Water Body Name: | Oakland Inner Harbor |
Water Body ID: | CAB2042004020170118033180 |
Water Body Type: | Bay & Harbor |
151578 |
Region 2 |
Oakland Inner Harbor |
Pollutant: | Indicator Bacteria |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018) |
Revision Status | Revised |
Sources: | A Source Unknown |
Expected TMDL Completion Date: | 2037 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.3 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.3 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status. Two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. twenty-one of twenty-five samples exceed the enterococcus geometric mean objective. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification for placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfy the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used do satisfy the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. However, there are concerns about the representativeness of the data. The sites selected during this study were not intended to represent spatially or temporally the water quality in this water body as it reasonably relates to REC1. The sites were not selected based on whether one would expect REC1 to occur at those locations (e.g. beach or swimming areas). Rather, the sites were selected because one would expect to find elevated levels of indicator bacteria near storm drain outfalls in Oakland Inner Harbor where swimming or bathing water contact recreation would be rare and limited. 3. Twenty-one of twenty-five samples exceed the enterococcus single sample maximum objective and this does exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.2 of the Listing Policy. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. 5. Despite the lack of spatial representation described above, staff recommend listing. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are exceeded and a pollutant contributes to or causes the problem. There was no QAPP associated with these data. There are concerns that the data used may not satisfy the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. The sites selected during this study were not intended to represent spatially or temporally the water quality in this water body as it reasonably relates to REC1. The sites were not selected based on whether one would expect REC1 to occur at those locations (e.g. beach or swimming areas). Rather, the sites were selected because one would expect to find elevated levels of indicator bacteria near storm drain outfalls in Oakland Inner Harbor where swimming or bathing water contact recreation would be rare and limited. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 95950 | ||||
Pollutant: | Enterococcus | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Water Contact Recreation | ||||
Number of Samples: | 25 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 21 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Twenty-one of the 25 samples exceeded the geomean objective for enterococcus. The number of exceedances at each of the sites was approximately the same. Approximately the same number of exceedances during winter and summer months | ||||
Data Reference: | Data for bacteria and temperature in San Francisco Bay | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Geometric mean: The enterococcus concentration shall not exceed 35/100 ml. Basin Plan Region 2. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected from Union Point, Executive Inn and Jack London. These sites are within the vicinity of three storm drain outfalls to the Oakland Inner Harbor, which is part of Lower San Francisco Bay. These sites appear to be chosen not to represent water quality related to REC1 in this water body as a whole, but rather the study targeted locations (storm drain outfalls) where one would expect to find elevated levels of indicator bacteria. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected from July 2008 to March 2010. Samples were collected approximately once a week during the summer months of June-September 2008 and 2009 and during the winter months February-March 2009 and 2010. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | This data was collected under the Baykeepers Oakland Storm Drain Monitoring Project. No QAPP was provided but working data sheet and SOP is provided. Follows protocol provided by USEPA. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Data for bacteria and temperature in San Francisco Bay | ||||
LOE ID: | 95949 | ||||
Pollutant: | Enterococcus | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Water Contact Recreation | ||||
Number of Samples: | 25 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 21 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Twenty-one of the 25 samples exceeded the geomean objective for enterococcus. The number of exceedances at each of the sites was approximately the same. Approximately the same number of exceedances during winter and summer months | ||||
Data Reference: | Data for bacteria and temperature in San Francisco Bay | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Geometric mean: The enterococcus concentration shall not exceed 35/100 ml. Basin Plan Region 2. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected from Union Point, Executive Inn and Jack London. These sites are within the vicinity of three storm drain outfalls to the Oakland Inner Harbor, which is part of Lower San Francisco Bay. Samples were collected from Union Point, Executive Inn and Jack London. These sites are within the vicinity of three storm drain outfalls to the Oakland Inner Harbor, which is part of Lower San Francisco Bay. These sites appear to be chosen not to represent water quality related to REC1 in this water body as a whole, but rather the study targeted locations (storm drain outfalls) where one would expect to find elevated levels of indicator bacteria. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected from July 2008 to March 2010. Samples were collected approximately once a week during the summer months of June-September 2008 and 2009 and during the winter months February-March 2009 and 2010. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | This data was collected under the Baykeepers Oakland Storm Drain Monitoring Project. No QAPP was provided but working data sheet and SOP is provided. Follows protocol provided by USEPA. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Data for bacteria and temperature in San Francisco Bay | ||||