Drought Response Outreach Program for Schools (DROPS)

The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) adopted the Drought Response Outreach Program for Schools (DROPS) Guidelines on August 19, 2014. DROPS is focused on projects that reduce stormwater pollution and provide multiple benefits including water conservation, water supply augmentation, energy savings, increased awareness of water resource sustainability, and reduced dry weather runoff. All projects must include an education/outreach component that is designed to increase student and public understanding of the project's environmental benefits and the sustainability of California's water resources directly related to the project.
Funding Information
Eligible Applicants: | Local Educational Agencies limited to K-12 school districts, county offices of education, Federally Recognized Tribes in California with Tribal K-12 schools (only Proposition 13 Watershed funds), and K-12 charter schools on publicly-owned property. |
Eligible Project Types: | Projects implementing Low Impact Development (LID) strategies designed to maintain predevelopment hydrology on school campuses. The projects will: (1) reduce stormwater pollution; and (2) increase stormwater retention, use or recharge while creating multiple benefits, such as water conservation, water supply augmentation, and reduced dry weather runoff. Every DROPS project must include an educational component designed to increase student awareness of the project's environmental benefits and water resource sustainability. |
Project Completion: | 6/30/2020 |
Funding Source: | Proposition 13, 40 and 50 |
Loans or Grants: | Grants |
Applications: | CLOSED |
Contact Information
Jennifer Toney, P.E.
Senior Water Resources Control Engineer
Storm Water Grant Program
Reference Material
- DROPS Guidelines
- For information regarding projects funded by the SWGP, please refer to the online Financial Assistance Application Submittal Tool (FAAST) to view project application information, check status of the funding award etc. If further assistance is needed, please contact the SWGP staff.
- Sacramento State Office of Water Programs designed a California Phase II LID Sizing Tool through a Prop 84 SWGP Planning Grant. The Sizing Tool can be used to assist in selecting and sizing LID BMPs that meet the sizing requirements in the statewide Phase II MS4 permit.
- The International Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Database project website features a database of over 530 BMP studies, performance tools and analysis results, monitoring guidance and other study-related publications.