Water Body Name: | San Leandro Bay (part of SF Bay, Lower) |
Water Body ID: | CAB2042004020020930194957 |
Water Body Type: | Bay & Harbor |
6404 |
Region 2 |
San Leandro Bay (part of SF Bay, Lower) |
Pollutant: | Mercury |
Final Listing Decision: | List on 303(d) list (being addressed by USEPA approved TMDL) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2006) |
Revision Status | Revised |
Sources: | Atmospheric Deposition | Industrial Point Sources | Municipal Point Sources | Natural Sources | Nonpoint Source | Resource Extraction |
TMDL Name: | San Francisco Bay Mercury |
TMDL Project Code: | 6 |
Date TMDL Approved by USEPA: | 02/12/2008 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | 303(d) listing decisions made prior to 2006 were not held in an assessment database. The Regional Boards will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed.
A TMDL has been developed and approved by USEPA (2/12/2008) and an approved implementation plan is expected to result in attainment of the standard. This provides a sufficient justification in favor of placing this water segment-pollutant combination in the Water Quality Limited Segments Being Addressed portion of the section 303(d) list. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | Water Board staff conclude that the water body should be placed in the Water Quality Limited Segments Being Addressed category of the section 303(d) list because a TMDL has been approved by USEPA and an approved implementation plan is in place. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
USEPA Action (if applicable): | |
LOE ID: | 3857 | ||||
Pollutant: | Mercury | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | |||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | |||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Unspecified | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Unspecified | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | Unspecified | ||||
QAPP Information: | Unspecified | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
5054 |
Region 2 |
San Leandro Bay (part of SF Bay, Lower) |
Pollutant: | Mercury (sediment) |
Final Listing Decision: | List on 303(d) list (being addressed by USEPA approved TMDL) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2006) |
Revision Status | Revised |
Sources: | Source Unknown |
TMDL Name: | San Francisco Bay Mercury |
TMDL Project Code: | 6 |
Date TMDL Approved by USEPA: | 02/12/2008 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | A Bay-wide Hg TMDL has been developed and approved by USEPA (2/12/2008) and an approved implementation plan is expected to result in attainment of the standard. This provides a sufficient justification in favor of placing this water segment-pollutant combination in the Water Quality Limited Segments Being Addressed portion of the section 303(d) list. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | Water Board staff conclude that the water body should be placed in the Water Quality Limited Segments Being Addressed category of the section 303(d) list because a TMDL has been approved by USEPA and an approved implementation plan is in place. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
USEPA Action (if applicable): | |
LOE ID: | 42 | ||||
Pollutant: | Mercury (sediment) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Sediment | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 7 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Chemical monitoring of sediments | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | None of 7 measurements exceeded the sediment quality guideline. In previous BPTCP analyses the guideline used was much lower than the guideline used in the current analysis (Hunt et al., 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Sediment quality guideline of 2.1 ug/g was used (PTI Environmental Services, 1991). | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was synoptically collected with benthic community and toxicity measurements. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected in April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 40 | ||||
Pollutant: | Sediment Toxicity | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Toxicity | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 7 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 4 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Toxicity testing of sediments | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Significant amphipod toxicity in 4 of 7 tests. Significant sea urchin toxicity in 3 of 7 tests (Hunt et al., 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | BPTCP Reference envelope approach. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was synoptically collected with chemical and toxicity measurements at 7 sampling sites. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected during April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 41 | ||||
Pollutant: | Estuarine Bioassessments | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Population/Community Degradation | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 5 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Benthic macroinvertebrate surveys | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | BPTCP benthic index values were 0.60, 0.60, 0.67, 1.0, and 0.66 (Hunt et al, 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Evaluations of the benthic data were completed using the approaches developed by scientists associated with the BPTCP. The relative benthic index used is a calculated value considering the total fauna, total mollusk species, crustacean species and indicator species at a site. The index ranges from 0 to 1.0. An index value of less than or equal to 0.3 is an indication that pollutants or other factors are negatively impacting the benthic community. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Five stations. Data was synoptically collected with chemical and toxicity measurements. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected in April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
5133 |
Region 2 |
San Leandro Bay (part of SF Bay, Lower) |
Pollutant: | DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) |
Final Listing Decision: | Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2006) |
Revision Status | Original |
Sources: | Source Unknown |
Reason for Delisting: | Applicable WQS attained; reason for recovery unspecified |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for delisting under sections 4.6 and 4.9 of the Listing Policy. Under section 4.6 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status while under section 4.9, a minimum of two lines of evidence are needed to assess listing status.
Three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Based on section 4.6, the site has significant sediment toxicity but it cannot be determined if the pollutant is likely to cause or contribute to any toxic effect. The benthic community is not impacted. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification in favor of removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the section 303(d) list in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. No sediment quality guideline is available that complies with the requirements of section 6.1.3 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 3. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 4. Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | No new data were assessed for 2008. The Regional Board will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
USEPA Action (if applicable): | |
LOE ID: | 47 | ||||
Pollutant: | DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Sediment | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Chemical monitoring of sediments | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Seven measurements ranging in concentrations from 31.26 to 211.23 ppb (Hunt et al., 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | No sediment quality guideline is available that meets the requirements of section 6.1.3 of the Listing Policy. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was synoptically collected with benthic community and toxicity measurements. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected in April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 41 | ||||
Pollutant: | Estuarine Bioassessments | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Population/Community Degradation | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 5 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Benthic macroinvertebrate surveys | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | BPTCP benthic index values were 0.60, 0.60, 0.67, 1.0, and 0.66 (Hunt et al, 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Evaluations of the benthic data were completed using the approaches developed by scientists associated with the BPTCP. The relative benthic index used is a calculated value considering the total fauna, total mollusk species, crustacean species and indicator species at a site. The index ranges from 0 to 1.0. An index value of less than or equal to 0.3 is an indication that pollutants or other factors are negatively impacting the benthic community. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Five stations. Data was synoptically collected with chemical and toxicity measurements. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected in April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 40 | ||||
Pollutant: | Sediment Toxicity | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Toxicity | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 7 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 4 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Toxicity testing of sediments | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Significant amphipod toxicity in 4 of 7 tests. Significant sea urchin toxicity in 3 of 7 tests (Hunt et al., 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | BPTCP Reference envelope approach. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was synoptically collected with chemical and toxicity measurements at 7 sampling sites. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected during April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
5178 |
Region 2 |
San Leandro Bay (part of SF Bay, Lower) |
Pollutant: | Diazinon |
Final Listing Decision: | Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2006) |
Revision Status | Original |
Sources: | Source Unknown |
Reason for Delisting: | Applicable WQS attained; reason for recovery unspecified |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for delisting under sections 4.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 4.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.
Five lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. The basis for listing in 1998 was ambient water toxicity and detections of diazinon in Bay waters. In the current assessment, the evaluation guideline available may not satisfy the requirements of the Listing Policy. Even if the guideline were used, all measurements are much lower than the recommended concentration. Recent measures of toxicity show that ambient water toxicity no longer exists in Bay waters. The RWQCB is also developing a Water Quality Attainment Strategy that calls for preventive actions to keep diazinon from entering the Bay. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification available in favor of removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the section 303(d) list in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The evaluation guideline may not comply with the requirements of section 6.1.3 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 3. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 4. None of samples exceeded the draft guideline and ambient water toxicity in the Bay appears to have disappeared. These frequencies do not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 4.1 of the Listing Policy. 5. Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | No new data were assessed for 2008. The Regional Board will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
USEPA Action (if applicable): | |
LOE ID: | 51 | ||||
Pollutant: | Diazinon | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Narrative Description Data | ||||
Matrix: | -N/A | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | |||||
Number of Exceedances: | |||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Diazinon is one of the pollutants listed for this segment on the 2002 section 303(d) list. The data and information used to assess this pollutant-water segment is subsumed in diazinon listing for San Francisco Bay, Central. The conclusions drawn for San Francisco Bay, Central should be applied to this segment. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | |||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | |||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | |||||
Temporal Representation: | |||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | QA Info Missing | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
5030 |
Region 2 |
San Leandro Bay (part of SF Bay, Lower) |
Pollutant: | Selenium |
Final Listing Decision: | Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2006) |
Revision Status | Original |
Sources: | Source Unknown |
Reason for Delisting: | Applicable WQS attained; reason for recovery unspecified |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for delisting under sections 4.6 and 4.9 of the Listing Policy. Under section 4.6 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status while under section 4.9, a minimum of two lines of evidence are needed to assess listing status.
Three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Based on section 4.6, the site does has significant sediment toxicity but it cannot be determined if selenium (sediment) is likely to cause or contribute to any toxic effect. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification in favor of removing selenium (sediment) from the section 303(d) list from the Water Quality Limited Segments category for this water body. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. No sediment quality guideline is available that complies with the requirements of section 6.1.3 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 3. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 4. Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | No new data were assessed for 2008. The Regional Board will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
USEPA Action (if applicable): | |
LOE ID: | 44 | ||||
Pollutant: | Selenium | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Sediment | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Chemical monitoring of sediments | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Seven measurements ranging in concentrations from 0.528 to 2.830 ppm (Hunt et al., 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | No sediment quality guideline is available that meets the requirements of section 6.1.3 of the Listing Policy. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was synoptically collected with benthic community and toxicity measurements. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected in April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 40 | ||||
Pollutant: | Sediment Toxicity | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Toxicity | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 7 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 4 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Toxicity testing of sediments | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Significant amphipod toxicity in 4 of 7 tests. Significant sea urchin toxicity in 3 of 7 tests (Hunt et al., 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | BPTCP Reference envelope approach. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was synoptically collected with chemical and toxicity measurements at 7 sampling sites. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected during April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 41 | ||||
Pollutant: | Estuarine Bioassessments | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Population/Community Degradation | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 5 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Benthic macroinvertebrate surveys | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | BPTCP benthic index values were 0.60, 0.60, 0.67, 1.0, and 0.66 (Hunt et al, 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Evaluations of the benthic data were completed using the approaches developed by scientists associated with the BPTCP. The relative benthic index used is a calculated value considering the total fauna, total mollusk species, crustacean species and indicator species at a site. The index ranges from 0 to 1.0. An index value of less than or equal to 0.3 is an indication that pollutants or other factors are negatively impacting the benthic community. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Five stations. Data was synoptically collected with chemical and toxicity measurements. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected in April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
5208 |
Region 2 |
San Leandro Bay (part of SF Bay, Lower) |
Pollutant: | Chlordane |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2006) |
Revision Status | Original |
Sources: | Nonpoint Source |
Expected TMDL Completion Date: | 2013 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for removal from the section 303(d) list under sections 4.1, 4.6, and 4.9 of the Listing Policy. Under section 4.6 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status while under section 4.9, a minimum of two lines of evidence are needed to assess listing status.
Four lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Based on section 4.6 the site has significant sediment toxicity and the pollutant is likely to cause or contribute to the toxic effect. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification in favor of placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the section 303(d) list in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The sediment quality guideline used complies with the requirements of section 6.1.3 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 3. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 4. All 7 samples exceeded the sediment guideline, 3 of 7 samples exhibit toxicity. This is not enough information to delist based on Table 4.1 of the Listing Policy. 5. Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | No new data were assessed for 2008. The decision has not changed. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
USEPA Action (if applicable): | USEPA approved the listing of this water body as a water quality limited segment requiring a TMDL for this pollutant. |
LOE ID: | 50 | ||||
Pollutant: | Chlordane | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Sediment | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 7 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 7 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Chemical monitoring of sediments | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Seven of 7 measurements exceed the ERM (Hunt et al., 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Effects Range-Median of 6 ng/g was used (Long and Morgan, 1990). | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was synoptically collected with benthic community and toxicity measurements. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected in April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 41 | ||||
Pollutant: | Estuarine Bioassessments | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Population/Community Degradation | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 5 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Benthic macroinvertebrate surveys | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | BPTCP benthic index values were 0.60, 0.60, 0.67, 1.0, and 0.66 (Hunt et al, 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Evaluations of the benthic data were completed using the approaches developed by scientists associated with the BPTCP. The relative benthic index used is a calculated value considering the total fauna, total mollusk species, crustacean species and indicator species at a site. The index ranges from 0 to 1.0. An index value of less than or equal to 0.3 is an indication that pollutants or other factors are negatively impacting the benthic community. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Five stations. Data was synoptically collected with chemical and toxicity measurements. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected in April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 40 | ||||
Pollutant: | Sediment Toxicity | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Toxicity | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 7 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 4 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Toxicity testing of sediments | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Significant amphipod toxicity in 4 of 7 tests. Significant sea urchin toxicity in 3 of 7 tests (Hunt et al., 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | BPTCP Reference envelope approach. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was synoptically collected with chemical and toxicity measurements at 7 sampling sites. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected during April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 48 | ||||
Pollutant: | Pesticides (sediment) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Narrative Description Data | ||||
Matrix: | -N/A | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The 2002 section 303(d) listing for Pesticides is too general to be reviewed. In the data and information available there are many measurements of pesticides. Only Chlordane and Dieldrin have numeric guidelines. The data for these chemicals are presented in fact sheets. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | |||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | |||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | |||||
Temporal Representation: | |||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | QA Info Missing | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
5207 |
Region 2 |
San Leandro Bay (part of SF Bay, Lower) |
Pollutant: | Dieldrin |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2006) |
Revision Status | Original |
Sources: | Nonpoint Source |
Expected TMDL Completion Date: | 2013 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for removal from the section 303(d) list under sections 4.6 and 4.9 of the Listing Policy. Under section 4.6 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status while under section 4.9, a minimum of two lines of evidence are needed to assess listing status.
Four lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Based on section 4.6 the site has significant sediment toxicity and the pollutant is likely to cause or contribute to the toxic effect. The benthic community is not impacted. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification in favor of placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the section 303(d) list in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The sediment quality guideline used complies with the requirements of section 6.1.3 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 3. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 4. Four of 7 samples exceeded the sediment guideline, 3 of 7 samples exhibit toxicity. This is not enough information to delist this water body for this pollutant. 5. Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | No new data were assessed for 2008. The decision has not changed. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
USEPA Action (if applicable): | USEPA approved the listing of this water body as a water quality limited segment requiring a TMDL for this pollutant. |
LOE ID: | 41 | ||||
Pollutant: | Estuarine Bioassessments | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Population/Community Degradation | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 5 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Benthic macroinvertebrate surveys | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | BPTCP benthic index values were 0.60, 0.60, 0.67, 1.0, and 0.66 (Hunt et al, 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Evaluations of the benthic data were completed using the approaches developed by scientists associated with the BPTCP. The relative benthic index used is a calculated value considering the total fauna, total mollusk species, crustacean species and indicator species at a site. The index ranges from 0 to 1.0. An index value of less than or equal to 0.3 is an indication that pollutants or other factors are negatively impacting the benthic community. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Five stations. Data was synoptically collected with chemical and toxicity measurements. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected in April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 40 | ||||
Pollutant: | Sediment Toxicity | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Toxicity | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 7 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 4 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Toxicity testing of sediments | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Significant amphipod toxicity in 4 of 7 tests. Significant sea urchin toxicity in 3 of 7 tests (Hunt et al., 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | BPTCP Reference envelope approach. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was synoptically collected with chemical and toxicity measurements at 7 sampling sites. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected during April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 49 | ||||
Pollutant: | Dieldrin | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Sediment | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 7 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 4 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Chemical monitoring of sediments | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Four of 7 measurements exceed the ERM (Hunt et al., 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Effects Range-Median of 8 ng/g was used (Long et al., 1995). | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was synoptically collected with benthic community and toxicity measurements. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected in April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 48 | ||||
Pollutant: | Pesticides (sediment) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Narrative Description Data | ||||
Matrix: | -N/A | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The 2002 section 303(d) listing for Pesticides is too general to be reviewed. In the data and information available there are many measurements of pesticides. Only Chlordane and Dieldrin have numeric guidelines. The data for these chemicals are presented in fact sheets. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | |||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | |||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | |||||
Temporal Representation: | |||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | QA Info Missing | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
5029 |
Region 2 |
San Leandro Bay (part of SF Bay, Lower) |
Pollutant: | Lead (sediment) |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2006) |
Revision Status | Original |
Sources: | Source Unknown |
Expected TMDL Completion Date: | 2019 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for removal from the section 303(d) list under sections 4.6 and 4.9 of the Listing Policy. Under section 4.6 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess delisting status while under section 4.9, a minimum of two lines of evidence are needed to assess listing status.
Three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Based on section 4.6, the site has significant sediment toxicity and the pollutant concentration exceeds the sediment guideline. The benthic community is not impacted. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the section 303(d) list in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The sediment quality guideline used complies with the requirements of section 6.1.3 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 3. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 4. Four of 7 samples exceeded the sediment guideline, 3 of 7 samples exhibit toxicity, but the number of samples is insufficient to determine with the confidence and power required by the Listing Policy. 5. Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | No new data were assessed for 2008. The Regional Board will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
USEPA Action (if applicable): | USEPA approved the listing of this water body as a water quality limited segment requiring a TMDL for this pollutant. |
LOE ID: | 41 | ||||
Pollutant: | Estuarine Bioassessments | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Population/Community Degradation | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 5 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Benthic macroinvertebrate surveys | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | BPTCP benthic index values were 0.60, 0.60, 0.67, 1.0, and 0.66 (Hunt et al, 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Evaluations of the benthic data were completed using the approaches developed by scientists associated with the BPTCP. The relative benthic index used is a calculated value considering the total fauna, total mollusk species, crustacean species and indicator species at a site. The index ranges from 0 to 1.0. An index value of less than or equal to 0.3 is an indication that pollutants or other factors are negatively impacting the benthic community. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Five stations. Data was synoptically collected with chemical and toxicity measurements. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected in April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 43 | ||||
Pollutant: | Lead (sediment) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Sediment | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 7 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 4 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Chemical monitoring of sediments | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Four of 7 measurements exceeded the sediment quality guideline (Hunt et al., 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Probable Effects Level of 112.18 ug/g was used (MacDonald et al., 1996). | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was synoptically collected with benthic community and toxicity measurements. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected in April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 40 | ||||
Pollutant: | Sediment Toxicity | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Toxicity | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 7 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 4 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Toxicity testing of sediments | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Significant amphipod toxicity in 4 of 7 tests. Significant sea urchin toxicity in 3 of 7 tests (Hunt et al., 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | BPTCP Reference envelope approach. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was synoptically collected with chemical and toxicity measurements at 7 sampling sites. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected during April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
5177 |
Region 2 |
San Leandro Bay (part of SF Bay, Lower) |
Pollutant: | PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) (sediment) |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2006) |
Revision Status | Original |
Sources: | Source Unknown |
Expected TMDL Completion Date: | 2019 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for removal from the section 303(d) list under sections 4.6 and 4.9 of the Listing Policy. Under section 4.6 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess delisting status while under section 4.9, a minimum of two lines of evidence are needed to assess listing status.
Three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Based on section 4.6, the site has significant sediment toxicity and the pollutant concentration may not exceed the sediment guideline. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is insufficient justification against removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the section 303(d) list in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The sediment quality guideline used complies with the requirements of section 6.1.3 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 3. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 4. Two of 7 samples exceeded the sediment guideline and this does not meet the minimum data required for delisting as presented in Table 4.1 of the Listing Policy. 5. Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | No new data were assessed for 2008. The Regional Board will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
USEPA Action (if applicable): | USEPA approved the listing of this water body as a water quality limited segment requiring a TMDL for this pollutant. |
LOE ID: | 46 | ||||
Pollutant: | PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) (sediment) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Sediment | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 7 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 2 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Chemical monitoring of sediments | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Two of 7 samples exceed the guideline for high molecular weight PAHs (Hunt et al., 1998). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Effects Range-Median for high molecular weight PAHs of 9,600 ng/g was used (Long et al., 1995). Probable Effects Level for low molecular weight PAHs of 1,442 ng/g was used (MacDonald et al., 1996). | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was synoptically collected with benthic community and toxicity measurements. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected in April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 40 | ||||
Pollutant: | Sediment Toxicity | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Toxicity | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 7 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 4 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Toxicity testing of sediments | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Significant amphipod toxicity in 4 of 7 tests. Significant sea urchin toxicity in 3 of 7 tests (Hunt et al., 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | BPTCP Reference envelope approach. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was synoptically collected with chemical and toxicity measurements at 7 sampling sites. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected during April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 41 | ||||
Pollutant: | Estuarine Bioassessments | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Population/Community Degradation | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 5 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Benthic macroinvertebrate surveys | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | BPTCP benthic index values were 0.60, 0.60, 0.67, 1.0, and 0.66 (Hunt et al, 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Evaluations of the benthic data were completed using the approaches developed by scientists associated with the BPTCP. The relative benthic index used is a calculated value considering the total fauna, total mollusk species, crustacean species and indicator species at a site. The index ranges from 0 to 1.0. An index value of less than or equal to 0.3 is an indication that pollutants or other factors are negatively impacting the benthic community. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Five stations. Data was synoptically collected with chemical and toxicity measurements. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected in April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
5082 |
Region 2 |
San Leandro Bay (part of SF Bay, Lower) |
Pollutant: | Zinc (sediment) |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2006) |
Revision Status | Original |
Sources: | Source Unknown |
Expected TMDL Completion Date: | 2019 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for removal from the section 303(d) list under sections 4.6 and 4.9 of the Listing Policy. Under section 4.6 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess delisting status while under section 4.9, a minimum of two lines of evidence are needed to assess listing status.
Three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Based on section 4.6, the site has significant sediment toxicity and the pollutant concentration exceeds the sediment guideline. The benthic community is not impacted. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the section 303(d) list in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The sediment quality guideline used complies with the requirements of section 6.1.3 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 3. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 4. Four of 7 samples exceeded the sediment quality guideline of 410 ug/g, 3 of 7 samples exhibit toxicity, and these exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 4.1. In addition, at least 28 total samples are required before a pollutant can be considered for removal from the 303(d) list using the frequencies presented in table 4.1 of the Listing Policy. The benthic community in this water body is not impacted. 5. Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | No new data were assessed for 2008. The Regional Board will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
USEPA Action (if applicable): | USEPA approved the listing of this water body as a water quality limited segment requiring a TMDL for this pollutant. |
LOE ID: | 40 | ||||
Pollutant: | Sediment Toxicity | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Toxicity | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 7 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 4 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Toxicity testing of sediments | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Significant amphipod toxicity in 4 of 7 tests. Significant sea urchin toxicity in 3 of 7 tests (Hunt et al., 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | BPTCP Reference envelope approach. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was synoptically collected with chemical and toxicity measurements at 7 sampling sites. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected during April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 45 | ||||
Pollutant: | Zinc (sediment) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Sediment | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 7 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 4 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Chemical monitoring of sediments | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Four of 7 measurements exceed the ERM (Hunt et al., 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Effects Range-Median of 410 ug/g was used (Long et al., 1995). | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was synoptically collected with benthic community and toxicity measurements. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected in April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 41 | ||||
Pollutant: | Estuarine Bioassessments | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Population/Community Degradation | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 5 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Benthic macroinvertebrate surveys | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | BPTCP benthic index values were 0.60, 0.60, 0.67, 1.0, and 0.66 (Hunt et al, 1998b). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Evaluations of the benthic data were completed using the approaches developed by scientists associated with the BPTCP. The relative benthic index used is a calculated value considering the total fauna, total mollusk species, crustacean species and indicator species at a site. The index ranges from 0 to 1.0. An index value of less than or equal to 0.3 is an indication that pollutants or other factors are negatively impacting the benthic community. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Five stations. Data was synoptically collected with chemical and toxicity measurements. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected in April 1995 and April 1997. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | BPTCP Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
6401 |
Region 2 |
San Leandro Bay (part of SF Bay, Lower) |
Pollutant: | Dioxin compounds (including 2,3,7,8-TCDD) |
Final Listing Decision: | List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2006) |
Revision Status | Original |
Sources: | Atmospheric Deposition |
Expected TMDL Completion Date: | 2019 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | 303(d) listing decisions made prior to 2006 were not held in an assessment database. The Regional Boards will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | No new data were assessed for 2008. The decision has not changed. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
USEPA Action (if applicable): | USEPA approved the listing of this water body as a water quality limited segment requiring a TMDL for this pollutant. |
LOE ID: | 3854 | ||||
Pollutant: | Dioxin compounds (including 2,3,7,8-TCDD) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Unspecified | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Unspecified | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Unspecified | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Unspecified | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | Unspecified | ||||
QAPP Information: | Unspecified | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
6402 |
Region 2 |
San Leandro Bay (part of SF Bay, Lower) |
Pollutant: | Furan Compounds |
Final Listing Decision: | List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2006) |
Revision Status | Original |
Sources: | Atmospheric Deposition |
Expected TMDL Completion Date: | 2019 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | 303(d) listing decisions made prior to 2006 were not held in an assessment database. The Regional Boards will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | No new data were assessed for 2008. The Regional Board will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
USEPA Action (if applicable): | USEPA approved the listing of this water body as a water quality limited segment requiring a TMDL for this pollutant. |
LOE ID: | 3856 | ||||
Pollutant: | Furan Compounds | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Unspecified | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Unspecified | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Unspecified | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Unspecified | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | Unspecified | ||||
QAPP Information: | Unspecified | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
6403 |
Region 2 |
San Leandro Bay (part of SF Bay, Lower) |
Pollutant: | Invasive Species |
Final Listing Decision: | List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2006) |
Revision Status | Original |
Sources: | Ballast Water |
Expected TMDL Completion Date: | 2019 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | 303(d) listing decisions made prior to 2006 were not held in an assessment database. The Regional Boards will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | No new data were assessed for 2008. The decision has not changed. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
USEPA Action (if applicable): | USEPA approved the listing of this water body as a water quality limited segment requiring a TMDL for this pollutant. |
LOE ID: | 3855 | ||||
Pollutant: | Invasive Species | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Population/Community Degradation | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | |||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | |||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Unspecified | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Unspecified | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | Unspecified | ||||
QAPP Information: | Unspecified | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
6405 |
Region 2 |
San Leandro Bay (part of SF Bay, Lower) |
Pollutant: | Pesticides (sediment) |
Final Listing Decision: | List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2006) |
Revision Status | Original |
Sources: | Source Unknown |
Expected TMDL Completion Date: | 2019 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | 303(d) listing decisions made prior to 2006 were not held in an assessment database. The Regional Boards will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | No new data were assessed for 2008. The Regional Board will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
USEPA Action (if applicable): | USEPA approved the listing of this water body as a water quality limited segment requiring a TMDL for this pollutant. |
LOE ID: | 48 | ||||
Pollutant: | Pesticides (sediment) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Narrative Description Data | ||||
Matrix: | -N/A | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Estuarine Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The 2002 section 303(d) listing for Pesticides is too general to be reviewed. In the data and information available there are many measurements of pesticides. Only Chlordane and Dieldrin have numeric guidelines. The data for these chemicals are presented in fact sheets. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | |||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | |||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | |||||
Temporal Representation: | |||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | QA Info Missing | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||