Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Project, FERC #13123
Responses to Comments on Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (SCH #2009011010)
- Notice (released January 25, 2013)
- Draft Final Environmental Impact Report
January 28, 2013
- Volume I - Executive Summary
- Volume II
- Section 1.0 (Introduction)
- Section 2.0 (Project Descriptions)
- Section 3.0 (Environmental Analysis)
- Section 3.1 (Geology and Soils)
- Section 3.2 (Surface Water)
- Section 3.3 (Groundwater)
- Section 3.4 (Agricultural and Forestry Resources)
- Section 3.5 (Biological Resources)
- Section 3.6 (Threatened and Endangered Species)
- Section 3.7 (Aesthetics)
- Section 3.8 (Cultural Resources)
- Section 3.9 (Land Use/Public Services Planning/Utilities)
- Section 3.10 (Recreation)
- Section 3.11 (Population and Housing
- Section 3.12 (Transportation and Traffic)
- Section 3.13 (Air Quality)
- Section 3.14 (Noise)
- Section 3.15 (Greenhouse Gases)
- Section 3.16 (Hazards and Hazardous Materials)
- Section 3.17 (Environmental Justice)
- Section 4.0 (Alternatives Analysis)
- Section 5.0 (CEQA Mandated Analyses)
- Section 6.0 (Mitigation Summary)
- Section 7.0 (References)
- Section 8.0 (Organizations and Persons Consulted)
- Section 9.0 (List of Draft Final EIR Preparers)
- Volume III
- Volume IV
- Volume V (Appendix C, Technical Memoranda [TM])
- Volume VI (Confidential Information, Not Publically Available)