Final California 2024 Integrated Report (303(d) List/305(b) Report)

Supporting Information

Regional Board 5 - Central Valley Region

Water Body Name: Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Water Body ID: CAR5440000020160531038944
Water Body Type: River & Stream
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 119987, 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid)
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 188822
Pollutant: 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid, 2,4-.
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid) is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 299.2 ug/L for a vascular plant (acute).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-18 and 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 119987, 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid)
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 188845
Pollutant: 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid, 2,4-.
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for 2, 4-D incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.07 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-18 and 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: Bifenthrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 119991, Bifenthrin
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 186762
Pollutant: Bifenthrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Bifenthrin. Although a total of 1 samples were collected, 1 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall be present in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: The chronic concentration goal for Bifenthrin is 0.1 ng/L (expressed as a 4-day average).  If the freely dissolved concentrations of Bifenthrin were reported or could be calculated then these values were used for this assessment.  In the absence of freely dissolved concentrations, total concentrations were used.
Guideline Reference: Water Quality Criteria Report for Bifenthrin
Guideline Reference: Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Pyrethroid Pesticide Discharges
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2014-03-18 to 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: Carbaryl
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 119985, Carbaryl
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 187015
Pollutant: Carbaryl
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Carbaryl.
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall be present in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: The USEPA recommended water quality criteria for freshwater aquatic life for carbaryl is 2.1 µg/L.
Guideline Reference: National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. Current as of 08/03/2016.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-18 and 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: Cyfluthrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 119995, Cyfluthrin
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 187750
Pollutant: Cyfluthrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cyfluthrin. Although a total of 1 samples were collected, 1 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall be present in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: The chronic concentration goal for Cyfluthrin is 0.2 ng/L (expressed as a 4-day average).  If the freely dissolved concentrations of Cyfluthrin were reported or could be calculated then these values were used for this assessment.  In the absence of freely dissolved concentrations, total concentrations were used.
Guideline Reference: Water Quality Criteria Report for Bifenthrin
Guideline Reference: Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Pyrethroid Pesticide Discharges
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2014-03-18 to 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: Cyhalothrin, Lambda
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 119997, Cyhalothrin, Lambda
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 190945
Pollutant: Cyhalothrin, Lambda
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lambda-cyhalothrin. Although a total of 1 samples were collected, 1 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall be present in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: The chronic concentration goal for Lambda-cyhalothrin is 0.3 ng/L (expressed as a 4-day average).  If the freely dissolved concentrations of Lambda-cyhalothrin were reported or could be calculated then these values were used for this assessment.  In the absence of freely dissolved concentrations, total concentrations were used.
Guideline Reference: Water Quality Criteria Report for Lambda-cyhalothrin
Guideline Reference: Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Pyrethroid Pesticide Discharges
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2014-03-18 to 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: Cypermethrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 119992, Cypermethrin
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 188149
Pollutant: Cypermethrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cypermethrin. Although a total of 1 samples were collected, 1 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall be present in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: The chronic concentration goal for Cypermethrin is 0.3 ng/L (expressed as a 4-day average).  If the freely dissolved concentrations of Cypermethrin were reported or could be calculated then these values were used for this assessment.  In the absence of freely dissolved concentrations, total concentrations were used.
Guideline Reference: Water Quality Criteria Report for Cypermethrin
Guideline Reference: Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Pyrethroid Pesticide Discharges
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2014-03-18 to 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: Deltamethrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 119996, Deltamethrin
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 188323
Pollutant: Deltamethrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Deltamethrin. Although a total of 1 samples were collected, 1 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Deltamethrin is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 0.0041 ug/L for a invertebrate (acute).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2014-03-18 to 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: Diuron
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 119986, Diuron
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 189093
Pollutant: Diuron
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Diuron.
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall be present in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: Aquatic life should not be affected unacceptably if the 4-day average concentration of diuron does not exceed 1.3 ug/L (UC Davis Aquatic Life Criteria).
Guideline Reference: Aquatic life water quality criteria derived via the UC Davis method: III. Diuron. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 216:105-141.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-18 and 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: Esfenvalerate/Fenvalerate
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 119999, Esfenvalerate/Fenvalerate
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 189916
Pollutant: Esfenvalerate/Fenvalerate
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Esfenvalerate. Although a total of 1 samples were collected, 1 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall be present in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: The chronic concentration goal for Esfenvalerate is 0.3 ng/L (expressed as a 4-day average).  If the freely dissolved concentrations of Esfenvalerate were reported or could be calculated then these values were used for this assessment.  In the absence of freely dissolved concentrations, total concentrations were used.
Guideline Reference: Water Quality Criteria Report for Esfenvalerate
Guideline Reference: Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Pyrethroid Pesticide Discharges
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2014-03-18 to 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: Fenpropathrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 119998, Fenpropathrin
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 189827
Pollutant: Fenpropathrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fenpropathrin.
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Fenpropathrin is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 0.06 ug/L for a fish (chronic).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-18 and 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: Fipronil
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 119989, Fipronil
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 189752
Pollutant: Fipronil
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fipronil.
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall be present in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Fipronil is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 0.011 ug/L for chronic toxicity in invertebrates (7 day average).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-18 and 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: Fipronil Desulfinyl
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 119984, Fipronil Desulfinyl
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 189772
Pollutant: Fipronil Desulfinyl
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fipronil Desulfinyl.
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Fipronil degradate Fipronil desulfinyl is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 0.54 ug/L for a fish (chronic).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-18 and 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: Fipronil Sulfone
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 120000, Fipronil Sulfone
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 189931
Pollutant: Fipronil Sulfone
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fipronil Sulfone.
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall be present in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Fipronil sulfone is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 0.037 ug/L for chronic toxicity in invertebrates (7 day average).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-18 and 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: Imidacloprid
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 119990, Imidacloprid
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 190834
Pollutant: Imidacloprid
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Imidacloprid. Although a total of 1 samples were collected, 1 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: Aquatic life should not be affected unacceptably if the 4-day average concentration of Imidacloprid does not exceed 0.016 ug/L. (UC Davis Water Quality Criteria)
Guideline Reference: Water Quality Criteria Report for Imidacloprid Phase III: Application of the pesticide water quality criteria methodology. Department of Environmental Toxicology. University of California, Davis
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2014-03-18 to 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: Pendimethalin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 119994, Pendimethalin
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 192930
Pollutant: Pendimethalin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Pendimethalin.
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Pendimethalin is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 5.2 ug/L for a nonvascular plant (acute).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-18 and 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: Permethrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 130428, Permethrin
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 193014
Pollutant: Permethrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Permethrin. Although a total of 1 samples were collected, 1 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall be present in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: The chronic concentration goal for Permethrin is 1 ng/L (expressed as a 4-day average).  If the freely dissolved concentrations of Permethrin were reported or could be calculated then these values were used for this assessment.  In the absence of freely dissolved concentrations, total concentrations were used.
Guideline Reference: Water Quality Criteria Report for Permethrin
Guideline Reference: Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Pyrethroid Pesticide Discharges
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2014-03-18 to 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: Pyrethroids
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 119988, Pyrethroids
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 193109
Pollutant: Pyrethroids
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Pyrethroids. Although a total of 1 samples were collected, 1 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall be present in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: The summed ratios of the pyrethroid pesticides bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, cypermethrin, esfenvalerate, lambda-cyhalothrin, permethrin and their respective chronic concentration goals are not to exceed 1. If the freely dissolved concentrations of these pesticides were reported or could be calculated then these values were used for this assessment.  In the absence of freely dissolved concentrations, total concentrations were used.
Guideline Reference: Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Pyrethroid Pesticide Discharges
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2014-03-18 to 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
Pollutant: Triclopyr
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 119993, Triclopyr
Region 5     
Contra Costa Canal Spillway
LOE ID: 193816
Pollutant: Triclopyr
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Cold Freshwater Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Surface Water Monitoring Project data for Contra Costa Canal Spillway to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Triclopyr.
Data Reference: Sediment, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for Triclopyr is the USEPA Aquatic Life Benchmark of 26 ug/L for a fish (chronic) for Triclopyr Butoxyethyl Ester (BEE).
Guideline Reference: OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (Contra Costa 56)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-03-18 and 2014-03-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Department of Pesticide Regulation
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.