Draft California 2024 Integrated Report (303(d) List/305(b) Report)

Supporting Information

Regional Board 2 - San Francisco Bay Region

Water Body Name: San Francisco Bay, South
Water Body ID: CAB2051000019980916164839
Water Body Type: Bay & Harbor
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Diazinon
Final Listing Decision: Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Reason for Delisting: Applicable WQS attained; reason for recovery unspecified
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for removal from the CWA section 303(d) List under section 4.1 of the Listing Policy. Under this section a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Nine lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of fifty-seven samples exceeded the guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification for removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of fifty-seven samples exceeded the guideline and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 4.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should be removed from the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards for the pollutant are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141066, Diazinon
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 59
Pollutant: Diazinon
LOE Subgroup: Narrative Description Data
Matrix: -N/A
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: In response to the RMP observations of ambient water toxicity, and given the linkage established between similar toxicity and pesticides in upstream ambient water, the SFBRWQCB identified all San Francisco Bay segments as being impaired due to Pesticides in 1998:

Pesticides have been added as a cause of impairment to all Bay segments. The pesticide diazinon has been measured at levels that cause water column toxicity. The pesticide chlorpyrifos may also be a problem. This listing is consistent with listing of the Delta for these pesticides by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. This listing was subsequently made specific for the OP pesticide diazinon by the USEPA.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference 2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion:
Objective/Criterion Reference:
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation:
Temporal Representation:
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: QA Info Missing
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141066, Diazinon
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 60
Pollutant: Diazinon
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Not Specified
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Ambient water toxicity in San Francisco Bay appears to have disappeared. The results of ambient water toxicity monitoring at Mallard Island indicate a significant reduction in the frequency, duration, and magnitude of toxicity: 4-5% of the ambient water samples were toxic in 1998-99 (34 total samples) and 1999-2000 (23 samples), relative to 14% toxicity frequency observed in 1997-98 (27 samples); none of the 28 samples collected during the 2000-2001 season were significantly toxic.

In addition, the 1998-2000 and 2000-2001 monitoring at Mallard Island did not document any sets of consecutively toxic samples indicative of an extended period of ambient water toxicity, such as were observed in February and May of 1998. Moreover, the magnitude of toxicity (as reflected by the degree [or percentage] of test organism mortality) is also markedly reduced in the later years, again suggesting a reduction in the degree of ambient water toxicity. Subsequent RMP monitoring of ambient water toxicity in water samples collected from October, 2001 through April 2003, also indicated an absence of toxicity to the test organisms (Ogle, 2004).
Data Reference: Placeholder reference 2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Basin Plan: There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Placeholder reference 2006 303(d)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation:
Temporal Representation:
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: QA Info Missing
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141066, Diazinon
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 62
Pollutant: Diazinon
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 1st sample site: 16 samples, pollutant range: 2,500-98,002 pg/l, average: 11,066.5
2nd sample site: 17 samples, pollutant range: 610-18,469 pg/l, average: 5,881.1.
3rd sample site: 15 viable samples, pollutant range: 520-7,133 pg/l, average: 3,288.8.
4th sample site: 12 viable samples, pollutant range: 6,500-36,150 pg/l, average: 15,207.8 (SFEI, 2001).
Data Reference: Placeholder reference 2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Placeholder reference 2006 303(d)
Evaluation Guideline: For salt water, USEPA has developed draft water quality criteria of 820 ng/L (acute) and 400 ng/L (chronic). The use of these values may not comply with all the requirements of section 6.1.3 of the Listing Policy.
Guideline Reference: Placeholder reference 2006 303(d)
Spatial Representation: Four sample sites.
Temporal Representation: 1st sample site: Date Range: 02/01/94-07/31/01.
2nd sample site: Date Range: 03/02/93-08/01/01
3rd sample site: Date Range: 03/02/93-07/31/01
4th sample site: Date Range: 02/06/96-08/01/01
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SFEI RMP QA/QC program.
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141066, Diazinon
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283634
Pollutant: Diazinon
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Diazinon.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The chronic criterion for diazinon to protect saltwater aquatic organisms is 0.82 ug/L (EPA-822-R-05-006).
Guideline Reference: Aquatic Life Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Diazinon
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141066, Diazinon
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283635
Pollutant: Diazinon
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Diazinon.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The chronic criterion for diazinon to protect saltwater aquatic organisms is 0.82 ug/L (EPA-822-R-05-006).
Guideline Reference: Aquatic Life Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Diazinon
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141066, Diazinon
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283633
Pollutant: Diazinon
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Diazinon.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The chronic criterion for diazinon to protect saltwater aquatic organisms is 0.82 ug/L (EPA-822-R-05-006).
Guideline Reference: Aquatic Life Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Diazinon
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141066, Diazinon
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 61
Pollutant: Diazinon
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 1st sample site: 16 samples, pollutant range: 2,500-97,628 pg/l, average: 10,862.3
2nd sample site: 17 samples, pollutant range: 610-18,426 pg/l, average: 5,814.1.
3rd sample site: 15 samples, pollutant range: 520-7,120 pg/l, average: 3,274.4.
4th sample site: 17 samples, pollutant range: 6,500-36,000 pg/l, average: 14,867.1 (SFEI, 2001).
Data Reference: Placeholder reference 2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Placeholder reference 2006 303(d)
Evaluation Guideline: For salt water, USEPA has developed a draft water quality criteria of 820 ng/L (acute) and 400 ng/L (chronic). The use of these values may not comply with all the requirements of section 6.1.3 of the Listing Policy.
Guideline Reference: Placeholder reference 2006 303(d)
Spatial Representation: Four sample sites.
Temporal Representation: 1st sample site: Date Range: 02/01/94-07/31/01.
2nd sample site: Date Range: 03/02/93-08/01/01
3rd sample site: Date Range: 03/02/93-07/31/01
4th sample site: Date Range: 02/06/96-08/01/01
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SFEI RMP QA/QC program.
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141066, Diazinon
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92983
Pollutant: Diazinon
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 57
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 57 samples exceed the criterion for Diazinon.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin, Chapter III, Section II.A.2 Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The freshwater chronic value for diazinon is 0.1 ug/L, expressed as a continuous concentration (Finlayson, 2004).
Guideline Reference: Water quality for diazinon. Memorandum to J. Karkoski, Central Valley RWQCB. Rancho Cordova, CA: Pesticide Investigation Unit, CA Department of Fish and Game
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 28 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, South Bay - SB030W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, South Bay - SB037W, South Bay - SB032W, South Bay - SB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, South Bay - SB033W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, South Bay - SB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB001W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-8/19/2005.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141066, Diazinon
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95161
Pollutant: Diazinon
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 38
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South San Francisco Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 38 samples exceed the criterion for diazinon. No samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for diazinon in fish tissue is 1,500 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; USEPA, 2000)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use In Fish Advisories Volume 1: Fish Sampling and Analysis
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at three sites throughout South San Francisco Bay.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected in April 2000, May 2000, May 2003, August 2003, September 2003, May 2006, June 2006.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Chlordane
Final Listing Decision: Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Sources: A Source Unknown
Expected TMDL Completion Date: 2037
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for removal from the CWA section 303(d) List under section 4.1 of the Listing Policy. Under this section a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Thirty-one lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess pollutant. Twenty-six of forty-one fish fillet and six out of nineteen shellfish tissue samples exceed the guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Twenty-six of forty-one fish fillet and six out of nineteen shellfish tissue samples exceed the guideline and this exceeds the allowable frequency listed in Table 4.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be removed from the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards for the pollutant are being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270864
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlordane .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chlordane is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value of 6 ng/g dry weight (Long and Morgan, 1990).
Guideline Reference: The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants tested in the National Status of Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52. Seattle, WA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270893
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlordane .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chlordane is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value of 6 ng/g dry weight (Long and Morgan, 1990).
Guideline Reference: The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants tested in the National Status of Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52. Seattle, WA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB121S (Lower South Bay (LSB121S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270990
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlordane .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chlordane is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value of 6 ng/g dry weight (Long and Morgan, 1990).
Guideline Reference: The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants tested in the National Status of Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52. Seattle, WA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271004
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlordane .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chlordane is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value of 6 ng/g dry weight (Long and Morgan, 1990).
Guideline Reference: The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants tested in the National Status of Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52. Seattle, WA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270946
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlordane .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chlordane is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value of 6 ng/g dry weight (Long and Morgan, 1990).
Guideline Reference: The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants tested in the National Status of Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52. Seattle, WA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB042S (Lower South Bay (LSB042S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270790
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlordane .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chlordane is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value of 6 ng/g dry weight (Long and Morgan, 1990).
Guideline Reference: The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants tested in the National Status of Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52. Seattle, WA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271002
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlordane .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chlordane is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value of 6 ng/g dry weight (Long and Morgan, 1990).
Guideline Reference: The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants tested in the National Status of Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52. Seattle, WA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270847
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlordane .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chlordane is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value of 6 ng/g dry weight (Long and Morgan, 1990).
Guideline Reference: The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants tested in the National Status of Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52. Seattle, WA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270988
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlordane .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chlordane is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value of 6 ng/g dry weight (Long and Morgan, 1990).
Guideline Reference: The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants tested in the National Status of Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52. Seattle, WA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB001S (Lower South Bay (LSB001S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289081
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Total Chlordane.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The chlordane criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.004 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289066
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Total Chlordane.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The chlordane criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00059 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289061
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Total Chlordane.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The chlordane criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00059 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270870
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlordane .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chlordane is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value of 6 ng/g dry weight (Long and Morgan, 1990).
Guideline Reference: The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants tested in the National Status of Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52. Seattle, WA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289083
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Total Chlordane.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The chlordane criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.004 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289080
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Total Chlordane.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The chlordane criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00059 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289065
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Total Chlordane.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The chlordane criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.004 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289048
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Total Chlordane.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The chlordane criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00059 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270807
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlordane .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chlordane is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value of 6 ng/g dry weight (Long and Morgan, 1990).
Guideline Reference: The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants tested in the National Status of Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52. Seattle, WA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB070S (Lower South Bay (LSB070S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270968
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlordane .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chlordane is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value of 6 ng/g dry weight (Long and Morgan, 1990).
Guideline Reference: The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants tested in the National Status of Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52. Seattle, WA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB129S (Lower South Bay (LSB129S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271067
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlordane .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chlordane is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value of 6 ng/g dry weight (Long and Morgan, 1990).
Guideline Reference: The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants tested in the National Status of Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52. Seattle, WA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289079
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Total Chlordane.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The chlordane criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.004 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289082
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Total Chlordane.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The chlordane criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.004 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92955
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 70
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 70 samples exceed the criterion for Chlordane, Total.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The chlordane criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.004 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 37 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, South Bay - SB030W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, South Bay - SB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, South Bay - SB032W, South Bay - SB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, South Bay - SB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB022W, South Bay - SB031W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, South Bay - SB027W, South Bay - SB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, South Bay - SB025W, South Bay - SB024W, South Bay - SB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB001W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-8/19/2005.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95207
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 41
Number of Exceedances: 26
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South San Francisco Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 26 of 41 samples exceed the criterion for chlordane. No samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for total chlordane in fish tissue is 3.9 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at three sites throughout South San Francisco Bay.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected in April 2000, May 2000, May 2003, August 2003, September 2003, May 2006, June 2006, and August 2006..
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 3842
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Unspecified
Objective/Criterion Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Evaluation Guideline: Unspecified
Guideline Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Spatial Representation: Unspecified
Temporal Representation: Unspecified
Environmental Conditions: Unspecified
QAPP Information: Unspecified
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92954
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: The result did not exceed the guideline. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal. Chlordane result was calculated by summing the results for chlordane isomers: cis- and trans-nonachlor, alpha- and gamma-chlordane, and oxychlordane.
Data Reference: State Mussel Watch Program Data 1977-2000; Winter 2007-Winter 2009. State Water Resources Control Board
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Many pollutants can accumulate on particles, in sediment, or bioaccumulate in fish and other aquatic organisms. Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for total chlordane in shellfish tissue is 6.0 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: Samples are collected by hand from three sub-locations for each site. The composite sample was collected from site San Francisco Bay Dumbarton Bridge (SFDB).
Temporal Representation: Representative samples of locally abundant species were collected during the winter on 2/3/2009
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected as part of the State Water Board's Mussel Watch Program which is a part of the National Oceanic Administration's (NOAAs) National Status and Trends (NS&T). Mussels are shipped to NOAAs contract labs for analysis of trace constituents and mussel condition. Analytical protocols follow those approved by NOAAs NS&T Program Additional background information can be found at:
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 93643
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 18
Number of Exceedances: 6
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Six of the 18 samples exceeded the guideline. All composite samples were comprised of Crassostrea gigas except for 3 composites that were comprised of Mytilus californianus. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for total chlordane in shellfish tissue is 6.0 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: Samples were collected at the following station: BA10 - Coyote Creek.
Temporal Representation: Samples were generally collected in spring and fall seasons from years 1994 - 1999 and then during most fall seasons during years 2000 - 2008.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92963
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 92
Number of Exceedances: 4
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 4 of 92 samples exceed the criterion for Chlordane, Total.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Chlordane, Total criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00059 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 50 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB033W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB036W, South Bay - SB037W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-8/16/2007.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289063
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Total Chlordane.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The chlordane criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00059 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270831
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlordane .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chlordane is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value of 6 ng/g dry weight (Long and Morgan, 1990).
Guideline Reference: The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants tested in the National Status of Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52. Seattle, WA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB041S (Lower South Bay (LSB041S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141062, Chlordane
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270947
Pollutant: Chlordane
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chlordane .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chlordane is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value of 6 ng/g dry weight (Long and Morgan, 1990).
Guideline Reference: The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants tested in the National Status of Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52. Seattle, WA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB024S (Lower South Bay (LSB024S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Sources: A Source Unknown
Expected TMDL Completion Date: 2037
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for removal from the CWA section 303(d) List under section 4.1 of the Listing Policy. Under this section a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Six lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess pollutant. Thirty-one of the thirty-seven samples exceed the guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Thirty-one of the thirty-seven samples exceed the guideline and this exceeds the allowable frequency listed in Table 4.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be removed from the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards for the pollutant are being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 151553, DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92948
Pollutant: Total DDT (sum of 4,4'- and 2,4'- isomers of DDT, DDE, and DDD)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: The result did not exceed the guideline. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal. The total DDTs were calculated as the sum of 4,4- and 2,4- isomers of DDT, DDE, and DDD.
Data Reference: State Mussel Watch Program Data 1977-2000; Winter 2007-Winter 2009. State Water Resources Control Board
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Many pollutants can accumulate on particles, in sediment, or bioaccumulate in fish and other aquatic organisms. Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for total DDT in shellfish tissue is 23 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: Samples are collected by hand from three sub-locations for each site. The composite sample was collected from site San Francisco Bay Dumbarton Bridge (SFDB).
Temporal Representation: Representative samples of locally abundant species were collected during the winter on 2/3/2009
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected as part of the State Water Board's Mussel Watch Program which is a part of the National Oceanic Administration's (NOAAs) National Status and Trends (NS&T). Mussels are shipped to NOAAs contract labs for analysis of trace constituents and mussel condition. Analytical protocols follow those approved by NOAAs NS&T Program Additional background information can be found at:
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 151553, DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92956
Pollutant: Total DDT (sum of 4,4'- and 2,4'- isomers of DDT, DDE, and DDD)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 70
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 70 samples exceed the criterion for DDT, Total.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The DDT criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.001 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 37 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, South Bay - SB030W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, South Bay - SB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, South Bay - SB032W, South Bay - SB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, South Bay - SB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB022W, South Bay - SB031W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, South Bay - SB027W, South Bay - SB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, South Bay - SB025W, South Bay - SB024W, South Bay - SB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB001W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-8/19/2005.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 151553, DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95196
Pollutant: DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 37
Number of Exceedances: 31
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South San Francisco Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 31 of 37 samples exceed the criterion for DDT. No samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for total DDT in fish tissue is 15 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at three sites throughout South San Francisco Bay.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected in April 2000, May 2000, May 2003, August 2003, September 2003, May 2006, and June 2006.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 151553, DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 3843
Pollutant: DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion:
Objective/Criterion Reference:
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Unspecified
Temporal Representation: Unspecified
Environmental Conditions: Unspecified
QAPP Information: Unspecified
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 151553, DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92957
Pollutant: Total DDT (sum of 4,4'- and 2,4'- isomers of DDT, DDE, and DDD)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 92
Number of Exceedances: 12
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 12 of 92 samples exceed the criterion for DDT, Total.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The DDT, Total criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00059 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 50 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB033W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB036W, South Bay - SB037W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-8/16/2007.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Dieldrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Sources: A Source Unknown
Expected TMDL Completion Date: 2037
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for removal from the CWA section 303(d) List under section 4.1 of the Listing Policy. Under this section a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Thirty-one lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess pollutant. Twenty-four of twenty-four fish fillet samples and eight of seventeen shellfish tissue samples exceed the guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Twenty-four of twenty-four fish fillet samples and eight of seventeen shellfish tissue samples exceed the guideline and this exceeds the allowable frequency listed in Table 4.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be removed from the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards for the pollutant are being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272664
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dieldrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: In marine and estuarine sediments the effects range median (predictive of sediment toxicity for sediment-dwelling organisms) for Dieldrin is 8 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283547
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dieldrin.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dieldrin criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.0019 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283546
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dieldrin.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dieldrin criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00014 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283581
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dieldrin.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dieldrin criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00014 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272932
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dieldrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: In marine and estuarine sediments the effects range median (predictive of sediment toxicity for sediment-dwelling organisms) for Dieldrin is 8 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB042S (Lower South Bay (LSB042S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272806
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dieldrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: In marine and estuarine sediments the effects range median (predictive of sediment toxicity for sediment-dwelling organisms) for Dieldrin is 8 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283602
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dieldrin.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dieldrin criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.0019 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283598
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dieldrin.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dieldrin criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.0019 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283567
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dieldrin.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dieldrin criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00014 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272660
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dieldrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: In marine and estuarine sediments the effects range median (predictive of sediment toxicity for sediment-dwelling organisms) for Dieldrin is 8 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB001S (Lower South Bay (LSB001S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272688
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dieldrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: In marine and estuarine sediments the effects range median (predictive of sediment toxicity for sediment-dwelling organisms) for Dieldrin is 8 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272786
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dieldrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: In marine and estuarine sediments the effects range median (predictive of sediment toxicity for sediment-dwelling organisms) for Dieldrin is 8 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB070S (Lower South Bay (LSB070S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92985
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 69
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 69 samples exceed the criterion for Dieldrin.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Dieldrin criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.0019 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 37 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, South Bay - SB030W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, South Bay - SB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, South Bay - SB032W, South Bay - SB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, South Bay - SB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB022W, South Bay - SB031W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, South Bay - SB027W, South Bay - SB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, South Bay - SB025W, South Bay - SB024W, South Bay - SB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB001W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-8/19/2005.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95169
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 24
Number of Exceedances: 24
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South San Francisco Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 24 of 24 samples exceed the criterion for dieldrin. 19 samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for dieldrin in fish tissue is 0.32 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at three sites throughout South San Francisco Bay.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected in April 2000, May 2000, May 2003, August 2003, September 2003, May 2006, and June 2006.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 3844
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion:
Objective/Criterion Reference:
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Unspecified
Temporal Representation: Unspecified
Environmental Conditions: Unspecified
QAPP Information: Unspecified
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92984
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: The result did not exceed the guideline. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal.
Data Reference: State Mussel Watch Program Data 1977-2000; Winter 2007-Winter 2009. State Water Resources Control Board
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Many pollutants can accumulate on particles, in sediment, or bioaccumulate in fish and other aquatic organisms. Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for dieldrin in shellfish tissue is 0.49 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: Samples are collected by hand from three sub-locations for each site. The composite sample was collected from site San Francisco Bay Dumbarton Bridge (SFDB).
Temporal Representation: Representative samples of locally abundant species were collected during the winter on 2/3/2009
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected as part of the State Water Board's Mussel Watch Program which is a part of the National Oceanic Administration's (NOAAs) National Status and Trends (NS&T). Mussels are shipped to NOAAs contract labs for analysis of trace constituents and mussel condition. Analytical protocols follow those approved by NOAAs NS&T Program Additional background information can be found at:
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 93645
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 16
Number of Exceedances: 8
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Eight of the 16 samples exceeded the guideline. All composite samples were comprised of Crassostrea gigas except for 3 composites that were comprised of Mytilus californianus. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal. Two samples were not used in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) were above the objective and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for dieldrin in shellfish tissue is 0.49 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: Samples were collected at the following station: BA10 - Coyote Creek.
Temporal Representation: Samples were generally collected in spring and fall seasons from years 1994 - 1999 and then during most fall seasons during years 2000 - 2008.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92990
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 92
Number of Exceedances: 3
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 3 of 92 samples exceed the criterion for Dieldrin.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Dieldrin criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00014 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 50 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB033W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB036W, South Bay - SB037W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-8/16/2007.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272780
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dieldrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: In marine and estuarine sediments the effects range median (predictive of sediment toxicity for sediment-dwelling organisms) for Dieldrin is 8 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB024S (Lower South Bay (LSB024S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272368
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dieldrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: In marine and estuarine sediments the effects range median (predictive of sediment toxicity for sediment-dwelling organisms) for Dieldrin is 8 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272701
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dieldrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: In marine and estuarine sediments the effects range median (predictive of sediment toxicity for sediment-dwelling organisms) for Dieldrin is 8 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283545
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dieldrin.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dieldrin criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.0019 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272824
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dieldrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: In marine and estuarine sediments the effects range median (predictive of sediment toxicity for sediment-dwelling organisms) for Dieldrin is 8 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB121S (Lower South Bay (LSB121S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272686
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dieldrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: In marine and estuarine sediments the effects range median (predictive of sediment toxicity for sediment-dwelling organisms) for Dieldrin is 8 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283562
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dieldrin.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dieldrin criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00014 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283544
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dieldrin.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dieldrin criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.0019 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283582
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dieldrin.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dieldrin criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00014 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272952
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dieldrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: In marine and estuarine sediments the effects range median (predictive of sediment toxicity for sediment-dwelling organisms) for Dieldrin is 8 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB041S (Lower South Bay (LSB041S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272669
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dieldrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: In marine and estuarine sediments the effects range median (predictive of sediment toxicity for sediment-dwelling organisms) for Dieldrin is 8 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272662
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dieldrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: In marine and estuarine sediments the effects range median (predictive of sediment toxicity for sediment-dwelling organisms) for Dieldrin is 8 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB129S (Lower South Bay (LSB129S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141068, Dieldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272705
Pollutant: Dieldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dieldrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: In marine and estuarine sediments the effects range median (predictive of sediment toxicity for sediment-dwelling organisms) for Dieldrin is 8 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Dioxin compounds (including 2,3,7,8-TCDD)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Sources: A Source Unknown
Expected TMDL Completion Date: 2037
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: 303(d) listing decisions made prior to 2006 were not held in an assessment database. The Regional Boards will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This is a decision previously approved by the State Water Resources Control Board and the USEPA. No new data were assessed by the Regional Board for the current. The decision has not changed.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 151235, Dioxin compounds (including 2,3,7,8-TCDD)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 3845
Pollutant: Dioxin compounds (including 2,3,7,8-TCDD)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion:
Objective/Criterion Reference:
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Unspecified
Temporal Representation: Unspecified
Environmental Conditions: Unspecified
QAPP Information: Unspecified
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Furan Compounds
Final Listing Decision: Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Sources: A Source Unknown
Expected TMDL Completion Date: 2037
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: 303(d) listing decisions made prior to 2006 were not held in an assessment database. The Regional Boards will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This is a decision previously approved by the State Water Resources Control Board and the USEPA. No new data were assessed by the Regional Board for the current. The decision has not changed.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 151237, Furan Compounds
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 3847
Pollutant: Furan Compounds
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion:
Objective/Criterion Reference:
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Unspecified
Temporal Representation: Unspecified
Environmental Conditions: Unspecified
QAPP Information: Unspecified
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Invasive Species
Final Listing Decision: Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Sources: A Source Unknown
Expected TMDL Completion Date: 2037
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollution
Regional Board Conclusion: 303(d) listing decisions made prior to 2006 were not held in an assessment database. The Regional Boards will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This is a decision previously approved by the State Water Resources Control Board and the USEPA. No new data were assessed by the Regional Board for the current. The decision has not changed.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 151236, Invasive Species
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 3846
Pollutant: Invasive Species
LOE Subgroup: Population/Community Degradation
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion:
Objective/Criterion Reference:
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Unspecified
Temporal Representation: Unspecified
Environmental Conditions: Unspecified
QAPP Information: Unspecified
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Selenium
Final Listing Decision: Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Sources: A Source Unknown
Expected TMDL Completion Date: 2037
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for removal on the CWA section 303(d) List under sections 2.2 and 4.1 of the Listing Policy. Under 4.1 of the Policy, a minimum of one line of evidence is needed to assess listing status.

Nine lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Impairment should be based on protection of aquatic life beneficial uses and the existing aquatic life value referenced in the CTR value is not sufficiently protective of sensitive fish species. Due to outstanding concerns about the protectiveness of the existing aquatic life value, this water body will remain identified as impaired until addressed via a TMDL and/or a standards action.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be removed from the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards for the pollutant are being exceeded. Impairment should be based on protection of aquatic life beneficial uses and the existing aquatic life value referenced in the CTR value is not sufficiently protective of sensitive fish species. Due to outstanding concerns about the protectiveness of the existing aquatic life value, this water body will remain identified as impaired until addressed via a TMDL and/or a standards action.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141081, Selenium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269471
Pollutant: Selenium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Selenium. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of California Mussel each composed of 100 fish per composite).
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for selenium in shellfish tissue is 11 ppm. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day. A background dietary consumption rate of 0.114 mg/day is applied for this micronutrient. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2018-10-25 and 2018-10-25. When composited fish were collected over multiple days, the first day of fish collection was used as the sample date in the LOE, both for LOE writing, and for averaging period purposes.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141081, Selenium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289969
Pollutant: Selenium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 15
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data forSan Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 15 samples exceed the Basin Plan's 4-day average site-specific objective for total selenium of 5 ug/L.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Table 3-3 Marine Water Quality Objectives for Toxic Pollutants for Surface Waters states that the currently applicable 4-day average objective for selenium is 5 ug/L, expressed as total selenium. This selenium objective was promulgated for San Francisco Bay in the National Toxics Rule (1992).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence was collected in 15 monitoring locations in San Francisco Bay, South: (station codes: LSB050W, LSB051W, LSB052W, LSB053W, LSB054W, LSB056W, LSB055W, LSB057W, LSB058W, LSB060W, LSB061W, LSB062W, LSB064W, LSB065W, LSB066W )
Temporal Representation: Data for this line of evidence was collected on 9/13/2011, 9/14/2011, 7/30/2013, 7/31/2013, 8/26/2015
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: These are RMP data and exempt from QAPP requirements per the Listing Policy.
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141081, Selenium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269475
Pollutant: Selenium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - FISH data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Selenium. Data were collected for 6 fish species (6 composite(s) of White Sturgeon each composed of 1 fish per composite, 1 composite(s) of Jacksmelt each composed of 2 fish per composite, 1 composite(s) of Jacksmelt each composed of 7 fish per composite, 3 composite(s) of Shiner Surfperch each composed of 20 fish per composite, 1 composite(s) of White Croaker each composed of 5 fish per composite, 1 composite(s) of White Croaker each composed of 4 fish per composite).
Data Reference: Tissue data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for selenium in fish tissue is 7.4 ppm. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day. A background dietary consumption rate of 0.114 mg/day is applied for this micronutrient. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): 204STHBAY (South Bay (1)-204STHBAY).
Temporal Representation: Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2014-04-21 and 2014-06-27. When composited fish were collected over multiple days, the first day of fish collection was used as the sample date in the LOE, both for LOE writing, and for averaging period purposes.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141081, Selenium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92937
Pollutant: Selenium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: The one sample did not exceed the guideline. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal.
Data Reference: State Mussel Watch Program Data 1977-2000; Winter 2007-Winter 2009. State Water Resources Control Board
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: California's Ocean Plan states that, "The concentration of organic materials in fish, shellfish or other marine resources used for human consumption shall not bioaccumulate to levels that are harmful to human health".
Objective/Criterion Reference: California Ocean Plan Water Quality Control Plan Ocean Waters of California 2009
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for selenium in shellfish tissue is 11 ppm. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day. A background dietary consumption rate of 0.114 mg/day is applied for this micronutrient. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: Samples are collected by hand from three sub-locations for each site. The composite sample was collected from site San Francisco Bay Dumbarton Bridge (SFDB).
Temporal Representation: Representative samples of locally abundant species were collected during the winter on 2/3/2009
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected as part of the State Water Board's Mussel Watch Program which is a part of the National Oceanic Administration's (NOAAs) National Status and Trends (NS&T). Mussels are shipped to NOAAs contract labs for analysis of trace constituents and mussel condition. Analytical protocols follow those approved by NOAAs NS&T Program Additional background information can be found at:
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141081, Selenium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 93700
Pollutant: Selenium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 15
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: None of the 15 samples exceeded the guideline. All composite samples were comprised of Crassostrea gigas, except for one that was comprised of Mytilus californianus. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for selenium in shellfish tissue is 11 ppm. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day. A background dietary consumption rate of 0.114 mg/day is applied for this micronutrient. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at the following station: BA10 - Coyote Creek.
Temporal Representation: Samples were generally collected in spring and fall seasons from years 1994 - 1999 and then fall 2000, 2001, and 2008.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141081, Selenium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 3851
Pollutant: Selenium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Unspecified
Objective/Criterion Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Evaluation Guideline: Unspecified
Guideline Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Spatial Representation: Unspecified
Temporal Representation: Unspecified
Environmental Conditions: Unspecified
QAPP Information: Unspecified
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141081, Selenium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92946
Pollutant: Selenium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 128
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 128 samples exceed the criterion for Selenium.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved selenium criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 5 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 54 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, South Bay - BA20, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W, South Bay - SB050W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB053W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 3/2/1993-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141081, Selenium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95107
Pollutant: Selenium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 17
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South San Francisco Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 17 samples exceed the criterion for selenium. No samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for selenium in fish tissue is 7.4 ppm. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day. A background dietary consumption rate of 0.114 mg/day is applied for this micronutrient. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at three sites throughout South San Francisco Bay.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected in April 2000, May 2000, May 2003, June 2003, August 2003, September 2003, May 2006, and June 2006.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141081, Selenium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269442
Pollutant: Selenium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Selenium. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of California Mussel each composed of 100 fish per composite).
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for selenium in shellfish tissue is 11 ppm. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day. A background dietary consumption rate of 0.114 mg/day is applied for this micronutrient. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2018-10-25 and 2018-10-25. When composited fish were collected over multiple days, the first day of fish collection was used as the sample date in the LOE, both for LOE writing, and for averaging period purposes.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Mercury
Final Listing Decision: Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (being addressed with USEPA approved TMDL)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (being addressed with USEPA approved TMDL)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Sources: A Source Unknown
TMDL Name: San Francisco Bay Mercury
TMDL Project Code: 6
Date TMDL Approved by USEPA: 02/12/2008
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for removal on the CWA section 303(d) List under sections 2.2 and section 4.1 of the Listing Policy. Under 4.1 of the Policy, a minimum of one line of evidence is needed to assess listing status.

Thirty-seven lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the CWA section 303(d) List. There is sufficient justification to place it in the Being Addressed portion of the CWA 303(d) List because a TMDL has been completed and approved by RWQCB and USEPA, and is expected to result in attainment of the standard.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Fifty-three of seventy-one samples exceeded the guideline and these exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 4.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. The SF Bay Mercury TMDL was approved by USEPA on 2/12/2008.
5. Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: Decision written by SWRCB staff.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be removed from the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards for the pollutant are being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274472
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB10 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB10).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289983
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish whole body
Beneficial Use: Wildlife Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed RMP data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 1 samples exceed the Basin Plan's mercury fish tissue objective of 0.03 mg/kg to protect wildlife.
Data Reference: Tissue data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Table 3-3b Water Quality Objectives for Mercury in San Francisco Bay states: the water quality objective for the protection of wildlife is 0.03 mg/kg and is evaluated as the average wet weight concentration measured in whole fish 3–5 cm in length.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence were collected in San Francisco Bay, South, at 1 monitoring location: station code 77OTH
Temporal Representation: Data for this line of evidence were collected in October 2010.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: These are Regional Monitoring Program data and are exempt from QAPP requirements.
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274324
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB05 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB05).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274359
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB01 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB01).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274464
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 4 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274273
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB09 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB09).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274391
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274393
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274492
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274517
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB129S (Lower South Bay (LSB129S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274545
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB041S (Lower South Bay (LSB041S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274388
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274398
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB06 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB06).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274511
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB07 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB07).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274564
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB042S (Lower South Bay (LSB042S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274573
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB001S (Lower South Bay (LSB001S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274521
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB011S (Lower South Bay (LSB011S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2018-08-14 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274345
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL15 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL15).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274549
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274520
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB11 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB11).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95180
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 71
Number of Exceedances: 53
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South San Francisco Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 53 of 71 samples exceed the criterion for mercury. No samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin has a water quality objective in all parts of San Francisco Bay of 0.2 mg mercury per kg fish tissue for the protection of human health.
Guideline Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at three sites throughout South San Francisco Bay.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected in April 2000, May 2000, May 2003, August 2003, September 2003, May 2006, June 2006 and August 2006.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 3848
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Unspecified
Objective/Criterion Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Evaluation Guideline: Unspecified
Guideline Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Spatial Representation: Unspecified
Temporal Representation: Unspecified
Environmental Conditions: Unspecified
QAPP Information: Unspecified
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 93699
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 12
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: None of the 12 samples exceeded the guideline. All composite samples were comprised of Crassostrea gigas, except for one that was comprised of Mytilus californianus. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal. Laboratory replicates were averaged.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The USEPA 304(a) recommended water quality criterion for concentrations of methylmercury in shellfish tissue (wet weight) is 0.20 ppm. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; USEPA, 2001)
Guideline Reference: Water Quality Criterion for the Protection of Human Health: Methylmercury. Final. United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Science and Technology Office of Water. EPA-823-R-01-001. January 2001
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at the following station: BA10 - Coyote Creek.
Temporal Representation: Samples were generally collected in spring and fall seasons from years 1994 - 1999.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92892
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: The one sample did not exceed the guideline. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal.
Data Reference: State Mussel Watch Program Data 1977-2000; Winter 2007-Winter 2009. State Water Resources Control Board
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: California's Ocean Plan states that, "The concentration of organic materials in fish, shellfish or other marine resources used for human consumption shall not bioaccumulate to levels that are harmful to human health".
Objective/Criterion Reference: California Ocean Plan Water Quality Control Plan Ocean Waters of California 2009
Evaluation Guideline: The USEPA 304(a) recommended water quality criterion for concentrations of methylmercury in shellfish tissue (wet weight) is 0.2 ppm. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; USEPA, 2001)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Water Quality Criterion for the Protection of Human Health: Methylmercury. Final. United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Science and Technology Office of Water. EPA-823-R-01-001. January 2001
Spatial Representation: Samples are collected by hand from three sub-locations for each site. The composite sample was collected from site San Francisco Bay Dumbarton Bridge (SFDB).
Temporal Representation: Representative samples of locally abundant species were collected during the winter on 2/3/2009
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected as part of the State Water Board's Mussel Watch Program which is a part of the National Oceanic Administration's (NOAAs) National Status and Trends (NS&T). Mussels are shipped to NOAAs contract labs for analysis of trace constituents and mussel condition. Analytical protocols follow those approved by NOAAs NS&T Program Additional background information can be found at:
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92901
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 84
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 84 samples exceed the criterion for Mercury, methyl.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Mercury, methyl criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.051 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 54 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, South Bay - BA20, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W, South Bay - SB050W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB053W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/7/2001-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92902
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 56
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Non-fixed station physical/chemical (conventional + toxicants)
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: None of the 56 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline.
Data Reference: NPDES receiving water data for bacteria and metals in San Francisco Bay, Jan. 2005-Sep. 2009
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: USEPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (4-day avg.) for mercury is 0.94 ug/L.
Guideline Reference: National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. Office of Science and Technology
Spatial Representation: Samples were taken from two sample locations in the receiving water of an adjacent waste-water treatment plant. Samples collected within 1-week were averaged.
Temporal Representation: Samples were collected monthly from January of 2005 through September of 2009.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected for NPDES ORDER No. R2-2010-0054.
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274306
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB03 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB03).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274294
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274533
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB070S (Lower South Bay (LSB070S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274252
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB04 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB04).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274267
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 4 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274280
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB02 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB02).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274421
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB08 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB08).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274432
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL16 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL16).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274527
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB024S (Lower South Bay (LSB024S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274453
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB121S (Lower South Bay (LSB121S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 153017, Mercury
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274263
Pollutant: Mercury
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for mercury is 2.1 ug/g (PTI Environmental Services, 1991).
Guideline Reference: Pollutants of concern in Puget Sound. EPA 910/9-91-003. Seattle, WA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB056S (Lower South Bay (LSB056S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2018-08-14 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (being addressed with USEPA approved TMDL)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (being addressed with USEPA approved TMDL)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Sources: A Source Unknown
TMDL Name: San Francisco Bay PCBs
TMDL Project Code: 7
Date TMDL Approved by USEPA: 03/29/2010
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for removal on the CWA section 303(d) List under sections 2.2 and 4.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 4.1 of the Policy, a minimum of one line of evidence is needed to assess listing status.

Seven lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the CWA section 303(d) List. There is sufficient justification to place it in the Being Addressed portion of the CWA 303(d) List because a TMDL has been completed and approved by RWQCB and USEPA, and is expected to result in attainment of the standard.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Ninety-two of ninety-seven samples exceeded the guideline and these exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 4.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. The SF Bay PCBs TMDL was approved by USEPA on 3/29/2010.
5. Pursuant to section 3.11 and 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be removed from the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards for the pollutant are being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275429
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The value used in this assessment comes from MacDonald et al., 2000b is the consensus based midrange effect concentration (MEC) value of 400 ng/g
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment effect concentrations for polychlorinated biphenyls. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 19(5): 1403-1413
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB070S (Lower South Bay (LSB070S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275372
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The value used in this assessment comes from MacDonald et al., 2000b is the consensus based midrange effect concentration (MEC) value of 400 ng/g
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment effect concentrations for polychlorinated biphenyls. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 19(5): 1403-1413
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269455
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - FISH data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls). Data were collected for 6 fish species (2 composite(s) of White Sturgeon each composed of 3 fish per composite, 3 composite(s) of Shiner Surfperch each composed of 20 fish per composite, 3 composite(s) of Northern Anchovy each composed of 20 fish per composite, 1 composite(s) of White Croaker each composed of 5 fish per composite, 1 composite(s) of White Croaker each composed of 4 fish per composite, 1 composite(s) of Pacific Staghorn Sculpin each composed of 19 fish per composite).
Data Reference: Tissue data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum total PCB Arochlor concentration of 500 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances.
Guideline Reference: National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): 204STHBAY (South Bay (1)-204STHBAY).
Temporal Representation: Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2014-04-21 and 2014-06-27. When composited fish were collected over multiple days, the first day of fish collection was used as the sample date in the LOE, both for LOE writing, and for averaging period purposes.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286626
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls).
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The PCB criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of water and organisms is 0.00017 ug/L and is equal to the maximum of the sum of aroclors or congeners (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275410
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The value used in this assessment comes from MacDonald et al., 2000b is the consensus based midrange effect concentration (MEC) value of 400 ng/g
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment effect concentrations for polychlorinated biphenyls. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 19(5): 1403-1413
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB121S (Lower South Bay (LSB121S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275510
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The value used in this assessment comes from MacDonald et al., 2000b is the consensus based midrange effect concentration (MEC) value of 400 ng/g
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment effect concentrations for polychlorinated biphenyls. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 19(5): 1403-1413
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB024S (Lower South Bay (LSB024S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275055
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The value used in this assessment comes from MacDonald et al., 2000b is the consensus based midrange effect concentration (MEC) value of 400 ng/g
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment effect concentrations for polychlorinated biphenyls. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 19(5): 1403-1413
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275290
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The value used in this assessment comes from MacDonald et al., 2000b is the consensus based midrange effect concentration (MEC) value of 400 ng/g
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment effect concentrations for polychlorinated biphenyls. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 19(5): 1403-1413
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92926
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 70
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 70 samples exceed the criterion for PCB, Total.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The PCB, Total criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saltwater is 0.03 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 37 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, South Bay - SB030W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, South Bay - SB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, South Bay - SB032W, South Bay - SB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, South Bay - SB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB022W, South Bay - SB031W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, South Bay - SB027W, South Bay - SB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, South Bay - SB025W, South Bay - SB024W, South Bay - SB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB001W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-8/19/2005.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95185
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 44
Number of Exceedances: 16
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South San Francisco Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 16 of 44 samples exceed the criterion for PCBs. No samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for polychlorinated biphenyls in fish tissue is 2.6 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at six sites throughout South San Francisco Bay.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected in April 2000, May 2000, May 2003, August 2003, September 2003, May 2006, June 2006, and August 2006.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 3849
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Unspecified
Objective/Criterion Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Evaluation Guideline: Unspecified
Guideline Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Spatial Representation: Unspecified
Temporal Representation: Unspecified
Environmental Conditions: Unspecified
QAPP Information: Unspecified
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92925
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: The result did exceed the guideline. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal. Total PCB was assessed for as follows: PCB aroclors and congeners were summed separately and the sum that yielded the highest value was used for the assessment.
Data Reference: State Mussel Watch Program Data 1977-2000; Winter 2007-Winter 2009. State Water Resources Control Board
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Many pollutants can accumulate on particles, in sediment, or bioaccumulate in fish and other aquatic organisms. Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for polychlorinated biphenyls in shellfish tissue is 3.9 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: Samples are collected by hand from three sub-locations for each site. The composite sample was collected from site San Francisco Bay Dumbarton Bridge (SFDB).
Temporal Representation: Representative samples of locally abundant species were collected during the winter on 2/3/2009
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected as part of the State Water Board's Mussel Watch Program which is a part of the National Oceanic Administration's (NOAAs) National Status and Trends (NS&T). Mussels are shipped to NOAAs contract labs for analysis of trace constituents and mussel condition. Analytical protocols follow those approved by NOAAs NS&T Program Additional background information can be found at:
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 93668
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 18
Number of Exceedances: 18
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Eighteen of the 18 samples exceeded the guideline. Composite samples were comprised of Crassostrea gigas, except for 3 samples comprised of Mytilius californianus. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal. Laboratory replicates were averaged. Total PCB was assessed for as follows: PCB aroclors and congeners were summed separately and the sum that yielded the highest value was used for the assessment.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin (2013): Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for polychlorinated biphenyls in shellfish tissue is 3.9 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: Samples were collected at the following station: BA10 - Coyote Creek.
Temporal Representation: Samples were generally collected in spring and fall seasons from years 1993 - 1999 and then during fall season from years 2000 - 2008.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92935
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 92
Number of Exceedances: 87
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 87 of 92 samples exceed the criterion for PCB, Total.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Polychlorinated Biphenyls criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00017 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 50 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB033W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB036W, South Bay - SB037W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-8/16/2007.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286629
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls).
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The PCB criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of water and organisms is 0.00017 ug/L and is equal to the maximum of the sum of aroclors or congeners (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286354
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls).
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The PCB criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of water and organisms is 0.00017 ug/L and is equal to the maximum of the sum of aroclors or congeners (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275193
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The value used in this assessment comes from MacDonald et al., 2000b is the consensus based midrange effect concentration (MEC) value of 400 ng/g
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment effect concentrations for polychlorinated biphenyls. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 19(5): 1403-1413
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB001S (Lower South Bay (LSB001S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269398
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 1 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls). Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Mississippi silverside each composed of 1 fish per composite). Of these, 1 species (Mississippi silverside) exceeded the water quality threshold.
Data Reference: Tissue data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for polychlorinated biphenyls in fish tissue is 2.6 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): 77OTH (S Bay shore near Stevens Ck-77OTH).
Temporal Representation: Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2010-10-28 and 2010-10-28. When composited fish were collected over multiple days, the first day of fish collection was used as the sample date in the LOE, both for LOE writing, and for averaging period purposes.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286651
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls).
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The PCB criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of water and organisms is 0.00017 ug/L and is equal to the maximum of the sum of aroclors or congeners (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286677
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls).
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The PCB criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of water and organisms is 0.00017 ug/L and is equal to the maximum of the sum of aroclors or congeners (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286583
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls).
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The PCB criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of water and organisms is 0.00017 ug/L and is equal to the maximum of the sum of aroclors or congeners (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286702
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls).
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The PCB criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of water and organisms is 0.00017 ug/L and is equal to the maximum of the sum of aroclors or congeners (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286604
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls).
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The PCB criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of water and organisms is 0.00017 ug/L and is equal to the maximum of the sum of aroclors or congeners (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275196
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The value used in this assessment comes from MacDonald et al., 2000b is the consensus based midrange effect concentration (MEC) value of 400 ng/g
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment effect concentrations for polychlorinated biphenyls. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 19(5): 1403-1413
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB041S (Lower South Bay (LSB041S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275036
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The value used in this assessment comes from MacDonald et al., 2000b is the consensus based midrange effect concentration (MEC) value of 400 ng/g
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment effect concentrations for polychlorinated biphenyls. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 19(5): 1403-1413
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB042S (Lower South Bay (LSB042S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269463
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 5
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - FISH data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 5 of the 5 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls). Data were collected for 6 fish species (2 composite(s) of White Sturgeon each composed of 3 fish per composite, 3 composite(s) of Shiner Surfperch each composed of 20 fish per composite, 3 composite(s) of Northern Anchovy each composed of 20 fish per composite, 1 composite(s) of White Croaker each composed of 4 fish per composite, 1 composite(s) of White Croaker each composed of 5 fish per composite, 1 composite(s) of Pacific Staghorn Sculpin each composed of 19 fish per composite). Of these, 5 species (White Sturgeon, Shiner Surfperch, Northern Anchovy, White Croaker, Pacific Staghorn Sculpin) exceeded the water quality threshold.
Data Reference: Tissue data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for polychlorinated biphenyls in fish tissue is 2.6 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): 204STHBAY (South Bay (1)-204STHBAY).
Temporal Representation: Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2014-04-21 and 2014-06-27. When composited fish were collected over multiple days, the first day of fish collection was used as the sample date in the LOE, both for LOE writing, and for averaging period purposes.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269371
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls). Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Mississippi silverside each composed of 1 fish per composite).
Data Reference: Tissue data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum total PCB Arochlor concentration of 500 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances.
Guideline Reference: National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): 77OTH (S Bay shore near Stevens Ck-77OTH).
Temporal Representation: Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2010-10-28 and 2010-10-28. When composited fish were collected over multiple days, the first day of fish collection was used as the sample date in the LOE, both for LOE writing, and for averaging period purposes.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286707
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls).
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The PCB criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of water and organisms is 0.00017 ug/L and is equal to the maximum of the sum of aroclors or congeners (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275450
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The value used in this assessment comes from MacDonald et al., 2000b is the consensus based midrange effect concentration (MEC) value of 400 ng/g
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment effect concentrations for polychlorinated biphenyls. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 19(5): 1403-1413
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286606
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls).
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The PCB criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of water and organisms is 0.00017 ug/L and is equal to the maximum of the sum of aroclors or congeners (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275369
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The value used in this assessment comes from MacDonald et al., 2000b is the consensus based midrange effect concentration (MEC) value of 400 ng/g
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment effect concentrations for polychlorinated biphenyls. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 19(5): 1403-1413
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275216
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The value used in this assessment comes from MacDonald et al., 2000b is the consensus based midrange effect concentration (MEC) value of 400 ng/g
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment effect concentrations for polychlorinated biphenyls. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 19(5): 1403-1413
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274936
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The value used in this assessment comes from MacDonald et al., 2000b is the consensus based midrange effect concentration (MEC) value of 400 ng/g
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment effect concentrations for polychlorinated biphenyls. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 19(5): 1403-1413
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275333
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The value used in this assessment comes from MacDonald et al., 2000b is the consensus based midrange effect concentration (MEC) value of 400 ng/g
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment effect concentrations for polychlorinated biphenyls. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 19(5): 1403-1413
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141079, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275428
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The value used in this assessment comes from MacDonald et al., 2000b is the consensus based midrange effect concentration (MEC) value of 400 ng/g
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment effect concentrations for polychlorinated biphenyls. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 19(5): 1403-1413
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB129S (Lower South Bay (LSB129S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: 2-Methylnaphthalene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141083, 2-Methylnaphthalene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274754
Pollutant: 2-Methylnaphthalene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Methylnaphthalene, 2- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for 2-methyl-naphthalene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 201 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141083, 2-Methylnaphthalene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274653
Pollutant: 2-Methylnaphthalene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Methylnaphthalene, 2- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for 2-methyl-naphthalene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 201 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141083, 2-Methylnaphthalene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274276
Pollutant: 2-Methylnaphthalene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Methylnaphthalene, 2- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for 2-methyl-naphthalene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 201 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141083, 2-Methylnaphthalene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274796
Pollutant: 2-Methylnaphthalene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Methylnaphthalene, 2-. Although a total of 1 samples were collected, 1 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the objective and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for 2-methyl-naphthalene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 201 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB11 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB11).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141083, 2-Methylnaphthalene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274651
Pollutant: 2-Methylnaphthalene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Methylnaphthalene, 2- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for 2-methyl-naphthalene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 201 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141083, 2-Methylnaphthalene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274772
Pollutant: 2-Methylnaphthalene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Methylnaphthalene, 2- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for 2-methyl-naphthalene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 201 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141083, 2-Methylnaphthalene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274735
Pollutant: 2-Methylnaphthalene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Methylnaphthalene, 2- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for 2-methyl-naphthalene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 201 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141083, 2-Methylnaphthalene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274755
Pollutant: 2-Methylnaphthalene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Methylnaphthalene, 2- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for 2-methyl-naphthalene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 201 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141083, 2-Methylnaphthalene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274773
Pollutant: 2-Methylnaphthalene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Methylnaphthalene, 2- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for 2-methyl-naphthalene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 201 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141083, 2-Methylnaphthalene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274797
Pollutant: 2-Methylnaphthalene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Methylnaphthalene, 2-. Although a total of 1 samples were collected, 1 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the objective and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for 2-methyl-naphthalene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 201 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB01 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB01).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141083, 2-Methylnaphthalene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274813
Pollutant: 2-Methylnaphthalene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support, and the results are as follows: 0 of the 0 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Methylnaphthalene, 2-. Although a total of 1 samples were collected, 1 of these samples were not included in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) was above the objective and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy Section
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for 2-methyl-naphthalene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 201 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB02 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB02).
Temporal Representation: Date for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Acenaphthene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141086, Acenaphthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276670
Pollutant: Acenaphthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Acenaphthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The acenaphthene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 2,700 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141086, Acenaphthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92910
Pollutant: Acenaphthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 60
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 60 samples exceed the criterion for Acenaphthene.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall be present in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The available data for acenaphthene indicate that chronic toxicity to saltwater aquatic life occurs at concentrations as low as 710 ug/Land would occur at lower concentrations among species that are more sensitive than those tested. (USEPA Gold Book - EPA 440/5-86-001)
Guideline Reference: Quality Criteria for Water 1986. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. Regulations and Standards. Washington D.C. EPA 440/5-86-001.
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 33 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, South Bay - SB030W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, South Bay - SB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, South Bay - SB032W, South Bay - SB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB022W, South Bay - SB031W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, South Bay - SB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, South Bay - SB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB001W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/6/1996-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141086, Acenaphthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92911
Pollutant: Acenaphthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 61
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 61 samples exceed the criterion for Acenaphthene.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Acenaphthene criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 2,700 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 46 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, South Bay - SB001W, South Bay - SB016W, South Bay - SB017W, South Bay - SB018W, South Bay - SB019W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W, South Bay - SB050W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB053W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/6/1996-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141086, Acenaphthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276651
Pollutant: Acenaphthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Acenaphthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The acenaphthene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 2,700 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141086, Acenaphthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276626
Pollutant: Acenaphthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Acenaphthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The acenaphthene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 2,700 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141086, Acenaphthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276624
Pollutant: Acenaphthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Acenaphthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The acenaphthene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 2,700 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141086, Acenaphthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276627
Pollutant: Acenaphthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Acenaphthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The acenaphthene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 2,700 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Aldrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

The number of measured exceedances is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicant pollutants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that this water segment-pollutant combination should not be placed on the CWA section 303(d) List.

Refer to the lines of evidence in this fact sheet for the data and information, sample counts and exceedances, quality assurance documentation, beneficial uses, and water quality objectives or numeric evaluation guidelines relied upon for this decision.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141087, Aldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92920
Pollutant: Aldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 30
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 30 samples exceed the criterion for Aldrin.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The aldrin criterion maximum concentration to protect aquatic life in saline water is 1.3 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 27 monitoring sites [ Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, South Bay - SB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, South Bay - SB032W, South Bay - SB029W, South Bay - SB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB017W, South Bay - SB022W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB019W, South Bay - SB018W, South Bay - SB027W, South Bay - SB028W, South Bay - SB025W, South Bay - SB024W, South Bay - SB023W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 8/5/2003-8/19/2005.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141087, Aldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92912
Pollutant: Aldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 24
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 24 samples exceed the criterion for Aldrin.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Aldrin criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00014 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 21 monitoring sites [ Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, South Bay - SB022W, South Bay - SB023W, South Bay - SB024W, South Bay - SB025W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB036W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 7/12/2004-8/16/2007.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141087, Aldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276709
Pollutant: Aldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Aldrin.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The aldrin criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00014 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141087, Aldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276711
Pollutant: Aldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Aldrin.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The aldrin criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00014 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141087, Aldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276714
Pollutant: Aldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Aldrin.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The aldrin criterion maximum concentration (expressed as a 1-day average) to protect aquatic life in saltwater is 0.65 ug/L. The criterion of 1.3 ug/L provided in the California Toxics Rule is an instantaneous maximum concentration and was divided by 2 in order to better represent a criterion maximum concentration (CMC) value as specified in footnote (g) of Table (b)(1) of the California Toxics Rule (2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141087, Aldrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276693
Pollutant: Aldrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Aldrin.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The aldrin criterion maximum concentration (expressed as a 1-day average) to protect aquatic life in saltwater is 0.65 ug/L. The criterion of 1.3 ug/L provided in the California Toxics Rule is an instantaneous maximum concentration and was divided by 2 in order to better represent a criterion maximum concentration (CMC) value as specified in footnote (g) of Table (b)(1) of the California Toxics Rule (2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Anthracene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141055, Anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92922
Pollutant: Anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 56
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 56 samples exceed the criterion for Anthracene.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Anthracene criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 110,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 35 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W, South Bay - SB050W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB053W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141055, Anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 279970
Pollutant: Anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Anthracene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The anthracene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 110,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141055, Anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 279988
Pollutant: Anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Anthracene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The anthracene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 110,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141055, Anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 279965
Pollutant: Anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Anthracene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The anthracene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 110,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141055, Anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280294
Pollutant: Anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Anthracene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The anthracene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 110,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141055, Anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 279967
Pollutant: Anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Anthracene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The anthracene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 110,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Arsenic
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269760
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB06 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB06).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269487
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB056S (Lower South Bay (LSB056S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2018-08-14 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269790
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB024S (Lower South Bay (LSB024S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280104
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Arsenic.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved arsenic criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 36 ug/L. The conversion factor used to convert the total fraction criterion for arsenic to dissolved fraction criterion is 1. Therefore all data was considered to be representative of the dissolved fraction. (California Toxics Rule, 2000)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB058W (Lower South Bay (LSB058W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269759
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270058
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB001S (Lower South Bay (LSB001S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269515
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB041S (Lower South Bay (LSB041S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269897
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269724
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB05 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB05).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269718
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB09 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB09).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269598
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB04 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB04).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269638
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB11 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB11).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270022
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269667
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 4 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280377
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Arsenic.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved arsenic criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 36 ug/L. The conversion factor used to convert the total fraction criterion for arsenic to dissolved fraction criterion is 1. Therefore all data was considered to be representative of the dissolved fraction. (California Toxics Rule, 2000)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 279975
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Arsenic.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved arsenic criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 36 ug/L. The conversion factor used to convert the total fraction criterion for arsenic to dissolved fraction criterion is 1. Therefore all data was considered to be representative of the dissolved fraction. (California Toxics Rule, 2000)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280216
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Arsenic.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved arsenic criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 36 ug/L. The conversion factor used to convert the total fraction criterion for arsenic to dissolved fraction criterion is 1. Therefore all data was considered to be representative of the dissolved fraction. (California Toxics Rule, 2000)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269517
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269519
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB042S (Lower South Bay (LSB042S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92933
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 128
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 128 samples exceed the criterion for Arsenic.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved arsenic criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.036 mg/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference: National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. Office of Science and Technology
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 60 monitoring sites [ South Bay - BA20, Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB038W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, South Bay - SB040W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB039W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB041W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, South Bay - SB030W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, South Bay - SB045W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, South Bay - SB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, South Bay - SB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, South Bay - SB050W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, South Bay - SB053W, South Bay - SB043W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB031W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, South Bay - SB049W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB001W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 3/2/1993-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95217
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South San Francisco Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceed the criterion for Arsenic. The fraction of total arsenic in inorganic form was taken to be 3.2%, which was the maximum fraction of inorganic arsenic found in shark tissue from SF Bay. No samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Contaminant Concentrations in Fish from San Francisco Bay, 2000
  Calculating Fraction of Inorganic Arsenic in SF Bay Fish and Shellfish
  Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Advisory Tissue Level for arsenic in fish tissue is 0.34 ppm. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in ten thousand. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 2004).

Advisory Tissue Levels (ATLs), while still conferring no significant health risk to
individuals consuming sport fish in the quantities shown over a lifetime, were developed
with the recognition that there are unique health benefits associated with fish
consumption and that the advisory process should be expanded beyond a simple risk
paradigm in order to best promote the overall health of the fish consumer. ATLs provide
a number of recommended fish servings that correspond to the range of contaminant
concentrations found in fish and are used to provide consumption advice to prevent
consumers from being exposed to more than the average daily reference dose for noncarcinogens
or to a risk level greater than 1x10-4 for carcinogens (not more than one
additional cancer case in a population of 10,000 people consuming fish at the given
consumption rate over a lifetime). ATLs are designed to encourage consumption of fish
that can be eaten in quantities likely to provide significant health benefits, while
discouraging consumption of fish that, because of contaminant concentrations, should not
be eaten or cannot be eaten in amounts recommended for improving overall health (eight
ounces total, prior to cooking, per week). ATLs are one of the criteria that will be used
by OEHHA for issuing fish consumption guidelines.
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Air Toxics Hotspots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines. Part ll Technical Support Document for Describing Available Cancer Potency Values.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at one site in South San Francisco Bay.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected in May 2003.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95888
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for Coyote Creek to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceed the criterion for Arsenic. The fraction of total arsenic in inorganic form was taken to be 3.2%, which was the maximum fraction of inorganic arsenic found in shark tissue from SF Bay data. No samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Calculating Fraction of Inorganic Arsenic in SF Bay Fish and Shellfish
  Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Advisory Tissue Level for arsenic in fish tissue is 0.34 ppm. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in ten thousand. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 2004).

Advisory Tissue Levels (ATLs), while still conferring no significant health risk to
individuals consuming sport fish in the quantities shown over a lifetime, were developed
with the recognition that there are unique health benefits associated with fish
consumption and that the advisory process should be expanded beyond a simple risk
paradigm in order to best promote the overall health of the fish consumer. ATLs provide
a number of recommended fish servings that correspond to the range of contaminant
concentrations found in fish and are used to provide consumption advice to prevent
consumers from being exposed to more than the average daily reference dose for noncarcinogens
or to a risk level greater than 1x10-4 for carcinogens (not more than one
additional cancer case in a population of 10,000 people consuming fish at the given
consumption rate over a lifetime). ATLs are designed to encourage consumption of fish
that can be eaten in quantities likely to provide significant health benefits, while
discouraging consumption of fish that, because of contaminant concentrations, should not
be eaten or cannot be eaten in amounts recommended for improving overall health (eight
ounces total, prior to cooking, per week). ATLs are one of the criteria that will be used
by OEHHA for issuing fish consumption guidelines.
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Air Toxics Hotspots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines. Part ll Technical Support Document for Describing Available Cancer Potency Values.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at one site in South SF Bay near the mouth of Coyote Creek
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected in May 1994.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 93697
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 12
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Zero of the twelve samples exceeded the guideline. All composite samples were comprised of Crassostrea gigas except for one sample comprised of Mytilus californianus. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal. The fraction of total arsenic in inorganic form was taken to be 0.115%, which was the maximum fraction of inorganic arsenic found in shellfish tissue from SF Bay. This number was screened against the guideline.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
  Contaminant Concentrations in Fish from San Francisco Bay, 2000
  Calculating Fraction of Inorganic Arsenic in SF Bay Fish and Shellfish
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Advisory Tissue Level for arsenic in shellfish tissue is 0.52 ppm. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in ten thousand. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 2004)

Advisory Tissue Levels (ATLs), while still conferring no significant health risk to
individuals consuming sport fish in the quantities shown over a lifetime, were developed
with the recognition that there are unique health benefits associated with fish
consumption and that the advisory process should be expanded beyond a simple risk
paradigm in order to best promote the overall health of the fish consumer. ATLs provide
a number of recommended fish servings that correspond to the range of contaminant
concentrations found in fish and are used to provide consumption advice to prevent
consumers from being exposed to more than the average daily reference dose for noncarcinogens
or to a risk level greater than 1x10-4 for carcinogens (not more than one
additional cancer case in a population of 10,000 people consuming fish at the given
consumption rate over a lifetime). ATLs are designed to encourage consumption of fish
that can be eaten in quantities likely to provide significant health benefits, while
discouraging consumption of fish that, because of contaminant concentrations, should not
be eaten or cannot be eaten in amounts recommended for improving overall health (eight
ounces total, prior to cooking, per week). ATLs are one of the criteria that will be used
by OEHHA for issuing fish consumption guidelines.
Guideline Reference: Air Toxics Hotspots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines. Part ll Technical Support Document for Describing Available Cancer Potency Values.
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: Samples were collected at the following station: BA10 - Coyote Creek.
Temporal Representation: Samples were generally collected in spring and fall seasons from years 1993 - 1999 and then during fall 2008.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92923
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: The one sample did exceed the guideline. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal. The fraction of total arsenic in inorganic form was taken to be 0.115%, which was the maximum fraction of inorganic arsenic found in shellfish tissue from SF Bay. This number was screened against the guideline.
Data Reference: State Mussel Watch Program Data 1977-2000; Winter 2007-Winter 2009. State Water Resources Control Board
  Contaminant Concentrations in Fish from San Francisco Bay, 2000
  Calculating Fraction of Inorganic Arsenic in SF Bay Fish and Shellfish
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: California's Ocean Plan states that, "The concentration of organic materials in fish, shellfish or other marine resources used for human consumption shall not bioaccumulate to levels that are harmful to human health".
Objective/Criterion Reference: California Ocean Plan Water Quality Control Plan Ocean Waters of California 2009
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Advisory Tissue Level for arsenic in shellfish tissue is 0.52 ppm. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in ten thousand. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 2004)

Advisory Tissue Levels (ATLs), while still conferring no significant health risk to
individuals consuming sport fish in the quantities shown over a lifetime, were developed
with the recognition that there are unique health benefits associated with fish
consumption and that the advisory process should be expanded beyond a simple risk
paradigm in order to best promote the overall health of the fish consumer. ATLs provide
a number of recommended fish servings that correspond to the range of contaminant
concentrations found in fish and are used to provide consumption advice to prevent
consumers from being exposed to more than the average daily reference dose for noncarcinogens
or to a risk level greater than 1x10-4 for carcinogens (not more than one
additional cancer case in a population of 10,000 people consuming fish at the given
consumption rate over a lifetime). ATLs are designed to encourage consumption of fish
that can be eaten in quantities likely to provide significant health benefits, while
discouraging consumption of fish that, because of contaminant concentrations, should not
be eaten or cannot be eaten in amounts recommended for improving overall health (eight
ounces total, prior to cooking, per week). ATLs are one of the criteria that will be used
by OEHHA for issuing fish consumption guidelines.
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Air Toxics Hotspots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines. Part ll Technical Support Document for Describing Available Cancer Potency Values.
Spatial Representation: Samples are collected by hand from three sub-locations for each site. The composite sample was collected from site San Francisco Bay Dumbarton Bridge (SFDB).
Temporal Representation: Representative samples of locally abundant species were collected during the winter on 2/3/2009
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected as part of the State Water Board's Mussel Watch Program which is a part of the National Oceanic Administration's (NOAAs) National Status and Trends (NS&T). Mussels are shipped to NOAAs contract labs for analysis of trace constituents and mussel condition. Analytical protocols follow those approved by NOAAs NS&T Program Additional background information can be found at:
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92932
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 128
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 128 samples exceed the criterion for Arsenic.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Surface waters shall not contain concentrations of chemical constituents in amounts that adversely affect any designated beneficial use.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline: The Arsenic criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.14 ug/L (National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, 2009).
Guideline Reference: National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. Office of Science and Technology
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 54 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, South Bay - BA20, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W, South Bay - SB050W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB053W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 3/2/1993-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269879
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB121S (Lower South Bay (LSB121S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269618
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB10 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB10).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269741
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL15 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL15).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269922
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB01 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB01).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270096
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB070S (Lower South Bay (LSB070S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269644
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB011S (Lower South Bay (LSB011S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2018-08-14 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269521
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280169
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Arsenic.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved arsenic criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 36 ug/L. The conversion factor used to convert the total fraction criterion for arsenic to dissolved fraction criterion is 1. Therefore all data was considered to be representative of the dissolved fraction. (California Toxics Rule, 2000)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280375
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Arsenic.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved arsenic criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 36 ug/L. The conversion factor used to convert the total fraction criterion for arsenic to dissolved fraction criterion is 1. Therefore all data was considered to be representative of the dissolved fraction. (California Toxics Rule, 2000)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB060W (Lower South Bay (LSB060W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92934
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 56
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Non-fixed station physical/chemical (conventional + toxicants)
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: None of the 56 samples exceeded the CTR.
Data Reference: NPDES receiving water data for bacteria and metals in San Francisco Bay, Jan. 2005-Sep. 2009
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The California Toxics Rule (CTR)lists criterion continuous concentrations (4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water. The CTR for arsenic is 36 ug/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Samples were taken from two sample locations in the receiving water of an adjacent waste-water treatment plant. Samples collected within 1-week were averaged.
Temporal Representation: Samples were collected monthly from January of 2005 through September of 2009.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected for NPDES ORDER No. R2-2010-0054.
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270014
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB02 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB02).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269619
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB08 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB08).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269737
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB07 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB07).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269854
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB03 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB03).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280379
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Arsenic.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved arsenic criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 36 ug/L. The conversion factor used to convert the total fraction criterion for arsenic to dissolved fraction criterion is 1. Therefore all data was considered to be representative of the dissolved fraction. (California Toxics Rule, 2000)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270115
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 4 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269620
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL16 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL16).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280252
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Arsenic.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved arsenic criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 36 ug/L. The conversion factor used to convert the total fraction criterion for arsenic to dissolved fraction criterion is 1. Therefore all data was considered to be representative of the dissolved fraction. (California Toxics Rule, 2000)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB057W (Lower South Bay (LSB057W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-31 and 2013-07-31
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280039
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Arsenic.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved arsenic criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 36 ug/L. The conversion factor used to convert the total fraction criterion for arsenic to dissolved fraction criterion is 1. Therefore all data was considered to be representative of the dissolved fraction. (California Toxics Rule, 2000)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB055W (Lower South Bay (LSB055W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-31 and 2013-07-31
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280146
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Arsenic.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved arsenic criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 36 ug/L. The conversion factor used to convert the total fraction criterion for arsenic to dissolved fraction criterion is 1. Therefore all data was considered to be representative of the dissolved fraction. (California Toxics Rule, 2000)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB056W (Lower South Bay (LSB056W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269748
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141056, Arsenic
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269840
Pollutant: Arsenic
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Arsenic .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for arsenic is the effects range median (ERM) value of 70 ug/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB129S (Lower South Bay (LSB129S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Benzo(a)anthracene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141058, Benzo(a)anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269845
Pollutant: Benzo(a)anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benz(a)anthracene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benz[a]anthrazene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 693 ug/Kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141058, Benzo(a)anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270071
Pollutant: Benzo(a)anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benz(a)anthracene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benz[a]anthrazene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 693 ug/Kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141058, Benzo(a)anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269971
Pollutant: Benzo(a)anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benz(a)anthracene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benz[a]anthrazene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 693 ug/Kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141058, Benzo(a)anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280571
Pollutant: Benzo(a)anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benz(a)anthracene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(a)anthracene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141058, Benzo(a)anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280573
Pollutant: Benzo(a)anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benz(a)anthracene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(a)anthracene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141058, Benzo(a)anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270027
Pollutant: Benzo(a)anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benz(a)anthracene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benz[a]anthrazene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 693 ug/Kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141058, Benzo(a)anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280595
Pollutant: Benzo(a)anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benz(a)anthracene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(a)anthracene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141058, Benzo(a)anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270105
Pollutant: Benzo(a)anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benz(a)anthracene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benz[a]anthrazene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 693 ug/Kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141058, Benzo(a)anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280552
Pollutant: Benzo(a)anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benz(a)anthracene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(a)anthracene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141058, Benzo(a)anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269989
Pollutant: Benzo(a)anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benz(a)anthracene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benz[a]anthrazene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 693 ug/Kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141058, Benzo(a)anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269949
Pollutant: Benzo(a)anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benz(a)anthracene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benz[a]anthrazene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 693 ug/Kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141058, Benzo(a)anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280553
Pollutant: Benzo(a)anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benz(a)anthracene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(a)anthracene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141058, Benzo(a)anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269992
Pollutant: Benzo(a)anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benz(a)anthracene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benz[a]anthrazene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 693 ug/Kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

The number of measured exceedances is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicant pollutants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that this water segment-pollutant combination should not be placed on the CWA section 303(d) List.

Refer to the lines of evidence in this fact sheet for the data and information, sample counts and exceedances, quality assurance documentation, beneficial uses, and water quality objectives or numeric evaluation guidelines relied upon for this decision.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280621
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benzo(a)pyrene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(a)pyrene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280314
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benzo(a)pyrene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(a)pyrene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270407
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benzo(a)pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benzo[a]pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 763 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270188
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benzo(a)pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benzo[a]pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 763 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280642
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benzo(a)pyrene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(a)pyrene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270311
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benzo(a)pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benzo[a]pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 763 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL15 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL15).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270344
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benzo(a)pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benzo[a]pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 763 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270267
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benzo(a)pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benzo[a]pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 763 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270253
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benzo(a)pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benzo[a]pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 763 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL16 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL16).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270431
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benzo(a)pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benzo[a]pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 763 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB11 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB11).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92943
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 92
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 92 samples exceed the criterion for Indeno(1, 2, 3-C, D)Pyrene.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Indeno(1, 2, 3-C, D)Pyrene criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 51 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, South Bay - SB016W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W, South Bay - SB050W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB053W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270432
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benzo(a)pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benzo[a]pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 763 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270224
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benzo(a)pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benzo[a]pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 763 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL40 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL40).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269834
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benzo(a)pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benzo[a]pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 763 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB01 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB01).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270129
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benzo(a)pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benzo[a]pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 763 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270134
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benzo(a)pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benzo[a]pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 763 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270288
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benzo(a)pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benzo[a]pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 763 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280639
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benzo(a)pyrene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(a)pyrene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280643
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benzo(a)pyrene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(a)pyrene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141057, Benzo(a)pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270214
Pollutant: Benzo(a)pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Benzo(a)pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for benzo[a]pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 763 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB02 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB02).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Benzo[b]fluoranthene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141059, Benzo[b]fluoranthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280340
Pollutant: Benzo[b]fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benzo(b)fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(b)flouranthene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141059, Benzo[b]fluoranthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280364
Pollutant: Benzo[b]fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benzo(b)fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(b)flouranthene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141059, Benzo[b]fluoranthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280318
Pollutant: Benzo[b]fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benzo(b)fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(b)flouranthene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141059, Benzo[b]fluoranthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280339
Pollutant: Benzo[b]fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benzo(b)fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(b)flouranthene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141059, Benzo[b]fluoranthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280360
Pollutant: Benzo[b]fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benzo(b)fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(b)flouranthene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Benzo[k]fluoranthene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141060, Benzo[k]fluoranthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280361
Pollutant: Benzo[k]fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benzo(k)fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(k)fluoranthene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141060, Benzo[k]fluoranthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280381
Pollutant: Benzo[k]fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benzo(k)fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(k)fluoranthene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141060, Benzo[k]fluoranthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280403
Pollutant: Benzo[k]fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benzo(k)fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(k)fluoranthene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141060, Benzo[k]fluoranthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280402
Pollutant: Benzo[k]fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benzo(k)fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(k)fluoranthene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141060, Benzo[k]fluoranthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280384
Pollutant: Benzo[k]fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Benzo(k)fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The benzo(k)fluoranthene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Cadmium
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280567
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Cadmium.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved cadmium criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 9.3 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270684
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB08 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB08).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270533
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB03 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB03).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270737
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270465
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB06 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB06).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280709
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Cadmium.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved cadmium criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 9.3 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB058W (Lower South Bay (LSB058W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280612
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Cadmium.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved cadmium criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 9.3 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270594
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB011S (Lower South Bay (LSB011S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2018-08-14 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270513
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB129S (Lower South Bay (LSB129S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270733
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB10 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB10).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270654
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB070S (Lower South Bay (LSB070S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270823
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB09 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB09).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270448
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270641
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB042S (Lower South Bay (LSB042S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270453
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB04 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB04).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270562
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB001S (Lower South Bay (LSB001S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270166
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB02 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB02).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270669
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB121S (Lower South Bay (LSB121S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270670
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 4 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280333
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Cadmium.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved cadmium criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 9.3 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB056W (Lower South Bay (LSB056W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280353
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Cadmium.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved cadmium criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 9.3 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92953
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 127
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 127 samples exceed the criterion for Cadmium.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved cadmium criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.093 mg/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 60 monitoring sites [ South Bay - BA20, Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB038W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, South Bay - SB040W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB039W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB041W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, South Bay - SB030W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, South Bay - SB045W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, South Bay - SB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, South Bay - SB032W, South Bay - SB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, South Bay - SB050W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, South Bay - SB053W, South Bay - SB043W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB031W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, South Bay - SB049W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB001W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 3/2/1993-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92945
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: The one sample did not exceed the guideline. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal.
Data Reference: State Mussel Watch Program Data 1977-2000; Winter 2007-Winter 2009. State Water Resources Control Board
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: California's Ocean Plan states that, "The concentration of organic materials in fish, shellfish or other marine resources used for human consumption shall not bioaccumulate to levels that are harmful to human health".
Objective/Criterion Reference: California Ocean Plan Water Quality Control Plan Ocean Waters of California 2009
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for cadmium in shellfish tissue is 3.3 ppm. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; USEPA, 2000)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use In Fish Advisories Volume 1: Fish Sampling and Analysis
Spatial Representation: Samples are collected by hand from three sub-locations for each site. The composite sample was collected from site San Francisco Bay Dumbarton Bridge (SFDB).
Temporal Representation: Representative samples of locally abundant species were collected during the winter on 2/3/2009
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected as part of the State Water Board's Mussel Watch Program which is a part of the National Oceanic Administration's (NOAAs) National Status and Trends (NS&T). Mussels are shipped to NOAAs contract labs for analysis of trace constituents and mussel condition. Analytical protocols follow those approved by NOAAs NS&T Program Additional background information can be found at:
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 93698
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 15
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: None of the 15 samples exceeded the guideline. All composite samples were comprised of Crassostrea gigas except for one sample comprised of Mytilus californianus. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal. Laboratory replicates were averaged.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for cadmium in shellfish tissue is 3.3 ppm. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; USEPA, 2000)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use In Fish Advisories Volume 1: Fish Sampling and Analysis
Spatial Representation: Samples were collected at the following station: BA10 - Coyote Creek.
Temporal Representation: Samples were generally collected in spring and fall seasons from years 1993 - 1999 and then during fall 2000, 2001, and 2008.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270677
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB01 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB01).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270617
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB024S (Lower South Bay (LSB024S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270621
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL16 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL16).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270636
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL15 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL15).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280459
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Cadmium.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved cadmium criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 9.3 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB055W (Lower South Bay (LSB055W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-31 and 2013-07-31
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280311
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Cadmium.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved cadmium criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 9.3 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB060W (Lower South Bay (LSB060W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270860
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB041S (Lower South Bay (LSB041S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270742
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB07 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB07).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270564
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 4 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280611
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Cadmium.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved cadmium criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 9.3 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280615
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Cadmium.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved cadmium criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 9.3 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB057W (Lower South Bay (LSB057W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-31 and 2013-07-31
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270681
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270514
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB056S (Lower South Bay (LSB056S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2018-08-14 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270600
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB11 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB11).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270715
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB05 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB05).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270622
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270435
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 280708
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Cadmium.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved cadmium criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 9.3 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141061, Cadmium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 270751
Pollutant: Cadmium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Cadmium .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for cadmium is the probable effect level (PEL) of 4.21 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Chrysene (C1-C4)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141063, Chrysene (C1-C4)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283241
Pollutant: Chrysene (C1-C4)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Chrysene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The chrysene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141063, Chrysene (C1-C4)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271255
Pollutant: Chrysene (C1-C4)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chrysene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chrysene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 846 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141063, Chrysene (C1-C4)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283237
Pollutant: Chrysene (C1-C4)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Chrysene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The chrysene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141063, Chrysene (C1-C4)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283242
Pollutant: Chrysene (C1-C4)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Chrysene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The chrysene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141063, Chrysene (C1-C4)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271334
Pollutant: Chrysene (C1-C4)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chrysene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chrysene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 846 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141063, Chrysene (C1-C4)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271237
Pollutant: Chrysene (C1-C4)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chrysene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chrysene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 846 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141063, Chrysene (C1-C4)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92973
Pollutant: Chrysene (C1-C4)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 86
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 86 samples exceed the criterion for Chrysene.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Chrysene criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 50 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, South Bay - SB017W, South Bay - SB018W, South Bay - SB019W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W, South Bay - SB050W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB053W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141063, Chrysene (C1-C4)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271379
Pollutant: Chrysene (C1-C4)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chrysene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chrysene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 846 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141063, Chrysene (C1-C4)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271159
Pollutant: Chrysene (C1-C4)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chrysene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chrysene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 846 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141063, Chrysene (C1-C4)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271330
Pollutant: Chrysene (C1-C4)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chrysene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chrysene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 846 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141063, Chrysene (C1-C4)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283215
Pollutant: Chrysene (C1-C4)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Chrysene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The chrysene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141063, Chrysene (C1-C4)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283218
Pollutant: Chrysene (C1-C4)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Chrysene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The chrysene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141063, Chrysene (C1-C4)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271239
Pollutant: Chrysene (C1-C4)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chrysene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chrysene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 846 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141063, Chrysene (C1-C4)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271093
Pollutant: Chrysene (C1-C4)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Chrysene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for chrysene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 846 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Copper
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Two of the one hundred fifty-three samples exceed the Basin Plan site specific copper objective.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Two of the one hundred fifty-three samples exceed the Basin Plan site specific copper objective and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271547
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 4 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271546
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB001S (Lower South Bay (LSB001S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271478
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB04 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB04).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289952
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 25
Number of Exceedances: 2
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South SF Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 2 of 25 samples exceed the Basin Plan's 4-day average site-specific objective for dissolved copper of 6.9 ug/L.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Table 3-3A Water Quality Objectives for Copper and Nickel in San Francisco Bay Segments states: The 4-day average (CCC) site-specific objective for dissolved copper is 6.0 ug/L .
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence were collected in 25 monitoring locations in South SF Bay: (station codes: LSB050W, LSB052W, LSB054W, LSB051W, LSB053W, LSB056W, LSB058W, LSB060W, LSB055W, LSB057W, LSB061W, LSB062W, LSB064W, LSB065W, LSB066W, LSB067W, LSB069W, LSB070W, LSB072W, LSB073W, LSB074W, LSB075W, LSB076W, LSB077W, LSB078W ).
Temporal Representation: Data for this line of evidence were collected in September 2011, July 2013, August 2015, August 2017, and July 2019.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: These are RMP data and exempt from QAPP requirements per the Listing Policy.
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271688
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB07 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB07).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271550
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB011S (Lower South Bay (LSB011S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2018-08-14 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271549
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271649
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB121S (Lower South Bay (LSB121S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271397
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL16 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL16).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271608
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271669
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB08 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB08).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92974
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 128
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 128 samples exceed the criterion for Copper.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: According to table 3-3A, the Copper site-specific objective for San Francisco Bay, South is 6.9 ug/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 60 monitoring sites [ South Bay - BA20, Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB038W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, South Bay - SB040W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB039W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB041W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, South Bay - SB030W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, South Bay - SB045W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, South Bay - SB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, South Bay - SB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, South Bay - SB050W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, South Bay - SB053W, South Bay - SB043W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB031W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, South Bay - SB049W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB001W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 3/2/1993-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271648
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB10 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB10).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271632
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB09 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB09).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271589
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL15 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL15).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271615
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB02 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB02).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271693
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB06 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB06).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271607
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB056S (Lower South Bay (LSB056S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2018-08-14 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271422
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271423
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271762
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271533
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB05 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB05).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271641
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB03 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB03).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271475
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB01 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB01).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271420
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB041S (Lower South Bay (LSB041S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271100
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB11 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB11).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271590
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271402
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB024S (Lower South Bay (LSB024S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271698
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB129S (Lower South Bay (LSB129S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271455
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 4 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271421
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB042S (Lower South Bay (LSB042S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141064, Copper
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 271611
Pollutant: Copper
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Copper .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for copper is the effects range median (ERM) value of 270 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB070S (Lower South Bay (LSB070S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Cyanide
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141065, Cyanide
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289959
Pollutant: Cyanide
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 5
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 5 samples exceed the Basin Plan's 4-day average site-specific objective for cyanide of 2.9 ug/L.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Table 3-3C Water Quality Objectives for Cyanide in San Francisco Bay Segments states: The 4-day average (CCC) site-specific objective for cyanide is 2.9 ug/L .
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence was collected in 5 monitoring location in San Francisco Bay, South: (station code: LSB061W, LSB062W, LSB064W, LSB065W, LSB066W)
Temporal Representation: Data for this line of evidence were collected on 8/26/2015
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: These are RMP data and exempt from QAPP requirements per the Listing Policy.
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141065, Cyanide
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289961
Pollutant: Cyanide
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Weak Acid Dissociable
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 20
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 20 samples exceed the Basin Plan's 4-day average site-specific objective for cyanide of 2.9 ug/L.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Table 3-3C Water Quality Objectives for Cyanide in San Francisco Bay Segments states: The 4-day average (CCC) site-specific objective for cyanide is 2.9 ug/L .
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence was collected in 20 monitoring location in San Francisco Bay, South: (station code: LSB050W, LSB051W, LSB052W, LSB053W, LSB054W, LSB055W, LSB056W, LSB057W, LSB058W, LSB060W, LSB067W, LSB069W, LSB070W, SB072W, SB073W, SB074W, SB075W, SB076W, SB077W, and SB078W)
Temporal Representation: Data for this line of evidence were collected in September 2011, July 2013, August 2017, July 2019
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: These are RMP data and exempt from QAPP requirements per the Listing Policy.
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141065, Cyanide
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92977
Pollutant: Cyanide
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 56
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Non-fixed station physical/chemical (conventional + toxicants)
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: None of the 56 samples exceeded the Site Specific Objective.
Data Reference: NPDES receiving water data for bacteria and metals in San Francisco Bay, Jan. 2005-Sep. 2009
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Site Specific Objective (SSO) for criterion continuous concentrations (4-day average) of cyanide, to protect aquatic life in saline waters of South San Francisco Bay is 2.9 ug/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Samples were taken from two sample locations in the receiving water of an adjacent waste-water treatment plant. Samples collected within 1-week were averaged.
Temporal Representation: Samples were collected monthly from January of 2005 through September of 2009.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected for NPDES ORDER No. R2-2010-0054.
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141065, Cyanide
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92976
Pollutant: Cyanide
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 3 samples exceed the criterion for Cyanide.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The cyanide criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 220,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 1 monitoring site [ South Bay - BA20]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 3/2/1993-9/13/1993.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141065, Cyanide
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92975
Pollutant: Cyanide
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 3 samples exceed the criterion for Cyanide.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: According to table 3-3C, the Cyanide site-specific objective for San Francisco Bay, South is 2.9 ug/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 1 monitoring site [ South Bay - BA20]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 3/2/1993-9/13/1993.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: DDD (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 148135, DDD (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283653
Pollutant: DDD (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for DDD(p,p').
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The 4,4'-DDD criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00084 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 148135, DDD (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283674
Pollutant: DDD (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for DDD(p,p').
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The 4,4'-DDD criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00084 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 148135, DDD (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283673
Pollutant: DDD (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for DDD(p,p').
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The 4,4'-DDD criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00084 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 148135, DDD (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283654
Pollutant: DDD (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for DDD(p,p').
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The 4,4'-DDD criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00084 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 148135, DDD (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283675
Pollutant: DDD (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for DDD(p,p').
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The 4,4'-DDD criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00084 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 148192, DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283695
Pollutant: DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for DDE(p,p').
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The 4,4'-DDE [DDE(p,p')] criterion to protect human health from the consumption of organisms only is 0.00059 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 148192, DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283698
Pollutant: DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for DDE(p,p').
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The 4,4'-DDE [DDE(p,p')] criterion to protect human health from the consumption of organisms only is 0.00059 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 148192, DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283694
Pollutant: DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for DDE(p,p').
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The 4,4'-DDE [DDE(p,p')] criterion to protect human health from the consumption of organisms only is 0.00059 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 148192, DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283696
Pollutant: DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for DDE(p,p').
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The 4,4'-DDE [DDE(p,p')] criterion to protect human health from the consumption of organisms only is 0.00059 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 148192, DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283697
Pollutant: DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for DDE(p,p').
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The 4,4'-DDE [DDE(p,p')] criterion to protect human health from the consumption of organisms only is 0.00059 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141067, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272624
Pollutant: Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dibenz(a,h)anthracene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for dibenz(a,h)anthracene is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value and is 260 PPB (ng/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141067, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283681
Pollutant: Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dibenz(a,h)anthracene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dibenzo(a, h)anthracene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141067, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283656
Pollutant: Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dibenz(a,h)anthracene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dibenzo(a, h)anthracene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141067, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283659
Pollutant: Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dibenz(a,h)anthracene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dibenzo(a, h)anthracene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141067, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272603
Pollutant: Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dibenz(a,h)anthracene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for dibenz(a,h)anthracene is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value and is 260 PPB (ng/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141067, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272524
Pollutant: Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dibenz(a,h)anthracene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for dibenz(a,h)anthracene is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value and is 260 PPB (ng/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141067, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272584
Pollutant: Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dibenz(a,h)anthracene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for dibenz(a,h)anthracene is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value and is 260 PPB (ng/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141067, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283655
Pollutant: Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dibenz(a,h)anthracene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dibenzo(a, h)anthracene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141067, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272504
Pollutant: Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dibenz(a,h)anthracene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for dibenz(a,h)anthracene is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value and is 260 PPB (ng/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141067, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283658
Pollutant: Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Dibenz(a,h)anthracene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dibenzo(a, h)anthracene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141067, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272560
Pollutant: Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dibenz(a,h)anthracene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for dibenz(a,h)anthracene is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value and is 260 PPB (ng/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141067, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272561
Pollutant: Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dibenz(a,h)anthracene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for dibenz(a,h)anthracene is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value and is 260 PPB (ng/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141067, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272500
Pollutant: Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Dibenz(a,h)anthracene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for dibenz(a,h)anthracene is the Effects Range Median (ERM) value and is 260 PPB (ng/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Endosulfan sulfate
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141069, Endosulfan sulfate
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92853
Pollutant: Endosulfan sulfate
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 82
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 82 samples exceed the criterion for Endosulfan Sulfate.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Endosulfan Sulfate criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 240 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 48 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, South Bay - SB008W, South Bay - SB012W, South Bay - SB016W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB033W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB036W, South Bay - SB037W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-8/16/2007.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141069, Endosulfan sulfate
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283746
Pollutant: Endosulfan sulfate
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Endosulfan Sulfate.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The endosulfan sulfate criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 240 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Endrin
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272877
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Endrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Endrin is 0.76 ug/g organic carbon (USEPA1993d).
Guideline Reference: Technical basis for deriving sediment criteria for nonionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning. EPA822-R-93-011. Washington, D.C.: Office of Water, USEPA
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB121S (Lower South Bay (LSB121S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272919
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Endrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Endrin is 0.76 ug/g organic carbon (USEPA1993d).
Guideline Reference: Technical basis for deriving sediment criteria for nonionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning. EPA822-R-93-011. Washington, D.C.: Office of Water, USEPA
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272923
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Endrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Endrin is 0.76 ug/g organic carbon (USEPA1993d).
Guideline Reference: Technical basis for deriving sediment criteria for nonionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning. EPA822-R-93-011. Washington, D.C.: Office of Water, USEPA
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB041S (Lower South Bay (LSB041S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272659
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Endrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Endrin is 0.76 ug/g organic carbon (USEPA1993d).
Guideline Reference: Technical basis for deriving sediment criteria for nonionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning. EPA822-R-93-011. Washington, D.C.: Office of Water, USEPA
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92855
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 60
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 60 samples exceed the criterion for Endrin.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Endrin criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.0023 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 34 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, South Bay - SB030W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, South Bay - SB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, South Bay - SB032W, South Bay - SB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, South Bay - SB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB017W, South Bay - SB022W, South Bay - SB031W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, South Bay - SB027W, South Bay - SB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, South Bay - SB025W, South Bay - SB024W, South Bay - SB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB001W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 8/16/1994-8/19/2005.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95113
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 41
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South San Francisco Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 41 samples exceed the criterion for endrin. No samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for endrin in fish tissue is 660 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; USEPA, 2000)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use In Fish Advisories Volume 1: Fish Sampling and Analysis
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at three sites throughout South San Francisco Bay.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected every three years from April 2000 through June 2006.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92854
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: The result did not exceed the guideline. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal.
Data Reference: State Mussel Watch Program Data 1977-2000; Winter 2007-Winter 2009. State Water Resources Control Board
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Many pollutants can accumulate on particles, in sediment, or bioaccumulate in fish and other aquatic organisms. Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for endrin in shellfish tissue is 1,000 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; USEPA, 2000)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use In Fish Advisories Volume 1: Fish Sampling and Analysis
Spatial Representation: Samples are collected by hand from three sub-locations for each site. The composite sample was collected from site San Francisco Bay Dumbarton Bridge (SFDB).
Temporal Representation: Representative samples of locally abundant species were collected during the winter on 2/3/2009
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected as part of the State Water Board's Mussel Watch Program which is a part of the National Oceanic Administration's (NOAAs) National Status and Trends (NS&T). Mussels are shipped to NOAAs contract labs for analysis of trace constituents and mussel condition. Analytical protocols follow those approved by NOAAs NS&T Program Additional background information can be found at:
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 93644
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 18
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: None of the 18 samples exceeded the guideline. All composite samples were comprised of Crassostrea gigas except for 3 composites that were comprised of Mytilus californianus. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for endrin in shellfish tissue is 1,000 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; USEPA, 2000)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use In Fish Advisories Volume 1: Fish Sampling and Analysis
Spatial Representation: Samples were collected at the following station: BA10 - Coyote Creek.
Temporal Representation: Samples were generally collected in spring and fall seasons from years 1994 - 1999 and then during most fall seasons during years 2000 - 2008.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92860
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 80
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 80 samples exceed the criterion for Endrin.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Endrin criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.81ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 47 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, South Bay - SB008W, South Bay - SB010W, South Bay - SB017W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB033W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB036W, South Bay - SB037W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 8/16/1994-8/16/2007.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272674
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Endrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Endrin is 0.76 ug/g organic carbon (USEPA1993d).
Guideline Reference: Technical basis for deriving sediment criteria for nonionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning. EPA822-R-93-011. Washington, D.C.: Office of Water, USEPA
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272878
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Endrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Endrin is 0.76 ug/g organic carbon (USEPA1993d).
Guideline Reference: Technical basis for deriving sediment criteria for nonionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning. EPA822-R-93-011. Washington, D.C.: Office of Water, USEPA
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272799
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Endrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Endrin is 0.76 ug/g organic carbon (USEPA1993d).
Guideline Reference: Technical basis for deriving sediment criteria for nonionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning. EPA822-R-93-011. Washington, D.C.: Office of Water, USEPA
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272860
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Endrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Endrin is 0.76 ug/g organic carbon (USEPA1993d).
Guideline Reference: Technical basis for deriving sediment criteria for nonionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning. EPA822-R-93-011. Washington, D.C.: Office of Water, USEPA
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB024S (Lower South Bay (LSB024S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272862
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Endrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Endrin is 0.76 ug/g organic carbon (USEPA1993d).
Guideline Reference: Technical basis for deriving sediment criteria for nonionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning. EPA822-R-93-011. Washington, D.C.: Office of Water, USEPA
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272958
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Endrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Endrin is 0.76 ug/g organic carbon (USEPA1993d).
Guideline Reference: Technical basis for deriving sediment criteria for nonionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning. EPA822-R-93-011. Washington, D.C.: Office of Water, USEPA
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB042S (Lower South Bay (LSB042S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272960
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Endrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Endrin is 0.76 ug/g organic carbon (USEPA1993d).
Guideline Reference: Technical basis for deriving sediment criteria for nonionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning. EPA822-R-93-011. Washington, D.C.: Office of Water, USEPA
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB129S (Lower South Bay (LSB129S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272777
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Endrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Endrin is 0.76 ug/g organic carbon (USEPA1993d).
Guideline Reference: Technical basis for deriving sediment criteria for nonionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning. EPA822-R-93-011. Washington, D.C.: Office of Water, USEPA
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272753
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Endrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Endrin is 0.76 ug/g organic carbon (USEPA1993d).
Guideline Reference: Technical basis for deriving sediment criteria for nonionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning. EPA822-R-93-011. Washington, D.C.: Office of Water, USEPA
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB001S (Lower South Bay (LSB001S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272670
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Endrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Endrin is 0.76 ug/g organic carbon (USEPA1993d).
Guideline Reference: Technical basis for deriving sediment criteria for nonionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning. EPA822-R-93-011. Washington, D.C.: Office of Water, USEPA
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141070, Endrin
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 272937
Pollutant: Endrin
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Endrin .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Endrin is 0.76 ug/g organic carbon (USEPA1993d).
Guideline Reference: Technical basis for deriving sediment criteria for nonionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning. EPA822-R-93-011. Washington, D.C.: Office of Water, USEPA
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB070S (Lower South Bay (LSB070S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Fluoranthene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of ninety-seven samples exceed the guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of ninety-seven samples exceed the guideline and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141071, Fluoranthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92861
Pollutant: Fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 69
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 69 samples exceed the criterion for Fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall be present in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The available data for Fluoranthene indicate that chronic toxicity to saltwater aquatic life occurs at concentrations as low as 16 ug/Land would occur at lower concentrations among species that are more sensitive than those tested. (USEPA Gold Book - EPA 440/5-86-001)
Guideline Reference: Quality Criteria for Water 1986. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. Regulations and Standards. Washington D.C. EPA 440/5-86-001.
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 36 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, South Bay - SB030W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, South Bay - SB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, South Bay - SB032W, South Bay - SB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB022W, South Bay - SB031W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, South Bay - SB027W, South Bay - SB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, South Bay - SB025W, South Bay - SB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB001W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141071, Fluoranthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92862
Pollutant: Fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 97
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 97 samples exceed the criterion for Fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Fluoranthene criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 370 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 53 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W, South Bay - SB050W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB053W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141071, Fluoranthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283904
Pollutant: Fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Fluoranthene criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 370 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141071, Fluoranthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283947
Pollutant: Fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Fluoranthene criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 370 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141071, Fluoranthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283903
Pollutant: Fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Fluoranthene criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 370 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141071, Fluoranthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283948
Pollutant: Fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Fluoranthene criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 370 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141071, Fluoranthene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283949
Pollutant: Fluoranthene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fluoranthene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Fluoranthene criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 370 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Fluorene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141072, Fluorene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92866
Pollutant: Fluorene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 68
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 68 samples exceed the criterion for Fluorene.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Fluorene criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 14,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 48 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, South Bay - SB007W, South Bay - SB008W, South Bay - SB009W, South Bay - SB010W, South Bay - SB011W, South Bay - SB017W, South Bay - SB018W, South Bay - SB019W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W, South Bay - SB050W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB053W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/6/1996-7/17/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141072, Fluorene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283991
Pollutant: Fluorene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fluorene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The fluorene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 14,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141072, Fluorene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283992
Pollutant: Fluorene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fluorene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The fluorene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 14,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141072, Fluorene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283970
Pollutant: Fluorene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fluorene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The fluorene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 14,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141072, Fluorene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283966
Pollutant: Fluorene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fluorene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The fluorene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 14,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141072, Fluorene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283986
Pollutant: Fluorene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Fluorene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The fluorene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 14,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), alpha
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141089, Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), alpha
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 284034
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), alpha
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for HCH, alpha-.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The alpha-HCH (alpha-BHC) criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.013 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141089, Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), alpha
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 284033
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), alpha
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for HCH, alpha-.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The alpha-HCH (alpha-BHC) criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.013 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141089, Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), alpha
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 284054
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), alpha
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for HCH, alpha-.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The alpha-HCH (alpha-BHC) criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.013 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141089, Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), alpha
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 284055
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), alpha
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for HCH, alpha-.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The alpha-HCH (alpha-BHC) criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.013 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141089, Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), alpha
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 284051
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), alpha
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for HCH, alpha-.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The alpha-HCH (alpha-BHC) criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.013 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), beta
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141088, Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), beta
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283806
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), beta
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for HCH, beta-.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The beta-HCH (beta-BHC) criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.046 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141088, Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), beta
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283786
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), beta
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for HCH, beta-.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The beta-HCH (beta-BHC) criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.046 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141088, Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), beta
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283810
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), beta
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for HCH, beta-.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The beta-HCH (beta-BHC) criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.046 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141088, Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), beta
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283788
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), beta
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for HCH, beta-.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The beta-HCH (beta-BHC) criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.046 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141088, Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), beta
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283808
Pollutant: Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), beta
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for HCH, beta-.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The beta-HCH (beta-BHC) criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.046 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141073, Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283770
Pollutant: Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The indeno(1, 2, 3-c,d)pyrene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141073, Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283771
Pollutant: Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The indeno(1, 2, 3-c,d)pyrene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141073, Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283768
Pollutant: Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The indeno(1, 2, 3-c,d)pyrene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141073, Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283790
Pollutant: Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The indeno(1, 2, 3-c,d)pyrene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141073, Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 283769
Pollutant: Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The indeno(1, 2, 3-c,d)pyrene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.049 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Lead
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274068
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB024S (Lower South Bay (LSB024S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 284311
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Lead.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved lead criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 8.1 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 284151
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Lead.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved lead criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 8.1 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB056W (Lower South Bay (LSB056W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273811
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274197
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB001S (Lower South Bay (LSB001S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273929
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB056S (Lower South Bay (LSB056S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2018-08-14 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273977
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB07 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB07).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274077
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB042S (Lower South Bay (LSB042S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274083
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 284369
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Lead.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved lead criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 8.1 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274105
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL15 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL15).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274039
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB05 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB05).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273983
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB02 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB02).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 284427
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Lead.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved lead criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 8.1 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB055W (Lower South Bay (LSB055W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-31 and 2013-07-31
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274202
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB09 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB09).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273910
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 4 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274210
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 4 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274214
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB11 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB11).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274038
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 284205
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Lead.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved lead criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 8.1 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB057W (Lower South Bay (LSB057W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-31 and 2013-07-31
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 284217
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Lead.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved lead criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 8.1 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB060W (Lower South Bay (LSB060W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274201
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB10 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB10).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274147
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB121S (Lower South Bay (LSB121S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 284226
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Lead.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved lead criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 8.1 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 284264
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Lead.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved lead criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 8.1 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273828
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB070S (Lower South Bay (LSB070S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274020
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273890
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB041S (Lower South Bay (LSB041S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274108
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274098
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL16 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL16).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274064
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB08 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB08).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274152
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB01 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB01).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274221
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB129S (Lower South Bay (LSB129S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274156
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB04 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB04).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274224
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB06 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB06).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274215
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB011S (Lower South Bay (LSB011S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2018-08-14 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92883
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 120
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 120 samples exceed the criterion for Lead.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved lead criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.0081 mg/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 51 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, South Bay - BA20, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, South Bay - SB027W, South Bay - SB028W, South Bay - SB029W, South Bay - SB030W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB032W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB050W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB053W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 3/2/1993-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 284271
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Lead.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved lead criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 8.1 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB058W (Lower South Bay (LSB058W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 284408
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Lead.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved lead criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 8.1 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274151
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB03 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB03).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141074, Lead
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274110
Pollutant: Lead
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Lead .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for lead is the probable effect level (PEL) of 112 mg/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141075, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273616
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for HCH, gamma- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for HCH, gamma(Lindane; BHC, gamma) is 0.37 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB070S (Lower South Bay (LSB070S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141075, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92890
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: The results did not exceed the guideline. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal.
Data Reference: State Mussel Watch Program Data 1977-2000; Winter 2007-Winter 2009. State Water Resources Control Board
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Many pollutants can accumulate on particles, in sediment, or bioaccumulate in fish and other aquatic organisms. Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for lindane in shellfish tissue is 7.1 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 2005)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Air Toxics Hotspots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines. Part ll Technical Support Document for Describing Available Cancer Potency Values.
Spatial Representation: Samples are collected by hand from three sub-locations for each site. The composite sample was collected from site San Francisco Bay Dumbarton Bridge (SFDB).
Temporal Representation: Representative samples of locally abundant species were collected during the winter on 2/3/2009
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected as part of the State Water Board's Mussel Watch Program which is a part of the National Oceanic Administration's (NOAAs) National Status and Trends (NS&T). Mussels are shipped to NOAAs contract labs for analysis of trace constituents and mussel condition. Analytical protocols follow those approved by NOAAs NS&T Program Additional background information can be found at:
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141075, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273781
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for HCH, gamma- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for HCH, gamma(Lindane; BHC, gamma) is 0.37 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141075, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273721
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for HCH, gamma- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for HCH, gamma(Lindane; BHC, gamma) is 0.37 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141075, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273847
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for HCH, gamma- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for HCH, gamma(Lindane; BHC, gamma) is 0.37 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB042S (Lower South Bay (LSB042S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141075, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273860
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for HCH, gamma- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for HCH, gamma(Lindane; BHC, gamma) is 0.37 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141075, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273735
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for HCH, gamma- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for HCH, gamma(Lindane; BHC, gamma) is 0.37 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB024S (Lower South Bay (LSB024S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141075, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273833
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for HCH, gamma- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for HCH, gamma(Lindane; BHC, gamma) is 0.37 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141075, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273844
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for HCH, gamma- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for HCH, gamma(Lindane; BHC, gamma) is 0.37 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB001S (Lower South Bay (LSB001S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141075, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273804
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for HCH, gamma- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for HCH, gamma(Lindane; BHC, gamma) is 0.37 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141075, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273874
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for HCH, gamma- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for HCH, gamma(Lindane; BHC, gamma) is 0.37 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB121S (Lower South Bay (LSB121S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141075, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273784
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for HCH, gamma- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for HCH, gamma(Lindane; BHC, gamma) is 0.37 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141075, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273757
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for HCH, gamma- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for HCH, gamma(Lindane; BHC, gamma) is 0.37 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB129S (Lower South Bay (LSB129S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141075, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273825
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for HCH, gamma- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for HCH, gamma(Lindane; BHC, gamma) is 0.37 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB041S (Lower South Bay (LSB041S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141075, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273739
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for HCH, gamma- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for HCH, gamma(Lindane; BHC, gamma) is 0.37 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141075, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 93650
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 18
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: None of the 18 samples exceeded the guideline. All composite samples were comprised of Crassostrea gigas except for 3 composites that were comprised of Mytilus californianus. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for lindane in shellfish tissue is 7.1 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 2005)
Guideline Reference: Air Toxics Hotspots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines. Part ll Technical Support Document for Describing Available Cancer Potency Values.
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: Samples were collected at the following station: BA10 - Coyote Creek.
Temporal Representation: Samples were generally collected in spring and fall seasons from years 1994 - 1999 and then during most fall seasons during years 2000 - 2008.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141075, Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273675
Pollutant: Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for HCH, gamma- .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for HCH, gamma(Lindane; BHC, gamma) is 0.37 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Microplastics
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Microplastic particle count data are being assessed for potential waterbody impairment. An exceedance of the food dilution hazard concentration for five percent of species (“HC5”) threshold developed in Mehinto et al. (2022) will indicate the beneficial use may be potentially threatened and the waterbody will be placed in Category 3. If there is no exceedance the waterbody will be placed in Category 2 (insufficient information to determine beneficial use support). The LOEs in this assessment are not used to consider waterbody placement on the CWA 303(d) list. Additional information is needed to increase the confidence in this HC5 threshold prior to determining that a waterbody is placed on the CWA 303(d) list. Additionally, submitted data that are more representative of waterbody microplastic conditions are required to assess placement on the CWA 303(d) list.

Three LOEs are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero (0) of the six (6) samples exceed the microplastics threshold of 5 microplastic particles per liter. There are no exceedances of the HC5 threshold, and the waterbody will be placed in Category 2 for this pollutant.

Consideration to place a waterbody segment on the 303(d) list or to determine that the beneficial use is fully supported requires further data and information to increase the confidence in the accuracy of the threshold and the representativeness of the submitted data.

The HC5 threshold presented in Mehinto et al. (2022), does not yet meet the Listing Policy evaluation guideline requirements outlined in Section 6.1.3. The expert group that developed this HC5 threshold expressed low to moderate confidence in the calculated threshold concentration (Mehinto et al. 2022). However, while the expert group has high confidence in the framework and the analytical approach used to derive the threshold, the threshold suffers from “limited data of sufficient quality and environmental relevance.” For example, the majority of studies used to derive this threshold relied on sphere and fragment microplastic morphologies and did not consider films, fibers or tire wear particles. Fibers are expected to be more toxic than fragments and spheres (Stienbarger et al. 2021).

Submitted Data:
The manta trawl data were corrected and aligned to account for sampling limitations in capturing particles smaller than 355 microns and a tendency to undercount fibers. These adjustments introduce considerable uncertainty in the particle concentration estimates.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: Decision written by SWRCB staff.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: Consideration to place a waterbody segment on the 303(d) list or to determine that the beneficial use is fully supported requires further data and information to increase the confidence in the accuracy of the threshold and the representativeness of the submitted data.

The HC5 threshold presented in Mehinto et al. (2022), does not yet meet the Listing Policy evaluation guideline requirements outlined in Section 6.1.3. The expert group that developed this HC5 threshold expressed low to moderate confidence in the calculated threshold concentration (Mehinto et al. 2022). However, while the expert group has high confidence in the framework and the analytical approach used to derive the threshold, the threshold suffers from “limited data of sufficient quality and environmental relevance.” For example, the majority of studies used to derive this threshold relied on sphere and fragment microplastic morphologies and did not consider films, fibers or tire wear particles. Fibers are expected to be more toxic than fragments and spheres (Stienbarger et al. 2021).

Submitted Data:
The manta trawl data were corrected and aligned to account for sampling limitations in capturing particles smaller than 355 microns and a tendency to undercount fibers. These adjustments introduce considerable uncertainty in the particle concentration estimates.
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 154106, Microplastics
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 315260
Pollutant: Microplastics
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed manta trawl microplastic data collected by San Francisco Estuary Institute (“SFEI”) and presented in Zhu et al. (2021) to determine beneficial use support.  In accordance with Coffin et al. (2022), manta trawl data were rescaled to a common size range (1-5000µm) to allow direct comparison to the evaluation guideline and were adjusted for biases in sampling and analysis procedures using empirical data.  Uncertainties introduced by these adjustments were propagated probabilistically using probability distribution functions and Monte-Carlo modeling.  The median modelled values were used for assessment purposes.  Zero of two samples of median modeled values exceeded evaluation guideline for EST.
Data Reference: Risk characterization of microplastics in San Francisco Bay, California
  Holistic Assessment of Microplastics and Other Anthropogenic Microdebris in an Urban Bay Sheds Light on Their Sources and Fate
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. (SFRWQCB Water Quality Control Plan Section 3.3.18, 2017)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: Microplastics data are compared to the threshold of 5 microplastic particle per liter for a particle range of 1-5000 µm developed by Mehinto et al. (2022), to determine potential impairment of marine and estuarine beneficial uses due to microplastics. The threshold is a calculated median value and denotes a concentration at or above which 5 percent of the aquatic species used to develop the threshold will experience adverse effects. This threshold is commonly known as the hazard concentration for 5 percent of species, or “HC5.”  Mehinto et al. (2022) bases the 5 microplastic particle per liter HC5 on food dilution effects data.  Food dilution is an adverse health effect that develops when aquatic organisms ingest microplastics, diminishing nutritional intake and organismal biological function (de Ruijter et al. 2020).  Food dilution can be reliably predicted by particle volume (Koelmans et al. 2022). 
Guideline Reference: Risk assessment of microplastic particles.
Guideline Reference: Risk-based management framework for microplastics in aquatic ecosystems
Guideline Reference: Quality Criteria for Microplastic Effect Studies in the Context of Risk Assessment: A Critical Review
Spatial Representation: The sample was collected via manta trawl from the following station: LSB15. The manta trawl was towed behind the vessel for 30 minutes with a tow speed of 3 knots. Sample volumes for these manta trawl events ranged from 87,425 L to 124,083 L. For microplastics collected with the manta trawl, microplastics data with similar coordinates were aggregated and evaluated as a single line of evidence.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected August 24, 2017 – March 6, 2018. Microplastic data collected during the wet (November 16, 2017 – March 31, 2018) and dry (August 21, 2017 – November 5, 2017) seasons were used in this assessment, as aquatic life may be exposed to microplastic concentrations seasonally.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The data were assessed for quality using quality assurance criteria for microplastics sampling, extraction, and analysis reported in Koelmans et al. (2020).  
QAPP Information Reference(s): Solving the Nonalignment of Methods and Approaches Used in Microplastic Research to Consistently Characterize Risk
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 154106, Microplastics
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 315259
Pollutant: Microplastics
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed manta trawl microplastic data collected by San Francisco Estuary Institute (“SFEI”) and presented in Zhu et al. (2021) to determine beneficial use support.  In accordance with Coffin et al. (2022), manta trawl data were rescaled to a common size range (1-5000µm) to allow direct comparison to the evaluation guideline and were adjusted for biases in sampling and analysis procedures using empirical data.  Uncertainties introduced by these adjustments were propagated probabilistically using probability distribution functions and Monte-Carlo modeling.  The median modelled values were used for assessment purposes.  Zero of two samples of median modeled values exceeded evaluation guideline for EST.
Data Reference: Risk characterization of microplastics in San Francisco Bay, California
  Holistic Assessment of Microplastics and Other Anthropogenic Microdebris in an Urban Bay Sheds Light on Their Sources and Fate
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. (SFRWQCB Water Quality Control Plan Section 3.3.18, 2017)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: Microplastics data are compared to the threshold of 5 microplastic particle per liter for a particle range of 1-5000 µm developed by Mehinto et al. (2022), to determine potential impairment of marine and estuarine beneficial uses due to microplastics. The threshold is a calculated median value and denotes a concentration at or above which 5 percent of the aquatic species used to develop the threshold will experience adverse effects. This threshold is commonly known as the hazard concentration for 5 percent of species, or “HC5.”  Mehinto et al. (2022) bases the 5 microplastic particle per liter HC5 on food dilution effects data.  Food dilution is an adverse health effect that develops when aquatic organisms ingest microplastics, diminishing nutritional intake and organismal biological function (de Ruijter et al. 2020).  Food dilution can be reliably predicted by particle volume (Koelmans et al. 2022). 
Guideline Reference: Risk assessment of microplastic particles.
Guideline Reference: Risk-based management framework for microplastics in aquatic ecosystems
Guideline Reference: Quality Criteria for Microplastic Effect Studies in the Context of Risk Assessment: A Critical Review
Spatial Representation: The sample was collected via manta trawl from the following station: LSB14. The manta trawl was towed behind the vessel for 30 minutes with a tow speed of 3 knots. Sample volumes for these manta trawl events ranged from 92,559 L to 167,410 L. For microplastics collected with the manta trawl, microplastics data with similar coordinates were aggregated and evaluated as a single line of evidence.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected August 24, 2017 – March 6, 2018. Microplastic data collected during the wet (November 16, 2017 – March 31, 2018) and dry (August 21, 2017 – November 5, 2017) seasons were used in this assessment, as aquatic life may be exposed to microplastic concentrations seasonally.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The data were assessed for quality using quality assurance criteria for microplastics sampling, extraction, and analysis reported in Koelmans et al. (2020).  
QAPP Information Reference(s): Solving the Nonalignment of Methods and Approaches Used in Microplastic Research to Consistently Characterize Risk
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 154106, Microplastics
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 315261
Pollutant: Microplastics
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed manta trawl microplastic data collected by San Francisco Estuary Institute (“SFEI”) and presented in Zhu et al. (2021) to determine beneficial use support.  In accordance with Coffin et al. (2022), manta trawl data were rescaled to a common size range (1-5000µm) to allow direct comparison to the evaluation guideline and were adjusted for biases in sampling and analysis procedures using empirical data.  Uncertainties introduced by these adjustments were propagated probabilistically using probability distribution functions and Monte-Carlo modeling.  The median modelled values were used for assessment purposes.  Zero of two samples of median modeled values exceeded evaluation guideline for EST.
Data Reference: Risk characterization of microplastics in San Francisco Bay, California
  Holistic Assessment of Microplastics and Other Anthropogenic Microdebris in an Urban Bay Sheds Light on Their Sources and Fate
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. (SFRWQCB Water Quality Control Plan Section 3.3.18, 2017)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: Microplastics data are compared to the threshold of 5 microplastic particle per liter for a particle range of 1-5000 µm developed by Mehinto et al. (2022), to determine potential impairment of marine and estuarine beneficial uses due to microplastics. The threshold is a calculated median value and denotes a concentration at or above which 5 percent of the aquatic species used to develop the threshold will experience adverse effects. This threshold is commonly known as the hazard concentration for 5 percent of species, or “HC5.”  Mehinto et al. (2022) bases the 5 microplastic particle per liter HC5 on food dilution effects data.  Food dilution is an adverse health effect that develops when aquatic organisms ingest microplastics, diminishing nutritional intake and organismal biological function (de Ruijter et al. 2020).  Food dilution can be reliably predicted by particle volume (Koelmans et al. 2022). 
Guideline Reference: Risk assessment of microplastic particles.
Guideline Reference: Risk-based management framework for microplastics in aquatic ecosystems
Guideline Reference: Quality Criteria for Microplastic Effect Studies in the Context of Risk Assessment: A Critical Review
Spatial Representation: The sample was collected via manta trawl from the following station: LSB16. The manta trawl was towed behind the vessel for 30 minutes with a tow speed of 3 knots. Sample volumes for these manta trawl events ranged from 90,061 L to 99,559 L. For microplastics collected with the manta trawl, microplastics data with similar coordinates were aggregated and evaluated as a single line of evidence.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected August 24, 2017 – March 6, 2018. Microplastic data collected during the wet (November 16, 2017 – March 31, 2018) and dry (August 21, 2017 – November 5, 2017) seasons were used in this assessment, as aquatic life may be exposed to microplastic concentrations seasonally.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The data were assessed for quality using quality assurance criteria for microplastics sampling, extraction, and analysis reported in Koelmans et al. (2020).  
QAPP Information Reference(s): Solving the Nonalignment of Methods and Approaches Used in Microplastic Research to Consistently Characterize Risk
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Nickel
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141076, Nickel
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92914
Pollutant: Nickel
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 128
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 128 samples exceed the criterion for Nickel.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: According to table 3-3A, the Nickel site-specific objective for San Francisco Bay, South is 11.9 ug/L.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 54 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, South Bay - BA20, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W, South Bay - SB050W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB053W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 3/2/1993-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141076, Nickel
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289965
Pollutant: Nickel
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 10
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South SF Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 10 samples exceed the Basin Plan's 4-day average site-specific objective for dissolved nickel of 11.9 ug/L.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Table 3-3A Water Quality Objectives for Copper and Nickel in San Francisco Bay Segments states: The 4-day average (CCC) site-specific objective for dissolved nickel is 11.9 ug/L .
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence were collected in 10 monitoring locations in South SF Bay: (station codes: LSB050W, LSB051W, LSB052W, LSB053W, LSB054W, LSB055W, LSB056W, LSB057W, LSB058W, LSB060W)
Temporal Representation: Data for this line of evidence were collected in September 2011 and July 2013.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: These are RMP data and exempt from QAPP requirements per the Listing Policy.
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141076, Nickel
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92915
Pollutant: Nickel
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 127
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 127 samples exceed the criterion for Nickel.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Nickel criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 4.6 mg/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 54 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, South Bay - BA20, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, South Bay - SB030W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W, South Bay - SB050W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB053W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 3/2/1993-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141076, Nickel
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 63
Pollutant: Nickel
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 58
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Taken from the San Francisco Bay Estuary institute (SFEI) - Regional Monitoring Program. None of 58 samples exceeded the site-specific water quality objective.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference 2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Regional Water Board site-specific water quality objectives
4-day Average Criteria Continuous Concentration (CCC) - 11.9ug/l
1-hour Average Criteria Maximum Concentration (CMC) - 62.4ug/l
Objective/Criterion Reference: Placeholder reference 2006 303(d)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: 13 sampling locations within the segment
Temporal Representation: Samples were taken from 1993 to 2003 with three samples taken each year, on average. A total of 58 samples were taken during the aforementioned time period.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SFEI RMP QA/QC program
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141077, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 285746
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen objective for tidal waters in San Francisco Bay upstream of the Carquinez Bridge is 7.0 mg/l minimum, and 5.0 mg/L minimum downstream of the Carquinez Bridge. (Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Chapter III Water Quality Objectives.)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB060W (Lower South Bay (LSB060W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141077, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286045
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen objective for tidal waters in San Francisco Bay upstream of the Carquinez Bridge is 7.0 mg/l minimum, and 5.0 mg/L minimum downstream of the Carquinez Bridge. (Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Chapter III Water Quality Objectives.)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB055W (Lower South Bay (LSB055W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-31 and 2013-07-31
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141077, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 285376
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen objective for tidal waters in San Francisco Bay upstream of the Carquinez Bridge is 7.0 mg/l minimum, and 5.0 mg/L minimum downstream of the Carquinez Bridge. (Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Chapter III Water Quality Objectives.)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB057W (Lower South Bay (LSB057W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-31 and 2013-07-31
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141077, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 285397
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen objective for tidal waters in San Francisco Bay upstream of the Carquinez Bridge is 7.0 mg/l minimum, and 5.0 mg/L minimum downstream of the Carquinez Bridge. (Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Chapter III Water Quality Objectives.)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB058W (Lower South Bay (LSB058W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141077, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286342
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen objective for tidal waters in San Francisco Bay upstream of the Carquinez Bridge is 7.0 mg/l minimum, and 5.0 mg/L minimum downstream of the Carquinez Bridge. (Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Chapter III Water Quality Objectives.)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB070W (Lower South Bay (LSB070W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2017-08-29 and 2017-08-29
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141077, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286160
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen objective for tidal waters in San Francisco Bay upstream of the Carquinez Bridge is 7.0 mg/l minimum, and 5.0 mg/L minimum downstream of the Carquinez Bridge. (Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Chapter III Water Quality Objectives.)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB069W (Lower South Bay (LSB069W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2017-08-29 and 2017-08-29
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141077, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286505
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen objective for tidal waters in San Francisco Bay upstream of the Carquinez Bridge is 7.0 mg/l minimum, and 5.0 mg/L minimum downstream of the Carquinez Bridge. (Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Chapter III Water Quality Objectives.)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB065W (Lower South Bay (LSB065W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2015-08-26 and 2015-08-26
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141077, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 285137
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen objective for tidal waters in San Francisco Bay upstream of the Carquinez Bridge is 7.0 mg/l minimum, and 5.0 mg/L minimum downstream of the Carquinez Bridge. (Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Chapter III Water Quality Objectives.)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB072W (Lower South Bay (LSB072W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2017-08-29 and 2017-08-29
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141077, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286489
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen objective for tidal waters in San Francisco Bay upstream of the Carquinez Bridge is 7.0 mg/l minimum, and 5.0 mg/L minimum downstream of the Carquinez Bridge. (Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Chapter III Water Quality Objectives.)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB067W (Lower South Bay (LSB067W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2017-08-29 and 2017-08-29
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141077, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286069
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen objective for tidal waters in San Francisco Bay upstream of the Carquinez Bridge is 7.0 mg/l minimum, and 5.0 mg/L minimum downstream of the Carquinez Bridge. (Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Chapter III Water Quality Objectives.)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB073W (Lower South Bay (LSB073W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2017-08-29 and 2017-08-29
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141077, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286419
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen objective for tidal waters in San Francisco Bay upstream of the Carquinez Bridge is 7.0 mg/l minimum, and 5.0 mg/L minimum downstream of the Carquinez Bridge. (Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Chapter III Water Quality Objectives.)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB064W (Lower South Bay (LSB064W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2015-08-26 and 2015-08-26
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141077, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286466
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen objective for tidal waters in San Francisco Bay upstream of the Carquinez Bridge is 7.0 mg/l minimum, and 5.0 mg/L minimum downstream of the Carquinez Bridge. (Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Chapter III Water Quality Objectives.)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB062W (Lower South Bay (LSB062W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2015-08-26 and 2015-08-26
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141077, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 285875
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen objective for tidal waters in San Francisco Bay upstream of the Carquinez Bridge is 7.0 mg/l minimum, and 5.0 mg/L minimum downstream of the Carquinez Bridge. (Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Chapter III Water Quality Objectives.)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB066W (Lower South Bay (LSB066W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2015-08-26 and 2015-08-26
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141077, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 286067
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen objective for tidal waters in San Francisco Bay upstream of the Carquinez Bridge is 7.0 mg/l minimum, and 5.0 mg/L minimum downstream of the Carquinez Bridge. (Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Chapter III Water Quality Objectives.)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB061W (Lower South Bay (LSB061W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2015-08-26 and 2015-08-26
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141077, Oxygen, Dissolved
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 285754
Pollutant: Oxygen, Dissolved
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Oxygen, Dissolved.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved oxygen objective for tidal waters in San Francisco Bay upstream of the Carquinez Bridge is 7.0 mg/l minimum, and 5.0 mg/L minimum downstream of the Carquinez Bridge. (Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin, Chapter III Water Quality Objectives.)
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB056W (Lower South Bay (LSB056W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Five lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. When assessing the shellfish harvesting beneficial use, zero of twenty-one samples exceed the OEHHA evaluation guideline for PAH established after the COSCO Busan oil spill to protect consumers of fish and shellfish. Zero of fifty-one sediment samples exceeded the evaluation guideline to assess the estuarine habitat beneficial use.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is not sufficient justification in favor of placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of twenty-one samples exceed the OEHHA evaluation guideline for PAH established after the COSCO Busan oil spill to protect consumers of fish and shellfish. Zero of fifty-one sediment samples exceeded the evaluation guideline to assess the estuarine habitat beneficial use and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273962
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Low molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for low molecular weight PAHs is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1442 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 315230
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: The result did not exceed the guideline. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal. The total PAHs were calculated as the potency equivalency concentration or the sum of the toxic equivalency factors multiplied by the concentrations of: Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Anthracene, Benz[a]anthracene, Benzo[a]pyrene, Benzo[b]fluoranthene, Benzo[g,h,i]perylene, Benzo[k]fluoranthene, Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene, Chrysene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene, Phenanthrene, and Pyrene.
Data Reference: State Mussel Watch Program Data 1977-2000; Winter 2007-Winter 2009. State Water Resources Control Board
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: OEHHA published a risk-based concentration protective of public health for the concentration of PAH in San Francisco Bay fish and shellfish following the M/V Cosco Busan oil spill. OEHHA determined that a concentration of 43.7 ppb (wet weight) would result in one expected additional cancer case for a population of 10,000 individuals consuming one meal per week of San Francisco Bay fish or shellfish. This calculated concentration assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32.5 g/day for a 30-year exposure over a 70-year lifetime (OEHHA 2007).
Guideline Reference: Report on the Safety of Consuming Fish and Shellfish from Areas Impacted by the M/V Cosco Busan Oil Spill in San Francisco Bay, California (OEHHA, 2007)
Spatial Representation: Samples are collected by hand from three sub-locations for each site. The composite sample was collected from site San Francisco Bay Dumbarton Bridge (SFDB).
Temporal Representation: Representative samples of locally abundant species were collected during the winter on 2/3/2009
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected as part of the State Water Board's Mussel Watch Program which is a part of the National Oceanic Administration's (NOAAs) National Status and Trends (NS&T). Mussels are shipped to NOAAs contract labs for analysis of trace constituents and mussel condition. Analytical protocols follow those approved by NOAAs NS&T Program Additional background information can be found at: http://ccma.nos.noaa.gov/stressors/pollution/nsandt/
QAPP Information Reference(s): Major and Trace Element Analytical Methods of the National Status and Trends Program: 2000-2006.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 315228
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 18
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Zero of the 18 samples exceeded the guideline. Composite samples were comprised of Crassostrea gigas, except for 3 samples comprised of Mytilius californianus. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal. Laboratory replicates were averaged. PAH, Total is calculated as a potency weighted concentration with respect to benzo(a)pyrene and was calculated based on the following analytes: Dibenz(a,h)anthracene, Benzo(a)pyrene, Benz(a)anthracene, Benzo(b)fluoranthene, Benzo(k)fluoranthene, Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene, Anthracene, Benzo(g,h,i)perylene, Chrysene, Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Phenanthrene, and Pyrene.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: OEHHA published a risk-based concentration protective of public health for the concentration of PAH in San Francisco Bay fish and shellfish following the M/V Cosco Busan oil spill. OEHHA determined that a concentration of 43.7 ppb (wet weight) would result in one expected additional cancer case for a population of 10,000 individuals consuming one meal per week of San Francisco Bay fish or shellfish. This calculated concentration assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32.5 g/day for a 30-year exposure over a 70-year lifetime (OEHHA 2007).
Guideline Reference: Report on the Safety of Consuming Fish and Shellfish from Areas Impacted by the M/V Cosco Busan Oil Spill in San Francisco Bay, California (OEHHA, 2007)
Spatial Representation: Samples were collected at the following station: BA10 - Coyote Creek.
Temporal Representation: Samples were generally collected in spring and fall seasons from years 1993 - 1999 and then during fall season from years 2000 - 2008.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 315229
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South San Francisco Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 4 samples exceed the criterion for polyaromatic hydrocarbons. No samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: OEHHA published a risk-based concentration protective of public health for the concentration of PAH in San Francisco Bay fish and shellfish following the M/V Cosco Busan oil spill. OEHHA determined that a concentration of 43.7 ppb (wet weight) would result in one expected additional cancer case for a population of 10,000 individuals consuming one meal per week of San Francisco Bay fish or shellfish. This calculated concentration assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32.5 g/day for a 30-year exposure over a 70-year lifetime (OEHHA 2007).
Guideline Reference: Report on the Safety of Consuming Fish and Shellfish from Areas Impacted by the M/V Cosco Busan Oil Spill in San Francisco Bay, California (OEHHA, 2007)
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at one site in South SF Bay near the mouth of Coyote Creek
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected in May 1994.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273921
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Low molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for low molecular weight PAHs is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1442 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL40 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL40).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274427
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Low molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for low molecular weight PAHs is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1442 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273621
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for High molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for high molecular weight PAH's is 9600 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274927
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Total PAHs is 1800 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB02 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB02).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275111
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Total PAHs is 1800 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL15 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL15).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269264
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons). Data were collected for 2 fish species (1 composite(s) of California Mussel each composed of 30 fish per composite, 1 composite(s) of California Mussel each composed of 100 fish per composite). Of these, 1 species (California Mussel) exceeded the water quality threshold.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: OEHHA published a risk-based concentration protective of public health for the concentration of PAH in San Francisco Bay fish and shellfish following the M/V Cosco Busan oil spill. OEHHA determined that a concentration of 43.7 ppb (wet weight) would result in one expected additional cancer case for a population of 10,000 individuals consuming one meal per week of San Francisco Bay fish or shellfish. This calculated concentration assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32.5 g/day for a 30-year exposure over a 70-year lifetime (OEHHA 2007).
Guideline Reference: Report on the Safety of Consuming Fish and Shellfish from Areas Impacted by the M/V Cosco Busan Oil Spill in San Francisco Bay, California (OEHHA, 2007)
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2016-10-05 and 2018-10-25. When composited fish were collected over multiple days, the first day of fish collection was used as the sample date in the LOE, both for LOE writing, and for averaging period purposes.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273864
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for High molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for high molecular weight PAH's is 9600 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB11 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB11).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273649
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for High molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for high molecular weight PAH's is 9600 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL40 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL40).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273725
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for High molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for high molecular weight PAH's is 9600 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274296
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Low molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for low molecular weight PAHs is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1442 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL15 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL15).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275151
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Total PAHs is 1800 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB11 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB11).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274405
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Low molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for low molecular weight PAHs is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1442 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273705
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for High molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for high molecular weight PAH's is 9600 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB02 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB02).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273648
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for High molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for high molecular weight PAH's is 9600 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274226
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Low molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for low molecular weight PAHs is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1442 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274227
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Low molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for low molecular weight PAHs is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1442 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB02 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB02).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273944
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Low molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for low molecular weight PAHs is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1442 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273863
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for High molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for high molecular weight PAH's is 9600 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273607
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for High molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for high molecular weight PAH's is 9600 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273709
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for High molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for high molecular weight PAH's is 9600 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275105
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Total PAHs is 1800 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274340
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Low molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for low molecular weight PAHs is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1442 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274342
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Low molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for low molecular weight PAHs is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1442 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274363
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Low molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for low molecular weight PAHs is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1442 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB01 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB01).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275141
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Total PAHs is 1800 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL40 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL40).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273669
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for High molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for high molecular weight PAH's is 9600 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 269306
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons). Data were collected for 2 fish species (1 composite(s) of California Mussel each composed of 30 fish per composite, 1 composite(s) of California Mussel each composed of 100 fish per composite). Of these, 1 species (California Mussel) exceeded the water quality threshold.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: OEHHA published a risk-based concentration protective of public health for the concentration of PAH in San Francisco Bay fish and shellfish following the M/V Cosco Busan oil spill. OEHHA determined that a concentration of 43.7 ppb (wet weight) would result in one expected additional cancer case for a population of 10,000 individuals consuming one meal per week of San Francisco Bay fish or shellfish. This calculated concentration assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32.5 g/day for a 30-year exposure over a 70-year lifetime (OEHHA 2007).
Guideline Reference: Report on the Safety of Consuming Fish and Shellfish from Areas Impacted by the M/V Cosco Busan Oil Spill in San Francisco Bay, California (OEHHA, 2007)
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2016-10-05 and 2018-10-25. When composited fish were collected over multiple days, the first day of fish collection was used as the sample date in the LOE, both for LOE writing, and for averaging period purposes.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273965
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Low molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for low molecular weight PAHs is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1442 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL16 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL16).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274385
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Low molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for low molecular weight PAHs is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1442 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB11 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB11).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275069
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Total PAHs is 1800 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 274209
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Low molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for low molecular weight PAHs is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1442 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273885
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for High molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for high molecular weight PAH's is 9600 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL15 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL15).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273708
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for High molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for high molecular weight PAH's is 9600 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB01 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB01).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273901
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for High molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for high molecular weight PAH's is 9600 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275084
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Total PAHs is 1800 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL16 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL16).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275210
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Total PAHs is 1800 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 273707
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for High molecular weight PAHs .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for high molecular weight PAH's is 9600 ng/g dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuary sediments. Environmental Management. 19, (1): 81-97
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL16 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL16).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275103
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Total PAHs is 1800 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275121
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Total PAHs is 1800 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275123
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Total PAHs is 1800 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB01 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB01).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275224
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Total PAHs is 1800 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275138
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Total PAHs is 1800 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 149283, PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275106
Pollutant: PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sediment quality guideline for Total PAHs is 1800 ug/g organic carbon (Fairey et al., 2001).
Guideline Reference: An evaluation of methods for calculating mean sediment quality guideline quotients as indicators of contamination and acute toxicity to amphipods by chemical mixtures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 20(10): 2276-2286
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Phenanthrene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: New Decision
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: Insufficient information is available to determine beneficial use support for this waterbody-pollutant combination with the statistical power and confidence required by the Listing Policy. Beneficial use support will be reassessed in a future cycle, if more data are available
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, SWRCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because it cannot be determined if applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141078, Phenanthrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275830
Pollutant: Phenanthrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Phenanthrene .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for phenanthrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 544 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB02 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB02).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141078, Phenanthrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275246
Pollutant: Phenanthrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Phenanthrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for phenanthrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 544 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141078, Phenanthrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275502
Pollutant: Phenanthrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Phenanthrene .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for phenanthrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 544 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL15 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL15).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141078, Phenanthrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275466
Pollutant: Phenanthrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Phenanthrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for phenanthrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 544 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141078, Phenanthrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275608
Pollutant: Phenanthrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Phenanthrene .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for phenanthrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 544 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB01 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB01).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141078, Phenanthrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275482
Pollutant: Phenanthrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Phenanthrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for phenanthrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 544 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141078, Phenanthrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275480
Pollutant: Phenanthrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Phenanthrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for phenanthrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 544 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141078, Phenanthrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275694
Pollutant: Phenanthrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Phenanthrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for phenanthrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 544 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141078, Phenanthrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275250
Pollutant: Phenanthrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Phenanthrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for phenanthrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 544 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141078, Phenanthrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275248
Pollutant: Phenanthrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Phenanthrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for phenanthrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 544 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141078, Phenanthrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275573
Pollutant: Phenanthrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Phenanthrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for phenanthrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 544 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141078, Phenanthrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275710
Pollutant: Phenanthrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Phenanthrene .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for phenanthrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 544 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL40 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL40).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141078, Phenanthrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275554
Pollutant: Phenanthrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Phenanthrene .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for phenanthrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 544 ng/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL16 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL16).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Pyrene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 287617
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Pyrene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The pyrene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 11,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275606
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1398 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275833
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1398 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL15 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL15).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275603
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1398 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275682
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1398 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 287596
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Pyrene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The pyrene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 11,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275715
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1398 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275616
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1398 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL16 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL16).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275605
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1398 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275837
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1398 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL40 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL40).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275621
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1398 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB02 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB02).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275563
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1398 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275663
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 3
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 3 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1398 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 287616
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Pyrene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The pyrene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 11,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275539
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1398 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275757
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1398 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB01 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB01).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275701
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Pyrene .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for pyrene is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1398 ug/kg dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB11 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB11).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 287638
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Pyrene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The pyrene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 11,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 287640
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Pyrene.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The pyrene criterion for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 11,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141080, Pyrene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92936
Pollutant: Pyrene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 95
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 95 samples exceed the criterion for Pyrene.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Pyrene criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 11,000 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 53 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W, South Bay - SB050W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB053W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Silver
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92947
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 95
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 95 samples exceed the criterion for Silver.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved silver criterion maximum concentration to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.0019 mg/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 37 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, South Bay - BA20, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, South Bay - SB012W, South Bay - SB016W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W, South Bay - SB050W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB053W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 3/2/1993-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275939
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB11 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB11).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 287890
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Silver.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved silver criterion maximum concentration (CMC) to protect aquatic life in saltwater is 1.9 ug/L. This criterion was divided by 2 in order to better represent a CMC value as specified in footnote g of Table (b)(1) of the California Toxics Rule, 2000.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB056W (Lower South Bay (LSB056W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276125
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB04 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB04).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275960
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB07 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB07).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 287996
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Silver.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved silver criterion maximum concentration (CMC) to protect aquatic life in saltwater is 1.9 ug/L. This criterion was divided by 2 in order to better represent a CMC value as specified in footnote g of Table (b)(1) of the California Toxics Rule, 2000.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 287909
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Silver.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved silver criterion maximum concentration (CMC) to protect aquatic life in saltwater is 1.9 ug/L. This criterion was divided by 2 in order to better represent a CMC value as specified in footnote g of Table (b)(1) of the California Toxics Rule, 2000.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275947
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB042S (Lower South Bay (LSB042S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 288016
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Silver.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved silver criterion maximum concentration (CMC) to protect aquatic life in saltwater is 1.9 ug/L. This criterion was divided by 2 in order to better represent a CMC value as specified in footnote g of Table (b)(1) of the California Toxics Rule, 2000.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB060W (Lower South Bay (LSB060W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276041
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB070S (Lower South Bay (LSB070S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276052
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB011S (Lower South Bay (LSB011S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2018-08-14 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 287954
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Silver.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved silver criterion maximum concentration (CMC) to protect aquatic life in saltwater is 1.9 ug/L. This criterion was divided by 2 in order to better represent a CMC value as specified in footnote g of Table (b)(1) of the California Toxics Rule, 2000.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275865
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 4 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276054
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB06 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB06).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276073
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275999
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB05 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB05).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276105
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB09 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB09).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275922
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB121S (Lower South Bay (LSB121S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276084
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB01 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB01).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276004
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL15 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL15).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276096
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276059
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB001S (Lower South Bay (LSB001S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275946
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275966
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB056S (Lower South Bay (LSB056S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2018-08-14 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275891
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275978
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB03 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB03).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 287910
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Silver.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved silver criterion maximum concentration (CMC) to protect aquatic life in saltwater is 1.9 ug/L. This criterion was divided by 2 in order to better represent a CMC value as specified in footnote g of Table (b)(1) of the California Toxics Rule, 2000.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275923
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB10 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB10).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276106
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB02 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB02).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276018
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB08 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB08).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276020
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276122
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276037
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB024S (Lower South Bay (LSB024S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276055
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB041S (Lower South Bay (LSB041S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 287884
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Silver.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved silver criterion maximum concentration (CMC) to protect aquatic life in saltwater is 1.9 ug/L. This criterion was divided by 2 in order to better represent a CMC value as specified in footnote g of Table (b)(1) of the California Toxics Rule, 2000.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB058W (Lower South Bay (LSB058W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 287914
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Silver.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved silver criterion maximum concentration (CMC) to protect aquatic life in saltwater is 1.9 ug/L. This criterion was divided by 2 in order to better represent a CMC value as specified in footnote g of Table (b)(1) of the California Toxics Rule, 2000.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB055W (Lower South Bay (LSB055W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-31 and 2013-07-31
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 287953
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Silver.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved silver criterion maximum concentration (CMC) to protect aquatic life in saltwater is 1.9 ug/L. This criterion was divided by 2 in order to better represent a CMC value as specified in footnote g of Table (b)(1) of the California Toxics Rule, 2000.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB057W (Lower South Bay (LSB057W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-31 and 2013-07-31
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 287864
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Silver.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved silver criterion maximum concentration (CMC) to protect aquatic life in saltwater is 1.9 ug/L. This criterion was divided by 2 in order to better represent a CMC value as specified in footnote g of Table (b)(1) of the California Toxics Rule, 2000.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275910
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL16 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL16).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 275948
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 4 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141082, Silver
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276088
Pollutant: Silver
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Silver .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for silver is the probable effect level (PEL) of 1.77 ug/g dry weight (MacDonald et al., 1996).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB129S (Lower South Bay (LSB129S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Toxicity
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.6 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.6 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Twenty-two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Three of twenty-six water column toxicity samples exceed the evaluation guideline. Thirty-eight of seventy-one sediment toxicity samples exceed the evaluation guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is NOT sufficient justification in favor of placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The water toxicity data concerning current conditions and supporting the listing decision satisfy the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. As explained in finding 5, the sediment toxicity data used do not satisfy the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfy the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Three of twenty-six samples exceed the water column toxicity evaluation guideline, and this exceeds the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy. However, two of the three exceedances were for overlying water samples collected from the sediment-water interface in 2011-2012. This water from the sediment-water interface is heavily influenced by the pore water released from sediment and is not representative of the entire water column and thus does not support the spatial representation requirements in section of the listing policy. This finding is supported by the fact that toxicity was only observed in one historic sample taken from the bulk water column.
4. Thirty-eight of seventy-one sediment toxicity samples exceed the guideline, and this exceeds the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy, but these data are not considered sufficient information on which to base a defensible listing determination for sediment toxicity as described in finding 5 below.
5. The Regional Board and general public identified concerns about the quality of toxicity data for which the amphipod Eohaustorius estuarius was the test organism for the sediment toxicity data involved in this decision because peer-reviewed scientific literature has revealed that this test organism can be impacted by the presence of naturally occurring clay in the sample, which is common in many Bay sediments.
7. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation:
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268932
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 1 of the 1 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Mytilus galloprovincialis for Survival. The following tests exhibited toxicity: Mytilus galloprovincialis for Survival on 2012-04-18.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB045S ( Lower South Bay (LSB045S) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2012-04-18 and 2012-04-18.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268838
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 0 of the 1 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Mytilus galloprovincialis for Survival.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB112S ( Lower South Bay (LSB112S) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2012-04-18 and 2012-04-18.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268908
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 0 of the 2 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Mytilus galloprovincialis for Survival.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB002S ( Lower South Bay (LSB002S) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-08-22 and 2012-04-18.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268905
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 1 of the 2 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Eohaustorius estuarius for Survival. The following tests exhibited toxicity: Eohaustorius estuarius for Survival on 2011-08-22.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: BA10 ( Coyote Creek (BA10) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-08-22 and 2012-04-18.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268966
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 0 of the 1 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Mytilus galloprovincialis for Survival.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB121S ( Lower South Bay (LSB121S) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-08-22 and 2011-08-22.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268923
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 1 of the 1 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Eohaustorius estuarius for Survival. The following tests exhibited toxicity: Eohaustorius estuarius for Survival on 2011-08-22.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB024S ( Lower South Bay (LSB024S) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-08-22 and 2011-08-22.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268898
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 0 of the 2 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Mytilus galloprovincialis for Survival.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: BA10 ( Coyote Creek (BA10) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-08-22 and 2012-04-18.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268837
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 0 of the 1 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Americamysis bahia for Biomass (wt/orig indiv), Americamysis bahia for Survival.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB074W ( Lower South Bay (LSB074W) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2019-07-30 and 2019-07-30.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268829
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 0 of the 1 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Mytilus galloprovincialis for Survival.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB070S ( Lower South Bay (LSB070S) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-08-22 and 2011-08-22.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268915
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 2
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 2 of the 2 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Eohaustorius estuarius for Survival. The following tests exhibited toxicity: Eohaustorius estuarius for Survival on 2011-08-22, Eohaustorius estuarius for Survival on 2012-04-18.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB002S ( Lower South Bay (LSB002S) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-08-22 and 2012-04-18.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268916
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 1 of the 1 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Mytilus galloprovincialis for Survival. The following tests exhibited toxicity: Mytilus galloprovincialis for Survival on 2011-08-22.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB024S ( Lower South Bay (LSB024S) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-08-22 and 2011-08-22.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268821
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 0 of the 1 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Americamysis bahia for Biomass (wt/orig indiv), Americamysis bahia for Survival.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB061W ( Lower South Bay (LSB061W) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2015-08-26 and 2015-08-26.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268822
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 0 of the 1 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Americamysis bahia for Biomass (wt/orig indiv), Americamysis bahia for Survival.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB067W ( Lower South Bay (LSB067W) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2017-08-29 and 2017-08-29.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268973
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 0 of the 1 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Eohaustorius estuarius for Survival.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB121S ( Lower South Bay (LSB121S) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-08-22 and 2011-08-22.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268924
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 0 of the 1 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Mytilus galloprovincialis for Survival.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB044S ( Lower South Bay (LSB044S) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2012-04-18 and 2012-04-18.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268939
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 1 of the 1 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Eohaustorius estuarius for Survival. The following tests exhibited toxicity: Eohaustorius estuarius for Survival on 2012-04-18.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB045S ( Lower South Bay (LSB045S) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2012-04-18 and 2012-04-18.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268931
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 1 of the 1 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Eohaustorius estuarius for Survival. The following tests exhibited toxicity: Eohaustorius estuarius for Survival on 2012-04-18.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB044S ( Lower South Bay (LSB044S) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2012-04-18 and 2012-04-18.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268965
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 0 of the 1 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Eohaustorius estuarius for Survival.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB112S ( Lower South Bay (LSB112S) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2012-04-18 and 2012-04-18.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268940
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 0 of the 1 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Americamysis bahia for Survival, Americamysis bahia for Biomass (wt/orig indiv).
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB050W ( Lower South Bay (LSB050W) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 268830
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 0 of the 1 samples collected by Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends for San Francisco Bay, South exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results, but will only be counted once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day and the same location. The following organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Eohaustorius estuarius for Survival.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms. Detrimental responses include, but are not limited to, decreased growth rate and decreased reproductive success of resident or indicator species. There shall be no acute toxicity in ambient waters. Acute toxicity is defined as a median of less than 90 percent survival, or less than 70 percent survival, 10 percent of the time, of test organisms in a 96-hour static or continuous flow test. There shall be no chronic toxicity in ambient waters. Chronic toxicity is a detrimental biological effect on growth rate, reproduction, fertilization success, larval development, population abundance, community composition, or any other relevant measure of the health of an organism, population, or community. Attainment of this objective will be determined by analyses of indicator organisms, species diversity, population density, growth anomalies, or toxicity tests (including those described in Chapter 4), or other methods selected by the Water Board. The Water Board will also consider other relevant information and numeric criteria and guidelines for toxic substances developed by other agencies as appropriate.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The sample is toxic when the response of the organisms exposed to the sample is significantly different (worse) than the response of the organisms exposed to the laboratory control based on statistical hypothesis testing.  An exceedance is counted when the significant effect code is “Significant; Less Similarity,” which means that the sample result is significantly different than the control result, and the percent effect is greater than the evaluation threshold.  The default evaluation threshold is 20% unless otherwise stated.
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. Fourth Edition. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. EPA-821-R-02-013
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at monitoring site: LSB070S ( Lower South Bay (LSB070S) ).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-08-22 and 2011-08-22.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95809
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 61
Number of Exceedances: 32
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Thirty-two of the 61 samples exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results but will be counted only once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day at the same location with the same lab sample id (if provided).

The following test organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Eohaustorius estuarius (mean % survival), 1993-2008; Mytilus edulis (mean % normal alive), 1993-1995, 1997; Mytilus galloprovincialis (mean % normal alive), 1998-2001, 2005-08; and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (mean % normal development), 1998. The following samples exhibited toxicity: Eohaustorius estuarius collected 1993-2000, 2002, 2003, 2007; Mytilus edulis collected 1997; Mytilus galloprovincialis collected 1998, 2000-01, 2005-07.

Additional results were not included in the assessment due to control results of less than 90 percent for test parameter.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. Region 2 Basin Plan.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - San Francisco Bay Region (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: Toxicity is defined as a significant reduction of test organism relative to the control (alpha < 0.01) and test organism survival is 80% or less than the control survival (at least 20% effect).
Guideline Reference: Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to West Coast Marine and Estuarine Organisms. EPA/600/R-95-136.
Guideline Reference: Methods for Assessing the Toxicity of Sediment-associated Contaminants with Estuarine and Marine Amphipods. June 1994. EPA 600/R-94/025
Guideline Reference: SWAMP_Memo_Toxicity_Data_Intrepretation
Spatial Representation: Samples were collected at sites BA10, BA21, LSB001S, LSB003S, LSB005S, LSB007S, LSB009S, LSB011S, LSB013S, LSB015S, LSB017S, LSB019S, LSB023S, LSB025S, LSB027S, LSB029S, LSB031S, LSB033S, LSB035S, LSB037S, LSB038S, LSB039S, LSB040S, and LSB073S.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected twice each year (generally winter and summer) from 1993-99, and during the summer of 2000-2008.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Data collected after 1999 follows the San Francisco Estuary Institute 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141084, Toxicity
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95795
Pollutant: Toxicity
LOE Subgroup: Toxicity
Matrix: Water
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 12
Number of Exceedances: 1
Data and Information Type: TOXICITY TESTING
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: One of the 12 samples exhibited toxicity. A sample may have multiple toxicity test results but will be counted only once. A sample is defined as being collected on the same day at the same location with the same lab sample id (if provided).

The following test organisms and parameters were utilized for the toxicity tests: Thalassiosira pseudonana (cell count), 1993; Crassostrea gigas (mean % normal development),1993; Mytilus edulis (mean % normal development), 1993 and 1996-97; Americamysis bahia - formerly Mysidopsis bahia (mean % survival), 1994-97, 2002, and 2007. The sample which exhibited toxicity was for Americamysis bahia collected July 1997.

Additional results were not included in the assessment due to control results of less than 90 percent for test parameter.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. Region 2 Basin Plan.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - San Francisco Bay Region (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: Toxicity is defined as a significant reduction of test organism relative to the control (alpha < 0.05) and test organism survival is 80% or less than the control survival (at least 20% effect).
Guideline Reference: Method 1007.0: Mysid, Mysidopsis bahia, Survival, Growth, and Fecundity Test; Chronic Toxicity. Excerpt from: Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Marine and Estuarine Organisms. 3rd edition EPA-821-R-02-014
Guideline Reference: Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Water to Marine and Estuarine Organisms. EPA/600/4-91-003.
Guideline Reference: SWAMP_Memo_Toxicity_Data_Intrepretation
Spatial Representation: Samples were collected at sites BA10, BA20, LSB001W, LSB004W, and LSB027W.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected twice each year (generally winter and summer) from 1993-97, and during the summer of 2002 and 2007.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Data collected after 1999 follows the San Francisco Estuary Institute 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Zinc
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2018)
Revision Status Revised
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy.

Zero samples exceeded the objectives, guidelines, or criteria for beneficial uses applicable to this water segment-pollutant combination, which is less than the minimum number of exceedances needed to place the water segment on the section CWA section 303(d) List for toxicants (Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy).

The data used satisfies the data quality requirements (section 6.1.4) and data quantity requirements (section 6.1.5) of the Listing Policy.

Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92967
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 128
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 128 samples exceed the criterion for Zinc.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved zinc criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.081 mg/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 54 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, South Bay - BA20, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W, South Bay - SB050W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB053W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 3/2/1993-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276502
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB08 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB08).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289830
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Zinc.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved zinc criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 81 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB058W (Lower South Bay (LSB058W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289811
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Zinc.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved zinc criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 81 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB060W (Lower South Bay (LSB060W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289815
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Zinc.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved zinc criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 81 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB057W (Lower South Bay (LSB057W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-31 and 2013-07-31
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276483
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB042S (Lower South Bay (LSB042S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276415
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB02 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB02).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276482
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB05 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB05).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276528
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB004S (Lower South Bay (LSB004S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276254
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB04 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB04).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289900
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Zinc.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved zinc criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 81 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB050W (Lower South Bay (LSB050W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276159
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB11 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB11).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289816
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Zinc.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved zinc criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 81 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB052W (Lower South Bay (LSB052W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276354
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 4 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): BA10 (Coyote Creek (BA10)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276196
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL15 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL15).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276208
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB01 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB01).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-06
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276392
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB045S (Lower South Bay (LSB045S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276406
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB129S (Lower South Bay (LSB129S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276230
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB046S (Lower South Bay (LSB046S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276167
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB06 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB06).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276227
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB058S (Lower South Bay (LSB058S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2014-08-05 to 2014-08-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276555
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB07 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB07).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289733
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Zinc.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved zinc criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 81 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB054W (Lower South Bay (LSB054W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-13 and 2011-09-13
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289705
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Zinc.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved zinc criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 81 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB051W (Lower South Bay (LSB051W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276195
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB041S (Lower South Bay (LSB041S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276486
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB09 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB09).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-08 to 2017-06-08
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276203
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB03 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB03).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276229
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB056S (Lower South Bay (LSB056S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2018-08-14 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276452
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB044S (Lower South Bay (LSB044S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276169
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 4 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB002S (Lower South Bay (LSB002S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276556
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB10 (SF Bay RMP - Lower South Bay LSB10).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-05 to 2017-06-05
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276481
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB024S (Lower South Bay (LSB024S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276226
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB011S (Lower South Bay (LSB011S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2018-08-14 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276333
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 2 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB001S (Lower South Bay (LSB001S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2018-08-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276454
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB112S (Lower South Bay (LSB112S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2012-04-18 to 2012-04-18
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289874
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Zinc.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved zinc criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 81 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB055W (Lower South Bay (LSB055W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-31 and 2013-07-31
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289793
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Zinc.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved zinc criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 81 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB056W (Lower South Bay (LSB056W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2013-07-30 and 2013-07-30
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 289722
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality threshold for Zinc.
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved zinc criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 81 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site: LSB053W (Lower South Bay (LSB053W)).
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-09-14 and 2011-09-14
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276533
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Margins data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Habitat, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): SOSL16 (SF Bay RMP - Extreme Lower South Bay SOSL16).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2017-06-07 to 2017-06-07
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276448
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB121S (Lower South Bay (LSB121S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 276394
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Sediment
Matrix: Sediment
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Zinc .
Data Reference: Field, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ data from the California Environmental Data Exchange Network assembled for the 2024 Integrated Report in Region 2.
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Section 3.3.18 of the San Francisco Bay Region's Basin Plan contains the narrative toxicity objective stating that all waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are lethal to or that produce other detrimental responses in aquatic organisms.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The evaluation guideline for zinc is the effects range median value of 410 PPM (ug/g) dry weight (Long et al., 1995).
Guideline Reference: Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters. Ecotoxicology 5: 253-278
Spatial Representation: Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): LSB070S (Lower South Bay (LSB070S)).
Temporal Representation: Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2011-08-22 to 2011-08-22
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: SWRCB. 2018. This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements..
QAPP Information Reference(s): This is a placeholder reference for data that was collected after QAPP requirements were developed, but exempt from the requirements.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 141085, Zinc
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92958
Pollutant: Zinc
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 128
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 128 samples exceed the criterion for Zinc.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Surface waters shall not contain concentrations of chemical constituents in amounts that adversely affect any designated beneficial use.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The Zinc criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of fish only is 26000 ug/L (National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, 2009).
Guideline Reference: National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. Office of Science and Technology
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 54 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, South Bay - BA20, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W, South Bay - SB050W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB053W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 3/2/1993-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Chlorpyrifos
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Four lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of fifty-eight samples exceed the guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of fifty-eight samples exceed the guideline and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 97893, Chlorpyrifos
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92965
Pollutant: Chlorpyrifos
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 58
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 58 samples exceed the criterion for Chlorpyrifos.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations which are toxic to, or which produce detrimental physiological responses in, human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Basin Plan).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The saltwater criterion continuous concentration to protect aquatic organisms is 0.009 ug/L (Siepmann and Finlayson 2000).
Guideline Reference: 10-Day toxicity test exposing freshwater amphipods (Hyalella azteca) to fenpropathrin applied to formulated sediment under static-renewal conditions. Springborn Smithers Laboratories Study No. 13656.6137, Wareham, MA. Submitted to pyrethroid working group. DPR record number 254438
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 28 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, South Bay - SB030W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, South Bay - SB037W, South Bay - SB032W, South Bay - SB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, South Bay - SB033W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, South Bay - SB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB001W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-8/19/2005.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 97893, Chlorpyrifos
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92964
Pollutant: Chlorpyrifos
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: The result did not exceed the guideline. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal.
Data Reference: State Mussel Watch Program Data 1977-2000; Winter 2007-Winter 2009. State Water Resources Control Board
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Many pollutants can accumulate on particles, in sediment, or bioaccumulate in fish and other aquatic organisms. Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for chlorpyrifos in shellfish tissue is 1,000 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; USEPA, 2000)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use In Fish Advisories Volume 1: Fish Sampling and Analysis
Spatial Representation: Samples are collected by hand from three sub-locations for each site. The composite sample was collected from site San Francisco Bay Dumbarton Bridge (SFDB).
Temporal Representation: Representative samples of locally abundant species were collected during the winter on 2/3/2009
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected as part of the State Water Board's Mussel Watch Program which is a part of the National Oceanic Administration's (NOAAs) National Status and Trends (NS&T). Mussels are shipped to NOAAs contract labs for analysis of trace constituents and mussel condition. Analytical protocols follow those approved by NOAAs NS&T Program Additional background information can be found at:
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 97893, Chlorpyrifos
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95154
Pollutant: Chlorpyrifos
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 42
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South San Francisco Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 42 samples exceed the criterion for chlorpyrifos. No samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for chlorpyrifos in fish tissue is 660 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; USEPA, 2000)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use In Fish Advisories Volume 1: Fish Sampling and Analysis
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at three sites throughout South San Francisco Bay.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected every three years from April 2000 through June 2006.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Chromium
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of thirty-nine samples exceed the guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of thirty-nine samples exceed the guideline and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 97943, Chromium
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92966
Pollutant: Chromium
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 39
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 39 samples exceed the criterion for Chromium.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The dissolved chromium (III) criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in freshwater is 0.180 mg/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 2 monitoring sites [ South Bay - BA20, Coyote Creek - BA10]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 3/2/1993-7/14/1999.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Endosulfan
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Four lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of sixty samples exceed the guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of sixty samples exceed the guideline and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 97995, Endosulfan
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 93651
Pollutant: Endosulfan
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 2
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: None of the 2 samples exceeded the guideline. One composite was comprised of Crassostrea gigas and a second composite was comprised of Mytilus californianus. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for endosulfan (l and ll) in shellfish tissue is 20,000 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; USEPA, 2000)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use In Fish Advisories Volume 1: Fish Sampling and Analysis
Spatial Representation: Samples were collected at the following station: BA10 - Coyote Creek.
Temporal Representation: Samples were collected at BA10 on 9/3/2002 and 9/25/2003.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 97995, Endosulfan
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92991
Pollutant: Endosulfan
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: The result did not exceed the guideline. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal. Total Endosulfan result was calculated by summing the results for Endosulfan I and Endosulfan II.
Data Reference: State Mussel Watch Program Data 1977-2000; Winter 2007-Winter 2009. State Water Resources Control Board
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Many pollutants can accumulate on particles, in sediment, or bioaccumulate in fish and other aquatic organisms. Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for endosulfan (l and ll) in shellfish tissue is 20,000 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; USEPA, 2000)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use In Fish Advisories Volume 1: Fish Sampling and Analysis
Spatial Representation: Samples are collected by hand from three sub-locations for each site. The composite sample was collected from site San Francisco Bay Dumbarton Bridge (SFDB).
Temporal Representation: Representative samples of locally abundant species were collected during the winter on 2/3/2009
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected as part of the State Water Board's Mussel Watch Program which is a part of the National Oceanic Administration's (NOAAs) National Status and Trends (NS&T). Mussels are shipped to NOAAs contract labs for analysis of trace constituents and mussel condition. Analytical protocols follow those approved by NOAAs NS&T Program Additional background information can be found at:
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 97995, Endosulfan
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92992
Pollutant: Endosulfan
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 60
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 60 samples exceed the criterion for Endosulfan, Total.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The total Endosulfan criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saltwater is 0.0087 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 36 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, South Bay - SB030W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, South Bay - SB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, South Bay - SB032W, South Bay - SB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, South Bay - SB033W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB031W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, South Bay - SB025W, South Bay - SB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, South Bay - SB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, South Bay - SB022W, South Bay - SB027W, South Bay - SB028W, South Bay - SB023W, South Bay - SB009W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-8/19/2005.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 97995, Endosulfan
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95136
Pollutant: Endosulfan
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 37
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South San Francisco Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 37 samples exceed the criterion for endosulfan. No samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for endosulfan (l and ll) in fish tissue is 13,000 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; USEPA, 2000)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use In Fish Advisories Volume 1: Fish Sampling and Analysis
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at three sites throughout South San Francisco Bay.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected every three years from April 2000 through June 2006.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Ethion
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.5 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.5 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of sixteen samples exceed the guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of sixteen samples exceed the guideline and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 97998, Ethion
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95072
Pollutant: Ethion
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 16
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South San Francisco Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 16 samples exceed the criterion for ethion. No samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for ethion in fish tissue is 1,100 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; USEPA, 2000)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use In Fish Advisories Volume 1: Fish Sampling and Analysis
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at one site in South San Francisco Bay.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected in April and May 2000.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Heptachlor
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of fifty-seven samples exceed the guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of fifty-seven samples exceed the guideline and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 98051, Heptachlor
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92867
Pollutant: Heptachlor
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 57
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 57 samples exceed the criterion for Heptachlor.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Heptachlor criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.0036 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 31 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, South Bay - SB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, South Bay - SB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, South Bay - SB032W, South Bay - SB029W, South Bay - SB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB022W, South Bay - SB031W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, South Bay - SB018W, South Bay - SB027W, South Bay - SB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, South Bay - SB025W, South Bay - SB024W, South Bay - SB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB001W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 4/18/1994-8/19/2005.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 98051, Heptachlor
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92868
Pollutant: Heptachlor
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 49
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 49 samples exceed the criterion for Heptachlor.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Heptachlor criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00021 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 30 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, South Bay - SB007W, South Bay - SB008W, South Bay - SB009W, South Bay - SB010W, South Bay - SB023W, South Bay - SB024W, South Bay - SB025W, South Bay - SB027W, South Bay - SB028W, South Bay - SB029W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB033W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB036W, South Bay - SB037W, South Bay - SB044W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 4/18/1994-8/16/2006.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Heptachlor epoxide
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.5 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.5 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Six lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of seven samples exceed the OEHHA fish tissue guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification in favor of placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of seven samples exceed the OEHHA guideline and this number exceeds the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. There is not a fish consumption advisory in effect for this waterbody.
5. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 100234, Heptachlor epoxide
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92874
Pollutant: Heptachlor epoxide
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: The results did not exceed the guideline. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal.
Data Reference: State Mussel Watch Program Data 1977-2000; Winter 2007-Winter 2009. State Water Resources Control Board
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Many pollutants can accumulate on particles, in sediment, or bioaccumulate in fish and other aquatic organisms. Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for heptachlor epoxide in shellfish tissue is 1.4 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 1999)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Public Health Goal for Heptachlor and Heptachlor Epoxide in Drinking Water
Spatial Representation: Samples are collected by hand from three sub-locations for each site. The composite sample was collected from site San Francisco Bay Dumbarton Bridge (SFDB).
Temporal Representation: Representative samples of locally abundant species were collected during the winter on 2/3/2009
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected as part of the State Water Board's Mussel Watch Program which is a part of the National Oceanic Administration's (NOAAs) National Status and Trends (NS&T). Mussels are shipped to NOAAs contract labs for analysis of trace constituents and mussel condition. Analytical protocols follow those approved by NOAAs NS&T Program Additional background information can be found at:
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 100234, Heptachlor epoxide
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95091
Pollutant: Heptachlor epoxide
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 7
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South San Francisco Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 7 samples exceed the criterion for Heptachlor epoxide. Twenty-two samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Advisory Tissue Level for heptachlor epoxide in fish tissue is 93 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in ten thousand. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; USEPA, 2000) Advisory Tissue Levels (ATLs), while still conferring no significant health risk to individuals consuming sport fish in the quantities shown over a lifetime, were developed with the recognition that there are unique health benefits associated with fish consumption and that the advisory process should be expanded beyond a simple risk paradigm in order to best promote the overall health of the fish consumer. ATLs provide a number of recommended fish servings that correspond to the range of contaminant concentrations found in fish and are used to provide consumption advice to prevent consumers from being exposed to more than the average daily reference dose for noncarcinogens or to a risk level greater than 1x10-4 for carcinogens (not more than one additional cancer case in a population of 10,000 people consuming fish at the given consumption rate over a lifetime). ATLs are designed to encourage consumption of fish that can be eaten in quantities likely to provide significant health benefits, while discouraging consumption of fish that, because of contaminant concentrations, should not be eaten or cannot be eaten in amounts recommended for improving overall health (eight ounces total, prior to cooking, per week). ATLs are one of the criteria that will be used by OEHHA for issuing fish consumption guidelines.
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Public Health Goal for Heptachlor and Heptachlor Epoxide in Drinking Water
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at three sites throughout South San Francisco Bay.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected in April 2000, May 2000, May 2003, August 2003, September 2003, May 2006, and June 2006.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 100234, Heptachlor epoxide
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92875
Pollutant: Heptachlor epoxide
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 69
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 69 samples exceed the criterion for Heptachlor Epoxide.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Heptachlor Epoxide criterion continuous concentration (expressed as a 4-day average) to protect aquatic life in saline water is 0.0036 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 37 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, South Bay - SB030W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, South Bay - SB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, South Bay - SB032W, South Bay - SB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, South Bay - SB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB022W, South Bay - SB031W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, South Bay - SB027W, South Bay - SB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, South Bay - SB025W, South Bay - SB024W, South Bay - SB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB001W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-8/19/2005.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 100234, Heptachlor epoxide
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 93646
Pollutant: Heptachlor epoxide
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 14
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: None of the 14 samples exceeded the guideline. All composite samples were comprised of Crassostrea gigas except for 3 composites that were comprised of Mytilus californianus. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal. Four samples were not used in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) were above the objective and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for heptachlor epoxide in shellfish tissue is 1.4 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 1999)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Public Health Goal for Heptachlor and Heptachlor Epoxide in Drinking Water
Spatial Representation: Samples were collected at the following station: BA10 - Coyote Creek.
Temporal Representation: Samples were generally collected in spring and fall seasons from years 1994 - 1999 and then during most fall seasons during years 2000 - 2008.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 100234, Heptachlor epoxide
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92876
Pollutant: Heptachlor epoxide
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 80
Number of Exceedances: 4
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 4 of 80 samples exceed the criterion for Heptachlor Epoxide.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Heptachlor Epoxide criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00011 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 49 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, South Bay - SB007W, South Bay - SB008W, South Bay - SB009W, South Bay - SB010W, South Bay - SB011W, South Bay - SB012W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB033W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB036W, South Bay - SB037W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-8/16/2007.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Hexachlorobenzene/ HCB
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Four lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of forty-two samples exceed the guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of forty-two samples exceed the guideline and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 98052, Hexachlorobenzene/ HCB
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 93649
Pollutant: Hexachlorobenzene/ HCB
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 17
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: None of the 17 samples exceeded the guideline. All composite samples were comprised of Crassostrea gigas except for 2 composites that were comprised of Mytilus californianus. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for hexachlorobenzene in shellfish tissue is 4.3 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 2005)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Air Toxics Hotspots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines. Part ll Technical Support Document for Describing Available Cancer Potency Values.
Spatial Representation: Samples were collected at the following station: BA10 - Coyote Creek.
Temporal Representation: Samples were generally collected in spring and fall seasons from years 1994 - 1999 and then during most fall seasons during years 2000 - 2008.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 98052, Hexachlorobenzene/ HCB
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92881
Pollutant: Hexachlorobenzene/ HCB
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 1
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: The result did not exceed the guideline. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal.
Data Reference: State Mussel Watch Program Data 1977-2000; Winter 2007-Winter 2009. State Water Resources Control Board
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Many pollutants can accumulate on particles, in sediment, or bioaccumulate in fish and other aquatic organisms. Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for hexachlorobenzene in shellfish tissue is 4.3 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 2005)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Air Toxics Hotspots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines. Part ll Technical Support Document for Describing Available Cancer Potency Values.
Spatial Representation: Samples are collected by hand from three sub-locations for each site. The composite sample was collected from site San Francisco Bay Dumbarton Bridge (SFDB).
Temporal Representation: Representative samples of locally abundant species were collected during the winter on 2/3/2009
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected as part of the State Water Board's Mussel Watch Program which is a part of the National Oceanic Administration's (NOAAs) National Status and Trends (NS&T). Mussels are shipped to NOAAs contract labs for analysis of trace constituents and mussel condition. Analytical protocols follow those approved by NOAAs NS&T Program Additional background information can be found at:
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 98052, Hexachlorobenzene/ HCB
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95087
Pollutant: Hexachlorobenzene/ HCB
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 42
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South San Francisco Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 42 samples exceed the criterion for hexachlorobenzene. No samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for hexachlorobenzene in fish tissue is 2.8 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 2005)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Air Toxics Hotspots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines. Part ll Technical Support Document for Describing Available Cancer Potency Values.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at three sites throughout South San Francisco Bay.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected every three years from April 2000 through June 2006.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 98052, Hexachlorobenzene/ HCB
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92882
Pollutant: Hexachlorobenzene/ HCB
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 37
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 37 samples exceed the criterion for Hexachlorobenzene.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Hexachlorobenzene criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.00077 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 19 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, South Bay - SB032W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB049W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-8/14/2007.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Manganese
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Seven of eighty-nine samples exceed the objective.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is not sufficient justification in favor of placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Seven of eighty-nine samples exceed the objective and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 98166, Manganese
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92891
Pollutant: Manganese
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 89
Number of Exceedances: 7
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 7 of 89 samples exceed the criterion for Manganese.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Manganese criteria for the protection of human health from the consumption of organisms only is 100 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The Lead criteria for the protection of human health from fish consumption only is 100 ug/L (National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, 2009).
Guideline Reference: National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. Office of Science and Technology
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 52 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, South Bay - BA20, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB007W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB011W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB034W, Lower South Bay - LSB035W, Lower South Bay - LSB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB037W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W, South Bay - SB050W, South Bay - SB051W, South Bay - SB053W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/2/2000-7/18/2008.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Mirex
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

Five lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of seventy-one samples exceed the guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of seventy-one samples exceed the guideline and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 98223, Mirex
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92904
Pollutant: Mirex
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 71
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 71 samples exceed the criterion for Mirex.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall be present in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The Mirex criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 0.000097 ug/L (National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, 2009).
Guideline Reference: National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. Office of Science and Technology
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 42 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, South Bay - SB007W, South Bay - SB010W, South Bay - SB025W, South Bay - SB027W, South Bay - SB033W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB036W, South Bay - SB037W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 4/18/1994-8/16/2007.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 98223, Mirex
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92903
Pollutant: Mirex
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: The non detect result was not included in the assessment since the reporting limit was above the evaluation guideline. MDL were provided by NOAA Federal and RL were calculated by multiplying 3.18 by the MDL.
Data Reference: State Mussel Watch Program Data 1977-2000; Winter 2007-Winter 2009. State Water Resources Control Board
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Many pollutants can accumulate on particles, in sediment, or bioaccumulate in fish and other aquatic organisms. Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for mirex in shellfish tissue is 0.43 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 1992)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Expedited Cancer Potency Values and Proposed Regulatory Levels for Certain Proposition 65 Carcinogens.
Spatial Representation: Samples are collected by hand from three sub-locations for each site. The composite sample was collected from site San Francisco Bay Dumbarton Bridge (SFDB).
Temporal Representation: Representative samples of locally abundant species were collected during the winter on 2/3/2009
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: Samples were collected as part of the State Water Board's Mussel Watch Program which is a part of the National Oceanic Administration's (NOAAs) National Status and Trends (NS&T). Mussels are shipped to NOAAs contract labs for analysis of trace constituents and mussel condition. Analytical protocols follow those approved by NOAAs NS&T Program Additional background information can be found at:
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 98223, Mirex
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95234
Pollutant: Mirex
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South San Francisco Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 0 samples exceed the criterion for Mirex. Fifty-two samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for mirex in fish tissue is 0.28 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 1992)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Expedited Cancer Potency Values and Proposed Regulatory Levels for Certain Proposition 65 Carcinogens.
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at three sites throughout South San Francisco Bay.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected every three years from April 2000 through June 2006.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 98223, Mirex
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92913
Pollutant: Mirex
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Dissolved
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 59
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 59 samples exceed the criterion for Mirex.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall be present in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The USEPA Gold Book states 0.001 ug/L for the protection of freshwater and marine aquatic life. (USEPA Gold Book - EPA 440/5-86-001)
Guideline Reference: Quality Criteria for Water 1986. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. Regulations and Standards. Washington D.C. EPA 440/5-86-001.
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 32 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB008W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB010W, Lower South Bay - LSB009W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB036W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, South Bay - SB037W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, South Bay - SB032W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, South Bay - SB033W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB017W, South Bay - SB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, South Bay - SB019W, South Bay - SB027W, South Bay - SB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, South Bay - SB025W, South Bay - SB011W, South Bay - SB024W, South Bay - SB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, South Bay - SB007W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 4/18/1994-8/19/2005.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 98223, Mirex
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 93647
Pollutant: Mirex
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 4
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: None of the 4 samples exceeded the guideline. Fourteen samples were not used in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) were above the objective and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy. All composite samples were comprised of Crassostrea gigas except for 3 composites that were comprised of Mytilus californianus. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for mirex in shellfish tissue is 0.43 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 1992)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Expedited Cancer Potency Values and Proposed Regulatory Levels for Certain Proposition 65 Carcinogens.
Spatial Representation: Samples were collected at the following station: BA10 - Coyote Creek.
Temporal Representation: Samples were generally collected in spring and fall seasons from years 1994 - 1999 and then during most fall seasons during years 2000 - 2008.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for listing under sections 2.1 and 3.5 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.5 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status. Two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Based on section 3.5, some data are available showing concentrations of this pollutant in animal tissues. It cannot be determined if the pollutant is likely to cause or contribute to the adverse effects because a numeric guideline or water quality objective is not available. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is not sufficient justification in favor of placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the section 303(d) list in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. An evaluation guideline is not available that complies with the requirements of section 6.1.3 of the Policy. 2. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This is a decision previously approved by the State Water Resources Control Board and the USEPA. No new data were assessed by the Regional Board for the current. The decision has not changed.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 68538, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 57
Pollutant: Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Not Specified
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 2004 List Comments:

Numeric information, along with circumstantial, anecdotal, and non-specific referenced evidence, was submitted in 2004 with the request that the San Francisco Bay (presumably San Pablo Bay; San Francisco Bay, Central; San Francisco Bay, South; San Francisco Bay, Lower; and/or Suisun Bay) be listed for the PBDE family of flame retardant chemicals.

Otherwise informative studies based on findings from other states and other countries (Sweden) cannot, by themselves, provide sufficient evidence to list a pollutant for a California water body. Instead, this data provides background information only.

Data on contamination by PBDEs of human (breast) tissue from residents in and around the Bay is not usable for listing those water bodies due to the fact that there is no way to meaningfully link such contamination directly to water quality and to a particular water body.

Similarly, the presence of PBDEs in eggs and seal tissues is unfortunately inadequate to list. Again, the problem is the relationship between PBDEs and any human health effects. SWRCB staff is unable to determine exactly where birds nests and seal carcasses were sampled in relation to the five Bay area water bodies. Even if specific sample sites could be established, the question remains: how direct is the relationship between the presence of a pollutant, in this case PBDEs in the tissues of a widely ranging species, and the water of a specific water body. This is not the case when filter-feeding organisms (e.g., mussels and clams) or organisms that forage locally exclusively are used.

While some data presented was from local fish species, the volume and reliability of the data is questionable. Leopard shark, halibut, striped bass, and other species may move considerable distances before being captured, blurring the relationship between pollutants in the body and the water body of capture. The 'tainted catch' report summarized the problem facing water quality investigators: 'PBDE levels varied widely among fish species and between individuals of the same species,' in part due to 'location in the Bay.'
Data Reference: Placeholder reference 2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Basin Plan: Many pollutants can accumulate on particles, in sediment, or bioaccumulate in fish or other aquatic organisms. Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Placeholder reference 2006 303(d)
Evaluation Guideline: None available. SWRCB remains unaware of any reliable criterion or guideline of use in evaluating the magnitude of the data provided.
Guideline Reference: Placeholder reference 2006 303(d)
Spatial Representation:
Temporal Representation: Multiple studies are cited (e.g., California studies: She et al., 2002). PBDEs in the San Francisco Bay Area: measurements in harbor seal blubber and human breast adipose tissue. Chemosphere 46(2002): 697-707; Petreas et al., 2003. High Body Burdens of 2,2',4,4'-Tetrabromodiphenyl Ether (BDE-47) in California Women. Environ. Heath Perspect. 111(9): 1175-1179; She et al., 2003. High PBDE Levels in Shorebird Eggs from the San Francisco Bay and Washington State. Proceedings. 2003 Georgia Basin/Puget Sound Research Conference.)
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: QA Info Missing
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 68538, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 58
Pollutant: Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)
LOE Subgroup: Testimonial Evidence
Matrix: -N/A
Fraction: None
Beneficial Use: Estuarine Habitat
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: 2002 List Fact Sheet Information:

PBDEs research literature will be reviewed by the RWQCB to ascertain any new information on actual effects thresholds for these persistent bioaccumulative substances in the next listing cycle. These actions can be conducted regionally through the RMP, the Bay Area Pollution Prevention Group, or other association of dischargers. During the subsequent listing cycle, RWQCB staff evaluation of current research, applicable water quality criteria, and local actions to characterize sources and pollution prevention of PBDEs will determine whether a listing is needed.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference 2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion:
Objective/Criterion Reference:
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation:
Temporal Representation:
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: QA Info Missing
QAPP Information Reference(s):
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Toxaphene
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.5 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.5 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.
Three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of zero samples exceed the OEHHA guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of zero samples exceed the OEHHA guideline and this sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported using table 3.1.
4. Pursuant to SECTION 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 98283, Toxaphene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95713
Pollutant: Toxaphene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South SF Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 0 samples exceed the criterion for toxaphene. Four samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for toxaphene in fish tissue is 4.3 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at one site in South SF Bay near the mouth of Coyote Creek
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected in May 1994.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 98283, Toxaphene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 95125
Pollutant: Toxaphene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Fish fillet
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Fish tissue analysis
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Water Board staff assessed Regional Monitoring Program data for South San Francisco Bay to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 0 samples exceed the criterion for toxaphene. Thirty-seven samples were discarded for being non-detect, unquantifiable or the reporting limit exceeding the water quality objective.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for toxaphene in fish tissue is 4.3 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at two sites throughout South San Francisco Bay.
Temporal Representation: The samples were collected in April 2000, May 2000, May 2003, and August 2003.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 98283, Toxaphene
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 93648
Pollutant: Toxaphene
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: The 2 samples were not used in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit(s) were above the objective and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy. One composite was comprised of Crassostrea gigas and a second composite was comprised of Mytilus californianus.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for toxaphene in shellfish tissue is 6.5 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008)
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Spatial Representation: Samples were collected at the following station: BA10 - Coyote Creek.
Temporal Representation: Samples were collected at BA10 on 9/3/2002 and 9/25/2003.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: Tributyltin TBT (Tributylstanne)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.5 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.5 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.
One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of seven samples exceed the OEHHA guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of seven samples exceed the OEHHA guideline and this sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported using table 3.1.
4. Pursuant to SECTION 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 98284, Tributyltin TBT (Tributylstanne)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 93701
Pollutant: Tributyltin TBT (Tributylstanne)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Shellfish
Beneficial Use: Shellfish Harvesting
Number of Samples: 7
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Shellfish surveys
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: None of the 7 samples exceeded the guideline. All composite samples were comprised of Crassostrea gigas. Data were reported on a dry weight basis and were converted to a wet weight basis by multiplying the dry-weight concentration by a factor of 1 minus the percentage of moisture content expressed as a decimal. Seven samples were not used in the assessment because the laboratory data reporting limit was above the objective and therefore the results could not be quantified with the level of certainty required by the Listing Policy. Laboratory replicates were averaged.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin: Controllable water quality factors shall not cause a detrimental increase in concentrations of toxic substances found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. Effects on aquatic organisms, wildlife, and human health will be considered.
Objective/Criterion Reference: Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) San Francisco Bay Basin (Region 2)
Evaluation Guideline: The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for tributyltin in shellfish tissue is 1 ppm. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 21 g/day. (Brodberg, R.K., and G.A. Pollock, 1999; Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; USEPA, 2000)
Guideline Reference: Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene
Guideline Reference: Prevalence of Selected Target Chemical Contaminants in Sport Fish From Two California Lakes: Public health designed screening study. Sacramento, CA: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Guideline Reference: Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use In Fish Advisories Volume 1: Fish Sampling and Analysis
Spatial Representation: The samples were collected at the following station: BA10 - Coyote Creek.
Temporal Representation: Samples were generally collected in spring and fall seasons from years 1994 - 1999 and then fall 2000 and 2001.
Environmental Conditions:
QAPP Information: 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: alpha-Endosulfan (Endosulfan 1)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of sixty-three samples exceed the guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of sixty-three samples exceed the guideline and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 100188, alpha-Endosulfan (Endosulfan 1)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92921
Pollutant: alpha-Endosulfan (Endosulfan 1)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 63
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 63 samples exceed the criterion for Endosulfan I.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Endosulfan I criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 240 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 39 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB001W, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB005W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB017W, Lower South Bay - LSB018W, Lower South Bay - LSB019W, Lower South Bay - LSB020W, Lower South Bay - LSB021W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB026W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, South Bay - SB029W, South Bay - SB030W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB033W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB036W, South Bay - SB037W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB045W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB049W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-8/16/2007.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: beta-Endosulfan (Endosulfan 2)
Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.

One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of sixty-nine samples exceed the guideline.

Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category.

This conclusion is based on the staff findings that:
1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy.
2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy.
3. Zero of sixty-nine samples exceed the guideline and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy.
4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 97891, beta-Endosulfan (Endosulfan 2)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 92944
Pollutant: beta-Endosulfan (Endosulfan 2)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Water
Matrix: Water
Fraction: Total
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 69
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: State Water Board staff assessed SFEI data for San Francisco Bay, South to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 69 samples exceed the criterion for Endosulfan II.
Data Reference: Regional Monitoring Program data, Feb. 1993-Sep. 2008
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: The Endosulfan II criteria for the protection of human health from consumption of organisms only is 240 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000).
Objective/Criterion Reference: Code of Federal Regulations 40 part 131.38 Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California. 7/1/2011 Edition
Evaluation Guideline:
Guideline Reference:
Spatial Representation: Data for this line of evidence for San Francisco Bay, South was collected at 41 monitoring sites [ Coyote Creek - BA10, Lower South Bay - LSB002W, Lower South Bay - LSB003W, Lower South Bay - LSB004W, Lower South Bay - LSB006W, Lower South Bay - LSB012W, Lower South Bay - LSB013W, Lower South Bay - LSB014W, Lower South Bay - LSB015W, Lower South Bay - LSB016W, Lower South Bay - LSB022W, Lower South Bay - LSB023W, Lower South Bay - LSB024W, Lower South Bay - LSB025W, Lower South Bay - LSB027W, Lower South Bay - LSB028W, Lower South Bay - LSB029W, Lower South Bay - LSB030W, Lower South Bay - LSB032W, South Bay - SB001W, South Bay - SB005W, South Bay - SB007W, South Bay - SB009W, South Bay - SB010W, South Bay - SB031W, South Bay - SB033W, South Bay - SB034W, South Bay - SB035W, South Bay - SB036W, South Bay - SB037W, South Bay - SB038W, South Bay - SB039W, South Bay - SB040W, South Bay - SB041W, South Bay - SB042W, South Bay - SB043W, South Bay - SB044W, South Bay - SB046W, South Bay - SB047W, South Bay - SB048W, South Bay - SB049W]
Temporal Representation: Data was collected over the time period 2/1/1994-8/16/2007.
Environmental Conditions: Staff is not aware of any special conditions that might affect interpretation of the data.
QAPP Information: The 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances was used.
QAPP Information Reference(s): 1999 Quality Assurance Project Plan Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) (dioxin-like)
Final Listing Decision: List on 303(d) list (being addressed by USEPA approved TMDL)
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: List on 303(d) list (being addressed by USEPA approved TMDL)(2016)
Revision Status Original
Sources: A Source Unknown
TMDL Name: San Francisco Bay PCBs
TMDL Project Code: 7
Date TMDL Approved by USEPA: 03/29/2010
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: Pollutant
Regional Board Conclusion: 303(d) listing decisions made prior to 2006 were not held in an assessment database. The Regional Boards will update this decision when new data and information become available and are assessed.
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: This is a decision previously approved by the State Water Resources Control Board and the USEPA. No new data were assessed by the Regional Board for the current. The decision has not changed.
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation:
State Board Decision Recommendation: After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board.
Line of Evidence (LOE) for Decision ID 69773, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) (dioxin-like)
Region 2     
San Francisco Bay, South
LOE ID: 3850
Pollutant: PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) (dioxin-like)
LOE Subgroup: Pollutant-Tissue
Matrix: Tissue
Fraction: Not Recorded
Beneficial Use: Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms
Number of Samples: 0
Number of Exceedances: 0
Data and Information Type: Not Specified
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006.
Data Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: Unspecified
Objective/Criterion Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Evaluation Guideline: Unspecified
Guideline Reference: Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d)
Spatial Representation: Unspecified
Temporal Representation: Unspecified
Environmental Conditions: Unspecified
QAPP Information: Unspecified
QAPP Information Reference(s):