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Hearings Program
Santa Ana River Hearing
Applications and Wastewater Change Petition WW-0045
- All Applicants
- Center For Biological Diversity
- Basin Watermaster
- City of Riverside
- San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District and Western Valley Municipal Water District of County
- Orange County Water District
- Santa Ana River Mainstem Project Local Sponsors
All Applicants
Exhibit No. | Description |
Applicants’ Joint 1-1 | Testimony of Bill Dendy |
Applicants’ Joint 1-2 | Resume of Bill Dendy |
Applicants’ Joint 1-3 | Bar Graph, Labeled “Plate 5 ”, of the Annual Base Blow and Storm Flow at Prado Since the 1934-35 water year Excerpted from the Annual Report of the SARWM for Water Year 2005-06 |
Applicants’ Joint 1-4 | Map, Labeled “Plate 2 ”, Showing the Locations of Upstream Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants and Brine Export Pipelines Excerpted from the Annual Report of the SARWM for Water Year 2005-06 |
Applicants’ Joint 1-5 | SAWPA PowerPoint Presentation Highlighting Some of its Accomplishments |
Applicants’ Joint 2-1 | Orange County Water District v. City of et al. (Orange County Superior Court No. 117628) |
Applicants’ Joint 2-2 | Memorandum of Understanding to Affirm and Preserve Existing Rights in the Santa Ana River Water Shed (November 16, 1999) |
Applicants’ Joint 2-3 | Santa Ana River and Basin Water Right Accord (September 15, 2000) |
Applicants’ Joint 2-4 | Agreement between Orange County Water District and the City of San Bernardino Concerning Water Rights (September 1, 2004) |
Applicants’ Joint 2-5 | Agreement between Orange County Water District and East Valley Water District Concerning Water Rights (June 23, 2006) |
Applicants’ Joint 2-6 | Agreement between Orange County Water District and the City of Concerning Water Rights (July 24, 2006) |
Applicants’ Joint 2-7 | Western Municipal Water District of County, et al. v. East San Bernardino Water District, et al. (County Superior Court No. 78426) |
Applicants’ Joint 2-8 | Big Bear Municipal Water District v. North Fork Water Company, et al. (San Bernardino County Superior Court 16593) |
Applicants’ Joint 2-9 | Settlement Agreement Relating to the Diversion of Water from the Santa Ana River System (July 21, 2004) |
Applicants’ Joint 2-10 | Settlement Agreement Among San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District and Western Municipal Water District of County (August 2005) |
Applicants’ Joint 2-11 | Basin Municipal Water District v. City of , et al. (San Bernardino County Superior Court Case No. RCV 51010) |
Applicants’ Joint 2-12 | Santa Ana Sucker Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2002-2003, SAWPA |
Applicants’ Joint 2-13 | Draft Results of Year 3 Implementation of the Santa Ana Sucker Conservation Program, SAWPA |
Applicants’ Joint 2-14 | Results of Year 1 Implementation of the Santa Ana Sucker Conservation Program for the Santa Ana River, SAWPA |
Applicants’ Joint 2-15 | Results of Year 2 Implementation of the Santa Ana Sucker Conservation Program for the Santa Ana River, SAWPA |
Applicants’ Joint 2-16 | Map of Santa Ana Watershed Groundwater Management Zones, SAWPA |
Applicants’ Joint 2-17 | Map of Santa Ana River Watershed, SAWPA |
Applicants’ Joint 2-18 | Santa Ana Integrated Watershed Plan, 2005 Update, SAWPA (June 2005) |
Applicants’ Joint 2-19 | Santa Ana Integrated Watershed Plan Volume 1 Water Resources Component, SAWPA (June 2002) |
Applicants’ Joint 2-20.1 2-20.2 2-20.3 2-20.4 2-20.5 2-20.6 |
Santa Ana Integrated Watershed Plan Volume 2: Environmental and Wetlands Component, SAWPA |
Applicants’ Joint 2-21 | Annual Reports of the Santa Ana River Watermaster, (1970 to Present) |
Applicants’ Joint 2-22 | Annual Reports of the Western-San Bernardino Watermaster, (1970 to Present) |
Center for Biological Diversity
Exhibit No. | Description |
1-1 | Testimony of Ileene Anderson |
1-2 | CV of Ileene Anderson |
2 | Map: Federally and/or State Listed Threatened and Endangered Species of the Santa Ana River |
3-1 | Report: Results of the Year 5 (2005) Implementation of the Santa Ana Sucker Conservation Program for the Santa Ana River (November 21, 2006) |
3-2 | Memo from Baskin, Haglund, and Bryant: Correction of October Report (November 21, 2006) |
4-1 | Report: Santa Ana River Woolly Star Report of Biological Studies for the Preserve Management Program, Years 4 through 9 (April 2004) |
5-1 | CBD Comment Letter Re: San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District DEIR, (January 11, 2005) |
5-2 | 1 to January 11, 2005 Comment Letter: NOP Comment List (attached to 5-1) |
5-3 | 2 to January 11, 2005 Comment Letter: Biological Opinion for Prado Dam, (July 1, 2002) (attached to 5-1) |
5-4 | 3 to January 11, 2005 Comment Letter: Results of the Year 3 Implementation of the Santa Ana Sucker Conservation Program for the Santa Ana River, Final Report, (2003) (attached to 5-1) |
5-5 | 4 to January 11, 2005 Comment Letter: County Integrated Project, Final Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan, Volume II-B (re: arroyo chub) (June 2003) (attached to 5-1) |
5-6 | 5 to January 11, 2005 Comment Letter: California Fish and Game, Fish Species of Special Concern in California, Santa Ana Speckled Dace (1995) (attached to 5-1) |
5-7 | 6 to January 11, 2005 Comment Letter: South Coast Air Quality Management District, Final 2003 AQMP Appendix II – Current Air Quality (attached to 5-1) |
6 | CBD Comment Letter Re: San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District DEIR (May 25, 2005) |
7 | CBD Comment Letter Re: Orange County Water District DEIR (May 30, 2006) |
8 | CBD Comment Letter Re: City of DEIR (November 27, 2006) |
Basin Watermaster
Exhibit No. | Description |
1-1 | Written Testimony of Ken Manning |
1-2 | Aerial Photos of Basin and Relevant Water features (.jpg files - 34 MB each): Aerial 1; Aerial 2; Aerial 3 |
1-3 | Map of Surface Water Spreading facilities |
1-4 | Basin Photographs (too numerous to publish) |
1-5 | 1978 Judgment: Basin Municipal Water District v. City of , San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 51010. |
1-6 | Court order dated November 15, 2001 re Authorization for Watermaster to Process Application 31369 |
1-7 | OBMP Phase 1 Report, August 1999 (not assembled for publishing) |
1-8 | Basin Plan Amendment: RWQCB Santa Ana Region Resolution R8-2004-0001 and attachments thereto |
1-9 | Peace Agreement for the Basin dated June 29, 2000 |
1-10 | OBMP Implementation Plan, B to the Peace Agreement |
1-11 | Basin Recharge Master Plan, Phase 1 Final Report, January 1998 |
1-12 | Basin Recharge Master Plan, Phase 2 Report, August 2001 (Document not properly assembled for posting) |
1-13 [33.3 MB] |
[Corrupt File Notation - This file is not available on the interent at this time.] Basin Facilities Improvement Project (Basin Recharge Master Plan Implementation). Executive Summary and Basin Descriptions. Tettemer and Associates, Inc. and URS Corporat ion. May 2002. |
1-14 | American Association of Civil Engineers Press Release regarding Outstanding Project of the Year dated October 1, 2004 |
1-15 | Basin Recharge Facilities – Operation Procedures, March 2006 |
1-16 | Basin Watermaster Recharge Reports |
1-17 | Stipulation between Basin Watermaster and Department of Fish and Game regarding Application 31369 |
2-1 [45 MB] Rev.Fig 12 |
Written Testimony of Mark Wildermuth |
2-2 | Statement of Qualifications of Mark Wildermuth |
2-3 | OBMP Basin Dry Year Yield Program Modeling Report, Vol. III. Wildermuth. July 2003 (Document not properly assembled for posting) |
2-4 | Recycled Water Permit (RWQCB Order 2003 – 0003) |
2-5 | Basin Plan Amendment (RWQCB Resolution 2004-0001 and attachments thereto) |
2-6 | CBWM’s Permit for Recharge of Imported and Recycled Water.(RWQCB Order 2005-0033) |
2-7 | OBMP Basin State of the Basin Report. Wildermuth. July 2005 |
2-8 | 50 Year Rain Gage and Daily Precipitation: daily precipitation.xls |
3-1 | Written Testimony of Tom Dodson |
3-2 | Statement of Qualifications of Tom Dodson |
3-3 | OBMP Final PEIR (Document not properly assembled for posting) |
3-4 [15 MB] |
Initial Study for the Implementation of Storm Water & Imported Water Recharge at 20 Recharge Basins in Basin |
3-5 | Letter from Dodson re CEQA docs for 20 Basins |
3-6 | Habitat Mitigation & Monitoring Plan IEUA Water Recharge Project RP-3 Mitigation Site For Impacts Associated with Basin Facilities Improvement Project |
3-7 [7.3 MB] |
San Sevaine Creek Water Project Initial Study, Feb 1994 (p. 9, 25) |
3-8 | San Sevaine Creek Water Project Final EIR, Aug. 1995 |
3-9 [7.2 MB] |
San Sevaine Creek Water Project Final Loan Application Report & Feasibility Study Aug 1995 (p.6-31) |
3-10 | IEUA Notice of Determination & DFG Certificate of Fee Exemption / No Impact Statement Oct. 9, 2001 |
3-11 [4.7 MB] |
[Corrupt File Notation - This file is not available on the interent at this time.] Initial Study for the Implementation of Storm Water and Imported Water Recharge at proposed RP-3 Recharge Basins |
3-12 | Focused Survey Report for the Delhi Sands Flower-Loving Fly (RP-3) LSA Associates, Oct. 22, 2001 |
3-13 [9.2 MB] |
Upland Basin CEQA Documentation (Initial Study, Negative Declaration, etc.) |
3-14 | West State Street Recharge Basin Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact June 1977 |
4-1 | Written Testimony of Tony Bomkamp |
4-2 | Statement of Qualifications of Tony Bomkamp |
4-3 | Least Bell’s Vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) 5 – year Review Summary and Evaluation; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, September 2006 |
4-4 | Least Bell’s Vireos and Southwestern Willow Flycatchers in Prado Basin of the Santa Ana River Watershed, CA, Orange County Water District and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2004 |
4-5 | Status and Management of the Least Bell’s Vireo and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher in the Santa Ana River Watershed 2006, Santa Ana Watershed Association, March 2007 |
4-6 | Daily Operation Record US Army Corps of Engineers Reservoir Regulation Section – Prado Dam, California, Dated October 1, 1994 to September 30, 2000 |
5-1 | Written Testimony of Andrew Malone |
5-2 | Statement of Qualifications of Andrew Malone |
6-1 | Written Testimony of Jeff Beehler |
6-2 | Statement of Qualifications of Jeff Beehler |
City of Riverside
Exhibit No. | Description |
1-0 | Testimony of Kevin Milligan |
1-1 | Recycled Water Phase I Feasibility Study and Citywide Master Plan |
1-2 | 2005 Water System Master Plan and Non-Potable Water Supply Assessment |
1-3 | Recycled Water Program Environmental Impact Report |
1-4 | Aerial Photo of the Santa Ana River from Narrows to California Ave. |
1-5 | Stipulation between California Department of Fish and Game and the City of Riverside |
2-0 | Testimony of Nicholas F. Bonsignore |
2-1 | Resume of Nicholas F. Bonsignore |
2-2 | Table of salient provisions of Application No. 31372 |
2-3 | Table of salient provisions of Wastewater Change Petition No. WW-0045 |
2-4 | Map of Santa Ana River Watershed |
2-5 | Aerial Photo of the Santa Ana River from Narrows to California Ave. |
2-6 | Graph of historical annual precipitation at San Bernardino |
2-7 | Monthly and water year flow records for USGS Gaging Station #11066460 at MWD Crossing |
2-8 | Santa Ana River Watermaster’s estimate of base flow and storm flow at the Narrows for water years 1935-2006 |
2-9 | Monthly and water year treated effluent production data for the RWQCP for water years 1991-2006 |
2-10 | Graph of RWQCP effluent flows from Santa Ana River Watermaster’s report for water years 1971-2006 |
2-11 | Graph of Santa Ana River flows at the Narrows plus treated effluent from 1971-2006 |
2-12 | Effect of reducing annual effluent discharges from the RWQCP to the Santa Ana River |
2-13 | Schematic showing average effluent flows of RWQCP |
2-14 | Photograph of channel at structure #1 |
2-15 | Photograph of confluence of direct discharge channel and Santa Ana River |
2-16 | Photograph of confluence of direct discharge channel and Santa Ana River |
2-17 | Schematic showing average future effluent flows of RWQCP |
3-0 | Testimony of Tony Bomkamp |
3-1 | Curriculum Vitae of Tony Bomkamp |
3-2 | Map illustrating riparian vegetation in the site area |
3-3 | Least Bell’s Vireo 5-Year Review Summary and Evaluation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, September 2006 |
3-4 | Wildermuth Environmental, Inc. (fifty-year average flows for subject creeks and Santa Ana River) |
3-5 | Wildermuth Environmental, Inc. (estimate of Watermaster Diversion based on the past 50-years of precipitation data) |
3-6 | City of (flow data at the MWD crossing, Treatment plant, and Hidden Valley Treatment Wetlands) |
3-7 | US Army Corps of Engineers, Reservoir Regulation Section (average yearly outflow from Prado Dam, 1995-1999) |
3-8 | County of Orange Resources and Development Management Department, Watershed & Coastal Resources Division (average yearly transpiration data collected at Villa Park Dam Station #173 from 1974 –2004 |
3-9 | Bulletin No. 50, Use of Water by Native Vegetation (Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources) |
3-10 | Graph indicating riparian vegetation in Reach 3 of the Santa Ana River |
3-11 | Graph indicating riparian vegetation in the Prado Basin |
3-12 | Schematic demonstrating current water budget for Reach 3 of the Santa Ana River |
3-13 | Schematic demonstrating the at build-out water budget for Reach 3 of the Santa Ana River |
3-14 | Schematic demonstrating at build-out effects on Prado Basin |
3-15 | Schematic demonstrating at build-out effects and Basin Watermaster diversions on Prado Basin |
3-16 | Graph of Discharge of Santa Ana River at Prado Water Year 1934 - 2005 |
4-0 | Testimony of Jeffrey Beehler |
4-1 | Curriculum Vitae of Jeffrey Beehler |
5-0 | Testimony of Jonathan Baskin |
5-1 | Curriculum Vitae of Jonathan Baskin |
5-2 | Table listing San Marino Environmental Associates Santa Ana Sucker Experience |
5-3 | Photograph demonstrating typical larval location |
5-4 | Photograph demonstrating typical larval habitat |
5-5 | Schematic showing preferential Sucker habitat |
5-6 | Photographs demonstrating good and bad sucker habitat |
5-7 | Graph depicting Sucker avoidance of high velocity flows |
5-8 | Photograph showing typical substrate for Reach 3 of the Santa Ana River |
5-9 | Graph depicting Sucker utilization of particular types of habitat |
5-10 | Graphical representation of good sucker Habitat in the Santa Ana River |
5-11 | Photograph depicting the confluence of the channel and the Santa Ana River |
5-12 | Photograph showing the RWQCP outfall |
San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District and
Western Valley Municipal Water District of County
Exhibit No. | Description |
1-1 | Testimony of Randy Van Gelder |
2-1 | Testimony of John V. Rossi |
2-2 | Resume of John V. Rossi |
2-3 | Map of Western Municipal Water District |
2-4 | Local Cooperation Agreement |
2-5 | Proposed Funding Agreement with Local Sponsors |
2-6 | Proposed Resolution No. 2478 |
3-1 | Testimony of Robert Reiter |
3-2 | Resume of Robert Reiter |
3-3 | Map of Santa Ana River System |
3-4 | Seven Oaks Dam Water Conservation Feasibility Report: [ Vol. 1 ] [ Vol 2 ] |
3-5 | Funding Agreement with Local Sponsors |
3-6 | Resolution 931 |
3-7 | Easement Agreement with San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District |
4-1 | Testimony of Robert Thomson: Project Description |
4-2 | Resume of Robert Thomson |
4-3 | Draft Environmental Impact Report (The Board has copies of the Draft Environmental Impact Report, per email of Jane Farwell dated April 6, 2007) |
4-4 | Final Environmental Impact Report (The Board has copies of the Final Environmental Impact Report, per email of Jane Farwell dated April 6, 2007) |
4-5 | Resolutions certifying the Final EIR and approving the Project |
4-6 | Notice of Determination for Project |
4-7 | Muni and Western Service Areas (Draft EIR Figure 1-1) |
4-8 | Muni and Western Service Areas and Project Construction Areas (Draft EIR Figure 2-1) |
4-9 | Seven Oaks Dam and Reservoir Construction Area (modified Draft EIR Figure 2-5) |
4-10 | Proposed Project Facilities in the Santa Ana River Construction Area (Draft EIR Figure 2-4) |
4-11 | Proposed Project Facilities in the Devil Canyon Construction Area (Draft EIR Figure 2-7) |
4-12 | Proposed Project Facilities in the Lytle Creek Construction Area (Draft EIR Figure 2-8) |
4-13 | Proposed Groundwater Recharge Facilities and Underlying Groundwater Basins (Draft EIR Figure 2-2) |
4-14 | PowerPoint Presentation |
5-1 | Testimony of Robert Beeby |
5-2 | Resume of Robert Beeby |
5-3 | The SAR Watershed and Service Areas |
5-4 | Points of Diversion and Rediversion |
5-5 | Proposed Project Facilities in the Vicinity of Seven Oaks Dam |
5-6 | Santa Ana River, Tributaries, Reaches, and Segment Indicators |
5-7 | Schematic of Water Control Features and Gages in the Santa Ana River |
5-8 | The Santa Ana River Watershed, Gaging Stations, and Service Areas |
5-9 | NOT USED |
5-10 | Combined Flow Mentone with and without Big Bear Lake Synthesized Operations |
5-11 | Accumulated Departure from the Average Annual Runoff at Combined Flow Mentone Gage for WY 1913-14 to WY 2000-01 |
5-12 | Flow Above Cuttle Weir Under No Project Conditions WY 1961-62 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-13 | Santa Ana River Mainstem Discharge-Frequency Values under Pre- and Post-Seven Oaks Dam Conditions |
5-14 | Discharge, Depth and Velocity for Pre- and Post-Seven Oaks Dam Conditions, 50- and 100-Year Flood Events |
5-15 | Tributary Flow Contribution to the Santa Ana River (100-year flood event discharge in cfs) |
5-16 | Treated Wastewater Discharged Directly to the Santa Ana River above Narrows |
5-17 | Historical Flow River Only Mentone, “E” Street and MWD Crossing Gages for the Base Period |
5-18 | Probability of Annual Flows at the River Only Mentone, “E” Street, and MWD Crossing Gages |
5-19 | Variability in Monthly Flow, Santa Ana River at River Only Mentone Gage |
5-20 | Probability of Monthly Flow at the River Only Mentone Gage, Months of October, November, and December (WY 1911-12 to WY 1999-2000) |
5-21 | Probability of Monthly Flow at the River Only Mentone Gage, Months of January, February, and March (WY 1911-12 to WY 1999-2000) |
5-22 | Probability of Monthly Flow at the River Only Mentone Gage, Months of April, May, and June (WY 1911-12 to WY 1999-2000) |
5-23 | Probability of Monthly Flow at the River Only Mentone Gage, Months of July, August, and September (WY 1911-12 to WY 1999-00) |
5-24 | Southern California Edison Company Canal USGS Gaging Station 11049500, WY 1914-15 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-25 | Probability of Daily Discharge for SAR Segment B, above Cuttle Weir, WY 1966-67 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-26 | Probability of Daily Discharge for SAR Segment C, below Cuttle Weir, WY 1966-67 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-27 | Probability of Daily Discharge for SAR Segment D, below Mill Creek, WY 1966-67 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-28 | Probability of Daily Discharge for SAR Segment E, below “E” Street, WY 1966-67 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-29 | Probability of Daily Discharge for SAR Segment F, below RIX and Rialto Effluent Outfall, WY 1966-67 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-30 | Seven Oaks Dam and Reservoir Construction Area |
5-31 | Proposed Project Facilities in the Santa Ana River Construction Area |
5-32 | Groundwater Recharge Facilities and Underlying Groundwater Basins |
5-33 | Groundwater Recharge Facilities |
5-34 | Project Simulations and Project Scenarios |
5-35 | Characteristics of deliveries to Beneficial Uses within Allocation Model |
5-36 | Interaction of computer models |
5-37 | OPMODEL Structure |
5-38 | Water Uses in OPMODEL |
5-39 | Seven Oaks Area Capacity Curve |
5-40 | Seven Oaks Dam End-of-Month Target Storage (in af) |
5-41 | Allocation Model Structure |
5-42 | Potential Conveyance Routes for Santa Ana River Water |
5-43 | Existing and future water demands and water supplies for Purveyors in the Muni Service Area |
5-44 | Daily River Analysis Model (DRAM) Structure |
5-45 | Effects of Diversion of up to 1,500 cfs in Sub-Area 2 |
5-46 | Project Effect on Non-Storm Days above Cuttle Weir – Monthly Summary for WY 1966-67 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-47 | Project Effect on Non-Storm Days Downstream from Cuttle Weir – Monthly Summary for WY 1966-67 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-48 | Project Effect on Non-Storm Days at Mill Creek Confluence – Monthly Summary for WY 1966-67 through WY 1998-99 |
5-49 | Project Effect on Non-Storm Days at “E” Street – Monthly Summary for WY 1966-67 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-50 | Project Effect on Non-Storm Days at RIX and Rialto Effluent Outfall – Monthly Summary for WY 1966-67 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-51 | Project Effect on Non-Storm Days at Narrows – Monthly Summary for WY 1969-70 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-52 | Summary Results of Zero-Flow Day Analysis (WY 1966-67 to WY 1999-2000) |
5-53 | Probability of Daily Discharge (Non-Storm Days) for SAR Segment B, above Cuttle Weir, WY 1966-67 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-54 | Probability of Daily Discharge (Non-Storm Days) for SAR Segment C, below Cuttle Weir, WY 1966-67 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-55 | Probability of Daily Discharge (Non-Storm Days) for SAR Segment D, below Mill Creek Confluence, WY 1966-67 through WY 1998-99 |
5-56 | Probability of Daily Discharge (Non-Storm Days) for SAR Segment E, below “E” Street, WY 1966-67 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-57 | Probability of Daily Discharge (Non-Storm Days) for SAR Segment F, below RIX and Rialto Outfall, WY 1966-67 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-58 | Probability of Daily Discharge (Non-Storm Days) for SAR Segment G, below Narrows Outfall, WY 1969-70 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-59 | Median Monthly Flows (Non-Storm Days) for SAR Segment B, just above Cuttle Weir, WY 1966-1967 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-60 | Median Monthly Flows (Non-Storm Days) for SAR Segment C, just below Cuttle Weir, WY 1966-67 |
5-61 | Median Monthly Flows (Non-Storm Days) for SAR Segment D, below Mill Creek, WY 1966-1967 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-62 | Median Monthly Flows (Non-Storm Days) for SAR Segment E, below “E” Street, WY 1966-67 to WY 1999-2000 |
5-63 | Median Monthly Flows (Non-Storm Days) for SAR Segment F, below RIX and Rialto Effluent Outfall, WY 1966-1967 through WY 1999-2000 |
5-64 | Median Monthly Flows (Non-Storm Days) for SAR Segment G, at Narrows, WY 1966-67 to WY 1999-2000 |
5-65 | Upper Santa Ana River – Number of Days with Flow Statistics. WY 1966-67 to WY 1999-2000. Same as 6-1. |
5-66 | Upper Santa Ana River – Monthly Average Flow Rate Water Year 1966-67 to WY 1999-2000. Same as 6-2. |
5-67 | Upper Santa Ana River – Total Monthly Flow Quantity Statistics Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00. Same as 6-3. |
5-68 | Upper Santa Ana River – Total Annual Flow Quantity Statistics Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00. Same as Same as 6-4. |
5-69 | Upper Santa Ana River – Number of Days without Flow Statistics Water Year 1966-67 through Water Year 1999-00. Same as 6-5. |
5-70 | Estimates of Unappropriated SAR Water Available for Capture by for Base Period WY 1961-62 through WY 1999-2000 (Project Diversion Capacity of 500 cfs) |
5-71 | Estimates of Unappropriated SAR Water Available for Capture by for Base Period WY 1961-62 through WY 1999-2000 (Project Diversion Capacity of 1,500 cfs) |
5-72 | Projected Median Annual Initial Delivery of Captured SAR Water by Priority |
5-73 | Projected Maximum Annual Initial Delivery of Captured SAR Water by Priority |
5-74 | Projected Cumulative Total Initial Delivery of Captured SAR Water by Priority |
5-75 | Projected Annual Initial Deliveries of Captured SAR Water to Specific Beneficial Uses, Scenario A |
5-76 | Projected Annual Initial Deliveries of Captured SAR Water to Specific Beneficial Uses, Scenario B |
5-77 | Projected Annual Initial Deliveries of Captured SAR Water to Specific Beneficial Uses, Scenario C |
5-78 | Projected Annual Initial Deliveries of Captured SAR Water to Specific Beneficial Uses, Scenario D |
5-79 | Projected Initial Annual Delivery of Captured SAR Water by Priority, Scenario A |
5-80 | Projected Initial Annual Delivery of Captured SAR Water by Priority, Scenario B |
5-81 | Projected Initial Annual Delivery of Captured SAR Water by Priority, Scenario C |
5-82 | Projected Initial Annual Delivery of Captured SAR Water by Priority, Scenario D |
5-83 | Beneficial Uses of Capture by Project. |
5-84 | Potential Capture – Importance of Wet Years |
5-85 | SAR River flows in water year 1993 to Ocean |
5-86 | Santa Ana River near Mentone vs. Sacramento Valley Runoff |
5-87 | Santa Ana River near Mentone vs. Sacramento Valley |
5-88 | Regression Analysis comparing the Santa Ana River Runoff to the Sacramento Valley Runoff |
5-89 | Flyover movie of Santa Ana River - muniwestern5_89.wmv |
5-90 | Power Point presentation |
6-1 | Testimony of Dennis E. Williams, Santa Ana River Water Rights |
6-2 | Resume of Dennis E. Williams |
Exhibits 6-3 thru 6-200 (106MB) are presented in a single file; Corrected: 6-15, 6-21, 6-22, 6-23, 6-113 thru 6-115 |
6-3 | Santa Ana River Watershed, Gaging Stations, and Service Area |
6-4 | Analytical Method – Hantush (1967) |
6-5 | Annual Streamflow at Lytle Creek near Fontana Gaging Station 1945-1998 |
6-6 | Annual Streamflow at Cajon Creek below Lone Pine Creek near Keenbrook Gaging Station 1945-1998 |
6-7 | Annual Streamflow at Devil Canyon Creek near San Bernardino Gaging Station 1945-1998 |
6-8 | Annual Streamflow at Waterman Canyon Creek near Arrowhead Springs Gaging Station 1945-1998 |
6-9 | Annual Streamflow at East Twin Creek near Arrowhead Springs Gaging Station 1945-1998 |
6-10 | Annual Streamflow at City Creek near Highland Gaging Station 1945-1998 |
6-11 | Annual Streamflow at Plunge Creek near East Highlands Gaging Station 1945-1998 |
6-12 | Annual Streamflow at Santa Ana River near Mentone Gaging Station 1945-1998 |
6-13 | Annual Streamflow at Mill Creek near Yucaipa Gaging Station 1945-1998 |
6-14 | Annual Streamflow at San Timoteo Creek near Redlands Gaging Station 1945-1998 |
6-15 | Upper Santa Ana River - Number of Days with Flow per Water Year, Historical Data, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-16 | Upper Santa Ana River - Number of Days with Flow per Water Year, No Project Condition, Water Year 1966-67 through Water Year 1999-00 |
6-17 | Upper Santa Ana River - Number of Days with Flow per Water Year, Project Scenario A, Data for Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-18 | Upper Santa Ana River – Annual Number of Days with Flow Probability Distribution, Historical Data, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-19 | Upper Santa Ana River – Annual Number of Days with Flow Probability Distribution, No Project Condition, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-20 | Upper Santa Ana River – Annual Number of Days with Flow Probability Distribution, Project Scenario A, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-21 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Days with Flow per Water Year, Historical Data, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-22 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Days with Flow per Water Year, No Project Condition, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-23 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Days with Flow per Water Year, Project Scenario A, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-24 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Rate Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 - Historical Data, No Project Condition, and Project Scenario A Segment A: Upstream of Seven Oaks (Reach 6) |
6-25 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Rate Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, Historical Data - Segment B: Above Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-26 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Rate Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, Historical Data - Segment C: Downstream of Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-27 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Rate Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1998-99, Historical Data - Segment D: Below Mill Creek (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-28 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Rate Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, Historical Data - Segment E: At E-Street Based on E-Street Gage (Portion of Reach 4) |
6-29 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Rate Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, Historical Data - Segment F: Below RIX-Rialto Effluent Outfall (Portion of Reach 3 and Reach 4) |
6-30 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Rate Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, No Project Condition - Segment B: Above Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-31 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Rate Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, No Project Condition - Segment C: Downstream of Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-32 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Rate Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1998-99, No Project Condition - Segment D: Below Mill Creek (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-33 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Rate Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, No Project Condition - Segment E: At E-Street Based on E-Street Gage (Portion of Reach 4) |
6-34 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Rate Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, No Project Condition - Segment F: Below RIX-Rialto Effluent Outfall (Portion of Reach 3 and Reach 4) |
6-35 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Rate Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, Project Scenario A Segment B: Above Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-36 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Rate Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, Project Scenario A Segment C: Downstream of Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-37 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Rate Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1998-99, Project Scenario A Segment D: Below Mill Creek (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-38 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Rate Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, Project Scenario A - Segment E: At E-Street Based on E-Street Gage (Portion of Reach 4) |
6-39 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Rate Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, Project Scenario A - Segment F: Below RIX-Rialto Effluent Outfall (Portion of Reach 3 and Reach 4) |
6-40 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Rates, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Historical Data - Segment A: Upstream of Seven Oaks (Reach 6) |
6-41 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Rates, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Historical Data - Segment B: Above Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-42 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Rates, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Historical Data - Segment C: Downstream of Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-43 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Rates, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1998-1999, Historical Data - Segment D: Below Mill Creek (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-44 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Rates, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Historical Data - Segment E: At E-Street Based on E-Street Gage (Portion of Reach 4) |
6-45 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Rates, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Historical Data - Segment F: Below RIX-Rialto Effluent Outfall (Portion of Reach 3 and Reach 4) |
6-46 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Rates, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, No Project Condition - Segment B: Above Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-47 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Rates, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, No Project Condition - Segment C: Downstream of Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-48 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Rates, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1998-1999, No Project Condition - Segment D: Below Mill Creek (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-49 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Rates, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, No Project Condition - Segment E: At E-Street Based on E-Street Gage (Portion of Reach 4) |
6-50 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Rates, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, No Project Condition - Segment F: Below RIX-Rialto Effluent Outfall (Portion of Reach 3 and Reach 4) |
6-51 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Rates, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Project Scenario A - Segment B: Above Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-52 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Rates, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Project Scenario A - Segment C: Downstream of Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-53 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Rates, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1998-1999, Project Scenario A Segment D: Below Mill Creek (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-54 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Rates, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Project Scenario A Segment E: At E-Street Based on E-Street Gage (Portion of Reach 4) |
6-55 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Rates, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Project Scenario A Segment F: Below RIX-Rialto Effluent Outfall (Portion of Reach 3 and Reach 4) |
6-56 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 - Historical Data - Segment A: Upstream of Seven Oaks (Reach 6) |
6-57 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, Historical Data - Segment B: Above Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-58 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, Historical Data - Segment C: Downstream of Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-59 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1998-99, Historical Data - Segment D: Below Mill Creek (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-60 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, Historical Data - Segment E: At E-Street Based on E-Street Gage (Portion of Reach 4) |
6-61 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, Historical Data - Segment F: Below RIX-Rialto Effluent Outfall (Portion of Reach 3 and Reach 4) |
6-62 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, No Project Condition - Segment B: Above Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-63 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, No Project Condition - Segment C: Downstream of Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-64 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1998-99, No Project Condition - Segment D: Below Mill Creek (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-65 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, No Project Condition - Segment E: At E-Street Based on E-Street Gage (Portion of Reach 4) |
6-66 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, No Project Condition - Segment F: Below RIX-Rialto Effluent Outfall (Portion of Reach 3 and Reach 4) |
6-67 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, Project Scenario A Segment B: Above Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-68 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, Project Scenario A - Segment C: Downstream of Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-69 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1998-99, Project Scenario A - Segment D: Below Mill Creek (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-70 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, Project Scenario A - Segment E: At E-Street Based on E-Street Gage (Portion of Reach 4) |
6-71 | Upper Santa Ana River - Monthly Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00, Project Scenario A - Segment F: Below RIX-Rialto Effluent Outfall (Portion of Reach 3 and Reach 4) |
6-72 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Historical Data - Segment A: Upstream of Seven Oaks (Reach 6) |
6-73 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Historical Data - Segment B: Above Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-74 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Historical Data - Segment C: Downstream of Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-75 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1998-1999, Historical Data - Segment D: Below Mill Creek (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-76 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Historical Data - Segment E: At E-Street Based on E-Street Gage (Portion of Reach 4) |
6-77 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Historical Data - Segment F: Below RIX-Rialto Effluent Outfall (Portion of Reach 3 and Reach 4) |
6-78 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, No Project Condition - Segment B: Above Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-79 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, No Project Condition - Segment C: Downstream of Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-80 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1998-1999, No Project Condition - Segment D: Below Mill Creek (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-81 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, No Project Condition - Segment E: At E-Street Based on E-Street Gage (Portion of Reach 4) |
6-82 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, No Project Condition - Segment F: Below RIX-Rialto Effluent Outfall (Portion of Reach 3 and Reach 4) |
6-83 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Project Scenario A - Segment B: Above Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-84 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Project Scenario A - Segment C: Downstream of Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-85 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1998-1999, Project Scenario A - Segment D: Below Mill Creek (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-86 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Total Volumes, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Project Scenario A - Segment E: At E-Street Based on E-Street Gage (Portion of Reach 4) |
6-87 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Project Scenario A - Segment F: Below RIX-Rialto Effluent Outfall (Portion of Reach 3 and Reach 4) |
6-88 | Upper Santa Ana River – Annual Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Historical Data, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-89 | Upper Santa Ana River – Annual Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, No Project Condition Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-90 | Upper Santa Ana River – Annual Flow Quantity Probability Distribution, Project Scenario A Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-91 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Annual Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Historical Data - Segment A: Upstream of Seven Oaks (Reach 6) |
6-92 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Annual Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Historical Data - Segment B: Above Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-93 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Total Volumes, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Historical Data - Segment C: Downstream of Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-94 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Annual Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1998-1999, Historical Data - Segment D: Below Mill Creek (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-95 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Annual Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Historical Data - Segment E: At E-Street Based on E-Street Gage (Portion of Reach 4) |
6-96 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Annual Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Historical Data - Segment F: Below RIX-Rialto Effluent Outfall (Portion of Reach 3 and Reach 4) |
6-97 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Annual Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, No Project Condition - Segment B: Above Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-98 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Total Volumes, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, No Project Condition - Segment C: Downstream of Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-99 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Annual Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1998-1999, No Project Condition - Segment D: Below Mill Creek (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-100 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Annual Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, No Project Condition - Segment E: At E-Street Based on E-Street Gage (Portion of Reach 4) |
6-101 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Annual Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, No Project Condition - Segment F: Below RIX-Rialto Effluent Outfall (Portion of Reach 3 and Reach 4) |
6-102 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Annual Fl ow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Project Scenario A - Segment B: Above Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-103 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Monthly Total Volumes, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Project Scenario A - Segment C: Downstream of Cuttle Weir (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-104 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Annual Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1998-1999, Project Scenario A - Segment D: Below Mill Creek (Portion of Reach 5) |
6-105 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Annual Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Project Scenario A - Segment E: At E-Street Based on E-Street Gage (Portion of Reach 4) |
6-106 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Annual Flow Quantity, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-2000, Project Scenario A Segment F: Below RIX-Rialto Effluent Outfall (Portion of Reach 3 and Reach 4) |
6-107 | Upper Santa Ana River - Number of Days without Flow per Water Year, Historical Data Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-108 | Upper Santa Ana River - Number of Days without Flow per Water Year, No Project Condition Data For Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-109 | Upper Santa Ana River - Number of Days without Flow per Water Year, Project Scenario A Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-110 | Upper Santa Ana River – Annual Number of Days without Flow Probability Distribution, Historical Data Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-111 | Upper Santa Ana River – Annual Number of Days without Flow Probability Distribution, No Project Condition, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-112 | Upper Santa Ana River – Annual Number of Days without Flow Probability Distribution, Project Scenario A, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-113 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Days without Flow per Water Year, Historical Data Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-114 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Days without Flow per Water Year, No Project Condition, Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-115 | Upper Santa Ana River - Probability of Exceedance for Days without Flow per Water Year, Project Scenario A - Water Year 1966-67 to Water Year 1999-00 |
6-116 | Santa Ana River, Tributaries, Reaches, and Segment Indicators |
6-117 | San Bernardino Basin Area (SBBA) |
6-118 | Groundwater Basins and Recharge Facilities |
6-119 | San Bernardino Basin Area (SBBA): Sub-Areas |
6-120 | San Bernardino Basin Area (SBBA) Groundwater Elevation Contours – 1994 |
6-121 | Cumulative Change in Groundwater Storage for the SBBA, WY 1934-35 to WY 2001-02 |
6-122 | Groundwater Level Hydrographs for Selected Wells in the Pressure Zone Sub-Basin , 1934-35 to 2001-02 |
6-123 | Average Change in Depth to Groundwater in the SBBA |
6-124 | San Bernardino Basin Area (SBBA) Depth to Groundwater in 1991 |
6-125 | Average Change in Depth to Groundwater in the Lytle Creek Basin |
6-126 | Proposed SARWQCB Management Zone Boundaries |
6-127 | Known Contamination Plumes and Sites |
6-128 | Simulated Flow Pattern (1982-2027) with Historical Recharge in Cactus Basin |
6-129 | Annual Precipitation Isohyetal and Precipitation Stations |
6-130 | Length of Record for Precipitation Stations |
6-131 | Station Base Period vs. Percentage of San Bernardino County Flood Control District Long-Term Average Annual Precipitation (1870-1970 Isohyetal Map) |
6-132 | Precipitation Stations with 100+ Years of Available Data |
6-133 | Station Base Period vs. Percentage of Station Long-Term Average Measured Annual Precipitation |
6-134 | Station Base Period vs. Percentage of Station Long-Term Average Measured Annual Precipitation - Precipitation Stations with 100+ Years of Available Data |
6-135 | Station Base Period vs. Percentage of Long-Term Average Annual Streamflow |
6-136 | Cumulative Departure from Mean Annual Precipitation for the San Bernardino County Hospital Station and Criteria for Base Period Selection |
6-137 | Model Grid of the San Bernardino Basin Area Groundwater Model |
6-138 | Model Conceptualization |
6-139 | USGS Model Layers |
6-140 | Transmissivity of Model Layers |
6-141 | Storativity of Model Layers |
6-142 | Vertical Leakance Values Between Model Layer 1 and Model Layer 2 |
6-143 | Hydraulic Characteristics of Groundwater Barriers |
6-144 | Locations of Stream Segments |
6-145 | Total Annual Streamflow Inflow for the SBBA |
6-146 | Streambed Conductance Values for Stream Segments |
6-147 | Recharge from Local Runoff Generated by Precipitation for the SBBA |
6-148 | Average Annual Precipitation for the SBBA |
6-149 | Locations of Recharge from Mountain Front Runoff |
6-150 | Annual recharge from Mountain Front Runoff for the SBBA |
6-151 | Locations of Artificial Recharge of Imported Water |
6-152 | Annual Artificial Recharge of Imported Water for the SBBA |
6-153 | Locations of Groundwater Pumping Wells |
6-154 | Annual Groundwater Pumping for the SBBA |
6-155 | Annual Return Flow from Groundwater Pumping of the SBBA |
6-156 | Locations of Underflow Recharge and Discharge |
6-157 | Annual Underflow Recharge of the SBBA |
6-158 | Annual Underflow Discharge of the SBBA |
6-159 | Selected Hydrographs Flow Model Calibration |
6-160 | Comparison of Measured and Model-Generated Groundwater Levels – Model Calibration (1945-1998) |
6-161 | Comparison of Measured and Model-Generated SBBA Sreamflow Outflow Model Calibration |
6-162 | Comparison of Measured and Model Generated Groundwater Levels Model Verification |
6-163 | Bottom Elevation of Model Layer 1 |
6-164 | Bottom Elevation of Model Layer 2 |
6-165 | Thickness of Model Layer 1 |
6-166 | Thickness of Model Layer 2 |
6-167 | Initial PCE Concentrations for Model Calibration |
6-168 | Initial TCE Concentrations for Model Calibration |
6-169 | Mass Loading for PCE Model Calibration |
6-170 | Mass Loading for TCE Model Calibration |
6-171 | Measured and Model Generated Plume Boundaries for PCE Model, Layer 1 |
6-172 | Measured and Model Generated Plume Boundaries for PCE Model, Layer 2 |
6-173 | Measured and Model Generated Plume Boundaries for TCE Model, Layer 1 |
6-174 | Measured and Model Generated Plume Boundaries for TCE Model, Layer 2 |
6-175 | Measured vs. Model Generated PCE Concentrations at Selected Locations |
6-176 | Measured vs. Model Generated TCE Concentrations at Selected Locations |
6-177 | Histogram of PCE Calibrated Residuals |
6-178 | Histogram of TCE Residuals for Model Calibration – 1986 to 2000 |
6-179 | Initial PCE Concentrations for Model Scenarios |
6-180 | Initial TCE Concentrations for Model Scenarios |
6-181 | Equal Concentration Zones for TDS |
6-182 | Equal Concentration Zones for Nitrate |
6-183 | Initial TDS Concentrations for Model Scenarios |
6-184 | Initial Nitrate Concentrations for Model Scenarios |
6-185 | Initial Perchlorate Concentrations for Model Scenarios |
6-186 | Idealized Lithologic Log for Well Raub #8 |
6-187 | Drawdown Loading Function at Well Raub #8 in Model Layer 1 |
6-188 | Drawdown Loading Function at Well Raub #8 in Model Layer 2 |
6-189 | Model Predicted Subsidence at Raub #8 |
6-190 | Groundwater Elevations and Areas of Depth to Water Less than 50 ft from Land Surface – Layer 1, No Project Condition |
6-191 | Groundwater Elevations – Layer 2, No Project Condition |
6-192 | Hydrologic Budget for the No Project Condition (2001 – 2039) |
6-193 | Area of Depth to Water Less than 50 ft from Land Surface of SBBA for Model Scenarios – 2001 to 2039 |
6-194 | Area of Depth to water less than 50 ft from Land Surface within the Pressure Zone for Model Scenarios – 2001 to 2039 |
6-195 | Groundwater Elevations and Areas of Depth to Water Less than 50 ft from Land Surface – Layer 1, Scenario A |
6-196 | Groundwater Elevations – Layer 2, Scenario A |
6-197 | Differences in Groundwater Level Between No Project and Scenario A, Layer 1 |
6-198 | Differences in Groundwater Level Between No Project and Scenario A, Layer 2 |
6-199 | Hydrographs at selected well points and spreading grounds |
6-200 | Hydrographs at selected well points and spreading grounds |
Exhibits 6-201 thru 6-388 (37MB) are presented in a single file. | |
6-201 thru 6-223 |
Hydrographs at selected well points and spreading grounds |
6-224 | Hydrologic Budget for Scenario A (2001 – 2039) |
6-225 | Comparisons of Groundwater Budgets for SBBA Between No Project Condition and Scenario A – 2001 to 2039 |
thru 6-234 |
Particle Tracks from Spreading Grounds, No Project Condition vs. Scenario A |
6-235 thru 6-243 |
Particle Tracks from Plume Fronts, No Project Condition vs. Scenario A |
6-244 | Particle Tracks from Spreading Grounds and Plume Fronts, Year 2039, No Project Condition vs. Scenario A |
6-245 | PCE Plume Boundary Layer 1 No Project Condition vs. Scenario A |
6-246 | PCE Plume Boundary Layer 2 No Project Condition vs. Scenario A |
6-247 | Screenshot of PCE Plume Animation (Scenario A, 2001 – 2039) |
6-248 | PCE Plume Area (2001 – 2039) |
6-249 | TCE Plume Boundary Layer 1 No Project Condition vs. Scenario A |
6-250 | TCE Plume Boundary Layer 2 No Project Condition vs. Scenario A |
6-251 | Screenshot of TCE Plume Animation (Scenario A, 2001 – 2039) |
6-252 | TCE Plume Area (2001 – 2039) |
6-253 thru 6-286 |
TDS at selected well points and spreading grounds |
6-287 | Location of Index Wells and Spreading Grounds in Relation to Proposed SARWQCB Management Zone Boundaries |
6-288 | TDS Concentrations at IW14, Leroy Street Well |
6-289 | TDS Concentrations at IW17, Well 32 |
6-290 | TDS Concentrations at IW11, Raub 1 Well |
6-291 | TDS Concentrations at IW12, Lower Kelly Well |
6-292 thru 6-325 |
Nitrate at Selected Well Points and Spreading Grounds |
6-326 | Perchlorate Plume Boundary Layer 1 No Project Condition vs. Scenario A |
6-327 | Perchlorate Plume Boundary Layer 2 No Project Condition vs. Scenario A |
6-328 | Perchlorate Plume Areas (2001 – 2039) |
6-329 | Depth to Groundwater Less than 50 ft from Land Surface for No Project Condition and Scenario A, Years 2016 and 2022 |
6-330 | Screenshot of Liquefaction Potential Animation (Scenario A, 2001 – 2039) |
6-331 | Groundwater Mounds Resulting from Artificial Recharge at Cactus, Garden Air Creek and Wilson Spreading Grounds, Scenario A |
6-332 | Forward Particle Tracking of Perchlorate Plume – Changes between Project Scenario A and No Project Condition |
6-333 | Groundwater Elevations and Areas of Depth to Water Less than 50 ft from Land Surface – Layer 1, Scenario D |
6-334 | Groundwater Elevations – Layer 2, Scenario D |
6-335 | Differences in Groundwater Levels Between No Project and Scenario D, Layer 1 |
6-336 | Differences in Groundwater Levels Between No Project and Scenario D, Layer 2 |
6-337 | Hydrologic Budget for Scenario D (2001 – 2039) |
6-338 | Comparisons of Groundwater Budgets for SBBA Between No Project Condition and Scenario D – 2001 to 2039 |
6-339 thru 6-347 |
Particle Tracks from Spreading Grounds, No Project Condition vs. Scenario D |
6-348 thru 6-356 |
Particle Tracks from Plume Fronts, No Project Condition vs. Scenario D |
6-357 | Particle Tracks from Spreading Grounds and Plume Fronts, Year 2039, No Project Condition vs. Scenario D |
6-358 | PCE Plume Boundary – Layer 1, No Project Condition vs. Scenario D |
6-359 | PCE Plume Boundary – Layer 2, No Project Condition vs. Scenario D |
6-360 | TCE Plume Boundary – Layer 1, No Project Condition vs. Scenario D |
6-361 | TCE Plume Boundary – Layer 2, No Project Condition vs. Scenario D |
6-362 | Perchlorate Plume Boundary Layer 1 No Project Condition vs. Scenario D |
6-363 | Perchlorate Plume Boundary Layer 2 No Project Condition vs. Scenario D |
6-364 | Depth to Groundwater Less Than 50 ft From Land Surface For No Project Condition and Scenario D, Years 2016 and 2022 |
6-365 | Groundwater Mounds Resulting from Artificial Recharge at Cactus, Garden Air Creek and Wilson Spreading Grounds, Scenario D |
6-366 | Groundwater Elevations and Areas of Depth to Water Less than 50 ft from Land Surface – Layer 1, Most Likely Scenario |
6-367 | Groundwater Elevations – Layer 2, Most Likely Scenario |
6-368 | Differences in Groundwater Levels Between No Project and Most Likely Scenario, Layer 1 |
6-369 | Differences in Groundwater Levels Between No Project and Most Likely Scenario, Layer 2 |
6-370 | Hydrologic Budget for Most Likely Scenario (2001 – 2039) |
6-371 | Comparisons of Groundwater Budgets for SBBA Between No Project Condition and Most Likely Scenario – 2001 to 2039 |
6-372 | Depth to Groundwater Less Than 50 ft From Land Surface For No Project Condition and Most Likely Scenario, Years 2016 and 2022 |
6-373 | Project Simulations and Project Scenarios |
6-374 | Estimates of Unappropriated SAR Water Available for Capture by for Base Period WY 1961-62 Through WY 1999-2000, Project Diversion Capacity of 1,500 cfs |
6-375 | Estimates of Unappropriated SAR Water Available for Capture by for Base Period WY 1961-62 Through WY 1999-2000, Project Diversion Capacity of 500 cfs |
6-376 | Annual Releases to SAR from the Seven Oaks Reservoir for Model Scenarios – 2001 to 2039 |
6-377 | Annual Artificial Recharge for No Project Condition – 2001 to 2039 |
6-378 | Annual Artificial Recharge for Scenario A – 2001 to 2039 |
6-379 | Annual Artificial Recharge for Scenario B – 2001 to 2039 |
6-380 | Annual Artificial Recharge for Scenario C – 2001 to 2039 |
6-381 | Annual Artificial Recharge for Scenario D – 2001 to 2039 |
6-382 | Annual Groundwater Pumping for Model Scenarios – 2001 to 20039 |
6-383 | Groundwater Budgets for No Project Condition – 2001 to 2039 |
6-384 | Groundwater Budgets for Scenario A – 2001 to 2039 |
6-385 | Annual Artificial Recharge at Cactus, Garden Air Creek and Wilson Spreading Grounds for Model Scenarios (Years 2001 to 2039) |
6-386 | Groundwater Budgets for Scenario D – 2001 to 2039 |
6-387 | Groundwater Budgets for Most Likely Scenario – 2001 to 2039 |
6-388 | Summary of Spreading for Model Prediction Runs |
6-389 | Presentation by Dennis E. Williams Santa Ana River Water Rights Hearing |
7-1 | Testimony of Jack Safely [corrected Table 9-case 1] [corrected Table 9-case 2] [corrected Table 9-case 3] |
7-2 | Resume of Jack Safely |
7-3 | PowerPoint: Conveyance and Treatment Facilities |
7-4 | PowerPoint: Case 3 Summary |
8-1 | Testimony of Robert Thomson (Terrestrial Biology) |
8-2 | Service Areas and Project Construction Areas (Draft EIR Figure 2-1) |
8-3 | Santa Ana River Construction Area, SBKR Trapping Line Locations (Draft EIR Appendix E, Figure 5) |
8-4 | Lower Lytle Creek Construction Area, SBKR Trapping Line Locations (Draft EIR Appendix E, Figure 6) |
View Looking North, Upstream into Santa Ana River at Confluence with Warm Springs Canyon, September 2003 (Final EIR Figure 2.2-4) AND View Looking North, Upstream into Santa Ana River at Confluence with Warm Springs Canyon within Seven Oaks Reservoir, April 2005 (Final EIR Figure 2.2-5) |
8-7 & 8-8 | Seven Oaks Reservoir, March 2005 (Final EIR Figure 2.2-6)
AND Seven Oaks Reservoir, April 2005 (Final EIR Figure 2.2-7) |
8-9 & 8-10 | Existing Loss of Habitat from Flood Control Operations and Current Maximum Water Level from 2005 Flood Season AND Existing Habitat Conditions along the Northern Shore Upstream of Seven Oaks Dam |
8-11 & 8-12 | Existing RAFSS Habitat – Adjacent to the San Bernardino Conservation District Canal |
8-13 | Existing Habitat Conditions from Seven Oaks Dam Outlet Structure – Upper Segment B |
8-14 | Disturbance to Plant Communities by Project Component (Draft EIR Appendix E, Table E6-1) |
8-15 | Diversion Dikes along the Woolly-Star Preserve (Draft EIR Appendix E, Figure E-7-1) |
8-16 | Summary of Impacts to Terrestrial Species |
8-17 | PowerPoint Presentation |
9-0 | Testimony of George Leidy |
9-1 | Resume of George Leidy |
Exhibits 9-2 thru 9-124 (33MB) are presented in a single file; Muni/Western 9-26 Errata | |
9-2 | Seven Oaks Dam |
9-3 | Seven Oaks Dam Storage Allocation Diagram |
9-4 | Perspective Images of Habitat and Reservoir Pools |
9-5 | Santa Ana River, Tributaries, and Stream Segments by River Mile Between Seven Oaks Dam and Prado Flood Control Basin |
9-6 | SAR Segment A with Geographic Features Identified |
9-7 | Seven Oaks Dam Inundation Frequency and Elevation |
9-8 | Seven Oaks Dam Estimated Sedimentation Depths |
9-9 | Seven Oaks Dam Reservoir Flood Pool Reaches for the Debris Pool, 50,000 Acre-Foot Pool, 50-Year Flood Pool, and Maximum Pool-To-Date |
9-10 | Debris Pool from Seven Oaks Dam on 27 March 2007, Flood Pool High Waterline Reached on 8 March 2005 |
9-11 | North View of the SAR Canyon and Warm Springs Cienega Before the 2004-2005 Flood Season |
9-12 | North View of the SAR Canyon and Warm Springs Cienega Following the 2004-2005 Flood Season |
9-13 | Northeast View from Seven Oaks Dam of the Flood Pool Near Maximum Elevation During the 2004-2005 Flood Season |
9-14 | Northeast View from Seven Oaks Dam of the Flood Pool after Receding in April 2005 |
9-15 | Aerial View of Flood Pool Behind Seven Oaks Dam During 2004-2005 Flood Season |
9-16 | North View of the SAR Canyon of the Seven Oaks Dam Flood Pool During the 2004-2005 Flood Season |
9-17 | North View of the SAR Canyon Following the 2004-2005 Flood Season |
9-18 | Accumulated Sediment within the Warm Springs Cienega Following the 2004-2005 Flood Season |
9-19 | Close-Up View of Fine Sediment on Dead Riparian Vegetation in the Warm Springs Cienega Following the 2004-2005 Flood Season |
9-20 | Warm Springs Cienega Following the 2004-2005 Flood Season Showing Resprouting Willows and Dead White Alders |
9-21 | Seven Oaks Dam Debris Pool on 27 March 2007 Showing the 2005 Maximum Waterline and Dead Vegetation |
9-22 | Warm Springs Cienega and SAR Canyon Post 2005-2006 Flood Control Operations, April 2007 |
9-23 | Warm Springs Cienega from the SAR Channel Looking Toward Seven Oaks Dam, April 2007 |
9-24 | Close-Up View of Damage to Warm Springs Cienega from 2005-2006 Flood Events April 2007 |
9-25 | Close-Up View of Warm Springs Cienega Looking Up the SAR Canyon Showing Substantial Erosion, April 2007 |
9-26 | Close-Up of Warm Springs Cienega Showing Erosion and Exotic Plant Growth, April 2007 |
9-27 | View from Warm Springs Cienega Toward Seven Oaks Dam Showing Substantial Erosion of Sediments Deposited in 2004-2005, April 2007 |
9-28 | Seven Oaks Dam Debris Pool at Approximately 1,500 af, April 2007 |
9-29 | Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Critical Habitat |
9-30 | Bear Valley Bypass Water Quality Data |
9-31 | Locations of Perennial Surface Water and Obligate Riparian Vegetation Downstream of Seven Oaks Dam to the Prado Flood Control Basin |
9-32 | Occurrence Locations for Special-Status Aquatic Species and Habitats |
9-33 | Southern Cottonwood-Willow Riparian Vegetation Along the SAR Downstream of the RIX-Rialto Outfalls in Segment F |
9-34 | Willow Riparian Scrub Vegetation Along the SAR Downstream of the RIX-Rialto Outfalls in Segment F |
9-35 | Alluvial Scrub Vegetation Along the SAR Downstream of the Greenspot Road Bridge in Segment C |
9-36 | Seven Oaks Dam Plunge Pool and Outlet Channel |
9-37 | Segment D of the SAR Downstream of the Confluence of San Timoteo Creek, September 2005 |
9-38 | Aerial View of SAR Segment B |
9-39 | Oblique View of Segment B from the Top of Seven Oaks Dam |
9-40 | Segment B Riparian Woodland Vegetation Looking Downstream from Barren SAR Channel |
9-41 | Segment B Riparian Woodland Vegetation Looking Upstream from the Auxiliary River Pickup Intake |
9-42 | Segment B Mulefat Scrub Vegetation Upstream of the Cuttle Weir |
9-43 | Segment B Plunge Pool Showing Absence of Riparian Vegetation |
9-44 | Segment B Dewatered SAR Channel Downstream of Plunge Pool |
9-45 | Segment B Cuttle Weir and SBVWCD Diversion Looking Downstream at the SAR in a Wet Year |
9-46 | Segment B Cuttle Weir and SBVWCD Diversion Looking Downstream at the SAR in a Dry Year |
9-47 | Aerial View of SAR Segment C |
9-48 | Segment C View Upstream (North) Toward Seven Oaks Dam Showing SAR Channel Down-cutting and Substrate Coarsening Due to Flood Pool Releases in 2004-2005 |
9-49 | Segment C View Upstream (North) Toward Seven Oaks Dam, Spring 2007 |
9-50 | Segment C Downstream View of SAR Channel Showing Armored Channel Bank |
9-51 | Segment C Downstream View of SAR Channel in Spring 2007 |
9-52 | Segment C of the SAR Downstream of the Greenspot Road Bridge in the Summer 2005 Showing Channel Braiding and Absence of Riparian Vegetation |
9-53 | Segment C of the SAR Downstream of the Greenspot Road Bridge in the Spring 2007 |
9-54 | Segment C of the SAR a Short Distance Upstream of the Mill Creek Confluence in the Summer 2005 |
9-55 | Segment C of the SAR a Short Distance Upstream of the Mill Creek Confluence in the Spring 2007 |
9-56 | Aerial View of SAR Segment D |
9-57 | SAR Segment D Intermittent Reach |
9-58 | Segment D Intermittent Reach Downstream of Orange Avenue Bridge During a Wet Water Year, 2005 |
9-59 | Segment D Intermittent Reach Downstream of Orange Avenue Bridge During a Dry Water Year, 2007 |
9-60 | Aerial View of SAR Segment D Perennial Reach |
9-61 | Segment D San Timoteo Creek at Confluence with the SAR, April 2007 |
9-62 | Segment D-Perennial Reach Cattails (Typha sp.) |
9-63 | Segment D-SAR Perennial Reach Downstream of the Confluence of San Timoteo Creek in a Wet Water Year, 2005 |
9-64 | Segment D-SAR Downstream of San Timoteo Creek in a Dry Water Year, April 2007, Active Channel has Moved North (to the right) |
9-65 | Segment D-SAR Downstream of San Timoteo Creek in a Dry Water Year, April 2007 |
9-66 | Segment D-SAR Between the Confluence of San Timoteo Creek and “E” Street in a Dry Water Year, April 2007 |
9-67 | Aerial View of SAR Segment E |
9-68 | SAR Segment E Upstream of La Cadena Drive Bridge in a Wet Water Year, 2005 |
9-69 | SAR in Segment E Upstream of La Cadena Avenue Bridge in a Dry Water Year, 2007 |
9-70 | SAR Segment E Downstream of La Cadena Drive Bridge in a Wet Water Year, 2005 |
9-71 | SAR in Segment E Downstream of La Cadena Avenue Bridge in a Dry Water Year, April 2007 |
9-72 | View of Drop Structure at Current USGS “E” Street Stream Gage |
9-73 | Dr op Structure Downstream of La Cadena Avenue Bridge |
9-74 | Aerial View of SAR Segment F |
9-75 | SAR Segment F Downstream of the RIX-Rialto Outfalls in a Wet Water Year, 2005 |
9-76 | Rialto WWTP Just Upstream of its Confluence with the SAR |
9-77 | RIX WWTP Outfall at its Confluence with the Rialto Outfall and the SAR |
9-78 | Aerial View of SAR Segment G |
9-79 | Special-Status Aquatic Species Summary Table |
9-80 | Modeled Storage Difference When Scenario A Storage > Debris Pool (Scenario A - No Project) |
9-81 | Seven Oaks Reservoir Modeled Water-Surface Elevation Water Year 1969 |
9-82 | Seven Oaks Reservoir Modeled Water-Surface Elevation Water Year 1980 |
9-83 | Seven Oaks Reservoir Modeled Water-Surface Elevation Water Year 1983 |
9-84 | Seven Oaks Reservoir Modeled Water-Surface Elevation Water Year 1993 |
9-85 | Seven Oaks Reservoir Modeled Water-Surface Elevation Water Year 1995 |
9-86 | Seven Oaks Reservoir Modeled Water-Surface Elevation Water Year 1998 |
9-87 | Seven Oaks Reservoir Modeled Storage Water Year 1969 |
9-88 | Seven Oaks Reservoir Modeled Storage Water Year 1980 |
9-89 | Seven Oaks Reservoir Modeled Storage Water Year 1983 |
9-90 | Seven Oaks Reservoir Modeled Storage Water Year 1993 |
9-91 | Seven Oaks Reservoir Modeled Storage Water Year 1995 |
9-92 | Seven Oaks Reservoir Modeled Storage Water Year 1998 |
9-93 | Seven Oaks Modeled Flow-Flow Statistics Summary |
9-94 | Exceedance Probability for Segment B, All Flows |
9-95 | Flow Ranges in Segment B Under “No Project ” |
9-96 | Flow Ranges in Segment B With Project |
9-97 | Segment B. Water Year 1967. Flows in Relationship to Canyon Treefrog Life History. |
9-98 | Segment B. Water Year 1971. Flows in Relationship to Canyon Treefrog Life History. |
9-99 | Segment B. Water Year 1980. Flows in Relationship to Canyon Treefrog Life History. |
9-100 | Plunge Pool Water Quality Data |
9-101 | Upstream of Cuttle Weir Water Quality Data |
9-102 | Exceedance Probability for Segment C, All Flows |
9-103 | Flow Ranges in Segment C Under “No Project” |
9-104 | Flow Ranges in Segment C With Project |
9-105 | Segment C. Water Year 1967. Flows in Relationship to Canyon Treefrog Life History. |
9-106 | Segment C. Water Year 1971. Flows in Relationship to Canyon Treefrog Life History. |
9-107 | Segment C. Water Year 1980. Flows in Relationship to Canyon Treefrog Life History. |
9-108 | Downstream of Greenspot Road Bridge Water Quality Data |
9-109 | Exceedance Probability for Segment D, All Flows |
9-110 | Flow Ranges in Segment D Under “No Project” |
9-111 | Flow Ranges in Segment D With Project |
9-112 | Segment D. Water Year 1967. Flows in Relationship to Canyon Treefrog Life History. |
9-113 | Segment D. Water Year 1969. Flows in Relationship to Canyon Treefrog Life History. |
9-114 | Segment D. Water Year 1980. Flows in Relationship to Canyon Treefrog Life History. |
9-115 | Downstream of Orange Avenue Water Quality Data |
9-116 | Exceedance Probability for Segment E, All Flows |
9-117 | Flow Ranges in Segment E Under “No Project” |
9-118 | Flow Ranges in Segment E With Project |
9-119 | Segment E. Water Year 1969. Flows in Relationship to the Pacific Chorus Frog Life History. |
9-120 | Segment E. Water Year 1980. Flows in Relationship to the Pacific Chorus Frog Life History. |
9-121 | Segment E. Water Year 1983. Flows in Relationship to the Pacific Chorus Frog Life History. |
9-122 | Exceedance Probability for Segment F, All Flows |
9-123 | Exceedance Probability for Segment G, All Flows |
9-124 | Special-Status Species |
9-125 | Roy Leidy Fly Over; Video |
10-1 | Testimony of Steve Macaulay |
10-2 | Statement of Qualifications, Steve Macaulay |
10-3 | 2005 California Water Plan Update, Volume 1, page 3-22 |
10-4 | 2005 California Water Plan Update, Volume 3, Chapter 5, South Coast Hydrologic Region |
10-5 | Santa Ana Integrated Watershed Plan, 2005 Update, An Integrated Regional Water Management Plan, Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority, Part 1 |
10-6 | Salinity in the Central Valley, An Overview, Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, May 2006, cover & pages 61-72 |
10-7 | Western Municipal Water District of County, 2005 Urban Water Management Plan, cover and pages 19-23 |
10-8 | MWD Integrated Water Resources Plan, 2003 Update, May 2004, Table ES-1 |
10-9 | City of San Bernardino Water Department, 2005 Urban Water Management Plan, cover and conservation text |
10-10 | San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, Master Plan, excerpts from Final Draft |
10-11 | Prop 50 IRWMP grant recipients |
10-12 | IRGMP Overview |
10-13 | The State Water Project Delivery Reliability Report 2005, DWR April 2006, cover, foreword and pages 1, 2 and 23 |
10-14 | Governor Schwarzenegger Executive order S-17-06, September 28, 2006 |
10-15 | Mount J, Twiss R. 2005. Subsidence, Sea Level Rise, Seismicity in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science.Vol. 3, Issue 1 (March 2005), Article 5. |
10-16 | PPIC Report: Envisioning Futures for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (2007), Summary |
10-17 | The State Water Project, Bulletin 132-2005, DWR December 2006, cover and page 217 |
10-18 | 2005 California Water Plan Update, Volume 2, Chapters 16, 17, 18 and 20 |
10-19 | 2005 California Water Plan Update, Highlights, cover and page 14 |
10-20 | Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority, Santa Ana Integrated Watershed Plan 2002 Integrated Water Resources Plan, report cover and page ES-8 |
10-21 | Water Smart Landscapes for California, AB 2717 Landscape Task Force Findings, Recommendations, & Action, Report to the Governor & Legislature, December 2005, Executive Summary |
10-22 | Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) data from DWR on-line Water Quality Data Base, California Aqueduct, Devil Canyon (Station # and location changed May 2001) |
10-23 | Unpublished Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Data Collected by City of Redlands and East Valley Water District |
10-24 | Unpublished Salinity Data for the Plunge Pool Below Seven Oaks Dam Collected in 2005-2006 by SAIC for Project Environmental Studies |
10-25 | Report Cover and Table 32, Department of Water Resources, State Water Project Operations Data For the Month of January 1991 |
10-26 | Page from Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board web site, https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/santaana/html/region_overview.html |
10-27 | DWR Climate Change, Table 2-1, page 2-6 |
10-28 | 2005 California Water Plan Update, Volume 1, pages 2-6 to 2-12 |
10-29 | Power Point Presentation of Steve Macaulay |
11-1 | Department of Water Resources Advisory – May 1, 2007 |
11-2 | Rebuttal Testimony of Steve MacCaulay |
11-3 | Rebuttal Testimony of George Leidy and Robert Beeby |
11-4 | Rebuttal Testimony of Robert Reiter |
11-5 | USF&W - 2002 Biological Opinion |
Orange County Water District
Exhibit No. | Description |
Joint 1-1 thru 2-22 | The Joint Exhibits are being submitted on behalf of all Applicants including . designated some joint exhibits as exhibits as well, and cross-references them below. |
1-1 | Written Testimony of Craig D. Miller, P.E. Submitted by Orange County Water District |
1-2 | Resume of Craig Miller |
1-3 | Boundary Map |
1-4 | Recharge Facilities and Diversion Points Map |
1-5 | Recharge Facilities and Diversion Points Map |
1-6 | Photograph of Imperial Inflatable Dam |
1-7 | Photograph of Drop Structure in Santa Ana River Near Orangewood Avenue |
1-8 | Photograph of Construction of Sand Levees in Santa Ana River |
1-9 | Photograph of Riverview Golf Course in Santa Ana River |
1-10 | Photograph of Concrete Lined Santa Ana River in Santa Ana |
1-11 | Photograph of Sand Removal from Santa Ana River Channel Near 405 Freeway |
1-12 | Photograph of Santa Ana River Confluence with Pacific Ocean |
1-13 | SAWPA\'s Santa Ana Integrated Watershed Plan, 2005 Update |
1-14 | Letter of Engineers dated 12/1/2005 from Army Corps to SWRCB |
1-15 | Memorandum of Agreement with Army Corps of Engineers for Prado 2006 |
1-16 | Congressional Authorization for Water Storage at Prado Dam |
1-17 | Description of Recharge Facilities in Anaheim and Orange |
1-18 | Property Ownership in Anaheim and Orange |
1-19 | Basin Cleaning Vehicle Photographs |
1-20 | Photograph of Beachcleaner |
1-21 | Map of Prado Wetlands |
1-22 | NWRI SAP Report for SARWQH Study |
1-23 | Program EIR for Application to Appropriate Santa Ana River Water [ FPEIR (July 06) ] [ Vol 1 ] [ Vol 2 ] [ Vol 3 ] |
1-24 | Project Summary Report for the March 2006 Draft EIR for Application to Appropriate |
1-25 | EIR for La Jolla Recharge Basin |
1-26 | Categorical Exemption for Four BCVs |
1-27 | EIR for Prado Basin Water Conservation Feasibility Study |
1-28 | License 6378 for Diversion of SAR Water |
1-29 | License 6403 for Diversion of SAR Water (SAVI) |
1-30 also Joint 2-1 |
1969 Judgment |
1-31 | Licenses from 1961 Premised on Salvage (phreatophyte removal) |
1-32 | Initial Study/Negative Declaration for Prado Constructed Wetlands |
1-33 | June 24, 2002 State Board letter holding protest of California Sportsfishing Alliance in abeyance |
1-34 | July 30, 2002 State Board letter rejecting protest of City of Redlands. |
1-35 | September 10, 2002 letter memorializing agreement with State Board regarding ’s response to protests of CSPA and Redlands |
1-36 also Joint 2-4 |
September 1, 2004 Agreement Between Orange County Water District and City of San Bernardino Concerning Water Rights |
1-37 also Joint 2-5 |
June 23, 2006 Agreement Between Orange County Water District and East Valley Water District Concerning Water Rights |
1-38 | June 29, 2006 letter to Arthur Baggett on behalf of EVWD requesting dismissal of its protest |
1-39 also Joint 2-6 |
July 24, 2006 Agreement Between Orange County Water District and City of Concerning Water Rights |
1-40 | September 5, 2006 letter to Mitchell Moody enclosing Agreement Between Orange County Water District and City of Concerning Water Rights |
1-41 | September 26, 2006 Agreement Between the Orange County Water District and the Department of Fish and Game to Dismiss Department’s Protest regarding Water Application No. 31174 |
1-42 | September 27, 3006 letter to Victoria Whitney from the U.S. Forest Service withdrawing its protest |
1-43 | January 3, 2007 letter to Jane Farwell on behalf of Local Sponsors withdrawing its protest |
2-1 | Direct Testimony of Carl R. Nelson on Behalf of Orange County Water District for Water Rights Application 31147 |
2-2 | Resume of Carl R. Nelson |
2-3 | Watershed Map of Santa Ana River Prepared by Army Corps Of Engineers |
2-4 | Map Showing Santa Ana River Irrigation Systems in Approximately 1857-89 |
2-5 | Anaheim Union Water Company Diversion Gates at Bedrock Crossing 1890 (AUWCO diversion site in the 1890s) |
2-6 | 1965 Photograph of the Wooden Headgate at Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Company Diversion Site Along South Side of Santa Ana River |
2-7 | 1965 Photograph of Anaheim Union Diversion at Bedrock Crossing |
2-8 | Bar Chart of Flood History 1909-2003 from Orange County’s Annual Hydrologic Data Report |
2-9 | Photograph of 1916 Flood Showing Pacific Electric Railway |
2-10 | Photograph of 1938 Flood Looking North Toward Lincoln Avenue Past Burris Pit |
2-11 | Photograph Showing Recent Aerial View of Prado Dam |
2-12 | Photograph Showing Aerial View of Santa Ana River Mouth Construction circa 1959 |
2-13 | Photograph of Villa Park Dam 1956 Bond Project |
2-14 | Aerial View Showing the Dual Channel of the Santa Ana River in the Same Location as the 1938 Flood Scene Depicted in 2-10 |
2-15 | Photograph of Water Spreading Operations 1993 |
2-16 | Photograph of Seven Oaks Dam at Foot of San Bernardino Mountains |
2-17 | Photograph of Army Corps of Engineers’ Santa Ana River Channel through Anaheim, 2003 |
2-18 | Photograph of Concrete Floodway through Santa Ana |
2-19 | Photograph of Rubber Dam for Increased Diversion to Off-Channel Basins |
2-20 | Photograph of Completed Lower Santa Ana River Channel Reconstruction |
3-1 | Direct Testimony of Roy L. Herndon, PG, CHG, on Behalf of Orange County Water District for Water Rights Application 31147 |
3-2 | Resume of Roy L. Herndon, PG, CHG |
3-3 also Joint 2-21 |
Santa Ana River Watermaster Reports (Due to the large volume of this item, cross-references relies upon the joint submission.) |
3-4 | Santa Ana River Flow and Gaging Data; San Bernardino Precipitation Data; Forebay Recharge Data; USACE Predicted Santa Ana River Flows |
3-5 | SAWPA Santa Ana River Projected Flow Impacts Report (2004) |
3-6 | Wastewater vs. Base Flow (Fig 4.2-5 of Water Rights EIR) |
3-7 | Our Changing Climate Assessing the Risks to California |
3-8 | Groundwater Management Plan (2004) |
4-1 | Joint Direct Testimony of Leslie Moulton and Chris Rogers |
4-2 | Resume of Leslie Moulton |
5-1 | Resume of Chris Rogers |
6-1 | Direct Testimony of Richard Zembal, on Behalf of Orange County Water District for Water Rights Application 31147 |
6-2 | Resume of Richard L. Zembal |
6-3 | USFWS National Wetlands Award Program |
6-4 | Press Release on National Wetlands Award (1/8/02) |
6-5 | 2004 Habitat Restoration and Mitigation Report for the Prado Basin |
6-6 | Santa Ana Sucker Brochure |
6-7 | Least Bell’s Vireo Survey Data for year 2005 (map) |
6-8 | Least Bell’s Vireo in the Prado Basin Endangered Species Management Success Story |
6-9 | Least Bell’s Vireo in the Prado Basin, 1986 – 2006 (graph) |
6-10 | Least Bell’s Vireos and Southwestern Willow Flycatchers in Prado Basin of the Santa Ana River Watershed, CA |
6-11 | Status and Management of the Least Bell’s Vireo and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher in the Santa Ana River Watershed (2006) - SAWA |
6-12 | 10-2-06 Press Release on Vireo 5-year Review |
6-13 | Cooperative Agreement between , U.S. Army Corps. Of Engineers and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Cooperatively Manage Orange County Water District’s Lands in Prado Basin, County (1995) |
6-14 | 5-10-06 Water Issues Committee Arundo Control Program Update |
6-15 | SAWA Brochure |
6-16 | SAWA 2005 Annual Report |
6-17 | SAWA Revenues and Expenditures 2006 Pie Charts |
6-18 | Mitigation Costs and Commitments Table 86-06 |
6-19 | Picture of Tree Swallow in Box |
6-20 | 2006 Aquatic Predator and Competitor Minimization Plan for the Prado Wetlands |
Santa Ana River Mainstem Project Local Sponsors
Exhibit No. | Description |
1 | Testimony of Vana Olson, Director, San Bernardino County Flood Control District; Jim Borcuk, Chief, San Bernardino County Flood Control District, Federal Projects Division; and Lance Natsuhara, Manager, Orange County Flood Control District, Santa Ana River Project Section, on behalf of the Santa Ana River Mainstem Project Local Sponsors in the SWRCB Hearing on Santa Ana River Watershed Water Rights Application |
1-1 | Letter from Peter Kiel, Ellison, Schneider & Harris, to Jane Farwell, State Water Resources Control Board, Dismissal of Local Sponsors’ Protest to Application No. 31174 of Orange County Water District, dated January 3, 2007 |
1-2 | Operations Agreement between Orange County Water District and Orange County Flood Control District, dated February 27, 2007 |
1-3 | Local Cooperation Agreement for Construction of the Santa Ana River Mainstem, Including Santiago Creek, California Flood Control Project, dated December 13, 1989 |
1-4 | Second Modification to the Local Cooperation Agreement, dated February 24, 2003 |
1-5 | Letter from Brian M. Moore, Deputy District Engineer, Department of the Army, to Ken Smith, Director, Orange County Public Works, dated August 27, 2002 |
1-6 | Water Control Manual, Seven Oaks Dam & Reservoir, prepared by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, September 2003 |
1-7 | Operation, Maintenance, Repair, Replacement, and Rehabilitation Manual Volume 1 (Main Report and Appendix H), Seven Oaks Dam, August 2002 |
1-8 | Operation, Maintenance, Repair, Replacement, and Rehabilitation Manual Volume 2 (Appendices A-G), Seven Oaks Dam, August 2002 |
1-9 | Agreement between the United States of America and San Bernardino County, California Flood Control District for the Seven Oaks Dam Water Conservation Study, California, dated November 23, 1993 (“1993 Study Agreement”) |
1-10 | Agreement between the San Bernardino Flood Control District and San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District and Western Municipal Water District of County Seven Oaks Water Conservation Study, dated November 23, 1993 (“1993 Reimbursement Agreement”) |
1-11 | Blanket Drain Reimbursement Correspondence (various documents) |
1-12 | Letter from Ruth Bajza Villalobos, Chief, Planning Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to Ken A. Miller, Director, Transportation/Flood Control Department, San Bernardino Public Works, dated May 29, 2001 |
1-13 | Seven Oaks Dam Water Conservation Feasibility Report and Final EIS/EIR, Volumes I and II, June 1997, prepared by United States Army Corps of Engineers |
1-14 | Draft Amendment No. 1 to Agreement between the United States of America and San Bernardino County, California Flood Control District for the Seven Oaks Dam Water Conservation Study, California |
1-15 | Agreement for Funding a Seven Oaks Dam Water Conservation Feasibility Report, dated November 7, 2006 |
1-16 | Proof of Service, Testimony of Ruth Villalobos |
1-17 | Testimony of Ruth Villalobos |
1-18 | Stipulation Regarding Local Sponsors Protests of Water Right Applications 31165 and 31370 |