Thursday, September 16, 1999 -- 10:00 a.m.
First-Floor Hearing Room
Paul R. Bonderson Building
901 P Street, Sacramento
Questions regarding this agenda - call Maureen Marché (916) 657-0990 or fax 657-0932. This notice and associated staff reports can be accessed electronically through our Internet address: (Note: agenda items should be available electronically on September 8, 1999.)
Please note time limitations
on presentations may be imposed.
The State Board requests that
oral testimony be summarized.
Submittal of written comments
is encouraged to ensure
that all comments will be included
in the
record before the Board.*
Declaration of Quorum**
Public Forum. (Any member of the public may address and ask
questions of the Board relating to any matter within the Board's jurisdiction,
provided the matter is not on the Board's agenda, or pending before the
Board or a Regional Board.) Note: Presentations at the Public
Forum will be limited to 5 minutes or otherwise at the discretion of the
The Board will consider the minutes of the August 19, 1999 Board
1-7. The Board will be asked to approve Items 1-7 at one time. (See
below for description of items.)
8. Consideration of Approval
of a Resolution to Provide a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan of $1,527,500
to the Sacramento Valley Open Space Conservancy for the Clean Water and
Wetlands Protection—Sacramento Prairie Vernal Pool Acquisition (Loan No.
C-06-6055-110). (The Board will consider whether to approve the SRF
Reports by Board Members on Regional Water Quality Control Board
Meetings or Other Meetings or Conferences Where Board Members Have Represented
the Board. (Information Item)
Summary of Major Board Activities. (Information Item)
Closed Session Items
Note: Closed Sessions are not open to the public
LITIGATION {This is authorized under Government Code Section
The Board will meet in closed session to discuss Sacramento Regional
County Sanitation District v. State Water Resources Control Board, et al.,
Sacramento Superior Court Case No. 98 CS 01702.
The Board will meet in closed session to discuss ongoing litigation in the case of Citizens for Responsible Mining v. State Water Resources Control Board (Sacramento County Superior Court No. 99CS01395).
Uncontested items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board, at one time, without discussion. If any Board Member, staff, or interested person requests that an item be removed from the Uncontested Items Calendar, it will be taken up in the regular agenda order.
1. Consideration of an Interagency
Agreement Between the State Water Resources Control Board and the Office
of the Secretary for Environmental Protection to Provide Funding Support
of California Environmental Protection Agency Activities for FY 1999-00.
(The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)
2. Consideration of Adoption of the Revised Appendix to the Conflict of Interest Code. (The Board will consider whether to adopt a revised appendix to the State Board Conflict of Interest Code.)
3. Consideration of Approval
of a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan for the City of San Diego for Construction
of the Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant Maintenance Building Expansion,
SRF Loan No. C-06-4690-110. (The Board will consider whether to adopt
the proposed resolution approving the loan.)
4. Consideration of Approval of a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan for the City of San Diego for Construction of the South Bay Reclamation Sewer and Pump Station, SRF Loan Nos. C-06-4650-110 and C-06-4650-210. (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution approving the loan.)
5. Consideration of Approval of a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan for the City of Vacaville Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Expansion Project No. C-06-4610-120. (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution approving the preliminary loan commitment.)
6. Consideration of Proposed Resolution Amending the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Cleanup Fund Priority List Amendment No. 67. (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution amending the priority list.)
7. Consideration of a Proposed
Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director to Amend a Sole Source Contract
with Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC) to Complete
the Economic Analysis for the Policy for Implementation of Toxics Standards
for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries of California in
Fiscal Year (FY) 1999-2000. (The Board will consider whether to adopt
the proposed resolution.)
*In order to be fully considered at the Board meeting, all written
comments must be received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, September 13, 1999. Mailing
address: PO Box 100, Sacramento, CA 95812-0100; FAX 916-657-0932
**If less than a quorum is present, the board members in attendance may consider information items and may hear presentations on any item on the agenda. There will be no voting unless and until a quorum is present.
Effective Tuesday, September 7 you
can sign up to receive all Workshop and Board meeting notices electronically.
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Please note: Some of our older material may no longer be available in electronic form.
If you need assistance obtaining a file, please contact the Clerk to the Board,