm Drain The spill discharged into a storm holding system under the parking lot. 01-MAY-23 AM 05/01/2023 08:15 05/01/2023 08:23 01-MAY-23 AM Debris-Rags The spill was caused by a diaper blocking the private mainline. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) The PSLD source was from multi-use family homes. Gravity Mainline N/A 4 PVC 2 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Please see the City of SLO spill report for an explanation of the spill response activities. 3 3SSO10320 Active 889976 870 Broad St 43 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 43 0 35.28149 -120.66542 870 Broad San Luis Obispo 93401 City staff noticed that there was a spill near the sidewalk in front of 870 Broad. Staff closed off the area and sidewalk until the blockage was cleared. Lateral Clean Out (Private) The spill was coming out of a 4 cleanout near the sidewalk of 870 Broad. Street/Curb and Gutter The spill was contained in the city curb line until city staff cleaned and disinfected the area. 20-AUG-23 AM 08/20/2023 09:22 08/20/2023 09:50 20-AUG-23 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure N/A Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) The PSLD source was from 870 Broad, which is a three-unit apartment. Lower Lateral (Private) N/A 4 PVC Property Owner Notified The city staff arrived quickly and took control of the situation. They were able to contain the spill and then contacted the property owner to inform them of the incident. Staff advised the property owner to coordinate efforts to clear the lateral obstruction and ensure that the sight was thoroughly cleaned up. 3 3SSO10321 Active 815625 1341 Mission Street 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 1341 Mission Street San Miguel 93451 Rear of property S/W corner along sewer lateral Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 11-MAY-15 AM 05/11/2015 00:00 Debris-General Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) 4 VC 60 Other Enforcement Agency Notified Responded and notified owner of the spill and they were to send someone out to fix it. They did not, so turned over to County Environmental Health to correct problem. 3 3SSO10321 Active 833386 1530 L street 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 35.75461 -120.69718 Inside Building or Structure;Lateral Clean Out (Private) Building or Structure;Unpaved surface 19-FEB-17 PM 02/19/2017 14:30 02/19/2017 14:45 22-FEB-17 PM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 10 Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10321 Active 875138 1010 K street 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 1010 K Street San Miguel 93451 Spill was in paved alleyway from private lateral onto pavement. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 28-JUN-21 AM 06/28/2021 11:10 06/28/2021 11:16 Grease Deposition (FOG) Food Service Establishment (FSE) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10321 Active 878275 720 15th street 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 18 0 720 15th San Miguel 93451 Spill originated from a Cleanout at front of residence and traveled across the street to the combined storm and sewer drain. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Spill started at a cleanout at the front of the residence Combined Storm Drain (Combined CS only) 18-NOV-21 AM 11/18/2021 00:00 Root Intrusion Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) 4 Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10324 Active 654393 Semple 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 36.967789 121.886144 432 Semple Avenue Rio Del Mar 95073 Building or structure Unpaved surface flowed onto golf course and percolated into ground. 16-OCT-07 AM 07/16/2007 06:33 07/16/2007 07:00 16-JUL-07 AM Other (specify below) private lateral blockage 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) Lateral blockage - District line free and clear 3 3SSO10324 Active 728584 30th Ave, Santa Cruz 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.975027 -121.9731 1786 30th Live Oak 95062 Spill from private cleanout into surrounding dirt Other sewer system structure Cleanout Unpaved surface into dirt surrounding dirt 13-OCT-08 AM 10/13/2008 10:50 10/13/2008 10:58 13-OCT-08 AM Other (specify below) spill from private lateral. cause unknown Other (specify below) property owner called a plumber 3 3SSO10324 Active 734032 California Ave , Capitola Ca 55 Yes Yes No 0 55 36.973407 121.952454 208 California Capitola 95010 Other sewer system structure Lateral Surface water 22-FEB-09 AM 02/22/2009 07:54 02/22/2009 08:15 22-FEB-09 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Other (specify below) 3 3SSO10324 Active 746847 Aptos 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.98445 -121.91057 28 Windemere Aptos 95003 Other (specify) From private line in mobile home park Other (specify below) soaked into ground at 28 Windemere Ln 16-NOV-09 AM 11/16/2009 08:43 11/16/2009 09:00 16-NOV-09 AM Other (specify below) unknown. Spill was from private line Other (specify below) Property owner cleaned up spill 3 3SSO10324 Active 748433 Vanessa Lane 50 No Yes No 0 0 36.96675 -121.97037 210 Vanessa Santa Cruz 95062 Other (specify) Private Lateral Storm drain 16-JAN-10 AM 01/16/2010 11:03 01/16/2010 11:00 16-JAN-10 PM Other (specify below) This was a private spill from private lateral Other (specify below) Private lateral 3 3SSO10324 Active 749014 41st Ave 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97679 -121.96426 1900 41st Capitola 95010 Gravity sewer Other paved surface 31-JAN-10 AM 01/31/2010 14:38 01/31/2010 14:50 31-JAN-10 PM Other (specify below) Property owner will investigate lateral. Property is a resturant Restored flow 3 3SSO10324 Active 749935 Via Palo Alto, Aptos 100 No Yes No 0 0 36.95444 -121.88341 1148 Via Palo Alto Aptos 95003 Gravity sewer Beach 25-FEB-10 AM 02/25/2010 11:35 02/25/2010 11:45 25-FEB-10 PM Debri-General Other (specify below) Broke stoppage on private line 3 3SSO10324 Active 758468 Reinelt Ave 250 No Yes No 225 25 36.97593 -121.9793 1793 Reinelt santa Cruz 95062 Gravity sewer Street/curb and gutter 08-NOV-10 PM 11/08/2010 15:44 11/08/2010 15:50 08-NOV-10 PM Debri-General Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10324 Active 771609 38th Ave 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.96451 -121.96932 925 38th Santa Cruz 95062 Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 29-SEP-11 PM 09/29/2011 13:00 09/29/2011 13:10 29-SEP-11 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Upper Lateral Restored flow 3 3SSO10324 Active 776384 Jose Ave 500 No Yes No 0 0 36.97697 -121.99 1410 Jose santa Cruz 95062 Other (specify) Private main Unpaved surface 22-JAN-12 PM 01/22/2012 12:50 01/22/2012 13:25 22-JAN-12 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Lower Lateral Restored flow 3 3SSO10324 Active 779163 44th Ave 10 No Yes No 0 0 36.9749 -121.96089 1800 44th capitola 95061 Other sewer system structure Private lateral Street/curb and gutter 26-MAR-12 AM 03/26/2012 10:49 03/26/2013 11:00 26-MAR-12 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral Other (specify below) Property owner had plumber correct problem and cleaned up area. 3 3SSO10324 Active 782854 41st Ave 750 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.9758 -121.96485 1830 41st Capitola 95010 Pump station Unpaved surface 02-JUL-12 AM 07/02/2012 09:00 07/02/2012 09:15 02-JUL-12 AM Pump station failure Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10324 Active 783940 McDonalds 250 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 200 0 36.97529 -121.96393 1760 41st Capitola 95010 Other sewer system structure Clean out Unpaved surface 18-JUL-12 PM 07/18/2012 14:40 07/18/2012 14:45 18-JUL-12 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10324 Active 784208 Capitola Mall 110 No Yes Yes 110 0 36.97785 -121.96694 1955 41st Capitola 95010 Gravity sewer Other paved surface;Separate storm drain 25-JUL-12 PM 07/25/2012 14:35 07/25/2012 14:43 25-JUL-12 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Lower Lateral Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10324 Active 785228 408 Palmer Aptos 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.96957 -121.88953 in Driveway Other (specify) private lateral clean out Other (specify below) saturated in driveway 12-AUG-12 PM 08/12/2012 18:40 08/12/2012 00:00 12-AUG-12 AM Other (specify below) unknown Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10324 Active 785229 820 Bay Avenue 60 No Yes No 0 60 36.98166 -121.95581 Manhole Separate storm drain 12-AUG-12 PM 08/12/2012 21:25 08/12/2012 22:10 12-AUG-12 PM Other (specify below) unknown Lower Lateral multiple parts of lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 3 3SSO10324 Active 787792 Soquel 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.98529 -121.96551 2649 41st Soquel 95073 Other (specify) Clean out Other (specify below) into clean out next to this clean out 26-OCT-12 PM 10/26/2012 18:27 10/26/2012 19:20 26-OCT-12 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10324 Active 788937 Santa Cruz Yacht Habor 900 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 900 36.96334 -122.00131 2218 East Cliff Santa Cruz 95062 Building or structure Surface water 08-DEC-12 AM 12/08/2012 13:45 12/08/2012 13:45 08-DEC-12 PM Pump station failure Main Restored flow 3 3SSO10324 Active 791149 Aptos 550 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.95951 -121.87628 819 Pinehurst Aptos 95003 Building or structure Unpaved surface 31-JAN-13 AM 01/31/2013 08:20 01/31/2013 08:40 31-JAN-13 AM Pump station failure Pump failure at school's pump station Upper Lateral Other (specify below) Crew used Vac-Truck to stop spill at private pump station. Stayed on site until maintenance crew could work on station. 3 3SSO10324 Active 792953 Live Oak 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.97707 -121.98994 1460 Jose Live Oak 95062 Gravity sewer;Manhole Other (specify below) Around manhole 24-MAR-13 PM 03/24/2013 18:40 03/24/2013 18:43 24-MAR-13 PM Debri-General Main Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10324 Active 807156 1900 41st Ave, Capitola 90 No Yes No 20 0 36.97677 -121.96448 1900 41st Ave Capitola Lateral Clean Out (Private) 14-JUN-14 PM 06/14/2014 13:45 06/14/2014 13:55 14-JUN-14 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Lower Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10331 Active 836207 Lockwood Lane, Scotts Valley 15 No Yes Yes 10 0 37.04515 -122.0353 405 Lockwood Lane Scotts Valley 95066 Residential neighborhood Gravity Mainline Public system clean-out Other (specify below) Spill contained by dirt in storm drain inlet. 24-JUN-17 AM 06/24/2017 11:30 06/24/2017 12:00 24-JUN-17 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Gravity Mainline Restored flow 3 3SSO10332 Active 728890 3451 Oak Ln 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 5 0 37.151967 121.99 3451 Oak Morgan Hill 95037 Sewage came up through a out-door patio floor drain Other (specify) Outdoor floor drain Other paved surface 14-OCT-08 AM 10/14/2008 10:00 10/14/2008 10:10 14-OCT-08 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Grease in sewer main cause plug. Patio floor drain improperly connected to sewer system. Resident heard noise coming from floor drain and called pool contractor and City. Main 6 VCP 40 Restored flow;Other (specify below) Pool contractor on the scene washed sewage back down the drain once plug cleared. 3 3SSO10332 Active 747732 785 W. Main Ave 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 37.122414 -121.665456 785 Main Morgan Hill 95037 On Property - Customer's clean-out Other (specify) Customer's clean-out Unpaved surface 20-DEC-09 AM 12/20/2009 09:30 12/20/2009 10:00 20-DEC-09 PM Root intrusion Main 6 VCP 45 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow 3 3SSO10332 Active 793908 200 Burnett Ave - Private Lateral Spill 2250 Yes Yes No 1750 500 37.155178 -121.672594 200 Burnett Morgan Hill 95037 Spill flowed down curb and gutter to City storm water inlet to a bubbler on the west side of Monterey Road. The bubbler empties into a ditch and the sewage flowed for approximately 75 feet in the dirt ditch: some of the flow percolated into the ground. Manhole Spill emanated from customers test manhole. Separate storm drain;Street/curb and gutter;Unpaved surface 28-APR-13 PM 04/28/2013 13:30 04/28/2013 14:00 28-APR-13 PM Other (specify below) The cause of the plug was not determined. The customer had his plumber clear the plug. The City is not responsible for the upper lateral. Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill City workers cleaned up the street and the storm water system only as this was the customer's line that failed. 3 3SSO10332 Active 802403 200 Burnett Ave 850 Yes Yes Yes 850 850 37.154914 -121.672986 Upper Lateral (Private) Test Manhole Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter Sewage captured in Storm System, pumped back into sewer collection system 26-DEC-13 PM 12/26/2013 16:30 12/26/2013 16:45 26-DEC-13 PM Debris-General This address services a mobile home park. There lateral plugs regularly. This plug was caused by roots, grease, and other sewer debris. High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10332 Active 802671 Morgan Hill Inn 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 100 0 37.201664 -121.644686 16250 Monterey Road Morgan Hill 95037 Hotel clean-out overflowed across the sidewalk into the gutter. Storm system was blocked; no sewage entered the storm system. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Street/Curb and Gutter 09-JAN-14 PM 01/09/2014 16:00 01/09/2014 16:10 09-JAN-14 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Property owner cleared blockage while our combo truck vacuumed up spill in gutter. 3 3SSO10332 Active 803775 200 Barnett Ave 500 Yes Yes No 0 0 37.154886 -121.673056 200 Barnett Ave Morgan Hill 95037 Lateral to mobile home park. Spill appeared at properties test manhole. Spilled from private property into City street. Blockage occurred in lateral between test manhole and City manhole. Lateral Clean Out (Private) City responded to resident complaint about odor. City was not notified by property manager. City investigated odor complaint and found plumber cleaning up at the scene. Drainage Channel;Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface 10-FEB-14 AM 02/10/2014 10:45 02/10/2014 11:00 10-FEB-14 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Mobile Home Park Lower Lateral (Private) Spill was cleared by a plumber hired by the property manager. Blockage was cleared and flow restored prior to City staff arrival. 3 3SSO10332 Active 812093 19500 Monterey Rd 100 No Yes Yes 100 0 37.1542 -121.67451 19500 Monterey Morgan Hill 95037 Private Test Manhole Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 06-JAN-15 AM 01/06/2015 10:44 01/06/2015 11:03 06-JAN-15 PM Debris-Rags Food Service Establishment (FSE) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 814019 16975 John Telfer Dr 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.119996 -121.664419 16975 John Telfer Dr Morgan Hill 95037 Lateral Clean Out in landscaping at 16975 John Telfer Dr. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 06-MAR-15 AM 03/06/2015 03:00 03/06/2015 03:20 06-MAR-15 AM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 817107 17810 Monterey Rd 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 37.13391 -121.6573 17810 Monterey Morgan Hill 95037 spill from private Manhole at 17810 Monterey Rd. Spill ended on sidewalk. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 02-AUG-15 AM 08/02/2015 09:30 08/02/2015 09:45 02-AUG-15 AM Root Intrusion Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 821847 19671 Annatto Dr. 300 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 250 0 37.155766 -121.678162 Gravity Mainline Unpaved surface 30-JAN-16 AM 01/30/2016 09:00 01/30/2016 09:30 30-JAN-16 AM Debris from Construction Single Family Home Gravity Mainline Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 839140 16285 Jackson Oaks Dr. 2513 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.142132 -121.586389 16285 Jackson Oaks Dr. Morgan Hill 95037 Private lateral on neighbors property next to fence north of property line Lower Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 22-MAY-17 AM 08/22/2017 10:00 08/22/2017 10:15 22-AUG-17 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Single Family Home sewer lateral leak near sewer main Lower Lateral (Private) 4 ABS Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 839141 16285 Jackson Oaks Dr. 2513 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.142132 -121.586389 16285 Jackson Oaks Dr. Morgan Hill 95037 Private lateral on neighbors property next to fence north of property line Lower Lateral (Private) Unpaved surface 22-MAY-17 AM 08/22/2017 10:00 08/22/2017 10:15 22-AUG-17 AM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Single Family Home sewer lateral leak near sewer main Lower Lateral (Private) 4 ABS Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 844309 16115 Condit Rd 1185 Yes Yes No 200 985 37.121229 -121.625106 16115 Condit Rd Morgan Hill 95037 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel 22-JAN-18 PM 01/23/2018 15:00 01/23/2018 15:20 23-JAN-18 PM Root Intrusion Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Hotel Lower Lateral (Private) 8 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Contractor was already on site working on clearing blockage. City crews helped contain spill and vacuumed storm drain from spill to drainage channel. 3 3SSO10332 Active 844310 16115 Condit Rd 335 Yes Yes No 0 335 37.121229 -121.625106 16115 Condit Rd Morgan Hill 95037 Hotel parking lot. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel 06-APR-14 AM 04/06/2014 08:40 04/06/2014 08:45 06-APR-14 AM Root Intrusion Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Hotel Lower Lateral (Private) 8 Restored flow 3 3SSO10332 Active 845315 15105 Concord Cir 138 Yes Yes Yes 10 128 37.112133 -121.63692 15105 Concord Cir Morgan Hill 95037 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 28-FEB-18 AM 02/28/2018 13:30 02/28/2018 13:45 28-FEB-18 PM Root Intrusion Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 PVC Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 849361 50 W 4th St 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.1266 -121.652763 50 W 4th St Morgan Hill 95037 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 20-JUL-18 AM 07/23/2018 12:45 07/23/2018 13:00 20-JUL-18 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 ABS 30 Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 852286 76 W 5th St 150 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.125425 -121.652162 76 W 5th St Morgan Hill 95037 Side yard at private lift station Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 30-OCT-18 PM 10/31/2018 08:38 10/31/2018 09:15 30-OCT-18 AM Pump Station Failure-Mechanical Multi-Family Home ( 4 or less Units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Pump Station-Mechanical 2 Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 858769 2991 Holiday Ct 32 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.1613 -121.6164 2991 Holiday Ct Morgan Hill 95037 Customers clean out near house Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 13-MAY-19 PM 05/14/2019 06:58 05/14/2019 07:25 14-MAY-19 AM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 858774 17200 Depot St 6 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 6 0 37.12871 -121.64976 17200 Depot St Morgan Hill 95037 Clean out behind Bathroom Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 22-MAY-19 PM 05/22/2019 17:43 05/22/2019 17:55 22-MAY-19 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure - Installation Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) Public park bathroom Lower Lateral (Private) 4 PVC 5 Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10332 Active 863758 16995 Condit Rd 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 15 37.13193 -121.63087 16995 Condit Rd Morgan Hill 95037 Grease trap near Carl's Jr. drive-thru Other sewer system structure Grease trap Paved Surface 01-MAR-19 PM 03/01/2019 16:40 03/01/2019 16:56 01-MAR-19 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Food Service Establishment (FSE) Upper Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10332 Active 863763 17200 Depot St 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 37.128717 -121.649761 17200 Depot St Morgan Hill 95037 Clean out behind Bathroom Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface 24-MAY-19 PM 05/24/2019 18:08 05/24/2019 18:40 24-MAY-19 PM Debris-General Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) Public Bathroom Upper Lateral (Private) 4 PVC 5 Cleaned-Up;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 863767 16715 Monterey Rd 61 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 61 0 37.12119 -121.64787 16715 Monterey Rd Morgan Hill 95037 Test manhole in front of 16715 Monterey Rd Lateral Clean Out (Private) Paved Surface;Unpaved surface 04-OCT-19 AM 10/05/2019 13:40 10/05/2019 14:00 05-OCT-19 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) Mixed Use Property Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10332 Active 863786 19671 Annatto Ln 28 No Yes No 0 28 37.155974 -121.679038 19671 Annatto Ln Morgan Hill 95037 Manhole near 19671 Annatto Ln that is part of a private collection system Manhole Other (specify below);Paved Surface;Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter;Unpaved surface Storm water infiltration/retention structure 02-DEC-19 PM 12/02/2019 16:41 12/02/2019 16:50 02-DEC-19 PM Pump Station Failure-Controls High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Private collection system with Single Family, and High Density Residential Homes Pump Station-Controls Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 863787 17810 Monterey Rd 63 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 61 0 37.1343863 -121.6575525 17810 Monterey Rd Morgan Hill 95037 Test manhole in front of 17810 Monterey Rd Manhole Paved Surface;Unpaved surface 15-DEC-19 PM 12/15/2019 13:01 12/15/2019 13:25 15-DEC-19 PM Root Intrusion Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Cleaned-Up;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 871333 750 San Pedro Ave 376 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.1256 -121.635 750 San Pedro Ave Morgan Hill 95037 In front of 750 San Pedro Ave on left side of driveway Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 24-OCT-20 AM 10/24/2020 13:21 10/24/2020 13:42 26-OCT-20 AM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 3 ABS Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 871334 16340 Jackson Oaks Dr 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.1409 -121.5868 16340 Jackson Oaks Dr Morgan Hill 95037 Clean out in the rear of 16340 Jackson Oaks Dr Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 30-OCT-20 AM 10/30/2020 09:33 10/30/2020 10:06 Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 ABS Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 871336 17555 Manzanita Dr 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.15612 -121.60576 17555 Manzanita Dr Morgan Hill 95037 Force Main (Private) in backyard of 17555 Manzanita Dr Force Main Unpaved surface 11-NOV-20 AM 11/11/2020 11:48 11/13/2020 09:50 18-NOV-20 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Single Family Home Force Main Force Main (Private) Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 873325 17305 Monterey Rd 79 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 79 69 37.12803 -121.65286 17305 Monterey Rd Morgan Hill 95037 Test manhole near 17305 Monterey Rd Lateral Clean Out (Private) Surface Water 08-FEB-21 AM 02/08/2021 08:31 02/08/2021 08:40 08-FEB-21 AM Grease Deposition (FOG) Food Service Establishment (FSE) Lower Lateral (Private) 6 VCP Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 873326 16775 Jackson Oaks Dr 22 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 22 22 37.14305 -121.5938 16775 Jackson Oaks Dr Morgan Hill 95037 Private lateral clean out near 16775 Jackson Oaks Dr Lateral Clean Out (Private) Drainage Channel 20-FEB-21 PM 02/20/2021 16:40 02/20/2021 17:00 20-FEB-21 PM Root Intrusion Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) 4 ABS Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 873327 755 Jarvis Dr 5 No Yes Yes 5 0 37.14363 -121.6487 755 Jarvis Dr Morgan Hill Private clean out near 755 Jarvis Dr. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 02-MAR-21 PM 03/02/2021 13:15 03/02/2021 13:25 02-MAR-21 PM Root Intrusion Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) 6 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10332 Active 880834 16945 Del Monte Ave 32 No Yes No 10 22 37.12235 -121.652241 16945 Del Monte Ave Morgan Hill Private clean out near 16945 Del Monte Ave. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain;Street/Curb and Gutter 26-AUG-21 AM 08/26/2021 08:45 08/26/2021 09:00 26-AUG-21 PM Debris-General High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10334 Active 744976 960 Portola Drive 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.595725 -121.842389 960 Portola Del Rey Oaks broken lateral soaking ground Gravity sewer moist soil Unpaved surface 06-SEP-09 AM 09/10/2009 00:00 09/10/2009 14:00 11-SEP-09 AM Pipe structural problem/failure Lower Lateral 4 Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10334 Active 744977 1676 Sierra 10 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.600661 -121.828378 1676 Sierra Seaside lateral Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 26-AUG-09 AM 08/26/2009 00:00 08/26/2009 09:45 26-AUG-09 AM Other (specify below) unknown lateral problem Other (specify below) called code enforcement 3 3SSO10334 Active 745190 1784 Fremont Blvd 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.614553 -121.842633 1784 Fremont Seaside 93955 plugged lateral Building or structure;Gravity sewer Building or structure 24-SEP-09 AM 09/24/2009 09:26 09/24/2009 09:33 24-SEP-09 AM Grease deposition (FOG) Grease in lateral lateral 4 Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) Plumber snaked lateral 3 3SSO10334 Active 746414 1815 Yosemite 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.615147 -121.828347 Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 29-OCT-09 PM 10/29/2009 20:05 10/29/2009 20:15 29-OCT-09 PM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Other (specify below) Removed contaminated soil 3 3SSO10334 Active 747233 1038 Portola 60 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.595875 -121.838197 1038 Portola Building or structure;Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 21-NOV-09 AM 11/21/2009 15:20 11/21/2009 15:40 21-NOV-09 PM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 3 3SSO10334 Active 747234 1213 Harding 45 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.602672 -121.833464 1213 Harding Building or structure;Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 20-NOV-09 AM 11/20/2009 10:30 11/20/2009 10:40 20-NOV-09 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 3 3SSO10334 Active 747299 906 Harcourt Ave 40 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.603558 -121.847767 Building or structure;Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 10-NOV-09 AM 11/10/2009 11:15 11/10/2009 11:30 10-NOV-09 AM Root intrusion Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 3 3SSO10334 Active 747301 835 Kimball 60 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.600158 -121.847989 Building or structure;Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 02-DEC-09 AM 12/02/2009 18:15 12/02/2009 18:30 02-DEC-09 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 3 3SSO10334 Active 748107 1996 East Frontage Rd 200 No Yes Yes 0 0 36.619425 -121.840306 1998 Fremont Seaside Lateral Gravity sewer Storm drain 04-JAN-10 AM 01/04/2010 07:00 01/04/2010 07:10 04-JAN-10 AM Other (specify below) Unknown Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10334 Active 748791 1419 Lowell St 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.606397 -121.836603 1419 Lowell House Building or structure;Gravity sewer;Other sewer system structure clean out Unpaved surface 19-JAN-10 AM 01/19/2010 07:00 01/19/2010 07:10 19-JAN-10 AM Root intrusion roots and grease Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow 3 3SSO10334 Active 750847 1609 Darwin 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.609353 -121.832786 Building or structure;Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 14-MAR-10 AM 03/14/2010 14:00 03/14/2010 14:30 14-MAR-10 PM Debri-General Restored flow 3 3SSO10334 Active 752617 1184 Hilby 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.602439 -121.840444 Private lateral Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 09-MAY-10 AM 05/09/2010 11:30 05/09/2010 11:30 09-MAY-10 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Restored flow 3 3SSO10334 Active 752618 1574 Elm 5 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.607375 -121.830819 Gravity sewer Unpaved surface 09-MAY-10 PM 05/09/2010 18:00 05/09/2010 18:00 09-MAY-10 PM Root intrusion Restored flow 3 3SSO10334 Active 753171 1685 San Pablo 7 No Yes Yes 0 0 36.614811 -121.827761 Building or structure;Gravity sewer Storm drain 25-MAY-10 AM 05/25/2010 08:30 05/25/2010 08:30 25-MAY-10 AM Root intrusion plugged lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10334 Active 758191 1784 Fremont Blvd 50 No Yes Yes 0 0 36.614394 -121.8426 Building or structure;Gravity sewer lateral cleanout Storm drain 26-OCT-10 PM 10/26/2010 13:40 10/26/2010 13:45 26-OCT-10 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Main Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10334 Active 758936 1355 Mescal 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.604872 -121.827728 1355 mESCAL Inside Building or Structure;Lateral Clean Out (Private) Building or Structure;Unpaved surface;Building or structure 20-NOV-10 AM 11/21/2010 10:40 11/21/2010 10:40 21-NOV-10 AM Root intrusion Paper Towels Main Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Restored flow;Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10334 Active 771404 1774 Fernando 70 No Yes Yes 70 0 36.613861 -121.824192 1774 Fernando Front Yard Building or structure;Gravity sewer Separate storm drain 08-AUG-11 AM 08/08/2011 10:50 08/08/2011 11:00 08-AUG-11 AM Other (specify below) Unknown Lower Lateral Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10334 Active 778832 Panda Express 100 No Yes Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 100 0 36.618808 -121.841947 1968 Del Monte Building or structure;Gravity sewer Separate storm drain 09-MAR-12 PM 03/09/2012 14:25 03/09/2012 14:35 09-MAR-12 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Grease in Lateral Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Increased inspection of Grease Trap 3 3SSO10334 Active 783784 Primrose Circle #7 500 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.6173 -121.820683 Pump station Unpaved surface 16-JUN-12 AM 06/16/2012 09:00 06/16/2012 09:15 16-JUN-12 AM Pump station failure Private pump system Other (specify below) Private Pump Station Other (specify below) Flush Main line 3 3SSO10334 Active 784435 515 Williams 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 36.600872 -121.852114 Building or structure;Gravity sewer Other paved surface Road 11-JUL-12 AM 07/11/2012 17:20 07/11/2012 17:30 11-JUL-12 PM Root intrusion Root ball cut from private lateral forced into main. Removed Roots, Rocks, Paper, Grease from main. Lower Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10334 Active 796451 1227 San Pablo 150 No Yes Yes 150 0 36.614786 -121.839367 Building or structure;Gravity sewer Separate storm drain 13-MAY-13 AM 05/13/2013 08:25 05/13/2013 08:30 13-MAY-13 AM Other (specify below) Unknown Upper Lateral Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system;Other (specify below) Plumber snaked private lateral 3 3SSO10334 Active 806230 6 Mescal Place 20 No Yes Yes 20 0 36.606656 -121.826053 Lateral Clean Out (Private) 14-MAY-14 AM 05/14/2014 11:30 05/14/2014 12:00 14-MAY-14 PM Debris-General Single Family Home Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 3 3SSO10334 Active 814727 1722 Napa Street 300 No Yes Yes 300 0 36.612392 -121.823617 Clean out on private lateral in front of house. Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 08-APR-15 AM 04/15/2015 07:30 04/15/2015 07:40 15-APR-15 AM Other (specify below) Private residence retained plumber to repair/clear sewer lateral. Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified Owner retained plumber. SCSD cleaned up spill. 3 3SSO10334 Active 815202 467 Shasta 200 No Yes Yes 200 0 36.611264 -121.852808 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 27-APR-15 PM 04/27/2015 12:51 04/27/2015 13:00 27-APR-15 PM Root Intrusion unknown - this is a PLSD Single Family Home Upper Lateral (Private) 3 3SSO10334 Active 820228 9 Maiden Ct 20 No Yes Yes 20 0 36.606817 -121.825906 Clean Out Lateral Clean Out (Private) Separate Storm Drain 15-DEC-15 AM 12/15/2015 09:00 12/15/2015 09:05 15-DEC-15 AM Other (specify below) Unknown - this is a spill originating on private property Single Family Home Clean out located in front of house Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10334 Active 822093 1222 Broadway 30 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 30 0 36.608972 -121.839714 1222 Broadway Lateral Clean Out (Private) Cleanout in sidewalk Street/Curb and Gutter 10-FEB-16 AM 02/10/2016 05:10 02/10/2016 05:30 10-FEB-16 AM Other (specify below) Unknown - Cleared by Plumber retained by Private Property Owner Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Lower Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10334 Active 823641 815 Canyon Del Rey 160 No Yes No 80 80 36.597969 -121.849858 815 Canyon Del Rey Del Rey Oaks Lateral Clean Out (Private) CO behind sidewalk near side door Separate Storm Drain 02-APR-16 PM 04/02/2016 17:11 04/02/2016 17:30 02-APR-16 PM Pipe Structural Problem/Failure Food Service Establishment (FSE) Safeway Store Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Returned Portion of Spill to Sanitary Sewer System;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10334 Active 829131 Autzone 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 36.606884 -121.84719 1443 Fremont Boulevard Seaside 93955 landscaping behind the building Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 13-OCT-16 PM 10/13/2016 15:28 10/13/2016 15:36 13-OCT-16 PM Root Intrusion Upper Lateral (Private) Cleaned-Up;Restored flow;Returned All Spill to Sanitary Sewer System 3 3SSO10335 Active 756999 Dixi St. 175 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 100 0 36.42704 -121.32318 323 Dixi Soledad 93960 Overflow occurred at private lateral. Other (specify) Overflow occurred from a private lateral at clean out Unpaved surface 19-SEP-10 PM 09/20/2010 09:25 09/20/2010 09:35 20-SEP-10 AM Other (specify below) City main partially plugged, causing backup into private lateral Other (specify below) Private lateral 6 VCP Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 3 3SSO10335 Active 757949 169 Goldenrod St., Soledad Ca. 93960 250 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 0 0 36.43516 -121.3327 169 Goldenrod Soledad 93960 Lateral overflow in front of residence Building or structure;Gravity sewer Building or structure;Unpaved surface Spill was contained within a depression in the front lawn of the residence, percolated into into the ground cover 19-OCT-10 AM 10/19/2010 13:40 10/19/2010 14:00 19-OCT-10 PM Root intrusion Upper Lateral 4 abs 15 Other (specify below) Upon arrival, inspected area of reported spill. Opened upstream and down stream manholes to check city main for blockage / backup. City main was clear and flowing. 3 3SSO10335 Active 757952 Golden State Vinters 1500 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 1500 0 36.42584 -121.31082 1777 Metz Soledad 93960 Foaming from Winery wastewater treatment facility. Liquid was the result of washdown and wetting of released foam (washdown water). Resulting foam / liquid flowed past winery perimiter fencing onto adjacent winery property. Liquid traveled to drainage swail adjacent to Metz. Road where it was captured via the use of soil berms. Material was vacuumed utilizing a vacuum truck. Building or structure Unpaved surface 18-OCT-10 AM 10/18/2010 08:30 10/18/2010 08:29 18-OCT-10 AM Other (specify below) Winery treatment plant experienced a sever foaming incident. Resulting cleanup and release of liquid from foam resulted in a liquid release . Other (specify below) At the winery wastewater treatment facility Other (specify below) Primary spill cocurred on private property. Winery staff utilized a private company to vacuum up the release. 3 3SSO10335 Active 758081 Los Coches Mini Storage 500 No Yes No 0 500 36.41609 -121.31709 947 Los Coches Soledad 93960 Spill was located inside the perimiter of the Los Coches Mini Storage Locker area. Spill originated from a private lateral cleanout. Other (specify) Private lateral Other (specify below) Spill eneterd the city storm drain. City storm Drain empties into a larger storm drain collection system that discharges into a flood control channel. Flood control channel. Manholes downstream of the lateral discharge were opened and no evidence of the discharge was observed 23-OCT-10 PM 10/23/2010 17:02 10/23/2010 00:00 23-OCT-10 PM Other (specify below) City main was partially obstructed causing the main line to surcharge resulting in a backup at 947 Los Coches Drive (cleanout on private property), an apparent ( low spot ) in the collection system. Main 10 VCP 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Other (specify below) Contacted a private company to Hydro Clean the city main. As much as possible, city staff cleaned up effects of spill. 3 3SSO10335 Active 766257 323 Dixi Street 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 36.42704 -121.32318 323 Dixi Soledad 93960 Private lateral paralell residence Other (specify) lateral Unpaved surface 20-SEP-10 AM 09/20/2010 01:30 09/20/2010 01:45 20-SEP-10 AM Root intrusion Lower Lateral 4 clay 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Other (specify below) Advised propery owner to contact plumber, as a precautionary measure, hydrocleaned mainline. Property owner reported root stoppage in lateral. 3 3SSO10335 Active 766259 169 Golden Rod 75 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 36.43516 -121.3327 169 Goldenrod Soledad 93960 Lateral, Adjacent to house Other (specify) Private lateral Unpaved surface private property, unpaved surface 12-OCT-10 AM 10/12/2010 10:15 10/12/2010 10:30 12-OCT-10 AM Root intrusion Upper Lateral N/A 4 CLAY 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill) 3 3SSO10335 Active 768307 Intersection of Front Street and East Street 500 No Yes No 100 0 36.42428 -121.32557 920 Front Soledad 93960 Private lateral located beneath sidewalk in front of 900 /906 /920 Front Street Other sewer system structure Overflowed from a cleanout located on private property Separate storm drain 08-JUL-11 PM 07/08/2011 16:30 07/08/2011 16:45 08-JUL-11 PM Other (specify below) Sand, grit, sediment accumulation in lateral from adjacent carwash and auto repair shop Upper Lateral 6 unknown Other (specify below) Though it is a private lateral, city crew responded and unplugged the line. Notified Property manager of proper maintenance of sewer lateral. Advised manager to conduct annuan (at a minimum) maintenance on lateral 3 3SSO10335 Active 784106 City Hall / Police Department Building 15 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 15 0 36.42835 -121.32784 246 Main Soledad 93960 Parking lot of city hall Other (specify) Cleanout in parking lot Other (specify below) contained within parking lot 18-JUN-12 AM 06/18/2012 08:55 06/18/2012 09:10 18-JUN-12 AM Debri-General Upper Lateral clay 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow City Crew responded, while enroute, city hall ceased using facilities, thus stopping additional flow to parking lot. Liquids were cleaned utilizing sand and material was disposed of. 3 3SSO10335 Active 786883 Buena Vista Park 250 No Yes Yes 225 0 36.70366 -121.50879 Monterey Soledad 93960 Back of 129 Buena Vista, private lateral Manhole Private property manhole Separate storm drain 02-OCT-12 AM 10/02/2012 08:16 10/02/2012 08:30 02-OCT-12 AM Root intrusion Upper Lateral 6 Clay 36 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10335 Active 789862 Duplex, Palm Street 150 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 150 0 36.425565 -121.319704 1105 Palm Soledad 93960 Duplex, 1105 Palm Street Building or structure Street/curb and gutter Spill ran down a private driveway and into the Cities rain gutter 01-NOV-12 PM 11/01/2012 15:00 11/01/2012 15:10 01-NOV-12 PM Grease deposition (FOG) Spill was the result of grease buildup in private laterar Upper Lateral 4 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Upon receipt of report, city dispatched a six person crew, including a vacuum trailer to clean up spill that was contained in a gutter. Unable to contact property owner, city staff contacted Benson Pluming and cleared stoppage from private lateral. Also videoed the lateral. 3 3SSO10335 Active 793171 Buena Vista Park Condo 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.42551 -121.32169 111 Buena Vista Park Soledad 93960 Private later spill behind Bldg. 129 Manhole Manhole within private property Other paved surface Grassy area around manhole 04-MAR-13 PM 03/04/2013 14:50 03/04/2013 14:55 04-MAR-13 PM Other (specify below) grease deposits and pipeline settleing Main Restored flow Notified property manager to contact plumber to unplug/clear the obstruction 3 3SSO10335 Active 807062 Motor Park 500 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.4286 -121.32762 263 Main Soledad 93960 Cleanout behind Mobile Home @ space # 8 and space # 10 Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 16-JUN-14 AM 06/17/2014 08:25 06/17/2014 08:45 17-JUN-14 PM Debris-General High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) High Density Mobile Home park Upper Lateral (Private) 4 ABS Other (specify below) Notified Monterey Counth Health Department, Notified Management Company who inturn contacted Sewer line cleaning company (Mr. Rooter). Monterey County Health specialist janice Jones responded and was onsite to meet with a representative of the management company to expidite necessary mitigation measures. 3 3SSO10335 Active 810539 323 Dixi Street 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 323 Dixi Street Soledad 93960 Backup was caused by a partially plugged 6 inch city main causing a private lateral backup at 323 Dixi St. Lateral Clean Out (Private) private lateral clean-out Other (specify below) Spill percolated into surrounding soil at point of discharge (lateral Cleanout) 05-NOV-14 AM 11/05/2014 11:10 11/05/2014 11:20 05-NOV-14 AM Other (specify below) Root intrusion and possible lateral protusion onto 6 inch main-line Single Family Home lateral clean-out Gravity Mainline 6 clay 50 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Other (specify below) Cleaned up, mitigated, hydrocleaned 6 inch main 3 3SSO10335 Active 820765 USPS 150 Kidder Street 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 36.22611 -121.32625 150 Kidder Soledad 93960 Private lateral / driveway / US Post Office Lateral Clean Out (Private) Lateral clean out on private property ( driveway) Paved Surface Private driveway 04-JAN-16 AM 01/04/2016 11:10 01/04/2016 11:10 04-JAN-16 AM Root Intrusion Root intrusion in private lateral Public quasi-public instutions (hospital, schools, fire dept, etc) US Post Office Upper Lateral (Private) 4 4 Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified Upon receipt of report, city staff responded. Determination made that it was a private lateral stoppage, notified Post Office manager (female) and advised to contact local plumber for mitigation measures to be taken. checked up stream and down stream manholes for flow, no apparent stoppages of flow in city lines. Post office contacted plumber, lateral was cleared. 3 3SSO10335 Active 833433 Monterey Street 3 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 0 0 645 Monterey Soledad 93960 From private lateral Lateral Clean Out (Private) Unpaved surface 02-MAR-17 AM 03/02/2017 10:40 03/02/2017 10:45 02-MAR-17 AM Debris-General Single Family Home Spill began at cleanout Lower Lateral (Private) 4 Other (specify below) Notified property owner that they were responsible for mitigation measures. Notified Monterey County Environmental Health Notified OES Control # 17-1826 3 3SSO10335 Active 838444 150 ENCINAL ST SOLEDAD CA 93960 300 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 36.42833 -121.32955 150 ENCINAL SOLEDAD 93960 SPILL ORIGINATED FROM TWO LATERAL CLEANOUTS Inside Building or Structure;Lateral Clean Out (Private) SPILL ORIGINATED AT TWO PRIVATE LATERAL CLEANOUTS Building or Structure;Unpaved surface SPILL CONTAINED TO LANDSCAPED AREA 08-AUG-17 PM 08/08/2017 20:15 08/08/2017 20:30 08-AUG-17 PM Grease Deposition (FOG) High Density Residential (5 or more units - Apartments, Condos, etc.) 28 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX Upper Lateral (Private) 6 ABS 25 Cleaned-Up;Mitigated Effects of Spill;Contained all or portion of spill;Property Owner Notified;Other Enforcement Agency Notified 3 3SSO10337 Active 778290 1565 Fountain Avenue 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 35.10059 -120.61994 1565 Fountain Oceano 93445 The system backed up into toilets and bathtubs. Building or structure The system backed up into toilets and bathtubs. Other (specify below) Toilets and bathtubs drained back into the sewer once the floodwaters receded and the hydraulic grade in the sewer system dropped. 19-DEC-10 AM 12/19/2010 10:30 12/19/2010 10:30 19-DEC-10 PM Other (specify below) Influent pump room at the Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks flooded causing catastrophic failure of the pumps. Major storm event and inflow and infiltration caused the collection system to quickly surcharge and spill from manholes throughout the system. Other (specify below) Headworks at Wastewater Treatment Plant. Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10337 Active 778294 1539 Fountain Avenue 800 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 800 0 35.10091 -120.62052 1539 Fountain Oceano 93445 A handicap accessible shower in a residential home. Building or structure The house has handicap accessible shower pans only (no tubs), which are below the rim elevation of the sewer manhole. When the system surcharged, the house had 3¿ of wastewater in it. When the surcharge subsided, all of the wastewater went back down into the shower drain, which is the lowest point in the house. Other (specify below) The wastewater drained back into the sewer once the floodwaters receded and the hydraulic grade in the sewer system dropped. 19-DEC-10 AM 12/19/2010 10:30 12/19/2010 10:30 19-DEC-10 PM Other (specify below) Influent pump room at the Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks flooded causing catastrophic failure of the pumps. Major storm event and inflow and infiltration caused the collection system to quickly surcharge and spill from manholes throughout the system. Other (specify below) Headworks at Wastewater Treatment Plant Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10337 Active 778297 1650 Aloha Place 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 100 0 35.10155 -120.62567 1650 Aloha Oceano 93445 The system backed up into toilets and bathtubs. Building or structure The system backed up into toilets and bathtubs. Other (specify below) Toilets and bathtubs drained back into the sewer once the floodwaters receded and the hydraulic grade in the sewer system dropped. 19-DEC-10 AM 12/19/2010 10:30 12/19/2010 10:30 19-DEC-10 PM Other (specify below) Influent pump room at the Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks flooded causing catastrophic failure of the pumps. Major storm event and inflow and infiltration caused the collection system to quickly surcharge and spill from manholes throughout the system. Other (specify below) Headworks at Wastewater Treatment Plant Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10337 Active 778300 1710 Maui Circle 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 100 0 35.10139 -120.62728 1710 Maui Oceano 93445 The system backed up into toilets and bathtubs in the house. Building or structure The system backed up into toilets and bathtubs in the house. Other (specify below) Toilets and bathtubs drained back into the sewer once the floodwaters receded and the hydraulic grade in the sewer system dropped. 19-DEC-10 AM 12/19/2010 10:30 12/19/2010 10:30 19-DEC-10 PM Other (specify below) Influent pump room at the Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks flooded causing catastrophic failure of the pumps. Major storm event and inflow and infiltration caused the collection system to quickly surcharge and spill from manholes throughout the system. Other (specify below) Headworks at Wastewater Treatment Plant Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10337 Active 778302 547 Security Court 100 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 100 0 35.102 -120.62693 547 Security Oceano 93445 The system backed up into toilets and bathtubs in the house. Building or structure The system backed up into toilets and bathtubs in the house. Other (specify below) Toilets and bathtubs drained back into the sewer once the floodwaters receded and the hydraulic grade in the sewer system dropped. 19-DEC-10 AM 12/19/2010 10:30 12/19/2010 10:30 19-DEC-10 PM Other (specify below) Influent pump room at the Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks flooded causing catastrophic failure of the pumps. Major storm event and inflow and infiltration caused the collection system to quickly surcharge and spill from manholes throughout the system. Other (specify below) Headworks at Wastewater Treatment Plant Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10337 Active 778422 1778 Aloha Place 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 50 0 35.1013 -120.62565 1778 Aloha Oceano 93445 The system backed up into tolites and bathtubs in the house. Building or structure The system backed up into tolites and bathtubs in the house. Other (specify below) Toilets and bathtubs drained back into the sewer once the floodwaters receded and the hydraulic grade in the sewer system dropped. 19-DEC-10 AM 12/19/2010 10:30 12/19/2010 10:30 19-DEC-10 AM Other (specify below) Influent pump room at the Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks flooded causing catastrophic failure of the pumps. Major storm event and inflow and infiltration caused the collection system to quickly surcharge from manholes throughout the system. Other (specify below) Headworks at Wastewater Treatment Plant Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10337 Active 785319 544 Honolulu 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 20 0 35.10203 -120.6264 544 Honolulu Oceano 93445 Shower pan located in residence as reported by property owner from renter on August 17, 2012 apparently caused by December 19, 2010 SSO. Other (specify) Shower pan located in residence as reported by property owner from renter on August 17, 2012 apparently caused by December 19, 2010 SSO. Other (specify below) The final destination of the spill is unknown. 19-DEC-10 AM 12/19/2010 10:30 12/19/2010 10:30 19-DEC-10 PM Other (specify below) Influent pump room at the Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks flooded causing catastrophic failure of the pumps. Major storm event and inflow and infiltration caused the collection system to quickly surcharge and spill from manholes throughout the system. likely that home did not have required backwater valve installed to prevent backflow into structure. Other (specify below) Headworks at Wastewater Treatment Plant. Contained all or portion of spill As part of the due diligence regarding the investigation into the cause and magnitude of the overall SSO of 12/19/10, SSLOCSD contacted residents in the area of flooding (via phone, e-mail and in person, if necessary) in order to interview residents and report any spills, if required. After many attempts to contact all persons who might have been impacted by the flooding, the most recent contact by SSLOCSD was 2/29/12, so that CIWQS entry could be completed in a timely fashion, as requested by SWRCB. The property owner, Ms. Alana Reynolds, contacted SSLOCSD staff later on 08/17/12...nearly 6 months from the most recent contact and nearly 20 months since the incident.Information she provided was based upon discussions with her tenant at the time.The tenant could not be reached for additional questions.SSLOCSD is filing this SSO in CIWQS in order to best document the incident and provide as much information as is currently known.The facts as reported by the land owner could not be independently verified or corroborated by any independent parties. 3 3SSO10340 Active 658078 7257 Eigleberry 75 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 15 0 37.003916 121.568692 7257 Eigleberry Gilroy 95020 dirt Manhole Unpaved surface 25-SEP-08 AM 09/25/2007 11:51 09/25/2007 12:00 25-SEP-07 PM Debris 6 vcp 50 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10340 Active 704809 Church St 250 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 200 50 37.016483 -121.57505 8170 Church Gilroy 95020 Dry creek Building or structure Apartment manager opened wye clean-out Separate storm drain;Unpaved surface Waste water flowed to a dry v-ditch 06-OCT-08 AM 10/06/2008 02:06 10/06/2008 02:45 06-OCT-08 AM Other (specify below) Unknown, we need to TV line Lower Lateral 8 vcp 60 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10340 Active 715531 Broadway 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 50 0 37.014573 121.578459 405 Broadway Gilroy 95020 Pavement Building or structure Other paved surface;Street/curb and gutter 20-MAR-08 AM 03/20/2008 11:00 03/20/2008 11:10 20-MAR-08 AM Other (specify below) From washing ,achine Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system Had resident reattch drain hose for washing machine. 3 3SSO10340 Active 728623 Bank of west 20 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.0147 -121.57233 7865 Monterey Gilroy 95020 Meeting room Building or structure floor drain Other (specify below) On the floor of bank of the west meeting room. 25-OCT-08 AM 10/25/2008 12:30 10/25/2008 01:00 25-OCT-08 AM Debri-General Main 8 vcp 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 3 3SSO10340 Active 728626 Jack in the Box 1 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 1 0 37.0147 -121.57233 7895 Moneterey Gilroy 95020 bathroom Building or structure Other (specify below) floor drain 25-OCT-08 AM 10/25/2008 12:30 10/25/2008 01:00 25-OCT-08 AM Debri-General Main 8 VCP 40 Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Restored flow 3 3SSO10340 Active 735033 Alley behind 7180 Church St 93 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 85 0 37.00082 -121.340816 7180 Church Gilroy 95020 Alley way, gravel and dirt. Other sewer system structure Unpaved surface 13-MAR-09 AM 03/13/2009 03:12 03/13/2009 03:30 13-MAR-09 AM Debri-General Lower Lateral Restored flow;Returned all or portion of spill to sanitary sewer system 3 3SSO10340 Active 758539 Hanna St 90 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 0 37.01074 -121.57556 7730 Hanna St Gilroy 95020 dirt area Building or structure lateral pipe under homeowners house Unpaved surface 07-NOV-10 AM 11/07/2010 09:30 11/07/2010 10:05 07-NOV-10 AM Debri-General Upper Lateral Under house clay pipe broke Contained all or portion of spill;Inspected sewer using CCTV to determine cause 3 3SSO10345 Active 720937 St. Andrews Way. 50 No No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach storm drainpipe 40 0 34.709167 120.475 344 St Andrews Way Lompoc 93436 back yard, master bedroom, bathrooms, cleanout Other (specify) bathrooms, eventually customer's clean out Unpaved surface 09-JUN-08 AM 06/09/2008 15:45 06/09/2008 15:50 09-JUN-08 PM Other (specify below) root cuttings from other home lateral maintenance collected and caused a backup in Districts main, which backedup into customers home and cleanout. Main root cuttings from other home lateral maintenance collected and caused a backup in Districts main, which backedup into customers home and cleanout. 8 clay 48 Restored flow spill occurred on private property. 3 3SSO10345 Active 812381 White Oaks Hotel 500 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 500 34.700325 -120.465528 3955 Apollo Way Lompoc 93436 Private manhole on Northeast corner of White Oaks Hotel property. Manhole Private manhole on Northeast corner of White Oaks Hotel property. Drainage Channel 17-JAN-15 AM 01/17/2015 08:00 01/17/2015 08:30 17-JAN-15 AM Root Intrusion Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Sewage from White Oaks Hotel. Other (specify below) Private gravity mainline 8 Clay 45 Restored flow;Property Owner Notified 3 3SSO10345 Active 816592 White Oaks Hotel 800 Yes No Not Applicable - Spill did not reach a separate storm drainpipe 0 800 34.700325 -120.46552 3955 Apollo Way Lompoc/Vandeberg Village 93436 Private manhole on Northeast corner of White Oaks Hotel property Lower Lateral (Private);Manhole Private manhole on Northeast corner of White Oaks Hotel property Drainage Channel 12-JUL-15 PM 07/14/2015 10:00 07/14/2015 10:00 14-JUL-15 PM Root Intrusion Commercial Property (Office, retail, etc.) Sewage from White Oaks Hotel Other (specify below) Private gravity mainline 8 Clay 45 Restored flow 3 3SSO10347 Historical 715179 AAA/Applebee's Lift Station 200 Yes Yes No 100 100 36.915917 -121.7856 1195 South Green Valley Road Watsonville 95076 Other (specify) Private cleanout Other (specify below) vegetated ditch 21-MAR-08 AM 03/20/2008 14:30 03/20/2008 14:40 20-MAR-08 PM Pump station failure Found power switch in off position Other (specify below) Private personnel responsible for pump station operations left power off. Cleaned-up (mitigated effects of spill);Contained all or portion of spill 3 3SSO10347 Historical 735138 The Pines Apartments 150 Yes Yes No 0 150 36.9149 -121.764103 788 Rodriguez Watsonville 95076 Private sewer lift station Pum