CSPA-1 Bill Jennings Qualifications
CSPA-2 Bill Jennings Testimony
CSPA-3 Chris Shutes Qualifications
CSPA-4 Chris Shutes Testimony
CSPA-5 Lee Summary Resume
CSPA-6 G. Fred Lee Testimony
CSPA-7 Thomas Cannon Qualifications
CSPA-8 Thomas Cannon Testimony
CSPA-9 trhough CSPA-14  Reserved
CSPA-15 Letter from Victoria Whitney SWRCB to DWR and USBR 19 March 2004
CSPA-16 Letter from Victoria Whitney SWRCB to DWR and USBR 28 July 2004
CSPA-17 2010 California 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments
CSPA-18 Environmental Water Caucus Comments on BDCP/WaterFix RDEIR/SDEIS 30Oct15
CSPA-19 CSPA Comment Letter No.2 on BDCP EIR/EIS 28 July 2014
CSPA-20 A Strategic Review of CalSim II, December 2003
CSPA-21 Musings on a Model: CalSim II in California's Water Community, 2005
CSPA-22 Water Supply Indices Historical, Unimpaired Runoff, CDEC
CSPA-23 Panel Review, CDFW Quantifiable Biological Objectives and Flow Criteria for Aquatic and TerrestrialSpecies of Concern Dependent on the Delta.pdf
CSPA-24 A Review of the Use of Science and Adaptive Management in California's Draft Bay Delta Conservation Plan, 2011.
CSPA-25 Letter from USEPA to USBR on BDCP/WaterFix SDEIS, 30 October 2015
CSPA-26 Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Reform Act of 2009
CSPA-27 Bay-Delta Public Trust Balancing ECONorthwest 
CSPA-28 through CSPA-35 Reserved
CSPA-36 Text and Modeled End-of-Month Storage Plots from RDEIR/SDEIS 
CSPA-37 Actual End-of-Month Storage Plots 2007 2013 from CDEC
CSPA-38 SWP and CVP Demands from 2013 DEIR/DEIS
CSPA-39 Excerpts from Federal Legislation S. 2533 and H.R. 2898
CSPA-40 1995-2012 Through-Delta Transfers, SWP and CVP Allocation Percentages from 2013 DEIR/DEIS
CSPA-41 Text on Transfers from RDEIR/SDEIS
CSPA-42 Bureau of Reclamation Closing Brief Auburn Dam Permit Revocation Hearing 2008
CSPA-43 Bureau of Reclamation Supplement to Petition for Extension of Time CVP Permits 2009
CSPA-44 DWR Supplement to Petition for Extension of Time SWP Permits 2009
CSPA-45 reserved Reserved
CSPA-46 Flow and Storage Plots Various Years 1995-2016 from CDEC in Support of Cannon Testimony
CSPA-47 through CSPA-55 Reserved
CSPA-56 Lee Testimony PowerPoint
CSPA-57 WaterFix Fact Sheet
CSPA-58 Lee Comments BDCP
CSPA-59 Lee Comments to DWR
CSPA-60 Lee Experience Delta WQ
CSPA-61 RecentAdvWaterRes
CSPA-62 SynthesisRpt3-21-03
CSPA-63 SynthRptSupp
CSPA-64 Map of Delta Showing Flow Direction
CSPA-65 Central-Delt-Tours
CSPA-66 DO Monitoring Sites DWR
CSPA-67 Specific Conductance DWSC
CSPA-68 SWRCB Website Impaired Water Bodies
CSPA-69 US EPA 303(d) List
CSPA-70 Delta Water Quality Issues Rpt
CSPA-71 Overview Delta WQ Presentation
CSPA-72 Delta WQ Standards Violations
CSPA-73 Monsen Cloern Burau Paper
CSPA-74 ISB Comments on WaterFix RDEIR/SDEIS
CSPA-75 vanNieuwenhuyse (2008)
CSPA-76 vanNieuwenhuyse (2007)
CSPA-77 GFredLeeWorkshopOverview
CSPA-78 CWEMF_WS_Synopsis
CSPA-79 Eutrophication Wiley
CSPA-80 Results South Delta Tour
CSPA-81 Experience Water Quality Standards
CSPA-82 Chemicals Registered for Use
CSPA-83 Lee_Testimony_BayDelta
CSPA-84 Impact of Diversions
CSPA-85 Panel Review DFG_BOFC
CSPA-86 Model Altered Flow Impacts
CSPA- 87 through CSPA-100 Reserved
CSPA-101 Feather River Flow Plot, Oroville Storage Plots from CDEC Used in Cross-Examination of Mr. Leahigh