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Water Quality Certification

Water Quality Certification Program

Public Comments Received - EMail

Upper North Fork Feather River Hydroelectric Project, FERC #2105

  • Deadline to receive comments was 12:00 p.m. (NOON) March 26,2015.
Paul Abbot
Georgia Acker
Jesse and Sallie Adams
Aldo Alesii
Almanor Lakeside Villas Owners Association
Dan Amegin
Mike and Angela Angelis
John and Rosi Arnaudo
Edward Arntzen
Sharon and Larry Auge
Pete Austin
Victoria Ax
Phil and Karla Baiocchi
Arthur C. and Beverly Baker
Ann Bakey
Krys T. Bart
Stan Barth
David W. Basso
Todd Baughman
Greg Bayne
Michael J. Beier
Mike and Cindy Benjamin
Leslie Larson and Mike Bennet
Ruth Berkelman
Bill Betts
Laurie and Bob Bilotta
Betty Bishop
Ken Black
Judith LaGalante and Carl G. Blaha
Andrew Bledsoe
Dave Blomgren
Franklin Bodwin
George Boero
Mary Bohnemeyer
Steve Bohnemeyer
Stephen Bohnemeyer
Jeff and Anita Boone
Dale and Carol Bornhorst
Kathleen and Len Bossio
Sam and Joan Bossio
John Bottomley
Harley Bragg
Dr. Craig Brash
Steve Bresolin
John and Carol Broderick
Tony Brown
Linda Brown
Michael Browne
Jennifer Browne
Dr. Eugene Bruder
David W. Brumett
Cathi Bryan
Phil and Catherine Bryan
Mark Buckwalter
Doug and Muff Bui
Warren Bullock
Linda and Dave Burger
Mark and Marilyn Burington
Linda Burroughs
John and Linda Burroughs
Linda Busalacchi
Mario Busalacchi
Fabia Floreani and Patrick Buzbee
David Cahoon
Kenneth R. Capie
Ken Capistrand
Robert and Joanne Care
David Carson
Chirstine Carson
Russ Cataline
Mike, Kathy, Jamie, and Jeff Chambers
Kevin Chandler
Anne Chapman
Mary and Craig Cheek
John Cheli
Wendy Cheli
Adam Christensen
Kelly Clark
Mike Cline
Marilyn Cohen
Howard Cohen
Steven Cole
Charles Coleman
Julina Colt
Rhiana Cone
Ken Conley
P. Duffy Conneely
Hugh Cooney
Kathleen Copeland
Patricia Corona
Bill Cotter
Peter Cowperthwaite
Mark Crager
Le'la Crandall
Keith Crummer
Mike Cushman
Bob Daby
Michael Daly
Joan D'Angelo
Dick Daniel
Bette and Jerry Davis
Dale Dawson
Jane L. Dawson
James Day
Tami De Jong
Chuck Deiner
Dr. Tracy Delaplain
Roger Delight
Jake DeLong
Rich Dengler
Tim Denney
Bill Dennison
George deVilbiss
James C. DeVolld
Larry Dick
John and Joan Dickerson
June Dickson
Gary Doane
Christie Donaldson
Gary Donges
Glen and Kathy Donley
Bernadette Doucet
Pat Draeger
Jim Drake
Jim Durham
R.H. Duvall
Ken Dwiggins
Christopher and Sally Earnest
Don Eastes
Janet S. Eberlein
Diana Ebert
Steve and Jane Eimers
Richard and Antoinette Eimers
Hans Hoch and Elizabeth Ekdale
Terry Elam
Joyce England
John P. Enloe
Doug Ervin
Cheryl L Erwin
Carlos Espana
Ken R. and Nancy F. Evans
Sanford G. and Nelda C. Evans
Don Van Alen and Janet C. Eveland
James Everett
John W. Fara
Jeffrey and Amy Fara
Robert Faust
Rick and Evette Feigel
Jean Campbell and Larry Fesler
R. Bret Fidler
Monique Figlietti
Dave and Judi Finkebeiner
David M. Floyd
Carmine Forcina
Gary Foss
Duane Foss
Andralyne Foster
Lois and Randy Fowkes
John and Carol Frank
Don Franklin
Glenn Freitas
Barbara Friday
Shirley Friedrichs
Noreen Frieling
Catherine Frost
Matt Fryer
Ellen Fuller
Steve Fuller
Stephen Gaines
Gary D. Gale
Donald Gallagher
Robert E. Gallagher
Donald and Barbara Gallagher
Steve and Heidi Gallo
John Galloway
David Galpine
Peggy Galpine
Nolan Gamble
Richard C. Gardner
Paul Garrido
Lucille and Reginald Gentry
Dennis George
Douglas R. Ghiselin
Raymond J. Giordano
Joe and Pat Giusto
John R. and Doranna D. Goodnight
Melanie Gram
John M. Granholm
Johnathan Graves
Dr. William Gray
Donald G. Gray
Danny Gray
Frank Braxton Green
Jeffrey S. Greening
Karen Grimmer
Carol A. Griswold
John D. Griswold
Henry Gronroos
Julie Groves-Escalante
Tim and Jane Gruenwald
Steve and Bruce Guptill
D.M. Gustafson
Robert and Julie Hahn
Frank and Suzanne Hajnik
David Haley
David and Donna Haley
Vern Hall
Robert and Linda Hall
Gary and Jan Hamilton
Steve Hammack
Donald P. Hansen
Jim Hardeman
David Hart
Bethany Hartill
Todd Hartill
Charles and Janet Haubrich
Matt Havelock
Dennis Heise
Carla Heise
Devra D. Heming
Robert Heming
Jon Hengesbach
Tom Heninger
Kirk and Paula Heppler
Beverly Herman
Barbara Hester
Reed and Jane Hilliard
Gary and Linda Hiltunen
Vickie Hiner
Mac Hinman
David Hoffman
Kim Hollaway-Vinson
George Hormel
Cyndy Horn
Cheryl Houtes
Barbara Howe
Charlotte J. Howell
Teresa and Graydon Howie
Dave Hudson
Andrea Huntsinger
Jeff Hurff
Brett and Paula Hurff
Victor and Linda Hursh
Dr. Alfred L. Hurwitz
David Jackson
Neil S. Jackson
Hal Janssen
Kim Jergentz
Erin Jergentz
Nancy Jevons
Michelle Ramsey and Jim Wearanga
Claudia Johnson
Susie Johnson
Steve Johnson
Theo and Gordon Johnson
Mark Johnson
Dan and Lynda Jones
Jeff and Teri Kahn
Leonard Kaiser
William and DeeAnna Keck
Noelle Kehoe
William and Nancy Kehoe
Caroline Keller
Phillip Kelly Jr
Randy Kelsch
Jeri Kendrick
Tom Kiesler
Mary Foard and Dave Kimbrell
Erik King and Family
Joseph Klaker
Jeff Klopstock
Mark Koller
Mark P. Kotsios
David Kraatz
Kit Kurtz
Dave LaGroue
Vernon Lagroue
Robert A. Lambert
Deanna Lares
Joan Larson
Larry Larson
Philip and Linda Larson
Charles Laurenson
Joan Leabman
Lee Leabman
John Leet
Mark Leinwander
Bill LeMaire
Ken Leonard
Tristan Leong
Franny Lepori
Harry LeSeur
William A. Light
Evert E. Lindquist
Laura MacGregor
Rich and Patty MacKirdy
Ian MacLeod
Linda MacLeod Parker
Karl MacNair
Debbie MacTavish
John MacTavish
Norm Madsen
Mary Magers
Doug and Robin Malby
Mary Mammet
Gary Mangin
Kathy Mann
Ron Martin
Doug and Donna Martin
Dennis Mason
Michael and Betty Matulonis
Bill Maudru and Family
Richard Mauldin
Jim McAlpine
Darren McBride
Liane McCombs
Ed and Elinor McConnell
Robbyn McDowell
Patrick McGovern
Mary McMillan
Chris McNeil
Dennis McNeil
Stephen Medawar and Family
Tom Medland
Ronald Mendoza
Sharon Merrill
Douglas Merrill
Danney C. Meyer
Kenneth Meyer
Shari Meyer
Joan Milbourne
Theodore J. and Carolyn Clark Miller
Mark Miller
Jean Miller
Donna Miller
Jeffrey Miller
Nancy Miller
Robert Miller
Robert and Marguerite Miller
Ronald A. Modrall
Ken Modrall
Tracy Mogan
Tony Molica
Alex Molica
Charles Monroe
Janis R. Monroe
Marlane Morse
John Murphy
Marisa Murphy
Doug Neal
Dawn Neal
Julie Nedwin
Daniel S. Nelson
Jim Nelson
Tom Nelson
Melissa Nelson
Joanne Ness
Frank O. Neth
Lowell Neugebauer
John Newton
Katherine Newton
Thomas Nichols
Dr. March and Jerri Nielsen
Mike Nieman
Barbara and Jon Noble
Bruce Norlie
Joyce Norman
Ronald and Caralie (Finch) Norman
Donna O'Connell
Rudy Oest
Judy O'Leary
Tami Ondeck
Ed and Arlene Organ
Christopher Orman
Tom and Terry Ortez
Kari Oswold
John H. Pabst
William D. Pahland
Raymond and Diana Pallari
Rev. Dr. John Avery Palmer
Mike, Ronda, and Eric Papas
Phil Parish
Kenneth L. Parisot, Jr.
Janis Parker
David R. Parr
B.J. Parsons
Joseph Patten
Meagan Paulsen
Patrick Penick
John J. and Evelyn D. Penick
Jerry and Sue Penick
Mike Peretti
Shaun Peretti
Terrie and Frank Perez
John and Barbara Pescio
Darlene Peterson
Gary E. Peterson
Joyce Philabaum
Victor L. Pintel
Ron. R Piret
David Planka
Charles G. Plopper
Darryl and Carrie Plumb
Michael Potter
Susan and James Powell
Dr and Mrs. Robert Pretel
Philip B Price
Garn Pringle
Dr. Andrew A. Protter
Ann Protter
Mary Pruitt
Susan Quale
John W. Rabe
Leonard Ramos
Richard and Barbara Rasmussen
Michael and Lee Ann Rasner
Brad Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reinsma
Barbara Reynolds
Lynn Rickman
Greg Risse
Jim Rizza
Gloria Rogers
Sheila Rogers
Warren and Gloria Rogers
Ellis Rolls
Michael B. Ross
The Rudgers Family
Gary and Adele Rumiano
Lisa Rupert
Marilyn Green and Dan Saccani
Philip and Arlene Sadlier
Casey Safreno
William Sallade
Katherine E. Sansone
John Sayler
Barry Schaeffer
Mike Schiro
Daryl and Karen Schmidt
Paula Schoop
Caryn Schulman
Vince Sciarrotta
Scott Sebree
Evan Sebree
Jack Sedlak and Family
Arnold Selk
Chistiane Sellers
Dave Sellers
Gilbert J. Serrano
Phyllis Sevick
Mark Shadlow
Douglas and Norine Shamberger
Rick and Shey Shanks and Family
Brooke Sharpes
David Shaw
Cliff Shelton
Lynn Shelton
Catherine D. Siemens
Pete Siemens
Valerie R. Silva
Greg Silva
Ronald Simonini
Stanley D. and Judith A. Sinor
Frank Sisco
Bonnie Sloan
Robert Sloan
Wayne and Elizabeth Smaker
Theron L. Smith
James A. Smith
Paul Smith
Roger Smith
Janis Smith-Barat
Merry Sommers
Lynn Sopwith
Shawn Spencer
Wayne K. Stai
Jack Stansfield
Warren A. Steiner
Alan B. and Barbara W. Steiner
Kristen Stelzriede
Margaret Stephenson
Lance B. Stevenson
Keith and Mary Storm
Tim and Casey Strong
Kathy Sweeney
Mike Sweeney
Doug Sweet
Peter Talia
Stephen Tanner
Mike Teel
John Theberge
Tracy Thompson
Roger and Linda Thompson
Dean Toll
Samantha L. Tracy
Hank Trowbridge
Lynne M. Turner
Kaytee Valencia
Jolynn Valledor
John Van Wie
Eileen Vohs
Sue Volsansky
Jim Waggoner
Jennifer Wallace
Dee Ward
Barry Wardell
Bud Wasson
Howard and Sally Weiss
David C. Welch
Christine E. West
West Almanor Community Club
Carl and Marion Wheaton
Tom White
Shauna White
Kathie Whitesell
Profesor Richard A. Mathies and Dr. Evan R. Williams
Lisa Williams
L. Williams
Judy and Tom Wills
Devin Germann and Alisha Wilson
Kenneth Wilson
Lew Wilson
Kerry Wilson
Keith Wilton
Lysle L. and Susan E. Winchester
Ed Wing
Kathy Wingert
Jeanne Conway Winje
Tim and Betsy Wolfe
Don and Charlene Wolford
Dan Wood
Steve Wood
Cortney Working
Howard E. and Anita F. Yarber
Ron Young
Stephen D Young
Timothy and Cindy Young
Jordan V. Zan III
Jerry Zimmers and Family






