Final California 2018 Integrated Report (303(d) List/305(b) Report)

Supporting Information

Regional Board 2 - San Francisco Bay Region

Water Body Name: San Antonio Creek (Marin/Sonoma Co)
Water Body ID: CAR2063003019990218113646
Water Body Type: River & Stream
Region 2     
San Antonio Creek (Marin/Sonoma Co)
Pollutant: Arsenic | Chromium (total) | Copper | Lead | Nickel | Selenium | Silver | Zinc
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for listing under sections 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status. One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess these pollutants. Concentrations of arsenic, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, selenium, silver and zinc do not exceed the water quality objectives. Based on the readily available data for this water body, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the section 303(d) list in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. None of the two samples exceeded the the water quality objectives and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. This pollutant is being considered for listing under sections 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status. One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess these pollutants. Concentrations of arsenic, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, selenium, silver and zinc do not exceed the water quality objectives. Based on the readily available data for this water body, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the section 303(d) list in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. None of the two samples exceeded the water quality objectives and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This is a decision previously approved by the State Water Resources Control Board and the USEPA. No new data were assessed by the Regional Board for the current. The decision has not changed.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 88591, Multiple Pollutants
Region 2     
San Antonio Creek (Marin/Sonoma Co)
LOE ID: 30367
Pollutant: Arsenic | Chromium (total) | Copper | Lead | Nickel | Selenium | Silver | Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Three samples were collected by SWAMP from a monitoring location PET010 in San Antonio Creek. Concentrations of arsenic, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, selenium, silver and and zinc did not exceed the water quality objectives.
Concentrations of total dissolved chromium were well below the objective for chromium VI.
Data Reference: Water Quality Monitoring and Bioassessment in Four San Francisco Bay Region Watersheds in 2003-2004: Kirker Creek, Mt. Diablo Creek, Petaluma River, and San Mateo Creek. Surface Water Monitoring Program, San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, Oakland. CA
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Table 3-4 in the Basin Plan (2007) lists freshwater water quality objectives for toxic pollutants: arsenic- 150 ug/L, chromium VI- 11 ug/L, copper - 9.0 ug/L, lead - 2.5 ug/L, nickel - 52 ug/L, selenium - 5 ug/L, silver-3.4 ug/L and zinc - 120 ug/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - San Francisco Bay Region (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Samples were collected from one monitoring location PET010 in the downstream section of San Antonio Creek.
Temporal Representation: Samples were collected on: 01/20/2003 and 04/21/2003.

Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: All samples were collected and analyzed using procedures comparable with the SWAMP Quality Assurance Management Plan (SWRCB 2002).
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Region 2     
San Antonio Creek (Marin/Sonoma Co)
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for listing under sections 3.2 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.2 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status. One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. The water quality objective was exceeded in one out of two samples. Based on the readily available data for this water body, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the section 303(d) list in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. Dissolved oxygen measurements at 1 of 2 continuous deployments were below the Basin Plan objective for waters designated as cold water habitat. The number of exceedances does not meet the requirements listed in Table 3.2 and the sample size is insufficient to determine with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy if standards are not met. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This is a decision previously approved by the State Water Resources Control Board and the USEPA. No new data were assessed by the Regional Board for the current. The decision has not changed.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 88593, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 2     
San Antonio Creek (Marin/Sonoma Co)
LOE ID: 28268
Pollutant: Low Dissolved Oxygen
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water quality assessment was conducted at the San Antonio Creek watershed as part of SWAMP assessment. Continuous field monitoring of temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and specific conductance was conducted to determine temporal variability in basic water quality at one location.

In 1 out of 2 deployments, minimum dissolved oxygen levels fell below the objective of 7 mg/L. The detected concentrations ranged from 1.8 to 12.2 mg/L. The very low dissolved oxygen concentrations were recorded in spring 2003. The median percent saturation also fell below 80 percent during the spring season measurements.
Data Reference: Water Quality Monitoring and Bioassessment in Four San Francisco Bay Region Watersheds in 2003-2004: Kirker Creek, Mt. Diablo Creek, Petaluma River, and San Mateo Creek. Surface Water Monitoring Program, San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, Oakland. CA
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The numeric water quality objective for dissolved oxygen is 7.0 mg/L minimum for waters designated as cold water habitat. The median dissolved oxygen concentration for any three consecutive months shall not be less than 80 percent of the dissolved oxygen content at saturation.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - San Francisco Bay Region (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Dissolved oxygen was measured at one most downstream location at the San Antonio Rd bridge.
Temporal Representation: Dissolved oxygen was measured at 15 minute intervals over 11 and 14 days during spring (April 2003) and winter wet season (January/February 2004) respectively.
Environmental Conditions: The site drains ranches and grazing land, and it was dry in the summer.
QAPP Information: All samples were collected and analyzed using procedures comparable with the SWAMP Quality Assurance Management Plan (SWRCB 2002).
QAPP Information Reference(s): Quality Assurance Management Plan for the State of California's Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program. Sacramento, CA. State Water Resources Control Board. SWAMP. December 2002 (1st version)
Region 2     
San Antonio Creek (Marin/Sonoma Co)
Pollutant: Temperature, water
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for listing under sections 3.2 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.2 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status. One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Temperature measurements do not exceed the water quality objective. Based on the readily available data for this water body, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the section 303(d) list in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. Temperature measurements at 2 continuous deployments do not exceed the 17 oC evaluation guideline used to interpret the water quality objective for waters designated as cold water habitat. The number of exceedances does not meet the requirements listed in Table 3.2 and the sample size is insufficient to determine with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy if standards are not met. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This is a decision previously approved by the State Water Resources Control Board and the USEPA. No new data were assessed by the Regional Board for the current. The decision has not changed.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 68970, Temperature, water
Region 2     
San Antonio Creek (Marin/Sonoma Co)
LOE ID: 28265
Pollutant: Temperature, water
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water quality assessment was conducted at the San Antonio watershed as part of SWAMP study in 2003 and 2004. Continuous field monitoring at 15 minute increments of temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and specific conductance was conducted to determine temporal variability in basic water quality at two locations.

The measured temperatures ranged from 8.61 oC to 17.13 oC and varied with season. The 17 oC criterion for steelhead was not exceeded in two deployments.
Data Reference: Water Quality Monitoring and Bioassessment in Four San Francisco Bay Region Watersheds in 2003-2004: Kirker Creek, Mt. Diablo Creek, Petaluma River, and San Mateo Creek. Surface Water Monitoring Program, San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, Oakland. CA
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Temperature objectives for enclosed bays and estuaries are specified in the Water Quality Control Plan for Control of Temperature in the Coastal and Interstate Waters and Enclosed Bays of California including any revisions to the plan. In addition, the following temperature objectives apply to surface waters: The natural receiving water temperature of intrastate waters shall not be altered unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Regional Water Board that such alteration in temperature does not adversely affect beneficial uses.
The temperature of any cold or warm freshwater habitat shell not be increased by more than 5 oF (2.8 oC) above natural receiving water temperature.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - San Francisco Bay Region (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: Sullivan et al. (2000) reviewed a wide range of studies incorporating information from laboratory-based research, field observations, and risk assessment approaches and developed criteria for assessing temperature risk to aquatic life. The 7-day mean temperature (maximum value of the 7-day moving average of the daily mean temperature) of 14.8 oC was established as the upper threshold criterion for coho salmon and 17.0 oC for steelhead trout. The risk assessment approach used by Sullivan et al. (2000) suggests that temperatures exceeding the above thresholds will cause 10% reduction in average growth compared to optimal conditions.
Guideline Reference: An Analysis of the Effects of Temperature on Salmonids of the Pacific Northwest with Implications for Selecting Temperature Criteria
Spatial Representation: Temperature was measured at one most downstream location at the San Antonio Rd bridge.
Temporal Representation: Temperature was recorded at 15 minute intervals over 11 and 14 days during spring (April 2003) and winter wet season (January/February 2004) respectively.
Environmental Conditions: The site drains ranches and grazing land, and it was dry in the summer.
QAPP Information: All samples were collected and analyzed using procedures comparable with the SWAMP Quality Assurance Management Plan (SWRCB 2002).
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Region 2     
San Antonio Creek (Marin/Sonoma Co)
Pollutant: Toxicity
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for listing under section 3.6 and 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.6 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status. One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess toxicity in San Antonio Creek. One of two water samples exhibited limited toxicity. Based on the readily available data for this water body, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification available against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the section 303(d) list in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data concerning current conditions and supporting the listing decision satisfy the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfy the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. Water toxicity was observed in one of two samples and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy or demonstrate with confidence that standards are not met. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This is a decision previously approved by the State Water Resources Control Board and the USEPA. No new data were assessed by the Regional Board for the current. The decision has not changed.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 88669, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Antonio Creek (Marin/Sonoma Co)
LOE ID: 30365
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Two samples were collected in 2003 to evaluate water toxicity at one monitoring location in San Antonio Creek. The toxicity tests included survival and reproduction of Ceriodaphnia, survival and growth of fathead minnow, and growth of Selenastrum. Ceriodaphnia reproduction was significantly lower than the control in one of two samples (winter wet season sample). Reproduction was 58.5 percent of the control for this sample.
Data Reference: Water Quality Monitoring and Bioassessment in Four San Francisco Bay Region Watersheds in 2003-2004: Kirker Creek, Mt. Diablo Creek, Petaluma River, and San Mateo Creek. Surface Water Monitoring Program, San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, Oakland. CA
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - San Francisco Bay Region (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: Water toxicity was evaluated according to the SWAMP methodology. The U.S.EPA whole effluent toxicity protocol (U.S.EPA 1994) was used to test the effect of water samples on three freshwater test organisms. Statistical evaluation (alpha = 0.05) and a default threshold of 80% of the control value were used to establish whether water exhibited significant toxicity adversely impacting aquatic organisms.
Guideline Reference: Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. EPA/600/4-91/002. Third Edition. July 1994
Guideline Reference: Revised approach to toxicity test acceptability criteria using a statistical performance assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, vol. 16, No. 6, pp 1322¿1329
Spatial Representation: Data were collected at one sampling site, PET010, located near San Antonio Road bridge.
Temporal Representation: SWAMP samples were collected during wet (January) and spring (April) seasons of 2003.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: All samples were collected and analyzed using procedures comparable with the SWAMP Quality Assurance Management Plan (SWRCB, 2002).
QAPP Information Reference(s): Quality Assurance Management Plan for the State of California's Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program. Sacramento, CA. State Water Resources Control Board. SWAMP. December 2002 (1st version)
Region 2     
San Antonio Creek (Marin/Sonoma Co)
Pollutant: pH
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the section 303(d) list under section 3.2 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.2 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status. One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. None of the samples exceed the water quality objective. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the section 303(d) list in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. None of two samples exceeded the water quality objective, but this sample size is insufficient to determine with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy if standards are not met. A minimum of five samples is needed for application of Table 3.2 of the Listing Policy. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This is a decision previously approved by the State Water Resources Control Board and the USEPA. No new data were assessed by the Regional Board for the current. The decision has not changed.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 77167, pH
Region 2     
San Antonio Creek (Marin/Sonoma Co)
LOE ID: 30358
Pollutant: pH
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water quality assessment was conducted in San Antonio Creek as part of SWAMP study in 2003. Continuous field monitoring at 15 minute increments of temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and specific conductance was conducted to determine temporal variability in basic water quality. Continuous monitoring sondes were deployed twice at one monitoring location during spring and winter wet season. The pH ranged from 6.58 to 7.82. The pH did not exceed the maximum or drop below the minimum recommended value for any deployment.
Data Reference: Water Quality Monitoring and Bioassessment in Four San Francisco Bay Region Watersheds in 2003-2004: Kirker Creek, Mt. Diablo Creek, Petaluma River, and San Mateo Creek. Surface Water Monitoring Program, San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, Oakland. CA
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The pH shall not be depressed below 6.5 nor raised above 8.5. This encompasses the pH range usually found in waters within the basin. Controllable water quality factors shall not cause changes greater than 0.5 units in normal ambient pH levels.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - San Francisco Bay Region (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: pH was measured at one site located in the downstream portion of the creek at San Antonio Road Bridge (PET010).
Temporal Representation: In 2003-04 the SWAMP Program performed continuous monitoring of pH at 15 minute intervals from 04/10/2003 to 04/24/2003 (spring season) and from 01/27/2004 to 02/06/2004 (winter wet season).
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: All samples were collected and analyzed using procedures comparable with the SWAMP Quality Assurance Management Plan (SWRCB, 2002).
QAPP Information Reference(s): Quality Assurance Management Plan for the State of California's Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program. Sacramento, CA. State Water Resources Control Board. SWAMP. December 2002 (1st version)
Region 2     
San Antonio Creek (Marin/Sonoma Co)
Pollutant: Diazinon
Final Listing Decision: List on 303(d) list (being addressed by USEPA approved TMDL)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: List on 303(d) list (being addressed by USEPA approved TMDL)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Sources: Urban Runoff/Storm Sewers
TMDL Name: San Francisco Bay Urban Creeks Diazinon
TMDL Project Code: 9
Date TMDL Approved by USEPA: 05/16/2007
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: 303(d) listing decisions made prior to 2006 were not held in an assessment database. The Regional Boards will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed. The USEPA final decision on the 2006 303(d) list was to move this listing to the being addressed by a USEPA approved TMDL portion of the 303(d) list, because the San Francisco Bay Urban Creeks Diazinon TMDL was approved by USEPA on 5/16/07 (USEPA, 2007).
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This is a decision previously approved by the State Water Resources Control Board and the USEPA. No new data were assessed by the Regional Board for the current. The decision has not changed.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 68803, Diazinon
Region 2     
San Antonio Creek (Marin/Sonoma Co)
LOE ID: 1819
Pollutant: Diazinon
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference 2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion:
Objective/Criterion Reference:
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation:
Temporal Representation:
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: QA Info Missing
QAPP Information Reference(s):