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Regional Board 7 - Colorado River Basin Region References


Parent #Ref #DescriptionDate Received
 4122Arturo Diaz, Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. Arturo Diaz, Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. Letter from Arturo Diaz, Water Quality Planning Manager of the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District to Jeong-Hee Lim of the Regional Baord staff regarding the proposed 303(d) listings of Total ammonia and Toxicity as pollutants impariing the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel.. 03/12/2014
 5058CRB-RWQCB. 2019. Response to Comments, Clean Water Act Sections 305(b) and 303(d) 2018 Draft Integrated Report for the Colorado River Basin Region, CRBRWQCB, November 2019). 11/04/2019
 4120Carol A Roberts, Fish and Wildlife Service. Email from Carol A Roberts, Division Chief of Fish and Wildlife Service to Jeong-Hee Lim of the Regional Water Board staff regarding the proposed delisting of the Colorado River and the Salton Sea for selenium.. 02/18/2014
 4124Gretchen Gutierrez, Desert Valleys Builders Association. Gretchen Gutierrez, Desert Valleys Builders Association, Letter from Gretchen Gutierrez, Chief Executive Officer of Desert Valleys Builders Assocition to Jeong-Hee Lim of the Regional Board staff regarding the proposed 303(d) listings of Toxicity and Total ammonia impairing the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel.. 03/12/2014
 4123Ismael Gomez, Imperial Irrigation District. Ismael Gomez, Imperial Irrigation District. Letter from Ismael Gomez, Interim Manager of Imperial Irrigation District to Jeong-Hee Lim of the Regional Board staff regarding the proposed new listings for the Alamo River and New River, especially Chloride listing. . 03/12/2014
 4121Lindey J. Dale, Imperial County Farm Bureau. Lindey J. Dale, Imperial County Farm Bureau. Letter from Linsey Dale,Executive Director of Imperial County Farm Bureau to Robert Perdue of the Regional Board Executive Officer regarding the proposed 303(d) listings of Bifenthrin, Chloride, Cypermethrin, Malathion, and Total Ammonia as pollutants impariing the Alamo River, New River, and Salton Sea.. 03/12/2014
 3067Mark Johnson, Coachella Valley Water District. Letter sent via facsimile from Mark Johnson, Director of Engineering Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) to Logan Raub of the Regional Board staff regarding the proposed 303(d) listings of DDT, Dieldrin and PCB as pollutants impairing the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel, and the proposed 303(d) listings of Arsenic, Chlorpyrifos, DDT and Diazinon as pollutants impairing the Salton Sea.. 01/12/2009
 3066Roger Henning, Palo Verde Irrigation District. Letter from Roger Henning, Chief Engineer Palo Verde Irrigation District (PVID) to Logan Raub of the Regional Board staff regarding the proposed 303(d) listing of Toxaphene and the existing 303(d) listing of DDT as pollutants impairing the Palo Verde Outfall Drain and Lagoon.. 01/07/2009

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Data and Information

Parent #Ref #DescriptionDate Received
 6359AZDEQ_SW. 2022. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 6358Adventure Scientists (Volunteer)*. 2022. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7155Adventure Scientists (Volunteer)*. 2024. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 6357Arizona Department Of Environmental Quality. 2022. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7165Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians (Tribal). 2024. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 7370CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring. 2024. Field from the CA Department of Transportation NPDES Permit for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 6360Cabazon Band of Mission Indians, California (Tribal). 2022. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7156Cabazon Band of Mission Indians, California (Tribal). 2024. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 2420California Dept. of Pesticide Regulation. Data for pesticides in water samples collected from waterbodies located in the Colorado River Basin-Region 7. Mar. 1993-Jun. 2005.. 08/01/2007
 316Citizen's Congressional Task Force on the New River. 2000. Quality assurance project plan for Brawley constructed wetlands demonstration project. Imperial County, CA. 09/20/2006
 6374Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition. 2022. Field, WQ from the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7170Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition. 2024. Field, WQ from the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 6361Cocopah Tribe of Arizona (Tribal). 2022. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7157Cocopah Tribe of Arizona (Tribal). 2024. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 197Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2001. Brawley Wetlands site water analysis. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 04/06/2001
 198Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2001. Piute Spring water quality data. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 04/03/2001
 200Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2002. Delisting the New River for nutrients in the region's 303(d) list. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 09/20/2006
 201Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2002. Request for additional data on the Palo Verde outfall drain. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Basin RWQCB. Palo Verde Irrigation District. 09/20/2006
 203Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2003. Water quality data for Salton Sea. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 07/07/2003
 204Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2003. Water quality laboratory sheets for the New River. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 04/18/2003
 205Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2003. Water quality laboratory sheets for Palo Verde. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 04/13/2003
 312Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2003. Coliform/Fecal water quality data-Palo Verde. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 09/20/2006
 194Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2004. Imperial Irrigation District water quality data. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 09/20/2006
 195Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2004. QAPPs for Region 7. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 08/31/2004
 318Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2004. Perchlorate-Colorado River data, 1998-2004. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 09/20/2006
 320Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2004. Riverside County NPDES data (non-FPT). Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 09/20/2006
 479Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2004. R7 water quality data from Region 7. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 09/20/2006
 505Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2004. Bacteria and exceedances for Alamo River, New River, Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel Outlet, Colorado River, Palo Verde Lagoon, Palo Verde Outfall Drain, and Salt Creek Slough. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 09/20/2006
 391Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2005. New River water quality data, 1997-2003. http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/rwqcb7/newriver/dataindex.html. 09/20/2006
 572Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2006. Oral comments from the January 5, 2006 section 303(d) list Pasadena workshop. Pasadena, CA. 09/20/2006
 828Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2006. Comments on proposed CWA Section 303(d) List regarding delisting of Palo Verde Outfall Drain for Pathogens. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 06/28/2006
 206Colorado River Basin RWQCB. Tissue data for RB7-9. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 09/20/2006
 2727Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Cntrl Brd. 2003. Quality Assurance Project Plan for Alamo River Siltation/Sedimentation TMDL Implementation. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Regional Water Quality Control Board. 10/30/2008
 2726Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Cntrl Brd. 2003. Quality Assurance Project Plan for New River Siltation/Sedimentation TMDL Implementation. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Regional Water Quality Control Board.. 10/30/2008
 2695Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Cntrl Brd. Data compiled from the Regional Board New River/Mexicali Sanitation Program and New River TMDL Development and Implementation Monitoring Program in October 2008. 10/20/2008
 2981Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Cntrl Brd. Data compiled from the Regional Board New River/Mexicali Sanitation Program and from the New River VOC TMDL Development Monitoring Program in January 2009.. 02/05/2009
 2725Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Contrl Brd. 2007. Imperial Valley Sedimentation/Siltation TMDL Implementation Update, Staff Report to Regional Board, June 26, 2007. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Regional Water Quality Control Board.. 10/30/2008
 5060Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Forum. 1975. Water Quality Standards for Salinity Including Numeric Criteria and Plan of Implementation for Salinity Control Colorado River System.. 09/14/2020
 2440Crepeau, K.L., K. M. Kuivila, and B. Bergamaschi. 2002. ¿Dissolved Pesticides in the Alamo River and the Salton Sea, California, 1996-97.¿ United States Geological Survey. Sacramento, CA. Open file report No. 02-232. http://water.usgs.gov/pubs/of/ofr02232/. 06/20/2008
 4509DFW_ABL_Monitoring. 2015. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for DFW_ABL_Monitoring.. 05/04/2017
 6371DFW_ABL_Monitoring. 2022. Habitat from the DFW Aquatic Bioassessment Laboratory Monitoring for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 4414DPR Surface Water Study 290 Name. 2014. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for DPR Surface Water Study 290 Name. . 05/04/2017
 6372DPR Surface Water Study 290 Name. 2022. Toxicity, WQ from the DPR Surface Water Study 290 Program for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 4776DPR Surface Water Study 290 Name. Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 7.. 06/14/2019
 2439DiGiorgio, C., H.C. Bailey, and D.E. Hinton. "Colorado River Basin Toxicity Report, Draft Final, March 1993 through February 1994¿ prepared for V. de Vlaming and G. Starrett, SWRCB; prepared by, UC Davis Dept of Medicine and Epidemiology. Sacramento, CA. Interagency Agreement No. 0-149-250-0.. 06/20/2008
 432DiGregorio, C., H.C. Bailey, and D.E. Hinton. 1994. Colorado River Basin toxicity report. Sacramento, CA: State Water Resources Control Board. 09/20/2006
 6365EPA National Aquatic Resources Survey (NARS). 2022. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 4415EPA National Lakes Assessment 2012. 2012. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for EPA National Lakes Assessment 2012. . 05/04/2017
 4791EPA National Lakes Assessment 2012. Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 7.. 06/14/2019
 6373EPA National Rivers and Streams Assessment. 2022. Benthic, Habitat from the EPA National Rivers and Streams Assessment for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 3049Gilbert G. Anaya, International Boundary and Water Commission. Letter from Gilbert G. Anaya, Supervisory Environmental Protection Specialist, International Boundary and Water Commission , United States and Mexico to California Regional Water Quality Control Board Colorado River Basin RWQCB regarding involvement in the review of the draft regional list of impaired waters and surface water quality assessment.. 01/29/2007
 7166Great Lakes Environmental Center. 2024. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 7171Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition. 2024. Field, Habitat, Toxicity, WQ from the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 3790International Boundary and Water Commission, United States Section. 2010. Data for bacteria and temperature in Alamo River, New River (Imperial County), and Tijuana River, Jan 2006-Mar. 2010. 05/24/2010
 3060Jason E. Uhley, Riverside county Flood control and Water Conservation District. Letter from Jason E. Uhley, Senior Civil Engineer, Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District to Colorado River Basin RWQCB regarding information request for integrated water quality report-list of impaired waters and surface water quality assessment [303(d)/305(b)].. 03/05/2007
 3059John S. Sanders, California Department of Pesticide Regulation. Letter from John S. Sanders, Chief Environmental Monitoring Branch, Department of Pesticide Regulation to Colorado River Basin RWQCB regarding information request for integrated water quality report-list of impaired waters and surface water quality assessment [303(d)/305(b)].. 02/22/2007
 7167LOSCOYOTESBANDOFCAHUILLACUPENO (Tribal). 2024. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 6363La Posta EPA (Tribal). 2022. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7159La Posta EPA (Tribal). 2024. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 199LeBlanc, L., R.A. Schroeder, J.L. Orlando, and K.M. Kuivila. 2002. Distribution of pesticides between water and sediments in the Salton Sea Basin, 2001-2002. Sacramento, CA: U.S. Geological Survey. 03/16/2003
 323LeBlanc, L.A., J.L. Orlando, and K.M. Kuivila. 2004. Pesticide concentrations in water and suspended sediments in the New and Alamo Rivers, Salton Sea watershed, CA, April 2003. Reston, VA. U.S. Geological Survey. Data Series 104. 09/20/2006
 6362Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeno Indians, California (Tribal). 2022. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7158Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeno Indians, California (Tribal). 2024. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 202Metropolitan Water District of Southern CA. 2001. Response to solicitation of water quality data. Water quality conditions in surface waters within the Colorado River Basin. Los Angeles, CA. 05/16/2001
 6364Morongo Band of Mission Indians. 2022. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7160Morongo Band of Mission Indians. 2024. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 7168Morongo Band of Mission Indians (Tribal). 2024. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 4849NWIS. WQX data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 7.. 06/14/2019
 7169Not Applicable. 2024. Field, Habitat from the Associated QA for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 2447Orlando, J. L., K. L. Smalling, K.M. Kuivila. 2008. "Pesticides in Water and Suspended Sediment of the Alamo and New Rivers, Imperial Valley/Salton Sea Basin, California, 2006-07". U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Final Report prepared in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), delivered to the CRBRWQCB. Palm Desert, CA.. 10/01/2008
 6366Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation, California &, Arizona (Tribal). 2022. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7161Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation, California &, Arizona (Tribal). 2024. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 4410RWB7 TMDL. 2011. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for RWB7 TMDL. . 05/04/2017
 6382RWB7 TMDL. 2022. Field, Habitat, WQ from the Total Maximum Daily Load for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7178RWB7 TMDL. 2024. WQ from the Total Maximum Daily Load for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
37913808SWAMP. RWB7 New River Monitoring CY2006. 08/30/2010
37913809SWAMP. RWB7 Fish Tissue Study 2004. 08/30/2010
37913810SWAMP. RWB7 Trend Monitoring CY2005 CY2006 CY2007 CY2008. 08/30/2010
 6376SWAMP Dry Stream. 2022. Habitat from the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7172SWAMP Dry Stream. 2024. Benthic from the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 4409SWAMP Monitoring. 2012. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Monitoring. . 05/04/2017
 7173SWAMP Perennial Stream Surveys. 2024. Benthic, Field, Habitat from the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 6378SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences. 2022. Field, Habitat from the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7175SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences. 2024. Toxicity from the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 4408SWAMP RWB7 Monitoring. 2015. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP RWB7 Monitoring. . 05/04/2017
 6379SWAMP RWB7 Monitoring. 2022. Field, Habitat, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ from the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7176SWAMP RWB7 Monitoring. 2024. Field, Habitat, Tissue, Toxicity, WQ from the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 6377SWAMP Reference Condition Management Plan. 2022. Benthic, Field, Habitat, WQ from the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7174SWAMP Reference Condition Management Plan. 2024. Field, Habitat from the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 4412SWAMP Sportfish Contamination in Lakes and Resrv. 2014. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Contamination in Lakes and Reservoirs.. 05/04/2017
 6380SWAMP Sportfish Contamination in Lakes and Resrv. 2022. Habitat, Tissue, WQ from the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 4413SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams. 2011. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams.. 05/04/2017
 4411SWAMP Stream Pollution Trends. 2014. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Stream Pollution Trends. . 05/04/2017
 6381SWAMP Stream Pollution Trends. 2022. Field, Habitat, Toxicity, WQ from the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7177SWAMP Stream Pollution Trends. 2024. Field, Habitat, Toxicity, WQ from the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 6375San Diego Region NPDES. 2022. WQ from the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 573Searles Valley Minerals. 2005. Searles Lake monitoring reports and analytical reports. Trona, CA. 09/20/2006
 2442Segawa, R.. QAQC001.00 Standard Operating Procedures. Chemistry Laboratory Quality Control. California Department of Pesticide Regulation Environmental Hazards Assessment Branch. Sacramento, CA.. 06/20/2008
 6367Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians, California (Tribal). 2022. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7162Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians, California (Tribal). 2024. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 2441Starner, K. , K. Kelly. ¿Study 224. A Preliminary Assessment of Pyrethroid Contamination of Surface Waters and Bed Sediments in High Pyrethroid-Use Regions of California¿. California Department of Pesticide Regulation Environmental Monitoring Branch. Sacramento, CA.. 06/20/2008
 6370Surface Water Monitoring Project. 2022. WQ from the Department of Pesticide Regulation Surface Water Monitoring for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7371Surface Water Monitoring Project. 2024. WQ from the Department of Pesticide Regulation Surface Water Monitoring for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 6368Twenty-Nine Palms Tribal EPA. 2022. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7163Twenty-Nine Palms Tribal EPA. 2024. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 196U.S. Department of the Interior. 2001. Colorado River Main Stem Water quality records. Yuma, AZ: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 03/26/2001
 5056U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Upper Colorado Region. Quality Of Water Colorado River Basin Progress Report No. 25 . 10/21/2019
 2444U.S. Env. Protection Agency (USEPA). Data for organic and inorganic chemicals in water samples collected from waterbodies located in the Colorado River Basin-Region 7, collected and reported by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and reported on the USEPA Storet system. 1995-2004.. 12/18/2007
 2756U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2006. Perchlorate Monitoring Results Henderson, Nevada to the Lower Colorado River, December 2005 Report. Waste Management Division. San Francisco, CA.. 11/25/2008
 2448U.S. Geological Survey. 2007. Quality Assurance Project Plan, Imperial Valley Pesticides TMDL Assessment Studies. Water Science Center. Sacramento, CA.. 06/26/2008
 2449U.S. Geological Survey. Data for organic and inorganic chemicals in water and sediment samples collected from waterbodies located in the Colorado River Basin-Region 7, collected and reported on the National Water Information System (NWIS) Water Quality database. 1961-2005.. 06/26/2008
 317USEPA. 2004. Perchlorate monitoring results-Henderson, Nevada to the lower Colorado River, June 2004 report. San Francisco, CA: United States Environmental Protection Agency. 09/20/2006
 5061USGS. 2017. Data Associated with Quality Of Water Colorado River Basin Progress Report No. 25. 10/22/2019
 6369USGS California Water Science Center. 2022. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7164USGS California Water Science Center. 2024. WQX from the NWQMP for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 4430United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2017. Water quality data for federal, state, and tribal agencies submitted through the US EPA STorage and RETrival (STORET) database for the 2018 listing cycle. . 05/04/2017
 4422United States Geological Survey. 2017. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for the USGS National Water Information System. . 05/04/2017
 2743Werner, I, M. Vasi, and D. Mankiewicz. 2006. Toxicity Testing and Toxicity Identification Examination. U.C. Davis.- Aquatic Toxicity Laboratory. Davis, CA.. 11/19/2008
 2450Wilde, F.D., ed.. Field measurements: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, book 9, chap. A6. In United States Geological Survey (USGS). Variously dated. National field manual for the collection of water-quality data: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, book 9, chaps. A1-A9, available online at http://pubs.water.usgs.gov/twri9A. . 06/26/2008
 6349eSMR - CA Dept of Corrections Centinela WWTP. 2022. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7147eSMR - CA Dept of Corrections Centinela WWTP. 2024. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 6348eSMR - Calexico City WWTP. 2022. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7146eSMR - Calexico City WWTP. 2024. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 6350eSMR - El Centro City WWTP. 2022. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7148eSMR - El Centro City WWTP. 2024. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 6351eSMR - Holtville City WWTP. 2022. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7149eSMR - Holtville City WWTP. 2024. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 6352eSMR - Imperial CCD WWTP. 2022. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7150eSMR - Imperial CCD WWTP. 2024. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 6353eSMR - McCabe USD WWTP. 2022. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7151eSMR - McCabe USD WWTP. 2024. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 6354eSMR - Niland SD WWTP. 2022. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7152eSMR - Niland SD WWTP. 2024. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 6355eSMR - Seeley CWD WWTP. 2022. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7153eSMR - Seeley CWD WWTP. 2024. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 6356eSMR - Westmorland City WWTP. 2022. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2026 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/21/2022
 7154eSMR - Westmorland City WWTP. 2024. CIWQS from the CIWQS_eSMR for the 2028 Integrated Report in Region 7. 10/23/2024
 12522001. Region 7 Public Hearing. 07/25/2003
 12532001. Region 7 Public Solicitation. 07/25/2003
 12542001. Region 7 Resolution. 07/25/2003
 12562001. Region 7 Staff Presentation. 07/25/2003
 8862001. Region 7 Respondents List. 07/25/2003
 12512002. Region 7 Public Comments. 07/25/2003
 12552002. Region 7 Staff Report. 07/25/2003
 12572002. Rb7 Listing of New River For VOCs. 07/25/2003
 12582002. Correspondence Regarding R7 303(d). 07/25/2003
 12592002. Supporting Information For Region 7. 07/25/2003
 12602002. Supporting Information For Region 7. 07/25/2003
 12622002. Supporting Information For Region 7. 07/25/2003
 2427Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Data for organic and inorganic constituents in water and sediment samples collected from water bodies located in the Colorado River Basin-Region 7. May 2002-May 2005.. 08/01/2007
 2468Toxic Substances Monitoring Program (TSMP) Data for organic and inorganic chemicals in fish and sediment samples collected from water bodies located in the Colorado River Basin-Region 7. 1978-2000. State Water Resources Control Board. Sacramento, CA.. 07/01/2008
 3197Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Data for organic and inorganic constituents in water and sediment samples collected from water bodies located in the Colorado River Basin- Region 7. May 2002 - May 2004.. 11/14/2006

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List Approval Process

Parent #Ref #DescriptionDate Received
 4128Colorado River Basin RWQCB. Postmaster mail list, recipients of the Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of Impaired Water bodies in the Colorado River Basin Region.. 01/24/2014
 4127Colorado River Basin RWQCB.. Library mail list, recipients of the Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of Impaired Water bodies in the Colorado River Basin Region.. 01/24/2014
 4129Colorado River Basin RWQCB.. Newspaper editor mail list, recipients of the Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of Impaired Water bodies in the Colorado River Basin Region.. 01/24/2014
 4146Colorado River Basin RWQCB.. Letter from Robert Perdue, Regional Board Executive Officer, to Vicky Whitney, Deputy Director of Division of Water Quality of State Water Resources Control Board, regarding Minor, non-substantive changes to the Proposed revisions to the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List and its attachments.. 04/16/2014
 4154Colorado River Basin RWQCB.. Staff report titled " Proposed updates to the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List and preparation of the 2012 Integrated Repport" Including Attachment 1-9. 04/16/2014
 4155Colorado River Basin RWQCB.. Resolution No R7-2014-0025. Proposed revisions to the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of impaired water bodies in the Colorado River Basin Region. Including Table 1. Proposed additions, deletions, or modifications to the Colorado Reiver Basin Regional Water Board's CWA Section 303(d) List. 04/16/2014
 4156Colorado River Basin RWQCB.. Letter from Robert Perdue, Regional Board Executive Officer, to Tom Howard, Executive Director of State Water Resources Control Board, transmitting a signed copy of signed Resolution No. R7-2014-0025 with Attached Table 1, and Proposed additions, deletions, or modifications to the Colorado River Basin Region's CWA Section 303(d) List.. 05/01/2014
 4130Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2014. Regional Board Meeting Draft Staff Report titled " Proposed updates to the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List and preparation of the 2012 Integrated Repport" Including Attachment 1-8. 03/20/2014
 4131Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2014. Regional Board Meeting Draft Resolution No R7-2014-0025. Proposed revisions to the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of impaired water bodies in the Colorado River Basin Region. Including Table 1. Proposed additions, deletions, or modifications to the Colorado Reiver Basin Regional Water Board's CWA Section 303(d) List. 03/20/2014
 4132Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2014.. Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed revisions to the Celan Water Act Section 303(d) List of Imparired Water Bodies in the Colorado River Basin Region. 01/23/2014
 4133Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2014.. Revised Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed revisions to the Celan Water Act Section 303(d) List of Imparired Water Bodies in the Colorado River Basin Region. 01/23/2014
 4134Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2014.. Regional Board Meeting Agenda for March 20, 2014 in Brawley, CA.. 03/20/2014
 4135Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2014.. Regional Board Meeting Agenda Item Sheet No.5 of the March 20, 2014 Regional Board Meeting titled "Resolution to Approve Proposed Revisions to the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies in the Colorado River Basin Region.". 03/20/2014
 4136Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2014.. Regional Board meeting Errata Sheet for Item No. 5 of the march 3, 2014 Regional Board Meeting titled "Resolution R7-2014-0025 Proposed revisions to the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies in the Colorado River Basin Region.. 03/20/2014
 4137Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2014.. Regional Board Meeting Staff Presentation (powerpoint slides) given to the Regional Board on March 20, 2014 regarding 2012 Clean Water Act Section 303(d)/305(b) Integrated Report Proposed Revisions.. 03/20/2014
 4138Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2014.. Final Comprehensive Report for water bodies in the Colorado River Basin Region, generated by the California Water Quality Assessment (CalWQA) Databae for the 2012 California 303(d)/305(b) Integrated Report.. 04/14/2014
 4139Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2014.. Final Category Report for water bodies in the Colorado River Basin Region, generated by the California Water Quality Assessment (CalWQA) Databae for the 2012 California 303(d)/305(b) Integrated Report.. 04/14/2014
 4126Colorado River RWQCB. Colorado River Basin RWQCB. LYRIS List, recipients of the Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of Impaired Waterboides in the Colorado River Basin Region.. 01/27/2014
 4140Gerardo D. Corona, CSR. Reporter's Transcript of Proceedings, Brawley, California, Thursday, March 20, 2014. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Colorado River Basin Region, Public Meeting.. 04/07/2014
 4141Nadim Shukry-Zeywar, Colorado River Basin RWQCB. Letter from Nadim Shukry-Zeywar, Regional Board staff, to Carol A. Roberts Division Chief of Fish and Wildlife Service responding to comments raised about the proposed delisting of selenium in Colorado River and Salton Sea.. 03/04/2014
 4142Nadim Shukry-Zeywar, Colorado River Basin RWQCB. Letter from Nadim Shukry-Zeywar, Regional Board staff, to Linsey J. Dale Executive Director of Imperial County Farm Bureau responding to comments raised about the proposed 303(d) listings of pollutants in Alamo River, New River, and Salton Sea.. 03/18/2014
 4143Nadim Shukry-Zeywar, Colorado River Basin RWQCB.. Letter from Nadim Shukry-Zeywar, Regional Board staff, to Ismael Gomez Interim Manager of Imperial Irrigation District responding to comments raised about the proposed 303(d) listings of pollutants in Alamo River and New River.. 03/18/2014
 4144Nadim Shukry-Zeywar, Colorado River Basin RWQCB.. Letter from Nadim Shukry-Zeywar, Regional Board staff, to Gretchen Gutierrez Chief Executive Officer of Desert Valleys Builders Association responding to comments raised about the proposed 303(d) listings of pollutants in Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel.. 03/18/2014
 4145Nadim Shukry-Zeywar, Colorado River Basin RWQCB.. Letter from Nadim Shukry-Zeywar, Regional Board staff, to Arturo Diaz Water Quality Planning Manager of Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District responding to comments raised about the proposed 303(d) listings of pollutants in Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel.. 03/18/2014

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QA Document

Parent #Ref #DescriptionDate Received
 2445Arizona Dept. of Env. Quality (ADEQ). 2005. A Manual of Procedures for the Sampling of Surface Waters. Phoenix, AZ.. 06/24/2008
 2993Colorado River Basin Region Water Quality Cntrl Brd. 2004. Quality Assurance Project Plan for sampling volatile organic compounds in the New River for TMDL Development. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Regional Water Quality Control Board.. 02/09/2009
 2696Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Cntrl Brd. 1996. Workplan/Quality Assurance Project Plan for Monitoring the New River System. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Regional Water Quality Control Board. . 10/20/2008
 2697Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Cntrl Brd. 2008. Water Quality Monitoring of the New River at Mexicali and International Boundary. Palm Desert, CA: Colorado River Regional Water Quality Control Board.. 10/20/2008
 6547Lisa McCrink, MLJ Environmental. 2023. Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board - CVILC 2021 - Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition - 402630. 04/12/2023
 6550Logan Raub. 2023. CRBRWQCB - R7 New River QAPP - RWB7 TMDL - 402659. 05/30/2023
 2469Rasmussen, D. 1993. Toxic Substances Monitoring Program 1991 Data Report. 93-1WQ. State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), Division of Water Quality. Sacramento, CA.. 07/01/2008
 66232023. CRB-RWQCB o/b/o AZDEQ - AZDEQ SW QAPP 01/2021 - AZDEQ_SW - 402691. 07/14/2023

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Standards and Guidelines

Parent #Ref #DescriptionDate Received
 2419Colorado River Basin RWQCB. 2006. Water Quality Control Plan Colorado River Basin, with amendments adopted through June 2006. 06/05/2008
 4698Colorado River Basin Region Staff. 2019. Water Quality Control Plan for the Colorado River Basin Region (Includes amendments effective on or before January 8, 2019). 01/08/2019
 6542Colorado River Basin Region Staff. 2023. Water Quality Control Plan for the Colorado River Basin Region (Includes amendments effective on or before March 30, 2019). 03/30/2023
 5059International Boundary and Water Commission United States and Mexico. 1973. Minute 242: Permanent and Definitive Solution to the International Problem of the Salinity of the Colorado River . 08/30/1973
 2433U.S. Dept. of Interior. 1998. Guidelines for Interpretation of the Biological Effect of Selected Constituents in Biota, Water, and Sediment. US Department of Interior report.. 06/19/2008
 5057USGS. 1987. Water-Resources Investigations Report 86-4124 . 10/21/2019
 4161Minor, Non-Substantive Changes to the Proposed Revisions to the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies Adopted Under Colorado River Basin Regional Water Board Resolution No. R7-2014-0025. 07/08/2014
 4162Proposed additions, deletions or modifications to the Colorado River Basin Regional Water Board's CWQ section 303(d) List . 07/08/2014
 4163Proposed additions, deletions or modification to the Colorado River Basin Regional Water Board's CWQ section 303(d) List corrected . 07/08/2014
 4167Adopting Proposed Revision to the 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies and Preparation of the 2012 Integrated Report for the Colorado River Basin Region. 07/08/2014

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