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The following Resolutions have been adopted, at a regular Board Meeting, by the State Water Resources Control Board.
1/22/76 |
Designating a Section 208 Planning Area and Agency for the South Coast Area |
1/22/76 |
Approving Resolution 75-012 of the Lahontan RWQCB |
1/22/76 |
Approving Orders Nos. 75-272, 75-273, and 75-274 of the Central Valley RWQCB |
1/22/76 |
Approving “Guidelines for Performing Static Acute Toxicity Fish Bioassays in Municipal and Industrial Waste Waters” as the Method for Fish Bioassay Testing by All Laboratories Performing this Analysis in Conjunction with Programs Under Sections 401 and 402 of Public Law 92-500 |
1/22/76 |
Amendment of Standard Permit Clauses 2a, 2b, and 2c |
1/22/76 |
Amendment of Standard Permit Clause 1h |
1/22/76 |
Directing the Executive Officer to Refer to the Attorney General the Matter of Unauthorized Diversion of Water by Storage in the Reservoir of Shirokow on Arnold Creek in Madera County |
1/22/76 |
Authorizing Augmentation of Interagency Agreement No. 4075400 between the SWRCB & the Department of Water Resources for Support of Activities of the Consulting Panel on Health Aspects of Wastewater Reclamation for Groundwater Recharge |
1/22/76 |
Authorizing Execution of a Training Contract |
1/22/76 |
Authorizing the Executive Officer or Chief, Division of Administrative Services, to Execute Grant Contracts with Municipalities Pursuant to the Clean Water Bond Law of 1974 |
1/22/76 |
Commending Roger McConnell |
2/19/76 |
State Board Finding that Bassa’s Regional Water Management Plan 1975 Conforms to State Plans and Policies |
2/19/76 |
Memorandum of Agreement Concerning the State Administration of the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 (Pub. Law 93-523) between the SWRCB, the State DWR and Dept. of Health |
2/19/76 |
Review of Action of the North Coast RWQCB Regarding Adoption of Order No. 75-180, Waste Discharge Requirements for Arcata Redwood Company, Wier Creek, Humboldt County |
2/19/76 |
Delegation of Authority to Executive Officer to Appoint Watermaster |
2/19/76 |
Authorizing Execution of an Interagency Agreement between the SWRCB and the Department of Water Resources for Support of the Department’s Water Data Information System to Meet Board Needs During 1976 |
2/19/76 |
Authorizing Execution of a Cooperative Interagency Agreement for the Support of the Resources Agency Library |
3/18/76 |
Statement Regarding Regulation of Agricultural Wastewater Discharges |
3/18/76 |
Review of Action of the North Coast RWQCB Regarding an Oil Spill to Baechtel Creek Involving Allyn Transportation Company, Phillips Petroleum Company, and Charles Persico |
3/18/76 |
Approval of Thee-Agency Agreement for the San Joaquin Interagency Drainage Problem |
3/18/76 |
Augmentation and Extension of Interagency Agreement No. 3-2-49 and 52A400 between the SWRCB and the Department of Fish & Game for Personnel Services |
3/18/76 |
Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement between the SWRCB and Chino Basin Municipal Water District to Assist in the Funding of a Proposed Pilot Program to Treat and Reclaim Dairy Manure |
3/18/76 |
Directing the Executive Officer to Transmit Copies of Board Order Concerning the Santa Margarita Project to Appropriate Federal Officials |
3/18/76 |
Authorizing Execution of a Training Contract |
3/18/76 |
Fee Schedule for California Public Records Act |
4/15/76 |
Designating an Areawide Planning Area and Agency for the Sacramento Regional Area |
4/15/76 |
Approving Resolution No. 76-001 of the Central Coast RWQCB |
4/15/76 |
Approving Orders Nos. 76-58, 76-59, and 76-60 of the Central Valley RWQCB |
4/15/76 |
Review of the Action of the Central Valley RWQCB Regarding Discharge of Raw Sewage to the Sacramento River by the City of Red Bluff |
4/15/76 |
Petition for Review of Order No. 73-4 of the Lahontan RWQCB by the City of Barstow and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company |
4/15/76 |
Adoption of Fiscal Year 1976-77 Priority List and Statewide Five-Year Project List |
4/15/76 |
Authorizing Execution of an Agreement with the Air Resources Board for Advisory and Review Services Relating to Air Quality Aspects of the Clean Water Grants Program |
4/15/76 |
Authorizing Execution of an Interagency Agreement between the SWRCB and the Department of General Services for Electronic Data Processing Services for the Board |
4/15/76 |
Authorizing Execution of Amendment No. 2 to Interagency Agreement No. 4014400 between the State Board and the Franchise Tax Board for Data Key Entry Services |
4/15/76 |
Authorizing Extension of Standard Agreement No. 4074400 between the SWRCB and the University of California for the Committee of Consultants |
4/15/76 |
Authorizing Execution of an Agreement with the Department of Health & the Department of Water Resources to Sponsor Jointly Portions of the Study “Groundwater Injection of Reclaimed Water in Palo Alto” Proposed by Stanford University |
4/15/76 |
Authorizing Execution of an Agreement with the Department of Health to Support a Water Virology Laboratory within the Department of Health |
4/15/76 |
Accepting Final Report “Study of Ammonia and Nitrate Reactions of Municipal Wastewater Effluents Discharged to Land” and Authorizing the Printing of the Final Report |
4/15/76 |
Authorizing Execution of an Agricultural Consultant Contract with Omer Peck |
5/6/76 |
Approving the Response of the Southern California Association of Governments to the SWRCB’s Conditions of Designation as a 208 Planning Agency |
76-040a |
5/20/76 |
Resolution Commending W.W. Adams for His Services to the SWRCB |
5/20/76 |
Approval of the 208 Grant Application and Initial Workplan Submitted by the Southern California Association of Governments |
5/20/76 |
Approving a State Water Quality Control Fund Loan to Humboldt Bay Wastewater Authority |
5/20/76 |
Authorizing Execution of Contract for Loan to North Marin County Water District in Behalf of Tomales Sewer Improvement District from the State Water Quality Control Fund |
5/20/76 |
Amending the Revenue Program Guidelines for Wastewater Agencies to Allow for Approval of the Reduction of Annual Contributions to the Wastewater Capital Reserve Fund by the Executive Officer for Small Communities |
5/20/76 |
Certifying the Final 208 Workplan of the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments |
5/20/76 |
Certifying the Final 208 Workplan of the Ventura Regional County Sanitation District |
5/20/76 |
Certifying the Final 208 Workplans of the Association of Bay Area Governments |
5/20/76 |
Certification of the 208 Grant Application and Initial Workplan Submitted by the Sacramento Regional Area Planning Commission |
5/20/76 |
Approving Order Nos. 76-93 and 76-94 of the North Coastal RWQCB Amending the Water Quality Control Plans, Klamath River Basin & North Coastal Basin |
5/20/76 |
Approving Resolution No. 76-021 of the Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board Amending the Water Quality Control Plan, East Colorado River Basin |
5/20/76 |
Approving Resolution No. 76-021 of the Santa Ana RWQCB Amending the Water Quality Control Plan, Santa Ana River Basin |
5/20/76 |
Approving Order Nos. 76-89 and 76-88 of the Central Valley RWQCB |
5/20/76 |
Authorizing the Executive Officer to Execute Amendments to the Standard Agreement Nos. 1-2-96, 1-2-97, and 1-2-98 with Daniel, Mann, Johnson, and Mendenhall (DMJM) to Extend the Termination Dates from December 31, 1975 to May 28, 1976 |
5/20/76 |
Authorizing Execution of a Contract with the California State University, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, for a Study to Develop Standard Procedures for Life History Analyses of Benthic Invertebrates for Biological Monitoring in Marine and Estuarine Environments |
5/20/76 |
Accepting the Final Report of the Consulting Panel on Health Aspects of Wastewater Reclamation for Groundwater Recharge |
5/20/76 |
Authorizing Execution of Amendment No. 2 to Interagency Agreement No. 4068400 between the SWRCB and the Department of Water Resources for Participation in Implementation of a Coordinated Statewide Water Quality Data System |
5/20/76 |
Execution of Interagency Agreements between the SWRCB and the Departments of Water Resources, Fish & Game, and Health to Implement a Coordinated Program for Water Quality Surveillance and Monitoring in California |
5/20/76 |
Execution of Interagency Agreement between the SWRCB and the Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission for Water Quality Modeling |
5/20/76 |
Authorizing the Executive Officer to Execute an Agreement between the SWRCB and the Department of Water Resources to Provide Assistance in Conduct of an Agricultural Water Conservation Conference |
6/7/76 |
Delegation Authority to Board Members Individually to Conduct Hearings on, and Issue, Conditional Temporary Water Rights Permits |
6/17/76 |
Approving Resolution No. 76-008 of the San Francisco Bay RWQCB Amending the Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin |
6/17/76 |
Guidelines for Determining the Effectiveness of Local Source Control Programs |
6/17/76 |
Ocean Plan Review and Contract Approval |
6/17/76 |
Tahoe City Public Utility District Third and Fourth Loans |
6/17/76 |
Authorizing Execution of Contract for Loan to Humboldt Bay Wastewater Authority from State Water Quality Control Fund |
6/17/76 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of a Contract with the University of California’s Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory for Analysis of Heavy Metal Concentrations in South San Francisco Bay |
6/17/76 |
Proposed Contract for a Study of Rural Wastewater Disposal Alternatives |
6/17/76 |
Authorizing the Executive Officer to Negotiate and Execute Contracts for Aerial Surveillance Charter Services |
6/17/76 |
Designating an Areawide Planning Area and Agency for the Sacramento Metropolitan Area |
6/17/76 |
Delegating Additional Authority to the Executive Officer to Apportion the SWRCB’s Expenses Against Parties in Court Reference and Statutory Adjudication Proceedings |
6/17/76 |
Authorizing Execution of Interagency Agreements for Administrative Services with the Air Resources Board and the Solid Waste Management Board |
6/17/76 |
Authorizing Execution of Agreements for RWQCB’s Contractual Laboratory and Field Support Services |
6/17/76 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of a Contract with Resource Management Associates for Review and Evaluation of Reports for the City of San Diego Point Loma Wastewater Outfall Monitoring Program |
6/17/76 |
Authorizing the Execution of an Interagency Agreement between the SWRCB and the Department of Conservation, Division of Oil & Gas, for Investigations Leading to the Abandonment of the Tuolumne River Gas Wells |
6/17/76 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of an Interagency Agreement with the Department of Water Resources for Collection and Analysis of Water Samples from North Coast Streams |
6/17/76 |
Certifying the Final 208 Workplan of the Comprehensive Planning Organization of the San Diego Region |
6/17/76 |
Approving Resolution Nos. 76-005 and 76-006 of the Los Angeles RWQCB Amending the Water Quality Control Plans, Santa Clara River Basin and Los Angeles River Basin |
6/17/76 |
Approving Resolution No. 76-024 of the Colorado River Basin RWQCB Amending the Water Quality Control Plan, West Colorado River Basin |
6/17/76 |
Extending the Study and Activities between the SWRCB the Department of Health, and the Department of Fish and Game for Laboratory Certification |
6/17/76 |
Authorizing Amendment of an Agreement between the SWRCB and the State Controller for Audit Services |
6/30/76 |
Authorizing Execution of a Standard Agreement for Preparation of an Environmental Assessment for the San Joaquin Valley Interagency Drainage Program |
7/15/76 |
Delegating Authority to Board Members Individually to Conduct Hearings on, and Issue, Conditional Temporary Water Right Permits, and Providing for Review of Hearing Officer Action |
7/15/76 |
Authorizing Execution of a Consultant Contract to Evaluate the Division’s Plans and Specifications (Design) Review Process |
7/15/76 |
Certifying the Final 208 Workplan of the Sacramento Regional Area Planning Commission |
7/15/76 |
Proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the State Board and the U.S. Forest Service Delineating 208 Planning Responsibility of National Forest System Lands |
7/15/76 |
Authorizing Execution of a Contract for Loan to Alpine Springs County Water District from the State Water Quality Control Fund for Construction of Sewerage Works |
7/15/76 |
Authorizing Execution of a Contract for Loan to Squaw Valley County Water District from the State Water Quality Control Fund for Construction of Sewerage Works |
7/15/76 |
Approving Resolution 76-007 of the San Francisco Bay RWQCB Amending the Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin |
7/15/76 |
Authorizing Execution of Contract for Loan to Celeste County Water District from State Water Quality Control Fund |
7/15/76 |
Rescinding Waste Discharge Requirements Issued by the SWRCB |
7/15/76 |
Authorizing Execution of Interagency Agreement between the SWRCB and the Franchise Tax Board for Data Key Entry Services |
7/15/76 |
Authorizing Execution of an Interagency Agreement between the SWRCB and the Stephen P. Teale Consolidated Data Center for Electronic Data Processing Services to Support the Board’s Information Management System |
8/19/76 |
Review of Action of the San Francisco Bay RWQCB Regarding Enforcement Action Against United States Steel Corporation, Pittsburg, California |
8/19/76 |
Delegation of Authority to the Executive Officer to Execute Certain Agreements and Documents for and on Behalf of the SWRCB |
8/19/76 |
Authorizing Extension of Contract with the University of California, Institute of Marine Resources, for a Marine Advisory Committee |
8/19/76 |
Authorizing the Acceptance of the Contractor’s Report on Phase I of the Santa Maria Valley Pilot Groundwater Quality Control Project and Authorizing the Executive Officer to Submit a Proposal to the USEPA for Phase II |
8/19/76 |
Approving a State Water Quality Control Fund Loan to Loleta Sanitary District and Authorizing Execution of Contract for the Loan |
8/19/76 |
Delegating Authority to Board members Individually to Act on Applications for Conditional Temporary Water Right Permits to Which Objection Has Not Been Filed, and Providing for Review of Board Member Action |
8/19/76 |
Approving Resolution No. 76-003 of the Central Coast RWQCB Amending the Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coastal Basin Plan |
8/19/76 |
Approving Order No. 76-129 of the Central Valley RWQCB Amending the Water Quality Control Plan, Sacramento River Basin |
8/19/76 |
Approving Resolution No. 76-005 of the Central Coast RWQCB Amending the Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coastal Basin |
8/19/76 |
Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with the Department of Water Resources to Continue Paired Station Monitoring on the Lower American River for the National Water Quality Surveillance System |
9/16/76 |
Approving a State Water Quality Control Fund Loan to Julian Sanitation District and Authorizing Execution of the Contract for the Loan |
9/16/76 |
Regarding Resolution No. 76-008 of the Central Coast RWQCB that Amended the Water Quality Control Plan, Central Coast Basin |
9/16/76 |
Delegating Authority to the Executive Officer to Prepare, Sign and File Notices of Determination Under CEQA |
9/16/76 |
Authorizing Execution of a Contract with the State Controller’s Office for Audit Services for the Clean Water Grant Program |
10/21/76 |
Review of Action of the North Coast RWQCB Regarding Adoption of Waste Discharge Requirements for Crown Simpson Pulp Company (Order No. 76-133) and Louisiana-Pacific Corporation (Order No. 76-134) |
10/21/76 |
Certifying the Final 208 Workplan of the Southern California Association of Governments |
10/21/76 |
Resolution Regarding the Elevation of Monterey County Community Service Area No. 66 (Las Lomas-Hall) Project on the Clean Water Grants Priority List for Fiscal Year 1976-77 |
10/21/76 |
Resolution Regarding the Addition of Taylorsville County Service Area to Clean Water Grants Priority List for Fiscal Year 1976-77 |
10/21/76 |
Designating an Areawide Planning Area and Agency for the San Francisco Bay Area |
10/21/76 |
Authorizing the Executive Office to Augment the RWQCBs’ FY 1976-77 Department of Health’s Laboratory Services Budget |
11/4/76 |
Authorizing Execution of Agreements between the SWRCB and the USEPA and the Office of Planning and Research for OPR Involvement in the 208 Planning Process |
11/4/76 |
Authorizing Execution of a Consultant Contract to Evaluate the Division’s Grants Administration System |
11/18/76 |
Establishment of Regional Policy Advisory Committees and a State Program Review Board as Part of the 208 Planning Program in Nondesignated Areas |
11/18/76 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of a Contract with the Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, for Monitoring and Analysis of Pesticide Concentrations in agricultural Drains in the Colorado River Basin Region |
11/18/76 |
Authorizing Negotiation and Execution of a Contract with the University of California for Mutagenic and Carcinogenic Studies of Wastewaters |
11/18/76 |
Approval of Resolution No. 76-006 Adopted by the North Coast RWQCB |
12/16/76 |
Expressing Appreciation to Byron Clark for His Service to the SWRCB |
12/16/76 |
Authorizing the Executive Officer to Determine Whether a Hearing Should be Held with Respect to Any Appeal Concerning the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators Certification Program |
12/16/76 |
Resolution Regarding Request for Partial Grant Funding of Green Valley Lake Project No. C-06-0832 |