Final California 2024 Integrated Report (303(d) List/305(b) Report)

Supporting Information

Regional Board 5 - Central Valley Region

Water Body Name: Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Water Body ID: CAR5411000020221208042537
Water Body Type: River & Stream
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: 1, 1-dichloroethane
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152934, 1, 1-dichloroethane
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311264
Pollutant: 1, 1-dichloroethane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dichloroethane, 1,1-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for 1, 1-Dichloroethane incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.005 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: 1, 2-Dibromoethane
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152933, 1, 2-Dibromoethane
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311263
Pollutant: 1, 2-Dibromoethane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dibromoethane, 1,2-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for ethylene dibromide (EDB) incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.00005 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152966, 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311327
Pollutant: 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.200 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152959, 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311318
Pollutant: 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The 1, 1, 2, 2-Tetrachloroethane criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.17 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152967, 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311328
Pollutant: 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Trichloroethane, 1,1,2-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The 1, 1, 2-Trichloroethane criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.60 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: 1,1-Dichloroethylene (DCE)/ Vinylidene Chloride
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152936, 1,1-Dichloroethylene (DCE)/ Vinylidene Chloride
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311266
Pollutant: 1,1-Dichloroethylene (DCE)/ Vinylidene Chloride
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dichloroethylene, 1,1-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The 1, 1-Dichloroethylene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.057 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152965, 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311326
Pollutant: 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Maximum Contaminant Level for 1, 2, 4-Trichlorobenzene incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.005 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152942, 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311275
Pollutant: 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dibromo-3-Chloropropane, 1,2-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for 1, 2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane(DBCP) incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.20 ug/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: 1,2-Dichloroethane
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152935, 1,2-Dichloroethane
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311265
Pollutant: 1,2-Dichloroethane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dichloroethane, 1,2-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The 1, 2-Dichloroethane criterion for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.38 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: 1,2-Dichloroethylene,-trans
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152938, 1,2-Dichloroethylene,-trans
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311270
Pollutant: 1,2-Dichloroethylene,-trans
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dichloroethylene, trans 1,2-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Maximum Contaminant Level for 1, 2-trans-dichlorethylene incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.01 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: 1,2-Dichloropropane
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152940, 1,2-Dichloropropane
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311272
Pollutant: 1,2-Dichloropropane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dichloropropane, 1,2-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The 1, 2-Dichloropropane criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.52 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: 1,3-Dichloropropene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152941, 1,3-Dichloropropene
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311273
Pollutant: 1,3-Dichloropropene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dichloropropene, 1,3-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for 1, 3-Dichloropropene incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.0005 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: 2,4,5-TP (Silvex)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152969, 2,4,5-TP (Silvex)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311330
Pollutant: 2,4,5-TP (Silvex)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 12
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 12 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Trichlorophenoxy)propionic Acid, 2-(2,4,5-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for 2, 4, 5-TP(Silvex) incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.05 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152939, 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311271
Pollutant: 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 12
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 12 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid, 2,4-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for 2, 4-D incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.07 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Alachlor
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152922, Alachlor
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311237
Pollutant: Alachlor
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Alachlor.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for alachlor incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.002 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Aldicarb
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152886, Aldicarb
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311238
Pollutant: Aldicarb
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Aldicarb.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Maximum Contaminant Level for aldicarb incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 3 ug/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152886, Aldicarb
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311195
Pollutant: Aldicarb
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 10
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 10 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Aldicarb.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Maximum Contaminant Level for aldicarb incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 3 ug/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Aldicarb sulfone
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152920, Aldicarb sulfone
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311234
Pollutant: Aldicarb sulfone
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Aldicarb Sulfone.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Maximum Contaminant Level for aldicarb sulfone incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 3 ug/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Aldicarb sulfoxide
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152921, Aldicarb sulfoxide
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311235
Pollutant: Aldicarb sulfoxide
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Aldicarb Sulfoxide.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Maximum Contaminant Level for aldicarb sulfoxide incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 4 ug/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Aldrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152887, Aldrin
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311236
Pollutant: Aldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Aldrin.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Aldrin criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.00013 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152887, Aldrin
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311196
Pollutant: Aldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Aldrin. Although a total of 10 samples were collected, 10 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Aldrin criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.00013 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2010-12-20 to 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Aluminum
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

One line of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant for Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN). Zero of 19 samples, reported as a dissolved concentration, exceed the water quality objective for MUN. The Basin Plan establishes an appropriate method for assessing data according to secondary MCLs, which includes evaluating whole water concentrations after a sample is filtered. In the absence of results from properly filtered samples, only the dissolved fraction will be used to determine impairment until this method is fully implemented. Whole water concentrations, or data with an unreported fraction, were not considered in this assessment.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of 19 samples, reported as a dissolved concentration, exceed the water quality objective for MUN and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152923, Aluminum
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311240
Pollutant: Aluminum
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 54
Number of Exceedances: 12
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 12 of 54 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Aluminum.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for aluminum incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.2 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-17 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152923, Aluminum
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311239
Pollutant: Aluminum
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 19
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 19 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Aluminum.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for aluminum incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.2 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-04-15 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Antimony
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152926, Antimony
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311246
Pollutant: Antimony
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 54
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 54 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Antimony.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for antimony incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.006 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-17 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152926, Antimony
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311249
Pollutant: Antimony
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 62
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 62 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Antimony.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for antimony incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.006 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Arsenic
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152888, Arsenic
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311197
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 12
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 12 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Arsenic.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for arsenic incorporated by reference in the Basin Plan is 0.010 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152888, Arsenic
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311244
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 62
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 62 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Arsenic.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for arsenic incorporated by reference in the Basin Plan is 0.010 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152888, Arsenic
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311248
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 54
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 54 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Arsenic.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for arsenic incorporated by reference in the Basin Plan is 0.010 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-17 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Atrazine
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152889, Atrazine
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311242
Pollutant: Atrazine
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Atrazine.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for atrazine incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.001 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152889, Atrazine
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311198
Pollutant: Atrazine
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 21
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 21 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Atrazine.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for atrazine incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.001 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Barium
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152924, Barium
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311241
Pollutant: Barium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 54
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 54 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Barium.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for barium incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 1 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-17 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152924, Barium
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311243
Pollutant: Barium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 19
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 19 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Barium.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for barium incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 1 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-04-15 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Benzene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152925, Benzene
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311245
Pollutant: Benzene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benzene.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for Benzene incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.001 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Beryllium
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152927, Beryllium
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311250
Pollutant: Beryllium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 54
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 54 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Beryllium.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for beryllium incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.004 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-17 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152927, Beryllium
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311247
Pollutant: Beryllium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 62
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 62 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Beryllium.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for beryllium incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.004 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Boron
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152890, Boron
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311199
Pollutant: Boron
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Agricultural Supply
Number of Samples: 84
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 84 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Boron.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Waters shall not contain chemical constituents in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: Water Quality for Agriculture, published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1985, contains criteria protective of various agricultural uses of water, including irrigation of various types of crops and stock watering. At or below the limits presented in the Water Quality Goals tables, agricultural uses of water should not be limited. These criteria were used to translate narrative water quality objectives for chemical constituents that prohibit chemicals in concentrations that would impair agricultural uses of water. The criteria for boron is 700 ug/L (0.7 mg/L).
Guideline Reference: Water Quality for Agriculture, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 29, Rev 1, Rome (1985)
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-16 and 2018-02-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152890, Boron
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311253
Pollutant: Boron
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Agricultural Supply
Number of Samples: 62
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 62 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Boron.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Waters shall not contain chemical constituents in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: Water Quality for Agriculture, published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1985, contains criteria protective of various agricultural uses of water, including irrigation of various types of crops and stock watering. At or below the limits presented in the Water Quality Goals tables, agricultural uses of water should not be limited. These criteria were used to translate narrative water quality objectives for chemical constituents that prohibit chemicals in concentrations that would impair agricultural uses of water. The criteria for boron is 700 ug/L (0.7 mg/L).
Guideline Reference: Water Quality for Agriculture, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 29, Rev 1, Rome (1985)
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Cadmium
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152891, Cadmium
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311200
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 12
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 12 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Cadmium.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for cadmium incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.005 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152891, Cadmium
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311201
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Cadmium.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for cadmium incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.005 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152891, Cadmium
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311251
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 19
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 19 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Cadmium.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for cadmium incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.005 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-04-15 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152891, Cadmium
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311252
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 54
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 54 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Cadmium.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for cadmium incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.005 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-17 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Carbofuran
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards for the pollutant are not exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152892, Carbofuran
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311257
Pollutant: Carbofuran
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Carbofuran.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for Carbofuran incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.018 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152892, Carbofuran
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311202
Pollutant: Carbofuran
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 10
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 10 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Carbofuran.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for Carbofuran incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.018 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Carbon tetrachloride
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152931, Carbon tetrachloride
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311258
Pollutant: Carbon tetrachloride
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Carbon Tetrachloride.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The carbon tetrachloride criterion for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.25 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Chlordane
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152893, Chlordane
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311260
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Chlordane.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Chlordane criterion for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.00057 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152893, Chlordane
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311203
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlordane. Although a total of 10 samples were collected, 10 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Chlordane criterion for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.00057 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2010-12-20 to 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Chloride
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.2 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for conventional or other pollutants (Table 3.2 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152928, Chloride
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311261
Pollutant: Chloride
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 31
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 31 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Chloride.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for chloride incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 250 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-B9C74701355)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-15 and 2012-07-31
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152928, Chloride
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311254
Pollutant: Chloride
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 62
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 62 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Chloride.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for chloride incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 250 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Chlorobenzene (mono)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152930, Chlorobenzene (mono)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311256
Pollutant: Chlorobenzene (mono)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Chlorobenzene.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for chlorobenzene incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.07 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Chromium
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollution
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152929, Chromium
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311255
Pollutant: Chromium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 54
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 54 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Chromium.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for total chromium incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.05 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-17 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152929, Chromium
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311259
Pollutant: Chromium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 62
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 62 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Chromium.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for total chromium incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.05 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Copper
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollution
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152894, Copper
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311267
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 54
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 54 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Copper.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for copper incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 1.0 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-17 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152894, Copper
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311205
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 84
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 84 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Copper.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for copper incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 1.0 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-16 and 2018-02-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152894, Copper
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311204
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 84
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 84 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Copper.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for copper incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 1.0 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-16 and 2018-02-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152894, Copper
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311268
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 62
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 62 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Copper.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for copper incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 1.0 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: DDD (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152895, DDD (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311206
Pollutant: DDD (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for DDD(p,p'). Although a total of 10 samples were collected, 10 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The DDD(p,p) criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.00059 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2010-12-20 to 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152896, DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311207
Pollutant: DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for DDE(p,p'). Although a total of 10 samples were collected, 10 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The DDE(p,p) criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.00059 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2010-12-20 to 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152897, DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311208
Pollutant: DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for DDT(p,p'). Although a total of 10 samples were collected, 10 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The DDT(p,p) criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.00059 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2010-12-20 to 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Dichloromethane
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152950, Dichloromethane
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311296
Pollutant: Dichloromethane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Methylene Chloride.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Dichloromethane criterion for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 4.7 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Dieldrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152898, Dieldrin
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311274
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dieldrin.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Dieldrin criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.00014 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152898, Dieldrin
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311209
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dieldrin. Although a total of 10 samples were collected, 10 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Dieldrin criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.00014 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2010-12-20 to 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Dinoseb
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152932, Dinoseb
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311262
Pollutant: Dinoseb
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 12
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 12 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dinoseb.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for Dinoseb incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.007 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Endosulfan sulfate
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152900, Endosulfan sulfate
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311284
Pollutant: Endosulfan sulfate
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Endosulfan Sulfate.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The endosulfan sulfate criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 110 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152900, Endosulfan sulfate
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311211
Pollutant: Endosulfan sulfate
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 10
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 10 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Endosulfan Sulfate.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The endosulfan sulfate criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 110 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Endrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152902, Endrin
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311213
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 10
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 10 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Endrin.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Endrin criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.76 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152902, Endrin
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311285
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Endrin.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Endrin criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.76 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Endrin aldehyde
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152947, Endrin aldehyde
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311289
Pollutant: Endrin aldehyde
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Endrin Aldehyde.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Endrin Aldehyde criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.76 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Ethylbenzene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152943, Ethylbenzene
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311276
Pollutant: Ethylbenzene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Ethylbenzene.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for Ethylbenzene incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.3 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Glyphosate
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152946, Glyphosate
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311286
Pollutant: Glyphosate
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Glyphosate.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for Glyphosate incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.7 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Heptachlor
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152906, Heptachlor
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311217
Pollutant: Heptachlor
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Heptachlor. Although a total of 10 samples were collected, 10 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Heptachlor criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.00021 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2010-12-20 to 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152906, Heptachlor
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311279
Pollutant: Heptachlor
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Heptachlor.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Heptachlor criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.00021 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Heptachlor epoxide
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152907, Heptachlor epoxide
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311280
Pollutant: Heptachlor epoxide
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Heptachlor Epoxide.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Heptachlor Epoxide criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.0001 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152907, Heptachlor epoxide
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311218
Pollutant: Heptachlor epoxide
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Heptachlor Epoxide. Although a total of 10 samples were collected, 10 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Heptachlor Epoxide criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.0001 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2010-12-20 to 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Hexachlorobutadiene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152945, Hexachlorobutadiene
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311281
Pollutant: Hexachlorobutadiene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Hexachlorobutadiene.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Hexachlorobutadiene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.44 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), alpha
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152904, Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), alpha
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311287
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), alpha
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for HCH, alpha-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The alpha-HCH (alpha-BHC) criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of water and organisms is 0.0039 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152904, Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), alpha
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311215
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), alpha
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for HCH, alpha-. Although a total of 10 samples were collected, 10 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The alpha-HCH (alpha-BHC) criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of water and organisms is 0.0039 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2010-12-20 to 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), beta
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152905, Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), beta
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311216
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), beta
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 10
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 10 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for HCH, beta-.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The BHC, beta criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.014 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152905, Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), beta
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311290
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), beta
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for HCH, beta-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The BHC, beta criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.014 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Indicator Bacteria
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.2 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.2 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant for Water Contact Recreation. Two of the 84 samples exceed the objective, expressed as a statistical threshold value, for the protection of the Water Contact Recreation use.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Two of the 84 samples exceed the objective, expressed as a statistical threshold value, for the protection of the Water Contact Recreation use and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.2 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152919, Indicator Bacteria
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311233
Pollutant: Escherichia coli (E. coli)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Water Contact Recreation
Number of Samples: 84
Number of Exceedances: 2
Data and Information Type: PATHOGEN MONITORING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 2 of the 84 samples exceeded the Statistical Threshold Value (STV) water quality threshold for E. coli. The STV is based on a 10% exceedance rate that is calculated monthly.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The bacteria water quality objective applicable to all waters, except Lake Tahoe, where the salinity is less than 10 parts per thousand (ppth) 95 percent or more of the time is a STATISTICAL THRESHOLD VALUE (STV) of 320 cfu/100 mL not to be exceeded more than 10 percent of the time (calculated monthly).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries Plan. Part 1: Trash Provisions; Part 2: Tribal Subsistence Beneficial Uses and Mercury Provisions; Part 3: Bacteria Provisions and Variance Policy
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site(s), station(s): 541XDMCDP
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the days of 2010-09-16 and 2018-02-13 .
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Iron
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

There are two LOEs associated to this decision. Zero of 62 water samples, reported as a dissolved concentration, exceed the water quality objective for the Municipal and Domestic Supply use. The Basin Plan establishes an appropriate method for assessing data according to secondary MCLs, which includes evaluating whole water concentrations after a sample is filtered. In the absence of results from properly filtered samples, only the dissolved fraction will be used to determine impairment until this method is fully implemented. Whole water concentrations, or data with an unreported fraction, were not considered in this assessment.
Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of 62 water samples, reported as a dissolved concentration, exceed the water quality objective for the Municipal and Domestic Supply use and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152944, Iron
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311277
Pollutant: Iron
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 54
Number of Exceedances: 17
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 17 of 54 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Iron.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for iron incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.3 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-17 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152944, Iron
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311288
Pollutant: Iron
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 62
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 62 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Iron.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for iron incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.3 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Lead
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollution
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

There are two LOEs associated to this decision. Zero of 75 water samples, reported as a dissolved concentration, and zero of 67 water samples, reported as a total concentration, exceed the water quality objective for the Municipal and Domestic Supply use.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of 75 water samples, reported as a dissolved concentration, exceed the water quality objective for the Municipal and Domestic Supply use and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152908, Lead
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311291
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 54
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 54 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Lead.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, Central Valley Region Sacramento River Basin and San Joaquin River Basin: At a minimum, water designated for use as MUN shall not contain lead in excess of 0.015 mg/l.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-17 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152908, Lead
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311220
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Lead.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, Central Valley Region Sacramento River Basin and San Joaquin River Basin: At a minimum, water designated for use as MUN shall not contain lead in excess of 0.015 mg/l.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152908, Lead
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311219
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Lead.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, Central Valley Region Sacramento River Basin and San Joaquin River Basin: At a minimum, water designated for use as MUN shall not contain lead in excess of 0.015 mg/l.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152908, Lead
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311292
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 62
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 62 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Lead.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, Central Valley Region Sacramento River Basin and San Joaquin River Basin: At a minimum, water designated for use as MUN shall not contain lead in excess of 0.015 mg/l.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152903, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311278
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for HCH, gamma-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The BHC, gamma(Lindane) criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.019 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152903, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311214
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 10
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 10 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for HCH, gamma-.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The BHC, gamma(Lindane) criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.019 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Manganese
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant for Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN). Zero of 62 water samples, reported as a dissolved concentration, exceed the water quality objective for the Municipal and Domestic Supply use. The Basin Plan establishes an appropriate method for assessing data according to secondary MCLs, which includes evaluating whole water concentrations after a sample is filtered. In the absence of results from properly filtered samples, only the dissolved fraction will be used to determine impairment until this method is fully implemented. Whole water concentrations, or data with an unreported fraction, were not considered in this assessment.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of 62 water samples, reported as a dissolved concentration, exceed the water quality objective for the Municipal and Domestic Supply use and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152948, Manganese
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311294
Pollutant: Manganese
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 62
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 62 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Manganese.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for manganese incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.05 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152948, Manganese
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311293
Pollutant: Manganese
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 54
Number of Exceedances: 11
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 11 of 54 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Manganese.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for manganese incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.05 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-17 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Mercury
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152952, Mercury
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311298
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 18
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 18 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Mercury.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The mercury criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.050 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-04-15 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Methoxychlor
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152909, Methoxychlor
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311221
Pollutant: Methoxychlor
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 10
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 10 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Methoxychlor.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for Methoxychlor incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.03 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152909, Methoxychlor
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311299
Pollutant: Methoxychlor
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Methoxychlor.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for Methoxychlor incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.03 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152949, Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311295
Pollutant: Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Methyl Tert-butyl Ether.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for MTBE incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.005 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Molinate
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152951, Molinate
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311297
Pollutant: Molinate
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Molinate.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for Molinate incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.02 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Nickel
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination.

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards for the pollutant are not exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152910, Nickel
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311222
Pollutant: Nickel
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 84
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 84 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Nickel.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for nickel incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.1 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-16 and 2018-02-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152910, Nickel
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311302
Pollutant: Nickel
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 54
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 54 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Nickel.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for nickel incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.1 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-17 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152910, Nickel
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311301
Pollutant: Nickel
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 62
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 62 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Nickel.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for nickel incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.1 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152910, Nickel
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311223
Pollutant: Nickel
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 84
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 84 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Nickel.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for nickel incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.1 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-16 and 2018-02-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Nitrate/Nitrite (Nitrite + Nitrate as N)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152912, Nitrate/Nitrite (Nitrite + Nitrate as N)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311225
Pollutant: Nitrate/Nitrite (Nitrite + Nitrate as N)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 10
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 10 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Nitrate + Nitrite as N.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Maximum Contaminant Level for nitrate + nitrite (as N) incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 10 mg/L (California Code of Regulations, Title 22).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Oxamyl (Vydate)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of the twenty-three samples exceed the guideline for the Municipal and Domestic Supply beneficial use.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of the samples exceed the guideline for the Municipal and Domestic Supply beneficial uses. Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This decision was made by SWRCB staff.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards for the pollutant are not exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152913, Oxamyl (Vydate)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311300
Pollutant: Oxamyl (Vydate)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxamyl.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for Oxamyl incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.05 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152913, Oxamyl (Vydate)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311226
Pollutant: Oxamyl (Vydate)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 10
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 10 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxamyl.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for Oxamyl incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.05 mg/L
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Selenium
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the Clean Water Act (CWA) section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

A total of three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. A total of zero of 62 samples exceed the dissolved fraction evaluation guideline and zero of 66 samples exceed the total fraction evaluation guideline for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. A total of zero of 62 samples exceed the dissolved fraction evaluation guideline and zero of 66 samples exceed the total fraction evaluation guideline for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use. This does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152914, Selenium
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311313
Pollutant: Selenium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 62
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 62 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Selenium.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for selenium incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.05 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152914, Selenium
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311227
Pollutant: Selenium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 12
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 12 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Selenium.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for selenium incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.05 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152914, Selenium
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311311
Pollutant: Selenium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 54
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 54 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Selenium.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for selenium incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.05 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-17 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Silver
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the Clean Water Act (CWA) section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

A total of two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. A total of zero of 19 samples exceed the dissolved fraction water quality objective and zero of 54 samples exceed the total fraction water quality objective for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use. The Basin Plan establishes an appropriate method for assessing data according to secondary MCLs, which includes evaluating whole water concentrations after a sample is filtered. In the absence of results from properly filtered samples, only the dissolved fraction will be used to determine impairment until this method is fully implemented. Whole water concentrations, or data with an unreported fraction, were not considered in this assessment.

After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. A total of zero of 19 samples exceed the dissolved fraction water quality objective for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use. This does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152956, Silver
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311312
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 19
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 19 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Silver.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for silver incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.1 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-04-15 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152956, Silver
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311309
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 54
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 54 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Silver.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for silver incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.1 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-17 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Simazine
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the Clean Water Act (CWA) section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

A total of two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. A total of zero of 13 samples exceed the evaluation guideline for the cold freshwater habitat beneficial use and zero of 21 samples exceed the evaluation guideline for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. A total of zero of 13 samples exceed the evaluation guideline for the cold freshwater habitat beneficial use and zero of 21 samples exceed the evaluation guideline for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use. This does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152915, Simazine
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311314
Pollutant: Simazine
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Simazine.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for Simazine incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.004 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152915, Simazine
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311228
Pollutant: Simazine
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 21
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 21 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Simazine.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for Simazine incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.004 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Specific Conductivity
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.2 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.2 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

One lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. 8 of the 80 samples exceed the OBJECTIVE for MUN.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. 8 of the 80 samples exceed the OBJECTIVE for MUN and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.2 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards for the pollutant are not exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152970, Specific Conductivity
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311334
Pollutant: Specific Conductivity
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 80
Number of Exceedances: 8
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 8 of 80 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for SpecificConductivity.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary MCL that is incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan, Central Valley Region Sacramento River Basin and San Joaquin River Basin for specific conductance is 900 uS/cm.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-16 and 2017-08-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Styrene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152955, Styrene
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311308
Pollutant: Styrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Styrene.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for styrene incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.1 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Sulfates
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2024)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152957, Sulfates
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311310
Pollutant: Sulfates
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 62
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 62 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Sulfate.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for sulfate incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 250 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152957, Sulfates
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311315
Pollutant: Sulfates
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 31
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 31 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Sulfate.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for sulfate incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 250 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-B9C74701355)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-15 and 2012-07-31
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Tetrachloroethylene/PCE
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152960, Tetrachloroethylene/PCE
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311320
Pollutant: Tetrachloroethylene/PCE
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Tetrachloroethylene.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Tetrachloroethylene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.8 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Thiobencarb
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the Clean Water Act (CWA) section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

A total of one line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. A total of zero of 13 samples exceed the water quality objective for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use. These data are insufficient to determine the applicable beneficial use support rating with the power and confidence required by the Listing Policy.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. A total of zero of 13 samples exceed the water quality objective for the municipal and domestic supply beneficial use. This does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152961, Thiobencarb
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311321
Pollutant: Thiobencarb
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Thiobencarb.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for thiobencarb by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.001 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Total Dissolved Solids
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.2 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.2 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. 10 of the 146 samples exceed the criteria/objective for the Municipal and Domestic Supply beneficial use.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. 10 of the 146 samples exceed the criteria/objective for the Municipal and Domestic Supply beneficial use, and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.2 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards for the pollutant are not exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152916, Total Dissolved Solids
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311316
Pollutant: Total Dissolved Solids
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 62
Number of Exceedances: 3
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 3 of 62 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Total Dissolved Solids.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for total dissolved solids incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 500 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152916, Total Dissolved Solids
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311229
Pollutant: Total Dissolved Solids
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 84
Number of Exceedances: 7
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 7 of 84 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Total Dissolved Solids.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for total dissolved solids incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 500 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-16 and 2018-02-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Trichloroethylene/TCE
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152968, Trichloroethylene/TCE
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311329
Pollutant: Trichloroethylene/TCE
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Trichloroethylene.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The trichloroethylene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 2.7 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Vinyl chloride
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152963, Vinyl chloride
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311323
Pollutant: Vinyl chloride
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Vinyl Chloride.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for vinyl chloride incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0. 0005 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Xylenes (total) (mixed)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152964, Xylenes (total) (mixed)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311324
Pollutant: Xylenes (total) (mixed)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Xylenes, Total.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for Xylenes incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 1750 ug/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Zinc
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152918, Zinc
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311331
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 54
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 54 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Zinc.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for zinc incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 5.0 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-17 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152918, Zinc
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311231
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 84
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 84 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Zinc.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for zinc incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 5.0 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-16 and 2018-02-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152918, Zinc
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311232
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 84
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 84 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Zinc.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for zinc incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 5.0 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-16 and 2018-02-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152918, Zinc
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311325
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 62
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 62 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Zinc.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level for zinc incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 5.0 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: alpha-Endosulfan (Endosulfan 1)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152899, alpha-Endosulfan (Endosulfan 1)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311210
Pollutant: alpha-Endosulfan (Endosulfan 1)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 10
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 10 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Endosulfan I.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The alpha-endosulfan criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 110 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152899, alpha-Endosulfan (Endosulfan 1)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311282
Pollutant: alpha-Endosulfan (Endosulfan 1)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Endosulfan I.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The alpha-endosulfan criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 110 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: beta-Endosulfan (Endosulfan 2)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152901, beta-Endosulfan (Endosulfan 2)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311283
Pollutant: beta-Endosulfan (Endosulfan 2)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Endosulfan II.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The beta-endosulfan criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 110 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152901, beta-Endosulfan (Endosulfan 2)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311212
Pollutant: beta-Endosulfan (Endosulfan 2)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 10
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 10 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Endosulfan II.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The beta-endosulfan criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 110 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-12-20 and 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152937, cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311269
Pollutant: cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dichloroethylene, cis 1,2-.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.006 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: pH
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2024)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

This pollutant is being considered for placement on the Clean Water Act (CWA) section 303(d) List under section 3.2 of the Listing Policy.

A total of six lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Seventeen of the 162 samples exceeded the OBJECTIVE for REC-1 and REC-2.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Seventeen of the 162 samples exceeded the OBJECTIVE for REC-1 and REC-2, and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.2 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards for the pollutant are not exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152954, pH
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311332
Pollutant: pH
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Non-Contact Recreation
Number of Samples: 79
Number of Exceedances: 10
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 10 of 79 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for pH.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, Central Valley Region Sacramento River Basin and San Joaquin River Basin: pH should not be lower than 6.5 or higher than 8.5.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-16 and 2017-08-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152954, pH
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311304
Pollutant: pH
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Water Contact Recreation
Number of Samples: 21
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 21 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for pH.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, Central Valley Region Sacramento River Basin and San Joaquin River Basin: pH should not be lower than 6.5 or higher than 8.5.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-B9C74701355)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-10-13 and 2012-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152954, pH
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311305
Pollutant: pH
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Non-Contact Recreation
Number of Samples: 21
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 21 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for pH.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, Central Valley Region Sacramento River Basin and San Joaquin River Basin: pH should not be lower than 6.5 or higher than 8.5.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-B9C74701355)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-10-13 and 2012-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152954, pH
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311306
Pollutant: pH
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Non-Contact Recreation
Number of Samples: 62
Number of Exceedances: 7
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 7 of 62 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for pH.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, Central Valley Region Sacramento River Basin and San Joaquin River Basin: pH should not be lower than 6.5 or higher than 8.5.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152954, pH
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311333
Pollutant: pH
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Water Contact Recreation
Number of Samples: 79
Number of Exceedances: 10
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 10 of 79 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for pH.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, Central Valley Region Sacramento River Basin and San Joaquin River Basin: pH should not be lower than 6.5 or higher than 8.5.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-16 and 2017-08-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152954, pH
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311307
Pollutant: pH
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Water Contact Recreation
Number of Samples: 62
Number of Exceedances: 7
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 7 of 62 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for pH.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, Central Valley Region Sacramento River Basin and San Joaquin River Basin: pH should not be lower than 6.5 or higher than 8.5.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-12-15
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Molybdenum
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152911, Molybdenum
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311224
Pollutant: Molybdenum
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Agricultural Supply
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Molybdenum.
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Waters shall not contain chemical constituents in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline: Water Quality for Agriculture, published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1985, contains criteria protective of various agricultural uses of water. These criteria were used to translate narrative water quality objectives for chemical constituents that prohibit chemicals in concentrations that would impair agricultural uses of water. A 10 ug/L criteria is the recommended maximum concentration of molybdenum in irrigation water.
Guideline Reference: Water Quality for Agriculture, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 29, Rev 1, Rome (1985)
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2016-03-08 and 2016-03-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Pentachlorophenol (PCP)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152953, Pentachlorophenol (PCP)
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311303
Pollutant: Pentachlorophenol (PCP)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 12
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 12 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Pentachlorophenol.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Pentachlorophenol criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of water and organisms is 0.28 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Toluene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152962, Toluene
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311322
Pollutant: Toluene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Toluene.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for Toluene incorporated by reference in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins is 0.15 mg/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins; Fifth Edition. Revised May 2018 (with approved amendments)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
Pollutant: Toxaphene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2020)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This waterbody was split as part of the 2024 cycle Delta Remapping Project. Decisions were reassessed based on the new spatial representation.

Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152917, Toxaphene
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311230
Pollutant: Toxaphene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Toxaphene. Although a total of 10 samples were collected, 10 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the water quality threshold and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, Sediment, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Toxaphene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.00073 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (541XDMCDP).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody was collected over the date range 2010-12-20 to 2018-01-09
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Pacific EcoRisk. 2013. QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition.
QAPP Information Reference(s): QAPP for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 152917, Toxaphene
Region 5     
Delta-Mendota Canal (outside Delta Waterways, to ONeil Forebay)
LOE ID: 311319
Pollutant: Toxaphene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Municipal & Domestic Supply
Number of Samples: 13
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed STORET data for Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) (Old River to ONeil Forebay) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 13 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Toxaphene.
Data Reference: WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 5.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Toxaphene criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.00073 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site (CALWR_WQX-DMC06716)
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2010-09-14 and 2015-06-16
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: STORET
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.