Final California 2024 Integrated Report (303(d) List/305(b) Report)

Supporting Information

Regional Board 3 - Central Coast Region

Water Body Name: Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Water Body ID: CAR3080004220100825173121
Water Body Type: River & Stream
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Acenaphthene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This decision was made by SWRCB staff.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113435, Acenaphthene
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 157136
Pollutant: Acenaphthene
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Acenaphthene.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Acenaphthene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 1,200 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Ammonia
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

One line of evidence (LOE) is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant.
The following is a summary of the sample and exceedances for each beneficial use:

Based on LOEs summarizing total ammonia data (‘nitrogen, ammonia’ and ‘nitrogen as ammonia’) zero of the four samples exceed the EPA's Lifetime Health advisory level set to protect municipal and domestic supply uses.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. This sample size is insufficient to determine an applicable beneficial use support rating with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy. In accordance with Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy, a minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported and a minimum of two exceedances is needed to determine if beneficial uses are not supported.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of the samples exceed the water quality objectives and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 129361, Ammonia
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 183722
Pollutant: Nitrogen, ammonia (Total Ammonia)
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Ammonia as N.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: EPA's Lifetime Health advisory level for total ammonia is 30.0 mg/L as stated on page 8 of the 2012 edition of the drinking water standards and health advisories. This Advisory Level is defined as 'the concentration of a chemical in drinking water that is not expected to cause any adverse noncarcinogenic effects for a lifetime of exposure.'
Guideline Reference: 2018 Edition of the Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Anthracene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

One line of evidence (LOE) is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant.

Zero of five water samples exceeded the guideline applied to protect for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use.

This sample size is insufficient to determine an applicable beneficial use support rating with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy. In accordance with Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy, a minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported and a minimum of two exceedances is needed to determine if beneficial uses are not supported.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero samples exceed the evaluation guidelines and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113408, Anthracene
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 157841
Pollutant: Anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Anthracene.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Anthracene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 9,600 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Arsenic
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the Clean Water Act (CWA) section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

A total of one line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. A total of zero of six samples exceed the evaluation guideline for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use. These data are insufficient to determine the applicable beneficial use support rating with the power and confidence required by the Listing Policy.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. A total of zero of six samples exceed the evaluation guideline for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use. This does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113409, Arsenic
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 157943
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 6
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 6 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Arsenic.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The California Maximum Contaminant Level for Arsenic is 10 ug/L.
Guideline Reference: California MCLs - Title 17 and Title 22 documents for 2019 - California Regulations Related to Drinking Water
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Benzo(a)anthracene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113411, Benzo(a)anthracene
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 159070
Pollutant: Benzo(a)anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benz(a)anthracene. Although a total of 5 samples were collected, 5 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Benzo(a)anthracene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.0044 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2013-10-14 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113410, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 159146
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benzo(a)pyrene. Although a total of 5 samples were collected, 5 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Benzo(a)Pyrene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.0044 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2013-10-14 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Benzo[b]fluoranthene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113412, Benzo[b]fluoranthene
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 158846
Pollutant: Benzo[b]fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benzo(b)fluoranthene. Although a total of 5 samples were collected, 5 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Benzo(b)Fluoranthene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.0044 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2013-10-14 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Benzo[k]fluoranthene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113413, Benzo[k]fluoranthene
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 158891
Pollutant: Benzo[k]fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benzo(k)fluoranthene. Although a total of 5 samples were collected, 5 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Benzo(k)Fluoranthene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.0044 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2013-10-14 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Bifenthrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113436, Bifenthrin
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 159126
Pollutant: Bifenthrin
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Bifenthrin. Although a total of 5 samples were collected, 5 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: Aquatic life should not be affected unacceptably if the four-day average concentration of bifenthrin does not exceed 0.0006 ug/L (Fojut et al., 2012).
Guideline Reference: Water quality criteria report for Bifenthrin. Phase III: application of the pesticide water quality criteria methodology.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2013-10-14 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113436, Bifenthrin
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 158962
Pollutant: Bifenthrin
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Bifenthrin. Although a total of 5 samples were collected, 5 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: Aquatic life should not be affected unacceptably if the four-day average concentration of bifenthrin does not exceed 0.0006 ug/L (Fojut et al., 2012).
Guideline Reference: Water quality criteria report for Bifenthrin. Phase III: application of the pesticide water quality criteria methodology.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2013-10-14 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Cadmium
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This decision was made by SWRCB staff.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113414, Cadmium
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 159397
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Cadmium.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: California Toxics Rule (CTR) lists criterion continuous concentrations to protect aquatic life in freshwater. The criterion in freshwater is hardness dependent for each sample and varies based on the ambient hardness during sampling. Section (b)(1) in CTR contains the hardness dependent formula for the metals criterion.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-26 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113414, Cadmium
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 159501
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Cadmium.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The California Maximum Contaminant Level for cadmium is 0.005 mg/L (California Code of Regulations, Title 22).
Guideline Reference: California MCLs - Title 17 and Title 22 documents for 2019 - California Regulations Related to Drinking Water
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-26 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113414, Cadmium
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 159573
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Cadmium.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: California Toxics Rule (CTR) lists criterion continuous concentrations to protect aquatic life in freshwater. The criterion in freshwater is hardness dependent for each sample and varies based on the ambient hardness during sampling. Section (b)(1) in CTR contains the hardness dependent formula for the metals criterion.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-26 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Chlorpyrifos
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113415, Chlorpyrifos
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 161345
Pollutant: Chlorpyrifos
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlorpyrifos. Although a total of 4 samples were collected, 4 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Basin Plan).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The freshwater criterion continuous concentration to protect aquatic organisms is 0.015 ug/L (Siepmann and Finlayson 2000, with minor corrections to significant figures as described in Beaulaurier et al., 2005).
Guideline Reference: Water quality criteria for diazinon and chlorpyrifos. Administrative Report 00-3. Rancho Cordova, CA: Pesticide Investigations Unit, Office of Spills and Response. CA Department of Fish and Game
Guideline Reference: Water quality criteria for diazinon and chlorpyrifos. Administrative Report 00-3. Rancho Cordova, CA: Pesticide Investigations Unit, Office of Spills and Response. CA Department of Fish and Game (with minor corrections to significant figures as described in Beaulaurier et al., 2005).
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2013-10-14 to 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113415, Chlorpyrifos
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 161499
Pollutant: Chlorpyrifos
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlorpyrifos. Although a total of 4 samples were collected, 4 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Basin Plan).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The freshwater criterion continuous concentration to protect aquatic organisms is 0.015 ug/L (Siepmann and Finlayson 2000, with minor corrections to significant figures as described in Beaulaurier et al., 2005).
Guideline Reference: Water quality criteria for diazinon and chlorpyrifos. Administrative Report 00-3. Rancho Cordova, CA: Pesticide Investigations Unit, Office of Spills and Response. CA Department of Fish and Game
Guideline Reference: Water quality criteria for diazinon and chlorpyrifos. Administrative Report 00-3. Rancho Cordova, CA: Pesticide Investigations Unit, Office of Spills and Response. CA Department of Fish and Game (with minor corrections to significant figures as described in Beaulaurier et al., 2005).
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2013-10-14 to 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Chromium
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the Clean Water Act (CWA) section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

A total of one line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. A total of zero of five samples exceed the water quality objective for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use. These data are insufficient to determine the applicable beneficial use support rating with the power and confidence required by the Listing Policy.

After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. A total of zero of five samples exceed the water quality objective for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use. This does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113443, Chromium
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 162088
Pollutant: Chromium
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Chromium.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All inland surface waters, enclosed bays, and estuaries shall not contain concentrations of inorganic chemicals in excess of the maximum contaminant levels for primary drinking water standards specified in California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 15, Sections 64431 and 64433.2.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The California Maximum Contaminant Level for total chromium is 0.05 mg/L (California Code of Regulations, Title 22).
Guideline Reference: California MCLs - Title 17 and Title 22 documents for 2019 - California Regulations Related to Drinking Water
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-26 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Chrysene (C1-C4)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113416, Chrysene (C1-C4)
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 162358
Pollutant: Chrysene (C1-C4)
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chrysene. Although a total of 5 samples were collected, 5 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Chrysene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.0044 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2013-10-14 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Copper
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the Clean Water Act (CWA) section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

A total of three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. A total of zero of four samples exceed the water quality objective for the cold freshwater habitat beneficial use, zero of four samples exceed the water quality objective for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use and zero of four samples exceed the water quality objective for the warm freshwater habitat beneficial use. These data are insufficient to determine the applicable beneficial use support rating with the power and confidence required by the Listing Policy.

After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. A total of zero of four samples exceed the water quality objective for the cold freshwater habitat beneficial use, zero of four samples exceed the water quality objective for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use and zero of four samples exceed the water quality objective for the warm freshwater habitat beneficial use. This does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113417, Copper
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 162810
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Copper.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Copper criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 1.300 mg/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-26 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113417, Copper
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 162450
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Copper.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: California Toxics Rule (CTR) lists criterion continuous concentrations to protect aquatic life in freshwater. The criterion in freshwater is hardness dependent for each sample and varies based on the ambient hardness during sampling. Section (b)(1) in CTR contains the hardness dependent formula for the metals criterion.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-26 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113417, Copper
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 162808
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Copper.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: California Toxics Rule (CTR) lists criterion continuous concentrations to protect aquatic life in freshwater. The criterion in freshwater is hardness dependent for each sample and varies based on the ambient hardness during sampling. Section (b)(1) in CTR contains the hardness dependent formula for the metals criterion.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-26 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Cyfluthrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113440, Cyfluthrin
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 163348
Pollutant: Cyfluthrin
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cyfluthrin. Although a total of 4 samples were collected, 4 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: Aquatic life should not be affected unacceptably if the four-day average concentration of cyfluthrin does not exceed 0.00005 ug/L (0.05 ng/L) more than once every three years on the average (Fojut et al., 2012).
Guideline Reference: Aquatic life water quality criteria derived via the UC Davis method: ll. Pyrethroid insecticides. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 216:51-103.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2014-03-26 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113440, Cyfluthrin
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 163367
Pollutant: Cyfluthrin
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cyfluthrin. Although a total of 4 samples were collected, 4 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: Aquatic life should not be affected unacceptably if the four-day average concentration of cyfluthrin does not exceed 0.00005 ug/L (0.05 ng/L) more than once every three years on the average (Fojut et al., 2012).
Guideline Reference: Aquatic life water quality criteria derived via the UC Davis method: ll. Pyrethroid insecticides. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 216:51-103.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2014-03-26 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Cyhalothrin, Lambda
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113442, Cyhalothrin, Lambda
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 167314
Pollutant: Cyhalothrin, Lambda
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lambda-cyhalothrin. Although a total of 4 samples were collected, 4 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: Aquatic life should not be affected unacceptably if the four-day average concentration of lambda-cyhalothrin does not exceed 0.0005 ug/L (0.5 ng/L) more than once every three years on the average (Fojut et al., 2012).
Guideline Reference: Aquatic life water quality criteria derived via the UC Davis method: ll. Pyrethroid insecticides. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 216:51-103.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2014-03-26 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113442, Cyhalothrin, Lambda
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 167589
Pollutant: Cyhalothrin, Lambda
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lambda-cyhalothrin. Although a total of 4 samples were collected, 4 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: Aquatic life should not be affected unacceptably if the four-day average concentration of lambda-cyhalothrin does not exceed 0.0005 ug/L (0.5 ng/L) more than once every three years on the average (Fojut et al., 2012).
Guideline Reference: Aquatic life water quality criteria derived via the UC Davis method: ll. Pyrethroid insecticides. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 216:51-103.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2014-03-26 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Cypermethrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113437, Cypermethrin
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 163691
Pollutant: Cypermethrin
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cypermethrin. Although a total of 4 samples were collected, 4 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: Aquatic life should not be affected unacceptably if the four-day average concentration of cypermethrin does not exceed 0.0002 ug/L (0.2 ng/L) more than once every three years on the average (Fojut et al. ,2012).
Guideline Reference: Aquatic life water quality criteria derived via the UC Davis method: ll. Pyrethroid insecticides. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 216:51-103.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2014-03-26 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113437, Cypermethrin
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 163692
Pollutant: Cypermethrin
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cypermethrin. Although a total of 4 samples were collected, 4 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: Aquatic life should not be affected unacceptably if the four-day average concentration of cypermethrin does not exceed 0.0002 ug/L (0.2 ng/L) more than once every three years on the average (Fojut et al. ,2012).
Guideline Reference: Aquatic life water quality criteria derived via the UC Davis method: ll. Pyrethroid insecticides. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 216:51-103.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2014-03-26 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Deltamethrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113441, Deltamethrin
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 163803
Pollutant: Deltamethrin
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Deltamethrin. Although a total of 4 samples were collected, 3 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, General Objective Chapter III, Section II.A.2 Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Deltamethrin is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 0.0041 ug/L for a invertebrate (acute).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2014-03-26 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113441, Deltamethrin
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 163637
Pollutant: Deltamethrin
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Deltamethrin. Although a total of 4 samples were collected, 3 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, General Objective Chapter III, Section II.A.2 Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Deltamethrin is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 0.0041 ug/L for a invertebrate (acute).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2014-03-26 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Diazinon
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the section 303(d) List under sections 3.1 and 3.6 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of four water samples exceed the aquatic life evaluation guideline (Finlayson, 2004). This sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is supported using table 3.1.

After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:

1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.

2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.

3. Zero samples exceeded the water quality objectives. This does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113418, Diazinon
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 164004
Pollutant: Diazinon
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Diazinon.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The freshwater chronic value for diazinon is 0.1 ug/L, expressed as a continuous concentration (Finlayson, 2004).
Guideline Reference: Water quality for diazinon. Memorandum to J. Karkoski, Central Valley RWQCB. Rancho Cordova, CA: Pesticide Investigation Unit, CA Department of Fish and Game
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113418, Diazinon
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 163972
Pollutant: Diazinon
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Diazinon.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The freshwater chronic value for diazinon is 0.1 ug/L, expressed as a continuous concentration (Finlayson, 2004).
Guideline Reference: Water quality for diazinon. Memorandum to J. Karkoski, Central Valley RWQCB. Rancho Cordova, CA: Pesticide Investigation Unit, CA Department of Fish and Game
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113419, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 164188
Pollutant: Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dibenz(a,h)anthracene. Although a total of 5 samples were collected, 5 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Dibenzo(a, h)anthracene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.0044 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2013-10-14 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Dyfonate (Fonofos or Fonophos)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This decision was made by SWRCB staff.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113420, Dyfonate (Fonofos or Fonophos)
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 166760
Pollutant: Dyfonate (Fonofos or Fonophos)
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fonofos.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, General Objective Chapter III, Section II.A.2 Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Fonofos is the maximum acceptable toxicant concentration (MATC) of 0.45 ug/L. The MATC is calculated as the geometric mean of the lowest observed effect concentration (LOEC) of 0.64 ug/L and the no observed effect concentration (NOEC) of 0.31 ug/L, as determined in a 21 day toxicity study with the water flea, Daphnia magna. Threshold values (LOEC and NOEC) are from USEPA Office of Pesticide Programs Ecotoxicity database.
Guideline Reference: OPP Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113420, Dyfonate (Fonofos or Fonophos)
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 166796
Pollutant: Dyfonate (Fonofos or Fonophos)
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fonofos.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, General Objective Chapter III, Section II.A.2 Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Fonofos is the maximum acceptable toxicant concentration (MATC) of 0.45 ug/L. The MATC is calculated as the geometric mean of the lowest observed effect concentration (LOEC) of 0.64 ug/L and the no observed effect concentration (NOEC) of 0.31 ug/L, as determined in a 21 day toxicity study with the water flea, Daphnia magna. Threshold values (LOEC and NOEC) are from USEPA Office of Pesticide Programs Ecotoxicity database.
Guideline Reference: OPP Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: The State Water Board’s Water Quality Control Plan for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries of California (the ISWEBE Plan) contains two bacteria water quality objectives applicable to the REC-1 beneficial use, which were adopted on August 7, 2018. Because the salinity level of this waterbody is equal to or less than 1 part per thousand 95 percent or more of the time, the E. coli bacteria objective applies. Therefore, this waterbody is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.3 of the Listing Policy, as applicable, using the E. coli objective.

In accordance with section of the Listing Policy, data should be representative of the critical timing that the pollutant is expected to impact the waterbody. E. coli populations may fluctuate substantially on a daily, seasonal, or yearly basis. Lacking constant inputs, indicator bacteria do not persist in the environment for a long period and effects are of relatively short duration. As a result, the historic levels of E. coli in the waterbody may be a poor indicator of current risks to human health, particularly when more recent data are available to sufficiently assess the water quality standard.

Additionally, water quality conditions in waterbodies may change as a result of management actions that have been implemented to address E. coli. Unrepresentative data may result in incorrectly placing or not placing a water body segment on the CWA section 303(d) List, which could result in the unnecessary expenditure of public resources or missing a human health problem. Historic lines of evidence for data collected prior to 2010 were evaluated pursuant to these considerations and were not used to assess water quality standards attainment because they do not meet the temporal representation requirements of section of the Listing Policy.

All samples are evaluated using the statistical threshold value (STV) water quality objective for water contact recreation (ISWEBE, SWRCB 2019). The water quality objective states that the STV shall not be exceeded by more than 10 percent of the samples collected in a calendar month. Where there are more than one samples collected within any six-week period, a geomean of those samples is calculated and evaluated using the geomean water quality objective for water contact recreation (ISWEBE, SWRCB 2019).

Although three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant, this decision is based upon evaluation of the E. coli data collected since 2010 which are most representative of existing conditions in the waterbody. Zero of the four samples collected since 2010 exceed the STV water quality objective (see LOEs 149771 and 149830) and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.2 of the Listing Policy. No geomeans could be calculated for these data. The data were collected between 2011 and 2016. This sample count of data collected since 2010 is insufficient to determine beneficial use support in accordance with the Listing Policy.

Note, there is one line of evidence summarizing historic data (data collected prior to 2010) compared to the USEPA’s Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria (USEPA, 1986). Zero of the four historic samples exceed the USEPA criteria set to protect for water contact recreation (LOE 18373). These data are not used for making this decision or used in the final use support ratings.

After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero out of the eight samples exceed water quality objective (ISWEBE, SWRCB 2019) for water contact recreation and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.2 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: Although three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant, this decision is based upon evaluation of the E. coli data collected since 2010 which are most representative of existing conditions in the waterbody. Zero of the four samples collected since 2010 exceed the STV water quality objective (see LOEs 149771 and 149830) and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.2 of the Listing Policy. No geomeans could be calculated for these data. The data were collected between 2011 and 2016. This sample count of data collected since 2010 is insufficient to determine beneficial use support in accordance with the Listing Policy.

Note, there is one line of evidence summarizing historic data (data collected prior to 2010) compared to the USEPA’s Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria (USEPA, 1986). Zero of the four historic samples exceed the USEPA criteria set to protect for water contact recreation (LOE 18373). These data are not used for making this decision or used in the final use support ratings.

After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero out of the eight samples exceed water quality objective (ISWEBE, SWRCB 2019) for water contact recreation and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.2 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 125887, Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 18373
Pollutant: Escherichia coli (E. coli)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Water Contact Recreation
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: PATHOGEN MONITORING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Central Coast Regional Board Staff assessed Coastal Watershed Council (Snapshot day monitoring) (R3_Snap) data for Sycamore Canyon Creek to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceed the criterion for Escherichia coli.
Data Reference: Final Data File used for assessment: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Volunteer Monitoring Network Data. 2003-2006
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: USEPA Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria -1986.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria - 1986. EPA440/5-84-002
Evaluation Guideline: Single sample maximum allowable density for E. coli in freshwater is 235 MPN/100mL (as stated in Table 4, page 15)
Guideline Reference: Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria - 1986. EPA440/5-84-002
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for Sycamore Canyon Creek was collected at 1 monitoring site [ 308-SYCAM-31 - Sycamore Canyon]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 5/17/2003-5/6/2006. Coastal Watershed Council Snapshot Day Monitoring is conducted annually.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might effect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: State Board approved QAPP. Multiple errors were identified in data and were flagged or fixed by RB staff (in communication with Project staff) prior to assessment of data.
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 125887, Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 149771
Pollutant: Escherichia coli (E. coli)
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Water Contact Recreation
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: PATHOGEN MONITORING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 4 samples exceeded the Statistical Threshold Value (STV) water quality threshold for E. coli. The STV is based on a 10% exceedance rate that is calculated monthly.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The bacteria water quality objective applicable to all non-saline waters, is a Statistical Threshold Value (STV) of 320 cfu/100 mL. The applicable STV shall not be exceeded by more than 10 percent of the samples collected in a calendar month, calculated in a static manner (ISWEBE 2018).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries Plan. Part 1: Trash Provisions; Part 2: Tribal Subsistence Beneficial Uses and Mercury Provisions; Part 3: Bacteria Provisions and Variance Policy
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site(s), station(s): 303BIG020-REF
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the days of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09 .
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 125887, Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 149830
Pollutant: Escherichia coli (E. coli)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Water Contact Recreation
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: PATHOGEN MONITORING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 4 samples exceeded the Statistical Threshold Value (STV) water quality threshold for E. coli. The STV is based on a 10% exceedance rate that is calculated monthly.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The bacteria water quality objective applicable to all non-saline waters, is a Statistical Threshold Value (STV) of 320 cfu/100 mL. The applicable STV shall not be exceeded by more than 10 percent of the samples collected in a calendar month, calculated in a static manner (ISWEBE 2018).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries Plan. Part 1: Trash Provisions; Part 2: Tribal Subsistence Beneficial Uses and Mercury Provisions; Part 3: Bacteria Provisions and Variance Policy
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site(s), station(s): 308-SYCAM-31
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the days of 2011-05-07 and 2015-05-02 .
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Monterey Bay NMS. 2003. California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP).
QAPP Information Reference(s): California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Esfenvalerate/Fenvalerate
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1, and single line of evidence are necessary to assess listing status.

Four lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of the four water samples exceed the evaluation guideline applied to protect for aquatic life beneficial uses.

A minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is supported and a minimum of two exceedances is needed to determine if beneficial uses are not supported using table 3.1. Therefore, the use support rating is set to 'insufficient information'.

After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of the four water samples exceed the evaluation guideline applied to protect for each aquatic life beneficial use and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to SECTION 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113445, Esfenvalerate/Fenvalerate
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 165737
Pollutant: Esfenvalerate/Fenvalerate
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Esfenvalerate.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, General Objective Chapter III, Section II.A.2 Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Esfenvalerate is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 0.017 ug/L for a invertebrate (acute).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-26 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113445, Esfenvalerate/Fenvalerate
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 165698
Pollutant: Esfenvalerate/Fenvalerate
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Esfenvalerate.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, General Objective Chapter III, Section II.A.2 Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Esfenvalerate is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 0.017 ug/L for a invertebrate (acute).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-26 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Ethion
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This decision was made by SWRCB staff.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113434, Ethion
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 165818
Pollutant: Ethion
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Ethion.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The USEPA expected safe lifetime exposure limit in drinking water for Ethion, calculated using the IRIS Reference Dose, is 3.5 ug/L. This was calculated assuming 70 kg body weight, 2 liters/day water consumption, 20% relative source contribution from drinking water, and 0.0005 mg/kg/day as the reference dose.
Guideline Reference: IRIS Reference Summary (Various Pollutants)
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113434, Ethion
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 165838
Pollutant: Ethion
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Ethion. Although a total of 4 samples were collected, 3 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Ethion is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 0.028 ug/L for invertebrates (acute).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2013-10-14 to 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113434, Ethion
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 165652
Pollutant: Ethion
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Ethion. Although a total of 4 samples were collected, 3 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Ethion is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 0.028 ug/L for invertebrates (acute).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2013-10-14 to 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Ethoprop
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the Clean Water Act (CWA) section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

A total of two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. A total of zero of four samples exceed the water quality objective for the cold freshwater habitat beneficial use and zero of four samples exceed the evaluation guideline for the warm freshwater habitat beneficial use. These data are insufficient to determine the applicable beneficial use support rating with the power and confidence required by the Listing Policy.

After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. A total of zero of four samples exceed the water quality objective for the cold freshwater habitat beneficial use and zero of four samples exceed the evaluation guideline for the warm freshwater habitat beneficial use. This does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113438, Ethoprop
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 166254
Pollutant: Ethoprop
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Ethoprop.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, General Objective Chapter III, Section II.A.2 Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Ethoprop is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 0.8 ug/L for a invertebrate (acute).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113438, Ethoprop
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 165987
Pollutant: Ethoprop
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Ethoprop.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, General Objective Chapter III, Section II.A.2 Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Ethoprop is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 0.8 ug/L for a invertebrate (acute).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Fecal Coliform
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.3 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.3 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of the four samples exceed the water quality objective for non-contact recreation. This sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 26 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is supported and a minimum of five exceedances is needed to determine if beneficial uses are not supported using table 3.2. Therefore, the use support rating is set to 'insufficient information'.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of the four samples exceed the water quality objective for non-contact recreation and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.2 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the CWA section 303(d) List. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 130264, Fecal Coliform
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 149752
Pollutant: Fecal Coliform
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Non-Contact Recreation
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: PATHOGEN MONITORING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Coliform, Fecal. The water quality threshold is based on a 10% exceedance rate that is calculated for a 30-Day peroid.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin objective for non-contact water recreation uses (Section 3.3.2. Objectives for All Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries) states the following: Fecal coliform concentration, based on a minimum of not less than five samples for any 30-day period, shall not exceed a log mean of 2000/100 mL, nor shall more than ten percent of samples collected during any 30-day period exceed 4000/100 mL.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site(s), station(s): 303BIG020-REF
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the days of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09 .
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Fenitrothion
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This decision was made by SWRCB staff.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113439, Fenitrothion
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 166284
Pollutant: Fenitrothion
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fenitrothion.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Fenitrothion is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 0.087 ug/L for an invertebrate (chronic).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113439, Fenitrothion
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 166135
Pollutant: Fenitrothion
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fenitrothion.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Fenitrothion is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 0.087 ug/L for an invertebrate (chronic).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Fenpropathrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1, and single line of evidence are necessary to assess listing status.

Two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of the five water samples exceed the evaluation guideline applied to protect for aquatic life beneficial uses.

A minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is supported and a minimum of two exceedances is needed to determine if beneficial uses are not supported using table 3.1. Therefore, the use support rating is set to 'insufficient information'.

After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of the five water samples exceed the evaluation guideline applied to protect for each aquatic life beneficial use and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to SECTION 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113444, Fenpropathrin
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 166525
Pollutant: Fenpropathrin
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fenpropathrin.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, General Objective Chapter III, Section II.A.2 Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Fenpropathrin is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 0.06 ug/L for a fish (chronic).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113444, Fenpropathrin
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 166018
Pollutant: Fenpropathrin
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fenpropathrin.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, General Objective Chapter III, Section II.A.2 Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Fenpropathrin is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 0.06 ug/L for a fish (chronic).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Fluoranthene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This decision was made by SWRCB staff.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113421, Fluoranthene
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 166615
Pollutant: Fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Fluoranthene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 300 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Fluorene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This decision was made by SWRCB staff.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113422, Fluorene
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 166686
Pollutant: Fluorene
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fluorene.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Fluorene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 1,300 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113423, Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 167542
Pollutant: Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene. Although a total of 5 samples were collected, 5 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Indeno(1, 2, 3-C, D)Pyrene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.0044 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2013-10-14 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Lead
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1. Under section 3.1 at least one line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant.

Zero of the five dissolved lead samples exceed the evaluation guidelines for the aquatic life beneficial uses.

Zero of the five total lead samples exceed the evaluation guideline for the Municipal & Domestic Supply beneficial use.

This sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is supported and a minimum of two exceedances is needed to determine if beneficial uses are not supported using table 3.1. Therefore, the use support rating is set to 'insufficient information.'

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. No samples exceed the evaluation guidelines and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113424, Lead
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 167700
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Lead.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: California Toxics Rule (CTR) lists criterion continuous concentrations to protect aquatic life in freshwater. The criterion in freshwater is hardness dependent for each sample and varies based on the ambient hardness during sampling. Section (b)(1) in CTR contains the hardness dependent formula for the metals criterion.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-26 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113424, Lead
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 233201
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Lead.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All inland surface waters, enclosed bays, and estuaries shall not contain concentrations of organic chemicals in excess of the maximum contaminant levels for primary drinking water standards specified in California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 15, Article 5.5, Section 64444, Table 64444-A.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The California Maximum Contaminant Level for lead is 15 ug/L (California Code of Regulations, Title 22).
Guideline Reference: California MCLs - Title 17 and Title 22 documents for 2019 - California Regulations Related to Drinking Water
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-26 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113424, Lead
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 167973
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Lead.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: California Toxics Rule (CTR) lists criterion continuous concentrations to protect aquatic life in freshwater. The criterion in freshwater is hardness dependent for each sample and varies based on the ambient hardness during sampling. Section (b)(1) in CTR contains the hardness dependent formula for the metals criterion.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-26 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Malathion
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of zero samples exceed the evaluation guideline (Faria et al., 2010) applied to protect aquatic life beneficial uses. In this case, some samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section Zero of four samples exceed the evaluation guideline for drinking water (USEPA drinking water health advisory). These sample sizes are insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported using table 3.1.

After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:

1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.

2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.

3. Zero samples exceeded the evaluation guidelines and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy. These sample sizes are insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.

4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113425, Malathion
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 168473
Pollutant: Malathion
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Malathion.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The USEPA drinking water health advisory for malathion is 500 ug/L.
Guideline Reference: 2018 Edition of the Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113425, Malathion
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 168536
Pollutant: Malathion
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Malathion. Although a total of 4 samples were collected, 4 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: Aquatic life should not be affected unacceptably if the four-day average concentration of malathion does not exceed 0.028 ug/L more than once every three years on the average (Faria et al., 2010).
Guideline Reference: Aquatic life water quality criteria derived via the UC Davis method: l. Organophosphate insecticides. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 216:1-48.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2013-10-14 to 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113425, Malathion
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 168513
Pollutant: Malathion
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Malathion. Although a total of 4 samples were collected, 4 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: Aquatic life should not be affected unacceptably if the four-day average concentration of malathion does not exceed 0.028 ug/L more than once every three years on the average (Faria et al., 2010).
Guideline Reference: Aquatic life water quality criteria derived via the UC Davis method: l. Organophosphate insecticides. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 216:1-48.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2013-10-14 to 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Mercury
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant.

Three LOEs summarize water samples:
- Zero of six water samples exceed the mercury evaluation guideline (National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, EPA 2016), set to protect for aquatic life beneficial uses.
- Zero of six water samples exceed the mercury evaluation guideline (California Toxics Rule, 2000), set to protect for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use.

After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. No water samples exceeded the evaluation guidelines, and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 130774, Mercury
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 168775
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 6
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 6 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Mercury.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Waters shall not contain concentrations of chemical constituents known to be deleterious to fish or wildlife (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The Criterion Continuous Concentration for freshwater aquatic life is 0.77 ug/L (National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, EPA 2016)
Guideline Reference: National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. Current as of 08/03/2016.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 130774, Mercury
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 168878
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 6
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 6 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Mercury.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Waters shall not contain concentrations of chemical constituents known to be deleterious to fish or wildlife (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The Criterion Continuous Concentration for freshwater aquatic life is 0.77 ug/L (National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, EPA 2016)
Guideline Reference: National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. Current as of 08/03/2016.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 130774, Mercury
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 168800
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 6
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 6 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Mercury.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The mercury criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms for mercury is 0.050 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Nickel
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the Clean Water Act (CWA) section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

A total of three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. A total of zero of five samples exceed the water quality objective for the cold freshwater habitat beneficial use, zero of five samples exceed the evaluation guideline for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use and zero of five samples exceed the water quality objective for the warm freshwater habitat beneficial use. These data are insufficient to determine the applicable beneficial use support rating with the power and confidence required by the Listing Policy.

After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. A total of zero of five samples exceed the water quality objective for the cold freshwater habitat beneficial use, zero of five samples exceed the evaluation guideline for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use and zero of five samples exceed the water quality objective for the warm freshwater habitat beneficial use. This does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113426, Nickel
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 170754
Pollutant: Nickel
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Nickel.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: California Toxics Rule (CTR) lists criterion continuous concentrations to protect aquatic life in freshwater. The criterion in freshwater is hardness dependent for each sample and varies based on the ambient hardness during sampling. Section (b)(1) in CTR contains the hardness dependent formula for the metals criterion.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-26 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113426, Nickel
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 170507
Pollutant: Nickel
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Nickel.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Waters shall not contain concentrations of inorganic chemicals in excess of the maximum contaminant levels for primary drinking water standards specified in California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 15, Sections 64431 and 64433.2 (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The maximum contaminant level of nickel in public water systems shall be 0.1 mg/L (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 15, Sections 64431).
Guideline Reference: California MCLs - Title 17 and Title 22 documents for 2019 - California Regulations Related to Drinking Water
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-26 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113426, Nickel
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 170443
Pollutant: Nickel
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Nickel.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: California Toxics Rule (CTR) lists criterion continuous concentrations to protect aquatic life in freshwater. The criterion in freshwater is hardness dependent for each sample and varies based on the ambient hardness during sampling. Section (b)(1) in CTR contains the hardness dependent formula for the metals criterion.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-26 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Nitrate
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Seven lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Lines of evidence for the pollutant name Nitrate and for the pollutant name Nitrogen, Nitrate are combined (same pollutant). Where the fraction is none, not recorded, or total, staff assumed that the fraction is dissolved, based on the analytical method. In these cases, sample and exceedance counts are summed for the purpose of making this decision.

Municipal and Domestic Supply beneficial use: Zero of the 13 nitrate samples exceed this water quality objective. Insufficient information is available to determine a beneficial use support rating for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. A minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported and a minimum of two exceedances is needed to determine if a beneficial use is not supported using Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

There is insufficient information available to make a use support determination for Aquatic Life beneficial uses. Zero of the nine samples exceed the evaluation guideline used to interpret the narrative water quality objective for bio-stimulatory substances (Central Coast Region Technical Report, 2010), there is insufficient supporting data, such as dissolved oxygen or chlorophyll a measurements, to support the conclusion that nitrate contributes to or causes a bio-stimulatory effect in this waterbody. Therefore, the weight of evidence approach cannot be applied in accordance with section 3.11 of the Listing Policy and the use rating is set to insufficient information.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the section 303(d) list in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of the samples exceed the water quality objectives, and this sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported using Table 3.1.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 128209, Nitrate
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 173164
Pollutant: Nitrogen, Nitrate
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed MBNMS Snapshot Day data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Nitrate as N.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Waters shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: Technical approach to develop nutrient numeric endpoints for California, Tetra Tech, June 2006. The Central Coast Region numeric target for maximum nitrate concentration is based on the Tetra Tech NNE (Nutrient Numeric Endpoint) Model and CCAMP data for 193 sites, monitored monthly for at least 1 year between January 1998 and December 2006. The model numeric target for aquatic life habitats in the Central Coast Region is 1.0 mg/L Nitrate as N.
Guideline Reference: Central Coast RegionTechnical Paper: Interpreting Narrative Objectives for Biostimulatory Substances for California Central Coast Waters. This method uses the Technical Approach for Developing California Nutrient Numeric Endpoints.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (308-SYCAM-31)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-07 and 2015-05-02
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Monterey Bay NMS. 2003. California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP).
QAPP Information Reference(s): California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 128209, Nitrate
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 173039
Pollutant: Nitrogen, Nitrate
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Nitrate as N.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All inland surface waters, enclosed bays, and estuaries shall not contain concentrations of inorganic chemicals in excess of the maximum contaminant levels for primary drinking water standards specified in California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 15, Sections 64431 and 64433.2.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The California Maximum Contaminant Level for nitrate (as N) 10.0 mg/L (California Code of Regulations, Title 22).
Guideline Reference: California MCLs - Title 17 and Title 22 documents for 2019 - California Regulations Related to Drinking Water
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 128209, Nitrate
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 173215
Pollutant: Nitrogen, Nitrate
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed MBNMS Snapshot Day data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Nitrate as N.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Waters shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: Technical approach to develop nutrient numeric endpoints for California, Tetra Tech, June 2006. The Central Coast Region numeric target for maximum nitrate concentration is based on the Tetra Tech NNE (Nutrient Numeric Endpoint) Model and CCAMP data for 193 sites, monitored monthly for at least 1 year between January 1998 and December 2006. The model numeric target for aquatic life habitats in the Central Coast Region is 1.0 mg/L Nitrate as N.
Guideline Reference: Central Coast RegionTechnical Paper: Interpreting Narrative Objectives for Biostimulatory Substances for California Central Coast Waters. This method uses the Technical Approach for Developing California Nutrient Numeric Endpoints.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (308-SYCAM-31)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-07 and 2015-05-02
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Monterey Bay NMS. 2003. California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP).
QAPP Information Reference(s): California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 128209, Nitrate
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 173199
Pollutant: Nitrogen, Nitrate
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed MBNMS Snapshot Day data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Nitrate as N.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All inland surface waters, enclosed bays, and estuaries shall not contain concentrations of inorganic chemicals in excess of the maximum contaminant levels for primary drinking water standards specified in California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 15, Sections 64431 and 64433.2.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The California Maximum Contaminant Level for nitrate (as N) 10.0 mg/L (California Code of Regulations, Title 22).
Guideline Reference: California MCLs - Title 17 and Title 22 documents for 2019 - California Regulations Related to Drinking Water
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (308-SYCAM-31)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-07 and 2015-05-02
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Monterey Bay NMS. 2003. California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP).
QAPP Information Reference(s): California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 128209, Nitrate
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 172998
Pollutant: Nitrogen, Nitrate
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Nitrate as N.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Waters shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: Technical approach to develop nutrient numeric endpoints for California, Tetra Tech, June 2006. The Central Coast Region numeric target for maximum nitrate concentration is based on the Tetra Tech NNE (Nutrient Numeric Endpoint) Model and CCAMP data for 193 sites, monitored monthly for at least 1 year between January 1998 and December 2006. The model numeric target for aquatic life habitats in the Central Coast Region is 1.0 mg/L Nitrate as N.
Guideline Reference: Central Coast RegionTechnical Paper: Interpreting Narrative Objectives for Biostimulatory Substances for California Central Coast Waters. This method uses the Technical Approach for Developing California Nutrient Numeric Endpoints.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 128209, Nitrate
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 173158
Pollutant: Nitrogen, Nitrate
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Nitrate as N.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Waters shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: Technical approach to develop nutrient numeric endpoints for California, Tetra Tech, June 2006. The Central Coast Region numeric target for maximum nitrate concentration is based on the Tetra Tech NNE (Nutrient Numeric Endpoint) Model and CCAMP data for 193 sites, monitored monthly for at least 1 year between January 1998 and December 2006. The model numeric target for aquatic life habitats in the Central Coast Region is 1.0 mg/L Nitrate as N.
Guideline Reference: Central Coast RegionTechnical Paper: Interpreting Narrative Objectives for Biostimulatory Substances for California Central Coast Waters. This method uses the Technical Approach for Developing California Nutrient Numeric Endpoints.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 128209, Nitrate
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 18169
Pollutant: Nitrate
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Central Coast Regional Board Staff assessed Coastal Watershed Council (Snapshot day monitoring) (R3_Snap) data for Sycamore Canyon Creek to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceed the criterion for Nitrate as N.
Data Reference: Final Data File used for assessment: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Volunteer Monitoring Network Data. 2003-2006
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin Objective for municipal and domestic supply uses of inland surface waters (Section II.A.2) states the following: waters shall not contain concentrations of chemical constituents in excess of the limits specified in California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Article 4, Chapter 15, Section 64435, Tables 2 and 3 as listed in Table 3-2. The maximum contaminant level listed in Table 3-2 (inorganic and fluoride concentrations not to be exceeded in domestic or municipal supply) for nitrate is 10.0 mg/L (NO3 as N).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - Central Coast Region (Region 3)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Title 22, Division 4, Ch. 15, Article 4, Section 64431, Table 64431-A
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for Sycamore Canyon Creek was collected at 1 monitoring site [ 308-SYCAM-31 - Sycamore Canyon]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 5/17/2003-5/6/2006. Coastal Watershed Council Snapshot Day Monitoring is conducted annually.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might effect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: State Board approved QAPP. Multiple errors were identified in data and were flagged or fixed by RB staff (in communication with Project staff) prior to assessment of data.
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Organophosphate Pesticides
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of four water samples exceeded the aquatic life evaluation guideline for additive effects of chlorpyrifos and diazinon (Bailey et al., 1997).

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of four water samples exceeded the evaluation guideline, and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113427, Organophosphate Pesticides
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 173864
Pollutant: Organophosphate Pesticides
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Organophosphorus Pesticides.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for the protection of aquatic life from the additive effects of the organophophate pesticides chlorpyrifos and diazinon is one toxic unit equivalent. A toxic unit equivalent is equal to the sum of chlorpyrifos and diazinon from a single sample, each having their reported concentration divided their respective evaluation guideline prior to being summed. If this results in a value greater than one, the sample is considered to be in exceedance of the water quality standard. (Bailey et al., 1997).
Guideline Reference: Joint acute toxicity of Diazinon and Chlorpyrifos to Ceriodaphnia dubia.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113427, Organophosphate Pesticides
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 173726
Pollutant: Organophosphate Pesticides
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Organophosphorus Pesticides.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for the protection of aquatic life from the additive effects of the organophophate pesticides chlorpyrifos and diazinon is one toxic unit equivalent. A toxic unit equivalent is equal to the sum of chlorpyrifos and diazinon from a single sample, each having their reported concentration divided their respective evaluation guideline prior to being summed. If this results in a value greater than one, the sample is considered to be in exceedance of the water quality standard. (Bailey et al., 1997).
Guideline Reference: Joint acute toxicity of Diazinon and Chlorpyrifos to Ceriodaphnia dubia.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-02-19
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the section 303(d) List under section 3.2 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.2 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Five lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant.

Two of seven samples exceed the water quality objective for cold freshwater habitat (Basin Plan) and one of three samples exceed the water quality objective for fish spawning (Basin Plan). Zero of seven samples exceed the water quality objective for warm freshwater habitat (Basin Plan). Note that there is no difference between samples fractions ‘dissolved’ and ‘total,’ therefore sample and exceedance counts will be summed for the purpose of this decision.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Two of the seven samples exceed the objective for cold freshwater habitat, one of three samples exceed the objective for fish spawning, and zero of seven samples exceed the objective for warm freshwater habitat. These do not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.2 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113428, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 174030
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed MBNMS Snapshot Day data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 3 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen concentration shall not be reduced below 5.0 mg/l at any time (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (308-SYCAM-31)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-07 and 2013-05-04
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Monterey Bay NMS. 2003. California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP).
QAPP Information Reference(s): California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113428, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 174168
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed MBNMS Snapshot Day data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 3 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen concentration shall not be reduced below 7.0 mg/l at any time (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (308-SYCAM-31)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-07 and 2013-05-04
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Monterey Bay NMS. 2003. California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP).
QAPP Information Reference(s): California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113428, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 174053
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Fish Spawning
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed MBNMS Snapshot Day data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 3 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen concentration shall not be reduced below 7.0 mg/l at any time (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (308-SYCAM-31)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-07 and 2013-05-04
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Monterey Bay NMS. 2003. California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP).
QAPP Information Reference(s): California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113428, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 18235
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Aquatic Life Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Central Coast Regional Board Staff assessed Coastal Watershed Council (Snapshot day monitoring) (R3_Snap) data for Sycamore Canyon Creek to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 4 samples exceed the criterion for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Final Data File used for assessment: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Volunteer Monitoring Network Data. 2003-2006
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, Cold Water Habitat Objective, Chapter III, Section II.A.2 General Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries states the following: The dissolved oxygen concentration shall not be reduced below 7.0 mg/l at any time.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - Central Coast Region (Region 3)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for Sycamore Canyon Creek was collected at 1 monitoring site [ 308-SYCAM-31 - Sycamore Canyon]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 5/17/2003-5/6/2006. Coastal Watershed Council Snapshot Day Monitoring is conducted annually.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might effect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: State Board approved QAPP. Multiple errors were identified in data and were flagged or fixed by RB staff (in communication with Project staff) prior to assessment of data.
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113428, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 18236
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Aquatic Life Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Central Coast Regional Board Staff assessed Coastal Watershed Council (Snapshot day monitoring) (R3_Snap) data for Sycamore Canyon Creek to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceed the criterion for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Final Data File used for assessment: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Volunteer Monitoring Network Data. 2003-2006
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, General Objective, Chapter III, Section II.A.2 General Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries states the following: For waters not mentioned by a specific beneficial use, dissolved oxygen concentration shall not be reduced below 5.0 mg/l at any time.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - Central Coast Region (Region 3)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for Sycamore Canyon Creek was collected at 1 monitoring site [ 308-SYCAM-31 - Sycamore Canyon]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 5/17/2003-5/6/2006. Coastal Watershed Council Snapshot Day Monitoring is conducted annually.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might effect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: State Board approved QAPP. Multiple errors were identified in data and were flagged or fixed by RB staff (in communication with Project staff) prior to assessment of data.
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Permethrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113446, Permethrin
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 176802
Pollutant: Permethrin
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Permethrin. Although a total of 5 samples were collected, 5 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: Aquatic life should not be affected unacceptably if the four-day average concentration of permethrin does not exceed 0.002 ug/L (2 ng/L) more than once every three years on the average (Fojut et al., 2012).
Guideline Reference: Aquatic life water quality criteria derived via the UC Davis method: ll. Pyrethroid insecticides. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 216:51-103.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2013-10-14 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113446, Permethrin
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 176872
Pollutant: Permethrin
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Permethrin. Although a total of 5 samples were collected, 5 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall reach concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: Aquatic life should not be affected unacceptably if the four-day average concentration of permethrin does not exceed 0.002 ug/L (2 ng/L) more than once every three years on the average (Fojut et al., 2012).
Guideline Reference: Aquatic life water quality criteria derived via the UC Davis method: ll. Pyrethroid insecticides. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 216:51-103.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2013-10-14 to 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Pyrene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This decision was made by SWRCB staff.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113430, Pyrene
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 180991
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Pyrene.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Pyrene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 960 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Selenium
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This decision was made by SWRCB staff.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113431, Selenium
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 180948
Pollutant: Selenium
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Selenium.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All inland surface waters, enclosed bays, and estuaries shall not contain concentrations of inorganic chemicals in excess of the maximum contaminant levels for primary drinking water standards specified in California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 15, Sections 64431 and 64433.2.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The California Maximum Contaminant Level for selenium is 0.05 mg/L (California Code of Regulations, Title 22).
Guideline Reference: California MCLs - Title 17 and Title 22 documents for 2019 - California Regulations Related to Drinking Water
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2015-02-07 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113431, Selenium
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 180839
Pollutant: Selenium
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Selenium.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The criterion continuous concentration to protect aquatic life in freshwater is 0.005 mg/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2015-02-07 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113431, Selenium
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 180788
Pollutant: Selenium
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Selenium.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The criterion continuous concentration to protect aquatic life in freshwater is 0.005 mg/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2015-02-07 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Silver
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This decision was made by SWRCB staff.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113432, Silver
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 181383
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 3 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Silver.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: California Toxics Rule (CTR) lists criterion maximum concentrations to protect aquatic life in freshwater. The criterion in freshwater is hardness dependent for each sample and varies based on the ambient hardness during sampling. Section (b)(1) in CTR contains the hardness dependent formula for the metals criterion.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2015-02-07 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113432, Silver
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 181225
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 3 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Silver.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: California Toxics Rule (CTR) lists criterion maximum concentrations to protect aquatic life in freshwater. The criterion in freshwater is hardness dependent for each sample and varies based on the ambient hardness during sampling. Section (b)(1) in CTR contains the hardness dependent formula for the metals criterion.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2015-02-07 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Temperature, water
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the Clean Water Act (CWA) section 303(d) List under section 3.2 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.2 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

A total of two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. A total of zero of seven samples exceed the evaluation guideline (Moyle 1976) applied to protect the cold freshwater habitat beneficial use. The readily available data and information are insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.

After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. A total of zero of seven samples exceed the evaluation guideline applied to protect the cold freshwater habitat beneficial use and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.2 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 126237, Temperature, water
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 18801
Pollutant: Temperature, water
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Aquatic Life Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Central Coast Regional Board Staff assessed Coastal Watershed Council (Snapshot day monitoring) (R3_Snap) data for Sycamore Canyon Creek to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceed the criterion for Water Temperature.
Data Reference: Final Data File used for assessment: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Volunteer Monitoring Network Data. 2003-2006
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Natural receiving water temperature of intrastate waters shall not be altered unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Regional Board that such alteration in temperature does not adversely affect beneficial uses (General Objective in Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, Chapter III, Section II.A.2 Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - Central Coast Region (Region 3)
Evaluation Guideline: Inland Fishes of California (Moyle 1976) states that for rainbow trout the optimum range for growth and completion of most life stages is 13-21 degrees C (page 129).
Guideline Reference: Inland Fishes of California
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for Sycamore Canyon Creek was collected at 1 monitoring site [ 308-SYCAM-31 - Sycamore Canyon]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 5/17/2003-5/6/2006. Coastal Watershed Council Snapshot Day Monitoring is conducted annually.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might effect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: State Board approved QAPP. Multiple errors were identified in data and were flagged or fixed by RB staff (in communication with Project staff) prior to assessment of data.
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 126237, Temperature, water
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 216728
Pollutant: Temperature, water
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed MBNMS Snapshot Day data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 3 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Temperature.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Natural receiving water temperature of intrastate waters shall not be altered unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Regional Board that such alteration in temperature does not adversely affect beneficial uses (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The optimum range for growth and completion of most life stages of rainbow trout is 13-21 degrees Celsius (Moyle 1976).
Guideline Reference: Inland Fishes of California
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (308-SYCAM-31)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-07 and 2013-05-04
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Monterey Bay NMS. 2003. California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP).
QAPP Information Reference(s): California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Urea
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This decision was made by SWRCB staff.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113407, Urea
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 183228
Pollutant: Urea
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Urea.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, General Objective Chapter III, Section II.A.2 Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Urea is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 11,500 ug/L for a nonvascular plant (acute) for Urea sulfate.
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113407, Urea
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 156410
Pollutant: Urea
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Urea.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, General Objective Chapter III, Section II.A.2 Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Urea is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 11,500 ug/L for a nonvascular plant (acute) for Urea sulfate.
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-10-14 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: Zinc
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the Clean Water Act (CWA) section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

A total of two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. A total of zero of two samples exceed the water quality objective for the cold freshwater habitat beneficial use and zero of two samples exceed the water quality objective for the warm freshwater habitat beneficial use. These data are insufficient to determine the applicable beneficial use support rating with the power and confidence required by the Listing Policy.

After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. A total of zero of two samples exceed the water quality objective for the cold freshwater habitat beneficial use and zero of two samples exceed the water quality objective for the warm freshwater habitat beneficial use. This does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113433, Zinc
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 182751
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 2 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Zinc.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: California Toxics Rule (CTR) lists criterion continuous concentrations to protect aquatic life in freshwater. The criterion in freshwater is hardness dependent for each sample and varies based on the ambient hardness during sampling. Section (b)(1) in CTR contains the hardness dependent formula for the metals criterion.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2015-02-07 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113433, Zinc
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 182833
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Ancillary Line of Evidence
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 2 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Zinc.
Data Reference: Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: California Toxics Rule (CTR) lists criterion continuous concentrations to protect aquatic life in freshwater. The criterion in freshwater is hardness dependent for each sample and varies based on the ambient hardness during sampling. Section (b)(1) in CTR contains the hardness dependent formula for the metals criterion.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (303BIG020-REF)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2015-02-07 and 2016-03-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: No QAPP Received. Data will be assessed as ancillary evidence.
QAPP Information Reference(s): The data included in this LOE does not have a QAPP, but was collected after the QAPP requirements had been developed, and thus was assessed as an ancillary line of evidence.
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
Pollutant: pH
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the section 303(d) List under section 3.2 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.2 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Ten lines of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of the 7 samples exceed the maximum pH water quality objective for Municipal and Domestic Supply, Contact and Non-contact Recreation beneficial uses. Two of the 7 samples exceed the maximum pH water quality objective for Cold and Warm Freshwater Habitat. This sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 26 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is supported and a minimum of five exceedances is needed to determine if beneficial uses are not supported using Table 3.2 of the Listing Policy. Therefore, the use support rating is set to 'insufficient information'.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.
This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of the 7 samples exceed the maximum pH water quality objective for Municipal and Domestic Supply, Contact and Non-contact Recreation beneficial uses, 2 of the 7 samples exceed the maximum pH water quality objective for Cold and Warm Freshwater Habitat and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.2 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) List. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113429, pH
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 18966
Pollutant: pH
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Non-Contact Recreation
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Central Coast Regional Board Staff assessed Coastal Watershed Council (Snapshot day monitoring) (R3_Snap) data for Sycamore Canyon Creek to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceed the criterion for pH.
Data Reference: Final Data File used for assessment: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Volunteer Monitoring Network Data. 2003-2006
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin objective for non-contact water recreation uses (Section II.A.2. Objectives for All Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries, II.A.2.a) states the following: pH value shall neither be depressed below 6.5 nor raised above 8.3.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - Central Coast Region (Region 3)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for Sycamore Canyon Creek was collected at 1 monitoring site [ 308-SYCAM-31 - Sycamore Canyon]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 5/17/2003-5/6/2006. Coastal Watershed Council Snapshot Day Monitoring is conducted annually.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might effect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: State Board approved QAPP. Multiple errors were identified in data and were flagged or fixed by RB staff (in communication with Project staff) prior to assessment of data.
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113429, pH
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 18967
Pollutant: pH
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Aquatic Life Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Central Coast Regional Board Staff assessed Coastal Watershed Council (Snapshot day monitoring) (R3_Snap) data for Sycamore Canyon Creek to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceed the criterion for pH.
Data Reference: Final Data File used for assessment: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Volunteer Monitoring Network Data. 2003-2006
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, General Objective, Chapter III, Section II.A.2 General Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries states the following: For waters not mentioned by a specific beneficial use, the pH value shall not be depressed below 7.0 or raised above 8.5.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - Central Coast Region (Region 3)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for Sycamore Canyon Creek was collected at 1 monitoring site [ 308-SYCAM-31 - Sycamore Canyon]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 5/17/2003-5/6/2006. Coastal Watershed Council Snapshot Day Monitoring is conducted annually.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might effect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: State Board approved QAPP. Multiple errors were identified in data and were flagged or fixed by RB staff (in communication with Project staff) prior to assessment of data.
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113429, pH
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 18965
Pollutant: pH
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Water Contact Recreation
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Central Coast Regional Board Staff assessed Coastal Watershed Council (Snapshot day monitoring) (R3_Snap) data for Sycamore Canyon Creek to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceed the criterion for pH.
Data Reference: Final Data File used for assessment: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Volunteer Monitoring Network Data. 2003-2006
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin objective for water contact recreation uses (Section II.A.2. Objectives for All Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries, II.A.2.a) states the following: pH value shall neither be depressed below 6.5 nor raised above 8.3.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - Central Coast Region (Region 3)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for Sycamore Canyon Creek was collected at 1 monitoring site [ 308-SYCAM-31 - Sycamore Canyon]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 5/17/2003-5/6/2006. Coastal Watershed Council Snapshot Day Monitoring is conducted annually.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might effect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: State Board approved QAPP. Multiple errors were identified in data and were flagged or fixed by RB staff (in communication with Project staff) prior to assessment of data.
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113429, pH
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 177034
Pollutant: pH
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed MBNMS Snapshot Day data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 3 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for pH.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin objective for municipal and domestic supply (Section 3.3.2 Objectives for All Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries) states that the pH value shall neither be depressed below 6.5 nor raised above 8.3.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (308-SYCAM-31)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-07 and 2013-05-04
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Monterey Bay NMS. 2003. California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP).
QAPP Information Reference(s): California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113429, pH
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 176876
Pollutant: pH
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 2
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed MBNMS Snapshot Day data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 2 of 3 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for pH.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin objective for cold fresh water habitat (Section 3.3.2 Objectives for All Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries) states that the pH value shall neither be depressed below 7.0 nor raised above 8.5.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (308-SYCAM-31)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-07 and 2013-05-04
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Monterey Bay NMS. 2003. California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP).
QAPP Information Reference(s): California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113429, pH
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 177477
Pollutant: pH
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Water Contact Recreation
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed MBNMS Snapshot Day data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 3 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for pH.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin objective for water contact recreation (Section 3.3.2 Objectives for All Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries) states that the pH value shall neither be depressed below 6.5 nor raised above 8.3.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (308-SYCAM-31)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-07 and 2013-05-04
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Monterey Bay NMS. 2003. California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP).
QAPP Information Reference(s): California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113429, pH
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 178453
Pollutant: pH
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Warm Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 2
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed MBNMS Snapshot Day data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 2 of 3 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for pH.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin objective for warm fresh water habitat (Section 3.3.2 Objectives for All Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries) states that the pH value shall neither be depressed below 7.0 nor raised above 8.5.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (308-SYCAM-31)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-07 and 2013-05-04
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Monterey Bay NMS. 2003. California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP).
QAPP Information Reference(s): California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113429, pH
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 18964
Pollutant: pH
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Central Coast Regional Board Staff assessed Coastal Watershed Council (Snapshot day monitoring) (R3_Snap) data for Sycamore Canyon Creek to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceed the criterion for pH.
Data Reference: Final Data File used for assessment: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Volunteer Monitoring Network Data. 2003-2006
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, Section II.A.2. Municipal and Domestic Supply Objectives, Section II.A.2.a states the following: The pH value shall neither be depressed below 6.5 or raised above 8.3.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - Central Coast Region (Region 3)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for Sycamore Canyon Creek was collected at 1 monitoring site [ 308-SYCAM-31 - Sycamore Canyon]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 5/17/2003-5/6/2006. Coastal Watershed Council Snapshot Day Monitoring is conducted annually.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might effect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: State Board approved QAPP. Multiple errors were identified in data and were flagged or fixed by RB staff (in communication with Project staff) prior to assessment of data.
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113429, pH
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 18963
Pollutant: pH
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Aquatic Life Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Central Coast Regional Board Staff assessed Coastal Watershed Council (Snapshot day monitoring) (R3_Snap) data for Sycamore Canyon Creek to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceed the criterion for pH.
Data Reference: Final Data File used for assessment: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Volunteer Monitoring Network Data. 2003-2006
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, General Objective, Chapter III, Section II.A.2 General Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries states the following: For waters not mentioned by a specific beneficial use, the pH value shall not be depressed below 7.0 or raised above 8.5.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - Central Coast Region (Region 3)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for Sycamore Canyon Creek was collected at 1 monitoring site [ 308-SYCAM-31 - Sycamore Canyon]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 5/17/2003-5/6/2006. Coastal Watershed Council Snapshot Day Monitoring is conducted annually.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might effect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: State Board approved QAPP. Multiple errors were identified in data and were flagged or fixed by RB staff (in communication with Project staff) prior to assessment of data.
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 113429, pH
Region 3     
Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County)
LOE ID: 176938
Pollutant: pH
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Non-Contact Recreation
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed MBNMS Snapshot Day data for Sycamore Canyon Creek (Monterey County) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 3 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for pH.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 3.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin objective for non-contact water recreation (Section 3.3.2 Objectives for All Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries) states that the pH value shall neither be depressed below 6.5 nor raised above 8.3.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (308-SYCAM-31)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-07 and 2013-05-04
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Monterey Bay NMS. 2003. California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP).
QAPP Information Reference(s): California Coast Wide Snapshot Day 2003 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)